tv The Five FOX News January 23, 2025 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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i am listening to you today, jay, i appreciate you being with us here on "the will cain show." >> will, thanks a lot, i really appreciate it and god bless our firemen. >> will: that's right, god bless you for every thing you are doing for those first responders. jay leno, absolute television legend periods listening smarter people than me, let's do a will of the people. christopher on x come i think you deserve a solid b+, you did better than texas in the playoffs. christopher, i'm going to take the b+. i'm not going to take the shot at my texas longhorns. visa says once a week you should rachel campos-duffy segment at the same time just to recapture the bible of "fox & friends weekend." rachel is available. i don't think pete is. finally, the graphics package, despite what was said by jesse watters. speaking of -- ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, i am greg gutfeld along with judge jeanine pirro,
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harold ford jr., jesse watters, and when she goes to the movies she sits in the cup holder. dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ well, wdef just became wtf. the world trump forum, at davos a good roundhouse kick to the face as he addressed the world economic forum. >> i'm pleased to report that america is also a free nation once again. there will be no better place on earth to create jobs, build factories, or grow a company then right here in the good old usa. my message to every business in the world is very simple, make your product in america, and we will give you among the lowest n earth. if you don't make your product in america, which is your prerogative, then very simply, you will have to pay tariff. i terminated the ridiculous and
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incredibly wasteful green new deal. i call it the green new scam, withdrew from the one-sided paris climate accord. >> greg: yes, but perhaps the best moment came when president trump probate the bank of america ceo for d banking conservatives, an allegation that he denies. >> i hope you start opening your bank to conservatives because many conservatives complained that the banks are not allowing them to do business within the bank, and that included a place called bank of america. they don't take conservative business, and i don't know for the regulators mandated that because of biden or what, but you and jamie and everybody, i hope you are going to open your banks to conservatives because what you are doing is wrong. >> greg: and a big win for the tariff titan, jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon is seeing the upside of not letting the world rip us off. >> i look at tariffs, they are an economic tool, that's it. they are an economic weapon,
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using stuff like that, people argue is it inflationary, not inflationary? i would put in perspective. if it is a little inflationary but good for national security, so be it. get over it. >> greg: wow, like speaking to harold. jesse, i'm going to use a food analogy. >> jesse: i'm already hungry. >> greg: isn't donald trump like salt? you added to every meal and it gets better. throw him at the wef and suddenly it's like appetizing, it is fun to watch. you are kind of electrical oil, where you overpower and you ruin every meal. >> jesse: i was having popcorn with trump one time and he took one of those industrial size canisters of salt, and he just told it like a football and pours like a thick, steady stream of salt -- i couldn't believe it. i talked to one of the anchors in the elevators the other day -- >> greg: good reporting. [laughter] >> jesse: gumshoe reporting.
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and ask her about davos and she said davos is a dump, jesse. she said the food is terrible. it's german. and the skiing is mediocre. and i thought it was a junket for her, but she said it is just a mess. it used to be a place where all of these financial elite would go to the biggest tax haven in the world where they hit nazi loot during the holocaust and dictate to what people would do. we are not doing that anymore, globalization is over and we're taking davos down with it. trump went to davos and dictated to them, boost spending on defense, cut corporate taxes, because he is establishing a new world order. america is no longer duty-free, no more mass i gratian -- no more mass migration, no dei, and it is coming at the perfect time, new sheriff in town, because china is dying demographically, russia was already dying demographically and now they are bleeding out on the battlefield, and so samsung just announced they are moving
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factories from mexico to the united states. the saudis just announced a $600 billion investment here. so we are flexing our economic muscle just at the right time. this is the new golden age, greg, so you better by bitcoin. >> greg: i think i will. fun fact, davos was the name of my old masseuse. >> jesse: is that a woman or a man? >> greg: hard to tell at this point. it was a closed casket. judge, you know what is amazing about this? there are so many clowns at davos who probably parroted the whole anti-trump line, and he owns them now. it's like the world is catching up. >> harold: >> judge jeanine: he so owns them. guys, it is america first, and there is no appeasing anybody. it is about making sure, look, if you don't want to manufacture in america, that's okay, but you are going to pay tariff if you want to sell your stuff here, and by the way, after nato, what was it, 2%, guys come i think we
