tv Gutfeld FOX News February 4, 2025 12:00am-1:01am PST
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ended up happening. >> all right. my next episode on is the show is called sean is available tomorrow. i sat down with the one and only champ, mike tyson, for an extended interview. well, this show is heavy on news and politics. it's a very different show. you're going to hear amazing stories, the life of mike tyson and other newsmakers, celebrities you're not going to hear anywhere else. so check it out tomorrow morning. it drops anyway. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity news. any time. every time. all the time. fox in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face next. have a great night.
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>> s all right, all. >> right. >> all right. >> all right, all right, all right. oh, stop. >> you're so needy. good evening everyone. so, vogue magazine criticized melania trump's 2025 white house portrait, comparing her to a freelance magician. well, it is true. she sure made jill disappear. ha ha ha. president trump said he will send 30,000 illegals to guantanamo bay. they'll be coming from philly, new york and san fran, so consider it an upgrade. meanwhile, in an interview, border czar tom homan called joy reid dumber than a box of rocks. the american geological society has demanded an apology. speaking of rocks,
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scientists have discovered an asteroid that has a 1% chance of hitting earth. but it has a 99% chance of hitting j.b. pritzker. because he's really fat. i mean, seriously, look it up. kamala harris remains the front runner for the 2028 nomination. i know that's some accolade that's like being first in line at a james carville kissing booth. >> i'd rather be first and last. >> that is disgusting. >> yeah. >> it's disgusting. disgraced ex-new jersey senator bob menendez was sentenced to 11 years in prison for accepting bribes. he appeared to be really excited about the sentence, but it was just a gold bar in his pants. since
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the pandemic. american students have fallen further behind in reading skills. on the bright side, though, being illiterate is not an obstacle to success. but also, only one third of new york city fourth graders were deemed proficient in math, which is great for me. i can now charge twice as much when i buy them beer. 15% of women in federal prison are actually men claiming to be transgender. that's according to the new york times. and that weekend i spent at san quentin. scientists are using scientists are using genetic engineering to create mice with two male parents. it's all part of a bigger plan to create mice who love musicals. and on the view,
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joy behar claims the new white house press secretary got her job because she's a ten. meanwhile, joy is on the view because she's a ton. but joy is right. caroline leavitt is a ten, but also ten. the amount of beers it takes for a homeless guy to have sex with joy behar. not homeless, takes 100. all right, so right now, the democratic party is finding itself in a very uncomfortable spot. and no, i don't mean in a men's room stall next to a very lactose intolerant bernie sanders. no, the dems are screwed because the republicans have pulled the high ground maneuver by becoming the party of common sense, which means
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anything that might challenge that has to be the opposite, as in bat crazy, because parties are about differentiation. and how do you differentiate from saying see by staking out the common sense middle, i.e. public safety and actual border cutting a bloated federal budget budget. the republicans have put the dems in the crazy corner. they're stuck now at odds with basic truths americans desire. it was always the case, but now it's really transparent. and if any democrat tries to deal the common sense card himself, like, say, fetterman, then you now look a whole lot like a republican. although most republicans, they wear pants. so if you're the dems, where do you go? the majority of americans, they're ready to tell them. the latest poll has the dems at 31% approval. can you imagine anyone being that
