tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 28, 2025 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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they won. so, jesse, congrats. your eagles did fly high this weekend. they were firing on all cylinders. congratulations, good luck in super bowl lix. wibut let me say even though whe i'm wearing this jersey that the washington commanders had an unbelievable season. they weren't expected to get anywhere near the nfc championship game. so congrats to the commanders. all the players. josh harris, mike ion, the rest of the ownership because next year, next year we will be back and jesse will be wearing our jersey on "the five." thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. it is painful. but it's almost super bowl lix. and it's right here on fox. ingraham angle is next. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone i'm laura ingraham.
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"the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. the barbarians in lab coats lose another one. today president trump issued an executive order that prohibits the use of federal funds to fund the mutilation of children and, of course, the stuff fraudulently dubbed gender aaffirming care. i can't say that trump didn't campaign on the issue. i will revoke every biden policy, promoting the disfigurement of our youth and ask congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. >> laura: the doctors and he put that in quotes. and the hospitals that make huge profits, including i understand catholic hospitals, off of children's genitalia mutilation, it's all -- they are all complicit here. and our tax dollars should never fund this hideous, hideous barbarism. and by the way mark milley is getting a come up wants with his call for his call with china.
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apparently the pentagon just pulled general milley's security clearance and he could be demoted. oh, we're going to get into all the details in moments. but, first, our country, our border. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ president trump is doing what his millions of supporters new and old are begging for. his administration is finally enforcing the border and carrying out mass deportations. now, the total number rounded up so far is nearly 5,000. remember, 15 million are here. and a lot of the ones just picked up and rounded up are hardened criminals. including murderers. accused child rapists. and tren de aragua gang members. and not just in places like denver, we knew that tren de aragua story really erupted but also in the big apple as well last night new york got a little safer and the new dhs secretary was on the scene to capture the
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ice operation. >> but, rather than breathing a sigh of relief. rather than stepping up to help make america safer, working with the trump administration, liberal officials in cities and states plagued by crime, including migrant crime, are siding with illegals brandon johnson in chicago. >> what this administration is attempting to do, he is attempting to get us to surrender our humanity for we're not going to do that in chicago. there's a real goal here to stoke fear into the american people. >> of course, that's a lie. american citizens have no reason to fear unless someone involved in human or drug trafficking themselves then they have something to fear. but the empathy always goes one way for these open borders fanatics. to the poor illegals. because to the fanatics, you know, they are not really illegal aliens. they are not even illegal
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immigrants. they are simply undocumented democrats. this from new york a.g. letitia james. she says my office is aware of the increased presence of ice across new york city. i'm monitoring the situation to ensure that our laws are being respected and people's rights are not being violated. think about this whether people's rights are being violated? now, remember, she is talking about illegal aliens who had no right to be here. so what about the rights of this poor woman, debrina 57 years of age allegedly murdered by illegal alien khalil from guatemala, who, by the way deported himself in 2018 only to cross the border again. on december 22nd he casually walked up to the bench where she was sitting, pulled a lighter from his pocket, and then set her on fire.
