tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News January 23, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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to go and arrest the person -- the man because they didn't know what to do. this is the kind of insanity that just shows the left has gone so far over the edge that it takes something like an executive order from the president to say look back enough of this nonsense. and i think the popularity for this is going to only grow because i think we have just scratched the surface of frustration that most normal people have about this. >> bingo charlie, and it's wise you talked about before, it is why private schools, christian schools, homeschooling, online schooling is taking off all across this country. charlie, is always, thank you. that's it for us tonight, be sure to follow me on social media, jesse watters is next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... >> we have accomplished more in
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less than four days than other administrations have accomplished in four years. they say that there is light shining all over the world. >> jesse: trump starts telling the world what to do. >> people have been waiting for this for years. >> this petty back-and-forth, no one believes that at all. just get out of the way, your party is moving on. >> jesse: joe is out the door so the left needs a new hero. >> it is a big deal. i take it seriously every time. >> why would somebody say that open borders are good? the only reason it can be is two reasons. you are stupid or you hate the country. >> jesse: migrant criminals get iced. cricket -- crans hansen is here. >> i'm not going back to haiti. >> do you know what you're drinking? >> no. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: president trump just signed an executive order declassifying and releasing all files related to the jfk, rfk and mlk assassinations. watch. >> lastly sir, we have an executive order ordering the declassification of files relating to the assassinations of president john f. kennedy and senator robert f. kennedy and dr. martin luther king jr. >> that's a big one, ha? a lot of people waiting for this for years. for decades. and everything will be revealed. okay... give that to rfk jr.
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>> jesse: only fair that bobby gets the sharpie. this order instructs the director of national intelligence and the attorney general to come up with a plan within 15 days for the full and complete release of the jfk files. and 45 days for the release of the rfk and mlk archives. these are tens of thousands of documents that have never been seen before. that have been buried for over 60 years. prime time will have full coverage on the day they drop. 47 signed a flurry of executive orders this afternoon and some of them could make you rich. >> this is crypto. we will be forming a working group to make america a leadership and crypto. >> this is really going up, right? >> absolutely. >> david, that's for you. do you find them exciting?
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we will make a lot of money for the country. >> jesse: i don't own any crypto. should that change? trump says rates are coming down, whether jerome knows it or not. >> us president joe biden: the interest rates will come down. >> you said you demand the interest rates go down. >> i put in a strong statement. >> do expect them to listen to you? >> yes. >> jesse: trump is demystifying the idea that all of these washington institutions are perfectly independent. biden would never tell his attorney general what to do. obama would never talk to the fed chair about rates. i can't be seen talking to a justice. that would be unethical. the washingtonian virtue signaling is history. presidents don't have to be shy about power. and having an opinion isn't illegal anymore. trump is not whispering and tiptoeing around d.c. once a year, the financial elite
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gather any tax haven, higher escorts and stroke each other's egos. then dictate how the rest of us will live. brain implants, bugs for dinner and willy-nilly windmills. carry is usually falling off his bicycle, al gore is screaming about rain bombs or misinformation. this year that was a little different. the newly minted president zoomed in as a symbol of disrespect, and told davos they aren't dictating anymore. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states. donald j. trump. [applause] >> thank you very much clouse and hello to everyone. this has been a truly historic week in the united states. three days ago i took the oath of office and we began the golden age of america.
