tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News January 18, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> hope the flop of the week is a detroit lion. [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] >> alliance for. >> but. >> wait question work. [laughter] >> we shall rehash this tomorrow evening. listen the commanders have won five games if it's close it's going to go all commanders i got bad news for you precooked is about time, griffin. cook skated were you? >> i am neutral switzerland. >> he is with me for the commanders. >> fight i'll go for the commanders. >> oh my gosh gang up. that does it for us. we'll see you back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the final one hour edition of the big weekend show before we officially expanded to ours. remember dvr if you cannot catch us live. "life, liberty & levin" is right now. ♪ ♪ ♪.
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mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. right at the top of the burger would start with her friend trey yingst who was in tel aviv. trey yingst, we have this deal obviously with thomas. i have a couple of questions for you before so i think is important for the american people to know the prime minister of israel is not like atthe president of the united states. particularly in is really how these fractured parties, these tiny parties were three, four, five out of 120 members can bring down the government, correct? >> absolutely paid as a prime minister's big challenge as he got this deal together with the help of the americans and the egyptian far right members of the coalition who serve the hostages get released we have to be able to go back into war against hamas. that some of the details of what we will talk about in this
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agreement. >> in fact they can go back up i've read correctly from the various published reports of three phases if hamas does renege or start shooting missiles at israel and so forth and so on, israel has the right to go in and do it israel needs to do, correct question. >> absolutely. present electron was made to clear and his team on the ground in the middle east if hamas does break the cease-fire agreement the israelis will have the support of the incoming american administration to take the battle back against hamas. this is externally delicate. friday morning after a night of celebration and both israel and gaza, about an agreement thing started to fall apart israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu through his office released a statement saying hamas was going back on the agreement that was hammered out in qatar rate they were ironing out those last details. it looks like sunday afternoon will see the first hostages released from hamas captivity along the gaza border.
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>> which is always wonderful when you get hostages out of a hostile country or hostile territory with terrorists and so forth. there is a forever long debate when you negotiate over hostages you encourage the taking of more hostages. and hamas in particular, this seems to be one of the primary things it does when it attacks. those in and grabs hostages he knows at least for the jewish state, they want us people back. do you think that will encourage potentially more of that? what's it certainly could it's a concern of the israelis. this is not popular across the political spectrum here in israel. it's because of the price the israelis will have to pay to get these innocent hostages home. they will beat trading palestinians and prisoners. some are convicted of terrorism that are currently serving life sentences and israelite prisons with affiliation to hamas and islamic jihad herds going to
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have to release them back into the west bank or into gaza. it raises questions about what the future of the broader conflict is going to look like. earlier in the week was on the current u.s. secretary of state antony blinken say hamas has been able to recruit just as many gunmen as it has lost in the conflict began. some of the leaders, the masterminds behind other attacks against israelis will be free as a result of this agreement. as the israelis have seen during past agreements for 1000 palestinian prisoners. and in those deals the mastermind behind october 7 massacre can go back onto the battlefield. it certainly complex situation and a major concern for the israelis. mark: i want to be clear about and i want to clarify something. this is not a peace deal this is a cease-fire perhaps eight temporary cease-fire. isn't that right? there's a difference between a peace treaty and a peace deal
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and a cease-fire. when you're looking a terrorist organization it's difficult to even get your mind around a peace deal when they exist for the purpose of destroying you? >> at the very accurate characteristic characterization this is not a peace deal by any means but does a cease-fire agreement between israel and hamas 15 plus month long war that has been unfolding with the statement released on camera by the de facto leader of hamas illustrates that. despite the fact to temporally and the fighting inside ghazni celebrate october 7 and insinuated the organization would continue to carry out attacks against the israelis. this was not an offer it for broader conflict in the middle east. it's going to be a pause in the current conflict between israel and hamas specifically inside gaza it says nothing about the west bank and the cells operate on a daily basis against their. mark: there's a talk he is not
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in good health, he's from the top par party that competes with hamas. they have sort of a civil war there early on. hamas won one and they took over gaza. the talk is that when he dies that hamas will have more of an ability more room to grab power in judeo, samaria, other parts of the area there and use them as a possibility to question. >> absolutely bring the course of our reporting we speak with everyone in the region. i have talked to palestinians both in gaza and in places like ramallah and jeanine to get a sense of where they stand after this conflict. the support for hamas is wide spread. without getting too far into the weeds many palestinians looked at the palestinian authority they see in an organization thas corrupt. they see the people that have been promoted and taken the very high tax dollars u.s. dollars
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afloat into these areas put money in their own pockets. they see hamas is the only organization fighting for their interest on their behalf for it so hamas maintains a popular support in these locations. when ultimately it does die is going to set up a massive question in the region about who is going to take over if hamas can seize control and basically control not only the west bank but in a weight gaza even if another leader is brought into the gaza strip. this is something we should talk about. you're the biden administration talk about a transition government in and gaza the abiy for third-party to come in and create a stable situation. that's nice on paper and i said talk about that the realty on the ground is quite different as the secretary of state said this week, they have been known to recruit more fighters they have popular support in many different areas.
