tv Outnumbered FOX News January 31, 2025 9:00am-10:00am PST
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check in time is 3:00 it's 2:55. i know. is this what he's doing now? as your host, i have some rules. first, no showers longer than 5 minutes. this isn't a spa. no games. no fun. yes, coach. (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals make you share your turf with a host, try one you have all to yourself. >> i >> we are waiting today white
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house press briefing set to begin in just under one hour. it's the second of the trump administration. we also expect to hear about the top cabinet picks that face that? confirmations this week. they include j.r. barry and d ni nominee tulsi gabbard and kash patel who all survived rigorous questioning and sometimes interesting questioning from democrats and now we're waiting to see if those nominations will advance to respective committees and face a that? vote. i'm kayleigh and this is emily compagno and also, joining us today lesley marshal and kelly mcgee white and journalism fellow for the steam boat institute and georgep busch former texas land commissioners and managing partner in their austin office. during yesterday's hearing josh
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holly raised holly about the bureau under the biden administration and the targeting of people of faith. >> do you think it's appropriate for the fb toy single out and target people of faith in order to discourage the exercise of their first amendment rights? >> there can never be a targeting of government based on people's faith. >> yet under the last administration the fbi and doj broth numerous prosecutions under the face act for non--violent protests and president trump has pardoned some of these folks and meanwhile, how many churches were fire bombed or pregnancy care were protected by the last administration? about 0. it's an unbelievable instance of targeting. whether you will end this targeting and make clear to all agency personnel there can be no targeting on the basis of
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religious belief and this will never happen again under your watch in america. >> senator there will be no such target if i'm confirmed. >> the trump administration moves forward and accountability for the last administration is important and i had opportunity to speak with three pro-life protesters that were pardoned by president trump after being convicted by joe biden's doj. >> you went to engage in activism peacefully and the fbi calls. >> i had no idea, as a matter of fact my husband said, it's for you. it is's the fbi and i was just waking up so when i got on the phone, i said, okay, who's pranking me and he got staernd said this is not a prank. >> this was all precipitateed by 20, you go to d.c. and i've
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watched this hour and 32 minute video at this abortion clinic and i heard hail mary and our father and the singing and many hymns that we know. ♪>> but the judge and the government insisted this was violent. >> there were several things that were said to us. one was that this trial was not about abortion. which was sort of ridiculous because that's the reason we were there was to stop abortions and love the mothers and the children but primarily to see if we could intervene and save the life of the babies and then saving the life of the baby you often save the life of the mother, as well. >> while you are going through all of this president trump made mention of you.
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the biden administration doj got a 75-year-old woman in poor health sentenced to two years for singing. singing beautifully outside of a clinic. she's one of many peaceful - protesters that have been thrown in jail. many people are in jail over this. we're going to get that taken care of. >> were you shocked to hear the soon to be president trump mention you? >> i know what clip he'd seen and there's absolutely no violence. i have been in the pro-life movement for a long time and i have never, commissioner evans, ever, seen any violence on the part of pro-life people. >> your attorney said she's requesting that court allow her the privilege of going to church. were you shocked to hear a representative of the federal government say you should be unable to go to mass? >> what a surprise.
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this was really targeting my religion and my faith because if they had just given me an ankle monitor i could go within three miles of my house. >> did they give you a reason for denying that? >> they didn't want me to go to church. >> the lawyer said he'd never in his entire career seen a spouse offer to go to prison and take your place. >> i just thought in prison, i don't know if you can survive that and she had to go. i wanted to be there. >> my sister jane called from prison and said, you can't come in here. you won't make it. >> the way the shackles felt? what was that like? >> it felt like razors on my ankles and nobody told me to wear socks or participants so that they would not cut into my skin. >> did you ask yourself, why god? >> no. we had a bible study going and a
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couple women joined and they were so enthusiastic. they were so thankful and one of them said, now i know why i wound up in prison so i could hear this bible study. >> wow. you know william, i want to talk a little bit about your time in prison. could you share with me the container of the prison? >> yeah where i was in bravo unit was one that was condemned. we went over two weeks without toilet paper and some of the men there with gender dysphoria wearing dresses could get mascara and make-up but we couldn't get basic need, so there was a lot of negligent. >> you had a rather frightening incident. you busted your head open and your fellow inmate thought you were dead. >> i was on a high steel top bunk and i was saying my prayers and i fell asleep and imageed to roll over in my sleep and go
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right off the edge of the bed and i was bleeding quite a bit. i was unconscious but one of the guards even told me later when they turned the lights on it looked like a homicide scene there was so much blood but after 11 hours in emergency room and some others seeing me they were making sign of the cross and shocked because everyone thought i had died. >> do you think god saved you for a reason? >> i believe so. >> the literal name of the act and i could not believe it when i read it in the thomas moore society's advocacy for you and your colleagues is slit rally called the kkk act so this is a post sil war reconstruction piece of evidence never used by obama or clinton doj but somehow resurrected bye-bye den intended to go after lynching in it's original form and they go after you? >> yeah.