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what the world has witnessed in the past 72 hours is nothing less than a revolution of common sense. our country will soon be stronger, wealthier and more united than ever before and the entire planet will be more peaceful and prosperous as a result of this incredible momentum and what we are doing and going to do. >> jesse: they did not usher in a golden age, did it? they dictated dei, mass migration and attacks on cow flatulence. it is not about what they want anymore, it is about what we want. and trump is ripping up their wish list. >> i terminated the ridiculous and incredibly wasteful green new deal. i call it the green new scam. withdrew from the one-sided paris climate accord and ended the insane and costly electric vehicle mandate. we will let people buy the car that they want to buy. the green new deal with such a total disgrace. it was conceived of by people
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that were average students, less than average students, my dyad. and never even took a course in energy or the environment. it was just a game. member the world was going to end in 12 years? member that? will the 12 years has come and gone. >> jesse: the new world order will not be set at a summit in switzerland by bankers, politicians and economists who look like wooly mammoths. at one point, trump name checked the bank of america ceo. watch. >> speaking of you, you've done a fantastic job but hope you open up your bank to conservatives because many conservatives complain that the banks are not allowing them to do business within the bank. and that included a place called the bank of america. they don't take conservative business. and i don't know if the regulators mandated that because of biden or what. but you and jamie and everybody, i hope you open your banks to conservatives because what you're doing is wrong. >> jesse: president trump calling a bank chairman immoral? at ruffled quite a few feathers
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in the dining room. but they cannot do anything about it. and you can canada. >> we will be demanding respect from other nations. canada, we have a tremendous deficit with canada, we will not have that anymore, we cannot do it. i don't know if it's good for them. as you probably know, i say you can always become a saint. and we won't have a deficit, we want have to tear a few et cetera, et cetera. but canada has been very tough to deal with over the years and it is not fair that we should have a 200 billion or $250 billion deficit. we don't need them to make our cars and they make a lot of them. we don't need their lumber because we have our own forest, et cetera. we don't need their oil and gas, we have more than anybody. >> jesse: america is beginning to reassert its economic advantage. we have the biggest consumer market, more liquid capital than any country and the largest energy reserves. not to mention a bigger navy than every nation on earth.
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and the dollar is the world currency. so this country has an absolute right. an obligation to our own people to set trade terms and not be taken advantage of. nato spending is a perfect example. >> i will also ask all nato nations to increase defense spending to 5% of gdp. which is what it should have been at years ago. it was only at 2% and most nations did not pay until i came along. i insisted that they pay and they did because the united states was really paying the difference at that time. and it was unfair to the united states. >> jesse: why are the europeans paying more for their own protection? why are we paying the bulk of nato's budget? that's like a security guard paying a client to protect them. nato is an incredible alliance. we just have to get our books in order. so that our allies don't get a free ride because while they get a free ride on defense, they are ripping us off on trade. they terrify american goods but
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we barely tariff european goods. that is about to change. and the saudis better start pumping. >> saudi arabia, will be investing at least $600 billion in america and i will be asking the crown prince was a fantastic guy, to round it out to around $1 trillion. i think they will do that because we have been very good to them. and i'm also going to ask saudi arabia to bring down the cost of oil. >> jesse: and if they don't round up $400 billion, trump will visit israel first.
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>> jesse: trunk shopping around his first foreign trip to the highest bidder. and it's not like he is getting the money, you're getting the money. these are investments in america. trump is treating our country like an nfl free agent. i really want to sign with buffalo but l.a. is offering a much better package. globalism is over and they're taking down post down with it. we will not let multinationals outsource production and sell product back to the u.s. duty-free. we need to protect our workers and supply chains. chrysler met with trump and now they are restarting a jeep plant in illinois and building dodge durango and detroit. samsung is about to move production from mexico into the united states. canada wants to help trump restart the keystone pipeline. and the president just lifted a pause on liquefied national gas exports. so he can sell the europeans natural gas and wean them off
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russian energy which makes our country wealthier, our allies safer and slows down the russian war machine, forcing prudent to the negotiating table. and by the way, chapter 401(k). the s&p 500 just hit a fresh record high. and guess where marco rubio's first trip is as secretary of state? panama. what a powerful message to send. things are moving again and the administration is in the zone. >> at any point, did you doubt you would be back here? >> that's a great question. its something i don't think about, i never really thought about it. i don't think about g, will i be back? i just get it done. i get things done. i'm good at getting things done. >> jesse: a constitutional scholar says trump is not making surgical strikes but saturation bombing washington. obama promised a fundamentally transformative america but trump is actually doing it. there is this myth that there
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was gridlock in washington. the country was divided and change was slow. that just gave professional politicians an excuse for three day work weeks. they didn't want you to know real change was possible because then we would raise expectations and they would have to actually do their jobs and actually represent our interests instead of their own. but now they have an excuse for their lack of action. "the new york times" says it is the return of the king. trump embraces trappings of the throne. the media wants you to think only a tyrant could get things done in d.c. they want you to think trump is doing is not in the american prediction. he is a wannabe dictator. no he's not. just because he is playing with a sword does not make him napoleon. this is what it looks like when you beat four cases, survive two assassination attempts and sweep every battleground.
