tv Hannity FOX News January 16, 2025 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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straight home after the inauguration. we are going to be at all of them. john from savannah new york, kid rock says high when michelle obama goes low,, i did not see that one coming, i sure did and who knew he played at the obama inauguration. carol from atlanta, georgia,, you will know which another man happy birthday but you will lick a nude photo of harry ford jr. carey from ontario, canada,, do you actually live by your rules for men or just pretend? no, i do, i make an exception, i drank out of a straw when i had a coconut. ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to hannity, tonight another round of confirmation hearings and another round of humiliation for democrats, making fools of themselves every day, across town at the white house even more public shame, for democrats. after a mumbling delusional farewell address from joe biden that nobody, i promise you will ever remember, our dear friend stephen called it sad and apparently he now regrets voting for kamala harris, why did he not listen to me from the beginning? let's be clear, stephen is not the only democratic voter with regrets, joe biden is leaving office for the record, low approval rating, a vast majority of view. the american people believe his presidency was a failure, it was. today he needed help just walking into a room, it sad, it's humiliating, what a terrible end to a terrible four years, and tragically,'s biggest failure will likely be felt years to come.
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as all of his unvented illegal immigrants continue to commit murders and and other violent crimes and the known tariffs that he has allowed into our country. i pray to god this never happens, but it probably will. the odds are very high. when it does, the blood will be on joe's hands, kamala harris hands and frankly all of the other law enforcement that turned a blind eye to not enforce the law. meanwhile trump has never been more popular, recent fox news polls show a majority of americans approving of donald trump's transition and that is not all, business leaders now lining up to meet with donald trump, donating big dollars to his inauguration in fact donald trump's inaugural committees no breaking records
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with donations from almost every major company in the country, it's a new reality, democrats, the medium they never saw this coming. donald trump, not joe biden, donald trump is uniting the country needless to say many in the left are not happy, this is their worst nightmare becoming very real. 84-year-old, 20 term swamp monster nancy pelosi, she can handle it, she is not going to be attending trump's inauguration, i don't think anybody will care, neither will michelle obama according to reports she has a very bad case of trump derangement syndrome and is filled with hate, refusing to go. does anybody really care? the trump team, they don't seem too bothered either, they were reportedly having a good laugh at her expense and of course nobody's really surprised by michelle obama's behaviour, according to milani a trump this
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is very revealing, the obama's were not exactly courteous during the first transition to the white house, in 2017. watch this. >> behind the scenes, what is it like when you're moving back in the white house? what is different this time? >> the difference is i know where i will be going, i know the rooms. i know the process, the first time it was challenging, we did not have much of the information , the information was upheld from us from previous administration, but this time i have everything. >> sean: make no mistake we are witnessing history, this was a historic political victory, perhaps the biggest in the country's history, and only made possible, we need to stop and pause and think all of you, the american people, the cards they were absolutely stacked against donald trump, he had a
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deep state against him, a weaponized doj, the medium mob, academia, all of the democratic party's, all tried to destroy him. after nine straight years of lying and slander character assassination, he prevailed . now a mare because of all different backgrounds are waking up, they are realizing that they have been lied to by democrats, they have been lied to by the media, they have been lied to by unelected bureaucrats, people that have abused power for years, now our friend stephen even admits, he was misinformed about the 2024 election, take a look at this. >> i did not vote for donald trump, on people who suddenly turned around and kissed his ring. i did not vote for him but i have to tell you something, i am not mad he one. let's call it what it is, there are a lot of people that will not admit this, i am going to admit it, i was a bit
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misinformed. let's call it what it is. that pressure emanating from our community, i am tired of it, that is why you see me alluding to that, talking about me. they are right. >> sean: stephen just a moment, here is the truth kamala harris might have been a better candidate than her mentally inept cognitively declining boss joe biden but she would've been a terrible president, she is farmer radical left and joey pointed that out, very few people wanted to report on it, the legacy media ignored it, they were all in on all things kamala harris, they never vetted her and that is why people don't trust them anymore. that is why she was a terrible vice president, that is why she was not a good borders are, and frankly not a good lawyer or prosecutor and like so many other losers, and far left lawyers, she is reportedly planning a new york city