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last thursday whenever this went through we saw the celebration in gaza there gunmen in the streets in the gaza strip they were celebrating they are looking at what happened as a victory. there's a real possibility that sentiment carries over into places like these areas that still have popular support among hamas. >> you talk about popular support among palestinians but we talk a lot in this the last year end a half there are certain instances of that. the truth is the palestinians in gaza, we've looked at the surveys are in palestinian fromn organizations and arab organizations, the jute support hamas do they not? >> it exists on a spectrum as the work progress we've been talking to a lot of siblings inside gaza medical workers and
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members of hamas. when the civilian population is a growing frustration as the war continued the war was not over they saw the destruction brought against the gaza strip as a result of hamas actions. specifically inside gaza. we look at the public opinion polls in places like ramallah versus gaza city the support varies. the palestinians who talk to exist on a spectrum. certainly there are many who support the actions of hamas they see them as the only viable organization fighting on their behalf. they look at two options they look at hamas and said this is an organization that committed an attack on behalf of the palestinian people. they look at the pa as a corrupt organization working with the israelis. it will be interesting to see public opinion polling post war to see if it affected their support levels and that the gaza strip understanding if you go back to 2005, 2006 this was the
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organization the palestinian people voted for to lead their people specifically inside gaza with a population of more than 2 million palestinians. >> is hard to see how any israeli government could support a so-called two state solution for particular given what you were just talking about for this and increased radicalization sort of a weak party in many respects. if hamas is able to use this to further centralize authority under itself and there's not a real competing force i do not know where these peaceful palestinian leaders are. they're probably knocked off and are afraid to speak or maybe it most do not exist. i cannot imagine israeli government thing will have a two state solution carpet out of israel, can you? >> the israeli government the incoming american administration has to look at this at face value but what it looks like on
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the ground. on the beginning of the conflict israeli leadership from the party i remember a conversation i had with israel's former defense minister when he was talking about an idea of creating basically islands inside the gaza strip were the israelis and the americans or tried to empower clan leaders or business leaders in this area to prop them up and build almost safe zones from control inside gaza. they start to experiment with this armed gunmen would take over the aide and threaten anyone who questioned their role inside the gaza strip. it's not a simple fix for the other thing to talk about is the war objectives when the key objectives for the israelis that out in the beginning of the conflict was to defeat and destroy hamas. hamas is not defeated or destroyed inside the gaza strip or in other locations. they have to look at that and say this is what we are dealing with on the ground they are still capable of carrying out attacks we saw the images on thursday night from inside the strip they have weapons
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certainly the rocket arsenal was largely destroyed by the air and ground campaign against gaza. as we look for they are not destroyed as an organization. as we talked about what you could argue in many locations as majority support amongst the cal mentz the people raises questions about what comes next what does the day after it look like inside gaza the question at this point cannot be answered for. >> i want to thank you for a remarkable journalist you really are you go to these various locations around the world and put your life on the line you provide us with tremendous information. thank you my friend. >> thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen i thought that was very, very informative i want to give you my take on this deal. first of all had trust in donald trump. i have talked about the fact that after he won the republican primary he unsolicited text me and said i will protect israel justice he will protect the united states.