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it was weaponization like president trump says and here they are using this conspiracy law they use on ckkk members to use against us trying to save lives. it's totally the flipping reality. >> you said the word weaponization that radical catholic memo. traditional catholics are an athlete that somehow needs to be monitored. the memo was rescinded by the fbi director. you believe this is broader? >> yes i believe it is. >> i was appalled watching garland. he was isolating and targeting us because of our pro-life assistance and especially targeting catholics and he went to congress and just lied. >> where y you when you learned about the pardon? >> they should not have been prosecuted. many of them are elderly people. this a great honor to sign this.
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>> oh. i was sitting right next to paulette and you know, drum says, promises made, promises kept and we had no idea that he would not fulfill his promise. >> did you get a call or find out on t.v.? >> on t.v. >> as fast as i could with my concussion i made up to the t.v. room and there all the guys were watching fox news and they said, you just got pardoned and they are shaking my hands. 60 guys in the unit start clearing and applauding and this is such a joyful experience and many of the guys in there were full of joy too. >> you know it was such an honor to interview them, they were bridging with faith and you can see that. emily i want to play a sound bite because merit garland listen to the audacity. the face act is supposed to protect pro-life people too but
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never used there. here's why he couldn't use it there. watch. >> how do you explain the disparity by reference to anything other than politicalization of what's happening there? >> during the daylight and seeing the person that's doing it is quite easy. those who are attacking the pregnancy resource centers which is a horrible thing to do, are doing this at night in the dark. these people that are doing this are clever and doing it in secret and i'm convinced the fbi is trying to find them with urgency. >> now the thing about the face act, kayleigh, but i also wanted to ask you if you had the opportunity to talk to the individuals about this. so clinton sign necessaried 1994 and is supposed to protect fiscal stopping of entrance and churches but i'm curious because
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there's a move knew now to repeel this. >> i'm so glad you brought it up. yes, yes, yes. kennedy said he would give his assurance it would never be used a felonious way. williams was denied toilet paper and trans inmates managed to get hairspray and we reached out to the bureau and they said we provide basic needs. the part where they said paulette had a specific request after the three year sentence for a grandmother of eight she wanted to go to church and the judge said, okay government do you have a position? the government said, government prosecutor the government would appose that. does that surprise you? a grandmother? >> it doesn't. supreme court court justice put out a book talking about the over abuse of federal agencies namely the fbny the last
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administration and that's one of the reports trump was re-election through the nomination of kash patel is to ratchet down that politicalization. we see over use and there's a christ following christian myself i find this behave abhorrent that people are following their faith and targeted. the first amendment is in shrined in our constitution and kash wants to desplit size and get back to the core mission of the fbi. >> kayleigh this was important for me to do. as we move forward it's easy to say we have four years and things will be just and right but people were targeted and we can't forget about this because it wasn't just the pro-life, it it was catholic rights and the school board meanings, we didn't mean that but today it's william paulette and gene but tomorrow it could be you. >> think of mark hook the father
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of seven children who's home was raided by more than two dozen fbi agents, he was arrested in front of his family and you watch the response of the pro-lifers persecuted under the joe biden administration and the testimony speaks for itself. i'm glad trump has appointed kash patel that has experienced the weaponization of government himself because he understands how far the rogue agencies are willing to go. one of the imagine reasons christians voted for drum november is we want someone like kash patel to go into the fbi and intelligence community and hold these people accountable, and if that takes burn downing the entire fbi rebuilding from scratch, so be it. >> lesley i think administration is clear that they want one tier just. >> as a former christian that's read the bible twice i remember love thy enemy and kash patel
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has an enemy's list on that list but to this specifically, i recognized i said the accents of my people from massachusetts and the home girl there may not be violent but there are some. lauren handy leader of the pau. a nurse was injured and there were people, patients going to some of these facilitates and i had this happen to me. i was going to an ob-gyn point mend and they found pre-cancerous cells and i got pushed and that's in the building, as well so there were rights on both sides. >> can i make a quick criminal law point. true unrelated from what you said the reality is what they did was non-violent and when you looking at the ages and the reality is except for that pardon you would have had these