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lifestyle and cashing in on a book deal, probably few people will be interested in, likely to purchase. according to the ever giggling vice president she is refusing to go quietly into the night, i would advise her to reconsider, take a look at . >> as you all have heard me say many times, i am fully aware that i am the public face of a lot of our work and so i have the benefit of running into people all over our country who thanked me. i will tell you, i am fully aware that when they are thanking me they are thanking our team, and our work is not done, and as you know, because we spent long hours, long days, months and years together, it is not my nature to go quietly into the night. so don't worry about that. >> sean: she is going to move back to the community, where she will live back in a community of
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people that share a community for the community's sake. despite all these words, kamala harris political career is over, although i will say this, she is a very good chance of being california's next governor, she would fit right in and california, we just hope she can be unburdened by what has been anyways here with reaction is the host of the spn first take, he has a hit podcast, why the glum face? you should not have a glum face. >> because you called me to rub it in, you gloated, listening to talk about the democrats, what happened to moving slowly? you talk about the cognitive... [multiple people talking] >> sean: we have a rule, when i am talking on my radio show, on this show about sports, you
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never miss an opportunity to write me, you say, stay in your lane! when you talk about politics, what do i write year? stay in your lane! -- what do i write you? stay in your lane! i was talking about jo's cognitive decline before the 2020 election, i was pointing it out. immediate beat the hell out of me for pointing it out, what is it about now, your eyes opened up, i told you about their policies failing, we showed everyone the board, we talked about the economy, we talked about war in europe or the middle east, we talked about their weakness in regarding america's position in the world, what part of my commentary did you miss? >> first of all, it was coming from you so i am inclined to ignore it half the time because
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you know how i hate agreeing with you. number 2, it's one of those things that is unable to escape, you talk about inflation, you talk about spending under republicans, but in the end here's what it comes down to, we have looked at biden as a problem, he was supposed to be a transitional president. he embarrassed himself by going on the stage, what we found out postelection is how so many people on the left were a part of it, we think about and you hear about what biden's position is and he and his family though necessarily vibe with with the nancy pelosi anymore they feel betrayed, even obama putting out a nice tweet about joe biden, we see kamala harris and some of the things they say about her now, they were not saying it before! and then you see the media.
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what are people doing? they are jumping down to mar-a-lago to kiss his ring. all of a sudden, you don't hear racist, you don't hear association with hitler, wait a minute, you were sitting around convincing everybody and their grandmother that this dude was completely unfit, the worst on the earth you could find and now suddenly, it's not like... >> sean: let me ask this. >> i'm looking at that saying, i'm not listening to you all. >> sean: i will a group -- i will agree with you, it's disgusting. you watched last night, the farewell address and you said, it is sad and i infer from that
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what you were saying is that you were sad because he is a sad figure. he is a shadow of his former self. my question to you, you are very smart, very intelligent, articulate, combative, i love you, however, why i played montage after montage after montage on this program for years, you have seen them, how did you miss it? how did you possibly miss that? >> hold it. first of all, don't try that with me. i call joe biden out one year before the election, when you got the calls i was right there, everybody was like, what are you talking about? the bottom line is i was right there, the year before the election, that's number 1, number 2, when i talked about kamala harris what i said is i don't want chaos replicating what we saw in his first term, i
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figured you have the house, you can when the senate, you will have people that will literally position her and pulled her to the centre and it won't be as much chaos because i don't like the way he act and that is all i said. i don't have a problem with his position on the economy be ark -- the economy. don't have a problem with them compared to what we have seen in how that was handled, there are a lot of things that we were agreeing with, i just don't believe that man was the right man for the job because i said the presidency is a statement ship position, i believe somebody else would have been better but in hindsight looking at what has transpired postelection, and seeing the level of groveling... [multiple people talking] >> sean: that's a fair point and i think a lot of it is disingenuous, i think it's insincere, i think these are
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people that want to be close to power, can you imagine if kamala harris one and i asked for a meeting with kamala harris, first of all she would never granted, to trump's credit he did granted to people that he knows were not nice to him. i think that speaks volume about him. here is what i want to know, because you feel with kamala harris, you believe you were misinformed. now, we know her position on open borders, we know she said we should never use the word radical islamic terrorism, she said we should never use the word illegal immigrant, you know she wanted free food, housing shelter education, operations or illegal immigrants and she is for wide open borders, you know all of these radical views, i put together in entire file called the kamala harris file, her in her own words, why were
