tv Gutfeld FOX News January 4, 2025 12:00am-1:00am PST
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phone at no cost to you, call 1-800-979-0270. >> that's one (800) 979-0270. >> who do you think this child will ever see? peace. that's what i'll be fighting for. >> before we go, i want to take a quick moment to congratulate tammy bruce moments ago on truth social. president trump announced that she will serve as the next spokesperson for the united states state department. we wish tammy all the best. also hope you can check out my podcast, jason in the house. just type in jason in the house. sean's back on monday. gutfeld is next.
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oh my goodness. >> ferociously lively crowd. thank you. happy new year, everybody. i'm tyrus and for greg gutfeld who's not here. what'd you guys hear that before? something. anyway, it's friday, so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guest. she overcame norovirus to do this show with tyrus, new york times bestselling author, fox news contributor kat timpf. she's more on the money than cocaine residue. host of the bottom line on fox business. dagen mcdowell. he wishes he had charlie hurt's hair.
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comedian and former judge vince august. and he wishes he had vince's wit. fox news contributor charlie hurt. okay, before we get to some new stories, let's do this. >> greg's leftovers. >> it's leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use this week. and of course, i have not seen him, so here we go. according to a new survey, highly sensitive people make up 26% of workers. or as i like to call them. that's how we roll in today. all right. netflix just dropped the trailer for the meghan markle lifestyle series with love, meghan, and it looks pretty good too. it
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shows meghan garnishing a cake with raspberries, harvesting honey in california, and brutally cutting off her husband's balls. >> dang. >> put some balls. here we go. all right. the justice department spent over $100 million over the last four years on programs for restorative justice and other dei nonsense, and yet they're still letting white guys off the hook. white guys off the hook. right. former cnn host don lemon doubled down on his criticism of maga folks, calling them, quote, dumb idiots. don would have said more, but he had to help the other waiters sing happy birthday to a customer. according to recent reports,
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joe biden is reportedly struggling to find funding for his presidential library. on the bright side, it's nice to see joe struggling with something besides breathing. during his appearance on cnn new year's eve special, musical artist diplo shocked andy cohen and anderson cooper when he revealed that he was high on lsd. not to be outdone, steve doocy shocked fox and friends viewers when he revealed he's on heroin. wow. and finally, thank god, evolutionary biologists predict that the artificial intelligence could shrink our brains. but what will it do to our penis size? asked one man. i don't know about you guys, but i need a shower after that. all right. now to the monologue. what it is, what it is. complacency,
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incompetence, unqualified dei and leftist agendas are making america a dangerous place. we know that more than ever. after their terror attack in new orleans on new year's day. a damning new report in the daily caller says the new orleans fbi office and police department are chock full of di nonsense. it's like the wnba over there. and no shade towards the regular new orleans cops. they took the killer out before he could make things even worse. that's bravery. they ran towards the sound of gunfire. they ran towards the sounds of gunfire while the in charge ran dye workshops. according to the report, the fbi field office actually held a diversity agent recruitment event. it happened in july of last year, according to the fbi press release. they wanted to find applicants with, quote, diverse backgrounds and skills, opinions and perspectives. it would have
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been nice if one of those skills was to use barricades to prevent a terrorist from driving into a crowd. yes. president trump called it out on truth social saying, quote, our country is a disaster, a laughingstock all over the world. this is what happens when you have open borders with weak, ineffective, and virtually nonexistent leadership. he also posted, quote, when i said that the criminals are coming in that are far worse than the criminals we have in our country. that statement was consistently refuted by democrats and fake news media, but it turned out to be true. the crime rate in our country is at a level that no one has ever seen before. of course, he's not saying the terrorist was an illegal immigrant. he's talking about the bigger issue at hand. and it's a strong statement and the message is clear. but the media totally missed his entire point. not seeing the forest for the trees and responded like they usually do. >> the implication there is that the biden border policy is somehow to blame for a terrorist killing 14 people, only that that terrorist is
