tv The Five FOX News January 25, 2025 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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hello everybody i'm susan reedr, as well as judge jeanine pirro,s out for junior, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. iit's a 5:00 in new york city d this is "the five". >> ♪ ♪ forty-seven is on the move right now as president trump is on board air force one in wildfirew ravaged los angeles expected the show uctp there uninvited with e hurricane helene damage ine th northville carolina community that feels very forgotten.incl making a ton of news including o moment where he signed an executive order to get rid of fema here's >> i will sign an executive order of fundamentally reforminy and overhauling fema or getting rid ofof it. i think it's not good. they get here they don't know the area they've never been to the area. they want to give you rules you've never heard about andou
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bring people who aren't as good as the people you already have it's turned out to be a disaster. >> reporter: while we awaient't his arrival in los angeles. gavin newsom and karen bas karse told they will be there on theii tarmac when the president lands. it's newsoo secret that newsom o trump have disagreed on how to battle the wildfires which have ravaged the area and earlier the president laid out expectations for the visit. >> i want to>> see two things in los angeles. voter i.d. so they hav peoe a ce to vote and i want to see the water released and come down into los angeles and throughout the state that's what i want to see.e th after that i will be the greatest president california has ever seen. >> reporter: here's what theor n governor had to say about the president. >> i am grateful he took her invitation to heart and we'll bd here tomorrow and i look forward to being on the tarmac to thank
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the president and welcome it ant we are making sure all the for resources he needs for a successful briefing are providek to >> reporter: my first questionrw when i thought about newsom and bass being on the tarmac did they not see the conversationwi with theth leaders there? h >> he was direct on how he felta abouget that on the internationl stage but he will be w face-to-face with the guys in california. >> he will teleal themni exactls what he thinks. i findhe im t fascinating he'sns trying to be the guy in charge like i'm the guy who invited him and he took me up on the offer e is if the president needs to be invited anywhere.di it's asa clear disaster area whh continues to be a disaster area. but newsom knows his futuretu relies oren this and it's writig on these fires and how he handles them.k i thinthk the passage of time iw only making it worse when they t get back to their homes and the
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first term had president trumptd telling newsom that he needs to clean up the forest and in his first term president trump who has 50 states to worry about is pressured enough to say newsomfm you need to get the water from norther and california from the mountains and the rivers in them streets and not send it out totu the pacific but to sever inis p california. this president has been so prescient about the issue of we immigration and how much trouble we would be a not getting these people and having an open t border. they were pressured abouhat allf this. we areal talkingki around eight years ago with newsom and bass and all the rest of them can get out there and make like they are doing their job. they aren't. but what we saw witha, president trump in california he did what people wanted theirant president to do. they want their president showing up and talk to ordinarye
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people and tell them what the problem is and how we can fix io and take down the name of the insurance company that isn'tmone giving them the money.buil how do you expect to rebuild it if they have no money. they can get their hands on thes idfema money and doing all in front of us.nt he is transparent to use what we need and by the way dear member palestine and the problem there and fema met that up there. and for months and months and months every time it soundedev like they were going there with president trump even when heside wasn't made a name for showing up to somebody's place as he wa on the campaign trail. hearing from those people todaye was very heartbreaking and as it ertried to share yesterdayent. president trump is a different
