tv The Will Cain Show FOX News January 24, 2025 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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ten years in a deal with china that has been going on since nixon. you have me seeing them a couple weeks ago playing in the snow because they love playing in the snow. in her mind me at my two dogs when it snows. the panda c.a.m. is back and running from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. might be one of the best parts of the u.s.-china relationship is those pandas. at least we have those guys, that's the story for this friday january 24th but as always, the story goes on. i will see you later tonight with jimmy fey love which i look forward to. we also have a podcast -- to an end for that, i will see you back here tomorrow. ♪ ♪
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>> they have let us down, the country down and i don't know if that's bidons fault or whose fault it is but we will take over and do a good job. >> we will do a good job in california. >> will: this is the will cane show, life from the heartland. right now president trump is on his way to los angeles where fires are still burning. this after visiting victims of hurricane helene in north carolina. >> we are lucky we were not one of them but like other people, no flood insurance. they did what they could do and of course its not enough. >> it took away our tools and tractors and everything needed to keep the farm going.
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since we had proper insurance, they have not been able to assist us with most things. >> there is like 32 homes, we don't have a road or bridge. can't get money until they fix the road and bridge and send in the proof that its fixed and everything. >> will: these are americans, these are bonuses that you would hear. not just in north carolina but in ohio, and hawaii and now southern california. you can hear the pain, he can hear the demand for something more from their government. that brings me to my big three. number 1, americans have a right to expect the minimum from their government. political put it this way, when it comes to accountability and keeping politicians accountable for what they do or do not do for americans, republicans. keep minding the forced management because they have a point.
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academic commissions convened by both the -- beating backfires that can keep force healthy and including indigenous controlled burns has led to a tinderbox in california. and across the west. this is about planning for what is inevitable disaster, it burns every three to four years in southern california as head has been famously pointed out. if you know a crisis is coming, he should be able to prepare for the crisis. but not if your priorities are placed somewhere else like as president trump ingeniously pointed out, the delta smoke. 's pupil and to protect the delta smelt, it's a fish that's doing poorly anyway but they asked me how we are protecting it by not giving water, it's a fish. nobody can answer this question. >> will: it's an incredible question and i don't know how much it cost to protect the delta smelt, not at least in
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dollars. but adam carolla, a southern california resident noticed a few other things. you notice the cost of damage in los angeles and the cost of building a pointless train. >> i decided to go look and see what the estimated costs of the train line between merced was estimated to cost -- 130 billion. 100 thoroughly billion to either rebuild all of malibu, santa monica, altadena, pasadena, of gora -- or you could have 150-mile stretch of desert train going nowhere that nobody will ever right! >> will: this brings me to point number 2. it's a matter of priority, including your government. and if your government is
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spending money and time on things like this -- a trillion dollars to try make -- climate change on the bidon administration. a billion dollars in the ai in schools, 16 billion on illegal immigrants. if your government's priorities are focused on these types of ideologically driven enterprises than they cannot afford to give you the time and energy or the money to the basic minimum functions of the government. and that's the answer to call when there's a crisis. as long we are here with our pen and paper out and taking account. joe broken has paid attention to wear money is going and how much it would have taken to help the people of maui. >> for $5 billion everybody could have gotten their home back and everybody could have -- everything could have been settled but nothing stunned. and yet we keep sending money to other countries! >> will: we have not forgotten the people of maui nor the people of east palestine as we focus on people of north camelot
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-- caroline. i went to maui, i went there several times in the wake of those fires and got to see the first-hand devastation. i saw from the air and the water, i sought in the burn zone and i saw the pain in people's faces. but you know else i saw? i saw americans americans and i know this help in -- i saw americans helping americans because i saw honourable honourable private groups including veterans who flew helicopters into the mountains of north carolina where the government failed. number 3, the united states government can at a minimum not get in the way of the american spirit. and maui, i saw people running boats from molokai to maui, to bring supplies. i saw also that being blocked by government and missed writers on helping fellow americans. i know that private helicopters were grounded in north carolina. i know that americans always step up for other americans, they can rely on one another.
