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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 7, 2025 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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winds were moving our outdoor furniture close to the house because the winds will literally pick the furniture up and blow it away. and all of a sudden my son said, mom, what's that? and where it had not been. i walked out of my house and directly, diagonally across the street from me. there was just huge smoke coming up from the house across the street from me, and you could see orange behind that. and the first thing i thought is, oh my god, we're going to have to get out of here, right? you know, my, my kids and everything. and then fire trucks came up the street. police officers came up
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the street. they're making announcements. i've never been in this position before. and i, you know, being in the media, you know, as the talk show host, as a contributor on fox, hearing what people go through, it is just so different. i will just tell you, one, the first responders are incredible. they're just there and they're so fast. two, it's very hard to hear what the police are saying because they're saying they're driving up the street with a bullhorn, you know, saying it, and you're like, what? what was that? was that evacuated? and then it's like, evacuate now. evacuate now. i literally walked out with my cell phone, my charger, my purse, and whatever i'm wearing, that's it. and my kids, like, grabbed their computers and stuff, and my kids started crying and they and they started crying because they said, oh my god, are we going to lose our home? are we going to lose our rooms? are we going to lose all our memories? and as a mom, don't worry, i'm
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not going to cry in here. but as a mom, it knocked the wind. >> no one would blame you if you did, leslie. no one would blame you if you did. >> yeah, just knocked the wind. and then, of course, it's like the dog and, you know, get the dog. where's the leash? and seriously, it just it happened like boom, boom, boom. and then you're going down the hill and there's fire, fire trucks coming back and you see flames all around you. and it's like, i'm on a movie set, but i'm not. it's real. and i look in the rear view mirror and i see my house, and i don't know if i'm ever going to see my house again. and i know it's just a structure and thank god everyone in my neighborhood got out. we have this neighborhood whatsapp chat. everybody okay? you know, my kids, my husband and i and the dog are in a hotel, you know, a couple of miles from our house, but we really don't know. and we don't even know how we're going to know, except maybe in the morning. can we drive somewhere where we can look up on the hill and see? are any of the houses standing? it's terrifying and it's surreal and
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it happens so fast. just so fast. i can't even explain how fast the smoke and some little bits of orange just turned into an inferno. like in seconds. >> what would you say to other families who are maybe right now watching this, who are in recommended evacuation zones? what should they be doing right now that maybe you didn't have time to do? >> oh, honestly, you know, people say, you know, no matter where you are, if people are in hurricane or flood or tornado or earthquake or fire areas, pack a bag, right? you know, pack a bag, have a we couldn't find the batteries. where's the flashlight? we were so not prepared just for a power outage, you know, be be prepared. i would also say anybody who lives in a high fire zone like i do, even though i have internal and external sprinklers, i don't have a way to turn on my external sprinklers. and that would be something i change if my home is saved. and if not,
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you have to rebuild where you were. you know what i mean? that's my understanding from the insurance companies. but i would just say, yeah, just, you know, make sure and it may sound crazy, turn your turn your hose on before you leave. it's just something that we heard some people did. and i was like, oh, that would have been a good idea because, you know, just to have any kind of barrier, you know, water barrier to that fire. because remember, fire can jump. we saw it jump where we are down the street from us. we are, you know, watching the footage ourselves, the live footage. and we've seen it jump over the, you know, pch in malibu and fires past. >> and when you're talking about these winds that are kicking up, you know, some places up to 80mph right now we're hearing, you know, you're talking about those embers just being spread far and wide in a very fast manner. >> yeah. i moved into my house in 2006. we built it in 2005, and there were two times, i can
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tell you, because i lost roof tiles, because in a high fire zone you have to have tiles, roof, and one time it was 94mph and one time it was 86mph. so, i mean, it can be incredibly, incredibly strong, you know, almost like hurricane strength wind. >> right? leslie, i know you're in a you're in a safe place with your family. what are you what are you talking to your kids about right now? i mean, if you let them know, you know, hey, we may not. >> oh, my mother's watching this. she's not. she's on the east coast. she's leaving. but i'll tell you something, marianne. i have not done my family and i have not done. and i know some people, you know. don't don't judge me, people. but my husband, my two kids and i held hands and got on our knees and prayed to god to save our children's home, to save the home for the children, not for my husband. to save it for
