tv Hannity FOX News January 3, 2025 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> she is. i got to ask you real quick, the decapitated head. she never got passed that. >> yep. >> i mean, it was gross and it wasn't a real attempt at humour. but you understand they weren't cancelling her because she went too far. so much as they were cancelling her because the american people had suffered enough from her tv show and they needed a time-out. she's welcome to go back on tour now. i'm sure they'll still show her act in guantanamo bay because you can't water board. give me a break. >> jimmy, you're the best. that's why i love watching your show. "saturday night, jimmy faiella." thank you for watching jesse watters primetime. watch me next week on "outnumbered." "hannity" next. >> sean: welcome to the special edition of "hannity."
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i'm jason chaffetz in for sean. tonight, we are at the very end of a busy news week. first, a deadly terrorist attack in new orleans carried out by an apparent isis sympathizer. then a bizarre situation in front of the trump hotel in las vegas where a man set off an explosion in a tesla cybertruck. somehow, after he allegedly shot himself in the head. and in new york, left-wing judge juan merchan now appears hellbent on sentencing president-elect trump days before trump is set to be sworn in. we'll get to that in a moment. but we begin on capitol hill where after a little drama, mike johnson was re-elected speak iser of the house. where he vowed to hit the ground running on president trump's america first agenda. have a look. >> this congress will renounce the status quo and we will listen to the voices of the people. we will act quickly and we will start by defending our nation's borders. that's the number one priority. [ applause ]
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in coordination with president trump, this congress will give our border and immigration enforcement agents the resources they need to do their job. we will secure the border. we will deport dangerous criminal illegal aliens and finally, finish building the border wall. we can fight high inflation and we must. we'll give relief to americans and we'll extend the trump tax cuts. we're going to protect our industries from one-sided trade deals and we're going to bring overseas investments back to america's shores. as leaders of a nation, with vast natural resources, that god has blessed us with, it is our duty to restore america's energy dominance. dominance. working together, we have the potential to be one of the most consequential congresses in the history of this great nation. so long as we work together. we do the right thing and we put america first.
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>> joining us now, former house speaker and fox news contributor, newt gingrich. speaker gingrich, thank you so much for joining us. happy new year. the republicans actually pulled it off. i mean, it seems like every vote is going to be high drama because the margin's so tight. what's your analysis of what's happening and what's the future going to portend for house republicans? >> well, first of all, this is a great victory for mike johnson just as decent, hard working intelligent human being. i could not have been the kind of speaker he is. i don't have that patience and ability to move forward. second, it is the first great victory of the trump presidency in legislated terms. without donald trump, we probably still would be voting tonight because i don't think anybody else could have gotten
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the last five or six or seven votes. but trump's personality, his program, his popularity, all of them were brought to bear and this is really a joint victory of speaker johnson and president trump. i actually think it's a good thing. i think for the first time the trump team realizes they're going to have to work to get every single victory in this congress and that's a good thing to learn early. they can do it. i think they can pass a huge tax cut and deregulation bill as part of reconciliation. i think they can get a lot of other things done, but it is going to require getting the american people aroused so that the country forces washington to change because you can't get washington to change on its own. >> jason: well, you bring up several points there, right. donald trump does have a mandate. he is the most popular person in
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this country. he earned it. but he has a plan. and to implement that plan, he needs the house republicans to, you know, realize that being a house republican is a team sport. it's not a place where everybody gets to go off and act like they're individuals. so like you've been in that seat, the speaker, how do you coral those people day in and day out? by the way, speaker johnson, he's just a good decent human being. i mean, you can disagree with that. he is a good decent person. and he did pull it off and he did have the support of donald trump. but that's what it's about, right, coming together so that the two of them can get things done. but how do you coral them on a day-by-day basis to get over the hurdle? because pretty soon the vote's going to be 217 to 215. the margins are going to be so tight. >> well, look, i think there's a real lesson to be learned from abraham lincoln, ronald reagan, margaret thatcher and frankly
