tv Hannity FOX News January 29, 2025 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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that. jody from virginia, i think bernie's onesie was a little too tight today. gym from greenville, wisconsin,, senator warren needs to crack open a beer and relax. a little sam adams never heard anybody. joe from the bronx. i know a lot of fat hippies. sean from florida, it's obvious you have a man crush on secretary hague said. that would be tar love. you would just call it a crush. now i'm jealous of the secretary title. steve from pennsylvania, i say we rename the great lakes the great waters. president trump if you are listening. i'm waters and this is my world.
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>> sean: welcome to hannity. buckle up for another big interview only hours ago i travelled back to the d.c. swamp, i sat down with the vice president j.d. vance. we will bring you that interview and just a moment. tonight after caroline levitz shock and on debut, a star was born in the briefing room, members of the state run legacy media mob wasted no time launching their predictable while attacks. wait until you see what they had to say and caroline will join us with her response. first president trump, he's nonstop continuing to deliver on promise after promise -- earlier today he signed the laken riley act surrounded by members of her loving family including her mother.
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>> our family will forever be grateful for the prayers of the people across our nation and for helping to get this legislation into law. we also want to thank president trump for the promises he made to us. he said he would secure our borders and he would never forget about lakin. he's a man of his word. he will fight for the american people. i want to thank our lord and saviour jesus christ but is because without his sacrifices, her story would've ended on that horrific day she was taken from us. >> sean: where is selena gomez? a beautiful tribute, aside lost to a young woman's life, not only to an amazing young woman whose life was cut short by an illegal immigrant, but also to all of the innocent americans, all the people that have been murdered, all the americans that
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have been. all the americans that had been victims of violent crimes at the hands of these unvented illegals you might not forget about jocelyn none gary or that girl in broad daylight that was videotaped or that 37-year-old mother of five rachel morin whose young children will never ever see their mother again. remember these names, we scroll these names all throughout the election. nobody else talked about it. we did almost every night. these are people, the names of people that were murdered and and victims of violent crime. if you add up all the victims of these crimes at the hands of harris, biden on the -- illegals, the numbers in the thousands. the blame is directly on biden, kamala harris and... they all have blood on their
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hands. and they lied to all of you. they lied to the entire country. sadly it will likely be more blood and even an attack on our homeland as a result of their failure by allowing known terrorists into the country and we don't know where they are. for years they sat in their air-conditioned offices and didn't go down to the border, did nothing but lie to all of us while allowing a full-scale invasion at our southern border. the worst self-induced national security crisis by far in our country's history. thankfully president trump is following through on his promises to clean up this mess that the white house left behind. during the signing of the laken riley act he also announced that executive order allowing up to 30,000 of the most violent criminal illegal aliens to be sent to...
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trump didn't stop there. he signed an executive order pledging to cancel student visas for the pro-hamas protesters who disrupted college campuses all across our country. the anti-semitism we witnessed. the effects of the presidents crackdown are being felt all across the country periods dea agents arrested four suspects in colorado with purported ties to one of these violent cartel gangs and the venezuelan gang trend day a while go up. dea agents said this critical operation would not have been possible without president donald trump's leadership. now and a retched ringleader is off the streets and kristi noem was there when it happened and revealed he was trying to buy grenades. thanks to biden and harris and
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... this is likely the tip of the iceberg. this will be their long-term legacy. in the meantime thankfully house oversight committee chairman james comber is launching an investigation asking sanctuaries -- sanctuary city mayors to testify before congress they are helping in human trafficking and as tom homan said, local politicians will obstruct the mass deportations they themselves could face charges. predictably many on the left wing and the state run media mob and democrats once again go back to their tried and true 9-year-old mantra. hitler, stalin, mussolini, fascist, racist, not see. this is what the democrats and the state run legacy media mob have become. this is who they have been for ten years. just take a look at how they
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conducted themselves during rfk's confirmation hearing from earlier today. >> there is no issue that should unite us more than this health epidemic. there's no such thing as republican or democratic children. these are our kids. 66% of them are damaged. i don't think anybody is going to be able to do this like i am because of my peculiar experience, because i've litigated against these agencies. you get a phd in corporate capture and how to unravel it. i've written six books about these agencies. i know a lot about them and i know how to fix it and there's nobody who will fix it the way that i do because i'm not scared i don't care. >> sean: he did an amazing job on capitol hill like all the other cabinet officials that went before the u.s. senate. they are just angry.