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you misinformed? you are one of the most informed people i know. >> but i am talking about on the left, i know what the position. you are of more -- you are one of the most relentless commentators in america. you don't stop, i tell people this all the time, you are the most relentless commentator i've ever seen in american history, the same message is that you never stop heading people. -- stop hitting people. we have issues, i certainly don't like open borders, i don't like inflation, i don't like safety being an issue with the united states, these are things we have to fix, make no mistake. if you have a abundance of republicans, then guess what, i
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entertained it. that is how i felt about it and in hindsight i said listen, in the end trump is in office, he won, i am not going to root against him, quite honestly, i am interested to see if he will live up to what he said, are we going to address inflation, the borders? are we going to return to the promising future. i'm interesting in -- i'm interested in seeing. >> sean: how come on this show i was right about the russia collusion, i was right about pfizer abuse, i was right about hillary clinton's paid for dirty russian... i was right about hunter biden's laptop, right about uva, right about missouri, right about
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freddie gray in baltimore, we don't rush to judgement on this show, we give people facts, and we told the truth about joe biden, we told the truth about kamala harris, we've made nothing up, although the legacy media for nine years, slandering this man, allowing the doj to be weaponized in ways it had never been weaponized before, how become -- do you believe their days are now numbered? i think legacy media is dead and they killed themselves and they killed themselves because of the political agenda and dishonesty, am i right or wrong? >> i think you are close to being right. based on your description, i am not about here to dole out sympathy cards, there is no excuse, but in the end if you are in them the media, and you
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pride yourself on being a journalist, your first objective is to know as much as you can. you can be subjective in what you would like to receive but ultimately you have to be in a -- an objective grabber of the information. what we have seen is people take the agenda spin, you make sure the world now that you are not a journalist you are a conservative, this is what you stand on, fair enough, that's fine. >> sean: can i interrupt? i am a member of the press, like you are a member of the press. i can produce thousands of hours of straight news, thousands of hours of investigative reporting, we reported on kamala harris and her own words when the rest of the media ignored it, that is on them, they failed the american people. i give opinion but i'm open about everything, i am a
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conservative, i don't hide a thing and then we talk sports, and culture, we talk about all of it! unlike our entire newspaper, they claim they are journalists. those conspiracy theory peddling idiots on msd, they are not journalists, they are left wing radical talk show hosts. you are far more honest on your worst day than they could ever dream to be. >> okay,, i'm not going to get into your competition, i'm not going to go there. in no way defending anybody, what i would say to you is this, the industry turned, when it became profitable to turn that way. the reality is, you are lucky to
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make 75,090,000 per year, one time. now you are in a position where it is millions upon millions of dollars out there to be had and there are many people in the media and outside of the media that have fallen for that. to be a pungent, they deemed far more profitable, you bring up the george soros of the world, well who do you think is getting that money? people are getting paid to disseminate, that is not to say they are faking about what they feel, they have an objective against somebody else, they are certainly going to exercise that to the best of their ability, but in the end, what you are pointing out is that it is -- it has done america as disservice. donald trump, there is no way the man is innocent of every single little thing, nor do i
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think he is guilty of every little thing . what i will say is this, the man won the election, the american people have spoken, what the hell are you doing on capitol hill acting like you were on the campaign trail still? he is your president now! you have to sit there and say, i hope he does well for this country. >> sean: do you know what i need to do? >> at the expense of the united states, of america, we have gotten to that point in our society and that is the reason ... >> sean: i'm going to make it my mission to somehow one day, hopefully, bring you and donald trump together. not you making the move, i will be the peacemaker. i want to say one last thing about the media, the people that
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survived in media, will be people that tell truth, and you are one of them! you will always do well! we appreciate you being with us! when we come back, selecting actually to replace the senate as the florida governor now ready to implement president-elect donald trump agenda and ashley, next as we continue. ♪ ♪