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i trust the prime minister of israel the longest-serving prime minister in the history of israel. he will not sell out his country anymore than donald trump will sell at our country or the jewish state. i have no trust or faith in biden or blinken or sullivan. of course qatar is a deadly terrorist regime i don't like this deal very much to be perfectly honest with you when it comes down to me for the fact that essentially 3000 terrorists are going to be released in three phases if this thing holds up. the prime minister of qatar confirm 33 hostages will be released the women and children first followed by the female soldiers and then men over the age of 50 bright young men defined as humanitarian cases and let them live so they are humanitarian. in exchange will release about 2000 convicted terrorists including about 250 who were sentenced to life imprisonment
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because they are killers. in addition is a release of about 1000 terrorists captured after october 7 ninth sick or injured hostages were released in exchange for the release of 110 convicted terrorists serving life sentences for murder. israel will release 1000 prisoners from gaza all of whom were arrested after october 8, 20232023 none were directly invd in october 7. elderly hostages over the age of 50 are being released at a ratio of 27 life sentence prisoners and 31 other prisoners for elderly hostage so you can see that is 58 terrorists in exchange for one elderly prisoner who is jewish. it goes on about how they're going to handle this. it is a grotesque use of hostages at the other thing that bothers me a great deal. this is dealing with terrorists that sanctioned by the united states.
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dealing with terrorist regime that promised to do it more hideous mass murder against the jews that is hamas' mission. hamas survives. they survive in gaza. they will re- build, at least try too. they will expand, at least try to you heard trey yingst. until this is a grave risk to the israelis who have been pressured to do this. i doubt netanyahu would do this on his own but is doing it because he is looking at other things. he wants to defeat also f hi ro, take up their nuclear sites. really their biggest if not important al ally there only aly in a significant way hurts a tiny little country surrounded by barbarians. and it needs us. but this whole thing, we would never release 3000 terrorists in exchange for anything, can you imagine? we have allowed people to go out of guantanamo bay when obama did
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in biden did the other week. we raised holy [bleep] didn't we? we said what are they doing how could they imagine 3000 and look what they did to the jews in israel, to these 1200 people he pipulled up the reports the horrendous barbaric activity against the women, the gang rapes, the mutilation, the decapitation of mothers cutting open mothers at stomachs and taking the baby out. it goes on and on and on the horrendous things that took place. you are sitting down in negotiating with these people you are releasing 3000 terrorists? this is not a victory. also the trump team, the reason why your first term foreign policy was so magnificent and successful is that you did not follow the old formulas. the biden formulas or any other formulas. you did the things you needed to do and i believe hopefully from
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this point forward that will take place. i am not one to sit here and say we should scuttle this or that i should use my voice to scuttle it. this is what the israeli government and the trump administration thanks needs to be done, that is fine. but there are red lines there must never be two states. there must never be a so-called palestinian state carved out of israel. they want to carve it out of saudi arabia, go forth on a carbon out of jordan, the so-called palestinians, really first existing carve it out of jordan. this plenty of arab countries, go for it. but the idea the israelis have to surrender their ancestral homeland to enemies is insane are they going to have an air force? they're going to have tanks, the going to have a nuclear weapons. can you imagine? no, it has to be a red line. also iran's nukes, they have to be destroyed the nuclear sites have to be taken out.
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they must be taken out. if it is our position that netanyahu need to cut this deal, that is our position that we need to back them up and take this enemy on. i do agree we need to expand the abraham accords. i think that's a wonderful thing. hamas, iran and th in the frontp of the united states care are all celebrating this. all of them. there is nothing to celebrate. this is done and it is done. the one saving grace is if hamas violates any of these phrases, shoots and it missiles into israel, israel can go in and obliterate them. the trump administration won't commit it very briefly i want to talk about qatar i do not know what trim boards doing as a mediator. i do not know what we are doing with qatar or any of our envoys are doing with qatar. qatar is doing god's work, is that what i heard us say? doing god's work $1.8 billion to hamas over the years?