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despite spending more money on health care than any other country, the overall health and well-being of the american people is not in a good place. president trump, rfk, we can't be strong if our people are all sick. the democrats at today's hearing must have missed the memo because they acted like a group of overgrown petulant children throwing a temper tantrum and at one point bernie sanders screaming about baby onesies. you can't make this up. >> will you commit not to fire anyone in the health arena who currently works on protecting americans from cyberattacks in their health care files. >> i will commit to not firing anybody who is doing their job. >> based on your opinion or your political agenda or mr. trump's political agenda? >> based upon my opinion. >> are you supportive of this? are you supportive of these
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onesies. >> i'm supportive of vaccines. >> are you supportive of this clothing which is normally anti-vaccine. >> i'm supportive of vaccines. i will equip -- comply with all the echo -- ethical guidelines. >> you are asking mean not to. >> no i am not. [simultaneous talking] >> no one should be full here. >> sean: you really can't make this up. what a bunch of clowns. democrats throw their temper tantrum across town, the trump administration are busy working, making good on the promises they made to the american people. have the opportunity to sit down with our vice president j.d. vance. we had a long interview. i asked him about this and so much more. here's part one of that exclusive interview from d.c. >> great to see you. >> good morning. >> congratulations. has it sunk in yet?
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hillbilly elegy, now the vice president of the united states of america. >> it hasn't sunk in and i joke that i took to wrong turns and ended up a hallway down from the oval office and it's an incredible thing. the first time i had been to the oval office was with president trump as his vice president last tuesday. never been to the oval office. he always talks about you have these executives and heads of state, the oval office has a particular power and i felt it and it was amazing to stand in that room. i remember thinking i wish i had something profound to say and i stood there saying wow this is crazy. >> president bush was in office at the time and i remember i thought it was surreal. and it is a special place. trump has his little red button next to him which is not the red
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button. >> he screwed with me about that. we are made a conversation, i think we are with senator thune and speaker johnson and he has this beautiful ornate wooden box with a red button and he presses it and he'd looks over at me and i'm like did something bad just happen. he's like i just ordered a diet coke. >> they don't ask you would you like one. >> i've known president trump for over 30 years. close relationship with him in all those years and he and i, we had arguments for hours deep into the night. you really are now getting to know him very well. what have you learned about him? >> i've learned that he has the most interesting decision-making process of any person i've ever
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met. i think it's what makes him such an effective leader is that when he actually is thinking about doing something, he doesn't just ask his closest advisor or some policy person. it's going to affect a business, he will call the ceo and tried to talk to the workers. he tries to take inputs from everywhere and it think it's one of the reasons why he is so in tune with where the american people actually are. it's also one of the geniuses of the way he makes decisions is he trying to talk to everybody. i could write a book just about the way that he gathers information from all sources. it's very unusual. washington, most politicians they will talk to their national security person. maybe decent -- may be somebody else. maybe they will talk to a ceo. the president talks to everybody and that's a very profound thing about the way that he actually operates in washington. >> i would describe him as a force of nature and there's
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nobody else like him. in many ways he's misunderstood as well. i know the personal and business side of him. as we've seen hundreds and hundreds of executive actions and you've been here a little over a week now. speed of light. >> we've accomplished more in eight days than the entire biden administration accomplished in four years. the things that we are doing are good things and the things they were doing are bad things. the president has incredible energy. this is something you hear people say about him. it's hard to appreciate until you are up close and personal. i don't know how much he sleeps or if he ever sleeps. you get phone calls from him. >> he doesn't sleep a lot. >> you will get phone calls at one in the morning and he will talk about policy and your family. there is something incredibly energetic about him. you sort of need that.