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are going to 5% now, and it seemed like everything that the president talked about really revolved around energy, and that energy was the one thing that would bring prices down, he talked about saudi arabia and opec bringing their prices down and using that energy, liquid natural gas, to leverage certain things, to leverage russia, if you recall it was biden who lifted the sanctions on the russian pipeline, gave russia the power and ability to continue to sell oil, gave them the ability to fight with ukraine and the economic stamina to do so, and it was kind of interesting listening to him, energy kind of weaved into everything and bringing prices down, and i love the dei cuts. everybody at davos is saying we can't talk about it anymore, how do we even describe it? or how do we get rid of it? and finally, jamie dimon saying
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even if it is a little bit inflationary, if it is good for national security -- everybody is coming around. this guy is the leader, they know it and he owns them. >> greg: you know what i like about this, dana -- and i'm sure you will agree, because you agree with me all the time -- he is representing us when he is out there and it always feels like he is america's lawyer. so he goes up there and it is like, you sit there and go he is representing us on our behalf, it's kind of nice. >> dana: didn't used to call him america's agent? >> greg: yes. >> dana: you want your agent to deal with all of the hard conversations, because he is better at it then you are because you and i would rather not. it is interesting, you get the elite of elites, they fly income all the rich people and talk about the poors and they are feeling so badly for them except you have, for example, john kerry. john kerry was there with the same message about how we need to end fossil fuels is if the last four years never happened, as if he was not paying
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attention at all to always happening. i also, gosh, i was listening to this podcast today for "the new york times," okay, on the energy front, they are like, oh, he is going to end clean energy, that is not what he is saying. he is saying we want to have all of the things, all of the time. we want nuclear, fossil fuels, of course, we can have solar and wind, but not at the expense of the american people. john kerry was there saying the same old thing. one ceo said it was unfortunate to see the net zero coalition fall apart because it was big business for us. not that it didn't matter what was happening to the people because as the energy prices went up, the food prices went up and everything else along with it, so that is one of the things i liked about it. >> greg: harold, you must have been bumped not being there with your rich, elitist, remote friends in davos skiing -- >> harold: i've never been there. >> greg: you never been to davos?
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it's wonderful. we will go next year, i have a place. >> harold: can i? >> greg: yes. >> harold: i think that president trump, the unconventionality of him is refreshing. he is a different kind of leader, and democrats and those who did not support him, whatever their political stripe, need to understand that. he is a risk-taker, and he is going to continue to take risks. this was a risk today, what he said and how he said it, his campaign message was risky but the voters ratified it. i hope as he takes these risks that he is strategic about them. i thought going after opec and saying they should reduce the price of oil, that helps consumers. to your point, judge, the energy platform, if you are able to reduce the cost of energy, able to reduce the cost of everything it takes to make that outfit, this suit, all of this. it has a multiplier effect. i like that. the fact he is talking about reforming the tax code, extending his tax cuts, looking at salt, i think it is important that he had and all of the above kind of strategy session and
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listened to people tell him what is going to spur growth and empower the main street in our country, main street businesses. i also think it is important for him to do what he is going to do in terms of rooting out some of the waste and inefficiencies in government. i don't like everything he wants to do. i think the tariff thing, it's interesting to hear jamie dimon saying to link the terrorists with national security, i am opposed to tiktok being owney china because i think it is a national security threat, so if we are able to use tariffs to enhance our security and make us safer, we absolutely should do that. i'm not sure how it is going to reduce the price of eggs but these are things come i think we give the president the benefit of the doubt on. i don't like removing pictures of military chiefs but that is just me. lastly, you raised a point, judge, how we strengthen ourselves, i hope the president and his team and elon, as they think about importing talent, you see this fight developing between bannon and musk about how you really put america first come i think both are right.
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you have to continue to import the best and the brightest, but if we don't make a commitment to train and train more engineers here, train more entrepreneurs here, train more risk takers here, train more problem solvers here, we are going to end up importing everybody from around the world to do the things that pay the most in our country. the things the president wants to do to get more manufacturing here, we need more americans to be able to do their jobs, invest and supply chains, invesn our people, and not only just kids in k-12 but invest in even workers today so they can take and assume some of these great paying jobs that will come as a result of all the things the president seeks to do. so i give him the best, where i disagree, i say it, but where i agree with him come he should kp going. >> greg: somebody is running for 2028. yeah, that was so obvious. wasn't it? >> jesse: so obvious. he gets in political mode, you know -- >> greg: speech -- >> judge jeanine: political -- >> harold: political?