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the children. and then after everybody you know cried some more, we said, okay, here's what's going to happen. the house may be fine, the house may be damaged, and we'll fix it. the house may burn down and we'll rebuild it, but it's going to be okay. and honestly, it's hard because even though you know it's going to be okay at some point, it's sort of like, when is that okay going to be, and where is that okay going to be? so it's very you know, it's scary. you know, the, the uncertainty. and i have to say oh like i don't want to get weepy. it is so strange. let me tell you two things that are very strange. this afternoon i was sitting in traffic in la. can you imagine. right. and i heard about people being evacuated in the pacific palisades. we have some friends there. one of my husband's friends and i told him to check on him, and i thought to myself, well, where would we go? because both my husband and i are from the east coast and we have created family out here
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with friends. but, you know, it's sort of like, well, where would you go? there's four of us and a dog, and we have jobs, and my kids go to school, and you have to be in proximity to these places. and i thought, well, i wonder if that hotel not far from us, down the street from us takes dogs, and they do, and it's where we're staying right now. it's so weird that i happen to look that up. so while they're going up the street, maybe evacuate. i am on the phone making a reservation just in case. and before i finish the reservation, they're like, get out. i mean, that's how fast it was. so that, you know, that was, you know, you know, one thing that was, you know, kind of strange. the other thing was my husband the other day, it was strange. we were having a family dinner. we do family dinner night on sunday nights, and he asked if you could leave your house and only take one thing, what would it be? and one of my kids said, the dog. and we're like, of course we're going to take the dog other than the dog. and everybody said something and i said, i have a cassette with my father's voice on it, because my father died when i was young
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in 1992. and as i was driving down the street with the clothes on my back, i started crying because i thought that cassettes in a drawer in my house. so pack a bag, pack the thing that matters most. but also remembered their things because i've had to wrap my head around. i believe me, i'm going through in my head like, oh, my mother's engagement ring is in the house. my grandmother's engagement ring is in the house. my father's voice on the cassette, my wedding album, all my clothes, all my fox clothes, my fox studio and my radio. oh, i mean, i'm not laughing about. i'm just saying, you know, you just start thinking and then you just have to pull back to. they're just things. >> right. and you have what's important your family and your dog. and as a friend, you said earlier you were praying. we are all praying for you, for your family and for all those affected by these wildfires right now. leslie marshall, thank you so much for joining
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us, and we'll get back to you in a little while. stay safe. >> thank you very much. >> and now we're going to go to deroy murdock, also a fox news contributor who went to the high school in pacific palisades. and they have been just devastated today by fires. and that high school we're told has burned to the ground. derrick, are you there? >> i'm right here. >> good. what can you. oh, we just lost power here where we are. just came back on. all right. what can you tell us about that high school? because i'm hearing that it's kind of a historical spot there in palisades. >> it is. and, boy, it's rough for everybody involved in this. i happen to be sitting in a comfortable tv studio here on manhattan island. so i'm far away, thousands of miles away from the actual devastation going on. but certainly the devastation can be emotional if not physical. and i have very, very warm and fond and dear memories of going to palisades high school. i'm a member of
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the palisades high school class of 1982, and it's a beautiful part of the of the l.a. los angeles area. from the second floor of our high school, you can look out and see the waves in the pacific crashing up on the beach. and when i was in school, a lot of kids used to surf. and, you know, when the surf was really good, some people would decide, well, maybe it's a good time to go surfing rather than be in class. and it was just a beautiful place with lots of sunshine and palm trees and terrific teachers and wonderful students. i'm still very close friends, with about a dozen or so of my classmates. go to all of my reunions, and we all show up and have a great time seeing each other and reminiscing on the wonderful time we had at pauley high school. so i think the reports have been, first, that the athletic fields were on fire and maybe a couple of the buildings. i don't know how much the school is left, but it's very devastating to hear about my beautiful high school, my alma mater from 1982, being damaged. if not, who knows, maybe completely gone at this point. >> have you heard from any, any friends or anyone in the area that had to evacuate as as far