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geriatric individuals incarcerated in existence where meat is not good for consumption and no toilet paper, this is happening every day for the thousands of millions of people incarcerated and president trump's first step act there are thousands over due for release that the bop has not released and i cannot overstate how it is this like pit of despair once you are in you have 0 options and the remedy is on paper and doesn't work so this pardon was miraculous. >> i would note the individuals, none of them were accused of assault so you would think they would find a violent crime. i'll leave it to you to decide if peaceful grandmothers engage in violence. ffa makes a startling discovery at reagan national airport. a live report is next. a healthy weight can help dogs live
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>> well the investigation is underway into the midair collision between an american airlines jet and army helicopter that killed 67 people. new details from a preliminary ffa report said airport staffing was not normal at the time of the collision. fox business grady trimable is live with more. >> yeah and emily, that report says that at the time of the crash there was one air-traffic controller communicating both helicopters and planes when typically those are jobs done by two separate people so that is certainly something that the ntsb will look into as part of the investigation though the agency does tell us that it's typical for air control traffic
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levels to fluctuate based on factors like weather and the time of day. overnight we know that the ntsb recovered two part from the american plane that will be critical to the investigation. the so-called black boxes you see them looking at the devices for the first time and that's the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice record that they will use to put together a time-line to see exactly what happened in the moments leading up to the crash. the central question remains. why was the american flight seconds from landing and why was the black hawk helicopter performing routine training and why were they flying at the same altitude at the same time? transportation secretary shawn duffy said they were both on flight standard paths but helicopter, even if it was on the standard flight path may have been flying too high.
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duffy met with some of the families that lost loved ones yesterday. >> we have to remember 67 people lost their live, so last night when we started to meet with the family this have questions and concerns and we have hundreds of people on this investigation but the most important thing right now is so pertain and preserve any perishable evidence so when we come off scene we can analyze it. >> the ntsb has not yet recovered the data recorder from the black hawk helicopter but they nowhere it is but they have not rethieved it yet. they did bring in a black hawk pilot that flew in from alaska to serve as the expert for the ntsb as it relates to that part of the investigation involving the helicopter and hopefully more answers on that data recorder will happen once they get their hands on it. >> thank you. alright george p. you are a
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combat veteran. tell us your thoughts or the questions we should be asking on this horrific collision? >> first of all thoughts and prayers need to go to family members and those affected by this horrible tragedy. i think that's a nation we need to stand behind the community of wichita and help where we can for those affected in the greater dc community. i think we need to take some time investigating. i know that's not an answer people want to hear because we're quick to point blame and try to find solutions to wonderfully complicated problems like this but when you talk about a multi-jurisdictional architecture here and think about this corridor over the potomac river and the state of virginia, all the federal authorities, this will take time. i think we owe it to the victims and their families to find out the truth and follow the truth where it leads us because i think ultimate goal is to make sure it never happens again and we tweak the system to make sure
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it this dmouts occur. >> lesley if we're learning under staffing was part of the constellation of reasons that go into an event like this that is preventable and perhaps secretary duffy is the perfect person entering this new schap tear to do away with policies that resulted in inefficient is and potentially fatalities. >> maybe because i'm on the left side of the aisle we had no ffa administrator. we had an advisory board of congressional advisory board on aviation and aviation safety and that was scrapped. there has been congestion at the airport and the list goes on. let me just say this. the difference to me when this happened from prior accidents whether it was people in your family who were leaders as republicans or joe biden, barack obama i must say i was disgusted
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at the blame game that came from our president and i was disgusted now we fiend out the two pilots are white males and you here dei and blame to joe biden and democrats to barack obama. this is not apart san issue. this is i would agree with george here 100 percent but this is something, there are people who are going to bury their children. i have buried a child and they don't want to hear the politics they want to hear what caused this crash and how do we prevent other people from having their kids pulled from potomac in the future. >> what happens if some of those were made by faulty policy decisions though? >> lesley you asserted there's no ffa director but there's ale ways people acting in that capacity we'll just point out. i want to focus on the victims for a moment. my husband is a duck hunter and there were 7 duck hunters on