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i am rooting for the guy. >> greg: coming up, president trump orders greasy to rake the forest and take a a shower. ♪ ♪ without a satellite dish. did you see how fast that guy found the game — he hardly struggled at all! every day is a struggle for us pigeons... and he's flipping through channels faster than a falcon! ya know, i dated a falcon once. with fast signs. see the visual possibility in your business. with signs and graphics, you can save anything. transforming your space begins at our place. fast signs make your statement.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: president trump not slowing down in his first week back at the white house to say the least, ripping through a new round of executive orders on ai and crypto, and this was intriguing, releasing the long-awaited jfk files. trump also sitting down with his first television interview with sean hannity. >> they are also oval problems. >> i agree. >> i agree. not easy. speak with time, effort, money,
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unfortunately, but they are all solvable problems, we can get our country back there if we didn't win this race, i really believe our country would have been lost forever. i think we got there just in the nick of time. they can't govern, and the policies are terrible. i mean, they don't want to see a woman get pummeled by a man in a boxing ring. they don't want to see men in women's sports. they don't want to see them come and they don't want to have transgender for everyone. they don't want a child leave home as a boy and come back two days later as a girl, a parent doesn't want to see that. and the democrats don't use common sense. >> dana: and as he gears up to visit wildfire-ravaged california tomorrow, president trump is putting the pressure on governor at gavin newsom up some things he would like to see done to contain the flames. >> will you meet with gavin? >> i don't know, haven't even thought about it. look, gavin has one thing he can do. he can release the water that comes from the north. there is massive amounts of
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water, rainwater and mountain water that comes with the snow, comes down as it melts. there is so much water, they are releasing it into the pacific ocean. and i told him, it is a political thing for the democrats. >> dana: one of the things that bothered me about the biden team, it felt like there was nobody who really wanted to solve problems. >> greg: i was riding this down, it seems like a lot of the things that trump is doing feels like low-hanging fruit. but in order to solve these problems which seems simple, you have to think of them as problems. they never saw men competing against women in women sports as a problem. they didn't see a porous border is a problem. and they didn't see crime as a problem. or the homelessness and drug addiction on the street as problems. so they had no incentive to solve them. so all of these problems suddenly to americans are like, wow, this is pretty obvious. you seal up the border, you put bad guys in prison, and you get
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guys out of girls' locker rooms, so the challenge isn't solving the problem, it's getting rid of the incentives that had people not solve it. why did they not solve it? take something like racial racial politics. we are at a period of time in america where we were optimistic about race relations. this was probably about 15 years ago, until we won, because rachel division was incentivized financially peered people were making money. you have to look at what is incentivizing people to be a problem, eliminate that. you can't solve problems with identity politics because to solve problems you've got to work together, and identity politics says, no, we have to stay apart. i'm different, you are different, myself is more important than the group. but as an individual, you can help other individuals, so you can either lose with identity politics or you can join with your brothers and sisters and win.
