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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 6, 2025 6:00am-7:00am PST

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who might want to go to one of the academies? >> i would just say stick to what you want. stick to what you are doing. a lot of people as they get older change their decision on what they want to do. it has been what i wanted to do. if you stick to one goal you can accomplish anything. >> ainsley: how hard was the process? >> well, i made the application and then had to go to an interview competing against probably maybe 50 other people. >> ainsley: it's a rigorous process because they are choosing the best of the best to serve our country. thank you so much. we wish you a will the best. i know you want to be a navy seal and god bless america. thank you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. what a great kid. all right, or young man. thank you so much for watching. we'll see you tomorrow. welcome back if you are heading back to work. stay safe with all that weather. >> bill: thank you, ainsley. baton down the patches.
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winter storm hitting 60 million americans. state of indiana activating the national guard to help stranded motorists. d.c. area starting to see the winter weather as we speak. the storm will movies. some areas expecting to receive more snow than they've seen in years. kansas city saw its first blizzard since 2018. even stranded the chiefs for four hours. didn't see that one coming? we'll talk about that. a bit later during our show. however, the weather now will not stop congress. house and senate convene a joint session later today. certifying the trump-vance election victory on this is 6th of january. i'm bill hemmer live in new york. nice to see you. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is a in us news. we have so much to talk about including the chiefs, and all of it. a few hours from now congress will officially certify the results of the 2024 election and
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presiding in her role as vice president harris, she will have to do it. >> bill: she whats a unique role today. others did the same in their jobs. >> dana: the speaker is in place, republicans are turning their attention to trump's day one agenda. priorities. restoring law and order and boosting national security and securing the border. >> he wants all this included in one massive bill. speaker mike johnson on sunday telling maria republicans are locked in on it. >> beginning immediately, we want to make sure that we're jump starting the agenda now over the next two weeks so he is prepared and ready on day one. >> dana: let's bring in kayleigh mcenany. great to have you here. this is interesting to us. we woke up and susie wiles had done an interview with axios. she says this about the first 1
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hundred days. i have every hope the administration will not have the same number of attempts to put sand in the gears. we're to a fresh start. fine-tuning his policy agenda and planning for the first 1 hundred days. hitting the ground running and realizing that you don't have as much time as you think that you do is really important here. >> she realizes that. she was instrumental in the floor vote to make mike johnson house speaker. the screen shot of marjorie taylor greene's cell phone. she was making calls to members of congress to get mike johnson across the finish line and stands out to me donald trump junior said i think we're more ready this time than if we would have had a second term consecutively. what president trump has done over four years. he has had time to sit back about his personnel and be ready to go. >> bill: the whole comment about sand in the gears is very true for january, february, march of
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2017 and later you were on his team as well. by the way, susie wiles, i don't think she has done an interview during this entire campaign. this was the first one. one of the comments she said is if she disagrees with trump she tells him one-on-one. that way she can make sure there are no leaks. or maybe there could be a leak from one individual. >> that's very important. if we remember 2017, the trump administration was riddled with leaks. you couldn't go into an oval office meeting without part of it being on the front page of the "washington post" and "new york times." this is a very tight operation. it has changed. his team was small in the campaign. not riddled with leaks. susie wiles, that is fantastic. people say trump doesn't listen to people. he does. he does in that setting, one-on-one hashing things out. takes in what you tell him and makes a decision. someone who knows him well, spent the last four years
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getting to know him well appeared knows how he operates and is ready to fold into that operation. >> dana: a big decision over the weekend about going forward on legislation and it is a little in the weeds for people about doing one reconciliation bill or two bills. president trump has settled on one and let's listen to mike johnson how that will go. >> that's the benefit of doing it all together because no one is going to love every element of a large package like that. but there will be enough elements in there to pull everyone along. they will be able to justify not getting all their preferences because there will be so many other very important pieces to the one piece of legislation. >> dana: for folks at home they don't need to know the ins and outs of reconciliation. why does it matter to do one instead of two? >> stephen miller and much of the staff were pushing for a two track, thune as well. they wanted immigration first to make it easier to get across the finish line and then deal with the more complicated tax policy.