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this plane coming back on this plane. these are good hardworking men, fathers, three of them actually drove back from the hunt so imagine if you were one of the three hunters driving back from hunt with the dogs and the labs and your seven friends are on the plane and there are children without fathers and wives without husbands and i want to pray for the duck hunting community because they were hurt badly in all of this, as well. >> emily, you mentioned staffing shortage could have been a factor in this and i'll note there was a 2023 inspector general report that found that 87 percent of the capacity of the ffa were below threshold from where they needed to be and there was no plan to address the staff shortages. the joe biden administration and pete buttijudge on that, it's duffy's responsibility to fix it. >> coming up president trump plans to send violent illegal
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immigrants to guantanamo bay. that's next. ...doing subway tile in an ivory, or eggshell... —cream?... —maybe bone?... don't get me started on quartz. a big big island... you ever heard of a waterfall counter?... for everyone who talks about doing that thing, and, over there. but never does that thing... a sweet little breakfast nook. chase has financial guidance. let's see how you can start saving to make this happen. —really? —really? really. at home or in-person. you could also check out a chase money skills workshop. that's guidance from chase. make more of what's yours. top line? this is a quality, comprehensive exam. come again? you asked me to topline it for you. okay. bottom line? well, the bottom line is this is an amazing value. what? get two pairs of progressives and an eye exam starting at just $159.95 at america's best.
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the power of nature. iberogast. >> president trump is announcing the next step in his fast moving immigration crackdown. the president is sore dering the pentagon to prepare gitmo to hold dangerous migrants. >> we have 30,000 beds in gitmo to detain the illegal immigrants threatening the american people. some of them are so bad that we don't even want to return them because they may come back. >> 30,000 beds to me sounds like a perfect fit. if wear looking for house and there it is but the memory of as they argue questionable tactics that somehow the building is tainted and i'm curious if that
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applies here as we move forward and deploy this illegal immigrants crackdown. >> i think it's the call of our former commander and chief. i mean this comes down to judicial community. when you talk about 8 million encounters of undocumented illegal immigrants. you have 1.7 million that quote got away that we know of and according to the homeland of security over 600,000 are criminals in some way. my successor and the land commissioner of texas offered the president acreage but there are not enough facilitates like in states like texas to facilitate the reverses migration. this is a clever move and the shrewd and gitmo is a perfect location and has been described as a transit facility to move them back to their countries of origin while we resurrect the orders that help to secure our
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board that they we need in texas. >> kayleigh, last time i checked gitmo gives three square meals a day and people there enjoy a lot better treatment than homeless vets here on the street and the like, so the arguments we read in briefs coming from those people apparently it's not five stars. as a taxpayer, i would rather have gitmo opened with 30,000 beds than hotel roosevelt and all the high star hotels here in new york city. >> great point. i hope they have a great time at guantanamo bay. great point. i want to focus on the shameful legacy from the left. drum closed in office to the ones in guantanamo and joe biden opened it and has a shameful employee deal with the architect of 918. carli lloyd austin said it happened under the radar i'm paraphrasing him and tried to
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reverses it despite this being negotiated so this is the shameful history where we give leeway back to criminals. >> sounds like a great idea to me. >> i'll ♪ nothing unprecedented about sending illegal immigrants to guantanamo bay. it is a separate or year there were the terrorists are held and trump is trying to make sure it's operating at full capacity again and actually under the clinton administration the clinton administration sent 45,000 illegal immigrants to guantanamo bay to be detain forked the purpose of deportation so there's nothing cruel or new about it. this is what the federal government has to do. >> in the diagram there's many on the terror watch that are also illegal immigrants pointing over so i argue keep them in the same wing. >> it was originally the maximum
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capacity when we had alleged terrorists saying there, i say alleged because some were released and found to be drivers and such 780 maximum i get concerned when i hear numbers like 30,000. i'm a democrat and all in favor of deporting criminals. illegal immigrants, violent criminals but when you are looking at lot of people that also voted for this administration to cut cost this is not a cost cutting measure. lot of people and don't feel that mass deportation meant to open gitmo at american's expense. i think a lot of people felt, send them back to their own country and let their country incarcerate them there so we don't have to pay for it. my concern is the numbers is what ends up happening when they are there for that long before they are sent to their country. >> yeah, that is a great point about the funding. we know we fund terrorism and that are stop under this administration. you are right we should not pay
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those electricity bill. >> deportations are obviously the preference but he's dealing with countries that won't accept their migrants back and we have no choice but to detain them. >> the trump white house has a new tool to deal with fake news. wait for it. maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile. but it's been a few dog years since she was able to enjoy a smile of her own. good thing aspen dental offers affordable, complete care all in one place. and new patients without insurance get 29 dollar exams and xrays. plus 20% off treatment plans for everyone.