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a protective hamas leadership bribed until the election donald trump. doing god's work? qatar is a major hamas financier. qatar blames israel for hamas attack on october 7. the system are friends at the foundation for the defense and democracy. qatar has leaders, qatar host a political office in delhi which only now just closed. qatar amplifies hamas messaging on the state on al jazeera but yes it is owned by qatar. back to masa political takeover in gaza in 2007. qatar patronage has not moderated hamas. qatar was suspended by the gulf cooperation council over its ties to terrorism in 2017 saudi arabia, uae, by rain, several ties back then with qatar. qatar host large number of u.s. troops while we reestablish our lease there with qatar i will never know. they are trying to play at both
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sides. they play politicians and america. they bought billionaires in america. they bought several special interest in america. they bought sporting events but look at us, aren't we great? no you are not great for their funding anti-semitic organizations in our country and our colleges and universities. yes, qatar is a terrorist supporting regime that is moderating in this deal. that, someone will have to explain to me. i will be right back. do your dry eyes still feel gritty, rough, or tired? with miebo, eyes can feel ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪ miebo is the only prescription dry eye
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mark: welcome back america but we heard senator tom cotton where the great patriots in the u.s. senate, and the country but you know senator cotton, i watch these biden speeches and blinkn as they pat themselves on the back. i think it is important that we remember they blew up the middle east. october 7 happened on their watch. they were funding terrorism in the middle east through iran and iran's proxies. how dare they say look at us now, the hostages are going to come out. some are going to come out it's because of all the great work they have done. there are passages because of the lousy work they have done, no question or a collection of
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her joe biden tony blinken of men patting themselves in the back they might as well been putting a kick me sign in uncle sam because that is what they've done for the last four years. now, my general posture is we should not negotiate with terrorists. we should not ask israel or any other country to negotiate with terrorists. we did not negotiate with japan after hiroshima and nagasaki. we sit unconditional surrender and release the 40000 americans you hold and that is what they did. but we would not be in this position here in january of 2025 if that is the position joe biden had taken in october of 2023. if we had simply backed israel to the hilt from the beginning of this war. providing israel the weapons it needed, when it needed them and in the quantities it needed them. and certainly not putting diplomatic and political pressure on israel to cut bad deals for the last 15 months.
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and, in all these exit speeches and exit interviews, tony blinken has admitted that every time u.s. or international pressure was brought to bear on israel it cost hamas to walk away from the table or make a more unreasonable demands because they thought joe biden are european leaders who put te pressure on prime minister netanyahu that hamas could not on the battlefield. the reason we are in this position where there is still almost 100 hostages left in gaza seven of whom are americans is because he joe biden has been a week failed president who has not backed israel. mark: very, very important point points you raise something about midnight i've had up the room sick and tired of the attacks on netanyahu from all corners the pressure that he has to give into the terrace that he has to give into the saudis that he has to do this, he has to do that.
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this is the leader of a country it's very difficult to become the leader of israel under their electoral system in the way they set up governments he is the longest-serving prime minister and yet it's like the israelis always have to give in the given to hamas, iran, the given saudi arabia. iran is a terrorist regime. saudi arabia is a monarchical dictatorship in a vicious one at that. qatar is a terrorist supporting regime. egypt is a military dictatorship. israel is a democracy. why are we always bring a shoulder on israel threatening israel's existence, israel's defense, israel's liberty when they're surrounded by these individuals all of these countries and we act like it is israel that is the problem. >> that is not just bad for israel. it's bad for the united states because israel is our best ally in the region.
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i think a lot of this is democratic politicians towards a benjamin netanyahu. just think about it. he has outlasted bill clinton and barack obama, and now joe biden. he served as prime minister with all three of those men serving as president. all of whom tried to undermine him, and defeat him in elections. and also, i want to remind you that a couple of years ago we had israeli president come and speak to a joint session of the congress. he is a member of a distinguished center left israeli political family. a center left family. you still had democratic congressman i'm boycotting his speech. when you're boycotting that speech is not because the democratic party has a beef with benjamin netanyahu they have a beef with israel and unfortunately there is a large and growing anti-semitic to the
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party pics only come back senator tom cotton the future seems to me israel has a very, very bright future if we back them and taking out iran's nuclear missiles and their sites we backed them in dealing with hamas because i can guarantee you hamas is not going to stay committed to the so-called cease-fire deal and has blocked because their enemy as our enemy in fact the same people try to take out the same organizations, the same funders the george soros types and so forth the same people who try to take out donald trump, it really it's the same element, the same ideology the effusion of the marxist and the islamists. the enemies of donald trump and the enemies of netanyahu the the enemies of netanyahu the enemies of american israel to. back. six digestive symptoms to help you feel better.
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welcome to "fox news live." long-awaited cease-fire between israel and hamas is set to begin just hours from now at 1:30 a.m. eastern time. as part of the agreement hamas will release three fema hostages sunday and 30 more in the coming weeks in exchange israel will free 95 palestinians with hundreds more to follow. israeli troops will also withdraw from gaza to a buffered zone and they will be allowed in daily netanyahu warns the cease-fire is temporary. agreements have not been reached regarding the next two phases of the deal.