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a president with political capital who knows how to use it with gusto and precision. lawyer mike davis told "the new york times", quote, the selection was a referendum on trump and on l'affaire. and the american people rendered their verdict on november fifth. he earned power and now he is going to use it like democrats. democrat presidents use their power to put foreign nationals on welfare, bribe voters with college loan bailouts and print money to dish out to donors. democrats did all of that after their elections. they never campaigned on any of that, they try to hide it. the difference is trump is doing exactly what he promised to do. and the voters ratified the mission. we are living in a time of populist rebellion. one journalist says this. voters let loose a genuine bowl into the china shop of the ruling class. those who have dominated public life for a generation, declaring that the sky is falling.
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maybe there sky is falling. maybe their time at the top is over but yours is not. your time at the top is just getting started. the power is being returned to the people. no one can tell you what bank to use, card to buy, words to say, food to eat or which shows to watch. we are the only ones who can get and our own way. so put your chin up and shoulders back. today was a good day. a columnist grenon -- glenn greenwald joins me now. glenn, how do you think people are grappling with the speed of the change? >> i think it depends who the people in question are. if they are the people who have been ruling washington with the same drury bipartisan ideology that has kept the united states in the state of inertia and on the wrong track, according to most people, those people are petrified as they have been for so long. you are seeing the reasons why the establishment has both hated and feared trump, because he
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does not abide by the bipartisan consensus in washington that has kept this country on the wrong track, according to most voters. but if you are the people who actually exercised her democratic right and voted for donald trump because you knew washington was not working and you wanted someone that could go in and break it and actually do so with great speed and assertiveness and not be constrained by these artificial rules they create to safeguard the status quo, then i think you are very happy. it is the first time there has been an election where a candidate stands up and makes a whole slew of promises about what they will do once they win and then they win and they actually get into office and start doing exactly what they said they were going to do. that should be the norm but it is really the first time i have seen it in at least a decade's. >> jesse: you're so right about the fact that there was a consensus to stifle change. it was a conspiracy to stop people from getting what they were trying to vote for. and now you have a guy who is actually delivering on his promises and they are calling
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him a king. do you to see the king label slapped on him now for the rest of the term? >> if he were doing things with as much force but that serve the interest of washington elites, they would not be calling him that. the reason they are upset is not because he is taking decisive action. have a very strong presidency in the united states that has only grown in power. you can debate that but that is the reality of what it is. what they are angry and upset about is not that he is using it but that he is using it for the purposes that he said he would use it for when running. namely to place america first, stop worrying so much about what elites and european capitals and in paris and london and berlin think. but instead to start thinking about what is best for the united states, even if that means breaking rules or zooming in and chiding publicly the ceo of the bank of america for what they are doing. these are the kinds of things they have been so worried about because these are the things that are effective.
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>> jesse: they like the power, just not when he uses the power in ways that they don't like. do you think that he has the kind of political capital and coattails that can bring in on rfk jr., that can bring in a tulsi gabbard? that can bring in a cash patel? or are those individuals still kind of on the fence here? >> we saw with matt gaetz that the republicans in the senate are willing to say no to his nominees if they feel like they're ideology is too far away from establishment consensus. every vote for marco rubio. it is the one to challenge the establishment like tulsi gabbard and rfk republican senators, not just are trying to stop. and i think trump obviously has a lot of power. but weather he can override the establishment forces that are still dominant in his party remains to be seen. >> jesse: that will be a big test of wills. and whoever wins the test is
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going to have a lot of momentum going into the spring. all right glenn, good to see you. stay way from panama r could be trouble. >> thanks jesse. >> jesse: not everybody likes trump but they can't deny the comeback. >> trump has done something no person in the world has ever done before. a dead politician has risen. this is the greatest comeback in political history. >> we need to factor not only who has won, which is trump, but who has lost. which is to say awesome. >> jesse: what admission. host of the will cane show. you've got to give it to them. at least they are aware that they have lost power. >> it is undeniable, good for them. they can see what color the walls are painted, they can see reality. they are the ones who lost while donald trump or more importantly, america has one. just listening to your monolog
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and your conversation, i just keep coming away from this. today on my show we came in right after listening to donald trump to another, what was it, 15 minute freewheeling executive order q&a session. there's just one word that keeps coming back. it is leadership. he is a vision of leadership. and the world is falling in line. corporations, foreign powers are falling in line with a man whose vision, likely to point out for all of us, actually is america first. >> jesse: and he is doing it as gutfeld says, and i hate to use his analogies because it will just inflate his ego, like an agent. like your agent or my agent or any nfl agent. brass knuckles when they are trying to get a good deal for their client. trump is america's agent and he is just trying to get a good deal for the american workers. that is something we have not had in a while, have we? >> here is why, jesse. i have talked about this recently. you and i grew up, essentially,