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kind of president. there's a lack of conventionof reality to him and orthodoxy toi him that'sn good in some ways t part of what he said and what i interpreted him saying is he wants to reform the organization. it's organized around responding to something that's gone reallys bad.o and it's that they aren't alway prepared we have people who know different regions of the country and different terrains of the country that would afflict different parts of the country helping them better which wasea kiheartbreaking to see months a after whatft happened tost northerner carolina i've heardst from those families who were living day-to-day and circumstances you wouldn't think in america they would be living in. i hope the president there and will say some things and what was said about reforming it is the right thing and the notion,
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of conditionality helping americans where the president'so political parties not in charge can you imagine if he went to a southern or midwestern statem go after disaster i will do all the things you need if you change your voter laws i get he wanted to make recommendations about political changes but politicians should never putn if their interest even if the politics in that state is toch their liking or chagrin. we are all americans the people suffering in our than carolina it's a great we carried it like we did on this network because y don't think people fully appreciate and applaud that onhe the reforms try to make fema work better blitz not condition onpo politics and how does newsm play this i don't think he has much leverage in the situationa but says he will show up and be
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there and are they frenemies was like he was sweet streaking indn the quad and then he turned around and nobody was following him and the resistance has disappeared and when he was h inaugurated that thead flags lowered for carter and then he raised them he can show up atac the tarmac he can bechri chris christie or jan number and open arms a lot of people in his party didn't like that he has to do something and i disagree a feral you have to condition us like car insurance they are jush going to pay the claims they you will make you take a defensive k driving course just like it california has to do they need to start managing their state better and do all the things janine said. i wouldn't likine it to votervo i.d., tei would link it to gettg
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prepared it with water and yourr reservoirs in forest management. but by the way harold aren't they still counting votes in california. >> and pennsylvania believe right now is not a partisans issunoe the last four fema headu to democrats and two republicans all say it needs to bewo overhauled they are prepared any they get bad bailouts the need a deductible to straighten it out. >> i feel the sharpie and i can hear it fast and furious over here getting a little high off the fumes it's only what it is. >> just stepping back i feel like are there any politicians are applicable party's left eye filly trump has flooded the zone and any never trump republican
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do they still exist i don'ter think there is a republican president who has had a week like this and the party has never been this effective or successful in my lifetime may bt over time it happens but you b can't have a better week than this and a lot of the stuff he'o doing. in the executive orderw,s and here's a layout because the solutions and it was much as a failure common sense and a failure of will nobody has an issue of what he's doing theyt didn't know what was being got a done they don't know what they were misn disasters and it's a contest between a of president made out of cardboardn an od a prop and whether it's in crime he will talk to victims p
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and talkeo to people in ai who d you get to grasp and talking to people involved and if you went on any network it would never get to that either he couldn'ti hear it or it wouldn't do anything about it. you watch trump act and signing all the executive orders andking attacking every problem you don't just see the effectiveness you realize what was missing we had for years without a leader and now we are acting like this feels pretty good suddenly you are like now i know what this is like. this is how it works. pretty good. >> and hearing from members ofsf congress and cabinet secretaries that can get the president biden for the conversations it feels v world of difference.t wa >> i don't think the conversation was necessary but a
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little backup because you needed it. okay. and the first mass deportation flights are taking off as president trump's raids target some of the most dangerous illegal immigrants in the country. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! —uh. —here i'll take that. [cheering] ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar and a protein blend to feed muscles up to 7 hours. ♪ (auctioneer) let's start the bidding at 5 million dollars. thank you, sir. (man) these people of privilege... hoarding the financial advantages for far too long. (auctioneer) 7.5 at the back.