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actually an american. >> this is what trump does. >> he lied and he's stoking fear. >> everything is the border. >> everything is immigrants. everything is the border. the border, the border. and now they have lied so much that donald trump is repeating it. >> you cannot escape the fact that this is a brown suspect with an exotic name, an arabic name, and that that was so convenient for people. >> the media said the terrorist was american. they missed the damn point. the chaos caused by an open border with di hires makes everything weaker. police are stretched thin and no support from blue city officials. i think this quote from new orleans police superintendent ann kirkpatrick sums up the incompetence best. >> so we did indeed have a plan. but the terrorist defeated it. >> where do these clowns come from? oh yeah, the police chief came from oakland, california's police department, which fired her. if you need more reason to
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doubt ann kirkpatrick, other than the fact that she looks like the granny from the beverly hillbillies. watch it now. just a few months ago, she accidentally drove her own car into two pedestrians when she made a left hand turn and didn't see them. they weren't seriously hurt. and she did say sorry. and what about the big yellow barriers that would have prevented the attack? they are there now, but she is totally clueless where they came from. >> when you go down bourbon, you will see yellow, what we call archers. >> and they are along the sidewalk. and that would be to be preventive if someone had. or if this particular terrorist went around up on the sidewalk. that's what that would do. >> hello, archers. where do they come from? >> actually, we have them. i didn't know about them, but we have them. >> i didn't know about them, but we have them. i bet that's very comforting to the
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families. now, i'm not saying she was hired because of die, but i'm not not saying it. now look, motivated. bad men will do bad things. but incompetent, unqualified hires are just as dangerous to the safety of the public. president trump's first act might be to declare a state of emergency to protect the american way of life, before another preventable tragedy happens again. hashtag. nuff said. dagon, i'm going to go to you first. now, i lived almost ten years in louisiana and i'm angry. and it's hard to contain my anger because we see the incompetence. we see the corruption all the time. but you had the ability to ensure safety. and it looks to me that you just didn't feel like paying people to put the stuff out there, like you've seen it all, you've been in this, you've been in this news game a long time. when are we going to start holding people
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accountable for not doing what they're supposed to do? >> public firings would be a terrific start. >> the fact there was nothing more horrific other than being there than watching that truck drive around a police car where the bollard should have been, but the bollards weren't there because they were being fixed for the super bowl, but they weren't there to protect the people on bourbon street on new year's eve, one of the busiest tourist places in the entire united states. and that old lady and the rest of them didn't give a. >> no they didn't. charlie. >> yeah. >> and the thing is so annoying about the bollards thing, i find a lot of the security measures that that they come up with, like taking your shoes off at the airport. >> the. >> i find the bollards kind of annoying, i find, but they assure us that in lieu of doing, like, actual investigative work to find out
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who's trying to kill us, we're going to put up these features. and then, of course, the features don't ever work. >> and so we wind up with a situation like the one that we had in new orleans. the best part of it, as you pointed out, was that that dude didn't make it two steps out of that truck before he got turned into swiss cheese by those police officers. and thank god for that. and thank god for them for their willingness to run to the sound of gunfire. the other thing that's just beyond enraging is attacking donald trump for talking about the open border. you know what's stupider than and i don't think there's anything stupid about donald trump pointing out that, well, you know what? the next attack is going to come from the millions of illegals that these people have allowed across the border. you know, what's dumber than that would be defending open borders in the wake of a terrorist attack. and that's what these people are doing, that you've got it from the press and from democrats. >> kat, you did a really great job last night of talking about this. and when you see when you
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see preventable tragedies, that's almost worse than when like nine over 11, for example, there was nothing we could do about the planes. it was never, you know, now we have t security in place, supposedly that's going to stop that. but when you see something that they had the ability to put the yellow blockers out and just didn't do it, doesn't that make it worse? >> i think that there's i talked a lot about this yesterday. i think that there needs to be accountability because when there's not accountability, then there's the same people in these positions that have allowed bad things to happen. they're allowed to continue to allow bad things to happen. but boy, the first time i heard her say that we did have a plan, but the terrorists defeated it. i rewound it, i was like, yeah, that's what you're going with. we did have a plan, but the terrorists defeated it. yes, that's the inspirational message that a city and nation rocked with tragedy wants to hear. like, did you not have any got us? did you not have