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in the age of ideology. everything was painted as though it was a decision between left and right, republican and democrat. now look, i am conservative. i suspect you, jesse, as well lean to the right. so does donald trump. but he is practical. he is transactional. and he moves us beyond an era, i believe, where we replaced religion with ideology. politics at its very core, is about the deal. it is practical. and nobody has better embodied that than donald trump. and it is rooted, as he points out, a revolution of common sense. >> jesse: we are all enjoying your new show, i have to watch it because it's the only thing on before the five. but i have enjoyed it and congratulations on a great start. >> thank you. blockbuster ratings day one, despite the criticisms of my graphics, my background on my microphone from jesse watters. and i tell you now live to your audience and on-air, i didn't even know i called you jessica
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waters, i don't know how it came out. i don't know i said it but now that i have it, it is a weapon in my tool belt. >> jesse: you unconsciously misgendered me and i will never let you get away with that again. thank you very much will, great show. off to a great start. a naked predator, coming right back. —sounds like you need to vaporize that cold. dayquil vapocool? it's dayquil plus a rush of vicks vapors. ♪vapocooooool♪ woah. dayquil vapocool.
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the vaporizing daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, power through your day, medicine. when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots
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and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the democrat party has descended into a civil war. factions are fighting for control. right now the name of the game is to see who controlled biden under the bus the hardest. and clinton world's leading the charge. >> no one wants to hear from this guy anymore. just go to the other place and stay there.
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and that is not because we are bad people or we are mean people. it was all his doing. he had a noble career, the last act was terrible. just get out of the way, the party is moving on. he created this himself. he has nobody to blame but himself. >> jesse: not wanting to be outdone, obama world is jockeying just as hard. >> that was agreed just. 10 minutes before the inauguration, they announced that he is pardoned members of his family. i mean, man up. in what i mean? man up. and if you're going to do it, do it. but don't do it literally as you have 1 foot out of the door see don't have to explain it or be accountable for it. >> jesse: by ms. out, kamala is on ice and all of the less heroes are tarnished. so who will run the party?
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the resistance is getting more fringe and freak. they are looking for a new star but they are not sending their best. >> very calmly, very clearly gave us the illustrated dictionary definition of what it means to speak truth to power. >> there hasn't been much of a narrative outside of the narrative that the president has been describing. people have gone quiet or they have been ignored. the moment we are in, it filled a space that has not been occupied for a while. >> jesse: trump has been back in office for four days and there hasn't been a peep from traditional democrat leaders. where is everybody? the only calls nancy has been making since she broke her hip has been to her stockbroker. my mistake, nancy doesn't know anything about stocks. pauli has made some major moves after trump won the election. pelosi's must have gotten a tip about the golden age. adam tried to put his face out there but he's been censured in
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the house and pardoned as a senator. and something seems off. >> so the president issued a number of executive orders last night. let's break it down. but before i do bang my head, these are mass deportations, that is what he is saying also. and what that will mean is farmworkers will not be on our farms, food prices are going to go up. we will lose a lot of construction workers. >> jesse: pick our crops and set our tables. what is it with these democrats ever since the civil war? kamala says she was not going to go quietly but she has been as quiet as a mime. she just launched a blog though. and we clicked on it and she wants our email address so she can ask us for money. and she needs it because grocery prices are ridiculous. she just found out about inflation. "the new york post" caught her grocery shopping. what kind of husband goes
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grocery shopping with his wife? the democrats in the media are attached at the hip so when one goes down, they go down together. they cannot function without each other. cnn is losing hundreds of millions of dollars, laying off hundreds of workers and jim is threatening to quit because the new chairman is making him work the graveyard shift. a cnn insider saying this, jim is one of the least liked and most i rolled of all the talent at cnn. and this has been a long-standing status. he is insufferable, in egomaniac. if he can make himself part of the story, he will. his jealousy is even visibly thicker than his makeup and hardened hair gel. wow. he sounds worse than greg. trumps new fcc chair just reinstated complaints against cbs, nbc and abc for their biased election coverage. and former writers are turning into whistle-blowers. >> i was covering biden at the time and it came to my editor
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and said, hey,, we need to write about the hunter biden laptop and i was told this came from on high, don't write about the laptop, don't talk about the laptop, don't treat about the laptop. >> jesse: political responded a statement to prime time saying, quote, it's b.s. a former democrat donor, nicole joins me now. how are you? >> i'm very good, are you doing? >> i am great. tell me about how the media has digested the trump presidency so far. >> the left-wing media, the mainstream media is in a tizzy. i think they could only get so much out of the elon musk nazi salute falsehood. and now they don't know what to do. we see the party turning on itself. chuck schumer's statement that this was all biden and it was all biden's fault.
