tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News January 29, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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i think that should be concerning. >> laura: and david finally, when will we hear the announcement about the bitcoin reserve from the trump administration? everyone is waiting for that, we got the study in the review but the bitcoin reserve, texas will move forward looks like with legislation, dan patrick announced today it's a big priority for them in texas but how about the trump administration? >> there is also a bill in the senate, cynthia from wyoming has introduced a bill to create a national bitcoin reserve. president trump has asked us to study the issue so we are not ready to comment on it yet, that is one of the things our group will look at. >> laura: can't wait, thank you so much for joining us, we really appreciate it. you made it all easy to understand. that's it for us tonight, make sure to follow me on social media. and thank you for watching. as always, remember it is america now and forever and better than ever, jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight...
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>> are you supportive of these? >> i'm supportive of vaccines. senator you are asking me not to serve vaccines? >> no i am not! >> yes, you are. that's exactly what you are doing. >> jesse: rfk jr. battling for the soul of america. >> this is not just a economic issue, it is a spiritual issue and it is a moral issue. >> people are aroused. i haven't seen people like this in a very long time. >> jesse: trump has democrats hot and bothered. >> they are getting hammered just as much as we are. >> let me explain something to you. without the woke, you may not have that job. we fought and busted rb hines to make sure that you did not have to worry about this. >> jesse: the view starts a cat fight with caroline. >> she has probably been put in there because she is a 10. you know that's what it is. >> laura: plus... >> it's my choice, i would not give you my number.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: this 60s or a time to be alive. it was kennedy's america and we were fit and healthy. obesity was just 13%. 60 years later, half the country is fat, sick, and lonely. we modernized and workers sit inside all day in front of screens. without sunlight and movement we became depressed so we ate our feelings. the more we ate, the more companies injected our food with addictive chemicals which made us eat more. and are poor got health impacted our mental health. as our bodies and minds deteriorated, doctors prescribed pills so the sicker we got, the richer the food and drug industries got, insurance companies grew bigger and so did our government debt. our children look like sumo wrestlers and the army cannot recruit because no one can pass the cardio and push-up test. suicide rates and drug overdoses
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have hit all-time highs. congratulations america, we are the sickest developed country on earth. people are happier, skinnier and live longer in panama, that country we are about to invade so they will soon be is fat and sick as we are. when we were skinny and healthy in the 60s we did not have diet coke, low-fat yogurt and sugar-free snacks. they didn't even exercise in the 60s. women were not in the gym and guys just played sports. bees through frisbees. have you ever seen a fat hippe? the average woman in 1960 weighed 140 pounds. today she weighs 170. the average man in 1960 weighed 166. and now the average guys are about 200. american men and women have added an average of 30 pounds and all we do all day is sit. no wonder everything aches. and some of it is our fault but not all of it.
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finally a kennedy comes back to washington who wants to change that and make america healthy again. rfk jr., trumps nominee for health and human services came to the capital for hearing like a hero. [cheering and applause] [cheering and applause] >> we love you bobby! [applause] >> jesse: when he sat down his opening statement was sweet and simple. >> president trump has promised to restore america's global strength and to restore the american dream. but he understands that we can't be a strong nation when our people are so sick.