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she screamed in agony as she died. yeah. and, of course, this man was in the united states illegally. we know that. 33 years of age. again, is that individual someone we should actually fight for, fight for the rights of those people. but the slow-rolling border invasion that settled 15 million illegals here has already cost the american taxpayers hundreds of balls of dollars. countless lives. not to mention how many entry level jobs are being taken by illegals, boxing first time legal out of the workforce entirely in some cases. first press briefing as white house press secretary karoline leavitt was more than ready to answer the pro-illegal alien chorus from the media. >> ice arrested 1179 undocumented immigrants on sunday but nearly half of them, 566 of the migrants appear to have no prior criminal record besides entering the country
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illegally. which is a civil crime, not a -- not -- it's not criminal. >> federal crime. >> said he was going to focus on those violent offenders first. violent offenders no longer the predicate for these people to be deported. >> he is focused on launching the largest mass deportation in history of illegal criminals. if you are individual, foreign national who illegally enters the united states of america, you are, by definition a criminal. >> laura: yes, illegal means illegal. but, remember, the elites love their cheap labor. >> 3500 arrests ice has made so far since president trump came back into office, can you tell us the numbers, how many have a criminal record versus those who are just in the country illegally. >> all of them because they illegally broke our nations laws and therefore they are criminals as far as this administration goes. i know the last administration didn't see it that way it's a big culture shift in our nation who views someone who breaks our immigration laws a criminal but that's exactly what they're. >> laura: we will get into her performance today which is
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masterful in a little bit. hallelujah. never forget one of the other reasons the left loves wave after wave of illegal immigrants, new converts. i mean, most people are on to their game at this point, but millions of illegals, many of whom are sadly and this is already reported illiterate in their own languages, they are ripe for the left anti-american propaganda. so their new brainwashed activists who will be, you know, i think sought after to protest and they hope eventually vote. eventually they want them all to speak like this. >> what they actually do behind the scenes, they trust will not really get out and part of a different agenda they have. which is really to make america white again. >> you start having gestapo raids in america and we start becoming a country whereas in east germany a knock on the door is the thing people are thinking
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about. >> laura: yes. yes. after it failed miserably in the 2024 presidential election against trump, they are back to the hitler routine again. it's always a sure sign they are losing the argument, so, what do we expect? so doing right by our workers our citizens, our legal immigrants our border and budgets requires that we keep the focus on enforcing the law. those who wish to come here will need to come legally or not at all. it's our country. and our border, and that's the angle. >> laura: now, on this issue of mass deportation, the divide between the open borders crew and american citizens couldn't be more stark. fox digital checked in with the folks at the villages in florida. >> i think the border is most important for us. >> people coming across the border. >> secure our borders. >> immigration. >> it has to be taken care of
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and god bless him. he is getting -- he has had everything in line and his plan completely ready to go. and on day one. >> laura: there you have it. but, believe it or not, even in red states like florida where the citizens, the people who vote support these efforts of deportation and enforcing the border. there are political forces at work that are absolutely determined to slow roll president trump's priority and that of governor ron desantis. take a florida state legislature. now, despite trump's popularity there. they released a watered down immigration bill that does not mandate local law enforcement cooperate with ice officials. and both chambers of congress they released, you know, a bill that didn't actually jive with what the voters want. why is that? we have late breaking information on that. joining us now# he worch a
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mandate to effect that. he got into office and issued bold executive orders. providing a road map for, yes, going after the cartels, securing the border. but then enlisting local and state law enforcement in the deportation efforts. the reality is they don't have enough resources to succeed in fulfilling that mandate unless states like florida step up. we want to make sure our local law enforcement and state are in the fight. they are assisting with deportations. so that that we can reach this
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record threshold and fulfill the mandate. now, all the republicans i know were supportive of that they all ran on that. but now when it comes time to do it, you have got folks that don't want to do. so i called the special session of the legislature that started on monday. one week after the president took office. because we wanted to be strong and we want to get the job done. the legislative leaders initially said it was premature and there was no urgency for the issue of immigration. i have been waiting four years to do this. i have got a lot of urgency. then they said it was a stunt to do illegal immigration legislation. but they got really negative feedback. so they came out with a bill that they unveiled yesterday, that gutted all the enforcement that i was calling for. >> laura: whoa, whoa. whoa. >> no state and local. >> laura: whoa. governor, people are listening to. their ears are bleeding. this can't be hang. what specifically, really quickly, did they gut from your agenda, which again, i know is supported by the president? >> three things.
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one, no requirement for state and local to enforce immigration laws and work with ice. that is a huge parts of it. two, they stripped the governor, me, of authority and they give it to the commissioner of agriculture. we just conducted raids with ice. we got chinese illegals down in miami. we did a raid in tallahassee. they want to give that to the commissioner of agriculture. they also allow catch and release. we don't think you allow catch and release. you have an illegal they should be denied bail and turned over to ice. here what they did, laura, this is the play. this is all true. it's weak bill. but they named it the trump act. so they think by putting the name of a strong president on a weak bill that somehow that is going to pull the wool over the eyes. i can tell you that did not work with florida voters yesterday. i have never seen an outpouring as negative against the legislature in what i saw yesterday. they have now had to go back. they are trying to add more window dressing to the bill. but it's still very, very weak.