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it needs to come with accountability, why? instead of spending taxpayer dollars, there has to be accountability, there has to be changed in california so it never ever happens again. the democratic leaders of the city, the state of california, they have utterly failed in a lead up to these fires, that is undeniable that california's problems, they run quite deep back in 2023, they were all laid out in great detail right here on this show, when we had our state versus state debate between gavin and rhonda, here is a reminder of how that one, take a look. >> you almost have to try to mess california up, that is what gavin has done since he has been governor. is the first governor to lose population, he will tell a blizzard of lies to be able to mask the failures but the reality is, they have failed because of it's leftist ideology california does have freedoms, you have the freedom to in public and california, you have
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the freedom to pitch a tent on sunset boulevard, this is a map of san francisco, you may be asking, what is this plotting? this is an application where they plot the human that are found on the streets of san francisco. see how almost the whole thing is covered, because that is what is happening in one of the previous to greatest cities this country's ever had. >> sean: it's simple but it sat california is in the past, florida, my home state is moving towards the future, governor rhonda has called the legislator into a special session, to consider new measures to work in tandem with the trumpet administration, on the issue of illegal immigration it is time for bold and strong action, also announcing today he has selected his attorney general, ashley to fill the u.s. senate seats soon to be vacated by marco rubio.
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that brings back fond memories when you pulled that out of your pocket. >> i will tell you what, a lot of people remember that, they still talk to me about that, seeing what is happening in california shows the failures that we were talking about that night unfortunately, exacerbated horrific situation, it is the ideology that has kept up with that and as you said, that is the past way of thinking, florida is the future way of thinking, see another contrast and you and i have talked about the contrast for a long time, when donald trump takes office, he is going to be serious about the border and illegal immigration. california is a sanctuary state, l.a. is a sanctuary city, they will fight him every step of the way. in florida but we are doing is calling our legislator back in, we are not a sanctuary state, we
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ban a sanctuary cities, but we have to do more than that, we have to require all of our cities, all of our counties to actively assist the president and his administration and enforce immigration laws, they don't have enough resources right now, now congress will appropriate more, is not going to happen so the states need to step up, i know tennessee is doing the same and i think you will see many others and you will see a huge contrast between a state like florida which is -- which takes it seriously. they want to work constructively , and a state like california you will double down on failure. >> sean: i thought it was maybe one of the greatest political jiu-jitsu moves ever when governor abbott started sending these unvented illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities and states, they are all in
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favour of the illegal immigration but it did highlight the problem and look at how eric , who originally welcomed all of the illegal immigrants to new york city, has changed his mind, once he realized how expensive and how difficult and what a problem it was causing his state. but at least he acknowledged it finally. many -- i am glad you will work in tandem with the trumpet administration, i think every governor should, will that happen? >> yes, absolutely. we are going to put resources to bear, there are going to be a lot of things we are able to do to make an impact and i think you will see really serious positive changes, very soon so, shawna you have been doing this for a long time. -- sean you have been doing this for a long time. now is the time to put up or shut up, president trump cannot
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do it alone, he needs congress to be supportive and he needs the states to step up and supplement their efforts. they can count on us in florida to our duty. >> sean: in a minute i will interview you, the attorney general of florida soon-to-be senator from florida, she has been a friend of this program, she's been on my radio program, i've always known her to be a rising star, i am sure it was not just ashley, maybe i was number 5000 on the list but ... i'm kidding. it's a great choice she has done a great job as attorney general. there is kind of a brain drain from florida right now. >> the pay cut for you would have been too big so i would not even consider you, so put it aside. ashley, if you look at florida's success we have been in the left
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, the democratic party lies in ruins, we have taken on the big fight whether it's crt, esg, immigration, fighting biden, covid mandates, all of the things we have won victories on she has been with us every step of the way, she has been florida's iron lady when it comes to fighting illegal immigration as i looked at the records there is no squishing this on her immigration stance, she recognizes the need to enforce the law, she is going to be a strong voice up there helping to support president trump's agenda when it comes to border and illegal immigration and ultimately, people can talk and it is great when they come on your show and talk about things, but she follows it up and actually does it. that is something that is really important so we are going to be in good hands in florida, we have a lot of talent here, i think this is something that she earned, she is going to do a good job for our state and for our country. >> sean: i will say one thing,