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president trump likes to go bold and wants it all in one. he wants to be able to say it is the most impactful piece of legislation in american history. it is smart. this is an economy that's sputtering despite what all the economic metrics say. get no tax on tips and overtime. the workingman's agenda priority number one for immigration. mike johnson wants it done by april. special elections in florida are about then. >> dana: i love it when someone makes it me huh. >> bill: johnson said the smallest margin in u.s. history for the first 1 hundred days. we'll get it done. see how they do. a big part of this. the outgoing president joe biden had some pointed comments, roll this. >> president biden: the only thing my being the oldest president i know more world
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leaders than anyone of you met in your whole [bleep] life. >> bill: i don't know where it comes from. he is talking like 30-year-old reporters. >> you think about the foreign leaders making their way to mar-a-lago. this is his knee jerk seems to be a certain level of aggression. we saw it after his remarks on the legacy of carter. he made that slight at president trump to say decency, decency, decency. it is striking. week six of his term he met with historians in the east room talking about wanting to be fdr and leaving in a different light. his staff says "washington post" will him kindly. that's up for debate. >> dana: schumer was asked questions about what people knew
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about biden's mental capacity. >> what do you say to americans who feel as though you and other top democrats misled them about president biden's mental acuity? >> look, we didn't. let's look at president biden. he has had an amazing record. he is a great guy. and when he stepped down he did it on his own because he thought it was better not only for the democratic party, but america. we should all salute him. >> dana: last word. >> that's one of the big shames. we won't find out really what happened with the biden mental acuity. books will be written. there was a lot there. cover-up. reporters knew and reporters were debating how frail and being kind the president looked after meeting with him early in his term. they lightened his schedule. this is a big cover-up and we'll never know all of it. >> bill: it probably deserves a follow up with the question. maybe we get our chance.
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happy new year, back to the storm right now. at least one person has died as a result of this storm. the heavy snow moving eastward hitting millions of people. worst of it starting to hit the mid atlantic now. national weather reporting 60 million are under winter weather alerts. governors in numerous states declaring states of emergency. will be a big story today and tomorrow and into the week. fox weather brandi campbell is live in louisville, kentucky. slow going when it snows with ice on top of that. how is it going now? good morning. >> good morning, guys. hopefully folks are taking it slow on the roads. the conditions not great. but as you can see they are trucking along here. you guys mentioned that one death that happened in missouri. this morning we're learning of two additional deaths. those coming out of kansas. highway patrol posted about that today. a man and woman. their car went off the interstate and rolled an unknown
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number of times. unfortunately ejected them from the vehicle. all of this happening amid this snowstorm going from kansas and now impacting folks even in our nation's capital. kansas they had blizzard-like conditions. d.c. now seeing a lot of snow in the area. where i am here in louisville we had nine inches of snow yesterday but dealt with ice accumulations. another big factor in the snowstorm. today we're getting more snow. right now power outages are a growing issue from missouri to virginia. over 3 hundred thousand customers without power this morning. in some cases crews are finding power lines down warning people to assume those lines are energized and to report it. meanwhile, roads, people are having issues earlier this morning we saw a car get stuck in the snow and a truck driver pulling them out of it. we've seen various accidents happening. of course, as i mentioned, some
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of those fatal. meanwhile, schools are also closed again varying across states. here in louisville classes are out and so at this time this would have been the first day back to school out of the holidays but kids are having a true snow day. that extends into d.c., maryland and virginia as well. meanwhile if folks were planning to travel today, it is not the time to do so. airlines having a lot of issues. we're seeing some airports like kansas are closed until a certain time today or even the baltimore/d.c. area, their airports seeing a lot of issues. more than 850 delays and cancellations out of d.c. and baltimore. even the trains are having issues and cancellations. a rough day but if you enjoy the snow, then maybe it is a good one for you, guys. >> bill: supposed to start snowing in the hour in new york. brandi, we'll see how it goes and be with you all week.
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thanks a lot live in louisville, kentucky. we get stunning details how the suspect in new orleans used a popular tech product to scout . president biden announced an executive order on off shore drilling. can trump undo the order. >> it is the biden administration trying to throw a sucker punch to trump. not doing what's in the best interest for the american people. that will be joe biden's legacy. that will be joe biden's legacy. you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation
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>> bill: breaking news north of the border.