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tiktok could go dark and the 96 in the coming hours. it may not be gone f for a longr picked president-elect trump says he will most likely delay 90 days after he takes office monday though the final decision is not been made the apple go off-line sunday. it won't be enforced. now back to you. >> welcome back america who hear the senator tom cotton is it your sense of the republican majority now in the senate speaker of the house was a great patriot mike johnson who is also support strong at the state of israel. in course donald trump is the best from the state of israel ever had in the oval office as we all know. that, plus you have walls national security adviser you're going to have a headset that i believed strongly as a secretary of defense. you're going to have rubio in
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the st state department. wonderful patriots. is that your sense this could be a golden age of relations between the united states, israel, and dealings with the middle east? >> i believe so president trump was the most of pro- israel in his first term i expect that will be repeated in his second term. and just recent days as you pointed out president trump, mike wallace, marco rubio, pete hegseth have all voiced strong support for allowing israel to finish the job and destroyed destroy hamasmilitarily irrespef whether hamas applies the terms of this latest deal, or as you say more likely given their past practice breaks the terms of this deal. moreover, if you look at where israel stands today it's a much stronger position than it was just six months ago. or where it was the first trump administration, or frankly where it has been since the six days war in 1967.
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it is almost destroyed hamas it simply needs to finish the job. it has severely degraded hezbollah rocket and missile forces so hezbollah can no longer threaten populations like it once did. the assad tierney has collapsed depriving iran and transit ability to israel's border. then of course iran has been struck directly after striking israel and is supposedly fearsome and mighty air and missile defenses has been destroyed. so iran is totally exposed in a way it has not been in decades. and it seems to me a few months ago prime minister netanyahu and the israeli government made a decision to settle all of the family business in the middle east they are on the verge of doing so. we need to back them to the hilt and make sure they do. it would be a huge victory. not just for israel but for the
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united states. mark: this guy in turkey has a real hate on for the jewish people's gotta hate on for the state of israel but helped overthrow assad. he does talk about building a military base in syria. talk about threatening israel militarily. he is in nato. when you make of this guy? >> i think what we have to do with president earl a juan and a to protect our core interests. not allowing iran to reestablish itself inside of syria. supporting the courage to have been good friends of not just america but israel as well. who sti silted the state help control terrain without otherwise be under control by the islamic state. making sure all the islamic state prisoners are not released. making sure israel can control extended buffer zone strategic territory will ultimately be up to the people of syria to work
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how they govern themselves. but as long as we protect those interest, as long as they don't stick their nose in israel's business and in our business we can leave their business to them. cooks make a great point about the kurds. they've been so loyal to the united states. he wants to blow them out and keeps threatening the state of israel. we are going to have to keep an eye on this guy. he has a jihad must islamists and an innate respect and brutalize his people. finally, senator cotton, given place with the state of israel under netanyahu that netanyahu is a regional superpower in the middle east, don't you think? that will bring once things are settled with the islamists and others. that will bring the broader peace in the middle east don't you think? >> i think israel at the last six months in particular is in a stronger strategic position that it has been since the victory in
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the six days wars in 1967. the recent arabic nations made peace with israel under president trump's first term is not because israel was weak or the united states was restraining israel. because israel is strong and the united states it back to israel to the hilt by that is what i expect to see over the next four years as well as the republican congress and president trump works with israel to make sure we can establish peace through strength in the middle east. mark: i think this is a wonderful alignment with president trump and office. and netanyahu and office but with the republicans in the senate and the house, a fantastic opportunity to spread peace and security in our country and throughout the world trade center cottonwood to thank you. god bless you my friend. >> thank you mark. mark: we will be right back.