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the question is can they rely on their government and can the government get out of the way of americans helping americans? donald trump is so exasperated -- he is ready to revisit. >> i would like to begin the process of fundamentally reforming and overhauling fema or maybe getting rid of it. i think it's vaguely not good. i think when you have a problem like this, i think you want to go and whether it's a democrat or republican government -- you want to use the state to fix it and not waste time calling fema and then fema gets here and they don't know the area. they have never been to the area and they want to give you rules that you have never heard about. they want to -- and it turned out to be a disaster. >> will: i had a conversation and they pointed out they don't want to dive into the blame game and that's honourable, and that's not his job as they
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pointed out. and it is my job at all of our job to hold politicians to account to ensure that they are serving americans first. let's get to jeff paul, president trump will be landing in l.a. soon and we expect governor newsome may be waiting for him. jeff, will not be a welcome from the governor -- will this be a welcomed greeting from president trump? >> reporter: yeah, well way are expected president trump to arrive a little later this afternoon, the time is a bit influx as he travels from north carolina. but once he is on the ground we are expecting for california governor, gavin newson to welcome the president and according to the governor, the two have not spoken since 2020. what's trump's wheels down, he will be touring some of the hardest hit areas devastated by the recent deadly wildfires here in southern california. what makes this trip just a bit more different is the fact that the president has been very critical of the state for both
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response and management of water resources. he says california quote,"did not let the water flow and has even threatened to withhold federal disaster relief. president trump seemingly setting conditions for eight, saying today that he wants to see two things in los angeles, voter idea so people have a chance to vote and want to see want to be released, and come down into los angeles. >> we will do a good job in california, at that disaster like -- i don't know if we have ever seen anything like this. they say the biggest in the history of california i don't know if anything has happened in the country that's bigger. >> will: as it comes out of an uncertain time for the burn find the fire, rain is in the forecast this weekend and with that it means the potential for landslides and aerials that were burned when the ground is extremely loose. we are getting worried that the president is expected to sign an executive order that could be the first steps toward reshaping
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or getting rid of fema altogether. the president has been very article of female win it comes to the national disasters recently in north carolina and of course here in southern california. and the president has even sent quote,"fema has really let us down." will. >> will: that will be a fascinating moment if the governor meets president trump on that tarmac. i know you will be there when and if it happens. let's bring in steve hilton who has been living in california for the past 12 years. steve is familiar voice and faced everybody here on fox news and has had a firsthand look at what's going on now in southern california. what is everybody feeling and thinking with the rival president --'s people in want to say congratulations to be with you and your first week, i was thrilled to hear about you knew gig". , the really interesting thing the mood, the feelings, the way people are looking at that is this combination of terrible
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anxiety people have lost everything. people who have been displaced, they don't know what's going to happen, they don't know if their insurance will cover in to. but at the same time its mixed with incredible anger that the failures that led up to this and out everybody can see that, it's nonpartisan at all. everybody is pointing to the incompetence but not just incompetence, a lot of it is deliberate policy driven failure. for example the refusal to clear brush, not just incompetence that they do not clear the brush. when people tried to clear the brush on those hills that just burned in l.a., you had the environmental regulators stopping them, telling them not to do it. because it was threatening endangered species or air quality if it's a controlled burn. these things are deliver it. the same with the water -- president trump is 100% correct on the water. i see that journalists mocking him when he talks about the giant force that can control the water. let me just laid out, most of
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the water for california comes from the north. the nevada mountain, the snowpack that melts and collects and reservoirs. there are two channels that send it down to wear the people mostly live in southern california. one the delta canal, that is federal. that california aqueduct, the other one that is state owned and round. when he was president last time, president trump ordered more water to be sent through the federal system. and yes there are two giant pumping stations near the delta center close to where i am. president trump increase the federal supply and retaliation was reduced in order to send more water into the delta and yes, it was to protect the delta smelt. which was practically instinct and 2020 and barely revised -- revived by scientist.