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people ask me all the time, i have lived in florida over one full year, they asked me if i'm happy about the move, there are people that want to make the move out of california, out of new york, out of illinois, my answer is always the same, it was the best decision i ever made. to encourage people and the difference is night and day, you cannot compare the two experiences. a good choice, we appreciate you being with us. joining us now for an exclusive interview is the next u.s. senator from the great state of florida, the state's current attorney general, ashley , madame attorney general congratulations. how do you feel about the appointment? what are your top priorities when you get to the u.s. senate? >> well it's certainly something i'm still trying to take in, is
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going to be a whirlwind, i will be up in washington beginning this weekend, hopefully take that oath sometime monday or tuesday, depending on when senator marco rubio resignation is effective and he is successfully confirmed as avenue secretary of state, very excited for him he arc -- for him. how much notice did you give him? it has certainly been an amazing day, my family still adjusting and certainly we are making plans as a mother, we are making plans on how we are going to move forward and fight together. on behalf of our country and make our family work at the same time. >> sean: you are going to arrive and it is going to be freezing cold temperatures, i know because i will be there with you, for a number of days
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in d.c. that part of florida, you will miss. my main question, the republicans in both the house and senate they have slim majorities, to me the agenda that the american people voted for, is the trump agenda, they want the border wall completed, they want the murderers, the terrorists, the cartel members, the gang members and people who did not respect our laws, they want them to part -- deported. they won constitutionalists on the bench, the one piece, they want the next generation of warfare, you completely agree with that agenda? are you completely on board with the trump agenda on those main issues? >> without it yet -- without a doubt. we have been fighting those specific issues together, i may be the first or only senator currently that has
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served in the judicial branch understands the need for judges that rule based on the law, what they want the law to be. it's an important responsibility of the senate to confirm justices and judges that will follow the law, i am excited about that, to bring my experience as a judge and i am excited to get started, i was excited to secure the border and keep our communities safe and i am proud to get up there and work with president trump to get it done. >> sean: knowing you, i know you will do a great job. congratulations. senator ashley. thank you. when we come back donald trump's cabinet nominees, they continue to flip the script on democratic senators during the confirmation hearings, we have the highlights and we will get reaction, straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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>> sean: all right another busy day of confirmation hearings on the hill as several more nominees took questions from radical left-wing senators, and for the third day in a row democratic senators were left completely embarrassed after being schooled by donald trump's nominees, yet again. take a look at some of today's highlights. >> i would ask you personally to read this economist magazine article, i don't think it's complicated. do you think that when so few people have so much wealth and so much economic and political power, that it's in -- that is a form of society? >> president biden gave the
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medal of freedom to two people who were qualified. >> i think that will be bad for the economy, but it is going to be damn good for china because we are in a race with them. >> senator, just so we can frame this for everyone in the room, china will build 100 new coal plants this year. there is not a clear and -- there is not a clean energy race. >> senator on many different issues it is important not just to be working with the nations that we are the strongest aligned with, but to also be in communication and engaged in dialogue with countries that might be considered, competitors
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and our greatest out of the series and right now china is an adversary in many respects. >> sean: here with reaction fox news contributor kellyanne conway, the cohost of fox and friends weekend, congratulations we are very happy for you. kelly and, an arms race for clean energy with china, now the new term, coined by biden last night about all the guards, maybe they were talking about the former first lady of moscow who gave three and a half million dollars to hunter biden, for no apparent reason and gave millions more for a real estate dale, is that what they are talking about? >> our next secretary of treasury handled it so well by reminding them that joe biden one week ago gave the highest
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civilian prize to michael bloomberg and george soros but this is all a master class by all the cabinet nominees that president trump has put forward in how to expose your questioners as miserable and misguided and to take control of the hearings so people can hear and we can leave together these different confirmation hearings and get a sense of the america first agenda and action. the question from the democrats sound like they did not know the election happened and don't know what the results were, two, they seem petty and political and often personal, but our nominees smiled through it, answered and previewed energy dominance. reviewed housing crisis and affordability on the way. making sure that lady justice... here is what president trump did