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this is our moment. the voters sent us here to do this. we have got to be strong. we cannot let these guys squish out on this issue. >> laura: republicans squishing out on issues like this, oh how shocking oh wait, it's not. they do this all the time. this is so predictable. i have been fighting these immigration amnesty bills for 28 years. and this is happening doesn't surprise me. but, now, time to name names and say look, this is what you do. you thwart the will of the people. then you are going to be voted out of office. end of story. but they are hitting back at you, governor, some of the legislative leaders say this is a blatant lie about the florida law enforcement officers who are on the front lines, protect be our communities from criminal illegals unlike others the legislature is not interested in misleading or attacking floridians. et cetera, et cetera. their goal is to work with president trump. >> notice what they say, and i have a debate now in the legislature. they say the only people you are going to enforce on is in jails. people that have committed crimes. that's not how you dine tierier
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enforcement. when we picked up the chinese illegals today. they didn't commit crimes. the crime was being here illegally. they don't want interior enforcement. they only want to enforce on people who are already in our jails. yeah, do you that. but that is just like 1 percent of what you got to do if we want to reach the threshold of having record deportations. the final thing i will just say. you want to know who is shooting straight with you, they did not want to do this special session. so, if they are all so gung ho about this immigration agenda. why did i have to drag them in? why did they deride me and say it was a stunt to do this? why did they say immigration could wait for many months? they would not have done anything on this issue had i not pulled the trigger, obviously, i want to be strong and we, as republicans need to be strong. we don't have time for their weak sauce anymore on the issue of immigration. >> laura: governor, how many illegals would you estimate are currently in the state of florida?
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because we got 15 million or so who have come in just under biden. i bet there is 30, 35 million total in the country. how many do you think in the state of florida? >> look, i have heard different estimates. i mean, certainly you are talking about hundreds of thousands. some people say a million or more. i can tell you i did a really strong package of immigration bills in 2023. it has slowed the flow. there is no question because we have mandatory everify. we have nationality checks at emergency rooms. we have saved a lot of money. but the way you do it right is to have interior enforcement. this is the moment to do it. you will see the numbers dwindle in florida. you will see other states follow suit. and eventually you will see president trump's promise of having the largest deportation in american history realized if we all work together on this. >> laura: yeah. i mean, if we got 30 million illegals in the country and 15 15under biden deporting 5,000 a
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week that ain't going to get you there. >> not at all. >> going to take local state and local law enforcement to work together. i know they are just getting started. it's going to require states to do something. when you blew the lid off this tonight, governor, thank you very much. we really appreciate it. and ahead, liberals sue trump for targeting government spending that is out-of-control bloated and unaccountable, nexta ♪ and now i'm retired. i'm not good being retired. i'm a pain in the neck. i like to be able to have a purpose. about three or four years ago, i felt like i was starting to slip. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i've been taking prevagen for about two years now, and i've found a huge difference. prevagen. for your brain. weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america
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♪ >> laura: media sob stories, democrat sob stories are not just limited to immigration by the way, deportation. because, trump now after all is following through on his campaign promise to vet all federal spending. meaning if we don't know really where it's going or if it's going to things that are actually working against the people, certainly against his agenda, he is going to take a second look at it today he issued an executive order that freezes some federal programs. and they went nuts. >> this decision is lawless, dangerous, destructive, cruel. it's illegal. it's unconstitutional. i spoke to my attorney general
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this morning. she is head of the state attorneys general association. they are going to court right away on this horror. >> laura: thisthis horror. forgive all these outstanding student loans, chuck schumer didn't have a problem with that or completely subverting u.s. immigration, chuck schumer didn't have a problem with that. but, when it is billions and billions of dollars to their cronies and their friends going out the door oh, yeah, they have a problem with any president taking a second look. and, of course, the democrats have their favorite resistance allies. trying to, you know, throw a monkey wrench into all of this. a biden appointed d.c. district judge lauren al chan, has issued a temporary stay often trump's freeze federal loans. here to break it all down john hart, ceo of open the books.
