tv The Five FOX News January 21, 2025 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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well come to hannity tonight broadcasting alive inside the bus capitol building where rep republicans control bothth chambers of congress.ho usthere is also a republican in the white house which brings us to a major programming note tomorrow. 9:00 p.m. eastern join us on to hannity where donald trump's first interview from the oval office of his bread near term hopefully a golden era in america as he talked about inhi his inaugural address. trace gallagher shannon bream by the way we are counting on you don't screw it up and with washington the house and the senate and dozens of otherot
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republican lawmakers are on a mission with a small majority having to work together with the newly sworn in president to fix what is broken in the country. also putting america first as everything worthwhile is hardnd and they a hold a slim majority and donald trump's recent nominees are put in power the g.o.p. will have at most of fivt oh edge over democrats they starve only a 2-3 vote majority unity and a message of purpose is critical and there is matt towers 70% of republican voters want to us in room to pass donald trump's appointees and t agenda andhe want you to work in unison so other than
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senator john federman i'm not expecting a lot of help from the likes of nancy pelosi and akeem jeffries and aoc in the radicala squatter any democrat crossing the aisle and governed for theve sake ornf the people in facta despite a landslide victory in the fall they are vowing to resist the president with the same level of drama and hysterie we've come to expect thisis morning ma bishop politicizingn inaugural prayer service instead of offering a benediction for our country and and made the service about her deranged poetical beliefs with the praye of fearmongeringfe and division. >> in the namen th of our god ik
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you toon t have mercy upon the people and as were scared a they are and transgender children ant democratic republican anicd independent families and some who fear for their lives theck blue o pick their crop and haven the properta documentation with the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals and if youe come in the country illegally you didn't respect our laws or borders and our sovereignty that would make you a colonel by definition and in every corner of washington, d.c., that is what republicans are up against
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and i'd argue they've learned ne lessons from the twain 24 election they are droning on and onto take a look we're talking about an d attempted to portraywe this peaceful transition of power with people who were convicted in the insurrection attempt attending with the person who foam ended the coup i being sworn in as president a delay in the completion of thebe insurrectionli and and that they been completely exposed by the election and at next to apple ceo tim cook had assist happen? >> only in america.ri why arcae people with tons of money with cabinet nominees it'
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mea message so the state run mea mob turned their sights on doldrums biggest supporterste despite voting for obama andctur manufacturing electric cars and creating a newof type of solar panel and bringing internet to world america and revolution revolutionizing space travel and number 2 for the legacy media the same you en masse that made adjuster it trumps rally whenwe the democrats we have videos and pictures of making the same jester the guy is giving hislist heart to the crowd accusing him there back to not see in fascist and racist and hitler and stalin here wste go again and stuff wee
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and it wash history quick and our viewers are smarth and theyey can take a look at tt but it certainly was somethings you don't typically see at america particular role rallies. >> nothing you would usually see. >> was a nazi salute>> and a heh didn't do it just what's he did it twice for emphasis you talk to anybody who is a historian and they'll be clear about what thats was he should not just apologetic but be condemned for the actions gross and disgusting that more what we've expected from donald trump any on muskon they don't m like about him is he's friends with donald trump is pro-humanity anticensorship and spend millions to help the p people ieon desperate need in north carolina and people in california and out of control he build multiple major companies
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from the ground up and racism religion and only an 80 only 80 it would column a smack and obviously they did not come toea the realization that legacy media is dead and conspiracy theories peddled will lead to a massive decline in viewership we see unfolding in realtime before our eyes but after the past ten years i think it's safe to say i there is no shortage of idiots e media mob. their influence anpowed their pr is waning they want to enact ane america first agendad and tonit i'm joined by the people who will make that happen f the lawms responsible or getting this agenda across the finish line to help improve your lives, make your towns, your cities more safe, more secure and to put more money into your family's pocket and to make us the
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richest country on earth with energy. speaker of the house, give a warm welcome to mike johnson. [applause] >> sean: thank you. when i walked in the room i did not get that reception. >> that's not true. >> sean: i'm glad everybody came tonight. i'm very grateful because i'm really here with one message. i know you know what the messages. i think it's clear, you have a razor-thin majority. i know you go up to five which is still very thin. we have a lot of problems in his country. can you get this caucus, the berean ...