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what we did with the contract. lincoln said, with popular sentiment, anything is possible. without popular sentiment, nothing is possible. regan ins farewell address said people said i won legislated victory but that's not true. every victory i won was because of you, the american people. margaret thatcher said, you know, when first you win the argument, then you win the vote. the real lesson for me out of this is that president trump is going to have to go to the country again and again, he's going to have to pick fights where he has huge advantages. we have a program called "the america's new majority project" where we've been tracking -- people can see it at america's new majority where we've been tracking 80%, 70% issues and you read mike johnson's speech or watch it, his speech today was perfect in terms of appealing to 70 or 80 and in some cases 90% of the
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american people. the reason you'll want to do that is liberals can govern from washington out. conservatives have to govern from the grass-roots in. it's profoundly different. i think that trump can do it. i think johnson can help him. i think the senate can help him and i think it could actually end up being an astonishingly good two years. >> jason: mr. speaker, whether a do you do with reconciliation, because it's arcane. it's difficult for everybody to understand how it works and the nuances of it. you can't put everything into it. you can really have to pick something and run with that. what should donald trump pick first? mike johnson, what should they go? what should the speaker do? the house republicans are gathering tomorrow to have this very discussion. what's your advice to them? >> well, johnson, as you might remember, hivs speaker -- when i
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was speaker, we passed two resolutions. one was the balanced budget. the only four consecutive balanced budgets in the last century came out of the congress while i was speaker. we can do two. i personally believe to do one early with the border, immigration, all the things that are easy and obvious, get them done. at the same time, in parallel, the senate finance committee and the house ways and means committee working with the administration should develop a bill on taxes and deregulation and deregulation is at least as important as taxes and economic growth. the goal should be get the house to pass it and the senate to pass it by may 30th, go to conference in june and have it signed on july 4th. they should not let it go a day
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after july 4th because the real key to the 2026 election is whether or not we have an economic boom. if the tax cuts are in, if the deregulation is in, if the economy's booming, if life is more affordable, you actually are going to see like roosevelt did in 1934, an increase in the republicans in the house. if, on the other hand, we mess around and fail to pass it early, regan did not get his tax cuts involved until '83. he lost 26 seats in the house in '82. trump didn't get his tax cuts through until december. he lost 40 seats in 18. get it done by july 4th. make it big, bold, get the economy to grow and everything will work. >> jason: you make it sound easy. i know it's going to be hard. but you're a great historian and one of the best speakers we ever had and you certainly had a
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vision for where this country should go. i appreciate you joining us on "hannity" tonight. happy new year. so what will the first hundred days of the new congress look like? joining us now with more details, new york congresswoman claudia tenny along with congressman representing virginia's beautiful six district, ben klein, and arizona congressman andy biggs from a wonderful part of arizona as well. thank you so much here. claudia, i want to start with you, congresswoman, i should say, more officially. what was it like on the floor today? what was the feeling? i mean, there was this -- from the outside in, it looked like, hey, this could get a little contentious, who knows what these last few votes were going to bring. what really went down on the floor? >> well, it's great to see you, jason and my colleagues. i come from one of the most if not the beautiful district,
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which spans the shoreline of lake ontario. it's an amazing place as well. it was a little harrowing today, but i have to say, and i'm really excited that mike johnson has never lost a speaker race so far. and it's because he's smart. he's resilient. he respects every single member. you never hear him say anything negative about them. he tries to work with each member and understands how diverse our conference is and he also understands each member has a mission to represent that district and he's trying to do the best job he can with the narrowest majorities and you just had the great former speaker newt gingrich on who said it's the most difficult speakership that he's known of in the modern era. more difficult than even his job. mike does it with humility and patience. and he's a true constitutional conservative. right now he's leading the house with very diverse views. that's where he deserves his -- to be commended because it is so hard to deal with all the divergent views, which is good. the republican party doesn't fall in lockstep.