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unpopular? i mean, we can do that to joy, right? you know who else wore white? hitler. but at no time in recent history has the democratic party been more reviled. and they once ran this for president. so the dems are stuck with the high ground now, so far out of reach, they need to find out what's left for them, because their entire worldview has been rejected. like me at an ugly person's conference. and that's because the general public gets common sense. in fact, you could hate republicans and still say, you know, i like what they're doing with immigration and crime and trans. it's just common sense. it's why so many new demographics have shifted, right? the right gained ground with every voting bloc because common sense made sense. as a result, the dems now have no way to dissent without being
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against common sense. take the illegal raids. sure, some lefties scream racism, but the public hears, wait, they're deporting violent migrant criminals? i'm for that. and i'm mexican. true. you know, many people of color actually live in these neighborhoods. i know because i go there to teach at risk youth cpr. and what about trans? well, would you want your daughter playing junior high basketball against a dude who's taller, stronger and heavier by 30 pounds? do you think children who can't spell transgender should be having their bodies permanently altered, like they're a suit off the rack at men's wearhouse? meanwhile, the odds of genuine gender dysphoria actually happening naturally are about the same as nancy pelosi's face. it has to be
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created. the common sense answer, supported by most americans, leaves the left with nowhere to go on. crime. same thing. whatever your party affiliation, common sense means you want your loved ones coming home at night in the same shape they left in, even if it is the shape of a beanbag chair. is there anything sadder than watching liberal mayors and governors trying to defend murderers, rapists, and child traffickers? it's crazy. and what can the left say when only 6% of dc workers actually go to work? besides, get your lazy into the office. especially when thousands of government buildings sit empty, like a meeting of the jim acosta fan club. is there any way to oppose that and not sound like a nut and risk being hired by
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msnbc? the truth is, the woke world took over the democratic party, and so common sense was there for the taking and trump took it. and now the dems are on the outside looking in like joe biden at a mausoleum. see, the dems can't be the other party of common sense that lane is occupied. and it all happened because the dems were in a competition to out woke each other, allowing trump to make it safe for common sense again. which means the left is left with defending things that are obviously bad for the country, which now includes the party. >> let's welcome. >> in tonight's guest. >> he's so rich. the pool on his boat has a boat. shark tank star kevin o'leary. he's got lots of voices in his head and zero choices in his bed. comedian tyler fisher. will
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criticize the fed's actions in between her contractions. new york times best selling author tucker. and doctors use a wrecking ball to test his reflexes. new york times bestselling author, comedian and former nba. so, kevin, this is an interesting, i don't know, outcome of this election. so a successful company in a in even a modestly crowded marketplace has to have a point of difference. it has to differentiate itself. so how can this company, the democrats, do that when they have to differentiate themselves from something as broad and meaningful as common sense? what do they do? >> it was. >> a brutal outcome. >> i always thought that evening, which i thought was amazing. i was watching this stuff happen with everybody else, and i thought, you know, when america gets really
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screwed up and it's just makes no sense to anybody, it fixes itself like that. >> yeah. >> and that's exactly what happened. maybe you like trump, maybe you don't. but here we are. we're fixed. >> yeah. >> and then for those guys, they're screwed. >> but what if i mean you know trump won. and were you confident he would win. because what if kamala had won none of this would be happening. >> i was worried about the tax rate. frankly, that was the problem for me. i was thinking, am i going to go home tomorrow morning up 40% in taxes? that would be bad. >> yeah. >> so i was hanging out right until two in the morning saying, this is good. >> you truly are a man of the people. >> i think so. >> yes, yes. good for you, tyler. you don't even know what a tax rate is. you have to make money for that. we'll explain it later. >> wow. >> all right, i'm joking. i love the fact that you shaved and cut your hair. now you look like a leprechaun with a job.