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the federal government has become so sprawling and the bureaucracy is so unresponsive to what the president actually wants to do what you need somebody in there who is constantly on. that is what we've seen in the last eight days and i it's what we will see for the lot -- next four years. >> when you look at the biggest issues in this campaign, immigration and the economy. that's impacting the people in ohio. it's impacting their life hard. a lot have been really hurts. there was a study that came out like 56% of americans can't withstand a 1000-dollar emergency. it would be devastating for them. i've been there, i know you've been there. not fun or wear you want to be. when i think of the issue of immigration in particular, i am looking at we have known -- known terrorists, cartel
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members, gang members. we have known murderers, and i'm watching the reaction of the left and the left-wing media and the democrats and we are back to fascist hitler stalin mussolini and i'm like what part of these other people are you missing. >> it's totally crazy. there was the guy who went viral a few days ago that we deported, 17 violent criminal convictions. he was saying i hate trump i love biden because biden wanted me to stay in this country, is there a better endorsement of donald j. trump in a violent criminal who shouldn't be in this country doesn't like him because donald trump is enforcing the immigration laws of this country. it's everywhere. it affects everybody from all walks of life. it's the drug epidemic. it's the fact that if you live
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along the southern border you are affected by this cartel activity. we've seen multiple cartel members have fired at our own border patrol. you ask why wasn't that happening a couple of years ago, because they weren't empowered to do their job. the border has become so lawless that we are actually engaging in military style engagements just to regain control of our southern border and thank god we are doing at this time because if we had another four years of biden and the democrats wide-open southern border, it would irreparably transform this country. we are doing immigration enforcement in a big way. we are also doing things to lower the cost of energy so we can make food and housing and groceries and everything else more affordable for american citizens and that really is the two prongs of the trump agenda. we want to create more prosperity and security. we are going to do a lot more.
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>> we saw tom homan, i don't think there is. >> talk about a force of nature. >> i tried to make him smile and i've had no luck. i've known him a long time, i have a great admiration for him. almost 10,000 deportations and some of the toughest criminals. kristi noem on that ice rate in new york. she was on tv with us last night, at 10,000 in a week. the president is looking for 1800 a day. that's a pretty ambitious goal. >> you need a leader who sets ambitious goals and hold people to meeting those goals. we've got 20 plus million illegal aliens in this country. we've got to get these people out of our country and regain control of our own border. it's not just the people that we are deporting, if you look at the number of illegal entries on january the 19th, the number
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was north of 1300 illegal entries. five days later we cut that by more than 60% and we are going to cut it even further. policy matters. elections have consequences and president trump ran explicitly on regaining control of the border and redelivering american prosperity. that's exactly what we are doing and it's funny to hear the media how about this and say this is bad, this is terrible. this is fascist,, the president promised the american people he was going to do this. they gave him a mandate so now he's doing it. that's how democratic politics works and thank god for that. >> if i was in your position or present trump's position and i never will be, but if i was i think what would keep me up at night is the fact that we have known terrorists in the country and we have murderers in the country and and violent
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criminals, cartels and gang members. i'm worried about an attack on the homeland. how worried are you? >> i'm worried because we were given a country with hundreds, maybe thousands or more of known terrorists that are in the united states of america thanks to the open borders of the last administration. it's our job to worry about it so hopefully we can prevent that attack. it is something that does keep us up at night. it some thing the government is working on very aggressively. we've got great intelligence services. great border enforcement. we are trying to identify the bad guys and get them out of our country because what you don't want to have happen is let's say we take a foreign policy action that some terrorist organization doesn't like, now these guys are not in syria or some foreign country, they are are in our backyards and in our cities. we have to make the homeland safer but also to empower the president to do the things he needs to do when it comes to national security. it does worry me but we also
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have a government that's actually tackling this issue. it's getting better every single day. >> how do we find them? you have a known terrorist but you don't know where they are, known cartel members but you don't know where they are. >> sometimes you are right, we don't know. sometimes we do and that's one of the craziest things for me. you ask what is shocking to me, it's that many of these violent criminals, we knew their addresses and their names, we just needed to send some of you to go to their house and get them out of the country. that should shock the american people. >> we've known where they are and had terror ties. >> we know they had violent criminal backgrounds and we haven't done anything until about eight days ago when donald trump became the president of the united states again. it should shock the conscience of the american people. one of the things you heard on the campaign trail, one of the criticisms was a "yes" we have
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20 million illegal aliens, close to a million violent criminal illegal aliens, and we don't know where they are. we actually do know where a lot of them are. we just haven't had immigration enforcement and that's what has changed. >> that gives me hope that we can protect the homeland because i would imagine if you are a terrorist and are in our country, you are not here to pursue a better life. you are here to plot and scheme the next attack on our homeland. i lived through 9/11, i don't want to live through that again and lose... >> sean: more of my interview with the vice president j.d. vance and karoline leavitt will join us after a spectacular opening press briefing that the press didn't like. she will join us straight ahead.