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canada's prime minister will resign today and stay on until a replacement is picked. cbc is reporting he is set to hold a news conference next hour. he is facing mounting pressure within his own liberal party to step down. he trails behind opposition conservatives in canada. his job approval is in free fall. affordable housing shortages. inflation and bad economic outlook for canadian citizens. we'll get it to you next hour we believe from canada. >> dana: president biden announced an executive order that permanently bans new off shore drilling along most of the u.s. coastline. executive order is drafted in a way to make it harder for income president trump to reverse. danielle turner, executive director of power the future joins me now. whats the scope and scale of this executive order that biden is putting forward. >> this is pretty big considering that about 15% of
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our oil and gas comes from off shore. that is going to make it really hard to get this drill baby drill agenda, which president trump has pushed. the way it is craft evidence, as you mentioned, it will be hard to overturn. i'm sure trump will but it will get thrown into the courts. biden has appointed 250 or so judges. so it will be in a favorable court and given environmental groups to do their activism. >> dana: countries around the world, saudi, united kingdom, norway, brazil who are expanding their off shore drilling. why would we decide to pull back? >> that's the crazy thing. china is operating in the gulf of mexico, the world's largest off shore oil platform is operated by china in the gulf of mexico. it's in international waters, russia and norway are operating in the arctic.
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joe biden is saying to alaskans, you can't operate there. texans and louisianaians, you can't operate in the gulf. russia and china, our enemies are tapping into oil and gas reserves that are basically in america's back pocket. so it is insanity, it really is. you have to question if anyone listening thinks this is to protect the earth, if this were really about the environment, why did it take four years, right? we saw during covid when biden administration thought they had the solution, you had to take it regardless of whether or not you wanted the mask or vaccine, it was an obligation. if this was really medicine to cure the planet why did it take the administration four years to implement it? this is just pure politics at its worst. >> dana: you said president trump will try to reverse. end up in the courts and back and forth. we'll have that situation. is there anything that congress can do that would leapfrog that? >> there is.
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this is the power of the article 1, the power of the legislature. this is where newly elected senator like mccormick from pennsylvania and senator sheehy from montana, they ran on these platforms that the incumbent democrats were punishing oil and gas and not standing up to biden. this is a great opportunity for these newly i elected senators who say to their constituents i'm here to fight for you and a great chance for senators from gulf states and last, senator murcowski and sullivan, this is for them to stand up and say we're putting our industry and our constituents first. we need the jobs, we need the revenue. >> dana: we'll see if they do that. daniel turner thank you for joining us, enjoy the snow down there in virginia. take care. >> thank you. >> what we can and are doing is
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investigating every detail of this attack to find answers. we are leaving no stone unturned. >> bill: we have new video now, chilling new video of the pus pact in the deadly new year's terror attack in new orleans. what the feds are revealing about his movements before the event and what we're learning now. a suspect wanted in two new york city subway stabbings has been arrested. his rap sheet is a manhattan mile long. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran
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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> bill: south korea mail tear say north korea fired a missile into the sea today. it coincides with blinken's there. he condemned the test. biden administration reached out
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to north korea to talk without pre-condition. north korea launched a medium range ballistic missile which hasn't been done since before the u.s. election. that story continues into 2025. >> president biden: there is nothing you can say to somebody who has had such a tragic loss. my message will be personal to them if i get to get them alone about they just have to hang onto each other. >> dana: president biden set to visit new orleans today. he will help mourn the 14 people killed in the bourbon street terror attack. his visit comes as the f.b.i. is providing a major update on its investigation and releasing new video showing the suspect planting ieds around the city in the hours before carrying out the attack. david spunt is live in washington with the latest. hi. >> significant updates yesterday from the f.b.i. and as the story evolves he expect to hear more
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once agents learn new information. we know the suspect, 42-year-old jabbar, recorded a stroll through the french quarter on his bike several months before to map out the attack. according to the f.b.i. investigators he did so wearing these meta glasses that record video and have the ability to stream live from a point of view angle. authorities say he was found with meta glasses once he was shot and killed by police. they do not believe at this point that he was recording or transmitting live the actual attack. the atf continues to investigate a fire set to a home not too far from the crime scene itself. jabbar used that as his operating base before the attack and tried to wipe all of the evidence away with fire. watch. >> he also set half gallon accelerant gasoline in a plastic gasoline container in that hallway. he also poured accelerant in different rooms throughout the house.