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a healthy person has 1000 dreams, a sick person has only one. this movement, let largely by moms from every state and you can see many of them behind us today and in the hallways and the lobbies, is one of the most transcendent and powerful movements i have ever seen. i will do everything in my power to put the health of americans back on track. >> jesse: he also promised he is not changing the menu at mcdonald's. >> i don't want to take food away from anybody. if you like a mcdonald's cheeseburger or a diet coke, which my boss loves back you should be able to get them. if you want to eat twinkies, you should be able to do that. but you should know what the impacts are on your family and on your health. >> jesse: he is like a public service announcement. it's like what we did with
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cigarettes. no one banned smoking, they just advocated you on what it does to you. and funny enough, the same companies that put addictive chemical additives into cigarettes also put it into food. americans should have the healthiest food, the most transparent industries and the safest pharmaceuticals. and no one should lie to us about the science. for our sake and for the sake of our children. this is not a partisan issue. but today in washington it was. >> i guess my question to you, if it really is fundamental to what you believe, had you live with that? how do you address those issues as you are moving forward? the only thing it's going to harm as americans. >> you want me to answer the question? >> no i'm asking you. >> okay. president trump has asked me to envy chronic disease epidemic and make america healthy again. [applause] all of those are moving deck chairs around on the titanic. our ship is sinking. 60% increase in medicaid over
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the past four years. it is the biggest budget line and it is growing faster than any other and no other nation in the world has what we have here. >> jesse: the same politicians who oversaw the explosion of obesity and chronic diseases, who never held hearings on clean eating, corruption or side effects are yelling at the one guy whose mission in life is health. who is 71 and can do more pull-ups than democrats on the committee combined. the whole system is upside down when liz warren is defending big pharma. >> i'm asking you to commit right now that you will not take a financial stake in every one of those lawsuits so that what you do as a secretary will also benefit you financially down the line. >> i will comply with all of the ethical guidelines. >> that is not the question. >> you are asking me -- senator, you're asking me not to sue vaccine -- >> no i am not!
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>> yes, you are. that is exactly what you are doing. >> jesse: rfk jr. spent his whole life suing industry on behalf of the little guy and the democrats who just lost an election because they forgot about the little guy are demanding bobby kennedy stop fighting for the little guy. everybody in washington has conflicts of interest. but liz warren of all people has taken over $1 million from health care and pharmaceutical interests. the ranking democrat on the committee has taken over 1 million from them as well. at one point, liz warren declares she is the only one who can take money from big pharma. >> you are not going to take money from big drug companies in any way, shape, or form. >> me? >> yes, you! >> i'm happy to commit to that. >> that's what i figured. i said it is an easy question to start with. and i think you are right on this one. >> none of them want to give me money, by the way. >> jesse: democrats are attacking a democrat on behalf of drug companies.
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bernie sanders, mr. vermont whose constituents love hiking, yoga and organic cheese made a fool of themselves. >> they are selling what is called one z's. this is clothing for babies. one of them is not faxed, not afraid. your organization is making money selling a child's product to parents for $26 which cast fundamental doubt on the usefulness of vaccines. are you supportive of these onesies? >> i'm supportive of vaccines. >> are you supportive of this clothing which is anti-vaccine. >> i'm supportive of vaccines. i want good science. >> jesse: if democrats cared so much about everyone being vaccinated they wouldn't have let 10 million unvaccinated migrants into the country. none of these biden migrants have the cove vaccine. do you think they had the measles vaccine to? you think these venezuelans who trekked through the gap into texas all had their polio
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vaccine? birnie kept trying to nail bobby but he kept getting outfoxed. >> is health care a human right? >> in the way that free speech is a human right? i would say it is different because free speech doesn't cost anybody anything. and health care, if you smoke cigarettes for 20 years and you get cancer, you are now taking from the pool. and so are you guaranteed the same -- >> i'm sorry. i would love to talk for an hour with you, we've got a few minutes left here. >> jesse: when they finally let kennedy speak, he said are you going to tell me that we are all just going to sit here at this hearing and defend the status quo? >> i would ask any of the democrats who were chuckling just now, do you think all that money, the $900 billion that we
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are sending to medicaid every year has made americans healthy? do we think is working for anybody? are the premiums low enough? >> jesse: we didn't even realize it until the pandemic. that's when people started focusing on their lifestyle, cooking their own food, going for walks, lifting, reading, being lied to by anthony fauci. but they're telling us know, stay inside, netflix and chill, order seamless and cannabis for dessert. this government has failed the people. and instead of wanting to fix the government, that democrats want to make sure no one loses their job. >> we pledge that you not fire federal employees that work on food safety, trying to prevent things like salmonella? >> senator, there are 91,000 employees. >> so that is a simple yes or no. i'll take that as a know it. i will take that as a no. we talked about protecting americans from cyber criminals.