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>> sean: here is part two of my interview with the vice president j.d. vance. >> karoline leavitt i watched her yesterday, i thought she did a great job. i thought a star was born and it's a very hostile room. you had your moment... i watched her and she was very forceful. and then you turn over to nbc and everyone from liberal joe to joy red to rachel maddow. they are back to their argument in the campaign. fascist races taylor stalin most illini. it seems like they haven't learned a thing. if they are going to go there and they are going to make such
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insane allegations when you are trying to get rid of criminals that have been murdering, and are responsible for other crimes against americans, why are they even in the briefing room? >> to give some more kudos to caroline is she didn't have a massive binder and she did this incredible briefing with all of the hostile media. someone asked where is your binder and she said it's in my head. there's something interesting about his approach to governance is he just wants to hire smart, competent people to do the people's business. is not worried about what you look like, whether you are or straight or black or white. if you are smart and loyal to the american people you can have a place in my administration and i think she really knocked it out of the park. it does raise an interesting question. i think we are looking very seriously about which reporters show up because if you are a
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reporter even if you are biased towards the left, we want to answer your questions. if you are a propagandist for the democratic party than we are going to treat you like that. and one of the things we've already done, we are only eight days into this thing, you know -- it's not who's not there it's also who is president -- present. she had a lot of new media folks and young people that represent the vanguard of news media in this country. she gave matt boyle from breitbart a question yesterday. these are some of the people who are driving news in 2025 in america. i think the msnbc, cnn's of the world should take the hint. your viewership is down, ratings are abysmal. why is it that especially young people are tuning into new media? maybe it's because instead of engaging in propaganda the new media is asking real questions. joe rogan was a bernie bro eight
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years ago. this is not like some crazy right-wing guy. this is just a person who is asking questions and unfortunately most of the old media they are not interested in that. >> he's curious. as i listen to them and i watch selena gomez, that viral video. i've talked to the family as did president trump. i know joe biden and kamala harris did not. i talked to the family. where were the tears when a little 13-year-old girl was brutalized and murdered and all these other americans murdered and and victims of violent crime, where were the tears then? >> there is something buried arranged in the mind of the far left in this country where i really do think that they feel more of a sense of compassion for illegal aliens who have no
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right to be in this country than they do their fellow citizens. that really has to change. when selena gomez had her viable moment and there were a lot of other celebrities who wade in, i had people sending me photos of little kids the same age as my little children. we've got a 7-year-old, a 4-year-old and a 3-year-old. kids similar age to my children who were murdered by criminal aliens in the united states of america and as an american leader, but also as an american citizen, your compassion belongs first to your fellow -- fellow citizens. it doesn't mean you hate people from outside your own borders but there is an old school and christian concept that you love your family and then you love your neighbour and then you love your community and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country. and then after that you can focus and prioritize the rest of the world.
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a lot of the far left has completely inverted that. they hate the citizens of their own country and care more about people outside their own borders. that is no way to run a society. i think the profound difference that donald trump brings to the leadership of this country is the simple concept, america first. it doesn't mean you hate anybody else, it means you have leadership and president trump has been very clear about this that puts the interests of american citizens first. the same way the british prime minister cares about brits and the french should care about the french. we have an american president who cares about americans and that's a very welcome change. >> pootmans looking after the russians, they are entitled to do that. thank god we have an american president who is looking after the citizens of his own country. >> i hate to ask this question. because of my long-standing friendship with the president. we have had two would b.s. sins. i read these reports, you know
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more about the details and i would. about iranian assassination squads. you are now one heartbeat away from the presidency, do you think about that, god forbid that moment ever comes and i mean that. >> i try not to think about it. my attitude is i'm going to do as good of a job as i can for the president of the united states. part of that is learning from him and learning about this incredible group of people that we have in the white house. part of the job is if something terrible happens i have to step into that role. i think president trump is in incredible health. we've got a great situation when it comes to security around the president. i really do think he's going to serve four years and do a great job and i'm going to do as good of a job as i can. >> he's very low energy like joe north carolina, vegas and california.
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>> on the phone the whole time taking calls. making phone calls. the other thing about his energy level is he's extremely accessible. i know it's kind of shocking to the white house press court and everybody in washington that the president actually is engaged in the people's government. that's exactly what you want but it is a radical departure from the last four years. >> sean: tomorrow we will have part two of my interview. also karoline leavitt will be with us. jillian michaels on the rfk hearings. we also have breaking news out of washington, d.c., where there are reports of a downed aircraft in the river. a live update straight ahead. we will find out about that as we continue my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years and i'm from flowery branch, georgia. when i have customers come in, i recommend prevagen.
