tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 27, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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negotiation mckinley and roaring 20's, three things in common, tariffs, tech no and tough immigration policies, those two eras had amazing economic prosperity. president trump is trying to recreate them. >> bret: guys, great to have you on the show in abbreviated format. we appreciate the time. thank you. tomorrow on "special report" our "common ground" segment deals with bipartisan effort to help families of first responders died suffered service related cancers. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. a unique show tonight for "special report." but we have you covered, fair balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ingraham angle from washington tonight as always. >> thank you for joining us just
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getting started. >> nobody is coming in we have to get the bad ones out. many murders bad people in our country they a v. allowed because of ridiculous, actually stupid open border policy 956. >> number of illegals mostly with criminal records deported by ice yesterday. in total there have been 2370 arrests of border crashers since january 23rd average of 532 a day. these are child moe lesserss gang bangers, drug and human traffickers and domestic abusers, yeah. there were rapists, too. meet edgar de la cruise child rapist and mexican national
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arrested by nyeste seattle on saturday. and there are just cold blooded killers in the bunch, too caesar agust toe hails from the dominican republic and just picked up in boston a few days ago. seeing deportation flights begin, the troops on the border. the no nonsense tom homan doing what he does best. enforcing the law, protecting the homeland, this is all extremely positive. it has a phenomenal deterrent effect. now, one would think that keeping vicious criminals off the streets wouldn't be controversial. how is that controversial. singer actress and skincare entrepreneur selena gomez is very upset. [sobbing] i have come to say that i'm so sorry. so many people are getting -- i
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don't understand. >> i'm so sorry. i wish i could do something, but i can't. i don't know what to do. >> laura: she is really crying there. she tried. until the fierce online backlash and then gomez deleted that insipid weepy post. notice she said my people are getting attacked. who are my people? is she an illegal alien committing crimes? those are not her people. given that she is worth an estimated $1.3 billion good for her according to bloomberg. i imagine selena gomez could establish homes for migrants in their home countries where they are actually citizens but no, she apparently thinks that working people should be punished by having these illegals flood their communities. and speaking of billionaires and even worse than gomez caring
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about the -- not caring about the safety of the american people is the governor, not caring about the safety of the american people. enter shameless illinois j.b. pritzker. >> they are going after people who are law abiding, holding down jobs. why are we going after them? these are not people who are causing problems in our country. what we need pathway of citizenship for them. protect people at least the residents of illinois and all across the nation who are just doing what we hoped that immigrants will do did he say protect people? what a farce. chicago is already reeling from gang banger crime they don't need any more problems. raise your hand if you are tired of rich politicians ceos and celebrities trotting out immigration stories. i used to do this on my radio show complete with music. every time enforcement was actually carried out or ramped up. it's always the valedictorian.
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same thing first of all if you are in the country illegally and especially if you are a criminal, you are a deportable alien under u.s. law and yes the term alien is correct ors here on tee portable they are deportable as well. just because people like cheap labor that doesn't change that what is true trump won he said this tonight giving speech to republicans. he won in large part because of pledge to deport millions of people. you not thousands, millions. the explosion of the illegal population coast to coast has had hideously destructive effects on local communities. on their schools, on their healthcare budgets. and, of course, the crime. including against children as we have seen with recent horrors in boston locals had released this
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freak into the community thousands of other violent criminals still loose across america as far as the argument garden variety illegal immigration is not a crime bull. working families, first job job seekers, as usual, they suffer the most and also kids in school. schools that are overload with esl students. democrats like j.b. they float above the misery, he had are willing to inflict on you. but they ought to be very careful here because interfering with a federal law enforcement operation is a crime. listen closely to his state a.g. who parses his words very carefully. >> i have no intent with interfering with legal immigration enforcement processes.
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the state of illinois that we have a trust act i'm going to stand by our constitution and state law. >> laura: what the open borders uniparty did to america is, i'm sorry. it's treasonous. until we remove all the threats to the homeland, we should have a pause on all immigration to the united states we must get rid of this backlog. it is massive in the tens of millions and a thousand a dad day is sadly just a drop in the puckett bucket. we need o10 times that number which is possible if states and local officials actually cooperated. and do you know what happens when america becomes, as teddy roosevelt warned all those years ago a polygot boarding house? look at what went down in dallas over the weekend.
