tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News January 14, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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told them i'm trying. >> well, jimmy i would go there before my radio show win i was out in california it was 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. because of the time change. but we would go and we would be sitting at the waffle house at like 4:00 a.m. in l.a. i think it was near wilshire, anyway we would sit there just watching the people come in. you don't need a comedy routine. that blueberry compote on the pancakes is all you need to know. all right jimmy good to see you every will be sure to jake out does check out jimmy's comedy specials on fox there also. thank you for watching tonight make sure to follow me on social media. we have more fireworks tomorrow and jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight.
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>> every general who serves should not go directly into the defense industry for ten years if you not willing to make that same pledge. >> i'm not a general, senator. [laughter] >> pete hegseth shines on capitol hill. >> could you explain what a jagged office. >> i don't think i need to, sir. >> you are just creating the worst possible situation. people are terrified, no one is safe in california or los angeles. >> blue liberals or seeing red. >> looks like hiroshima or just semi horrible thing. >> our motto is win they go though we go high. [cheering] >> what's going on with michelle obama. plus. >> hello. ♪ ♪ >> donald trump could not have had a better leadoff hitter for
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his cabinet nominees peer pete hegseth for secretary of defense. win pete walked into the hearing room he got a standing o. [cheering] [applause] [chanting] >> hundreds of combat veterans showed up to merge and support for pete but there were a few troublemakers in the room which caused thanks to get off to kind of a rocky start. >> you are a misogynist tack not only that, you are a christian zionist! >> accountability and readiness. >> winner you going to stop
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bombing because? >> in gaza! money for disasters 8 billion. >> entity, please. >> once that was all over pete hegseth delivered his opening statement, watch. >> unlike the current administration, politics should play no part in military matters. we are not republicans, we are not democrats, we are american warriors. our standards we'll be high and they will be equal not equitable. that's a very different word. it is true in spain acknowledged a don't have a similar biography to defense secretary is of the last 30 years bear but as president trump also told me weaver believed to attribute the placed people atop the pentagon with supposedly the raised credentials whether they are retired generals, academics are
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defense contractor executives and where has it gotten us? he believes and i humbly agree that it's time to give someone with dust on his boots the helm. a change agent, someone with no vested interest in certain companies are specific programs or approved narratives. >> his strategy was to create fireworks card humiliated pete hegseth and stay in the g.o.p. brand but pete kept his his tote his composure and they humiliated themselves. >> would you explain what a jagged office? >> i don't think i need to, sir. >> why not? >> because the minute win men watching understand. >> perhaps some of my colleagues don't understand. >> it would be a jagged officer who puts his or her own priorities in front of the war fighters. their promotions and medals in front of having the backs of those having tough calls on the front lines. >> the most important things about these areas is the nominee shows they have the right
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temperament. defend your position without losing your cool. do your best to an voit -- avoid the gotcha moments. pete did that today. >> i'm quite sure that every general who serves should not go directly into the defense industry for ten years. you're not willing to make that same pledge? >> i'm not a general, senator. >> democrat was under estimate pete hegseth they thought he was just a tv talking head and i get it we make it look easy. but everyone here at fox news knows when you come to work you have to be prepared and the democrats didn't see it coming. today pete was more prepared than ever. >> and give me an experience or your actual experience of driving innovation document in example. >> absolutely concern veterans for america we created the veterans task force never been done before to create a policy to drive policy change on
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capitol hill that organizations fought through his lead against. we had the accountability act passed admission act passed in a way a nonprofit veterans organization has never done and testified in all the letters put forward. >> another asset pete hegseth possesses patients. part of the process is how to say this, taking it and taking it from people who are supremely not qualified. ignore politicians whose minds are made up and a reading from a script they didn't write. here is maisie the not so distinguished senator from hawaii. >> we'll use our military to take over greenland or in allies. >> one of the things president trump is so good at is never strategically tipping his hand. so i would never in this public form give one way are another. >> that sounds to me that you