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as what they what they went through today? >> i have a couple of friends who live actually in the palisades. i've tried to contact them. i've not heard back from them. a lot of my classmates are in the area in los angeles, but not right in the palisades. one of them contacted me. we've been going back and forth, and he just made a really ominous point that we've raised a bit on the on the air so far, which is what we've seen so far, is awful. awful as it is, as terrible as the devastation has been. all this is sort of an overture for what's going to come. he wrote me just a couple of hours ago. we've all had we've had all of this devastation. but the strong winds don't start until 10 p.m. local time, which is right about now. it's too windy for aircraft to drop water, and firemen can't fight it with water as it is futile. so you've got firefighters who are very brave and their their courage and their relentlessness and all of this really are terribly impressive. but we have this big a fire trying to put water on it. it's almost, you know, it's just too, too big to fight. and the winds are just too intense to get aircraft up in the air,
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dropping either fire retardant or just dropping water on things. and so until the winds drop down to a more safe speed, those airplanes, helicopters, etc. are pretty much grounded. so this thing is just burning along. and if the if the winds kick up up to 80, 90, 100mph, as they're predicting tonight, the situation we've seen so far is going to get even worse. >> yeah unfortunately you're correct. aurora, thank you so much for joining us. deroy murdock, fox news contributor. we'll come back to you in a bit. but right now we want to bring in former los angeles county sheriff alex villanueva. thanks for joining us. alex. what are you thinking as you see these just terrible, devastating scenes that we've been watching all day unfold? >> well, my you know, my heart breaks for everyone who's being impacted by this. thankfully, we've not heard of a loss of life yet, but the scar this is going to leave is going to be very lasting. it's going to be a lot bigger when the sun comes up tomorrow morning. people are going to understand the sheer scope of the devastation and just the movement of people out of harm's way. and for all the
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first responders, the fire, law enforcement and getting people out of the way. and this is it's going to end when nature says it's over. because right now, man can do very little to put a brunt on this thing. >> from a law enforcement perspective, first responders, what are they going to be trying to do at first light tomorrow? >> well, one is, you know, they have the mandatory evacuation zone. and that mandatory evacuation zone now has to be safeguarded for potential looters because they're always going to show up. and then you have you still have the conditions of the fire continuing to burn as zero containment. so the mandatory evacuation zone may shift depending on how the weather behaves and the direction of the winds and all that. but the size of the wind is going to send embers. it's going to spot fires everywhere. so fire is going to have their hands full. just keeping up with that. and law enforcement just trying to facilitate the evacuations. as you could see from the beginning when it broke out,
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the evacuation of the palisade was kind of chaotic and bumper to bumper traffic, where people just abandoned their cars. and that unfortunately, that means a lot of people didn't heed the early warnings that were given in plenty of time. >> you know, we were just speaking to one of our one of our fox news contributors, leslie marshall. she said she really felt like she didn't have a lot of time, that it just happened so quick that she just grabbed what she could and ran out the door. >> well, when the weather forecast is for that size of a wind phenomenon, i mean, having 80 mile per hour gusts and just the sheer front of that wind, people got to pay more attention. take seriously the weather advisories and those voluntary evacuations, particularly if you have a family, you have homebound seniors, the disabled, the people that are not mobile and people that have horses large, you know, farm animals and all that. that's a crowd that can't move on, you know, on the drop of a hat. and those should
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voluntarily evacuate early on. that way they're out of the way, and it actually lightens the burden of the roadways when people are trying to evacuate. evacuate, especially from these narrow canyon roads where there's one way in, one way out. and now you're competing with fire. and you saw what happened with the bulldozers trying to push cars out of the way that were abandoned, you know, as you were as we were just talking, you were just talking. >> power was going in and out here where we are in santa monica. and that's something we haven't talked about much tonight, is the widespread power outages that we're probably going to experience the winds, not to mention, you know, all the fires burning. what's the best advice you can give people right now? >> be prepared. if you're in one of the areas that could be impacted by this, have your stuff ready to leave. have your car in the driveway pointed out. make sure that all the p's, the important p's, their pets, prescriptions, papers, photographs, things that can't be replaced have those packed