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anybody who could run that by first? like, i don't think that anyone's going to be putting that on a t shirt anytime soon. so not not only is there incompetence, but she wasn't even good at like the talking, consoling leadership part either. so i think that that there's just a huge dearth of accountability. just sadly that's the standard is that in the government there's not there's a lack of accountability and a lot of what passes for security. i think the tsa is an example of this really is security theater. people will say, we're doing these things to keep you safe, to look like we're doing something. but really, are you if you look at the stats of what they catch, what they don't catch, pregnant women in wheelchairs, they don't not security. and just looking like you're doing something is not enough. you need to do something or for the sake of our lives. also, we pay you guys enough money. >> how is she still employed? i mean, this is. it should have been resignation on the desk. as soon as it was found out that there was. they chose not
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to. and probably because they wanted to put the bill on the super bowl, guys, because they're two different things. there's actually three different things they could have used. one of them supposedly was not being fixed. they also have the street things that come up and they had the portable yellow thing. so there was opportunities to protect people. they just chose not to. how does how does anyone fathom that she's allowed to go to her office today? >> but i think that's part of the problem is no one ever wants to say, this is on me. this is a mistake we made. this was preventable. and there were measures that should have been in place that weren't, because apparently there's a problem in this country with saying, i screwed up and i'm going to own this. i don't know if it's a legal liability thing that people are going to sue. that's going to happen anyway, but at least give people the comfort of knowing that in this di world where we do have mistakes and listen, as far as the di, there's not a problem with di. as long as you don't give up
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competency for di, we should look like the country we are. no one is saying that, but not at the expense of expertise and competency. so when you do have expertise and competence and someone will stand up and say, hey, you know what, there was a screw up here. here are the people at fault. and it starts with me. but i don't know why. we just can't do that right now. >> and most politicians, they have qualified immunity, which means that they can't be held responsible. right? >> new jersey has title 59. yeah. yeah. they have protection, governmental immunity to walk out. >> and. but that would mean you actually care about the people that that you serve. and i think that's for me. what's the frustrating point is this wasn't some elaborate plan that just we had everything in place and they just and the negligence is so obvious here that don't worry about saying the wrong thing that's going to get you sued because the negligence is clear. >> so rather than worry about that, forget about it and show the people that at least in your failure, you could lead by taking the responsibility of saying, i screwed up. this is
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on me. >> yeah. to me, they they the press conference is more about protecting the sugar bowl than it was the people, in my opinion. up next, biden's old error on islamic terror. >> i used to think we could see heaven from masada, but all i saw were the gates of hell. >> make those jews drink the blood of their children. >> we did not care what price we had to pay for our freedom. >> i want to be a warrior. >> there will be no retreat from masada. >> we believed god was on the side of the innocent. >> god is on the side of the one that has the most weapons. do you think i fear death? >> incoming dishes. duck! dawn powerwash flies through 99% of grease and grime in half the time. >> it absorbs grease five times
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>> whoa! biden. >> it's plain to see joe farrakhan. biden hates whitey. forget terrorist attackers. uncle joe's worried about crackers. >> why'd you look at me? >> i was just fun getting away, saying that. all right. in the wake of a deadly isis inspired terror attack in new orleans, america once again is confronted with the reality of islamic radicalization. here at home. as we look to our leaders for answers, let's take a look back at what our current president said about isis threat in 2021. and like old joe himself, this statement did not age well. >> according to the intelligence community, terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to