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something we need to do more of. will you commit not to fire anyone in the health arena who currently works on protecting americans from cyberattacks in the health care files? >> i will commit to not firing anybody who is doing their job. >> jesse: politicians are more worried about saving the jobs of democrats -- bureaucrats than american children. this issue is so much deeper than politics. >> this is not just an economic issue, it's not a national security issue, it is a spiritual issue and it is a moral issue. we cannot live up to our role as an exemplary nation, is a moral authority around the world when we are writing off an entire generation of kids. >> jesse: democrats who always use kids as human shields, can do this, save the kids. suddenly they don't care about the kids. you remember growing up, your fourth grade class, may be kid had an inhaler.
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maybe two or three kids were little chunky. not anymore. >> when i launched my campaign, democrats and republicans, there is no issue in this chronic health epidemic. there's no such thing as republican children or democratic children. these are our kids. 67% of them are damaged. i know what a healthy kid looks like because i had so many in my life. i didn't know anybody with a food allergy growing up, peanut allergy. why do five of my kids have allergies? >> jesse: by no means is bobby kennedy perfect, not even close. he has had his demons khaki has said things and we have all gone through stuff. but some of our best leaders have flaws. rfk jr. is the only one with the skills, knowledge and experience to get inside of this government and help america reverse this chronic disease epidemic. our citizens voted to make
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america great and healthy again. rfk jr. was a major part of this winning coalition. 's endorsement helped donald trump sweep the battlegrounds and win the popular vote. he helped bring in democrats, independence and moms to the movement. this country is thirsty for radical change and if democrats don't vote for bobby, i get it, it's washington and that happens. but if he doesn't get confirmed because of republicans, than that is the real disease. and let's just say it will make me deeply disappointed. and they would never want to do anything to disappoint me. now the cofounder of true med and author of good energy. joining me now. did you expect the ferocity on the democrat side today? >> jessie, let's cut right to the chase. there was a lot of ferociousness and a lot of talk about children's health. let's look at the numbers. the democrats and their attacks on the body mentioned the word measles 25 times.
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now measles is not great. but 500 americans died of measles per year before the invention of the vaccine in 1963. not one time -- not one time were the words obesity, diabetes or heart disease uttered by a democratic senator. these conditions, these interconnected chronic diseases are crippling hundreds of millions of americans right now. they are bankrupting the country. they are robbing the future of our children. you are absolutely right. bobby kennedy walked in that room today with a mandate. hundreds of maha moms, thousands in the halls to represent that mandate. mandate was a simple call from president trump to get to the bottom of why we are sick which is clearly the chronic disease crisis. that call led millions of women's of independent, young voters to come to the trump coalition for the first time.
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the democrats had an opportunity to question the mandate and they completely failed. instead of debating bobby kennedy on these unimpeachable things he is saying, they were impugning him for supporting baby onesies and shockingly -- shockingly excoriating him for suing -- successfully suing pharmaceutical companies. you're absolutely right, this is spiritual. and i know republicans are going to honor president trump mandate to empower bobby kennedy to get to the bottom of this. >> jesse: i feel like they will, especially after his good performance today. when you say it is a spiritual issue, explain what you mean by that. >> here's exactly what i mean. bobby, speak for the democrats, was being quizzed about nuances of medicare and medicare policies. the senator has been bragging about working on these issues for decades. the issue is not the technicalities of the medicare medicaid. the issue is we are getting sick. the issue are the codes that
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underlie our health care system. the issue is the fact that ozempik is being pushed on 12-year-olds, not talking about healthy eating. bobby kennedy leveled up the conversation for the first time. >> jesse: it is an unbelievable experience watching this hearing today. i watch the entire thing, i think every american should go back and watch it. you will be testifying tomorrow again at another hearing. this is a big one. and this should go through if this country has a chance. thank you so much for joining us and we will check in with you soon. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: the cohost of the five, judge jeanine is here. and you know bobby kennedy khaki is a democrat khaki has always been a democrat. why is there not unity in this room? >> first of all, let me explain, i was a d.a. and he had on environmental project that i was very interested in that was one of the reasons i created on environmental crimes unit. this is a guy was a patriot. he is about making americans healthy again and this whole