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i mean, biden is a geriatric patient at this point. he has been managed by handlers, he can barely get through a press conference, let alone a full day of presidential activity. chuck schumer, that is completely false. you know exactly who has been handling biden. you have been involved with it, as has nancy pelosi. they have been running the show. and in their embarrassment and in true lame old democratic party outrageous fashion, they point fingers at each other when things don't turn out there way. and the donors are upset. >> jesse: i would be upset if i were donor back to. they just let your money on fire and then told you it's too bad. give me some more money. kamala harris does not know what she wants. she wants to go grocery shopping with her husband and that's fine. where do you see or what are you hearing about kamala world now?
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>> she is trying to rebrand. and people within her campaign are looking around and asking what the heck just happened, what was that? we just burned through billions of dollars and a lot of it went to these celebrity endorsements. and the whole thing was a scam. it was all smoke and mirrors. and they don't have a lot of authenticity over there. so kamala harris needs to rebrand. and i don't know that they're going to get behind her for running for california governor. i don't think she can win. >> jesse: what about gavin newsom? he's got a heavy lift and that is putting it lightly. >> yes,'s term is up. he has reached as term limits. he's trying to go out on top and it's not looking good. his state is on fire and the people of the state are calling
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out his mismanagement. egregious negligence in some cases. we have people running up to him and saying i have been trying to clear this rush in these parklands behind my house and no one is coming out to do it. >> jesse: it looks like adam got punched in the face and we just hope he is okay. and we hope he heals quickly. because we have a big heart here at prime time. nicole, think you so much for joining us, it's good to see you again. have a great night. >> good to see you two. >> jesse: jhonny at the inaugural balls. ♪ ♪ er your growing economy and for critical minerals crucial to new technologies. we're here, right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario]
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ice says he's a gang member with 17 criminal convictions in recent years. >> [bleep] trump, in what i mean? biden forever bro. >> jesse: you will not believe these new numbers. days before the inauguration, border patrol had over 4000 encounters in just a couple days. yesterday they had less than 500. mexico is falling into line, building giant shelters to prep for the massive deportations. mexico is like, what will we do with all of these mexicans? well they will need a lot of tense because illegals are getting iced left and right. and not just by trump. chris hansen is catching migrant criminals, watch. >> you gave her $50. was that for? the $50 was for... >> no. >> her niece was 15 and you said you wanted a [bleep] from her and were going to pay her $50.
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are you here in this country legally? do you have u.s. citizenship? but you came here, marvin, for this. >> no. >> you could go back to honduras. >> jesse: chris hansen is the host of takedown with chris hansen and the predators i've caught with chris hansen podcast. i mean, first of all, great spanish. >> editing is my friend. >> jesse: so these people show up just like americans ready for action? >> a week ago tonight, in tennessee county michigan, a sheriff's go stephen i didn't investigation. to illegal hondurans showed up in the same night among the other predators. both had been in the country before, gotten kicked out,'s not back in and gotten arrested in the sting trying to haves the with a child. and in the weeks since they've already been picked up on a
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detainer and it is the quickest they have ever seen this happen in the history of tennessee county. >> jesse: from all americans, thank you. you have done more than biden's ice did in four years already. tell me about this guy, he was naked? >> a sheriff and his team, we had five guys show up in the four days. take a look. >> you have the money? >> it won't take so long. >> you know how to make yourself right at home, don't you? have a seat right there. what was your here tonight? >> i don't really know. >> it looks like you do because you got naked in the kitchen of this house. >> can you imagine? this is happened only three times in 20 years of doing predator investigations, jesse. and the decoy online with the sheriff's office was a little cheeky and playful for what you
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would expect for a 15-year-old. but this guy walked right in, took a look at her, she said well, strip naked and then i walked out to confront him. and when he put his close back on, thankfully before i could have a discussion with him. >> jesse: you're a brave man. >> i've seen a lot of stuff, jesse. >> jesse: thank you. what went down at the balls? >> what is the game plan tonight? you're partying, having a good time? >> i'm just trying to stay out of jail. i'm not partying too much. >> you're not going to get rocks hotel room? >> too dangerous.