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1234[chanting the people unitedl never be defeated] >> laura: we need not forget the ngos and other groups that take in huge amounts of federal money to settle and help process illegal aliens like the catholic charities. >> catholic charities milwaukee refugee program. this is a video about knowing your rights if immigration and customs enforcement approaches you. if you are undocumented and immigration officers come to your workplace, beware of the following. do not panic. can you refuse to sign all paperwork until you have the opportunity to speak to a lawyer. >> laura: all the money has to be cut of to these groups. this money grum be spent on american homeless individuals, drug addicted, vets on the street.
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elderly living alone. all of this, it's got to stop. naturally cvs yesterday tried to pull the immigration sob story routine on vice president j.d. vance. >> the u.s. conference of catholic bishops this week zoshedz on president trump, specific those allows immigration and customs enforcement to enter churches and to enter schools. do you personally support the idea of conducting a raid or enforcement action in a church service at school. >> as a practicing catholic i was disheartened by that statement. let them talk about the children that have been sex trafficked because ever the wide open border. if you had a violent murderer in a school, of course i want law enforcement. >> of course. >> get that person out. >> of course. >> what's the point of the question? >> laura: enough with the immigration sob stories. there are just as many americans difficulties out there because of the illegal immigrant crush
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j.d. killed that interview. don't you love hauer democrats and pals in regime media have suddenly become fiscal hawks when it comes to the cost of deporting all the illegals that their policies allowed in? >> they want to invest billions of dollars in mass deportation which by the way will also drive up cost when we lose hardworking immigrants been here for decades. expect prices to go through the roof. >> plan to deport migrant workers and tariffs drive up the cost to build more homes. >> these sorts of things are going to cost a lot of money. going to need a lot of money to fund what he wants to do with the border. how he wants to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. >> laura: oh, yeah, now they want to cut costs. where were they four years ago? now tom homan has the best response to all of this. >> consequences to entering our country illegally. if you don't consequences never
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solve. congress has a mandate to give us the money. what price do you put on national security? what price do you put on young ladies raped and murdered and burned alive? what price do you put on that? what price do you put on laken riley's life? what price do you put on national security? >> laura: america needs to be america again. immigration, the right kind, once we get our house in order, it's beautiful. people who love our country our culture our language our flag. it's a beautiful thing. but divided loyalties are poisonous to our national purpose, but the left they want us at each other's throats. they love it. they love scenes like that in dallas. constant strife they depend on it. remember zol olenski rules for radicals. freeze it and polarize it. look, we are only a week. in and so far so good. but, with approximately 50 million illegals here,
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possibly more. tom homan and the dhs will need to move with deliberate speed. they will need to get creative. everyone here illegally needs to return home, so we can have peace in our home and that's the angle. ♪ joining us now is vash ton and joe borelli. vash shawn, tom homan's deportations in chicago, you heard your governor and you have heard your mayor think they are upset by. this we are not going to interfere but -- >> but, okay. i just want to say this. first thing i want to say is thank you, tom homan for doing an absolute great job for cleaning up the city of chicago. i know you are not done yet. i have another thing to sty brandon johnson and j.b. pritzker how do you guys sleep at night knowing there are rapists out here that committed these heinous crimes against the children and women? how do you guys sleep at night
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half a billion dollars in debt whether it comes to illegals. how do they sleep at night knowing you are putting illegal immigrants that are committing crimes over the american citizen i can't believe they are doing. this joe, each illegal immigrant in the united states, i got illegal alien. immigrants is the people we welcome in because they want to be part of the national fabric. they want to contribute to society they cost on average $8,000 a year in hub is i buy days, heck, schooling, all the other vouchers they receive from various entities, so the idea this is some -- this doesn't cost us anything, this costs us hundreds of billions of dollars. >> yeah. we have the receipts here in new york so far the migrant crisis has cost 6.5 billion with a b out of pocket if there is no other elected official in new york maybe it's just me i want
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to say thank you to president trump, thank you to tom homan as a taxpayer in this city i don't know how long we can possibly sustain this wave of illegal people living on our dime. i mean, thankfully we have seen a reduction in the numbers. thanks to some of the work that trump has done on the border already. but we are closing some of our migrant shelters. how do we get back that $6.5 billion that could have gone to schools helicopters, hospital workers our flowers in the park grow nicer. these are taken from us the democratic party failed us at the border and here in our large cities. >> laura: what is happening in d.c. very wealthy area the public schools have seen a decrease in enrollment. covid, a lot of the politics in public schools. christian parents have pulled their kids out. so the illegal influx of students is actually helpful to the teachers union. the whole new generation to