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thing goes beyond politics. that room is all about politics. a lot of the senators who went after him are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies, by lobbyists, by big egg and he was willing to go into the lion's den and go toe-to-toe with them because he is about making america healthy again. and if a work for bobby kennedy, jesse, no one would be talking about this stuff. no one would be talking about seed oils or all of the ingredients that are causing cancer and obesity and the fact that america -- 70% of adults are obese, that is crazy. and whenever anyone pushes back against the status quo, they have got to be ready for the slings and the arrows and they have to be a rebel. they have to be able to rebel in order to have what we need which is a revolution. and this guy is so impressive and the truth is that if we are so divided in america that we can't even get together to make america fit and healthy, shame on us and shame on any of those senators who don't support this
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guy because he is the real deal. >> jesse: why don't you just cook for the country? >> i would love to cook for the country and for you. >> jesse: you use fresh ingredients, you take care of your family, you obviously take care of yourself. they should not be a controversial issue. we should all want this. >> we should all want to be healthy. europe is outlawing ingredients that america is supposed to be so smart and advanced and sophisticated, can't even figure out how to get out of our kids cereal or out of candy. this guy is like -- he is the guy in the wilderness saying everybody, that's coming and it is here. >> jesse: do you ever see a slice of cake in paris that's like this. a slice of cake in the united states is like half the cake. >> the truth is we need him. and any of those senators who are voting against him are voting in their own self interest because they are supported by half of these pharmaceuticals. >> jesse: we will have to send jeanine to washington to knock some heads together. her new special on fox nation,
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karen reeve. killer or convenient outsider is available now, check that out. thank you so much judge, we will see you tomorrow. pete is on the show and chuck schumer is aroused. will be right back. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! try our new sugar-free cough drops. instasoooooothe! travel can make you smell kinda funky. but aluminum-free secret whole body deodorant gives me 72 hour whole body freshness. for long layovers. surprise gate changes. and heavy luggage. and it's totally middle-seat approved. secret. no sweat.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: this administration is moving at political light speed. trump is on track to sign more executive orders in his first few weeks than any president did in their first 100 days. today the flurry continues and his sharpie is working harder than biden ever did. 47 is going to defund schools that teach crt and yank visas of pro-hamas college students. trump is also creating a task force to plan america's
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250th birthday celebration. and the president has a plan to make architecture beautiful again. trump wants to give new federal buildings and more classical look, rent structures with columns like the lincoln memorial and capitol building. that is what our founders envisioned. a new rome. and facebook just agreed to pay trump $25 million for censoring him after the 2020 election. just at another wing to the presidential library. if it seems like a lot is happening all at once, that is the point. trump is flooding the zone. he tried it in his first term but "the new york times" says, quote, this time the flood is bigger, wider and more brutally efficient. he has enacted his agenda at breakneck speed as part of an intentional plan to knock his opponents off balance and dilute their response. they say it has been overwhelming sensory overload. and another congressman said, quote, it is a little like drinking from a fire hose.
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the media cannot keep up either. journalists a covering trump is like going to war. it is grinding and emotional difficult work that often feels futile and can lead to ptsd, substance abuse and mental health issues. democrats are still politically grieving trump's win. of americans who voted for kamala harris remain collectively stuck in the various stages of grief. the grief has made even more painful by the fact that tens of millions of other americans are jubilant at trump's return to the white house. they are sad because you are happy. the assistant coach tried to give his voters a pep talk. >> everyone is petite, trust me i get it. the disappointment and the frustration, i'm soul-searching what we could have done to make the case because we knew this was coming, we knew the implication. and then they throw so much at us that we are fatigued. >> jesse: great pep talk, and once tired and so my. not really sure why democrats
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are tired because most government bureaucrats are still working from home. they say they are already saving us $1 billion a day with cuts and they are just getting started. they chop $45 million in dei scholarships, that's a good start. some feds are trying to resist but it is not working out too well. trump fired a usda inspector general. but she did not want to leave the building, security had to come in and escort them out. phong was in charge of investigating bird flu. eggs or ten dollars and millions of chickens are dead. she was also the architect of a five-year plan for dei at the usda. so goodbye. the resistance got escorted out of the building. but schumer has a big surprise for us. we have been wondering where he has been since the inauguration. he woke up this morning very excited. >> people are aroused.