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all of them to understand that they have to work together. >> the answer is yes. welcome back to capitol hill. he did get a rousing applause when he walked in the room. we assembled top leaders to show you that we are unified but energized. there is a change in washington. you were here during the inauguration and we are all still riding high after that amazing set of events. i was with the president for three hours today with other leaders from the conference here. we are all united on this agenda and we know we've got to deliver on that agenda, we will. the president is already going to have legislation signed. the executive orders came out as a flurry as we expected. that's a border provision got a few democratic votes. they got the message just like everyone did. the american people had enough of the radical woke progressive agenda.
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they delivered donald j. trump a 77 million popular vote outcome. we got 74.7 million in the house. the highest popular vote total for the house republicans. we have a mandate and we're going to use it and these are the people to get it done. >> sean: you understand that you win are lose together. does everyone get that? does everyone understand that nobody in this room, and there are friends, new friends in this room. nobody here will get everything that they want, to be understand that? jim jordan even agrees. we will talk to gym in a minute. people understand that when you talk to members and i know there are people that are giving you a hard time and you explain this concept to them, are they open to hearing you? >> everybody is. we were having friendly conversations. we are in these rooms with whiteboards working it out. everyone has different ideas but
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our principles are the same. we want to scale down government, we want to get the board to secure. we want to unleash american energy and get back to energy dominance and unleash the u.s. economy. we have to make sure we don't have the largest tax increase in u.s. history which is what would happen if we fail in this mission. a lot of things on the table but we all know that, we know how high the stakes are and we are going to deliver for the people. >> sean: when you look at that poll i think it speaks volumes. they want this unity. it seems that the agenda that they are saying that they want is the trump agenda. trump agenda if you break it down to its simplest form is not that complicated. if implement it it would be transformed -- transformational. >> it follows common sense, that's the theme that you will hear. we all ran on that agenda. that's how we delivered that decisive outcome in the election. what this is is getting america back, making america great again. it's not just a slogan it's what we are going to accomplish and
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it is going to be a new golden age and we can't get -- can't wait to get it going. >> sean: the two biggest issues in the campaign had to do with border security, the economy. one thing that i think that really hurt the democrats is they were in denial and a flat out lied to us repeatedly saying the borders secure and the borders closed. it was never closed, we showed in every night. joe was a cognitive mess for four years. i put on the best montages we've ever put on television that late-night comics should have used. they lied about inflation being transitory. the average family is struggling, the cost of gasoline is a dollar 50 more a gallon. these are impactful issues for the people in ohio and indiana and texas and all around our great country. i think that was a big part of it. people are going to want results, they want it pretty fast. starting with the border, we have known terrorists in the country, we have cartel members in the country.
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we have gang members in the country, we have known murderers and in the country. made in mexico comes back, build a wall, love it. all those things are important. how do you possibly in a country of this size find the people from iran and syria and afghanistan, egypt and venezuela and russia and china and get them the hell out of here? >> it will be our focus. we're going to begin with the dangerous criminals that we can find pretty easily. some have committed violent acts and that is what the american people deserve immediately. that starts now, those exec it of orders were to jump started and we will be caught applying a lot of what the president has already signed and we will find this. we will restore the safety and security of the country for the american people. if you don't have a border you don't have sovereignty and that's what people recognize. they weren't buying the nonsense that the democratic party was selling. >> sean: what do you do about cities and states that are
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sanctuaries, safe havens for illegal immigrants? >> one of the things we have here is the power of the purse. we have to bring them to heal. the cities that had led to the chaos that led to the catastrophe that came from that order that we will be living with for decades. to your point the american people need to see immediate results. they will see resolve and action. that's artie begun. >> sean: let's go to a specific example. our friend gavin newsom. a lot of gavin fans here. i feel sorry for the people in california, they lost 13,000 structures, it's terrible. they never practice the science of forestry. how do you have a fire hydrant that has no water, how do you have a reservoir that is empty? that his government to me at its worst. they didn't have control burns, they didn't clear the brush that
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... you go to california, there -- they are a sanctuary state. l.a. and san francisco are sanctuary cities. gavin is doubling down on a fight trump agenda. trump proof california. are you saying that california if they continue to aid and abet lawbreaking and harbouring illegal immigrants, money from d.c. gets cut off. >> we're talking talking about conditions to this disaster. there are man-made disasters as well and they made terrible decisions. they knew what they were doing. that reservoir outside pacific palisades, 117 million gallons. it was empty for a year, they were trying to save us melt fish or something. their policies are upside down. they made decisions that made that disaster worse and this is what the american taxpayer is demanding of us everywhere else in the country. >> sean: any representatives from california here?