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the homeland today. not isis, not al qaeda. white supremacist. >> now, obviously, you can tell that was a few years ago because joe actually looked lifelike. but yeah, white supremacists like qamar ud din jabbar. cat, is there any intelligence organizations left that have actual intelligence? >> joe did sound kind of good there. like in terms of his ability to speak language, it's actually. you know what i mean? like, not not the content of what he was saying, but his grasp on the english language, there was competent in a way that i feel like we haven't seen. so that was almost striking. but yes, this this is one of the things, obviously, that i, like many other people, thought of when this happened. and i don't even know if he believed that when he said it. i think it was a politically advantageous thing to say at the time, which is why he said
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it. and i, you know, it's really sad when it's, you know, politics and party over all else. and it can be dangerous at times because there's, you know, the politics should not be interfering with our safety. >> well that's a great point dagen. i feel like this was the early groundwork or this was the beginning campaigns of the trumpist hitler where you try to create this idea that white supremacists was everywhere and they were dangerous. and trump was the crown prince of white supremacy. >> that's part of it. but it's also it's the same thing as saying that climate change is the greatest existential threat. it is a lie told by these left wing nuts over and over and over again to further an agenda. so about two and a half weeks from now out of joe biden's mouth, it's going to be joe the clickers broke because he wants the old lady to bring him a fudgsicle every hour and then wipe the like choco goo off his chin. it's the same thing. oh, and by the way, he
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looked at you because you look like more of an aspirin than me. >> no, but it's true. >> wait, wait. but this is aspirin, a slang term for white people, right? >> super white person. >> super white. yeah. >> like doesn't go in the sun. underside of a flounder. white. wow. >> wow. like, if you look at him too long, you'll see the other side of him. white. yeah. like. not like casper the friendly ghost. white. but, like, damn close. >> you can see his liver. jesus. >> transparent. >> transparent, yes, but your transparency. you wear it on your sleeve. and it has nothing to do with the lack of color on your skin. >> to me, the best thing about it is having somebody who is a bald, white man telling everybody that he looks like the problem that we're dealing with, as if he's not affected by it. because you know why they wear the merit badges that disqualify them from that. and the merit badge is a ukrainian flag. i got vaxxed blm, you
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know, whatever that flavor happens to be an lgbt. so it's you could look like that as long as you have one of these merit badges. but the interesting thing is it's the people that seem to be having those merit badges that were doing the most damage during the years. and this was all that statement was all about one thing. it was about january 6th, and they were trying to pound the january 6th people, the trump people, into oblivion because they wanted to bury that once and for all. and they thought that that was the way to do it. and it backfired, as you could see by what happened in november. >> charlie, as an aspirin, i prefer a hairy aspirin, a hairy one. >> i prefer the underside of a flounder, if you don't mind. >> but to be fair, tom shalhoub, your hair is thicker and a little curlier. >> i suspect some miscegenation. >> i'm just. it's. you're not the first family tree might have. you're not the first to suggest this. yeah. >> how are you at basketball, anyway? >> that's where i lose it all. >> okay, you've seen it all.
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and why is it so hard for politicians to tell americans when it comes to real threats like it is? why is that? why is that? why is president trump attacked so much for just saying what we all plainly can see? >> i think it's i think you all are right. it's all about just covering their tail. and it's the only thing that matters. >> and the white supremacy thing is a giant psyop, just like the global warming thing is. >> and it's all and same with dei because they have to come up with these distractions to divert attention away from their complete total record of failure. and like going back to the dei thing that you were talking about, vince, you know, why do we have to have dei if your schools are good and you know, the you know, we have law and order and everyone has equal opportunity in this country. the reason that they think you have to have dei now is because it's an admission that politicians have failed in every single department of what they are supposed to be in charge of, and so they keep coming up with these new things
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that are supposed to fix what they screwed up with, or like the global warming thing, you know, because, you know, lawmakers in new york city can't, you know, keep the sewage system run properly or the storm sewer sewer system run properly. they're going to blame it all on global warming. no, it's because you can't keep track of your how to maintain your stupid sewer system. it has nothing to do with that. and so we just keep building and building and building and the answer is always the same. give divert attention from their failures and give them more power and more money. >> well said. for an aspirin. up next, a football crowd shows they're american and proud. >> your best defense against