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we believe he did this and his hope was to burn the entire house down and hide evidence of his crimes. >> additionally the f.b.i. tracked down his travel long prior to the attack in the french quarters. he made a trip to atlanta at least two trips to new orleans, get this in 2023 he went to cairo, egypt for 11 days and ontario, canada both in the summer of 2023. agents working to find out who he met with and specifically where he went while in canada and egypt. assistant director of the f.b.i. counter terrorism division said there remain no indications of any accomplice in the united states but his team is probing outside contacts beyond our borders in other countries saying the case is still very early in its stages. >> dana: david spunt. thank you. >> bill: louisiana republican senator john kennedy is with us now. good morning to you. a busy time reacting to this. what david spunt is reporting is a lot of new information, travel overseas, what he was doing before, apparently he wanted to
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set off detonation devices that did not go off. what more can you add on the investigation now? >> first i want to thank president biden and first lady for coming to new orleans. the president, whoever it is, represents america and by him and the first lady coming, they are showing that america cares to my people. i appreciate that. there were so many acts of valor and demonstrated love for common humanity, the cops who stood their ground and killed this rapid animal. the paramedics, the ambulance drivers, the doctors, the nurses, the people on bourbon street who stopped and cared for their fellow visitors. i also want to give a shout-out to the f.b.i. it was rocky at first, i won't
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kid you. the first 10 hours after the incident we didn't have nearly enough experienced f.b.i. or homeland security people there. but they came in and they corrected immediately a lot of the inaccurate information that we were being given. they are learning more and more about this animal. mistakes were made. our mayor and our police chief screwed up. we are going to fix it and we are going to be ready for the super bowl. i want people to come to new orleans. i will be there and feel safe and the state is going to be put in charge as soon as president trump takes office, i will ask him and homeland security to send us a bunch of folks to help out. the city will still be involved but they are not going to run the show. >> dana: your governor, jeff
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landry, called on president trump's nominees to be confirmed right away. a listen to that. >> to me right now it's about protecting the homeland as we prepare for super bowl in the city of new orleans. we need kristi noem to be confirmed on the same day that donald trump is sworn in as president. chuck schumer knows about terror, he is from new york. he knows about how important it is to have a homeland security secretary in place. we don't need any gaps. >> dana: do you think the incident would spur any sort of faster confirmation hearings? >> i hope so. what i also hope it spurs, i think kristi noem is going to be confirmed, i hope she is confirmed quickly. i will call on her to say send us every person you can spare to new orleans to help us protect everybody at the super bowl. look, president biden is of
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record and some in his administration saying the biggest threat to american domestic security is white racism and terrorism. i don't think many people believe that. they didn't believe it then, they don't believe it now. it is these radical islamic terrorists who believe that if you don't believe what they believe, you should be killed. and that includes you, americans, in that number. >> bill: hindsight was perfect as they say, 2020. i don't know if it's the f.b.i. or local leaders in new orleans. could it have been an easy thing to stop? >> we certainly could have slowed it down. bourbon street was not properly barricaded, that's clear. i'm not sure it's properly barricaded now.
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we're bringing in some security experts to give us some advice. it certainly wasn't then. i mean, the guy went and rented a very heavy e.v. truck, which is super heavy and can accelerate quickly and he just went around whatever barricades they had after everybody had received so many warnings about trucks being used as weapons of terrorists. the cops on the street did a great job. but the leadership was lacking. and we've got a super bowl coming. but the state is going to be more involved and the federal government will be more involved. i don't think the people of new orleans have a lot of confidence in our mayor. i don't want to be ugly, but she has a record and it is not a good one. but i want to get past that and just get ready for the super bowl. >> dana: we hear you and thank
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you for coming on the show and sorry for what you all are going through. thank you. >> the great irony in all of this, i don't think anyone did more to help elect donald trump president of the united states than alvin bragg and letitia james. >> dana: judge merchan moves forward with sentencing in the new york criminal trial suggesting he will spare trump any punishment. critics are asking what was the point? plus this. >> honor of be stowing the medal of freedom. our nation's highest civilian honor on extraordinary people who gave their sacred effort to shape the culture and the cause of america. >> dana: critics accusing president biden of tarnishing the medal of freedom giving it to allies like hillary clinton and george soros.