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>> dana: remember, too, judge, we would ask what keeps you up at night? and all of those -- [laughter] all of the things that keep you up at night, the worries people have kept them up at night and how would you solve them? i feel he is speaking directly to those issues. >> judge jeanine: it's like when he talked about the country might not have come back if he didn't win. i agree with him. i think most americans agree with that. it's like a renovation. you need a blueprint. the president has a blueprint. and his blueprint is america first. and he has an optimistic outlook. he's conversant, and he's absolutely glib, he can talk about the economy and inflation and the border wall, and he can talk about national security and crime, as well as the environment. i mean, this is a guy who's got in his brain so much that he can
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pull to make sure that he creates the country that our founding fathers intended, and you know, to me, now the radical left is put on notice. don't do any of this nonsense anymore because this is a president and you are going to see a lot of people running for office going forward were going to adopt his mentality of common sense and not nonsense. we are not going to put men in women sports and we are not going to open the border and not give you a reason for opening the border. it was crazy. and then gavin newsom, i mean he doesn't want the water, the rainwater, the snow that melts that comes from the mountains to go into southern california, he rather it go into the pacific because of the smell? i didn't know this but most people don't know what a smelt is peer i cook's melts all the time. >> jesse: you do? >> dana: are they good? are they delicious? >> judge jeanine: they are delicious. there little dish and you batter them up and deep fry them, and i'm not italian but i make the seven fishes for christmas eve and i use smelt because they are
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easy. just throw them in the deep fryer. >> dana: good thing biden is not an office anymore, they might arrest you for cooking up the smelt. harold, you have president trump framing things not as republicans or rinos versus the democrats, this just makes sense and is common sense so how do the democrats figure out a way to fight back against that? >> harold: let's be clear, he has been in office, president for less than 96 hours, so we've got a long way to go here. the president made a lot of promises during the campaign, and i am one that hopes he can deliver on everyone of them. he didn't enumerate all of them are many of them again during his inaugural speech. i think the fundamental thing that most people who voted for him, particularly independents and democrats who voted for him, they want to see the economy transform for the benefit of everyone, not just the rich and connected. democrats, to greg's point, there are things the democrats didn't see as a problem. two of them, one was the
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cultural issue around transgender and boys and girls playing sports together at bathroom sharing. democrats for some reason it didn't even -- it didn't dawn upon them that should be something that would resonate with voters. and two, the border issues, democrats going to deal with it in the next segment, the democrats should understand come all of the issues people are seeing across the country on our network and local networks across the country, people being deported who are criminals, this worst first policy, that may be the best thing he does and the thing that will bring and help keep the coalition he won with together more than anything else at least in the short-term, it will give him some leeway if he makes some mistakes in other areas. but this is what happens the first three, four, five days, people are very excited and i would agree with you'd, data come i don't see that the pushback on your proposition which is how can you be against the things he is talking about? who does not want more jobs in america, more high-paying jobs in america, safer america? the question is can you do all of those things by executive
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order? can you do all of those things by just putting your hand on the table or do you have to -- putting your fist on the table, go over and try to work with people to get it done? i hope he gets it done whichever way he is to do it. >> dana: jesse, do you feel like the people of california are relieved trump is coming tomorrow? >> jesse: i just want to know, is smelt salty? election anchovy? >> judge jeanine: it is little but it is not really salty at all. that is why you slap it in the flower -- >> dana: got to make it taste like some thing else -- >> harold: kal penn you protect -- >> jesse: greasy needs to turn on the faucet, and did you know the mexico is building tense for mexicans? mexico is like what do we do with all of these mexicans? it is going to be homecoming, dana, maybe we can have a king and a queen, bad homres are getting iced across the nation, you touch on the basic economics, lower the price of energy and lower consumer prices and inflation, the fed drops rates, mortgage rates follow,
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and then young couples can buy homes and have lots of babies and live the american dream. did you know the price of oil was $110 under joe biden? now it is at $77. we are back to work. we are not collecting checks in our pajamas anymore. dei is gone. i know harold knows this better than anyone, the s&p just hit fresh highs. this ai investment is not our money, it is their money. we are not printing it, to then pick winners and losers and handed out to intel. we are just having them to all the heavy lifting for us. and he is doing it with a stroke of the pen. biden set i need congress come i can't do anything without congress -- you need a little common sense and some caffeine. and it is fun to watch the democrats and the media completely broken and just getting rolled over. thank god, look at what this government is capable of. i'm just invigorated. i am invigorated, greg. >> greg: got to look at the ratings. nobody is watching those other
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channels because they are like, you guys lied to us for four years, so we are not watching you anymore. they are going away. >> jesse: "rupaul's drag race" is beating cnn. >> greg: it's quality programming. but you know, jake tapper and jim acosta are now going to do it in drag just to compete. >> jesse: that i would watch jim acosta. >> dana: it is a stunt. wait until you see what we dress up greg as tomorrow. up next, criminal migrants aren't taking president trump immigration crackdown very well. watch this guy. >> not going back to haiti. [bleep] trump, joe biden forever, bro, obama everything he did for me, bro. >> dana: billable agenda got it exclusive look at trump's i.c.e. raids. ♪ ♪ what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity
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and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. at harbor freight, we design and test our own tools and sell them directly to you. no middleman.