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one. okay. >> he's bashful. >> sean: that's gavin's cousin in the back. >> no. >> sean: congressmen and women from california will come and say if you do this to my state you will never win reelection. >> the californians that are here are fiscal conservatives. they know that we owe the taxpayer some accountability for those funds. what we're talking about is making sure that they follow common sense in california, that there is culpability for what happened. there really needs to be conditions that follow that aid. after katrina there were conditions placed upon the funds. it happened after hurricane sandy in the northeast. there's a tradition of doing this and in california it makes sense so we are coat -- we're going going to come to consensus >> sean: >> i think all those issues have to be addressed. you don't want to leave the people who are really hurting without something because of the
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terrible political choices other leaders. we have to thread that needled the right way. i think what we are talking about is restoring common sense even -- even in the state of california. the responsibility we have we are going to do that. >> sean: are we prepared to build a, if russia and china have hypersonic missile technology and we don't and if i'm right and i don't know if you agree with me, if you don't tell me, but the next generation of warfare, awards are not going to be fought on the battlefield. they will be falling in air-conditioned offices. do you agree with that? i think we are behind, am i wrong? >> we have real concern about that. china is almost a peer-to-peer adversary with us. we have to think logically about how we fund our defence department. it is going to be drone and cyber warfare. it will be all those new kinds of technologies and we have to maintain our lead. we are the strongest nation in history of the world. we are the most successful and powerful. also the most benevolent by the way.
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we prioritize spending and we make sure that we maintain peace through strength. we have a new commander in chief and he's going to bring that back. >> sean: new york would not have that -- have to chase people like me away, i left. i'm done and i hardly ever go back because they want to come after me. i had to do 65 things according to accountants and lawyers to establish residency last year in florida. i have it but the question is because of the energy emergency that -- declaration of the president, with that then -- with the supremacy clause kick in? inasmuch as the federal government would have the right to insist that fracking tate place in a state like new york which would make them rich. >> we are trying to figure that out. and emergency energy declaration
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, what effect does that have on state laws. we are states rights but this genuinely is a national emergency. >> sean: they depleted our strategic per -- petroleum reserves. we have a lot more to come. we are just getting started, house g.o.p. leadership will discuss how they will implement donald trump's agenda. that and much more as we continue. we are at our nation's capital and it's freezing. straight ahead
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independence, with that declaration, america was born. inspired by a belief in the god given rights of every human being, and in the good that comes from exercising these rights well. the founders of our great nation chose independence, as do we. hillsdale college accepts no government funding, because independence makes possible the good to which we aspire.
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president trump has laid out an ambitious agenda for it -- his second term. planning to tackle the border crisis and countless other disasters that joe biden and kamala harris left behind. how does congress plan on enacting trump's agenda. we continue with speaker johnson joined by house majority leader steve scalise, memorandum house g.o.p. conference chair lisa mclean. good to see you, how are you all so nobody's going to get everything they want. we've been friends a long time, do we agree on the fundamentals, in other words, you are all -- you all went together or we lose together, there's no in between. >> you can see president trump's focus so much sharper. he recognizes he wasn't spared by god to get to this moment and we have unified government. we have an opportunity that you don't get often remarked we've got to make this work and if you do, we are talking about the
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same things. we are all talking about lowering energy costs, getting rules and regulations under control, securing america's border, making sure we don't have a tax increase so we can get lower inflation. those are all things we talked about during the campaign, president trump talked about them. there is no daylight between us and president trump. if you go back to 2017 there was a little bit of a difference between president and congress. we are in sync, we are moving together, we had a great meeting today with president trump and he's ready to go and we are ready to go to deliver on that agenda. >> sean: you were there for three hours and you had a meeting with just you and majority leader soon and the president to mike than you brought in the leadership. >> it was great. vice president j.d. vance was there as well. we talked about the importance of unity and how we are all energized to get this agenda done. the president seemed excited. we can really see and feel the energy that the american people feel. something has changed in washington and we had to bring
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america back. president trump represents that, is a symbol that... it's good for everybody around the world and you are going to see change around the globe. >> a big part of your job is going to be to keep everybody together, how do you plan to make that work? >> the same way we did last time the last two years we had 222 members. everybody wants to focus on the fact that at some small majority. it's a majority. we have the majority and what i want to point out is that with 222, 221 and many times with less than that because members have lives outside of here and they have to deal with illnesses and different things, we did it with less numbers. the beauty of the republican party and these members, these men and women who have been sent here, they are fighting for their districts and it sometimes it doesn't look pretty because they will have disagreements, i'm here to tell
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you under mike's leadership and his whole group, we are going to get the job done at the end of the day. failure is not an option. [applause] >> sean: the house and senate now have a very different roles, you have to meet a lot of criteria to get that through. that means there has to be a lot of coordination between you and the majority leader to get the language right, does not hurt your ability to get it through the house? you want one bill. i know that a lot of senators and they met with donald trump they were pushing hard for two bills. i don't care what it is as long as you get it done quickly, especially on the economy because that will impact all of you if you want to be reelected, the economy better be in better shape. >> there's more republicans in the majority in the senate than there are in the house. we have a complicated equation but we will get it done.