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and it's high time california had common sense policies. we have all the water we possibly could want, it's just not collected and stored and sent to the right places. >> will: whether or not its incompetence or ideologically driven as you point out, or just a matter of leasing murders in the wrong place. thinking of these goals such as focusing on climate change, there just has to be accountability. all to mentally that can only come from the voters there in california. i left there for four years, i evacuated twice for fires. you have been there for a dozen years, i am sure you had to do the same. this is not unpredictable, it can be properly handled with the right leadership. thank you for being here with the steve. >> good to see you. >> will: president trump meeting with the people in north carolina who are still suffering. one of those residents who met with the president today is going to join us next and as president trump makes his way through the first week.
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>> the water has gotten so high that it actually lifted between mad and between the tornado that tore through and lifted his home and the house that i grew up him had crashed into our barn, it took away our business, took away our tools and tractors and everything that we need to keep the farm going. >> will: residents in north carolina still suffering from hurricane helene. and today president trump was there to hear them out. the man you just hurt there, curtis a right and his wife,
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amber join me now on the show. curtis thank you for being with us, we heard from you earlier today, welcome to you as well amber. curtis, we heard you earlier today with president trump. tell me what it felt like today -- we will start with today and then work ourselves backwards that what was it like today to speak to president trump? >> it was a lot of relief, you know, people keep saying how are you guys doing in nashville and we feel like we have been forgotten. but i don't think we have been forgotten, just ignored. so for him to come see us today was a big relief. we previously had j.d. vance come to our house with good samaritans. you know, he told us that they were coming and we were glad to see them. >> will: amber, tell me what it has been like since the flood and as curtis described today -- the tornado that helped astride your home and your town. what has life been like in the months sense, what are their circumstances right now?
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>> i would say its a true nightmare, we just live day by day one day at a time. trying to clean up, trying to see what our next steps are. if we are going to be able to rebuild, if not. waiting on insurance or whatever it may be. it has been a struggle, it really has. >> will: amber if you could help us understand, where have you been able to live. i know there was transitions to be able to stay in hotels but is that wear you are right now or are you with family? >> no. we are in a airbnb right up the street from our house that his family owned. we have been able to stay here but we live now with his dad and his mom so it has been really interesting. [chuckling]
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>> will: i can only imagine. >> no. i was saying fema never approached us about vouchers or anything for a hotel so we are fortunate to have this place to stay. and that's also a no other source of income that's taken away from what we helped to make property taxes and maintain our farm. >> will: just to be clear, what did you lose in that hurricane and flood. >> everything. all of our vehicles except mine. all of the farm equipment. >> welders, hound tools, power tools. >> literally everything we own. >> will: i am so sorry to hear that. so basically the way you make a living in the place that you live ... i am so sorry that that's what you have been dealing with. not just on one horrible day but on the months that follow. your life that follows. you saw president trump, you
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told me you also spoke to j.d. vance. i have been and some of the disaster zone so i know how hard it is to rebuild. what do you need, what you need and hope for from the government? >> what we need is a fair evaluation from her insurance company in a timely manner to pay out. samaritans first has been a blessing to us -- they are willing to fill all the gaps that fema and our insurance company has not. we actually have the ability to build on higher ground on another piece of property that connects to our current farm and that's what our hopes are to get fair pay out and to tear down the home that we have because it's beyond 50% repairable. and then start over in a fresh place where my wife feels comfortable and i people on my am absolutely terrified to lift there again. who's to say this will not happen again? i know no -- we are on higher ground now but i still worry
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when the wind blows or when it rains, or whatever it may be. its scary. >> will: thank you both for sharing your story with us, i think your story and we want to focus on the stories from the heartland of america. but it resonates because there are people all across this country. not to suggest your situation is not unique but whether you are in california or hawaii, you have dealt with something similar. and we hope people like samaritan first will be there to help you out when you are in this time of need. thank you for sharing your story here on the wheel cane show. >> thank you guys. >> will: okay president trump following through on his promise to secure the border. starting with deportations out of the country. isis -- there's a daily tracker that you can follow that shows the daily deportation. that number just continues to rise. we will die than next. oney with a commercial auto quote online