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and ready to go. so when it comes time to leave, you can leave quickly. and what's left behind, be it the house, the structure, clothes and all that stuff. appliances, they can be replaced, but things that are memories that can't be replaced. that's the stuff you take with you and have that ready at the drop of a hat. and again, if the conditions you're in a place where you're prone to this, especially if you have homebound people, evacuate early, go before you have to go, because then you're avoiding this and you're easing, easing the traffic on the roadways. and that way you're not competing with first responders. >> you know, i heard someone earlier say, if you have a feeling that you should go, just go. you know, just go. so right now, 200,000 without power just here in la county. so this is going to be a long night. and this is far from over. sheriff villanueva, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate you. and if you're just joining us, this is continuing coverage of
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devastating wildfires that are burning as we speak. thousands under mandatory evacuation orders, others being told that they should prepare, get ready to evacuate hundreds of thousands without power. and this is not over. and we're going to continue to cover this throughout the night and bring you the latest as we have it. for now, we're going to go back to our regular programing already in progress. >> today. we got a little preview of the next four years and it's something special. >> we are at the beginning of a great, beautiful golden age of business, and i think we're also at a golden age of common sense, because everything i'm saying to you, from a simple
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water faucet that doesn't allow water to come out appropriately to all of the other elements of what we do and what we're going to do to take 50 to $60 trillion off our country's balance sheet. because some man that has no idea what he's doing, he has no idea. you know it, i know it, the democrats know it. what they did is a crime by allowing that to happen. so we're going to have a lot of fun making america great again. and it's going to happen, i think, very, very quickly. it's already happened. >> trump is ushering in the golden age of common sense. so on january 20th, it's going to start looking different, especially when you start buying appliances. >> when you buy a faucet, no water comes out because they want to preserve. even in areas that have so much water, you don't know what to do. it's called rain comes down from comes down from heaven. and they want to do no. no water comes out of the shower. it
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goes drip, drip, drip. so what happens? you're in the shower ten times as long. they want very, very little water to go into your dishwasher. almost none. and you know what people do. they just keep pressing, pressing, pressing. keep it going. they end up using more water. he wants everybody to have an electric heater instead of a gas heater. gas heater is much less expensive. the heat is much better. it's a much better heat. as the expression goes, you don't itch. does anybody have a heater where you go and you're scratching and that's what they want you to have. these people are crazy. there's something wrong with them. >> more powerful showers, warmer and cozier living rooms. who can say no to that? america is the land of opportunity, and investors from all over the world are flying to mar-a-lago to write checks. a middle eastern billionaire just announced he's investing $20 billion here. >> i'm thrilled to announce today that dmcc will be
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investing at least $20 billion over a very short period of time into the united states, and they may go double or even somewhat more than double that amount of money. the investment will support massive new data centers across the midwest, the sun belt area, and also to keep america on the cutting edge of technology and artificial intelligence. he's very big into the data centers. >> this money is going to kick start trump's ai economy and create high paying jobs. it's just such a shame biden's been holding this economy hostage. >> it's been amazing news for me and my family. when he was elected in november. we've been waiting four years to increase our investments in u.s. to very large amount of money. >> and the last few weeks, asia and the mideast have announced investments totaling over $100 billion into the united states of america. it's a nice change
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from america investing over $100 billion into other countries. the phones at mar-a-lago won't stop ringing. >> there's never been anything like what's happened in the last since we won the election. a couple of months since we won the election, the whole perception of the whole world is different. people from other countries have called me. they said, thank you, thank you. >> capitalists from all over the world are starting to pour money into this country. and the sitting president is tossing around hand grenades. >> i've been disappointed to see the biden administration's attempt to block the reforms of the american people, and that they voted for president biden's actions yesterday on offshore drilling, banning offshore drilling will not stand. i will reverse it immediately. it will be done immediately. all they do is talk. it's all talk. everything they do is talk. we're going to have a smooth transition. and then they take 625 million