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happens all of the time. if you own property, you've got equity. you can be a victim. >> i'm here with art pfitzenmaier, a retired special agent with the fbi and senior advisor to home title lock. exactly what is house stealing? >> that's a phrase i think that the fbi kind of coined when they first began seeing situations where people were forging documents, titles and deeds and using those documents to gain access to the equity in the homes. >> how can a scammer actually steal my home? >> in the digital age, it's so easy for them to get the original document. >> all the information is out there, right? >> it's out there. they can download it and forge it. >> and if you take it down to the county clerk's house, won't they know if there's something wrong there? >> when a title is presented to a county recorder and it's completely filled out and it's notarized, then they're required by law to accept the document and file it so it looks good. >> they can't question it. >> they can't question it. >> what's the title of your
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home is stolen and you don't know it. >> what do they do with it? >> they begin to find places to take out loans. oh, they don't want your home. they don't want it. they don't need to go see it. they can do it all at arm's length. and you're left holding the bag because the loan company is going to come after you 90 or 120 days later, your life is going to take a terrible turn. >> as a homeowner, what can i do to protect my title? >> the only thing you can do is stop it before that first loan transpires. and that's what we do for you at home. title lock. we monitor your title with our software. if anything disturbs your title, we alert you that something has happened to your title. if the alert takes place and you call in, we go to work immediately on your behalf to get your title back in your name. >> so how do you sign up with home title lock? >> go to home title home title lock comm. >> that's peace of mind, isn't it? >> you'll sleep better that night. protect your home. and it's what we do. and we do it better than anyone else. it's coming your way.
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>> hey, hey, it's. video of the day. >> espn didn't want to hear it, but terrorists couldn't dampen their spirit. our video of the day comes to us from true american patriots at the sugar bowl last night, which drew a much bigger crowd than the insulin bowl sponsored by pfizer. watch as the crowd erupts into a very special chant after the terror struck new orleans just hours earlier. the crowd burst into a patriotic chant right after a moment of silence and the national anthem. espn declined to air either of these in their pregame broadcast, probably so they wouldn't off any football fans in iran or north korea. cat. they. i'm taking a page out of your book. they wrote somebody wrote this question
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specifically for you. it was not me. and i will launch an investigation to get to the bottom of this perpetrator. >> okay, i can't wait. >> cat, if that is your real name, will you be watching more football in the future? thanks to this, no. >> am i supposed to lie? >> i don't know, i guess they want to put you on the spot. well, yeah. >> so it like. it means i don't love america. if i don't want to watch more football, i try to watch football. i'm trying to learn the rules. i. detroit's good this year. i watched the lions, but it's like i don't always understand it. like, i don't like i get, i get, i get that what which direction they're supposed to move and like what a touchdown is. right. so that's enough for it to be fun for me if detroit's playing right. otherwise it doesn't quite. it's not quite enough. doesn't hit home. yeah yeah. and everybody else knows they're like the people be like oh pick six. i'm like, because i thought you here's what i thought, okay, this is way off topic, but since we're here, let's go there. >> i'm here for it. >> i thought that what happens
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is you get a touchdown, then you kick for another one. but then somebody told me there's like something else you can do that's other there's other, other options you can onside kick it. yes two point conversion. what's a pick six. >> it's an interception for the other team who has time to learn this. it's a lot. it's a lot. >> so i mean i have and it really was my goal to learn more of it this year. but i guess the lord had other plans. yes. >> and you've been you were literally your own little football right now. so thank you. >> thank you. >> because i was so excited. like i'm like, the lions are good. and i was like, i was i was wanting to be a fan. and when i was watching the playoffs last year, i was like, i really would like to understand this better. >> and then you got pregnant and i got pregnant. >> well, that's the great thing about following the lions. you don't really have to. they're good. now study a lot of scoring options. >> well, that's the thing. that's that's why i was never that's what i was never a football fan because what was i supposed to do? root for the lions. >> the lions are having an amazing season. you can suck it now. >> they're. yes, now they're