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reconciliation is the mechanism that allows us to do this. so that its republican priorities that we squeeze into this. the reason the president talked about the one big beautiful bill and we talk about it as well is because that's the most efficient way to get it done. if we stay on the timetable that we are on, we've been working on this for almost a year. >> sean: you passed that one big beautiful bill, it gets sent over to the senate, what you think happens there? >> we get it done by the end of april or certainly by memorial day. >> will the senate market up when you go into conference are will they try to separate it into two bills. >> if we're going to go for speed we have to be coordinated in both chambers. i think the house and senate senate republicans are working as closely now... the reason that we were at the white house to begin the first day, they are unpacking boxes at the oval office today and the president hosted us because we don't have any time to waste. it was a great meeting. there's a lot of cooperation
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right now and we will continue that. >> sean: i can tell you because i talk to people around him and i talked to him, the guy does not stop working. he doesn't stop talking or working. i have talked to him every hour on the 24-hour day clock. congresswoman congratulations to you, great to see you. let's get your thoughts on one bill, two bills, doesn't matter how quickly and how do you keep a small margin together? >> the beauty as we all agree at the same principle. we have to deliver for the american people. they sent us a mandate as speaker johnson said and it's our job to fulfil that mandate and we will fulfil that mandate. i think right now we are sitting at one bill but at the end of the day the american people and president trump care about getting results. that is more important than anything. president trump has been very clear on that. this is the result i want to, we
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prefer one bill in the house. we've been clear about that. i think as we stand right now we are going to put one bill on the floor and be very successful doing it. >> let me ask all four of you the same question. republican party, all the years i've been in talk radio, it started before speaker johnson was born. we've talked about limited government and greater freedom. we talk about eliminating waste, fraud and abuse. every year it comes up in never happens. if you reduce the rate of increase, they call it a cut and you are stealing from grandma and grandpa and you want them to eat dog food and cat food and diet and some republican... now you have something called doge. the new department, government efficiency, elon musk, smart guy. he believes he can cut $2 trillion. my question for everybody in this room, are you ready to
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really cut, reduce the size of government by $2 trillion so that we stop robbing from our children and our grandchildren. is this the party of limited government? >> absolutely it is. [applause] >> sean: when you cut the farm budget and then you cut the department of education and block grant money to the states at a lower rate, you are willing to take that stand and risk reelection. >> it because it's going to do right by the american people unable see the results of that. we are the party of limited government. we want to scale down government. it does almost nothing well and elon is coming to recognize that. we've been talking about this for a long time and we have pages and pages of cuts. we are prepared to engage in, we are working on a consensus so every republican gets on board with that and we are going to deliver.
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>> the inflation reduction act that created the inflation that we see because there's trillions of new spending. the ev mandate. people don't want to buy the cars, you get $7500 that somebody has to give. you can't even find a charging station for the thing. there's billions of dollars sitting in a slush fund that we will take back and get to the taxpayer of america and get rid of those things altogether. it's not just about reducing spending its about getting rid of some of the waste that's out there. we are going to do that in the reconciliation bill. >> sean: why would we make four to lose four and a half billion dollars to make cars that their customers don't want? when you have tesla, if you -- i'm pro-choice in this sense. you want an electric, hybrid, gas-powered vehicle, have added. i'm not buying your global warming crop when you are flying around the country in her private jet. thank you for the lectures, we don't need it. let the free market determine that congressman. >> i agree. back to the question about
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you've got doge and everything else, would it surprise you because it doesn't get reported. the men and women that make up the republican conference here in the u.s. house of representatives, this is what they came for. they came to solve the deficit that we run at an annual basis of $1.722 trillion. they came to get the balanced budget and then start to pay off the debt so our kids aren't saddled with our excess. >> the beauty of president trump is he comes to this presidency with some unconventional out-of-the-box thinking and ideas. that's very different than what we've seen under the previous administration and i it's going to take unconventional thought and policies to get us out of the situation that we are in right now. that's what we are excited about >> sean: if you enact this trump agenda, everyone watching knows what it is, you could be the most transformational congress in history.