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i have not seen people so aroused in a very long time in terms of trying to get this done. so yes, i think democracy will have an effect and we will keep at it. >> jesse: michael duncan and john ash berger, "host of the ruthless podcast. like, truck is aroused. >> jesse, donald trump warned us that we might get tired of winning. i'm not tired yet but i'm getting close to being tired of winning. especially when i see the reaction from the democrats. you've got chuck schumer out there talking about how aroused he is. last week you had the democrats praising socialists president of columbia for denying these flights returning illegal criminal aliens. i guess next week they will probably get face tattoos and solidarity with ms-13. >> jesse: john, you have chucked being aroused back 10 on tim's fatigued. what just happened? >> i will tell you what just happened. it is exactly what people voted
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for last november. it is action and a lot of people are out there saying that president trump belongs on mount rushmore. there are others that say that is not enough. i tell you jesse, the american flag is planted on the moon. and i don't see any reason why we shouldn't just name the moon after donald trump. imagine that mainstream media every single month having to report okay it is a full trump this month. >> jesse: as long as we are naming things, i told trump yesterday that i want a body of water, at least a lake or something like that. we looked at it, there's already several lakes and reservoirs named after waters so i think i have to go bigger. mike, right now -- i don't understand what they are complaining about, they are getting frog marched out of buildings after missing bird flu. it seems like everything is going well. >> i think it is going very well. and i think the environmentalist , that whole community should be very happy with what donald trump and
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elon musk are doing. they are giving the opportunity to every swamp bureaucrat who does not want to do their job to quit over email. think of all of the trees, all of the bankers boxes that we are saving by having these folks retire over email. >> john, they said it's like drinking from a fire hose. >> it should be. i'm telling you jesse, people who turn in their tax money every single paycheck are just hoping that they have a government that is good enough to measure for what it is that they are doing on a weekly basis for their own job and donald trump is delivering that. that is exactly what they voted for. >> jesse: gentleman, i say that sarcastically. i will see you guys later. trump is reopening get more. wait and flee find out is sending there. secretary hegseth joined us next. narrator: for generations, this ally to the north has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history,
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shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world, it's time to bring jobs back home and build together. more workers, more trade, more prosperity, more security. for generations, this ally to the north has been here. and for generations more, we'll still be here. right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario] if you're frustrated with occasional bloating or gas, your body's giving you signs. it's time to try align. align probiotic was specifically designed by
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>> jesse: fox news alert. donald trump signed the first piece of legislation of his second term and it was a big one. an act named the woman who was murdered by venezuelan but at least she didn't die in vain. >> we will keep her memory alive in our hearts forever and in everyone's hearts. with today's action, her name will also live forever in the laws of our country. and part of the law i'm signing today, the department of homeland security will be required to detain all illegal aliens who have been arrested for theft, burglary, shoplifting, assaulting a police officer, murder or any crime that results in death or serious injury. >> jesse: that's not all. trump just revoked deportation protections for the 600,000 venezuelans that biden flew here on your dime. >> before he left town, he signed an order that said for 18 months they were going to extend
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this protection to people that are in temporary protected status which means they were able to stay here and violate our laws for another 18 months and we stopped that. >> jesse: meanwhile they are deporting illegals at a breakneck pace. but tom told "primetime" that he wants them to go even harder on the paint. where will the baddest ombre's go once he gets his hand on them? >> today i am also signing on executive order to instruct the departments of defense and homeland security to begin preparing the 30,000 person migrant facility at guantanamo bay. most people don't even know about it. we have 30,000 beds in guantanamo to detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the american people. some of them are so bad we don't even trust the countries to hold them because we don't want them coming back so we're going to send them out to guantanamo. >> jesse: joining me now, a man who knows a bit about guantanamo, he was stationed there. the secretary of defense, how