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john, it's not surprising that a biden appointee to the federal courts issued this stay. but i know you have already identified 75 defunct government agencies that somehow need -- still get some type of funding? explain that? >> yeah, laura. thanks for having me. look, a federal judge can take away the pause button but they can't take away his veto pen. the president has ample opportunities to play hard ball with congress. he should work with the republican congress to constrain the spending. our organization open the books. taking a deep dive look at all 441 agencies listed in the federal register. the first thing we found was 75 of those are actually obsolete. so the trump administration can today claim that they can go in and cut the number of agencies by almost 20%. just by watching the store and paying attention like any business owner would do. and but it goes way beyond that, laura. we have this crazy lose it or use it rule that force agencies
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to throw money out the door at the end of the year because they are afraid they are going to cut their budget. so what we have seen at the pentagon under biden the last september and the last five days of the fiscal year, they threw $33 billion out the door and that's more than what israel spends all year on national defense for the entire year. and that included things like $200 million for new furniture, 22 million for things like ribeye steaks and lobster tail. so that may be delicious but it's not much of a deterrent on the world stage bond want dhs spent 39 billion on staff. the president has all kinds of opportunities to look at wasteful spending. you know, this is historic opportunity for adobe doge to bring about what i call a 1989 moment for this country. and that's to tear down the bureaucratic wall that separated we, the people from their government for decades. so i am optimistic and hopeful. >> laura: hold on a second, john. i'm optimistic, too.
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however, i think people need to understand it's a lot bigger than a bunch of steaks, okay? this is hundreds of blts of dollars. it's not 50,000 here and 100,000 there. we're talking about money that actually makes a real difference to our national debt and our overall budget deficit annually. so, when you think about what they're talking about here with some of these grants to ngos, these ngos, including, i'm sad to say, catholic charities that then go to like things called the border institute in el paso. they are alfa sill tailgating, sadly, illegal immigration. right? that's what they are doing. he wants to wait a second. what are we doing here and why are we doing that? up on the screen you see some of the other things like dei staffers, the pentagon money. again i don't care about $36,000. that's chump change but millions and billions? yeah, i care about that. i think the people do as well.
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trump wins meals on wheels, no. no one is cutting meals on wheels. that's a complete media -- that's the typical media sob story, is it not? >> absolutely. look, one of the nonprofits that got funding actually sued doge for a lack of transparency before the executive order was even written. so it's really a gronk example . 5, 10, $6 million examples. hundreds of billions of dollars of waste and fraud within pentagon contracting. within medicare, medicaid. so, if you have a committed executive who is willing to go after these things, can you generate incredible savings for taxpayers. >> laura: he mentioned disability. how disability somehow has crocketed over the last 15 years in federal spending. some of that is obviously fraudulent as well. john, thank you very much. yesterday, president trump fired more than a dozen employees who worked on his criminal
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prosecutions. those are staffers at doj, including more than a dozen officials from former special counsel jack smith's team. so, look, americans, they have to be happy. trump's actually beginning to restore the integrity of our justice system. but of course the media is calling -- oh, it's a wholesale, you know, retribution, political retribution, the usual. joining me now is david schoen, former trump impeachment attorney. david, by excising these doj employees who were clearly in on the weaponization of government, isn't that the ultimate and a basic necessity of restoring trust in the doj? >> absolutely. it's an essential first step. i believe this was an election issue. i believe the american people are fair minded and they saw the weaponization of the justice system in unprecedented manner. and jack smith is the face of that weaponization. and anyone who served on his team and went along with that agendas to come out with these
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long-speaking indictments and then demand a gag order for president trump has no sense of fairness. you know, the regulations for the special counsel under 600.3 require the appointment of an impartial decisionmaker. that wasn't jack smith. he has shown bad judgment his entire career in the john edwards case and mcdonnell cases. i note lawyers in those cases they met with him and explained why no crime committed. he refused to listen because politically driven. i will give you an example of two people on his team mollie gas and jp coony. sanctions motion going against them because they sought the record of a lawyer in a case, email records, phone records and lied lied in historic communications act request to a federal judge. these are the people owe chose for his team and those are two of the people who were fired. i have a sanctions motion pending that the judge is going to hear one day. that's all going to come out, i hope. that's why president trump had to take this step. you say restore the americans faith in the justice system, that's an essential first step. >> laura: well, david, you know,
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toobin is dreaming over at cnn of the lawsuits that trump could face over all of this. watch. >> coming after assistant u.s. attorneys, career people had are not even accused of any misconduct. they simply were part of a case. the idea that they could lose their jobs simply for doing their jobs in an appropriate way is -- is genuinely shocking and it may well be illegal. >> laura: david, does the chief executive officer of the u.s. government have the authority to fire any executive branch employee? >> the authority and the responsibility in this case again lawfare, weaponization, letitia james, alvin bragg, fani willis those are out of president trump's direct control. here he has a responsibility as the elected leader of this country to deal with article 2 problems. the justice department is his responsibility. and the attorney general's responsibility. incoming attorney general.