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>> sean: we have breaking news. all takeoffs and landings have been halted at reagan national airport just outside of washington, d.c.,. we are monitoring an emergency situation in the river near the airport were according to local reports and aircraft may have crashed. kevin corke with the latest. >> i know you have flown into d.c. a a number of times. when you come into washington, particularly if you are coming in along the river it can be a bit of a windy alley to say nothing of the fact that we are talking about a barely -- fairly short runway. we are not certain if that was a factor into nights events. we do know this, that there are fire boats that have been dispatched responding to a small
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aircraft crash and/or a collision with a helicopter. that is some of the preliminary information that we are getting at this hour. as you see the pictures from our fox affiliate, you can see an enormous response right along the river there. there are conflicting reports so i want to be careful as i shared some of these details. information changes, minute-by-minute. there have been some reports that there could be dozens of individuals in the water. there have been other reports that the fire boats have been dispatched and have been pulling survivors from the water. it is nearly february and so that means water is extremely cold. it adds to the precarious nature of the circumstance that we are all witnessing here in washington. there is a fairly high number of aircraft that come in and out of
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reagan during the evening. a lot of congress personnel, a lot of capitol hill personnel come in and out of town late after visiting their districts. this is a very active airport throughout the day but in particular in the evenings. we are not certain exactly what happened here. i'm watching as are you. everything we can get from d.c. fire and emergency medical services at last check, it has been in a hold, a complete travel holt for the time being. usually that is precautionary and then eventually they will reallow aircraft to come in and out of the airport. if that's the case we could be double checking that at the top of the hour. generally that's when they make these assessments but as of this moment, we have a full ground stop in effect. a possible aircraft collision between an aircraft, a fixed wing aircraft, a plane, and possibly a helicopter. that was one report.
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we also have a separate report that is just the one aircraft that went down. i did mention a number. it's a fairly large number. there have been some reports as many as 60 people could have been involved in the downing of this aircraft and that means we could be looking at possibly dozens of individuals, both alive and possibly perished in the water. it is cold, it is dangerous and a massive response. we are keeping an eye on it and as i get more information i will pass it along to you. >> sean: did i hear you right there may be as many as 60 people. >> yes, it would be a terrible shock and that's the real issue. when you see a response like that, naturally regardless of the size of the aircraft you would expect a massive response but when you see fire boats in the water immediately and there have been some reports that it could be dozens of people.
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needless to say, all hands on deck in washington. >> sean: a lot of private planes are no longer allowed to land at reagan airport and they are diverted. people go elsewhere instead which means the odds of it being a commercial flight of some kind are much higher i would argue. based on the rules that changed after 9/11. we will check back in with you also karoline leavitt will join us in a minute. we check in with... i'm looking at the scene, obviously something happened here. that response is massive. >> i'm standing just about a half miles short of the runway at reagan national airport. it's actually in the commonwealth of virginia across from washington, d.c. i see nothing but an array of rescue units on the runway and
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also on the maryland side as you look across the river at two different points there. there are two that they are checking for this and the preliminary reports here, i'm going by something that was set up by the republican senator from kansas who says i've seen reports of a collision with a d.c. helicopter and an inbound flight from wichita, kansas. we are in contact with authorities working to get answers. we ask you to join us in prayer for every single passenger and their families. that's from roger marshall. i should tell you and this was something that kevin corke alluded to about how cold it is. this is not the bone chilling cold that we had about a week and a half ago for the inauguration. but the temperature right now in washington, d.c., is 32 -- 41 degrees. windchill down to the lower 30s. it's been a windy day here with gusts of up to 20 miles per hour if there are people in the water
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this is going to be a problem and this is why -- we had a traffic accident on the memorial bridge which runs between washington, d.c., and virginia. the bridge that you see that goes to the lincoln memorial. there was a traffic accident and they lost two people in the water. one of the fire boats has been out of commission for a couple of years right now. i'm looking at multiple helicopters in the air. there's a stop for planes right now at reagan national airport. like i said, the early indication is that they were trying to pinpoint the two locations of where the aircraft crash. i'm seeing it looks like emergency units. looks like they were coming down the edge of the runway now and maybe making a turn to go onto the runway. there's a couple more emergency units there and there's a helicopter up above me as well.