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>> will: welcome back to the will cane show, one catholic leader is bashing immigrant -- is bashing the immigrant push and he is speaking up about it. >> it's going against some of the basic tenets of our faith. i can't say what pope francis' plans might be but he certainly paying attention, it expressed a great deal of concern for those per personal -- proposal. mercy has to temperate the way the way that justice is practised. >> will: far be it for me to size the man of the cloth but i think i can share more information with you. i think pertinent information at least. what the patient did leave out is that his organization received $120 million in
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government contracts to facilitate illegal immigration in 2023 alone. it's just one of the many nongovernmental organizations who are facilitating the path of illegal immigration into the united states. there are plenty of people thrilled to have president -- a president who cares about secured borders and today his secretary says the deportation flights have begun. alexis mcgann and has been on the story all day and she joins us from new york. hello alexis. >> reporter: hello well, we have a talking about this in the campaign trail. president trump promised he would do this -- illegally in the first place were taken into custody. sources telling fox that some of these guys committed things like rape and attempted murder. [speaking another language] >> reporter: that's the warning they are singing -- saying, marines are at the
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southern border. check this out, working to secure the area and stop illegal crossings. sending them out there hoping this will help them out. this week rains started, cameras rolling out in boston as they are arrested about eight migrants in that area who say are wanted for a wide range of crimes. here in new york they arrested a man who is unknown or suspected terrorist so people at home weren't -- wondering about what he was doing here, people say he is from türkiye and entered the country illegally. out in chicago, they arrested a man who was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 17 years -- but he served some time behind bars and was let out on the street. why because they did not even know where he was for years. this morning sharing photos of a claim that officials say was heading to guatemala. taking 80 guatemalan internationals after they crossed into the country illegally. so what happens next, sr. and ministry officials tell me these rates will continue across the
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country and targeting criminals who are here illegally. and you heard from voters, they don't want them here in the first place so they will send them home. >> will: alright. we expect to see more if you hear on the will cane show in the coming weeks, got a nice note -- note from you. thank you so much. by the way, let's hold that picture up. that caroline levitt we is fascinating, you see the plane p we heard yesterday from tom home end that they would be using air force planes to deport illegal immigrants right there as alexis just told us. that's a unique wall mulling illegal immigrants being loaded into an air force plane, headed back home. that's a visual to back up what we heard what happened right here yesterday on the will caine show. and now the senate is set to vote on the defence secretary that's coming soon plenty will take you to capitol hill. and the flow season just seem to get richer thanks to more ingenious stock trades.
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>> will: tonight we expect the senate to vote on pete higgs confirmation of secretary of defence. they are on capitol hill with wear things stand today. chat. >> reporter: good afternoon, the vote should come just before nine tonight. box has told that they are quote,"still a few issues with members." that's plural, republicans like susan coley is opposed. >> particularly the statement really walked through the numerous reasons why he is not the secretary of defence. >> reporter: democrats are bleeding hours off the clock after a bloke -- broke a filibuster yesterday. hague says set can only lose three votes and still repeat -- receive confirmation. fox is told to keep an eye on
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mitch mcconnell, a no vote from mcconnell could vos vice president vance to break the tie. republicans are happy to watch democrats drain the clock. >> the democrats seem to be back to their old tired habits of obstructing and imposing. we will be in the senate voting as long as it takes, how long it takes in the senate is up to the democrats to decide. >> reporter: republicans are showing they are willing to fight for the president's nominees. most democrats spoke on the floor against hank seth but cory booker of new jersey used the time to read poetry written by senate pages. >> eighteen yields and curbed facts, we feel our composure starting to crack. people of power laugh and joke as we watch and realize they are just common folk. against the walls we silently here, colleagues and officials but most of all friends -- deer.