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(♪) au revoir mon amour. a bientot (in perfect french) au revoir mon amour. a bientot (♪) >> dealing with the liberal media at the top of trump's mind and now the white house rolling out a new stranl to told media accountable. social media page is could rapid response 47 providing real time update on the administration's every move. the first page reads welcome to
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the official rapid response account of the trump 47 white house. we'll support president trump america first agenda and told left accountable for their lies. let's make america great again. the name of the game is a count built and this is important for any campaign. these guys are so impressive they are like young keyboarders that know everything and in an instant can fact check. >> one of their responsibilities is going to be to push back on the liberal hoaxes and the false narratives about this administration stand policy moves but i also almost wonder if this page is necessary because i feel like the leftist media has done such a good job destroying their credibility on their own that i wonder if anyone even takes them serious anymore. i was thinking about this, this week when an associated press reporter said she'd vow to be honest and truthful at all times
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and i was thinking where were you when you were sitting in front of jean buy pierre. were you accurately reporting on the covid lab leak and the answer for the vast majority of reporters in that room is they all lied. they are not honest people and the greatest thing about this past election cycle is voters have figured that out and don't listen to them anymore. >> emily i think about the ms. the truths that are now debunked the covid lab theory that's credible all the sudden stand most egregious one was the bounties on the head of u.s. soldiers and they suggested trump didn't do anything and let our soldiers die to which the daily beast said trump might have been right to call it a hoax. >> everything. the list is so long. the whipping and things that were brought up in these confirmation hearings literally
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those ms. truths are put forth by sitting senators and congressman. if libs say what about all the disand misinformation and the million other misinformation words we can be like, totally actually go to rapid 47 and that's the account. give it back so they know the truth is south there. >> this is way to be on offense. >> i think the absolutely necessary. he was clever in disrupting the way the traditional media reports and this a reflection of that victory and directly responding in an unfiltered way. he has such an amazing ability to connect with constituents and this is san extension of that. i'll be interested if he created an ai both that can spin quickly in the middle of the night but now we're in a 365 news cycle literally and this a reflection of that and it's exciting to see the white house and we should
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pose the question as a former press secretary on how this should be structured. >> look it's hard to correct the record in the aftermath. i remember when jim acosta misquoted me out of context and then the clean up effort is very minimal. you know speaking of clean up efforts we were told about how sharp joe biden was. >> start your tape right now because i'm about to tell you the truth and f-you if you can't handle the truth. this version of biden intellectually, analytically, is the best buy den commissioner evans. not a close second if i were not true i wouldn't say it. >> it was tenant truth, lesley. >> i'm sorry i don't go to joe scarborough for my facts. i don't. as a liberal i'm offended when you use a generalization.