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we think about a lot of things and stand up for our country, but we also, all of us, want to get the trump agenda done and it's mike johnson working yin and yang with donald trump that's going to make that happen and i think they're a wonderful partnership by the way. >> jason: congressman klein, what's your perspective? what do you expect in this congress? it seems like week in and week out it's going to be high drama with such a small margin. one of you in the body goes the other direction, it's hard to get everybody into hc5. they're even offering chick fil-a and you can't get all the members in there. how are they going to move votes in the house is a big question. >> it's going to take a uniter like mike johnson. we're about to enter a consequential period in history. i can't think of a better partnership than donald trump and mike johnson. mike johnson is a nice guy. he is an honest guy. a trustworthy guy. he's a fighter. he was a fighter for donald trump on the judiciary committee
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on which andy and i served and he is a fighter now as speaker for the values that the american people sought when they elected donald trump and when they elected republican majorities in the house and the senate. we're looking to implement and to actually get pass legislation whether it's a secure border, tackling inflation, returning education control to families. you name it. those are conservative issues that mike johnson has fought for his entire career and that he's going to be fighting for alongside donald trump for the next two years as speaker. >> jason: andy biggs, you've been in congress for a little bit. you're on the judiciary committee. you know the ropes there. explain to us where this reconciliation package is going because i think that will be a tussle. i think generally republicans want to have it all, right? they don't want to settle for anything less. you have to pick and choose what goes first, what comes later, so
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how is that going to play out? what do you see happening? >> well, a lot of people don't understand, you only get two whacks at it really. two reconciliation bills. and speaker gingrich just said, well, you should do the easy stuff first, like border. i'm not sure that's where the trump transition team is. we're kind of split in the conference but i think where it's going to go, and i think i'm going to use this phrase, big, beautiful bill, i think it's going to -- because i think it's going to have that border security stuff in it but i think it's going to have some tax policy in that first one and why is that? because i do agree with representative gingrich you have got to get the tax package done as early as possible because that will be the kick-starter to the economy and that's what saves the rest of the administration for the next two years after that. but here's the thing to understand as well: the last
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time you actually were able to successfully pass two separate burbs in the same year, budget reconciliation bills, in the same year, was when newt gingrich was the speaker, '97. almost thirty years ago. so that's why i think there's a lot of sentiment to say let's get the full ef enchilada and wt we can't get done, we'll through in the second time. you want to facilitate the quickest, largest successful package that you can. >> jason: well, i think that's wise advice. and having been there, i served in congress eight-plus years, with a margin this tielt, you got to make sure everybody's showing up. you know, nobody can fall down. literally everybody's got to be there and be on their game. and that's not just for reconciliation. that's for every single day and every single vote and democrats are going to be ready to pounce
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so good luck to you. congratulations being sworn into this new congress. and the country's counting on you. there's big expectations. so congratulations to you. thanks for joining us on "hannity" and happy new year. coming up, a new york judge sets donald trump's sentencing date for january 10th. just ten days before his inauguration. gregg jarrett, alan dershowitz and senator bernie moreno join us on this special edition of "hannity."
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bizarre paperwork charges from a supposed crime with, you know, no victims. but after the supreme court ruled that presidents are immune from prosecution for officials actions, trump asked merchan to dismiss the case all together. naturally, the liberal manhattan judge said no. not only is he keeping the guilty verdict in tact, merchan also announced that he will be sentencing trump on january 10th, less than two weeks before the inauguration. though he did make it clear that trump is not facing any jail time. in an exclusive interview with fox news digital, trump called, quote, "the most conflicted judge in the history of juris prudence" and said the judge is clearly working on behalf of the democrats since their other witch hunts have failed. here with reaction are fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and former harvard law professor alan dershowitz. gentlemen, thank you so much for
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joining us. gregg, you literally wroelt wrote the book on witch hunts here. i can't believe this case is still alive, let alone being set up for sentencing. what's your reaction? >> well, judge merchan is determined to stain donald trump with a label convicted felon. to do that, he has to sentence him before inauguration, otherwise he can't really technically call him a convicted felon. so merchan is dangling what he thinks is a tantalizing offer, agree to be sentenced next friday, mr. trump, and will will be no incarceration or probation or anything, complete discharge. well, i doubt that donald trump will bite. and he shouldn't bite, jason. he was found guilty by a biased jury of crimes that don't even exist under the law. he was all but framed by a politically driven da who worked in concert with a hostile judge
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who was required to recuse himself but refused to do it. so this turned out to be a sham trial based on a convoluted incoherent legal theory, as you point out. it was utterly absurd. it was rife with reversible errors by the judge and it will eventually get overturned but for now i expect trump to fight any sentencing. he wants to clear his name. he'll probably seek a stay in the appellate courts so we'll see what happens next week, but if trump does not get a stay, he still benefits because only after sentencing can he begin appealing the case on the merits and own the stakes that merchan made. >> jason: alan, what's your take on this case? you've been around the block. you've seen an awful lot of cases. what's the latest, your perspective? >> this is the worst instance of stalinism in my sixty-year career. you know, stalin was told, sho
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he me the man and i'll find you the crime. and so laetitia james, the democratic attorney-general, and alvin bragg, the democratic da, tried to find a crime to convict trump of but they couldn't. they couldn't find a crime. they searched the books. they couldn't find a crime. so they made one up, a totally made-up case. if they can make up a case against donald trump, they can make it up against you too. and now they're trying to avoid him getting an appeal. one way was not sentencing him. now they're going to sentence him. this is another possibility. the governor may pardon him. if the governor pardons him, then he still has the stigma of a conviction and there's a question about whether he can appeal if he's been pardoned. they're looking at every possible way of avoiding an appellate reversal because any decent appellate court will reverse this conviction for a dozen different reasons. one, there was no crime.