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acres and they essentially landmark it. so you can't ever drill there again. well we're going to be drilling soon. >> biden's banning american energy exploration. his judges are still trying to sentence the president elect. and he's locking in work from home deals for thousands of bureaucrats. but the democrats are saying, no, no, no. it is a smooth transition. >> well, once again, donald trump is transferring to others that which he is often guilty of. it's not in even in joe biden's personality at all. to do anything like that. joe biden is not going to do anything to sabotage, and he's just making that up. >> once the clock strikes 12 on january 20th and the democrats are completely shut out of power, their new strategy is to resist trump. like this watch. >> i think we're going to be in good shape to exploit some of the conflicts and contradictions going on within the republican conference. i think you probably saw, john,
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that the enraged, nativist, racist mega bases upset with elon musk and the oligarchs who want to bring in tens of thousands more cheap foreign laborers. and so that's something that's already starting to explode in terms of the republican politics. but there's a bunch of issues like that pinning musk against the base, trump against speaker johnson, the senate against nominees. >> that's the democrats only shot. so republicans can't let the left interfere in our relationships. the mission is simple and time is of the essence. house and senate republicans are already cracking down on illegal immigration. the house passed the lake and riley act today, their first bill of the year. any illegal arrested for theft must be detained. cannot be released tomorrow. trump's going to be in town for jimmy carter's funeral, and he's having a powwow with senate republicans to talk strategy. and house republicans are going to visit mar-a-lago over the weekend to hammer out
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legislation and the timeline so republicans can accomplish everything the voters asked for. if they just stick together. dana lash is a nationally syndicated radio host, and she joins me now. hey, dana. >> hey, happy new year, jesse, and to you as well. >> so donald trump, big mar-a-lago press conference today. what was your takeaway? >> i missed press conferences. i missed having them. i missed having a president who could string more than a couple syllables and a preposition and some conjunctions together. so that was kind of nice to see. i liked i missed the humor, but i have three points that i want to make. let's start with raskin's point, because i think my second point is going to help with this. you touched on something that is huge and nobody else is really talking about, and that is the division tactics that the left are going to use on the right. i want to remind everyone that we have a very fragile but yet very unified coalition. there's a
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difference between a party and a coalition. and republicans are learning about this for the first time in the past in this generation, we i didn't grow up with a coalition. i grew up with a party base. now we have a coalition. so you're going to start seeing that reagan 80 over 20 rule come in now. it's a little harder for the right to kind of get things done. you have to negotiate and figure out where to give or take. but that 80% friend, as reagan said, is not your 20% enemy. so you have to learn what to consolidate on, what to come together on, fight to accomplish that. and then when that happens, you can fight with everything else. but this is where republicans kind of get in their own way. i understand that there are purists and there are different factions. there's a million different factions on the right, but we can't allow the left. and raskin gave away the whole playbook as though it's not obvious. we can't allow them to drive division. they're already trying to stoke division within trump's own inner circle. they're trying to pit trump against musk, musk against trump, rfk, g, everybody. they're going to try to bait everyone into getting into a fight. you're never, as
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churchill said, going to get your destination. if you stop and throw rocks at every single dog that barks. so the right has got to ignore that. that's number one. number two, what he was talking about. it sounds silly to some people when you talk about the low flow showers and all that other stuff, but that's a huge thing to most average, everyday americans. the only people who don't have to worry about that, jesse, are progressives in their ivory towers, right? they don't. they're not following these rules. they don't have to worry about it. i mean, the simple thing like allowing more phosphates to go into dishwasher detergent is a huge thing for me because i complain about that more than anybody that i know. those are immediate things that can have an impact on americans lives, while the bigger stuff we work towards that and that can help fight that division. and last thing, the investment with the data centers. i hope that those are american jobs because we just had another big fight over h-1b and that already showed cracks in the coalition. we've got to be really careful with that going forward. >> that's so smart. everything you just said, i want to back up to what you said about the coalition, because let's touch on that. we've never had this before. you've never had a maga
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wing, you've never had an isolationist and a hawk wing. you've never had the free spenders and the deficit hawks. this is all brand new, all brand new, right? blacks, democrats, unions, fiscal hawks. it's it takes extreme discipline and focus to keep that coalition in line just within the first two years. because that's what you did. two years of effective discipline. do you think republicans can pull it off? >> i think with some of the people in trump's inner circle, i think that they're going to have the guardrails there to do so. but it's going to take kind of everybody i mean, trump does, like anybody else, gets distracted with shiny new things or with this or that not. it's an easy job to get distracted. and i would think, yeah, you know, i mean, but i think everybody has to remember what brought us all together in the first place. we were so fed up and so tired with the old regime. we needed something new. so don't don't jeopardize