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would contemplate carrying out such an order to basically invade greenland. president trump directed former secretary of defense tissue protesters in the legs in downtown d.c. and he refused to comply with. will eukaryote such an order from president trump? >> senator i was in the washington, d.c., national guard unit in lafayette square -- >> to do carry out annoy or don't order tissue protesters. sounds to me like you will shoot put protesters in the leg. >> thanks didn't go their way the democrats do what they always do they just scream at you like the protesters. >> have you lead an audit of any organization yes are no? not a long answer yes are no. heavy lead an audit of any organization of which you are in charge? >> senator in both organizations iran we were always completely fiscally responsible with money
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we had and the way -- >> yes are no did you? what are you afraid of? you can't answer this question yes are no did you lead an audit? do you not know this answer? >> every part of my leadership of these organizations has been represented. >> i want to know what were the findings there were none because you never let an audit. >> the pentagon has failed seven audits and senator tommy voted to confirm every defence secretary that failed them it's kind of funny to listen to these politicians lecture pete about financial mismanagement win they've got $36 trillion in d debt. she's got no business pointing fingers. and, yeah, there was a lot more screaming. >> heaved denigrated active duty service members. we have hundreds, hundreds of women who are currently in the infantry. lethal members of our military and serving in the infantry but you degrade them to review said in your statement you don't want politics and the dod. everything you've said in these
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public statements is politics. i don't want women i don't want mobs what's wrong with her mom by the way once you have babies you therefore after they've children it's a silly thing to say. >> been outnumbered for years. pete is a lucky guy. we trained him. we've seen morning. no bathroom breaks. >> statements you said about people who have used different lead than you. are using the 50% of the dod that hold liberal views or leftist views or are democrats are not welcome in the military or you saying that? >> senator i volunteered to deployed to afghanistan under president barack obama i also volunteered to guard the inauguration of joe biden but was denied the opportunity to
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serve because i was identified as an extremist by my own unit for christian tattoo. >> democrats became so classy -- cliche that at one point he asked wendy do you stop beating your wife. >> did you ever engage in acts of violence against her wives? >> senator absolutely not. >> win you would agree of some committed physical violence against a spouse it would be disqualifying? >> senator absolutely not have ever done that. >> you would agree that would be a disqualifying offense would do not? >> senator you're talking about a hypothetical. >> i don't think it's hypothetical violence against spouses occurs every day. >> i didn't know he felt that strongly about domestic violence because he served years in the senate next to a guy who slapped his wife around. democrat senator tom carper from delaware joe biden's buddy. he tried to hide it then was
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forced to admit it "did as let my wife 20 years ago? yes do i regret it? yes what i do it again? no. " so if you are a u.s. senator it's not really the same. timken was almost vp he was hillary's vp and waged war against dozens of women who accused her husband. then he went after pete's character. lesson. >> you had just fathered a child two months before by woman who is not your wife can you so casually cheat on a second wife and cheat on the mother of the file does child born two months before. >> senator her name is gwendolyn holt and she is seven years old. >> you cheated on the mother of that child less than two months after she was born didn't you? >> those were false charges. >> if infidelity is a crime you'd have to to put everyone in
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d.c. and prison. it wasn't that long ago democrats were telling the government to get out of our bedrooms. now he wants to get inside of pete's and have a little look-see? didn't the democrats say your private live has nothing to do with private office didn't they say that during the minsky? congress has a secret slush fund to settle harassment lawsuits against their members. there is hundreds of nda's congress doesn't want you to see. but the senator from virginia still on his high horse. >> many of your colleagues have said you show up for work under the influence of alcohol are drug. i knew you donated but you would agree with me if that was the case that would be disqualifying for someone to be secretary of defense. >> senator those are all anonymous false claims. >> at this point republicans and the committee had enough of the hypocrisy. >> the senator starts bringing up the fact that what if you should have drawn to your job. how many senators have shown up drunk to vote at night?