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two, there was a [ indiscernible ] three, error after error. recusal discrimination. the worst criminal case in history. the worst. >> jason: gregg, what's the incoming administration, what can they do to push back not just in this case but across the country the lawfare that's been used against the trump family, quite frankly, and against conservatives and republicans broadly? what can this administration could to put justice back where it's supposed to be with a blindfold and equal to everybody? >> well, trump already won the lawfare battle. he has essentially prevailed. this is sort of a last case in the professor and i agree, it's guaranteed to get reversed because it was such an abomination. but i do think, to answer your question, that the incoming department of justice needs to take a very close look at the
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conduct of jack smith, his entire staff, bringing specious cases in washington and florida and if laws were broken by prosecutors, those prosecutors should be prosecuted. if they didn't break laws, nevertheless, their inscrupulous unprincipled behavior needs to be exposed and that's the problem for pam bondi, assuming she is approved as the next attorney-general in charge of the department of justice. same thing goes for the fbi. i mean, it has -- sad to say, this is not a reflection on the hard working agents out in the field, but it is the headquarters that has corrupted itself with an abuse of the law and that needs to be fixed as well. >> this goes back -- >> jason: what's your take on
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this? >> the prosecutors, thou shalt not recognize faces. you can't do justice based on trying to get somebody. i wrote a book called "get trump." that's been the goal, to get him. and they're bragging now. they finally got him. he's a convicted felon. that's why this case must be reversed on appeal and the judge and the prosecutors reprimanded by bar associations. instead, bar associations are now going after people who defended trump. it's distorting the american criminal justice system and turning it into a political tool to be used as part of lawfare, and it has to be stopped. she will be able to stop this because she's honorable. >> jason: look, the bars across the country and certainly in d.c. and whatnot, they've been pathetic. they've been totally asleep at the wheel. and what good are they? why should there even be a bar
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if they're not going to enforce some of the standards out there? gregg, alan, thank you. again, happy new year. joining us now with more is the brand new united states senator from ohio, just sworn in earlier today, bernie marino. congratulations, senator. we can officially call you that now. what does it feel like? you raise your hand and get sworn in as a senator. can you believe it? what did you tell your wife and your family and your in-laws sxefsh else? they believe you're now a senator? >> the good news is i have a big catholic family so they all came to washington d.c. to be part of this. it's a little overwhelm. i'm a kid born in colombia, south america, blessed to death by this country. i got the ability to build great businesses here and this is my time now to give back to the country that i love and eager to get to work to get stuff done. >> jason: well, congratulations to you. it's quite a moment in anybody's history and the task is big. i've seen your committee
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assignments. i want to follow up on the lawfare. there's a prevailing feeling that justice is not applied equally, somehow if you're conservative or republican or have the name "trump" you're not going to get the same sort of treatment as somebody on the other side of the aisle. what can you do as a senator to help even that playing field and restore justice and confidence in our justice system? >> well, jason, as you know, what makes america unique and a great country is that we have a justice system that works. when we see what's happened over the last four years with the law fare, the weaponization of the justice system, president trump namely number one, the crime that was committed was a crime in that courtroom. judge merchan is a total absolute disgrace to the american legal system. what we have to do in the senate right now is get every single one of president trump's nominees confirmed. we got to get pam bondi in