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are you doing secretary hegseth? >> how are you? >> very good. we actually can accommodate 30,000 criminal migrants at gitmo? >> we absolutely can and can increase it rapidly. i served there, i know the places where this would happen. guantanamo has long been a place for migrants. in fact in the 90s, tens of thousands of haitian and cuban migrants staged their as part of a crisis. we have an even bigger crisis on our hands right now. it was mentioned 7500 violent illegals have been captured by ice in the last nine days. god bless them, where you move them? i tell you what, know what is going to be waiting on the defense department. we will lean forward and make sure we stayed on the border to protect it and that we have great tales which are known as military aircraft to help mass deportations and guantanamo bay, jesse, is a perfect spot. we don't want illegal criminals in the united states, not a minute longer than they have to be. move them off to guantanamo bay where they can be safely maintained until they are
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deported to their final location, the country of origin where they are headed. so we feel great about this plan, we know we can execute it. and the defense department is prepared to do everything we can. we applaud dhs and ice what they've done and we're going to protect the american people. >> jesse: is the defense department ready for panama? because it seems like panama is not really playing ball. do you have a message for the panamanians? >> we shall see. the president has been clear about the fact that there is a neutrality treaty as it pertains to the panama canal. and if they don't allow for free and unfettered access that can't be shut down by other countries, then we have the right, we retain the right to do what is necessary to make sure there is free navigation in the panama canal. president trump has said that will be the case, are defense department is prepared. so i don't want to get ahead of what we may or may not do with strategic uncertainties being in import and thing but we will have freedom of navigation in
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the panama canal. whether that involves the defense department or not. >> jesse: let's move north to greenland then. we're hearing rumors that denmark is now spending $2 billion on additional defense and france is considering sending troops. are our allies really going to do that? >> i don't think so, jesse. the president recognizes how strategically significant greenland is, even if other people didn't for a very long time. so now those countries were supposed to be charged with protecting it, making sure chinese interests are there are suddenly flocking of interest because president trump, as he has across the globe, has reshaped the game. so we will end up seeing what happens there. we understand how critical it is in the arctic, how much the chinese would love access to minerals. so standby to standby, we are watching it and we'll see what happens. >> jesse: what is happening with dei, how is that going at the defense department?
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>> it is not going well at the defense department because it is dead. the president said in his inaugural, we will be merit-based and colour-blind and that is the case at the defense department. dei will be ripped out of the branch because we want everyone treated equally with high standards and held accountable with lethality and readiness front and center. we don't have time for emphasizing differences. jesse, one of the biggest dumbest phrases in military history is our diversity is our strength. our diversity is not our strength. our unity in our shared purpose is our strength. and the pentagon is excited to get back to that core mission. it is happening rapidly. services are responding and those that don't want to respond can work somewhere else. diversity, equity and inclusion will not be a part of the defense department a minute longer. >> jesse: i expect you to find some undercover dei operators. i'm sure you have probably uncovered a few already. i know you're getting sued by transgender's. have you taken a look at that
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lawsuit? >> we got the executive order just like we did with the covid reinstatement executive order, just like we got with the dei order. and we will rapidly execute them based on readiness and capability for the playability. if there are troops who want to take issue with it, they will have the recourse in order to do so but ultimately the commander in chief says who is prepared to serve. we will follow those lawful orders and if there are folks that don't want to abide by those lawful orders, we will find a way to show them the door. eventually through the correct process. we want more fighters were focused on readiness and we are echoing with the president is saying about all of this. >> jesse: so tulsi gabbard, cash have hearings tomorrow. if confirmed, you will be working with them. any advice? you're hearing seem to go quite well. >> keep your cool. don't take the bait. no that a lot of them are disingenuous questions. but i tell you, those two are
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fantastic, they are pros, they are ready for this. bringing them into the national security apparatus and fbi could be on incredible completion to the team we already have. i know they are going to nail it and i look forward to working with them. >> jesse: their very upset you're going, he just hasn't been the same the last couple of weeks. so if you could do anything for him, may be invite him to the pentagon or maybe just call. we would all appreciate that. he has been in tears around here. mr. secretary, is an honor and a pleasure to have you at "jesse watters primetime" and good luck. >> think you jesse. >> jesse: the view has beef with the blondes. karlee is here for a catfight.