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have any of you guys ask them to step down and resign for their job? and don't tell me you haven't seen it because i know you have. how many senators dino have gotten a divorce for cheating on their wives? did you ask them to step down? no. but its first show. you guys major you make a big show and point out the hypocrisy because a men's made a mistake. and you want to sit there and say he's in a qualified. >> congress opened up a canteen that you could order booze wine or beer up to your room bring it up to you morning, noon, and night, bottle service basically. the liquor lobby one of the most powerful outfits in washington it's how legislation gets passed. their throwing stunts? democrat stat -- staff showed a video here in the senate rim probably the same senate hearing room kane was speaking from. democrats think they are more
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well behaved than pete hegseth? these members lied about serving in vietnam and mind about their rays to get a job at harvard. pete doesn't have anything to be ashamed of he is a brave man is grown up and changed. but what's driving democrat so crazy is he is in a as usual a they don't care about booze and those are just political attacks what they are really up to is they are defending the status quo. may be can't build chips or recruit after 20 years in afghanistan no one was fired. the democrats don't want accountability but accountability is coming. >> there isn't been no accountability for the disaster of the withdrawal and afghanistan and that's precisely why we are here today. leadership has been unwilling to taking and ability. it's time to restore that to our senior rings. we have too many people here in air-conditioned offices that like to point fingers at the guys in dark and dangerous places and the girls in
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helicopters and enemy territory you are doing things people in washington, d.c., would never dare to do. we won world war ii with seven four-star generals today we have 44 of them. there is an inverse relationship between the size of staffs and victory on the battlefield. we don't need more bureaucracy at the top we need more war fighters in power at the bottom. >> sources say the term team feels good about how the hearing went. pete performed well under pressure and that means a lot win you want to run the defense department. everybody watching at home saw the energy kate brings to the table and the youth factor the younger generation is ready to do thanks differently and pete can be that spark to revive the military fact boost recruitment and clean house. towards the end he was asked the most important question. win he answered he got a little emotional. >> why do you want to do this job? what drives you?
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>> you 30 seconds. >> because i love my country senator and i've dedicated my life to the war fighters peer people see me as someone who hosts a morning show on television but people that really know me know where my hearts at its with the guys in his audience who have had my back and i have had theirs. we've been in some of the dark is most difficult places you could ever be in you come back a different person and only by the grace of god am i here before you today. i am doing this job for them. >> will kate joins me know he's got a new show the will kane showed premieres january 21st at 4:00. what was it like watching your former cohost out there? >> pride. knockout not a tko, ko. use on display the difference of quality human being willing to
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put their life on the line for their country of. you have canes and on the other hand you have pete hegseth. and yes, he was prepared and patient and eloquent and put on a great performance but jesse and you know why he is capable of making a great performance? it's true we've done this for a living we speak publicly it's what we do. but it's something more than that. is because everything he had to say didn't have to be a performance it's authentic he believed it. he is principled i know this man and you know this man. i just want to say he was asked a couple things about priorities first of all personal priorities. he said god, family, country. is easy when you know where you're grounded. you will never be put on the spot you will never be flustered you know your priorities. for this job and what he offers to the united states of america he knows the priorities. he will never be confused on the job he is ground and principled.
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>> the way the democrats attacked him today what does it tell you about the next four years? i guess its a precursor perhaps to the next couple days but we will see end other hearings, performs, showmanship pack wallowing carcass cording and a pigsty enthronement. i expect we will see something similar win it comes to donald trump. heals the obstinate cell try to get in the way of what will be a golden age of america i think around the precipice of something special. they will do their best to stand in the way. i guess forever -- from change agents like pete hegseth and everyone else nominated but don't trump. >> jesse: you have a new show for a clock its written to show a show at 5:00 so we're going to need a bit of a rocket ship out of you at four. >> a lot of pressure. [laughter]
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>> i couldn't be more excited or grateful to fox i am so thrilled to do the will kane show 4:00 involves i know i need to give you a good lead and i've had good models and good inspirations and i can't wait. >> congratulations you deserve it. >> thanks men think you. >> jesse: pete hegseth picked up a major endorsement for moments ago senator joni urich's announced she will vote yes to confirm him. senator ted cruz joins me now he will be confirmed right? >> yes, i believe pete hegseth we'll be confirmed i believe all of president trump's cabinet nominees are going to be confirmed. he going to see what you saw today a number of these hearings democrats put on a performance circus. they're going to yell and scream and stomp their feet been at the end of the day i think everyone of these nominees is going to be confirmed. and i want to commend the president i think the nominees he's put forward our extraordinary, they are committed.