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there, kash patel and make certain that they are allowed to do the job, to restore the confidence of the american people in our legal system because without that confidence, we can't go forward as a country in a meaningful way, the way we've been able to be so successful and the shining light of liberty to the rest of the world. people in colombia look to places like america as the example. when you see ridiculous idiotic judges like merchan it's a disgrace to this country and embarrassment. we got to get these guys out of office. >> jason: one of the committees that you're assigned to is the homeland security committee and we had some dramatic happenings both in new orleans and then in las vegas. we've also had secretary mayorkas, for a long period of time, i think deceiving the american people by claiming that they had operational control of the budget -- the border and that they had control of it and i don't think any of that is true. what are the early plans for homeland security to try to clean up a department and agency
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that includes fema, it includes the secret service and it includes the tsa, it includes, you know, so many different departments and agencies, including all the different things that -- the different avenues of border. so what can you do from homeland security standpoint? >> well, the first thing i would do is get chrissie knoman, trump's nominees confirmed by january 20th. they should be ready to go so that when president trump's inaugurated we have a full cabinet in place. that's the job the united states senate for the next two weeks. then they've got to go deep into the organizations and reform them. what we have to do is through legislation, stop these loopholes like asylum that allow people to cross the border illegally and raise their hand and claim asylum. we have to end that ridiculous legislation that exists. make it very simple. if you come into this country
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illegally, you're not caught and released in the interior of the country. you're immediately returned to the country where you came and you're never allowed to claim asylum for the rest of your life. we have to make it so that you can come here legally and zero tolerance for illegal immigration and if you're in this country illegally, you're going to be deported very, very soon. you should make the plans before we force to get you out of this country. >> jason: i think president trump has a great opportunity to reset the standard for credible fear and enforce the law. if you don't come in through a port of entry, guess what, we're going to detain you and deport you. that is the current law. last question here, senator: you were just elected from the great state of ohio. great expectations. when you look back five, six years from now, how should the people of ohio and the people of the united states are going to look at you, what would be a success in your mind? what do you need to achieve during those six years that you've been granted this opportunity to serve as a
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senator? >> well, i think we have complete the promises we made in a campaign trail. we have to have a secure border, a zero tolerance for illegal immigration, only one path into america a legal way. we got to lower the cost of everyday living. we have to reindustrialize this country, especially in the automobile industry where we've gutted our middle class, gut the our auto factories, shipped them to canada and mexico, reversed course, shrinked the size and scale of the federal government, get our budget under control, make certain we have peace and stability around the world and we do too much here in d.c. get stuff out of washington d.c. back to the states. if we can do that over the next six years, i think the republican party can be the party for generations to come. we have an opportunity. we don't have six years, though. we have eighteen months to get these things done. and i'm confident that we can do it. >> jason: amen to that. i can tell why you're the senator. congratulations.
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big moment. and good luck to you. you got a lot of hard work ahead of you and america's hoping all the best for you. so thank you, senator, for joining us. coming up, joe biden has tried hard to sabotage the incoming trump administration in his final days in office. we'll get reaction from steven miller next on this special edition of "hannity."