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propagandize, to i guess. that's also kind of an unholy alliance along with catholic charities, sadly, lutheran services all these other ngos. >> so here's the thing. we have to start putting americans first. like just as simple as that i believe tom homan is doing the right job when it comes to putting americans first. and i just want to say this to all the cryers out there. who are crying over the undocumented immigrants been here for years like selena gomez. tom homan has already made this clear, if you are here illegally, you are not off the table. you are committing a crime within itself if you are here illegally in america they say that doesn't matter. that's why we have millions of people here. they told the world if you come here illegally can you stay indefinitely. they broadcast that to the world. you in new york are suffering. you in chicago and oakland and st. louis and little towns across the america. you are all suffering as a
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result. joe? >> right, tom homan is fundamentally right. he talked about consequences being the negative people don't come. consequences they are giving you free stuff and healthcare and schools and fund mentally the life that many of them do hope for of course more people are going to come. it doesn't take a jean yows realize it. even eric adams tried to fly down to south america during this crisis to try to convince people this wasn't in their best interest stop giving them everything they possibly need for free, they weren't going to stop coming that changed when donald trump took office on day one. and i suspect going to get better from here on in. >> laura: there is a lot of people that have to be removed. it's got to be a pace that it's going to be marred to maintain but we have to do it. vashon and joe, thank you so much. the president of the country of colombia not the university apparently thought that america had no right to return the colombian nationals living here
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illegally refused to many accept our repatriates flights. trump set off tariffs. >> the only way donald trump knows how to, quote lead is by acting like a dull bully. that doesn't demonstrate anything but incompetence. >> that seems like something that is a really bad idea. >> this shows the hastiness of the policy trump and homan are implementing. you can't just bully your way out to a tarmac in a sovereign state. >> laura: but they were wrong, of course, because using a strong hand against foolish leaders actually does work. now colombia is crawling back us. even sending the foreign minister an ambassador here to smooth things over. and, yes, they will accept colombians who return as deport years. joining us now kevin mccarthy, former speaker of the house. kevin, it's good to see you tonight. this is something to behold with
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the left refusing to learn what happened in the presidential election and again standing up for the illegals over the rights of americans. it's unbelievable. so remarkable. whether they r. they going to learn what president trump says he means. not only does that flip the colombian president offered to send his own presidential plane to start picking them up to bring them back. >> laura: oh, good. >> that is the strength of what president trump was able to handle. only like in a six hour time period. but it also sent a message to everybody else across the world remember joe biden saying he needed the tools to protect the border? he is the one who broke it. you are watching what tom and president trump is doing. they are protecting that border. but now they are removing criminals and the democrats are complaining about rapists leaving that are illegal aliens
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sitting here? >> laura: pete hegseth has now said, of course confirmed as the secretary of defense as said that the military will be at the disposal of u.s. authorities if needed and obviously it is needed right now. once president trump declared these cartels to be foreign terrorists organizations. that freed the military up to be able to tactical that active role. i think most americans are much more in pfeiffer of the u.s. military helping us than sadly a lot of these foreign adventures that haven't worked out too well. >> they need to help us. i will tell you. america knees to know what is happening on southern border. especially with these cartels. these cartels have weaponry like a military. the sinaloa cartel in arizona. you cannot cross that border without paying them. they will pick you up and killing you. they burn individuals. you also find when they cross the border we are wearing
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camouflage, they have carpets under their shoes because they don't want to get caught cartels so powerful and wealthy by removing illegals from 160 other countries. wait until they start finding the individuals that came from china into america through here. what type of. we need the military there to set a very strong tone that we are not going to allow this and mexico can't control their own cartels, they are more powerful than their military. >> laura: mr. speaker, don't you think in the future one of these countries say we are not going to accept these harrened criminals. we do have gitmo. before the enemy combatants, gitmo held haitian refugees, initially. so gitmo is available. we could use gitmo if necessary. honestly, then you don't have to deal with the court system here. that's why gitmo was set up. >> exactly. but, remember, the executive order that this 19 individuals
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we should be sending people down there to and sending a very clear message if you want to come to america, come here legally. we are a country of immigrants but legal immigration. don't send the criminals into america because we will send them back. >> laura: got to go home. mr. speaker, thank you very much. ahead, trump drops a bomb on dei and the military. ♪ is [laughter] you go to sandals to get really, really close...