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so this is a very unfortunate situation and they had something like this happen before. this happened with the florida crash in the early 1980s at the national airport. >> sean: i was in d.c. today with the vice president who was certainly warmer today than the bone chilling weather that we had during inauguration week. that would mean if there is any incident with any aircraft in the river that the water is got to be absolutely freezing. it's a little chilly. i will ask the same question i asked kevin corke after 9/11. the rules changed dramatically in terms of commercial aircraft only being allowed to take off and landed there and personal aircraft were halted at that time. those rules have not changed
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which in my mind would tell us that the odds of this being a commercial craft, even a small one, would be greater, am i wrong in that thinking? >> you are right. you have to have special permission to fly in and out. you have to have somebody who is acute -- who is a security officer. i read an article about... who flies in and out of west virginia but does that usually on a regular basis because... they are pretty restrictive on that. if you go by the statement that senator marshall from kansas sent out that there is a belief that there is -- that it definitely was a commercial aircraft. one thing is there was some sort of a helicopter involved in this.
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apparently there is some video of this know. that's rather dramatic. this is a short runway. they are very restrictive about the flight patterns as they come into washington because of the pentagon and the white house and because of the capital. i fly in and out routinely. sometimes you approach from the north and come down the river and make a hard right, you see georgetown university to your left. if you are flying from the south on the west side of the plane, you would pass by mount vernon. this is the main airport in washington, d.c., directly across the river from the capital and as i look at this all the emergency vehicles and ... i'm just short of the runway here which is between arlington and alexandria, virginia.
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the airport is in arlington, virginia, and this is a massive response and these helicopters are up with their searchlights on. there's one coming right over me now. it looks like they have their big lights on and they are searching in the water for debris or people or whatever they could potentially find. here's a second helicopter that just came up from the south so they are looking for what's in the water. >> we appreciate your time. we will get back to you. i will keep it off the record but a well-known congressman just wrote me and said off the record this congressman was told, look at that response. i don't think we would see that kind of response of something significant didn't happen here. i pray that is not the case. this congressman is telling me and confirming what kevin corke said that this congressman is being told that there are 60 plus dead.
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i pray that is not true. it very chilling. apparently there is some videotape that we might be getting up here momentarily as well. let me bring into the program now joining us on the phone, pilot safety expert kathleen banks. i can't imagine a response like that unless something very significant happened. >> sorry to be talking under such tragic circumstances. as one of your previous guests said, this is highly ironic and we did have that famous crash that actually ended up doing a lot for aviation safety that would have been air florida that hit the bridge. it is the same week. it was roughly about the same week. this is all very breaking news,
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all coming in very quickly. lots of stuff unverified so we have to be very careful. the reports i'm getting from people in the industry are telling me that this was a commuter airline flight from wichita to dca. that appears to be the case at least from what we are hearing. i don't want to name the airline or the flight number and they have the flag carrier. many of them fly or a major u.s. airline. they have those colours on the exterior of the aircraft and when you order a ticket sometimes it's as these are regional carriers that can be independent or sometimes they are... and preliminarily, i want to say this is reported to be a
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canadian regional jet, what they call acr jay. a twin engine jet. very popular with regional carriers. has been fairly good with the safety record and that is some of what we know right now. all departures and arrivals now stopped and aircraft being diverted to a nearby airport which has many runways that it can't -- that can accommodate a lot of traffic. you've also got baltimore and that's what we know at this time >> sean: we appreciate your time, thank you. joining us now is white house press secretary karoline leavitt we had you booked for a very different reason on the program tonight but you see what's going on not far from where you work every day. unfortunately online, i can't verify the truth of it.
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there is a video that shows two aircraft colliding over the river. i'm looking at the emergency response, have you heard anything at the white house? >> of course this was not the planned topic of discussion tonight but in light of this breaking news i have called to my counterparts of the white house and president trump has been made aware of the situation and tragically it appears that a military helicopter collided with a regional jet at dca airport right here in washington, d.c. that's all i can confirm at this point in time. i can just say that the thoughts and prayers of the entire trump administration are with all those that are involved and we ask the public in this area to please stand by for guidance for law enforcement and allow them to do their jobs as they attempt to save lives right now.