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>> jesse: president trump's deportation force is moving at breakneck speed and bill melugin getting an exclusive look at elite i.c.e. agents in the century city of boston focusing on the worst offenders across the border and ms and 13 ang member wanted for water, and illegal from honduras who rapedn in her mouth and this feisty gang haitian gang banger with 17 past criminal convictions peered watch. >> not going back to haiti. [bleep] trump peered joe biden for ever. thank obama for everything he did for me bro. >> jesse: harold come i wouldn't want to go back to haiti come either. got to go peered. >> harold: just to repeat, the worst first policy is the right thing. people are going to give the president a lot of latitude, be patient with him in terms of if he is too aggressive come i think people will be forgiving.
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i think people want to see illegals in this country who committed crimes deported. i think people want to see their neighborhoods made safer. when you think about the costs associated with a whole range of things, i think the president is going to continue, president trump is going to continue to get a lot of support on this. as we get going here, you saw the state of washington, a reagan appointee judge, federal judge there, struck down president trump's executive order around birthright citizenship. the president may be onto something there, which -- >> judge jeanine: he is. >> harold: he will not be able to do it by executive order. no lawyer would think, if you want to change the constitution, we can do it, but this here he will have support for. some of the other things, invite some tension, but every american wants to see criminals, certainly if they are not here legally, deported. >> jesse: how bad of a loo it for barack and biden where haitian gang bangers with 17 convictions are singing their
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praises? >> judge jeanine: i am so happy he did it because barack and joe biden earned it. they earned those accolades from the 17-time convicted haitian gang banger who was saying f the president of the united states. look, it's about time -- they were not only blamed by the republicans, but blamed even by this individual. cnn apparently -- i hate to even mention -- they make a statement, they said america is now more hawkish on illegal immigration, as opposed to the way they were in 2016. no, donald trump was president. in 2016, when donald trump was concerned about immigration, they said he was a xenophobe, they said he was a racist, and he knew what that risk. he knew what was coming. and we weren't ready. we had to suffer for eight years before we got to the point where america said, you know what, donald trump is right, and this is what biden wanted and this is what obama wanted and they never
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told us why. we know why. it is about power. it is about the democrat party. there is a real refugee problem. the u.n. would be showing up. they would be showing up for their asylum hearings. the bottom line is this. they did not care about the american people. they were more concerned about power, and now we have i.c.e. agents begging to get back to do their job. we have people in apartment buildings yelling thank you for getting these individuals out of this country and out of their neighborhoods. >> jesse: i don't remember, greg, in the last four years ever seeing video of an i.c.e. arrest. we just saw borders open and people waltzing through with their entire family. >> greg: it's interesting -- i think we should be very careful not to let the media frame this as a crackdown. it's not a crackdown. it's a correction. this is how normal life is. illegal criminals in your country, you arrest them.
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the idea that somehow -- i think it is great, love this guy, 17 convictions, if only biden was here to pardon him, this is a blow to msnbc because i think he was next in line for joy reid spot. mexico, by the way, is assembling these huge structures, right, to receive illegals, and they are worried that they won't suddenly be able to house them or care for them, but they are also worried they may be sounding like donald trump. this is what is brilliant. i said in the a block more was it b, free money on the table, let's get rid of the worst first. the dems are like hey, why didn't we think of this? well, you stop thinking. he replaced thinking with feeling and he were wondering why they did this. it was because they were dictated by activists and allies known as the media. >> jesse: from a public relation -- >> greg: a love that question -- >> jesse: clever for the to embed melugin with i.c.e.