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thank you. >> judge jeanine: president trump sending a strong and clear message as i.c.e. begins their deportation flights. the white house releasing these striking images showing some of the country's most criminal migrants. porting a one-way flight out of our country. it is a sharp contrast to the days of joe biden's shameful midnight flights that flew migrants, no, flew illegals in under the cover of darkness. and that's not all. we are also getting brand-new video that shows military helicopters and marines at the southern border helping agents there with security operations. and check out this incredible moment, deported illegals arriving back in mexico and warning others with this messa message. >> [speaking spanish] >> judge jeanine: everyone is getting caught, as well it should be. you know, what's interesting,
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harold, is that governor healy in massachusetts, a democrat, she was going to use every tool in her arsenal to fight back against trump, but she made an about-face. why do you think that is? and will others follow? >> harold: i think she made an about-face come i don't know all that she said but i did see some of those things and she is now in full support of these things. i think people realize that when you are able to make her streets safer and you are able to reduce costs and taking care of people who many in your community don't want in your community, i think that is a positive thing. i think you'll find more in more electorates. your question is focused on democrats, particularly those who may have said their cities or states would be more sanctuary-like. i think they are going to hear from voters. you have seen in chicago where a court of the voting population, constituenconstituency includinf african americans saying we can't afford this, why is this happening? this group the president is speaking of, this is what
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tom homan said are the worst of the people here peered our country has been built over the years on excepting people who want to come and play by the rules and want to come and live the great american dream, but when you come and commit crimes and the kind of violent crimes people are committing, there is no question the president will continue to address this. as i said yesterday, this is how you keep that coalition together that elected you, mr. president, back in 2024. could get a little dicier as things go on but people are going to continue. >> judge jeanine: you know, shannon, harold said when the democrats realized that it is making the streets safer, as if they couldn't figure that out before -- >> harold: some of -- >> judge jeanine: i think it is a recognition that they are going to be charged with obstruction, with interfering, and they don't want to be taken out in cuffs, okay? they cannot stop it. this mayor johnson in chicago, brandon johnson, has already spent half a billion dollars in chicago, and he's got to campaign starting to know your
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rights, he says you want to protect people. protect americans or illegals? >> shannon: there are the objects now the democrats have to contend with because chicago is one of the places where officials have said we want to go in the jails and get the bad guys and take them out of here, but we can't go into the jails so i don't know what the argument is there for protecting bad guys come i'm not sure what the argument is but it is a hard one for democrats to make soap tom homan and others are going out there and saying we are going after people convicted of all kinds of things like rape and assault and attempt to murder and that kind of stuff. you can't stand there is governor healy or anybody else to keep up his efforts. as you mentioned, this executive order says two things, we can come after you civilly or criminally. the president has ordered these agencies to look at cutting off federal funding to these places, as well. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg. shannon just mentioned, we can go into the jails. should these illegals who are
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here and charged with crimes, should they be convicted and spent time in the united states or should they be automatically deported and put on a c-130? >> greg: depends on the crime, if they are bass eight or murderers, but we deport them before we land the plane. >> jesse: drop -- >> greg: drop them. it is interesting that foreign bass eight are treated better that americans be 28. you have these city leaders trying to muck up the work. would you treat our criminals the same way? they actually captured and i believe they are deporting some abusers of children. and i am wondering where aoc is on this. shouldn't the children that these abusers have been traveling, how dare you separate them. shouldn't they be together? isn't that what she was talking about? of course he is not going to say that because the separation policy is designed for that.
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to keep the guys that are rape kids or trying to sell kids from being their guardian. again, this is free money for trump, he is not creating new laws, simply enforcing the existing laws and everybody is looking at it going, whoa, so we can do this? i had no idea. this is what happens when you get rid of the hoaxes, when you get rid of the hoaxes, you get rid of these pushers of hoaxes in the media, now you see that there is nothing to fear when you follow the law. nobody is turning into hitler. there are no concentration camps. it was all a lie. >> judge jeanine: yes indeed. now these illegals, jesse, have been able to and have literally been exempted from the united states laws, and the question now is, i mean, do you -- and i am just curious as to what the thinking is, they spend jail time here or just deport them? >> jesse: on the one hand it is expensive to imprison these people but if you deport them
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and they sneak back in, that's another issue. so i am with greg, it depends on the crime. if it is a hard-core crime, i say we imprison them here. if it is just a small misdemeanor, send them back and take the risk. remember the talking point about not all migrants are criminals. so what? and look at all of these criminals going home, and all it did, it took a show of force. just the visual of having these c-130s out hovering over the border, do you know how scared people are now? they used two average thousands of border apprehensions per day. after trump came in, a couple hundred. no one is even making the track anymore. it looks to me like johnson in chicago wants to get arrested. it looks like he wants to be a martyr, and he wants to now being known for defending criminal illegal aliens. if he does that and the media