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good, now they're good. i want to hop on that bandwagon. >> you do not have any excuse for not understanding the rules, because you know the lyrics to every recorded song that was recorded between the years of, like, 1994 and like two weeks ago, that is. so there's no reason that you cannot learn the all specialized football. that's true whatsoever, by the way. they could have done a better chant that was not loud enough. the seats weren't full, they were out getting beer. had to be georgia fans. no, you know what that was a that was a c minus. and by the way, couldn't somebody at least throw in a like bama sucks at the same time? >> well the nice thing was they say, oh, you ruined it. >> i was gonna say they're the ones who say roll tide. i learned that too. >> good job. yeah, i think the what was cool was you had notre dame fans and you had georgia fans coming together and chanting the part that that and you're you know why the sound was so bad? because there was somebody on the bottom of the
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stadium and recording it because espn didn't want to show it. and for me, that was my bud light moment. now listen, it is espn is not the tv show of chris berman anymore and tom jackson, and it's no longer the cooler side of the pillow. it's disney and it's time. just stick to i watch on my apps. i'm done. you and i also agreed about something. let's just talk about it. i didn't think the game needed to be played that soon, i really didn't. >> and that's the thing. there's a weird irony to this because, you know, they're chanting usa, usa for what? you know? so yeah, you're not going to defeat us here. we are doing capitalism. >> so i don't know, it was it was. the fans aren't a part of that. >> the fans are cool about that. don't get me wrong, i love the patriotism, but at the same time it's mixed in with this kind of we're over it a day later thing. >> yeah, i think they should have played it somewhere else. >> well, could they yell isis and espn? >> maybe. probably no, they wouldn't have covered that either. >> yeah, they would have just covered the first part of it.
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they would have subbed in something else. no, i don't understand. i mean, just from a business standpoint, it's moronic. it's their ratings probably would go up if they played it. i don't know why they wouldn't include it, except that it's just an intentional way of trying to like, hit back at america. and we have seen that that is not a smart business decision. it's moronic. >> yeah. yeah. moronic is like i said, go with the apps. sorry, espn is not about sports or america anymore. and that's sad. coming up, america's favorite clean comic regrets being moronic. >> if you'll be in the new york area, i would like tickets to see gutfeld go to, slash, gutfeld, and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> i'm yael eckstein of the international fellowship of
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>> if you like making people laugh, don't cut your audience in half. alleged comedian jim gaffigan. regret has expressed regret over losing trump supporters due to his arrogant comments. somehow, they thought he was insulting them when he clearly was insulting them. back in 2020, jim trashed trump online and lashed out on anyone who defended him. now, in a recent podcast, i guess jim feels kind of bad about it. >> i regret that people think that i was criticizing people that support trump. >> that was never the intention. it was i you know, i regret kind of i mean, i definitely someone said, like, now i can't follow you anymore. and i would kind of said, f you to them. there are true diehard trump fans that, you know, probably enjoyed my comedy, that because they feel so
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passionately, will never forgive me because you're so positive and influential and everybody's life and you're an apology. >> dagon. he doesn't get it. it was it wasn't about disagreement over personal beliefs, but rather the nasty way he dismissed trump voters as less than moral. you know, they weren't as moral as him. he was at this moral high ground. the problem is there's no ticket sales in woke moral high ground. so that apology was weaker than charlie hurt after three push ups. >> wow. >> sorry. i'm not i'm not, i'm not i'm not throwing a dig at a woman with child. a man with connections to the law, i mean, or dagon. so. >> dagon. >> yeah. just a process of elimination. process of elimination. >> you won a contest here. >> you don't want to do that. you don't want to do that. >> no, i really don't. >> i don't want to do that. i'm just. there's nothing worse than than a joke. and then
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making it true to life. so. yeah. but all joking aside, you know, i respect and love you one farmer to another, even though you're an aspirin. they don't get it right. they make the insults, dagon. and they do this, and then they realize that, wow, i don't have any fans coming to my shows. so now all of a sudden they're like, but it's not even an apology. it's kind of like, well, until it's good for me again, until cnn starts paying higher booking prices, we're just going to start walking over to fox news. and we've seen a lot of it. we've seen a lot of people that were so anti and now they're like, hey, is any seats available over there? yeah. gutfeld. >> so greg gutfeld put on x like the last day or two. it was a photo of like colbert and kimmel and those other just hideously unfunny people who are all losing to gutfeld, exclamation point. and i thought that gaffigan is worried about being included in that toilet soup that he is