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we saw unfortunately from merrick garland additional politic isization. the idea that he claimed executive privilege on the herr report of the trans transcript e biden interview. impossible. it's important to take these steps to restore faith in the integrity. we can't have people targeted. i have a client right now, roger being targeted from the biden administration because he spoke out against government. we have to stop this kind of thing. i'm hoping this administration will take a look at all of those kinds of cases. >> lawrence: david, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> laura: just ahead, a remarkable debut. ♪
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white house briefing room were back on their high horses. >> up here in this briefing room speaking to the american public, do you view yourself and your role as speaking on -- advocating on behalf of the president or providing the unvarnished truth. >> i commit to telling the truth from this podium every single day. we ask that all of you in this room hold yourself to that same standard. we know for a fact there have been lies that have been pushed by many legacy media outlets in this country about this president, about his family, and we will not accept that. >> laura: oh. that was fun to watch. like leavitt to press stop lying. she was s stupendous unlike her predecessor in one key respect. where was the binder? did you guys see the binder? if she had one, i didn't see it. she batted away their immigration sob stories. >> order trump saying he would be open to deporting those students who are here on visas
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but, you know, that hold pro-hamas sympathies. >> the president is open to deporting individuals who have broken our nation's immigration laws so, if they are here illegally then certainly is he open to deporting them. >> laura: bingo. as far as freezing spending on certain government programs, she also hit the right note. >> why not give organizations more time to plan for the fact that they are about to lose in some cases really crucial federal funding? for a period of time. >> there was no -- it was the executive order that the president signed doge and omb also found there was about to be 50 million taxpayer dollars that went out the door to fund condoms in gaza that is a preposterous waste of taxpayer money. that's what this pause is focused on being gid stewards of tax dollars. >> laura: wait a second, good stewards of tax dollars? when have we heard that? well not since the last trump administration. joining us byron york washington
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political examiner fox news contributor. what is she 27 years old? she was unbelievable. >> yep. >> laura: absolutely. >> laura: fabulous job. >> first thing to say about this is to compare today's briefing to every briefing of the last four years of the biden administration in which the spokesperson, karine jean-pierre either would not or could cannot engage with reporters on daily basis. today was an absolute breath of fresh air. should have been for reporter of any stripe. >> laura: right. and also, the white house's view on the first amendment and the need to have a plethora of voices in that briefing room. watch what she said. >> the white house believes strongly in the first amendment. that's why our team work diligently to restore the press pass of the 440 journalists whose passes were wrongly
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revoked by the previous administration. we welcome independent journalists, podcasters, social media influencers and content creators to apply for credentials to cover this white house. >> laura: byron, the truth is the elites, the old regime media, dinosaur media, whatever you want to call them, that's their territory. they don't like the little people going into their territory at all. >> yeah. this comes after a long period of self-discrediting by a lot of reporters. i remember in the biden white house press corps there was a secret that is the president was not up to the job. and all the press was either looking the other way or claiming that he was when he was not. and the biden administration kept very, very close hold on all sorts of information as far as the press was concerned, which was happy to look the other way. so, today was just an absolute
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complete explosion of openness and sunshine. >> laura: i just -- i loved it from beginning to end. i joined it late. watching late. oh, i missed the first. but the great thing about this, also, is it reveals the press' total hypocrisy on issues like inflation. because trump has been in there for what, 8 days, but now they realize eggs are expensive. watch. >> egg prices have skyrocketed since president trump took office. so what specifically is he doing to lower those costs for americans? >> really glad you brought this up. because there is a lot of reporting out there that is putting the onus on this white house for the increased cost of eggs. i would like to point out to each and every one of you that in 2024, when joe biden was in the oval office, or upstairs at the residence sleeping, i'm not so sure, egg prices increased 65% in this country. >> laura: the little dig at biden sleeping. i'm sorry, i enjoyed that maybe i shouldn't but i did.