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pete hegseth is a warrior he is served his nation he is a decorated combat veteran peer win he came back from active duty, he devoted his life to fighting for veterans and fighting for active duty soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. pete hegseth is a change agent. what i thought was pitiful about the democrats performance this morning as they were eager to slander him personally and to drag them through the mud. very happy to go with anonymous accusations from people not willing to put their name to it or evidence behind it but what they didn't want to talk about is the job he'd been nominated to do. to lead the department of defense and the change. i think he's going to be a major change agent to bring the department of defense back to his core mission of fighting and being prepared if necessary peer defeating and killing our enemies and under joe biden and the debet -- democrats the
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department of defense has run down every woke rabbit trail of whatever political agenda at the moment is instead of fighting the war fighter. and want to make a british and, when pete hegseth is confirmed as secretary of defense, we are going to see illicit numbers rise and rise dramatically because young and women who want to fight to defend the country they don't want to be part of some local mind experiment from the democrats, but they do want to be heroes defending america and that's what pete hegseth is fighting to defend and get us back to. >> jesse: he was inspiring today no doubt. what are some things most critical to tackle on day one if pete takes over the pentagon? >> looked the pentagon is a massive institution turning the battleship. i've sat down several times and talked about it with pete it's hard to change the culture of a massive bureaucracy. i wonder that under joe biden the officers who got promoted
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got promoted by embracing whatever the woke ideology of the moment is. by embracing politics instead of focusing on the core mission. and listen i don't want to see a republican department of defense i want a department of defense that defends america and leaves politics out of it that's what i think he will do. >> i think so too and he is definitely motivated no doubt. senator ted cruz the great state of texas thanks for coming on prime time. breaking news, write-back. ♪ ♪ (vo) weight loss. for so long, i felt stuck. but zepbound means change. zepbound is for adults with obesity, to help lose weight and keep it off. activating 2 naturally occurring hormone receptors in my body, it works differently. it's changing what i believe is possible when it comes to weight loss. it's changing how much weight i lose. up to 48 pounds. and changing what happens.
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conditions. the blaze is growing and californians who have not evacuated or sleeping with an eye open. dozens are dead and dozens more missing. jay leno said the city looks like it was new. >> it's unbelievable it's the biggest natural disaster not that 9/11 was a natural disaster but it's literally on that scale. 10,000 buildings. you can't even cocky vigil all day you couldn't see 10,000 buildings. event on the hill you look for miles and there is nothing cocky looks like some horrible thing. >> biden's response to an american city getting leveled and thousands leaving to losing their homes? 700-dollar checks maybe he'll write his name on them this time. if kamala harris was campaigning she be holding a house with a bright yellow jacket but the race is over so she is telling her home state just be patient. >> it's critically important that to the extent you can find anything that gives you an ability to be patient in this
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extremely dangerous and unprecedented crisis'. >> it should have never been this bad but the fire department was gutted and not cause delays peer those delays let a plume of smoke turn into a 10-acre fire. whistle-blowers say the city was warned fires were coming. they should have strategically positioned fire crews to get out of it but the city was short on fire trucks. liberal politicians of slashed fire budgets ran out of water now l.a. is burning down. maxine waters blames rich pe people. >> first thing about understand services cost money and we should be willing to get the richest people in the country the richest one% protected, make sure they pay their fair taxes so we can have the money to provide the services. california has the highest
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taxes in the country they don't need more money they need to spend in the right places. will american taxpayers rebuild l.a. without strings attached? they spend more on homeless than firefighters and both problems are getting worse. a lost 55 billion in covid money, loss to. they spent 20 billion on a high-speed train that doesn't go anywhere. now californians are getting fed up. julia roberts said feu to the people looting. they didn't say anything until their homes godhead. more than 50 people have been arrested and a lot of them are from out of town. caught carrying a blowtorch laden christmas trees, a long rap sheet assault with a deadly weapon robbery fraud trespassing but he is still in the country
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walking around with a blowtorch during wildfire. gavin newsom signed a bill that trump proved to state. so if you light l.a. on fire you get the state and will pay for your lawyer. california was already shifting rent before this. i don't know what this fire is going to do. now the owner of the "los angeles times" has some regrets. >> at the "los angeles times" we endorse karen bass. i think right now it's a mistake and we admit that. it's interesting, and belushi think about how we let people on the base of didn't actually run a job in action and make a payroll, do they understand what it is. rather than having professional politicians whose only job is to run for office. >> jesse: no one is defending california politicians, even "the new york times" says l.a. has been crushed under the weight of an action peer they don't need cuddles they need a leader. acid is in africa newsom dancing
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to the beat of his own drum and calm the law is m.i.a. she just says be patient because that's what other to hear of my house burned down, weight it will get you eventually. it's almost like the media is baking for a man of action. i wonder who that could be so what are you hearing about what people are saying out there? you've done some reporting. >> good to be with you jesse. the firefighters been demoralized by what's going on. they know how they do their job. they should have been mobilized as early as january third but they got the first morning january second january third they got a second warning from l.a. national weather service. cap does karen bass flew to ghana on the third and the national guard should been called out then and station fire engines in strategic places around los angeles.