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looking at. he's like, if i'm on that list, i am a comedian underneath me, like somewhere below j. edgar hoover and nikita khrushchev in terms of being funny. so he's worried about his legacy. >> you dance with the devil and you don't want to pay it like charlie. like i don't understand it, first of all. >> but j. edgar hoover was pretty funny. those high heels, they were hysterical. >> didn't he accuse people of communism and ruin lives and families? yeah. way to go, charlie. >> apparently. apparently, my. apparently my joke didn't land. okay, so i'll go back to analysis. >> yes. what's your what's your very good at? >> so no, no. he says he regrets. no, no. what he regrets is that all these people, like, dunked on him and don't listen to him anymore. but in his defense, and the only thing that i thought was kind of strange about what he
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said on that podcast is that he's like, i really i care a lot about politics. i really follow politics. i don't think that he does. i think that he reads the new york times. he believes everything he reads in the new york times. so he actually thinks all those things that they write about donald trump are true. and then he goes out and he says it. and then he's surprised when he finds out that he's been lied to all this time and that he's wrong about it, and that actually, he's wrong about donald trump. and he's even more wrong about the people who support him. >> cat, we like i said you because this is becoming the media's the hood's been blown off. we all see that they were full and they made all the hitler stuff. and now americans become we're becoming more central to where people are like, yeah, they're just common sense and they're funny. and now all of a sudden they're, they're trying to get over in our water because theirs is all dried up. >> well, i'm just i guess i'm just anti cancel culture across the board. yeah. no i think it's wrong when anybody's getting canceled for supporting trump or i would never say if you voted for x, y z then don't
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talk to me no matter what. i would never say that. thank you. >> there's just like one person. >> no, i'm going to leave. no. yeah, 1,000%. >> yeah. so and it's also it's true in both directions. and him quite honestly, i mean his career is going better than mine is like he jim gaffigan is one of the most recognizable comics out there. so i don't know. i mean, i guess the fact that he's acknowledging it, i wouldn't want to cancel trump's supporters supporting trump, but i would want to cancel him for saying what he said. i think it's a positive thing when someone comes out and says this was a mistake. >> i just think as a comic, the best compliment i could get after a show is when people ask me, what are you, republican or democrat? and i love that because that means i did my job as a comedian. and as much as jim fell into the trap, i think the trap was also set. and it's become this divisive thing where the late night shows somehow became a left right thing, which was never the case. that was not, you know,
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carson never did that. no. and it became, if you appeared on certain even podcasts, you go on rogan, you go on carolla. you're considered conservative. you go on silverman or you're liberal. and that shouldn't be the case. so comedy also somehow drew this line. and listen, i get it. as a comic, you guys know where i work when i'm not working here. and the reaction to me being on fox is, whoa, whoa, whoa, you're on there. and the same thing the other way around. it's like, well, and it's like, why did why are we drawing lines in comedy? it shouldn't be that way. comedy should just be comedy and you should be able to make fun of trump, biden and everybody else. and it should be universal. we laugh at everything. >> yeah, but i guess my pushback is comics on our side. we never drew the line. gutfeld show! never would say to anyone they didn't care who you were if you wanted to be on the show, and greg thought you were funny, you'd be on the show. yeah, right. and so when i see them complain, you started this game. so i'm like, laying your bet. you. i mean, honestly, yeah. i'm sorry, i am, i am
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because you know what? my shows are sold out all over the country. and but guess what? if i want to do one of their buildings, they would try to shut me down so i don't go to their buildings. i built my own house and i don't have to follow the rules. they made this game. so now you're mad because you picked the wrong team. stay on your team. >> but you know what we want. i think ultimately what everybody wants is the rules. go back to what they were. >> that's what i want. >> yeah, i want things to go back. i don't want to sit here and have these grudges. look, if jim is doing a mea culpa. hey, it's my bad. you know what, jim? good. say it out loud. do like you did here, and let's get it back to where it used to be. let's get back to where talk shows are just funny. let's get back to where comedy clubs. you don't have to worry about what club. >> you know exactly what i'm saying. i said, screw it. i'll build my own. but because they wouldn't let us in. and i just think it's. it's not up to us. they got to have him have conservative comics on his show, you know what i'm saying? >> but that's what i'm saying. >> but they won't do that.