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>> laura: little wishful thinking dei isn't doa yet because al sharpton on scene [inaudible] >> we're going to do this dealt with. and donald trump be able to cancel a commitment they made is an outright affront to the black community, brown community, lgbtq, gay community. that is why we will stand those that stand with us. costco immediately stepped up and said that they would not back off dei. we are calling a buy in. >> laura: sharpton and a few that still follow him.
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they are back to their old shake down. demanding that companies embrace their racial vision or else. >> not stand with us. let donald trump stop those from boycotting them. we will not [inaudible] >> laura: but what is there to boycott here? the end of racial discrimination and hiring is exactly what ending dei does. people of all races voted against the dei divisiveness and sharpton is not paying attention to the facts though. they are too inconvenient for his narrative. supported by his comrade of left wing media idealogue. >> a majority people voted for this. this is the disgusting version of america that people want and oh by the way eggs are still more expensive. so, you didn't even get that great job white folks. dei is a policy invented by white folks to try to stop other white folks from being racist. if they want to end the policy.
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the next media question shouldn't be oh my god you are ending dei. okay. so what are you doing to combat racism and employment and hiring? >> laura: joining us now i'm delighted is he with us. josh hawley, of course, the great senator from oil-no, wait. well we -- there you are, josh hawley. i'm sorry. we were not sure you were with us. senator hawley, thank you for joining us. this dei madness. and i know missouri has been grappling with some of this over the years as well. but the dei madness has actually infected our military. pete hegseth is having none of this taking his orders from donald trump. but the left they are going crazy, insisting that this is causing people to have hurt feelings, lose job opportunities, and the trans crowd is very, very upset. >> well, is he doing exactly the
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right thing, laura, i'm so glad to see him doing it. listen, dei, let's speak the truth here. dei is unconstitutional. what did the supreme court say a year or two ago? you couldn't use race as the basis in college admissions. not college admissions. why is the united states military? here's the other truth, laura, dei is what the elites use to stay in power. because they use it to divide working people. they tried u. try to turn whites against blacks and blacks against whites and hispanics against everybody else. it's their way to maintain their power. that's what they want. that's who invented dei the elites. they are scared to death now that what is going to happen is everyday people, working people across this country are going to unite and going to say we're going to take our country back. >> laura: senator hawley, of course as i noted, the left is going crazy or at least pretending, to watch. >> there seems to be an element of glee and sort of traumatizing people this dei is just another example of kind of cruelty and
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pettiness. >> we as a country strive to create a more equitable space for everyone. >> diversity, equity and inclusion are american values. these are values that everybody in this country should embrace. >> laura: no, no. no. no, wrong. this is cruel and petty senator. isn't it cruel to say because you're not the preferred skin color for this job don't even apply? isn't that what dei does? >> yeah. it's not only cruel. it's unconstitutional and ought to be illegal. we ought to make it absolutely illegal in law. nobody should be relying on skin color in order to hire or fire but what i just heard, laura in those clips you just played. what i see are people who are desperately afraid they are losing their power. it's people who look out at the electorate and look at donald trump's gains with hispanic voters and with african-americans voters whoa this can't happen? why is it happening? get back to the old lines and
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working people saying we're not going to fall for that anymore. not going to fall for identity politics anymore unite around love of country and shared interest and take back power from the elite. that's the why those folks that you just played. that's why they are so hysterical. >> laura: you are right. people of color, women youngs, old, coming to see the pragmatism of trump's policies make a decent living in this country and be safe. you hit the nail on the head. thank you so much. liberals, of course, trying to smear r.f.k. jr. just saw him in the airport last week before his confirmation hearing. again, you could almost smell the desperation, next. narrator: for generations, this ally to the north ♪ connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together.