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♪ ♪ welcome back america. were here with our friend brent mediate research center founder and president, great bend of mine. great friend of liberty. i'm watching you under the biden regime it's uglier than the beginning of the biting regime. the guy isn't mumbling and rambling about the fantastic success of its fore his foreigny and his domestic policy. you have been around a while you've monitored the sense is he not an enormous disaster? how do you think the media is treating him on the way out the door? >> i see such similarities between him and the media. and in this last election joe biden created so did the news media. they looked pathetic as he looked pathetic trying to say it when he stepped down what a wonderful president he was with jess scarborough said he'd never seen him more on top of things with someone else saying he
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needed to be -- mckevitt's face on mount rushmore it was pathetic the way they i tried to idolize him. they were embarrassed, he was a disaster so the campaign ends and now this pathetic old man is pathetic it's rambling incoherently and the media ought to be telling the truth this is a terrible moment for the united states they are just letting him go along with it. i do not think they know what to do. >> let me ask you this. they are oddly quad si i silentf i may say. i think they are poised with her democrat friends on capitol hill at some point and not in the not so distant future to pounce on trump. they are not going to allow the trump landslide, the trump agenda, his nominees were doing fantastically well despite the smear efforts and so forth. they are just not going to allow them to go peaceful into office and do what they do, are they? >> they haven't since may of
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2015 it has been a relentless and dishonest against donald trump. since may of 15. they have no intention of changing. but here's the interesting thing. the greatest personal corruption and the federal government that this nation has ever witnessed. we have seen dti on steroids and ineptitude across the federal government unlike anything we have ever seen. and then we have seen an abuse of power unlike anything we have ever seen. donald trump said ranch is going to tackle those three things he's coming after the deep state and he was coming after the swamp. and by god he won a huge majority because of that. now he is put forward nominations, these nominees are committed to doing that. that media ought to be reported
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is that donald trump is living up to his promises. these are the people that america wanted in those positions. they have done great so far in the hearings. they ought to be applauding them. instead it's business as usual in the study we did in december with the networks, 96% negative coverage of these nominees of kelsey gabbard, of kash patel and pete hegseth. if you were to do a frank analysis of this you would have to say objectively nothing has changed with the national media they still despise this man. the only differences he got them in this election. drop the 31% the lowest in recorded history americas onto these people. they knew it they are trying to do to donald trump. i don't think they're going to get there.
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mark: went week, back brent bozell doesn't matter what they say conservative talk radio we can talk about my shows never been stronger. fox's never been stronger. there are more platforms than ever before competing with these corporate platforms. the "washington post" is firing people. cnn is firing people. msnbc is having issues they say they're going to have to deal with in spinoff because at lunch bunch of lunatics over there. it looks like the corporate media and their entrails like these channels i talked about her having a [bleeped] of a time attracting an audience the rest of us are attracting bigger audiences than ever before. i would be curious about your input. we will be right back.
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>> welcome back america. brent bozell is leading up within the last segment was donald trump has defeated, what we used to call the mainstream media. they are a mess. they are disorganized. corpora was there losing money to defeat them. he would win it landslide election in spite of them, that people have no faith in it any more the way they handled kamala harris as well.
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i mean this is remarkable and it is good for the first amendment because these people are propagandists and now we have more platforms than ever before were people are going to listen to find news, find information that is real. what you think about that? >> i think there's a lot of truth to that. when the left wing owners like jeff bezos owes tried to do something about that at the washington post, there is an uproar. don't you love it these people were in an uproar how dare jeff bezos owes state the "washington post" could not endorse a candidate. you know everyone who's ever voted for a candidate because of the washington post. [laughter] i mean the arrogance. when he sent that drips on these people. but here is where i worry. years ago i was having lunch with rush limbaugh. rush asked me was the ultimate goal and that is to succeed,
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shutdown the organization and go out and get a real job. he laughed and said that you will never have a real job. and his point was the left wing is never going to stop. there's going to be a constant drip, drip, drip attack. people like you, folks like me have to always be on the watch for them and exposing them. what we have not talked about his social media. the one entity i think everyone should worry about is google. if you look at that google garbage tens of millions of people that do google searches every day. when you look at the google coverage of the same nominees on a given day there will be between 10 and 20 times as many left wing news sources as right wing sources that will be shown. so we do a search on them you are going to get a whole list of left-wing organizations attacking trump's nomination.
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this is a drip, drip, drip we have to worry about that. when the about it in a big, big way. but by no means is this war. i should add one more thing. the more difficult on them, the nastier they will be there not like the proverbial rat that's been cornered they're going to go to the jugular. look at their attacks they are personal, always personal once upon a time the adage was always professional, never personal. now it's always personal never professional. mark: zuckerberg is going to have to prove himself these uncertain things at a corporate level. it's gone tomorrow lago and so forth. you are right the algorithms are pretty much the same people tell me when the google my name, which i never do it when they google minute there's articles are seven years old, eight years old accusations and everything else until he can get to whatever it is they're looking for on me. i don't think that's going to change and i don't think that's going to change. but we will see.
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brent bozell going to thank you very much my friend for all the things you do. it's a great organization. god bless you my friend. we will be right back. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there.
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6:00 pm
welcome back, america. tomorrow night's show, sunday night will have an exciting show and a new president. he's been there before but a new day and a new time, it's so exciting. i'm so excited about it and i know you are, to. i want to take another look at this prosecutorial peace taking place right up to the end. jack smith, merrick garland and the democrat party, we are going to look at that so don't miss the show. tomorrow night, sunday on life, liberty and levin. see you then. in. ♪ ♪
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