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higher. >> she said something yesterday that really upset me. and that was, she said there will be no woke here. let me explain something to you. because without the woke, you may not have that job. women were not invited to many tables in this nation. the reason we fought and busted rb hines to make sure that you did not have to worry about this. and now to hear you talk about it and to hear anybody talk about the woke, it was put in place for a reason. >> she has probably been put in there because according to donald trump she is a 10. you know that's what it is. >> wow. what a feminist joy is with that last comment. clearly supporting all women. when it comes to will be goldberg, there's a clear issue with her definition of woke. by her definition, it seems like people in the women's suffrage movement in the 1800s with their full skirts and bonnets would be woke.
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that is a quality, not equity. people rights for all which everyone agrees with. woke is $50 million of taxpayer funds for in gaza and sink birthing people instead of pregnant women. that is what caroline is saying the trump administration wants in government. >> and they're using the for bombs. >> dual-purpose. >> jesse: speaking of women tearing each other down, "vogue" magazine is being a mean girl to milani over her white house portrait, writing, trump looked more like she was guest starring on an episode of the apprentice then assuming the role of first lady of the united states. the choice to wear a tux ito as opposed to a blazer or blouse made trump look more like a freelance magician r not very empowering. they never dared criticize dr. jill with a put on the cover twice. >> are you saying, "slowly here, that vogue does not like donald trump and the trump
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administration? because sometimes i get that confused. this surprised me a little bit because vance were a custom dress to the inauguration and i was thinking they've this time around it could be different. but when it comes to vogue, all be clear. they don't like the power suit. but if she wore a floral dress and was sitting down, they would say she is playing a female gender role, it is clearly subservient to men. she cannot win no matter what she does. >> jesse: you girls are so mean to each other! >> that is a mean girl moment. >> jesse: so nasty. >> i say if you have nothing nice to say it all the don't say nothing at all. >> jesse: then why do you talk so much on fox and friends? and finally scientists say wrong columns are wrong, a study from cambridge says men care about relationships more than women. and men take breakups harder. >> i disagree with the study. and that is because i remember being in my 20s and what it
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was like. you don't need a cambridge study for this, just go to a bar and ask the women with the goal of the night is and ask the men with the goal of the night is and you will get two very different answers. >> jesse: you guys wanted one-night stands and we wanted long loving relationships? >> flip those! >> jesse: men wanted to cuddle! >> women mature quicker so they're thinking about the future earlier. it takes men a little while. >> jesse: so you age faster. >> unless you find the woman of your dreams in your 20s. which would be wonderful and romantic, jesse. >> jesse: i will leave that one alone. good to see you. you can catch her on behind the scenes at fox and friends. you will see some really juicy stuff behind the scenes. >> we let it all out! >> jesse: available right now online. more prime time is straight ahead. when you really need to sleep. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil.
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>> new valentine's day collection from the fox shop. or was this romantic, cuddle up with this pillow on valentine's day, it is guaranteed. snuggle up under this beautiful blanket. it is so nice and soft, probably made in america. no chocolates. mug, t-shirt. let's go. let's do some texts. mike from hartford, wisconsin,, i weigh 200 pounds are you calling me fat? i'm calling you average. greg from columbus, if there was diet soda in the 60s, the tab was introduced in 63. not like it is today. dan from little rock, arkansas, it, did you notice how unhealthy some of those democrat senators looked while grilling rfk? i challenge all of them everybody go to the beach, bathing suits only.
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to the hearing with rfk like that. jody from virginia, i think bernie's onesie was a little too tight today. gym from greenville, wisconsin,, senator warren needs to crack open a beer and relax. a little sam adams never heard anybody. joe from the bronx. i know a lot of fat hippies. sean from florida, it's obvious you have a man crush on secretary hague said. that would be tar love. you would just call it a crush. now i'm jealous of the secretary title. steve from pennsylvania, i say we rename the great lakes the great waters. president trump if you are listening. i'm waters and this is my world.
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