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that now over a couple. just stay the course, stay the course, accomplish the goal. >> all right, i love it. let's have it happen a golden age. dana lash, good to see you, mark zuckerberg transitioning. >> welcome to hiking with kevin. i'm kevin and i'm hiking. i'm carrying the camera stick. you're not carrying anything comedically. >> i'm carrying you. >> you don't take your heart rate. will you do this? >> okay, so your attention span is short. do you remember why we're here? no, i think only dinner and dinners all day. do you ever watch your old movies and get upset about how you still look the same? >> i'm changing my hair. i looked like benjamin franklin. >> did you just laugh? >> yeah, i did, but that was a fake one. >> hiking with kevin streaming now on fox nation. >> hi, it's christina again. is your shower trying to tell you something is getting in and out of the bathtub becoming a safety concern? are you worried about the cost of a bathroom remodel that could go on for
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ocean throughout the day. the past couple of hours, we have seen these flames come down the hillside. some of these canyons, if you're familiar with that mobile home park along the pacific coast highway and temescal canyon, that's basically where we're standing. unfortunately, some of those homes went up in flames. 30,000 people under a mandatory evacuation order. and as we're standing out here tonight, jesse, the winds are ripping up against our cars. up against your face, carrying embers, carrying smoke. and authorities warned that the winds were going to be a huge problem today as a part of the red flag warning. and this is basically worst case scenario. this fire started much, much earlier this morning. it burned down the canyons down the hills near the pacific palisades, kind of between santa monica and malibu. and tonight we're watching these flames continue to expand here in los angeles up against the pch. and right now, if you're seeing any of these cars here, this likely means these people are still evacuating or trying to get out of harm's way because the pch is closed in both directions
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right now just north of santa monica. this is basically worst case scenario. and we're told that these winds are going to get even stronger tonight. jesse. >> oh my goodness. hope everyone makes it out of there alive. god bless them. thank you. mark zuckerberg spent nearly a decade leading silicon valley's anti-trump resistance. he colluded with the fbi to spike the hunter laptop story. fact checked everything trump said for years, then booted him off facebook while he was still in office. but that's all over now. zuckerberg is transitioning into a conservative. he flew down to mar-a-lago the night before thanksgiving, and a few weeks later, meta donated $1 million to trump's inauguration. and that's not all. today, zuck announced he's giving ufc president dana white a seat on the board at meta, and he's going all in on free speech. >> after trump first got elected in 2016, the legacy media wrote nonstop about how
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misinformation was a threat to democracy. we tried in good faith to address those concerns without becoming the arbiters of truth. but the fact checkers have just been too politically biased and have destroyed more trust than they've created, especially in the us. what started as a movement to be more inclusive has increasingly been used to shut down opinions and shut out people with different ideas. and it's gone too far. >> meta is doing a full 180, and they're embracing trump's commitment to free expression, ditching the fact checking censorship, and announcing the changes on fox. >> we've got a real opportunity now. we've got a new administration and a new president coming in who are big defenders of free expression. and that makes a difference. one of the things we've experienced is that when you have a us president, an administration that's pushing for censorship, it just makes it open season for other governments around the world that don't even have the protections of the first amendment. to really put pressure on us companies. we're going to work with president trump to push back on that kind
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of thing around the world. >> trump took note of the change in tone. >> i think they've come a long way. meta. facebook. i think they've come a long way. i watched it, the man was very impressive. i watched it, actually. i watched it on fox. i'm not allowed to say that. >> for trump, winning fixes everything. all the tech titans who attacked him are now boarding the trump train. amazon's jeff bezos made a pilgrimage to mar-a-lago to now his company is throwing 40 million at melania just to follow her around with a camera crew. eat your heart out, michelle obama. big tech isn't just sucking up to trump because he won. he's on the cutting edge of the ai economy. he wants to make sure the us is the lead player in artificial intelligence, which means we need massive amounts of energy to power these data centers and chip manufacturing plants here. they know trump's good for business and for america. having his back actually is the patriotic thing to do. fox news contributor charlie hurt is here. charlie, what changed?