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jesse there are 100 fire engines in the shop for repair at this moment they should have been repaired and stationed around l.a. they been demoralized. they have twice as many calls per day from the fire department and half of them to put out fires and staffing is down by a third peer they were demoralized before this crisis be a these are the people we should be raising up and celebrating. they've just been demoralized by the terrible governments and lack of leadership at state local level. >> they got almost a hurricane type warning. win you see the screen five days out it's in the caribbean, for the governors are able to preposition the sandbags and evacuate. you see they had a warning and they didn't preposition anything and 100 fire for bushfire trucks were in the shop? >> it's incredible and that's part of what they needed that 17.5 million that was cut because at first you didn't understand what they need kathy needed the money for mechanics and they needed the mechanics to
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get the engineer. for half-million dollars you can buy used fire truck the whistle-blower i spoke to was very frustrated this and you really should be stationing the fire trucks get them in position before there is any fire get those plane circling overhead to drop wire and -- water and fire retardant so you put them up before they can spiral out of control. >> jesse: the more you hear about this just the sadder it gets. we hope everybody continues to battle this thing and hopefully it gets put out soon. mike thank you so much good luck out there. >> thanks. michelle obama has gone missing. right back. ♪ ♪ --
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vacation, she is no skipping trump's inauguration next week she claims she had a scheduling conflict for carter's funeral but the inauguration has been on the books for years she just doesn't want to go. she is hanging barack out to dry -- dry for the second political event in weeks. why are barack and michelle in different pages? she can convince her wiped out his wife she has to do her duty and attend inauguration? she is ended independent woman and can do it she wants like us. i remember win it was unpatriotic to skip an operation. the outgoing president jumped this morning was a no-show first outgoing president in modern times to skip his successors inauguration. >> he doesn't have the strength of character to attend the unknown duration of the person to beat him. >> he is very little respect for the traditions that have kept this country together. >> this is how you don't do it kids at home.
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this is the sewer loser send-off. >> the media and democrats are singing a different tune now that is one of their own breaking the norms they claim to love so much but the obama's aren't the only ones going low. kamala harris is taking a page out of michelle's playbook and snubbing her own time honored tradition, refusing to invite j.d. and his family to visit the residents before they move in and aggravation do. they have three young kids they need to look inside before they move in. she's just going to leave them out in the cold? page 6 says the law does kamala harris going property shopping there looking at a condo on the upper west side manhattan. meanwhile d.c. t6 committee members are talking about preemptive pardons in arden's final days surely the committee members wouldn't need a pardon if they didn't do anything wrong right? >> i know of one reason to seek a party because you are worried or guilty and committed a crime.