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starts supporting johnson and makes them this big anti-trump resistance hero, that is going to send the democratic party so far back in time, and the more and more you realize about how long these killers and rapists languished in our cities, this feisty patient illegal -- >> judge jeanine: been here since 2013 -- >> jesse: as president, enemies foreign and domestic, and he is letting foreign enemies prey on americans, four years, and he obviously knew where he was because on the first week they had his address and picked him up. this just makes joe biden look like such a traitor. >> judge jeanine: no question, and he is thinking joe biden and barack obama, thanks, bro. >> harold: you didn't ask me the question, send them back of these people are convicted and they are still out because our laws need to be changed -- >> judge jeanine: some of them haven't been convicted yet. in other words, we haven't had
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the ability to try them because they are being protected and the sanctuaries. >> harold: i think they should be sent back peered. >> judge jeanine: send them back on that c-130 and airdrop them. >> greg: building for the flight. >> judge jeanine: up next, the sore loser club. kamala and hillary start a support club for losing to president trump. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble with your weight? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i'm keeping the weight off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only weight-management medicine proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events such as death, heart attack, or stroke in adults with known heart disease and obesity. don't use wegovy® with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines, or in children under 12. don't take if you or your family had mtc, men 2, or if allergic to it. tell your provider if you plan to have surgery or a procedure,
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no middleman. just quality tools you can trust at prices you'll love. total beets, america's best-selling beets brand, is available at walmart. total beets blood pressure support soft chews contain a key ingredient clinically shown to deliver two times better blood pressure support. take control of your health. head to walmart and get total beets blood pressure support soft chews today. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: behold kamala in exile. the former vice president back in l.a. after getting her post post-election lost blues. on a grocery run but tsk tsk, kamala, violating the central commandment of liberalism, thou shall not use plastic bags peered a new report claims
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kamala hasn't ruled out a 2028 run and is turning to old hillary for advice. a real support group for losers. to have reportedly chatted multiple times since kamala's defeat on what her next steps should be, what do you think that conversation is like, greg, between hillary and kamala? >> greg: does hillary really have any advice on how to cope with loss? how is that going for her? since 2016 she has been a walking pantsuit of misery. people just throw money at her so she goes away. like none of the projects she has been working on actually helps. the problem with kamala it she can take up drinking because she is already all in. she needs a hobby that doesn't involve a corkscrew. she did start her own company, probably because she had the business cards made that said president, so she needed something, and even if it is a phony company, she can say, i'm in charge. it's called pioneer 49. did you know that? it is a combination of for
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secret service code name and the number of times she slept with willie brown. >> jesse: [laughs] >> greg: but how do you feel bad for her? she is a wealthy lack woman in america who was a historic first. she is going to land on her feet. she will get a deal with netflix. she will get something at hbo. and then she won't do jack because she doesn't have to. >> jesse: she could do that, shannon. >> greg: shannon, i am sorry for that. >> jesse: she is considering a gubernatorial run. do you think that would be wise? >> shannon: there are those within her circle who say she won't do it if she feels it is a step back. i thought the 49 might be she was aiming to be the 49th president. so maybe there is some more -- >> greg: i was just joking, shannon -- >> shannon: it is 49 -- >> greg: is actually about willie brown. >> shannon: i'm trying to stay out of hr. in washington, republicans their
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love the idea that she would run in '28 and they love she is getting advice from hillary clinton. they think that is a wonderful plan for the democrats moving forward but remember there are a lot of angry, angry donors within the party who want to know what happened to their billion dollars and i don't think they are ready to just say, okay, let's do that again. >> jesse: and jeanine, if she did run for the presidency again, she might have to fight through a primary. imagine that. >> judge jeanine: she won't be able to drop out before iowa. look, i have a couple of thoughts. number one, i am really teed off about her endless plastic bags. she won't let me cook on a gas stove. she won't let me use a plastic straw. but she is going to use a plastic bag. it is typical hypocrite, okay? i hope she runs again, really do, because she's got nothing to say. she's got nothing to lean on. and unless she gets a lobotomy, she'll end up the same way. she's going to lose. and the third thing is what shannon talked about, and that is what john morgan said, the
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woman should be disqualified from running again because she lost a billion dollars, didn't make a damn bit of difference. and finally, how do you think her future is going to be that great, because right now they are trashing joe biden. it is joe's fault, joe this, joe that, it is going to turn around. it is going to be kamala because they can't blame biden forever. she is going to pop her head up and they're coming after her. >> greg: her husband should have used a plastic bag. [laughter] >> jesse: harold ford jr.? [laughter] >> harold: i'm not bothered by her talking about running for office again. i think if you've been in political office or public office as long as she has, she was an attorney general, u.s. senator, vice president, if you are not still interested in public service, it would seem odd to me and weird to me.