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>> jesse: when we were in washington for trump's inauguration, johnny had a bit too much fun at the balls. ♪ ♪ >> it's a party in the usa! everyone is excited, what's the game plan? >> drinking, toast to trump. >> staying out of jail, i'm not partying too much. >> you're not going to kid rock's hotel room? >> too dangerous. >> dancing, dessert never room upstairs.
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>> it's a hispanic ball, are you kidding me? were the ones who invented partying. >> i'm italian and i don't know any italian balls that are happening. >> italian balls? >> don't make me [bleep] laughed. >> i love partying, i love dancing. so my plan is to be here for precisely the number of minutes i'm supposed to be here to watch people fall through actual displays. what's in the cut? >> tequila! >> tequila. >> tequila! >> du know what you're drinking? >> no. >> how many beers deeper you? >> i'm a lightweight. i've had two and a half. >> are you having fun tonight? yeah? oh wow! >> do you to get it on? >> you better clear schedule. >> amber, were you wearing tonight? >> i've no idea. >> virginia is known for its wineries. are we having someone tonight? >> unless were taking communion. >> bless me father for i have sinned. a little birdie told me that you were going to miss joe biden.
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>> he did? who? [laughter] >> definitely not going to miss joe biden. good riddance. >> what are you looking forward to in the next four years? >> not having a dummy and office. >> freedom! >> why should americans be excited about trump to .0? >> because he is a man who has common sense. >> no tax on social security. >> you win a fight, you celebrate and you go off and you are the winner now. you win on election, it is day one. you don't go often celebrate, it's day one. its action time now. >> he had us since the escalator. ♪ ♪ >> toms not here tonight, is he? >> if he is all have to run out the back door. >> are there were some illegal migrants getting into the event tonight? >> where? show me. >> i'm in danger. >> everyone's having a party tonight. you want to get laid?
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all right, your ego! >> delivery guys use the lathe line. ♪ ♪ >> take me home! country roads! >> what's your message to president donald j. trump? >> you're going to save america and save the world. >> come find me tonight and give me a kiss. >> i hope to be your future daughter-in-law. >> hey, baron! >> hey, baron! >> i'm excited for some trumped dancing! you z. ♪ ymca ♪ >> do it like this. >> and he doesn't this. >> and then the swing. boom! ♪ ♪ >> jesse couldn't be at the ball tonight so what you want to tell him? >> he is missing out on one of the best balls. >> is johnny not good enough? >> i recognized johnny from
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across the room. >> you're hilarious. >> thank you, you're inflating my ego a bit too much. >> i love jesse. >> it's his world. >> all teach him about my world. >> jesse, where are you? are you home with mom again? >> i heard is really handsome. i don't know who he heard that from. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: more prime time straight ahead. oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh!
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i finally feel like i have a friend in washington. day from cincinnati i've been cranking up my surround sound to hear sharpies ripping over and over again. that is music to their ears. teresa from burleson, texas, saying i know it they are and said to biden, daddy's home. tom from warren, don't tell nancy about crypto. well i should tell her because it would never crash. luckiest lady in d.c. julie from lincoln and nebraska. harris should have gone grocery shopping before the election and might have understood what we were all talking about. and john from new jersey, smart men grocery shop with their wife. it's called price control.
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and diana what kind of man go shopping with his wife a good one. you don't need to go grocery shopping with your wife you should be able to exert price control of our ron from alberta, canada that's all. doug and barbara from nebraska we have chickens to me will send you some farm fresh eggs see don't go hungry what's your address. i can't give that to you over the air but ship that in a very proper container and stingray. >> ♪ ♪
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