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>> this is a farce of a whole trial, a farce of a sentencing. the bottom line is this case should have been dismissed a long time ago. donald trump beat this thing. >> bill: talking about the case against donald trump. here we go now. on what is happening out of mar-a-lago. breaking news a moment ago donald trump asked judge merchan to halt this week's sentencing scheduled for friday in that new york criminal case while he sets an appeal. this is what merchan ruled last week. thursday of last week. talked about this unconditional discharge that appears to be the most viable solution. unconditional discharge is a suspended sentence with no conditions or terms attached by the court which would suggest no prison time, right? okay, here we go.
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last thursday, he upholds the sentencing. now we're today, congress certifies the election. on friday this is what's on the calendar as of right now. see if merchan makes a move on that. you have the trump inauguration on the 20th. john yu is with me now. good morning to you. what does the judge do? does he listen to this appeal while it plays out or does friday happen and the sentencing in new york? >> happy new year, bill. what will happen is this judge will go for it as he has declared many times before that he is going to sentence donald trump as being a felon, now, what makes this worse is his declaration that he will do this this friday and that he is going to sentence the future president to no jail time. this shows how political this all was from the beginning. if donald trump is a threat or felon who should have been charged over 30 times by new york state, why is he getting no
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jail time? at the same time, merchan is doing it this friday. that means trump has no time to actually go to the appeals court even ultimately to the u.s. supreme court to get this stopped. so that merchan can guarantee that when president trump takes the oath of office he will be the first felon to ever become president. i think it is a terrible thing for our political system. it is just going to make sure lawfare continues into the future. >> bill: you are reading politics into this. here is what trump said late sunday night. the legal system is broken and businesses can't take a chance in getting caught up in the quicksand. it is all rigged in this case against a political opponent, me. andy mccarthy echoes you. he says there is no public clamor to see trump sentenced prior to taking the nation's highest office. there is a spiteful new york progressive democratic interest in branding the republican president-elect a convicted felon. i think that reflects what you
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are saying. trump also said in his statement that bragg, alvin bragg, the d.a. in new york, did not want to bring the case but the judge went forward anyway. merchan works for bragg, doesn't he? >> he doesn't work for bragg. the courts and prosecutors are independent. bragg could always have gone into court and say we want to charges dismissed and he could have said what we call with prejudice so they can never be brought again. courts can't force prosecutors to continue cases that they don't want to bring. i just -- the idea that bragg, who ran on going after trump, who went after trump, did it in a determined way. pulled all kinds of shenanigans in the trial with white house officials testifying. it is implausible to say bragg never wanted to bring the trial and merchan forced him into it. merchan should have gotten rid
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of this case. the verdict was in may. the supreme court issued its immunity decision for presidents on july 1. it is now as you point out on that calendar early january. merchan has had the last six months to go forward with sentencing and let an appeal go forward because the supreme court has said that this trial was flawed and merchan is refusing to accept the decision of the u.s. supreme court. he delayed it all the way to right before the inauguration so he could make sure trump is the first president as a felon. >> bill: let me get to one last thing. this will be no shocker to you, john, adam schiff on sunday. >> i concur with this decision to go forward with the sentencing. the federal justice system really let down the country, the supreme court certainly did. it didn't timely investigate and prosecute the offenses around january 6th. i think new york has demonstrated, frankly, how the
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justice system ought to operate. no one should be above the law. >> bill: he is now a u.s. senator. can trump's team do anything before friday to either delay this and get some sort of victory from it? >> it's sad to see democrats including the senator from my home state unfortunately saying that the answer to all this is actually to have more lawfare, more prosecution is and do them faster and quicker. i can't think of anything to damage our political system more than to each side prosecute and investigate each other for years to come. i don't think trump can actually do anything between now and this friday. i think this judge -- trial judges are the king or queens of their courtroom. what judge merchan says is going to go in the confines of that courtroom. he is going to go ahead and sentence donald trump this friday. donald trump could try to seek an emergency appeal to the new york appellate courts. i doubt that they will do that. they want to wait and see what the trial judge does in terms of
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a sentence. i don't think there is enough time and why merchan did what he did. there isn't enough time to slow this down or stop it before the inauguration. >> bill: if that's the case you start appealing it while you are in the oval office. john yu, nice to see you today and see how it goes this week. thanks, john. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: we're back, everybody. nfl playoff picture is coming into focus. >> first big goal. inside run toward gibbs. he will go to the goal line. number four on the night. a night to remember. >> dana: the detroit lions clinched the number one in the nfc beating minnesota. making a little history in the process here. >> five yards away from the 1 thousand yard record of rice.