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>> the former speaker of the house joins me now he is out with a new documentary called journey to america. all right you understand the decorum, the traditions and peaceful transfer of power. why do you think michelle obama is not attending the integration on martin luther king day? >> and well she hates donald trump, same reason she didn't go to the carter funeral because she would have been sitting next to donald trump interesting contrast her husband was very cheerful and pleasant i think anyway helping the country together by chatting with trump. she represents the wing of the party that wants to drive the country apart. sort of represents the civil war i just wrote about which i think is beginning to show up in the democratic party. there are people who want to accept that after nine years
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donald trump is going to be president and their people who repudiated. look at gavin newsom who in the middle of the worst fire in modern times eating desperately to have help from the new trump administration decides to put up $50 million to stop trumping california. and me this is suicidal he crazy. and michelle represents that wing of the party, that rejects reality -- rejects reality and was to present if i don't show up it has an overt speed. i hate to tell you michelle almost none of us care. >> does kamala harris belong to the same wing? because it's not like she has the whole j.d. events his hand while she shows him the powder room on the second floor she can just take a leave for the afternoon and do the right th thing. >> whether kamala harris deliberately belongs to the bitter antidrug wing or she just don't i've always found it hard
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to understand because if you watch her carefully she is sort of like almost as bad as biden with the cognitive decline. from my perspective he can't quite figure out why she would do this is not to her advantage. if you leave in the shadow of a brand-new drop administration it helps to be nice and if you decide to be part of the bitter end and i do think there will be a split of civil war in the democratic party between the bitter end left and the people who decide they're going to accommodate trump. will be interesting to watch. and clearly they will be in the bitter end went wing. >> if you want to be -- read more about that and before elon musk gets his hands on pbs even see the new document or. >> and my wife calista we were very proud it's on at 10:00
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tonight and its journey to america about illegal immigrants who made this a better country. >> don't watch good felt explanation watch pbs and you might learn something. tell calista i said hello good to see you speaker. >> right thank you very. evoke a trump breaking her silence straight ahead. ♪ ♪ narrator: for generations, this ally to the north has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working.
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america is less than one week away from trump's return to the white house but not everybody is coming back with 47 this time around. >> a la policy and impact i hate politics and unfortunately the two are not separable. there is a darkness to the world that i don't want to welcome into mind to some degree at the center of the storm because my father is about to be president but it's a very dark negative business and some people love the gladiator aspect of it, you
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know, the fight, that was never me. it's the world's loneliest position, the enormity of the decisions you're making on a daily basis how transactional everyone is with ups or think most looking forward to just being able to show up for him as a daughter. >> the nature of presidential politics has not changed, trump has. the country is embracing him much more than 16. carrie underwood whose performing a chums inauguration does not care about any backlash. she does her music for everyone and she also knows many of her fans will be watching the inauguration so this was a no-brainer. she joins a long list of a-listers who are not afraid to be canceled and ceos following suit. zuckerberg, mosque and benzos will be sitting together in a box watching the inauguration. starbucks reversing it's years long open-door policy for the homeless asari buddy bathroom is
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never paying customers only. you want to shoot of heroin in the men's room we've got a bylaw first facebook as being a bunch does make a bunch of changes moving tampons from men's bathrooms on facebook you can call people mentally ill without feeling censored -- means esther. zuckerberg will throw his own wall after he bent him from four -- facebook four years ago. the tide has certainly shifted. comedian nicked up although joins us now. i mean nothing says a new age is upon us then the homeless getting kicked out of starbucks. >> it's a good thing especially new york i mean if you want to take a dump on the floor or touch yourself you do that we're supposed to, in the subway. a chain d train. and the other thing you said you got to buy a latte if you want to shoot heroin, let me tell you
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something after you buy a can't afford heroin here. [laughter] >> i've been on starbucks once. about a coffee she goes that's $6.99 and i said, you know, put sugar in it what do you put coke and it creates is from colombia it's supposed to be coffee. that's ridiculous. but the other thing i am excited about, jesse, the ceo is kind of a lefty. starbucks is a lefty organization. everything they touch they bring the homeless into it you notice? and it's all going down the toilet, so to speak. >> jesse: what about the tampons? i thought you're going to say the thing that most triggered you was there were no tampons in the men's bathroom at facebook headquarters? >> i don't mind tampons in the men's headquarters win i go to bars are used to get a bloody nose get into a fight i run to the men's room. let never bothered me. >> jesse: all right well i'm just happy carrie underwood is
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performing went straight, blonde female is singing at the inauguration, i think we are back. i think were definitely back. >> care and what i mean thank god kamala harris didn't win we would've had dizzy lives of those 45 minutes are two back i know he is dead but not according to her. >> one of many reasons. nick good to see is pure could see new thanks prime time straight ahead. ♪ ♪ 's
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bruce from holiday utah, could you have kept your cool with all those democrats screaming at you? stoicism. of course i've -- of course i could've. headset is more general than warren is indian. gym from indiana, i don't think michelle is proud of her country anymore. evelyn from north carolina, may be doesn't know how to dance to the ymca. i've seen her dance and i know she can dance. i'm just worried about why he can't get her to come to d.c. none of my business i will stay out of it. remember to dvr the show and always remember i'm waters and this is my world
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