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they're not there yet. >> lead the fight now and say, look, man, we got to go back to making comedy clubs what they were. and jim can do that because like cat said, he's got that kind of, you know, leverage in the business to do it. let's get back to where we were, okay. >> we're we're answering your viewer mail questions next. >> in 2024, the irs flagged approximately $16.5 billion in tax refunds for possible identity fraud. someone stole my social security number and filed a tax return in my name. and i'm a cpa. >> someone used my social security number to get a $9,000 tax return in my name. >> your tax forms have all the personal information needed to commit identity theft, and you're not the only one with a copy. your tax prep company, employers, and government agencies all have your personal information too, and it only takes one vulnerability to put your identity at risk. >> i did everything right. it was not enough. identity theft occurred anyway. >> if exposed, your personal
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>> yep, you're watching mailing it in. >> all right. this is a special edition of mailing it in speed round. no. so, cal mike asks if you could have anyone else's voice, who would you have? charlie? >> bob dylan. because if you got old and your voice went to pot, it wouldn't matter. >> nice. dagen. >> ella fitzgerald, ella fitzgerald, nice. >> extremes. james earl jones or joe mckee. yeah, yeah. >> one of the themes i'll go with james earl jones. >> two cat put a button on it i would say janis joplin because also my speaking voice would get to stay the same. nice. >> all right. alabama. my home, alabama, my home. asked who did you have a crush on or idolize as a teen? charlie. >> heather locklear, heather thomas. >> okay, go scott baio, michelle pfeiffer, christina applegate. >> yeah, one of those two.
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>> i had a crush on dennis rodman, obviously. >> yes, it's well documented. >> and i idolized pope john paul ii. okay. >> did not see that coming. >> i unfortunately didn't see that coming. >> a combination of answers. >> yeah. >> pregnant cat is awesome. >> yes. >> leo lisi asks, what type of artist do you admire the most? musician? actors? comedian? dancers? producers, directors, writers, painters or others? >> charlie, i love writers, but probably probably comedians from doing this show, getting to know a lot of them, digging female comedians carol burnett, joan rivers. >> because again, if you can make anybody laugh, you can get away with anything. >> you know, the answer for comedian is it's always musician. yeah, yeah. >> you always want to be what you can't be. yeah. >> and they idolize us. >> i'm scared to ask. cat. >> please be pope john paul ii. >> yeah. pope john paul the second. you don't like polish people? we don't have that many like, icons, you know what i mean? so, like, pope john paul ii was a really big deal.
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>> alan kulwicki, the nascar driver. >> see, i mean, i think i think he's several rungs below the fame ladder of pope john paul the second. >> he's polish. >> what art. what do you think his extracurricular activity is? do you think he paints, sings, cracks, jokes? >> well, the pope. yes. he's since passed on. >> what did he do? >> he jp the second. yes. well he pooped. yeah. >> all right, we'll be right back. holy spirited. >> it's a miracle he will have enemies. >> this kingdom. nobody is going to take it from us. i worship only the lord god. >> he's not a prophet, just an ordinary man who bleeds like everyone else. >> you can't do everything on your own. i am never alone. >> what did you say?
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we're waiving all installation costs with our christina across america offer and no interest and no payments for up to one year. call now to schedule your free, no obligation in-home design consultation. you can create your new bath or shower customized just for you, installed in just one day from the most trusted name with jacuzzi bath remodel call now. >> who do you think this child will ever see? >> peace. that's what i'll be fighting for. >> thanks to charlie hart, dagen mcdowell, vince august, kat timpf, our studio audience, jean ash and the whole team. fox news at night is next. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i'm tyrus, and we love you, america. >> i'm lisa booth in for laura ingraham, as
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