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>> dana: i wrote embed. >> greg: thinking about unbelievable.e more -- they have to be super effective and they knew exactly what they were doing today, i thought was amazing was how terrible the visuals were for joe biden. here you have all of these criminals that were recently let out of jail and released back in the population and that is the sanctuary? that was incredible to me. the video is very important. do you remember when joe biden tried to stop drones from flying over the border, tried to get the faa to stop it because they didn't want to see the visuals of what was happening, especially when the haitian migrants were coming over. we fought back, fox news did, and i had down. now i think it is so important for the trump team at i.c.e. to figure out away, bill melugin,
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take him along, great, take the reporters that are willing to go. what is interesting is bill melugin and griff jenkins and all of the people at fox news who were at the border covering that story were the only ones there. story of a lifetime. you win a pulitzer. i am glad they are taking bill melugin but what about these other entities? why don't you go along and tell your viewers and listeners exactly what is happening there? president trump was defined by four videos, family separation, one of the big organizations had to backtrack and say the video of the mom and daughter separated, that wasn't true. i think they are very clever and they are thinking ahead, and they have to show what they are doing. they cannot rely on other people to do it for them. >> jesse: should i embed with i.c.e.? >> greg: i would like you to. isis.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: "the new york times" is diving into the struggles of liberal parents who are having a hard time connecting with their trump-loving kids. the headline saying "when your son goes maga," the article adding "plenty see their sons embracing mr. trump as an expected act of rebellion or a choice made by an independent young adult that they should respect. for others, it has felt like a painful rejection of the values they tried to instill in their children." now, jesse, i couldn't start
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this without calling on you first. are you an embarrassment to your mother, and does she think that there should be tampons and the boys bathroom? >> jesse: no and no. i think. [laughter] i tried to tell her, judge, that as a conservative, she raised me to have common sense, a work ethic, respect for all individuals. that message hasn't sunk into her. she thinks i'm a wire. and she keeps texting me about me not telling the truth. and it's just a matter of opinion, mom. you are reading "the new york times," you are getting one side. i have read all of the newspapers. i know everything about everything. i'm a professional news man. you don't know enough about things the way i do. right, so she will catch up. and she has caught up. it hasn't been as hateful as of
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late. >> judge jeanine: all right, harold, liking the president to many in your party is considered an act of rebellion, does that make sense? >> harold: no, it does not make sense. i think in the political climate we live in today, people think that that is what allows you to hold on to whatever your political view, political position, political party affiliation might be. a buddy of mine, one of my best friends give me the best piece of advice about this many years ago. his son was having doubts about being a democrat -- he's a democrat, and his son was of voting age, i don't think democrats are speaking to me and thinking of the issues periods father is a big democrat, he said three things. number one, i don't care what you do come up with three things you have to do, don't be a hate. two, be able to defend your positions with humility, clarity, and substance. that humility should allow you to say when you are right about something or when you are wrong about something and to learn from it. i hope my kids are democrats. if they are not come i'm going
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to apply these three things to them, and my dad and i, my dad is probably a little more to the left of me than i am in my polie conversations fairly regularly -- i hope he is not watching -- >> judge jeanine: greg, harold is so reasonable but you were with men's health, that magazine. don't you think it is healthy for young men and young people to admire masculine men? >> greg: well, yeah. but that's not why i was there. no matter what anybody says. sure i went to the photo shoots, and i kind of hung around more than i should. but anyway. i'm not allowed in a few gyms. the article was titled "when your son goes maga." the real title should be "when your teacher hate trump." because this, that causes your son to go maga, when your teacher goes trump. rebelling against teachers who didn't persuade and only demanded was what created this. suddenly trump became cool and dangerous, a political and
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social pirate ship, and the dems started to look like an emasculated dinghy because all of the annoying freaks, your guidance counselor, your math teacher, your parents, started to all sound the same. it wasn't just the lockstep that you rebel against. it was the compliance. you were to accept their notions without an explanation. you know, kamala is brilliant, trump is satan, my pronouns are they or them. it wasn't the beliefs, it was the compliance. and if you are an individual might -- i think the advice you were talking about was good -- if you want to think for yourself and no one can compel you what to believe. they can't just say it is. i would end on this. i often am asked this question by young folks and i do live shows: i'm the only conservative among liberals and they always gang up on me when i disagree with them. and i say ask them one simple question: why is it so important for me to agree with you? why does it bother you?