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in putting together his senior white house team and frankly this cabinet, he chose men and women who are prepared, you are principled, who are qualified but also who are great communicators and this is important because donald trump expects everyone to be like him, interfacing with the public at all times. so they know what is happening behind the scenes, when you are a public servant as i was, you work for the people and you heard in a cabinet hearing senators work for the people to. these cabinet nominees sean, none of them need to these jobs, they are doing it because they believe in the american first agenda, they know the country, they want us to have security, freedom, closed borders, everything. >> sean: by the way kellyanne conway, this may be the last appearance because
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charlie will not talk to us. i'm only kidding charlie. they tried their hardest, i don't think they laid a glove on any of these nominees, charlie, your thought? >> i agree, completely. this is the new world, the new world in which trump is completely triumphing over everybody and it reminded me of what we saw on the election where everything is being thrown at trump, the american people got tired of all of it and i think some of it is supposed cabinet affect, -- is the post cabinet affect. he's talking about winning and putting forward these nominees who are all very serious people who bring to the table this marvellous experience from real
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experience, they are not washington politicos, and they stand before the senators and quite frankly, i love that they were respectful, but they are standing in front of the senators and these senators are embarrassing themselves. asking stupid questions and sounding completely ridiculous quite frankly. >> sean: charlie, congratulations we could not happier for you, three and a half days, our nightmares over. when we come back donald trump names sylvester stallone, mel gibson, as a special ambassadors to hollywood, we will explain, straight ahead.
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>> earlier today president-elect donald trump announced sly stallone, jon voight, mel gibson will service special ambassadors to hollywood to. he tapped the three stars to help revitalize the industry and bring business back to the u.s. is wildfire at a station continues in california governor newsom is attempting to blame republicans for his botched response to the crisis. what? take a look. >> never in california questioned whether or not we as taxpayers and the larger state of the union should support the people of louisiana at a time of need. we never talked about it within the united states of america to see if we can get tax cuts for billionaires and corporations that don't need it. and put at risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of americans that happen to live in california. >> sean: speaker johnson he was quick to respond to you
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wrote on x quotes, instead of making highly produced clap, videos with the social media influencers you should get to work helping californians. hear now with reaction actor dean cain is with us. there has to be strings attached i will tell you why. practise the science of forestry, clean out the brush, have controlled burns and reservoirs that are filled to. that complicated? >> not at all, shawn. i have been screening for that for years. the reason i love california the writing on the wall. no possible way i would stay and have to deal with this. unfortunately everybody is. but gavin newsom is a shoddy politician he will say whatever he wants to say. if you have your football coach nfl you have everything ready to go and you go into the super bowl you lost 56-0 you lost you will get fired periods performance here is terrible he
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should be gone. >> sean: these people that lost everything my thoughts, my prayers go out to them. i believe they should get help like anybody else in the country that is suffering. however, if they refuse it, if they adhere to their environment to radicalism and won't practise basic fire prevention methods in the future, we can keep paying over and over again that has to be unconditional do you agree. >> it is proven with how they put their resources in 2014 reservation -- resolution to build reservoir? none. that is the first step. they are not protecting their citizens, they are putting health care for illegals all sorts of other projects that trained in nowhere. he is going he is screaming into the void.
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>> sean: 650 million to make the l.a. port green. $1 billion on green vehicles. $800,000 street sweepers in l.a. how about prioritizing fire safety first. anyway dean cain you got out of there. i would not win california. more "hannity" straight ahead. touch can make two feel like one. or simply be a helping hand. dupixent can help you stay ahead of eczema as you welcome the feeling of touch. dupixent helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after the first dose. severe allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for face, mouth, tongue or throat swelling, wheezing or trouble breathing.
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7:00 pm
♪ ♪ >> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening as always thank you for being with us in making that show possible. please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity". news any time all the time,, in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a good night. ♪ ♪
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