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>> laura: r.f.k. confirmation hearing to head up hhs will start in about 48 hours. >> but, of course, the left is hyper ventilating over his goal to make america healthy again. >> he does not listen or look at the proven signs. he does not listen or look to the experts in the field. but he has found his own experts to listen to and has very, very pronounced views on a wide variety of issues, which are just out of step with, i think the mainstream of the scientific community. >> laura: i hardly recognized her that is kathleen sebelius. does that ring a bell? she was the failed hhs secretary under obama. and she is also worried about trump's withdrawal from the who. >> i'm afraid what it will be as the world health organization if the united states withdraws it may well collapse. and what that does is not just
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make americans far less safe and secure, did you, it really sends ripples throughout the world in terms of not being able to detect and prevent and restrain diseases at a very early stage, not being able to share information. >> laura: oh my god, i just fell asleep. i'm sorry, that was so boring. this comes from the same woman who oversaw the failed launch of the obamacare website. do you remember that? now, remember when no one could access it? no one can access what she is saying now. it took me three years to figure that out. the left is upset because, most of all, trump is doing what he promised to do. fix large parts of our government frarkly all of it. joining me now dr. marc siegel nyu langone professor of medicine. dr. siegel, your response to kathleen sebelius, if you didn't fall asleep like i almost did? >> well, i was thinking of the irony here which kept me awake. listen to what she did under obama she brought in obamacare,
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as you mentioned the failed websites but but how about the fact it extended the sick care system more and more people got coverage but didn't give them care. let's make everybody sick so the insurance companies are happy and then we will cover it and pump you full of pharmaceuticals and get heavier and heavier. you will drink more alcohol. obesity epidemic, all of the things that r.f.k. jr. and president trump under make america healthy again are trying to reverse in other words, it's before you ever get to the doctor's office that you want to have clean food that's not full of chems, isn't full of red die. not full of things that make you obese that leads to the very health problems high blood pressure, diabetes. dementia and sleep apnea and even cancer. guess what? obamacare is promising to cover that how dare increased the
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federal spending in this situation to about a trillion and a half dollars now with medicare and medicaid alone. of all people to be spokesperson here. >> now, the cia on another topic, dr. siegel, is a agreeing with the theory it seems covid-19 did come from a lab leak, we were saying that in 2020. supporting the lack leak theory. what took them so long? >>this is huge. because the cia is the agency we really want to listen to about what is happening on foreign soil. what is being suppressed. i remember in early 2020 when tom cotton who is now head of the senate intelligence community where he belongs was being ridiculed and mocked. we were covering him on tv laura, you was, i was. we took him very seriously while
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tony fauci and others were suppressing the lab leak theory but look at all the evidence for it. where did this virus come from. how come it started spreading wildly. what happens in that lab. how come people getting sick in the lab and being sent to the hospitals in the summer of 2019? how come we didn't hear about any of this? how come and this is the part that involves the w.h.o., the w.h.o. was saying china bought the world time and china, it was only a regional problem only. so no wonder president trump is saying because he is after all a great businessman, how come china is paying $38 million and we're paying $500 million to an agency the political top of that agency is busy carrying water for china and helping them suppress emerging pandemics? he is basically shaking the stick at them and say you are not helping america. why should i pay for you? >> all right. well, when you think of the billions we spend on the cia budget. the billions and billions.
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and we're just hearing that they now favor the lab leak? i mean, that's just a total indictment of the cia. i mean, we knew it was a lab leak. and they are just telling us now we are supposed to applaud the cia? it is a complete embarrassment. >> a quick point on that. >> real quick. >> the biden cia hid it. they knew it. it took john ratcliffe to come forward and get it to be revealed. this information was being suppressed by the biden c.i. a which is a disgrace. and we all know what else they hid, which is president biden's mental status et cetera. >> turn over all the rocks and you will see all the little creatures crawl out. doctor, thank you so much. all right, the massive cultural shift that's going on is also a point of great consternation to the left on both coast, jillian michaels is here next.