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they have now gotten actually a light bulb, byron on inflation and now they are worried about spending, how much deporting illegal aliens is going to cost. i have never seen democrats so worried about spending an inflation. >> well, this was actually a real shot across the bough for the more ideologically oriented members of the media. that if they put a false claim or questionable claim in a question, it's going to be questioned in turn. their premise of the question will be questioned. so, that's a big, big deal and it really suggests that you're just going to have much, much different interactions between the trump white house and the press in the briefing room. >> laura: i think she enjoyed sparring with them as much as trump does. she loves it. this is like she enjoyed every minute of it. which was refreshing as well. byron, wonderful to see you. thank you so much. the heads of media gets busted trying to smear young maga
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supporters as, you guessed it,ar racist. ♪ has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world, it's time to bring jobs back home and build together. more workers, more trade, more prosperity, more security. for generations, this ally to the north has been here. and for generations more, we'll still be here. right by your side.
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now for this story called the cool kids table. it was about a party on inauguration to celebrate the inauguration in new york. the article itself, other than the ridiculous title included, quote: such as almost everyone is white and have you noticed the entire room is white describing the attendees of the party. but the truth is new york magazine selectively cropped the photo, it would appear so it would not show the various people of color who were in the original version. and the event that was featured in that article was hosted by c.j. pearson, get this, a young black man. c.j. joins me now. he is the co-chair of the g.o.p. youth council. youth advisory council. c.j., i saw this and i said of course they did this. could there there c.j. be just an innocent explanation for this? >> you know, no. one of those things when you think the leftist corporate
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media couldn't go any lower they somehow find their way to the basement. it's disgusting but it's par the course. they wanted to perpetuate the narrative that the maga movement is nothing more than white supremacist racist consult they deliberately erased the black people from these images, i got to tell you, i'm a little offended. we are days away from black history month and they pulled this stunt in it's a little offensive. >> laura: we have heard of whiteouts, they are actually accusing republicans of accusing republicans of what they are doing. the most racist people out there. >> they actually despise half of america. that's exactly what this story was riddled with a disdain for people who love this country, love this president. i got to tell you i don't give a damn about what these people think of me because we are so back and we are not going anywhere. we have president trump to thank and i got to tell you, everyone in that picture was happy for a reason,. >> laura: looks like it? >> four more years to be happy.
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>> laura: do you know what i think? the left really hates it when americans are happy. they don't like -- they loved covid when people couldn't go to church or couldn't see their elderly parents and could sit at home in their sweatpants. they loved that but they don't like scenes like this. it's the way they felt during the 80's when reagan came along when people were happy and good mood. patriotic rambo. they didn't like that. they hate the fact that you guys are enjoying yourselves, c.j. >> yeah, they hate that we are happy and they hate that we have a reason to be happy. look at everyone's face in that photo. i think that is actually the thing that made the most upset that we have everything to be happy about and they have nothing to be happy about. and i think they are also a little bit upset that no woman in that picture actually has a penis. they were probably a little upset about that as well. >> laura: oh, yeah. they are used to a different look that some of their white house parties during biden's. >> no purple hair. >> laura: they had had a slightly different sense. and what the "wall street
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journal" is writing now and we have a full screen of it and put it on the screen. supporters of the new president on campus say they now feel more comfortable acknowledging one another in public. membership at long republican college clubs is up. students at a dozen schools. i know you are not in school any longer. you are trying to keep the conservative youth base rocking here: people aren't afraid anymore. >> no i feel it as well. laura. i'm 22 years old. when i listen to my peers, my younger peers, they are saying they have never seen more enthusiasm on their campus and more energy for president trump and the america first movement than right now. it is cru cool to be a conservae again. left tries to demonize us we are the others. we are the normal ones. we are the uns with who know how many genders are. we are the ones that know men should not play women's sports. this can try to stigmatize us but we are the moment.