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have not balance the budget since newt gingrich was speaker and we did it five times. we will take a break, good to see you all. thank you. when we come back the one and only, he's even wearing a jacket tonight. jim jordan, james cole barron straight ahead. also we will talk about the last-minute pardons of joe biden we are live in our nation's capital straight ahead businesses start small, but a lot of them take off. as your business grows, shipstation grows with you. so you can sync and manage all your orders... no matter how big you get. ♪ shipstation's custom automations maximize your team's time. plus, you get more carrier options, at the lowest possible rates. ♪ keep your business growing. head to to start your free trial today. ♪
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>> sean: we continue live at the p mike we have a quick report about former president joe biden in the closing moments of the end administration, he issued sweeping preemptive pardons for his family and friends including dr. anthony fauci, general mark millie, and liz cheney, adam shift and each and every single
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one of jo's siblings which begs the question what exactly did joe thank that the people would be prosecuted for and what was he trying to hide. by the way where's the outrage from the left and the state run legacy media mob, they sure were singing a very different tune when the thought was out there that donald trump may do preemptive pardons. let's take a little trip down memory lane shall be? >> have you ever heard of somebody giving a preemptive part and who was innocent of all crime? who was an innocent person. have you ever heard of that, somebody getting up like an pardon and are an innocent person. >> here it's an effort not only to prospectively pardon people for things they have not yet been charged with and may never be charged with, but also it's the president's own family. >> the president is reportedly asking his staff whether he can
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issue preemptive pardons for himself,'s family members, rudy giuliani. there's a simple answer, no. no mr. president that would be a gross abuse of the presidential pardon authority. >> we continue to get new reports even tonight that president trump as he winds down his last few weeks in office is considering preemptive pardons for all his adult children including his son-in-law jared. >> what a mess. >> does this concern you? all these primitive pardons. >> it concerns me in terms of what kind of precedent it sets and how the rest of the world looks at us as a nation of laws and justice. you are not going to see in our administration that kind of approach to pardons. to. >> sean: really? is not nice?
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the funniest part of that had to be adam shift,-year-old friend. he got one of the pardons that he said nobody should have. leading that effort would be our next guest, the chairman of the house judiciary committee jim jordan and the chairman of the house oversight committee, these guys have done a phenomenal work. james comber has a best-selling book out about the bidens. thank you both. how much money did the biden family make? >> the family took in $27 million from our adversaries around the world. they could never say what they actually did to receive the money. they had another $8 million in loans that they never paid back, never paid any interest on are anything. >> sean: cannot have that loan? i think everybody here would like it. you suppose all of this. i would argue that may be he forgot one person, himself.
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>> what we said in our investigation was we found ten different biden family members including joe biden fitted from the influence peddling schemes. the money would come from a foreign adversary, usually a foreign oligarch. in some cases we believe. >> sean: didn't joe biden warn us about oligarchs, the guy in kazakhstan, the people in ukraine and china, romania. a lot of oligarchs. >> the money will go through a series of shell companies then it would be laundered down and then ten different biden family members would receive incremental payments. ironically six of the pardons came from family that received payments that had been laundered. these are the words of six different banks. they were laundering money through shell companies that the biden families received. he pardon them preemptively and the only place in the world the spouses wherever named was in
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our investigation and the judiciary committee's. we named them by name. thank you for being the platform to get this out,... >> sean: you guys did the digging and the hard work and you exposed... president trump signed this weapon eyes also revoking 51 former intel officials that knew nothing about hunter's laptop and tried to interfere in an election, jim jordan you were there. you investigated every part of this. didn't hunters laptop talk about half his income going to pops, what's that message, didn't jo's home repairs get paid for by hunter biden according to emails
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with their economic guru eric sherwin if i'm not mistaken. >> all that took place. what i really think was important today is president trump did what he said he would do when it came to pardons. and joe biden didn't. he said he would never pardon his family and yet he did all of them. joe biden said there were no pardons needed for folks that were involved... joe biden did exactly opposite what he told us he was going to do. president trump did exactly what he said. that's the big take away. >> sean: is this over? my understanding is once you get a pardon you no longer have a fifth amendment right to remain silent. if they go before your committees, everyone of these pardon family members, don't they have to tell the truth. >> there's a number of things we
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want to look at. i really think one of the keys is the report we got right before -- a few weeks ago was with the 26 confidential human sources. 26 confidential human sources, 17 inside restricted spaces. four in the capital. two of those four were tasked to be here by the fbi. there are all kinds of questions >> sean: they were begging for the national guard. they denied the use of the national guard. it was her authorization. pelosi did nothing. liz cheney needed hers. >> not to mention the number of false things that committee put out on me, on you and so many people. so i think there is some unanswered questions we have to get to their so we will look at that.