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that's why they are looking to throw it here. he's done it. he ties it. >> dana: that's receiver mike evans tying rice for the 1 thousand yard season. the playoff bracket is locked and loaded. wild card games kick off on saturday. i looked up yesterday how are the broncos beating kansas city 31 to 0? i found out what happened. none of the starters of the kansas city played. >> bill: they sat them to rest them for the playoffs. >> dana: if you were the broncos would be embarrassed? >> bill: they looked good playing against their second time. >> dana: it's like the varsity playing the j.v. and celebrating like they won a big game. >> bill: someone suggested the chiefs had the broncos lost the bengals would have made the postseason and some suggested chiefs didn't want to play cincinnati.
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that doesn't matter because had the bengals gone to the playoffs, which they won't. they would have played in buffalo. that whole argument is mute, all right? it's off the table. >> dana: all right. welcome back. >> bill: welcome back. live look at the highly right now. it is snowing and house an senate soon convene a joint session of congress to certify trump's victory. what to expect when v.p. harris presides over her own loss. a new warning about alcohol. the doctor on what you need to know coming up. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena
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police arresting a man last week for shoving someone in front of a train. last week a woman was set on fire. in addition to all of this new york city and their infinite wisdom has employed now what they call a congestion charge. so if you are traveling between certain streets in manhattan, you have to pay more money, okay? which means your cab rides are more expensive, car rides are more expensive, people think the is going after the rich rick it's not. it's going against middle class americans and first responders. i will predict. a lot of businesses that rely on traffic. they just cut -- how about the cut, would you like a cut? doge could do great in new york city. >> dana: maybe there will be a lot of mini doges, new year new
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warning. surgeon general says research has linked alcohol to seven types of cancer. health officials want people to know before they pour. the surgeon general replax an update for the warning level for alcohol including a cancer risk warning. dr. nichole saphier, do you think it's necessary? >> good morning, dana. i don't necessarily think these warnings really do much when it cos cutting out smoking in the workplace and public places and the risingcomp of that the detriments of smoking led to decreased smoking. when it comes to alcohol it needs to be an educational push. surgeon general is now saying despite the american dietary association saying no more than two drinks a day in men, one drink a day for women when it comes to alcohol, the surgeon general is now saying no level of alcohol is healthy
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whatsoever. it is important to note, dana, this is not due to some robust study that just came out and mind blowing research. it is a compilation of data over decades. unfortunately these studies have a lot of bias in it. they mainly depend on patients reporting. that can introduce a lot of bias specifically, recall bias and positive perception. where patients don't necessarily want to look bad in front of their doctors. if you look at the molecular and chemical levels of alcohol we know it is toxic from the moment it enters your mouth, stomach it can cause chronic inflammation. that's directly linked to a rise in cancer, liver and pancreas. it causes sir owesis and can alter the gut micro biome. alcohol and liver disease can
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alter estrogen linked to breast, uterine and liver cancer. is it -- it's obvious there are health detriments when it comes to high consumption of alcohol whether you have to go to absolutely zero, that research doesn't necessarily support it. but i will tell you, dana, i don't think there are really any health benefits to drinking. when it comes to alcohol, less is always better than more. >> dana: well, i will take it under advisement. kidding. the "wall street journal," a column says no, moderate drinking won't give you cancer and as with this other the surgeon general's report is slim on facts. the norovirus is on the increase. call for number five. 9 hundred deaths mostly ages 65 and over. 9 thousand hospitalizations.
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what's going on with it that what should we know? >> we see norovirus november to april every year most commonly. the stomach flu. that's not influenza. the stomach flu is caused by norovirus, a contact virus, not rest prio tear one. it can cause diarrhea, vomiting and highly contagious. we worry about this on cruise ships and nursing homes where you have a lot of people in one area because it is so contagious. in the winter months maybe avoid some of those leafy greens, uncooked seafood and fresh fruits out in public. that's where you tend to find it. people don't always wash their hands after using the restroom. >> dana: you are full of good information and advice as we kick off the new year. happy new year to you and your family as we kick off the new year. >> we're in the midst of a very significant winter weather event.


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