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i don't dispute anything that has been said about the hurdles she will have to overcome. i hope she uses the moment as an emphasis and catalyst to understand what it means to be in a grocery store, what it means to pay for groceries, how prices are going up. i think your point, judge, but the plastics, maybe she has a different kind of revelation or thinking on this. i don't think you should be permanent he penalized in life or politics if you change your mind -- >> judge jeanine: she wanted me to change my way of life. >> harold: i only get a minute here. [laughter] i'm just saying i think it is great that we challenger on these things because i think she should have to answer all the questions you asked, even the uncomfortable questions you asked about why were you this way a year ago or six months ago and if you change your mind, tell us why. even creating organization gives her an even greater opportunity to be able to do those things. >> greg: pioneer 49, do you know what it does? >> jesse: what does it do? >> greg: it is to help her set up a future. that's all it is. just buy a newspaper or go
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online. find a job. i don't know. >> jesse: they are asking for our email addresses. she could ask for more money. are they still asking for money from you, harold? >> harold: who is they? democrats? >> jesse: kamala. not this week? >> harold: couple weeks. >> jesse: up next, aoc can't stand that president trump is the most popular man besides greg in america. ♪ ♪ as the people you love get older, their risk of severe flu and covid goes up. last year alone, those viruses hospitalized nearly 1 million people 65 and older.
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around, this time, the norms are becoming him. like, the norms are embracing him. they are strong cultural signals. oscar de la renta dressing all the women -- they're all of these cultural signals. it is a kiss [bleep] race. >> man. >> it is how can i show how much fealty i have to donald trump in order to get my digs? >> judge jeanine: get what? >> harold: i'm coming to you second. greg, what are your thoughts -- i'm curious about this because we elect a new president, people want to figure out ways to work together peered i don't know what she is actually trying to say. >> greg: it seems like bernie sanders there was really disappointed. i think the psychology is she is feeling the flip that the democrats and liberals are no longer the cool place to be anymore, and it is on the other side, which is hard to believe. she wants cultural figures to be
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scared of being near trump. and that has always been the tool that they used. it is a very honest admission that they want to keep you from leaving the flock by the threat of ostracizing you. that was the whole genesis of cancel culture, if i see you on fox, you are dead to me. if you watch joe rogan, how dare you. if you like to tweet, we are going after you. this used to happen to me all the time. they would hear somebody. that is what created the silent majority. people just wouldn't tell you that they liked somebody, and then he found out, they shellacked you in the election and what you are saying is true, this is the opposite of the american spirit. it is ordering you not to communicate with people who are different than you, that is the woke creed, not the american creed. you have to engage with the opposition but they are scared if you do you might like what you hear. >> harold: shannon, you are in washington, you deal with leaders and republican and
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democratic party, can you sense that what she is saying is felt, probably felt, probably shared? >> shannon: what it seems like with her is the more he is normalized and accepted by people across both sides of the aisle, the more it takes away her voice because she is out there, you were saying, she is the progressive wing of the party and they had a lot of power at the table in the biden administration. if trump is now normalized, it really takes away from her ability to use a name or a description of him that immediately makes toxic and everybody wants to walk away from him. we were told during the campaign he was the end of democracy, the dictator, a tyrant, yet when it came time to do the electoral votes, the democrats didn't object, they did their thing, they did their duty, they got it done and then you see him at present carter's funeral, president obama is joking with him and laughing with him. it completely disarms the other side's argument that he is an existential threat, and i think for her it feels like she is losing power when that happens. >> harold: prime time, what are your thoughts on this? >> jesse: i think greg sums it up perfectly.