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>> sean: you guys have been rock star's. thank you for what you are doing. i would let the american people know the truth, pardon are not i let see if they tell the truth when they have two under oath. thank you both. a slim majority house republicans, they need unity now more than ever. we continue from o one of the greatest empires in world history. ruled out of rome by a man named caesar augustus, who understood himself to be the son of a god. is about to be challenged
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>> sean: the house g.o.p. have big plans for this session of congress. with that slim majority republicans need to be on the same page and work together more than ever. so how will republicans in the house come together to help donald trump's agenda. this is interesting. we have florida congressman byron donald's, i live in florida. i used to live in new york, i left.
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it was a hard goodbye. no questions. do you know they follow you to florida and count the number of days that you are there. by the way i am more than double the amount needed. why do they do that? they chase you out and then they chase you for your money. >> they are spending too much money, they don't respect the taxpayers and you are just a means to the end for the marxist leading people that run new york state. >> sean: i live in the free state of florida. let's talk about what donald trump has accomplished in just the 30 whatever hours he was president so far. pretty transformational. the next part was probably going to take you guys and congress and people in this room to get that done. >> donald trump isn't playing around. even from his speech when he took the oath of office it was clear not just to us in the capitol rotunda but to everybody around the globe that this is a
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time for seriousness, at the time to get the job done. for us to move his agenda we're going to have to get into the conference room and look each other in the eye, trust each other to make these hard decisions that have to be made what we are going to do it. >> sean: you have some conservatives that will say no if that is needed temporarily. how about we do a budget on time for the fiscal year starting october 1. >> i think at the end of the day it's what are we going to do on tax policy, we mostly know. the big issue is what we going to do about cutting mandatory spending and that's the contours that will help land all of president trump's agenda. we have the capabilities to do it and we've been doing it. we've been having meetings for more than a month now with the leadership team working through these key details to get the agenda done on time. >> sean: your state of new york could be one of the richest states, liquid pennsylvania does does.
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they allow fracking in pennsylvania and it creates high paying career jobs for so many people there and it brings in a massive amount of revenue. if you live in alaska you are a citizen, you don't pay state income tax, you had a check from the government. you deserve a check. new york could do the same, it could reduce their tax burden on people dramatically, incentivize people to stay there but they are doing the opposite. >> we've been given this tremendous gift. we can do safe and responsible gas drilling... this can unleash american energy, help new york, this is about energy, tax cuts, cutting the size of government and dealing with our border. my district, we just had a border agent killed yesterday. [inaudible] [simultaneous talking]
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>> sean: i've been up there so many times in my life. does this national energy emergency declared by donald trump, does that supersede what the liberal state legislature. >> you and i talked about that, it's critical. if we can take trump's national emergency, find a way to require new york to get rid of this climate leadership community protection act, basically the green new deal of new york. we can really make new york prospers again. we can make new york a great again and that could happen. the supplies are amazing. >> i think your estate is too far gone. anybody with sense left new york >> the best thing that -- that ever happened is the tax cuts and drawback to put in by donald trump. it saved small businesses across our region and state. >> sean: the state and local tax deduction. it rewards...
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>> spoken like a strong floridian. >> sean: great to see you both, thank you. we are at our nation's capital. we will see donald trump tomorrow. tell you more about the interview in the oval office. the very first hey, grab more delectables. you know, that lickable cat treat? de-lick-able delectables? yes, just hurry. hmm. it must be delicious.
9:59 pm
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you put nothing down at all. 833 leaffilter or visit today. meters that come back. >> sean: a major programming announcement i will interview trump in the oval office tomorrow 9:00 p.m. eastern first interview since is come back and inauguration godspeed we need you th three days, all there. jesse watters takes it up next these people have served years of jail and their lives have
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