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>> gee, i wonder these people are such chumps. it's kind of amazing. every single move that mark zuckerberg has made has been in response to something involving donald trump. first, it was him getting elected the first time. and what did he do? he hired all these fact checkers, which are just government propagandists. and then, of course, when donald trump was running for reelection, that's when he dumped his $400 million in zuckerbucks to be like basically, you know, get out the vote for democrats everywhere. and now that trump has won yet again, he admitted, and i think that the words he used in this admission are so extraordinary. he said we are restoring free expression to our platforms. a complete admission that they had removed free speech from their platforms. and that's a good point. and to me, honestly, honestly, i think that that the question now is, are these people just, you know, typical
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vichy republicans who are suddenly trying to, you know, crotch nozzle back up to trump because he won or, you know, was this an honest mistake? he's trying to peddle this off as an honest mistake. but i would argue it doesn't matter. you're a weak simp if you fell for all this stuff, if you fell for this idea that you were going to become a government propaganda outlet because a bunch of people pushed you around, this is, you know, free speech is something that most americans would die to defend. and this guy is the guy that's going to have one of the most powerful free speech, free speech platforms in our country. >> you know, you're right, though it remains to be seen, you know, in the next four, eight years, whoever takes office, then if these guys are just going to keep flip flopping, it's like either bezos or zuck or, you know, i think we know where musk stands now. but all of these tech titans, it seems like whoever is in power in washington, they just do whatever they want. and then power changes and then they just flip sides. is it all about business? >> well, i think that, you know, this idea that they're
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somehow not greedy villains like every, you know, they're, you know, they want profits. >> yeah, but they somehow managed the money. is that what this is? >> yeah. yeah. exactly, exactly. and they're also they're never telling the truth. those are the two things. if you walk around and evaluate everything in washington, that it's all about money and they're never telling the truth. you've kind of got a leg up on understanding the place. yeah. >> and you can't trust a guy of zuckerberg's age that keeps changing his style. we're talking about radical hair changes at that age usually means there's a problem somewhere, or he's trying to pull one over on someone, and that and that much sunblock on your face. >> never trust a guy that that's afraid of. the sun goes out in the sun in white face. >> that's right, that's right. rules for men by charlie hurt and jesse watters. there you go. have a great night, charlie. >> there you go. >> gay america stockpiling
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brought my plus one. >> jamie, when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. biden rewriting his legacy as the president prepares to leave office. how is he picks. downle
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app and run your game. >> it looked good from my angle. thank you. >> good. >> bye. now, most americans can
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tell you why trump won inflation. the border culture. but not everybody agrees. actor jon cryer says trump won because you guessed it, americans are racist bigots. >> the super woke. that's like, i'm not. i'm not woke enough for them. yeah, but like, i think i had it right. like, that kind of stuff is what lost the election for the democrats. it's in all maybe part of it, i don't know. i think they have polling on it. >> well, i think it's inflation. i think americans hate inflation, but certainly they hate inflation. they hate riots and they hate black women. they don't they hate trans people. oh, god, john, we're not. they just spent hundreds of millions of dollars. they don't hate demonizing trans people. and that's disgusting. >> yeah. we shouldn't talk politics. >> donald trump promised to be a fair president to all americans and to protect them, whether they like it or not. but the liberal fringe is convinced that trump is out to get them. so now, hard left gay
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activists are strapping up and embracing the amendment liberals love to hate the second. they're joining groups like the socialist rifle association and the pink pistols, which have seen a surge in membership. why? many think that a gun is the only thing standing in the way between them and concentration camps, one gay gun owner told the philadelphia inquirer. this the people i've been seeing on the left, and the gay people who are out purchasing guns for the first time, it's all about self-defense and fear. we're not looking to arm up and storm the capital. we just don't want to be put in concentration camps. prime time thinks that's a great idea. everyone should exercise their second amendment right. we just wish they weren't so nuts. jimmy fallon is the host of fox news saturday night and the host of fox nation's night of comedy. it's available this thursday on fox we'll get to that in a second. so gays are grabbing their guns. >> haha. two points. >> jon cryer, first of all, is