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it is like middle school mean girls. you all agree you are going to not talk to this one guy, and then a little while later in the semester, some of your friends start talking to him. no, no, no, you are not allowed to talk to him. all of them start talking to him at it's like oh, my god, what is going on? the whole resistance to trump was like a social boycott. it wasn't really based on anything else. you see it only works if every democrat in every single industry is perfectly compliant with the boycott. and if one slips, it all falls apart. that is why there is no resistance anymore. it doesn't work. it wasn't a political party, it was a political army, and if one wing of the army isn't participating, they lose, and that is why you don't even hear anything from democrats now. >> greg: i like that hand gesture. >> harold: judge, your thoughts on this? similar to the table, or you have different thoughts? >> judge jeanine: it is similar to the table but i still get to answer peered. >> harold: okay, your time.
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>> judge jeanine: all right. she is concerned trump is being normalized. i said it earlier. he was right about immigration. he was right about the water problem in california. he was right that shutting down american energy was going to create inflation and all kinds of problems for us. and i'm not sure that trump is the one being normalized. i think america and the left is now being normalized to donald trump. the man was right all along, and now america is saying, okay, that's right, that's where we are standing. >> harold: i agree with everybody around the table. i think you can like people and be friends with people you disagree with. i think you can show people respect and decorum when you encounter and have differences politically. we shouldn't embrace somebody that's different wit that also s the president come i don't think it serves anybody -- >> greg: shut up, harold. >> judge jeanine: yeah, that was so -- [laughter]
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>> greg: "fan mail friday" peered first question, i like this question from perl. have you ever knocked on a neighbor's door to borrow something? she gives examples but those are lame. shannon? >> shannon: you know this kind of works in reverse at our house, we're the only one with a generator on our stream so there is a snowstorm or trees down, they come to our house and i love it, mostly what they want is -- we offer a hot shower, too. >> greg: i have cameras in the bathroom. i'm actually i'm filming us right now. jesse? >> jesse: hit a tree with a car as a teenager, it was a snowstorm, and i wandered to a neighbors house and knocked on the door. they thought it was a home invasion, no, no, no, i just crashed my car, please call my dad. not 911. >> greg: that is a great story. that is not borrowing something. >> jesse: i borrowed their phone. this was precell phone, greg,
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i'm older than i look. >> judge jeanine: i'm never borrowed anything. >> greg: from your neighbors? >> judge jeanine: why would i? i have a store at a gas station, why would i borrow anything? >> greg: a way to get to know your neighbors peered. >> harold: not long ago to see if i could hide my kids' bikes for a reason that i didn't want them to know about something. they weren't home. >> greg: every now and then i knock on a neighbors door to borrow a bath towel. >> judge jeanine: you do not. >> greg: that i wrap it around me and i leave. you didn't see that one coming, did you? frenchy, remember her? what is the most disgusting thing you've seen on a flight? judge, come on. >> judge jeanine: that some pig was clipping his fingernails, and he took off his socks, and i was like ready to vomit on him. >> greg: wow just say his name, hemmer. >> shannon: awww.