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>> sean: good advice for everybody. the activity as we look at the videos here, it seems to be on the potomac river. that kind of response is massive and if you are confirming that a military chopper had some collision, it seems to be over the area of the potomac. have you gotten any information on that aspect of it? >> the information that i was just given was that it was a military helicopter that appears to have collided with a regional jet. there are many inter-agencies that are working on this response right now both federal and local law enforcement are working together on the ground to try to save as many lives as possible and the president will continue to monitor the situation. >> sean: it turns out that you are right, the faa putting out a statement the regional jet and a black hawk helicopter according to the faa, that is their
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verbatim. that is absolutely chilling. i should note that i regional jet would be in most cases a smaller jet, not one that would have 150 passengers. i had a congressman right me that they are hearing that as many as 60 passengers on board, our prayers are with all of them right now. we have no information about the status of any of them. the early video that i saw online, it does not look good. i know this has been a very busy time for you and i know this was not the topic of discussion, we look forward to having you back. you did a great job in your opening press briefing yesterday and we appreciate you spending the time with us. thank you. >> sean: joining us on the phone is mark meredith. he's on his way to the scene as we speak but we can confirm that
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a regional jet and a black hawk helicopter colliding what looks like over the potomac river in washington, d.c., just shy of reagan national airport. what are you hearing? >> i'm now at the scene and there's a helicopter right above me with it's searchlight on and it's hovering over. we can also see just south of the airport just a sea of emergency lights. not only on the side of the river were the reagan airport actually sits but also across the way, likely a staging area where they will be dispatching as many people as they can. where we were coming into reagan airport you can see traffic backed up and emergency vehicles everywhere. you can imagine the chaos not only at the airport but here at the exterior. i met a marine at that overlooks the runway. you've got probably about two dozen folks that have come out because of the news that's happening right now. what we are seeing is multiple
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search helicopters. you don't hear the sirens or see the people running or anything but it does seem like a staging operation because people realize it's going to be a very long night. obviously reagan airport prepares for any type of disaster like this but it really does -- it seems surreal to see all these vehicles starting to go and realizing that the worst is happening right in front of us. >> sean: we now have an faa report that a military helicopter and a regional jet have collided near reagan national airport and it looks to appear that the crash took place over the potomac. we go to chad program on the phone. he's on the scene, what you have
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>> we've been told that all of the water rescue boats from anywhere in the area have been dispatched to this area and they are trying to figure out a potential casualty point, were to collect if there are bodies in the water. but that's been the number 1 key here. it's amazing, we are not that far from the airport and you would go right past this point. this is south of the airport and south of the runway. it seems like everything is a little bit more on the other side of the river on the maryland side or the d.c. side of the river here. i'm on the virginia side right now but they've also got as many helicopter rescue... and rescue units from the entire region into the air as possible. they are still trying to piece did -- piece this together. the night doesn't make it any
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easier. we see the helicopters going overhead with these big searchlights scanning over and over again. >> it really is unbelievable. the fact that we are talking about a regional jet that usually means a smaller jet would -- with not as many people onboard, at least a fewer amount of people on that plane would be better. rather than a big jumbo jet. the confirmation is what the confirmation is. i'm sure you have seen what i have seen, these videos are all over and we have to confirm it here before we show it. preliminary reports also indicate it might have been out of wichita, kansas, and a military helicopter and a collision over the potomac. do you see any other action specifically in the water, you mentioned earlier, we can see all the emergency vehicles on the street side but we also see
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all these emergency vehicles in the water. >> that's the thing up and looking for here so far. we really haven't seen that. air either on the edge of the runway on the d.c. side of the river, they are on terra firma. in the past couple of minutes we have a statement from don buyer, the democratic representative from virginia. he represents this area. he says i am following the response to a reported aviation incident at dca and m in touch with airport officials as we try to learn what happened and why. this is very worrying and i urge the community to please let the first responders do their jobs and save lives. that is the statement from the democratic representative who lives not far from here. this is just a hop, skip, and a
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jump across the river. nothing in the water from this vantage point. i wonder if there's a craft in the water that we can't see because you can see a wave coming. >> we have the official statement. american airlines flight 5342 collided with eight sikorsky a60 helicopter while on approach to the runway at reagan. that is consistent with the video that i saw online that has been making its rounds online. it is heartbreaking. that would be a regional jet and a military helicopter. >> that's consistent with what senator marshall had put out. >> sean: we appreciate it. our thoughts and prayers are with any of the victims in all of this. stay with the fox news channel for continuing coverage of what looks to be like a terrible crash in washington, d.c. trace gallagher takes it from here.
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