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>> laura: that means write what you believe in college essays. don't write what the professor believes. be brave. c.j., come back soon. you were great. thanks so much. all right, a cnn anchor rage quits live on air. and gen-z is taking microretirements. what? jimmy failla has it all coming up. ♪ still congested? —nope! —uh oh. new mucinex 2-in-1 saline nasal spray. spray goodbye. aaaaaaahhhhh! new mucinex 2-in-1 saline nasal spray with a gentle mist
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♪ ♪ i didn't set out to all right now it's time for wtf what the failed law joining me now host of fox news saturday night jimmy i was dying win i saw this because i thought we've got you on tonight but i thought jim acosta it's very sad i don't like celebrating anyone losing their job but he didn't lose it he quit. he declined a later time slot on cnn and chose to say goodbye this way. >> one final message, don't give into the lies don't give into
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the fear. hold onto the truth and to hope even if you have to get out your phone record that message i will not give into the lies. i will not give into the fear of your post it on your social media so people can hear from you to. [laughter] >> i know. i don't even know where to start. first off congratulations to jim acosta on finally reporting a true story. yes, he is resigning that was the first actual report i've ever seen on this show but i love the self-important message at the end like he is leading some type of national resistance movement du jour on the lowest rated show on the lowest rated network. half of the control room remote start of their cars in the d block the arty have their jackets on and you're sitting there like your broadcasting from some bunker and the fate of journalism hangs in the balance. my guess laura he wants up on "dancing with the stars" because he is been dancing with the
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truth for like 18 years. >> don't never lose sight of the truth. if you have to stay connected. mr. acosta goes to washington and leaves all right and then this was also good. plus sized wrapper on detroit apparently ridesharing service a lift is being sued she refused to ride with jerry because of her waiver she captured the incident on video. watch. >> my car is small. >> i can fit in this car's p.r. believe me you can't. >> as i can. you telling me i can't get in a lift because i can't figure khaki. >> i got very -- tires. >> will drive to do the tires? [laughter] >> listen i love this okay? for a lot of reasons. but the driver had a bad excuse
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because he said he is worried about his tires and she clearly has a spare tire maybe even too if we're honest. this is not queen latifah thesis work like ehrlich diva pure again the story is hilarious because wise she's suing she is like he hurt my feelings. dude i'm a cabdriver people call me fat my whole life in a supposed her feelings win it comes to mass transit because everyone on the road is your enemy. >> while there are people that run around that are just the two just people. they look for these incidents i don't know maybe sometime a plus sized person could pick the smallest car possible just to make decays better but, you know, this is a way for some people to make money and companies to settle a don't know lift wouldn't tell us about pending litigation but they settle and make a lot of money. we have to do lawsuit reform in this country because it is out
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of control. it is completely out of control. >> at the very least we have to confirm rfk and make this country healthy again. >> exactly. already promoting micro-retirements to optimize their mental health. watch this. >> the idea of working your entire adult life and retiring after 40 years as absolute [bleep] i think what we should do instead is take a summer off then go travel to the greek islands. you not even going to enjoy this much when you're 65 but i'm 25 or 35 i'm going to have a great time i'm not going to have fun martha rightists going to act up. >> we know who not to hire on the angled. >> inc. is spoken like a guy whose wife is going to walk out on him at the age of 40 because he doesn't have anything in the bank. that's the problem with being a loser returns well on instagram but doesn't end well in life. >> micro retirement we will micro-have to close at out jimmy see you next time. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetim
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