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trump just showing up. they did not know but the secret service showed up. we know joe biden could never pull that off. he would stagger through kind of where is the exit? few people could another sign things are changing. we know donald trump is the best i don't think anyone really comes close at least in day and age. something else is going on and saw it when city council members and karen bass and with gavin newsom trump has made conservatism cool again. >> the man was impeached twice. weighs convicted on 34 felony counts. and the american people still said is he closer than normal. >> exactly. >> you are talking about issues that contain less than 1% of the population. the democratic party came across as if that was a priority, most
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of the other issues. what voter out there can look at the democratic party at this moment n time and say there is a voice for us? somebody that speaks for us? that goes up on capitol hill and fights the fight that we want them fighting on our behalf? they didn't do that and that's why they are hinds at home and that man is back in the white house. >> laura: hakeem jeffries just sat down with him. jillian michaels health and wellness expert. jillian, what's going on here? ohio did this cultural shift. without a doubt. i see people landing in laguardia with maga hat now i don't even bat an eye just yesterday my teenage son said mom being republican is punk rock. my jaw it h hit the ground. buddy why would you say that? i like to think of myself issue by issue, person by person and taking things one case at a
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time. my son literally looked at me and said antiestablishment. it's people over profit. and i do appreciate the fact that donald trump is pro-business and trickle down elements it is for the people. the right is now the free speech party and the left is associated with censorship. coalition and the left is canceling and personalling people who don't agree with them. the left has ceded the mantel of health which was always traditionally a left wing crunchy granola west coast thing and now the right is taking it head on. like this that have brought people from the left or the center over to center right. > >> laura: jillian, i think this issue of authenticity. wear that that bandied about who is authentic who is not.
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in exchange he had with karen bass he was authentic. >> we can get people back building as fast as possible and we're going to continue doing that. >> the one thing is they are saying they will not be allowed to start for 18 months. >> no. that will not be the case. >> okay. i hope you are right. >> can you hold me to it. >> this group said that. >> no. >> they should be able to start tonight you have emergency powers like i do. you have to exercise them also. >> did i exercise them. >> look, you have a very powerful emergency power. and can you do everything within 24 hours. >> authentic trump hits l.a. that's normal conversation you would have with anybody in this same situation yet, he has the experience of actually building a large project he knows
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pitfalls and hurdles. >> trump is actually not a politician. even though he is the president of the united states. that is what is so appealing about him. is he a businessman. say the right thing and massage egos and politically correct. he is there to get done. and what you see is what you get. even though there are times i don't like some of the things he does or i don't agree with some of the things he says. at least i know what i'm getting. at least trump what he is saying because he really doesn't care what anyone thinks there, something reassuring about that for people. authenticity factor is irrefutable with him. >> laura: you can't imagine, obviously joe biden could never have done anything like that. like obvious. jillian, we love having you on. thank you so much for joining us. up next, liberals all of a sudden they are caring about
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before for years the price peddled this narrative that bidenomics is working, do not worry, racing grocery prices, inflation none of it. and the trump is an office, suddenly the economy is a real concern. >> we have seen all of these executive orders, which one lowers prices? >> and there have been a number of executive orders that have caused dragos to come back into our country which is a core part of lowering prices. prices are going to come down but it will take a little bit of time. the president has been president for all of five days, thing he has accomplished more in that then joe biden did in four
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years. >> laura: years before former weight house press secretary, four years of the biden and some of the west inflation we had in decades, we know what happened with the price of food, and trump was supposed to fix what they said was not a problem in a week. >> in the velocity of that question, let's talk about that. i remember when barack obama went through his transition, and they said to watch him on a vacation in hawaii and to the reporter rode up that president-elect obama had chiseled pectoral muscles. this is what you have one of the press is full left and you have trump coming in and they are going to ask ridiculous questions like that as if it was supposed to be accomplished in five days. the real answer is he will accomplish it because of one phone call, this phone call with the crown prince of saudi arabia, they will increase oil production, price of energy
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will calm down, that is what j.d. vance will talk about. >> laura: it's just a whole thing, happening so fast. i think people cannot keep up with a new cycle. confirming today and will be a true fit -- terrific treasury secretary, floated the idea as to trump of getting rated of the income tax altogether. and having something closer to a consumption tax that was today. really quickly, ten seconds, how exciting is this time? >> this is huge, i think a lot of it is over-the-top and i do not think they can abolish the income tax like that, but this is what we have been waiting for. >> laura: it we'll be fun to watch, as always thank you. that is all for us, make sure to follow me on instagram, jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to 'jesse watters primetime', tonights... >> is this what we will se
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