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>> reporter: now reading poetry is just a way to chew up time. box has also told it could arrive late tonight so they could keep the vote open end right after egg sac, the vote it will vote to break a filibuster on the nomination of christine gnome to lead dhs. will. >> will: a quick question as you point out, even if mitch mcconnell joints them. dating fans could break the tie for winning sets confirmation. is there any republican senator besides those threes. >> reporter: we have heard by underlings and trying to pin that down but we just don't know. and keep in mind if vance breaks the tie, this is only the second time that has happened on a cabinet nomination. it was vice president pence who did the same thing to confirm the education secretary in 2017. >> will: thank you so much for that report. i think i have to share with you on a personal note, it is so surreal, it really is surreal to
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see your friend -- soon to be confirmed as the secretary of defence. not in any way is he not qualified, he's one of the most qualified individuals eye could imagine. i don't know how you feel -- actually i think i do you know because so many -- so many have told me. d.c. has always felt far away but with seth we see one of us with the right value, the right wisdom which can lead america. the first rule about hunter bidons laptop is don't talk about, now revealing they squashed negative stories about hunter biden including the laptop story. >> i was told this came from. [inaudible] don't talk about the laptop, don't even look at the laptop.
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>> will: joining me now on real clear politics, todd. taught this is incredible, don't talk about the laptop, don't write about it, don't tweet about it. and i told other liquid leaders slow story. >> i mean -- finally a confession four years after the fact. look, we know that there was a conservative effort to suppress that story. copy sleep by social media, by the elements of the government that we're putting pressure on social media companies. and anybody who has been a life, will, and who reads the newspaper knows that their certain outlets. most of them did not cover that story and they used all these reticulate -- ridiculous excuses you know, two years later -- of
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course they couldn't verify and they were not puttg any resources to it and inform -- in fact they were telling reporters not to write about it. >> will: i'm ever that moment with donald trump. now to this, this is fascinating and many people don't watch the four crop -- four clock hour. they might as well pay attention to nancy polo sees stock record. you can follow nancy and make a lot of money because her husband in the weeks leading up to donald trump's inauguration. but that's just the latest in a long history of fun connie stock trades. >> there's actually a twitter account and if you just follow that and you have, they announce the trade that she and her husband have made. if you just follow her and do what she does, you will outpace the market by a good amount. there has been a recent push for a band of stock trading and congress and their some
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bipartisan support for it. joe biden actually mentioned in late december giving support to that but is that a question that republicans will be getting that done now that they are in charge. >> will: in the meantime, follow nancy colosi for your best stock tips. always enjoyed talking to you tom, enjoy avenue on the show. >> thank you. >> will: it was the disc heard around the world. >> president donald trump: they don't take conservative business and i don't know if the regulators mandated that but you and jamie, and everybody. you have to open your banks to conservatives. >> will: john rich cofounded the old glory bank designed for patriots. here is your alternative, old glory. john rich is next. [singing]
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♪ ♪ >> president donald trump: speaking a few and you have done a fantastic job but i hope you start opening your bank to conservatives because many conservatives complained that the banks are not allowing them to do business within the bank. and that included a place called bank of america, they don't take conservative business. i don't know if the regulators mandated that because of biden but you, and jamie and everybody, i hope you will open your bank to conservatives because what you are doing is wrong. >> will: first he criticized biden and barack obama and now he's blasting the bank of america ceo, accusing him of -- my next guest -- he is
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country music star john rich and he enjoys we know. hello john. >> congrats on the news show, i am so proud for you and happy to have you here. >> will: thank you so much. you and i hopefully representing america president from criticizing some of these banks were not representing all of america. bank of america push back and put out a tweet. they said bank of america serve 7 million clients, we welcome conservatives and but never close accounts for political reasons and don't have a political test. we should point out together that was community noted, first thing turned off the comments on x and then it was community noted. and then you have a bunch people like eric prinz, former navy -- maybe -- some saying its not true. >> congratulations, bank of america loves you so much that they turned off comments because they don't want to hear from you. they just want to keep your
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money. that's a real classic act. so oh glory bank is an option that has been built. myself, and some real patriots from the banking industry who stepped away from that woke nonsense. we got a few -- we got together a few years ago and said there has to be an option for these banks. what will start them -- stop them from turning off all accounts like justin trudeau did with that trucker strike. he killed their accounts. it takes about 8 minutes to sign up, we welcome our first responders and veterans. we actually have $100,000 life insurance policy that cost and nothing if you are a veteran or active-duty service member. this is a whole nother attitude of a bank and needed. trumpeted, he called it out. think god, i'm glad he was paying attention. this has been going on for a very long time and it's timely and this. >> will: i'm glad you pointed
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out what happened in canada, that was a key point was making sure that they could not access their funds. but the reason i think it's important to talk about the bank of -- what you guys did his is's saw a market opportunity because there was a market problem. banks weren't servicing people and here you are -- and guess what, we will service you. of those who love america. >> what a concept, we love americans and so do you. why do you -- why not stop doing banking with people that don't love you. people don't understand, the federal government does not own the banks. the bank can say, okay we will turn it over which is what they do or they can do what a glory bank will do which will be -- we
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will see you in court. we will see you in court. we are not turning over any of that. that is the american attitude that should be behind banks these days. if you want to kick them where they hurt, move their bank accounts out of there and come two oh glory bank. we would love to have your service. >> will: you make another good point when it comes to banking. john i will make you a deal, as soon as i get my full studio built down here in texas, you come down with your guitar and we will sit down and talk -- will have music session here on the show. deal? >> i would absolutely love that, congratulations on the show. >> will: thank you very much. many of you want me to talk about sports but we have to talk about sports right now because it's a championship weekend. the afc got josh allen taken on the buffalo bills -- the buffalo bills taking on the kansas city chiefs.