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>> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." yesterday, president trump announced a victory rally in washington d.c. at the capitol one arena on inauguration eve. that's going to be one to see. but as the president-elect prepares to take office, joe biden is working overtime to sabotage trump's agenda. starting with the desperate ploy to curb domestic energy
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production by permanently banning offshore drilling in some u.s. waters. last week, a federal judge ordered the biden administration to stop selling off-border wall materials. here with reaction incoming white house deputy chief-of-staff for policy stephen miller. i appreciate your time. joe biden put a good face. said he would cooperate with the trump administration. some of these actions, doesn't look like he's paving wait to allow the next president, who was elected overwhelmingly, to actually be able to do what he has a mandate to do. >> yes, let's talk about the energy issue, jason, which is so central to the election and the economic future of the united states. president trump campaigned for two years straight on drill,
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baby, drill, open up american energy, get the cost of living down, get inflation down, make america the energy superpower of the world, make america energy dominant, energy independent. and what's joe biden doing on his way out the door? trying to lock away america's energy resources? from exploration? trying to keep what president trump calls liquid gold underneath the ground where we can't access it? but here's the thing: this desperate attempt is going to fail miserably. donald trump is going to put his hand on that bible on january 20th and he is going to be the 47th president of the united states. and he's going to open up federal lands for drilling, for fracking, for clean coal and he is going to bring down the cost of energy. he's going to cut the price gasoline and make america the energy superpower of the world. he also referenced the border wall situation. where a federal judge enjoined joe biden with this heinous,
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heinous act of trying to sell the border wall as scrap metal for pennies on the dollar? nothing's going to deter president trump. he's going to get in there on january 20th. he's going to put up every single mile of wall for phase ii that he wants to put up and issue every single executive order to keep illegal aliens and criminals and cartels out of this country and he's going to boot the gang members out of america and send them home and keep america safe for americans once again. so bottom line here is it's all going to fail because president trump is going to run this government. he's going to be president of this country and he's going to deliver the change that he campaigned on. >> jason: now, the president clearly has a mandate. he was elected overwhelmingly. the majority of the vote. he got the electoral college. there's a surge of patriotism in this country we haven't felt in a long, long time.
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but you also have to deal with the federal workforce and the deals that were made to try to extend the stay away from the federal buildings, those types of things, talk to us about what you can do about the federal workforce. i think there's some really good decent people out there, but there are a lot of people that don't like that donald trump's going to be the president of the united states. >> so this is another outrageous thing. by the way, we keep saying joe biden. joe biden doesn't know where he is. the machine behind joe biden that hates democracy, that hates the idea that americans can control their own future, they are the ones doing this on the way out the door. donald trump announced that federal workers will go back to the office because they work for you. everyone watching us at home tonight, they work for you. those federal workers, you pay their salaries. they need sho show up at appear
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an office. he's going to rip up those agreements that allows those workers to work at home. the federal workers are absolutely nothing. nothing at best. at worst, they're working against you and your family and your security. and he's going to say that you have to get back into the office and he's also going to say that workers who betrayed the trust of the american people are going to be fired. and in cases where they violated their rights and liberties of the american people, they're going to face accountability. they're going to face justice. we are going to restore representative government and democracy in this country. and it's going to be a beautiful thing because americans want control of their country again. voting for donald trump in this historic landslide, by giving him this historic mandate, the popular vote, the electoral college vote, by a vast margin, winning almost every demographic in this country. what they voted for is for donald trump to come into office, to open up an american energy, to defeat inflation, to eradicate criminal cartels, to
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seal the border shut, to send the criminal aliens home to make government accountable to the people again to get so-called dei and racism out of government, to get the economy going, and to keep jobs here in this country by finally stopping the offshoring of american wealth. all things are going to happen and there's nothing in the world the angry crazy marxist radical left can do to stop it. >> jason: well, you're the deputy chief-of-staff for policy. you got your hands full, but you do know what you're doing and you do have a person in president trump who knows exactly where he wants to go and so all the best to you and making all those things happen. thanks for joining us again. stephen miller, do appreciate it. coming up, democratic strategist james carville makes a humbling admission. you won't believe kamala harris's latest gaffe. oh, my goodness. wait 'til you see this one. victor davis hanson, breanna lieman and doug schoen will join us with reaction next on this special edition of "hannity."
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>> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." after confidential-of-confidently predicting a kamala harris victory, democratic strategist james carville is now admitting that his crystal ball was wrong and it's hard not to put a smile on your face with this one. conceding that he failed to listen it his own famous advice: it's the economy, stupid. it was that and a whole lot of other things. carville also proposed that the democratic party needs to go big and go populist after losing the economic narrative. but here's another piece of advice democrats should consider: stop nominating terrible candidates! just today, kamala harris seemed to forget the words of the pledge of allegiance! watch this.