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everybody lies. liberals lies, conservatives lie. >> it's the reason, one of the commandments because god knows that we struggle with that. what i would love to have president do is fact check himself but i don't believe that's really going to happen. you know i have seen at least i'm not being not genuine i have seen lies come out of republicans and democrat mouth, so i can list both whether it's eating the cats and dogs and it goes on and on if this does say president trump said this on this date and then said that, which did he mean? here's the truth and here's the lie but i don't think we'll see that from this side. >> it would be nice to have unbias fact checkers because the washington post are a little muted with the left. pete buttigieg has removed the
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pronouns as he eye as that? run in a state that trump flipped red. ♪ hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ to my son, i've never been the cool dad. i always wanted to know what he's up to online. but with tiktok's privacy settings being on by default for teens under 16, accounts are set to private. he cannot send or receive dm's, and only his friends can comment. so he can post away, and i've got one less thing, to worry about. so, dad, how old do you have to be to get a tattoo? uh, um. teen safety settings on by default. ♪
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affecting scan dad mexico that could disrupt trillions in trade. what will the economic impact be. also top of the hour, two live events that we're expecting. news conference out of dc airport with the fire chief and the mayor. we'll get an update on that american airlines crash and a white house press briefing is eminent. join us live as "america reports" at the top of the hour. ♪ >> well it seems former biden transportation secretary pete butt judge is eyeing his next move. he's considering a run for michigan, open senate seat in 2026. there is talk of him running to succeed gretchen whitmire as the state's governor. remember president trump won michigan, in november so now he may be trying to distance himself from the far left.
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check out his ex profile. last year proudly displayed he slash him pronouns and now the pronouns are gone so why the sudden change mayor pete? let me ask you this, lesley. >> you want my answer? >> i do. i don't even like a post without considering any implication that it could send and i think someone of his political office stature and future goals would think the same because it is a proactive move to remove those from there. >> if he did. if you are gearing up for a governor or senate seat you have a whole staff work on things like your image. >> blame the staff. >> i'm not blaming the staff. i'm saying hey, let me think. prices are up, gas prices are up and companies are laying people off but let's worry about whether or not pete butte judge has he or him on his profile.
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this is not what people voted for to have or not have pronouns in the democratic party he's a very strong, very intelligent and speaks what? seven languages and he's a very good speaker. he may run for one of those seats allowed win one. another thing i want to say quickly in michigan, you had dearborn and a lot of the pro palestinian and muslim community voted for president trump or jill stein or stayed home and i think that factored over 100,000 votes in michigan, and i think that will change when they see what's happening in the middle east. >> i think she made the biggest argument. people don't care about pronouns so has he seen the light? >> let's go with that. keep going with people don't care about this issue. this is what quantifiable. kamala lost 2.7 percent on this issue. the new york times if you read undecided voters why they decide
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one voter said i can't believe i voted for trump. i didn't tell my family but i was radicalizeed by men and women's sports issue and that's why aoc removed her pronouns five days after the election. but let's keep lesley post mortem. >> how do they explain it to the steadfast extremist constituents putting them on top of their woke statute? >> i think aoc said she didn't have enough character, so had to get rid of some thing and it happened to be the pronouns. i don't know what his excuse will be. maybe he's doing for it political reasons but you are not welcome to run, and if he does run and the democrats decide to run him in the state good luck. it will not just be the gender issue but also the fact that he spearheaded the effort to destroy the auto industry by ramming through joe biden's green new deal as transportation
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secretary and that impacted michigan,. he's not welcome to run. find a different democrat maybe someone that kept the pronouns. >> that's freedom. >> george pete, bird's eye view about the democratic party. as they are regrouping they don't have a face to the party at this moment but will we see a lot more of this? is this a trend of people becoming more centrist in the democratic party? >> i think we will. they are truly in the wilderness and i've never seen a more befuddled major political party in my lifetime. it will take them a while to get back into a central focus that gain them success in the late 90s say with bill clinton say against my grandfather but i can tell you this. there will be great talent on the ground in michigan. former congressman rodgers and johnson are considering that run on the other side, and if they carry on trump's message they
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10:00 am
of ♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: we are moments away from white house briefing the press secretary karoline leavitt. and we will be listening for a lot of updates first on the mid air crash that happened. president trump this morning talking about altitude and the helicopter. sure to be a lot of questions there. then 3:00 p.m. eastern time, president trump will have an interesting and i say interesting because those have become his press conferences. he signed executive orders while simultaneously giving a press conference. fascinating to watch. you won't want to miss it so keep it on the show and now "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> sandra: kayleigh, thank you we will take it from there.
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