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a woke idiot. he wants to make a reboot called two and a half them. okay, he's like way out to lunch with the trump commentary, but he's right there with the gay activists. like the idea, jesse, that the guy who's dancing to the village people wants to go after gay people. that's like saying biden wants to take out the ice cream parlors. it's what they're known for. trump went to elton john's wedding, a gay wedding, mind you, ten years before obama and scotus got on board with that movement. so to that point, yes, gay people should be arming themselves for self-defense. not because they're under attack, but because self-defense is a good thing. my only advice is don't get safety tips from alec baldwin. hey, there it is. >> bang. so you have some of that hot take special stuff in the special and you can get it where and when and who's on stage with you. >> so this is a hot one. it's fox nation. it's the first ever a night of comedy. it's myself adam carolla. he's a banger. he's great. jim breuer nuts, anthony rodia so italian like he was fixing horse races between jokes. he's like
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fantastic long island guy like me. and it's completely uncensored. >> okay, long island university promising it's uncensored. >> no, no, it's out to lunch, man. like, i was like, really? we're going to keep that one because you told michelle obama jokes at the fox nation patrons. >> even i got nervous. >> come on, what are you going. so we have a little preview here. okay, well, my brother mike became a city cop. i called him up the first day to wish him good luck. our days were identical. it was. i was like, hey, man, how you making out so far? he was like, good. i just spent the last three hours trying to see if this guy had weed on him. then i was following a hooker for two blocks. i was like, holy me two. he's like, as a matter of fact, we're about to bust the massage parlor on 49th street. i was like, listen, i gotta go take care, take care. >> you had a knot in your back that you just needed relief. >> hey, there it is. not only are the jokes uncensored, but as you can see, the wardrobe was uncensored. yes, that is my best overweight figure skater jacket i own right there. >> all right, so if you want to see you crack some jokes with corolla and breuer and the italian guy that gets paid in
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mozzarella sticks, it's great though. >> you're going to love him. >> go check it out on thursday. fox nation, thank you so much. more prime time straight ahead. >> slotomania. the number one free slots game presents straight from the vegas casino floors to your phone. the iconic cleopatra two slot featuring wild cleopatra symbols that give you double. >> enjoy the exciting multiplier that increases on every free spin for massive wins, adding to slotomania, a variety of free slots and huge jackpots. >> download slotomania now and start 2025 with 25 free spins. >> it's a lot to be a caregiver and a daughter because you kind of have to take a step back. getting some help would be a great relief. >> from companions to helpers to caregivers, find all the senior care you need at
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sales are final. no refunds. i just give it away for free. dave from minneapolis, minnesota. don't give them our city. just give them our governor. now you're talking. lawrence from minneapolis, minnesota. if canada takes minnesota, i'm moving to greenland. you'll be welcomed with open arms. look at don jr. jennifer from toronto, canada. i disagree with premier ford. we want to be part of the united states. please take us. we have thousands of texts like that. thousands. they are begging for a takeover. tommy from denver. when we buy greenland, can we rename it redland? sheila from saint petersburg, florida. i'm so tired of my showerhead going. drip, drip, drip. trump gets it. i like full power on that nozzle. like break me down. sue
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from camp hill, pennsylvania. are you still taking cold showers? took one today. if i don't do the ice plunge, i do the cold shower instead. janet from spring lake, michigan. real men know how to shuck oysters without a machine. but before you become a real man, you need a little intermediate step just so you don't cut your hand off. i mean, this is my microphone hand here. vanessa from louisville, kentucky. who is your super bowl pick? birds, obviously. i mean, what kind of question is that? i've already made my reservations in new orleans. they just better put those bollards up. anything gets stuck in that bourbon street juice. can't have some guy plowing into this bod or this hand. it's all for us tonight. dvr the show. always remember i'm fox news alert. im marianne rafferty, live in los
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