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>> harold: a morning flight, may not have used mouthwash, and they are snoring. speeder mouth is open -- >> harold: wide open peered plus their heart. >> greg: jesse, what is the worst thing you have seen on a flight? >> jesse: a guy had an emotional support rooster on the flight and started relieving itself in the aisle. >> judge jeanine: the rooster or the guy? [laughter] >> shannon: i got a real thing with hair, i feel like here is super disgusting and there was a woman sitting in front with really long hair and she put it over the back of the chair -- >> judge jeanine: that's nasty -- >> shannon: i was behind them, oh, no. >> greg: that is where you dry your hands. when i was flying last week, obviously private, the sushi that they served, it wasn't as cold as i would like, and that was disgusting. >> judge jeanine: okay. >> greg: firing the flight attendant might have been a bit harsh and making her cry, who
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cares? do i have time for another or should i just go? >> judge jeanine: yes! >> greg: what is one thing people should do in public -- that people do in public that should be illegal? illegal. jesse? >> jesse: when they talk really loud on the phone -- >> shannon: yes, yes, yes! >> greg: it's like a reality show. like the apprentice, somebody is in the backseat, talking, hate that. anything else? >> shannon: that definitely -- >> harold: we all agree with jesse. >> greg: riding bikes on sidewalks drives me crazy. >> shannon: that's dangerous >> judge jeanine: coming on a plane with your pajamas on. >> greg: i agree with harold about women drivers, they should be illegal appeared. >> judge jeanine: we try better than you do. >> harold: i didn't say that. [laughter] i disagree. >> greg: i said go away. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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♪ ♪ it is time for one more thing. tonight we got a great show. dagen mcdowell is here, the comedian, and tyrus. i cannot believe and talk about this news. i thought is going to make it do thisthrough this without havings turned out i was wrong. anyway i'm getting a lot but are there's a lot of onesies and i can wear them. [laughter] the great andrea who is the host of dateline. cooks on my favorite shows. she is pretty hot by the this i.s a and then my buddy lou perez is on tonight pre-knows i am a fan of mike patton and faith no more and he got me a onesie for my little she is going to love my musical taste. right? [laughter] she's going to love it. structure going to scare dhec out of her. next, just a question of it's
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valentine's day, right around th. oe corner.ay don't screw this up gentlemen. we have a new line of goods for jesse watters prime time valentine'ens day. it's basically jesse waters wepi can't live pillow we have a teddy bear, we have a blanket you can snuggle under.o go to fox to purchaset tonight jesse watters primo e te justine bateman, jordan peterson, mark 11 we might get u hag seth in her hour. plexus is not a pretty blanket. carson want to take the coffee mug. question is if this is good for? this is something you put overt your window if you cannot afforf drapes you put this over the window. clicks judge would you thatw. question plucks a note. [laughter] you are up judge. grace is my turn. it's time for, put that down. ♪ this one might take the cake
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for the world's most cluelessle criminal. not only was thisss robber drunk he went to great robbery with a toy gun. [laughter] and is reaching for vodka and falling over the counter slurs his words and wobbles back and forth he got stuck laying on thc counter. the policeer. eventually trackeo him tow, his home i don't know t i've had it tracked it to hisho home the guy could notme have mt it out of there. [laughter] he's pretty dumb.mi quicksort heraldna? w >> thians is the incredible momt the u.s. coast guard rescued four voters w of sailing vesseld and sunk s moments earlier. they were forced to flee on a life raft north of the dominican republic was aided by theen fishermen on a nearb oy boat ase well as a container not far from there. none op nof these men suffered a injuries but are taken back tojk jacksonville coast guard saidwa the rescue wass expedited thanks to the search and rescuerack satellite tracking system for
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adjustment think these people, wa s funding, we should fund evn more to make sure people's lives can be cooks i loven that pic looks at coast guard all these rescuehese organizations. of you dog lovers out there colorado uber drivers discover the secret to gettingg five stars is this guy kevin hav his rescue pup with him.ow he often wears a bowtie prettiei turn into a local celebrity as passengers love to pet and take pics with him but that's a is definite five-star in my bookoo right there. alsok five-star fox news ascending this week at senator toendm cotton who is not the che we s have dick blumenthal with h much talo discuss will find outf they get these people across the line on the confirmations they ar e stuck this weekend. correc♪ ♪ hello
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