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>> please join me in pledging allegiance to our flag. i pledge allegiance to the united states... of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, individual, with liberty and justice for all. >> jason: woops. here now with reaction, hoover institution senior fellow victor davis hanson. the federalist correspondent brianna lyman and doug schoen, democratic pollster. thank you all for joining us. doug, come on, to mess up the pledge of allegiance for the vice-president of the united states? that should be an easy one, right? >> well, it just underscores how really unsuited she was for national office and certainly not to be the president of the united states. and as for james carville, he
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was so certain the democrats were going to win. everybody who was against kamala harris was either wrong or stupid or racist or out of touch, whatever. i think we realize that we are a divided country. the issues, as he's now ackno acknowledged, the economy, the southern border, crime. we're all working for the republicans. and ultimately, as you've suggested, and your other guests have suggested, the victory was clear. and i think my party needs to do a real rethink of where it stands, cooperate with trump, where they agree, where the american people want cooperation and seek to carve out a new and arguably different identity for the democratic party like the one we had in the clinton years which was centrist, fiscally conservative, tough on crime and strong on the southern border. that democratic party can win. this democratic party just lost.
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>> jason: they lost in a big way. what's your take on it? kamala harris was a horrific candidate. she came in, i think, sixth place in california behind andrew yang dropped out before they even got to the first vote for goodness sake. she was the cat's meow at the beginning but by the time people actually listened to her, they were ready to get rid of her but somehow she became the vice-president and became the nominee. >> yeah, that's the story for the entire is democratic party. you know, james carville, a few months ago, he correctly pointed out that democrats went from it's the economy, stupid to, i do you are stupid if you think this economy is bad. and he was right. democrats, including kamala harris, have spent months telling us that this is one of the greatest economies we've ever had. they use metrics that most americans do not use like gdp, and then they also went and told us that, yeah, things are bad but we're not in a recession because we're redefining a recession. now he says americans didn't want to settle for soaring gdp and subsiding inflation.
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that is why the democrats lost. soaring gdp is not a metric average americans use and inflation may be subsiding from record highs created by the biden-harris administration. americans remember, inflation was still lower when donald trump left office compared to today and until people like james carville, kamala harris and the party gets it, they will continue to lose. >> jason: come on, briana, my wife julie and i always sit around the table talking about the gdp and how that affects the price of eggs. that's just a common occurrence! victor davis hanson, you're one of our favorites. it seemed that the basic premise and thesis of these candidates and party never rang true to the american people. >> no, it didn't. i think james carville knew she was going to lose and he felt he was dutiful to build momentum by saying she was a sure winner and trash trump. he's no not stupid. from those wilderness years of twenty years from 1972 starting
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with the mcgovern left-wing disaster and the landslide nixon victory, all the way to bill clinton's victory in '92, that was twenty years where they only had four years of carterism. clinton came in and rejected carterism. you go back and look at the 1996 convention platform and the democrats, jason, it's physical sobriety balanced budget, close the border, tough on crime, no exemptions for youthful offenders. they even used the word "god's country" when god's nation when they talk about green policies and conservation. it was a very moderate physical fiscal sobriety and it was a winning agenda and they renounced that and they rejected it and they went into first a progressive obama period and then this french revolutionary jacoban crazy period and destroyed the party. carville knows that. he knows what he has to do. he's got to go back to the 1996
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platform. nancy pelosi and people like chuck schumer were giving speeches about why they had to close the border and it was to protect union wages and the integrity of citizenship. that seems surreal today. it just almost seems like impossible to even imagine that democratic party of that nature. >> jason: having gone to that, it seems like the democrats are void of policy ideas. what new creative policy idea did they bring to the table? i can't even name any. >> jason, there wasn't anything. look, i appreciate what victor davis hanson said. as one of the architects of the '96 convention and platform along with my partner, mark penn, i think that's where the democratic party has to go. it's not new ideas. it's the right values and the right policies that reflect what the american people and working people want. if we go back to that as victor said, we, as democrats, can win and if we don't, we'll be in the
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wilderness another twenty years. >> jason: you have to have great candidates and you got to have a great platform and nobody's done it better than donald trump. it's why he's overwhelmingly the president of the united states. democrats have not learned those lessons. stay with us. more "hannity" after the break.
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♪ ♪ >> before we go, i want to take a quick moment to congratulate tammy bruce. moments ago on truth social, president trump announced that she will serve as the next spokesperson for the united states state department. we wish tammy all the best. also, if you can check out my podcast, "jason in the house," just type it in. sean is back on monday. "gutfeld!" is next. ♪ ♪
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