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>> dana: right. >> greg: that i won't obey? why should you care? that hits the heart of their insecurities. why do you need everyone to agree with you. that usually destroys them and they don't know what to say. >> jesse: i usually give them different advice. >> greg: of course you do. >> jesse: i say sleep with their girlfriends. never lose after that. >> dana: i think that's a good idea. >> jesse: or their moms. sleep with their girlfriends or their moms. >> judge jeanine: stop that, jesse. no, no. >> jesse: consensually. >> judge jeanine: even then, stop it. dana, we are going to -- jesse, don't talk anymore. >> jesse: will i still get paid? >> judge jeanine: you probably will. dana, isn't the republican party really more like a party? >> dana: fun. >> judge jeanine: where even celebs don't charge to perform. >> dana: you go back and forth. i had a friend who started nixon watches and one of the reason they called it nixon, it was for
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the skateboarders and surfers and they wanted to rebel against their parents, their parents hated nixon. it does go back and forth. the other thing president trump was able to do this time around was tapped into the new ways that people are communicating, and you have a lot of these new podcasts, long form ways, people on youtube, and they are funny, and they are having a good time, and their thinking, i want opportunity. they hate the dei stuff and they see president trump getting rid of that. i also noticed a friend of mine said i was watching the inauguration come all the youtube stars were there. and they couldn't believe it. what's interesting is with politics being downstream culture, now it is all the same. it is intermeshing and people having fun in amongst the politics. >> greg: why do they hate cynthia nixon so much? she was one of my favorites on ""sex and the city"." >> dana: she was cute. >> judge jeanine: on your point, dana -- kudos to barron trump on that, too.
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traffic, fighting for parking or desk space, arguing that they have already proven they can get the job done remotely. judge, you think they should get back to work? >> judge jeanine: what do you think? >> harold: i think i am looking for a succinct answer. >> judge jeanine: the absolutely should get back to work. biden signed an executive order. he wanted them to be able to work remotely until 2029, but if you've got the boss working day and night since he was sworn in, i think they can show up at the office. >> harold: prime time, your thoughts -- >> jesse: we were just in d.c. and saw a beautiful federal buildings, the primitive commerce, dea, and they were empty. we should buy them and make them into luxury condos. >> harold: dana, you have talked about how d.o.g.e. should look at this -- >> dana: i agree on the point about the empty buildings should be sold or repurposed. i do think there should be some discretion given to managers, if you have a great employee and
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they can only come in three days a week, not the five, discretion for a manager i think is important. but i would get back to work, and the city of d.c. has been begging the federal government to make this happen. >> harold: exclamation point, your thoughts on this? >> greg: this reminds me of jim acosta, peered he threatened to quit cnn if they moved him to midnight, dude, that's the poin. you are not in a position to negotiate. you work for the government, if you are on death row feel free to complain about the temperature of your last meal, you are still going to fry. they just want to get them out of here. go. >> harold: and that's that. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ at patriot mobile, we take the word service to new heights. serving customers with top tier mobile service is our business, but our mission is to honor and serve patriots, like harry mcbrien. post 911. my life oscillated between multiple tours
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bentley x party. the country roads. kate was singing so loud. she ruined it. just kidding. we all love tiktok kate. he was happy to have her there. perino on police cars with kevin mccarthy. yeah. >> greg: that's your favorite bentley. e have. bentley. all right. tonight. we have jim norton. charly arnolt kat timpf and tyrus at 10:00. ♪ animals are funny in his face. nothing better than enjoying a corn on the cob upside down with your mouth, jesse. here is juneau the sloth. enjoying his corn on the cob at the cincinnati zoo. upside down. they sleep up to 15 hours a day hanging upside down. that's it from he. harold? >> harold: japanese aquarium shut down for six month renovation.
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they notice not well wasn't eating put cutouts of people smiling and sun fish was mesmerized by. they got happier and started eating. a little companionship goes a long way. [laughter] >> harold: australian open. >> jesse: likes his corn on the cob upside down, too. fox nation celebrates january comedy month. we have tyler fisher. they call him the comedic genius no. pardon needed. go check did out on fox nation. expwrony went to the balls. here is a look. >> i heard there was some illegal migrants trying to get into the event tonight. >> where, show me? [ laughter ] where? >> you will take care of it. >> you will take care of it right now. >> jesse: tonight. >> greg: judge? 10 seconds, 6 seconds. 4 he will facts, 3 seconds. >> judge jeanine: lucky lulu and djambo. >> greg: we are done. >> bret: that was definitely not 10 secon
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