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and then over nfc you got rookie sensation, jayden daniels and the commanders taking on the philadelphia eagles. so who's got the edge. on fs1, crank who joins me now. what is up man -- what do we think? do want me to just lay it out. eagles and chiefs is? that's my prediction. >> i have known you a long time and you never cease to point -- to disappoint me when it comes to your games. you are the definition of trumpet talk talk talk. i thought they were the best team all season so i will take philly over the sensation that is jayden down meals. but man -- i am happily with you
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on the philadelphia side. i don't like philadelphia, matter fact i have a hate relationship with the city of philadelphia. >> will: so do i -- neither do i. but by process of elimination -- by process of a limb nation if you are pushing back on me, i guess you are on the bills on the afc. steve von now people know how you got the job. you deduce that all by yourself. [laughter] >> american needed to change and we got that change because donald trump retook the offer us and a lot of us are really happy with that. america needs a change from kansas city. great town, to decent barbecue, good hardworking people. but dang it, it's enough, it's enough winning. that got three -- it's enough, i
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want new blood. longest two years of my life and i want to see the bills bring that trophy home. and i think they are evenly matched, i think it will be a really great game and the better of the two games and i will take the buffalo bills to go to the super bowl, to play the eagles. >> will: i don't remember the last time you made fun of my pack as aggressively as you did today but it turns out, i one. i was right last time you made fun of me on something on this so you were wrong. i tell you what, and we will square up in new orleans. i will see you at the super bowl on fs1 from breakfast ball. has been the first week, this is the end of the first week of "to we thought we would take a look back at some of the highlights and the low lights. >> we are coming to you live from the heart of america.
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that might have been part of why you weren't too excited about the game. >> i don't know about that. i like ohio state, keep the title in the big ten, we beat the crap out of them every time we play them. >> joining the are the hosts of "the five." jujudge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov -- [laughter] >> i'm going to blank all over the show. i'm not going to be misgendered. >> congratulations to my buddy for having his own afternoon show, major props. just because you support trump doesn't mean you have to live like him or dress like him. that's what you are doing right now, will cain. >> coach is a friend of "the will cain show." he has told me to call him coach, but all day quorum here. >> he called that the bidens, the clintons, the obamas right to their face. >> the best advice i can give it is listen to the people around
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you. >> i will take that. [laughs] i will take low self-esteem. i think you deserve a solid b+, but you did a lot better than texas did in the playoffs, for sure. i'm going to take the b+. i'm not going to take a shot at my texas longhorns. >> will: so let me get this straight. call me willy, the man worth $450 million jay leno h told me never to ask me for a salary, and i didn't mean to call you jessica, jesse. the people peered your show, and active transparency can you please remind the public that te dallas cowboys are the only team not to plain nfc championship game in this entire century. >> i think you just did. finally, a little irish dancing for st. patrick's day. one of my infamous moments on "fox & friends." how about this? ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyo
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