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>> ooh, yeah. >> short guy battle. go. >> but, by the way, do you think the democrats can actually find a lane? i don't see how it's possible. no, it's. >> not possible. i'm sorry. i'm looking at kevin's two watches. i feel like such a loser. >> don't i look spectacular, man? >> don't tell me you're also wearing underwear. this guy. no. they just keep licking their own wounds. like. like you said, it's. it's like when your dog rolls in its own poop and then keeps watching joy reid, you know? >> yeah. >> but it's, you know, it's the dye stuff. i love trump's getting rid of it. right dye. right spell. i call it dye right. it's gonna right. it's doing a great impression of biden. it's going to die so quick. no, but everything's racist, right? you can say, sir, i'm having a cupcake. and they'll say, sir, cupcakes are racist because black people, they don't have cups or cakes. and i said, what are you
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talking about? no, it's going to be gone so quick. and kevin's going to invest 30 trillion. let's do it on air. let's negotiate on air into my career. 30 trillion. you watch it. you watch out for that too. >> watches. >> no. >> so cat i have a i have an alternate theory which i think is likely to happen. okay. the dems are going to just wait three years and then they're going to do this return to sanity, in which they say that trump has gone too far because that's the only thing they're going to be able to do is look, trump went too far in immigration. he went too far against crime. he went too. that's the only thing they're going to come up with. and it'll probably be mayor pete. haha. >> i think it's. >> really difficult to do. >> that because i think what. >> they've already done is. >> is i. think where they went wrong was when they started. >> talking about all the things you had to not do to make sure you weren't normalizing trump.
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>> right. >> so it wasn't enough to agree with them on some stuff. it wasn't enough to agree with them. even on most stuff. it wasn't enough to agree with them on literally everything. but then if you have a friend in your life who voted for trump that you're still talking to, you're normalizing trump. and it's we all have been there where we have maybe someone in our lives where like, you have to behave your best at their house to keep getting invited to their parties. right. and you're like, oh, i better be careful. i better what do i wear? what do i do? oh, and then when you stop just being like, are they even that fun? yeah. are they really even that fun when i can't do anything and i have to pretend to be a different person? i think that people, they went too far with that. i think there has to be some acknowledgment of that. i don't think they can just turn around and say, trump went too far, because people are kind of tired of listening to them, their opinions of trump, when they were told, you can't even you normally what is it lost all meaning at a point. >> yeah. and once they found
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out, tyrus that america prefers trump, all of that stuff has gone away and they didn't, like, have a backup plan. would you give them advice? >> no. >> that's it. no. >> no, you. >> can go now. >> you have to. they have to cut their their king's head off. and what i mean by that is they've had many forms. politicians for a while they were in everything was the lord and family. yeah. and then there was the lawyer. there was the savvy lawyer, the that was going to fight for your rights and stuff. and then they evolved the activist. and that's what we've had for the last three and a half is activists. the thing about activists is all they know how to do is complain they can't solve because they're activists. so then when they're given problems, they're like, no, no, no, i only know how to complain about this. so what i'm going to do is every time you hit me with a responsibility, i'm going to
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give you a new complaint. so there's so much stuff going on. your racist, misogynistic, this, that, whatever. there was so much stuff that americans like. i can't juggle all the things that are wrong with me and still feed my family. what's the other side? talking about the republicans, they at one time you couldn't stand republicans because everything was god, this family, this, this, this. if you if you made a mistake in your life, you were done forever. you had to wear an eight piece suit to lunch like, no, we had, we had. and you had to evolve to the point where now you can have your hat on backwards and wear one sweat leg up because you just feel like it. yeah. so but it's an evolution. the democrats have to kill the activists because it doesn't work. america rejected it soundly because you have to actually know the job. the biggest problem, the biggest turn off with the ten is that she didn't show up with a 12 page notebook. >> yeah. >> she could actually answer questions, cite laws and come off intelligent and good for the job and are opposed to the other side were the only thing
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we know for sure is that the sister let us know that she was the first of three categories. yeah. and the rest of it was nothing else was explained. the biggest notebook in the world with no answers in it. >> all right. up next, >> illegal. >> set sail for a famous cuban jail. >> if you'll be. >> in the new. >> york area. would like tickets to see gutfeld. go to fox and click on the link to. >> join. >> our studio audience. >> liberty. >> liberty mutual is all she talks about since we saved hundreds by bundling our home and auto insurance. >> it's pronounced liberty. liberty. >> liberty, liberty. >> nice try kid. >> only pay for what you need. >> liberty. liberty, liberty, liberty. >> in 2024. the irs flagged approximately $16.5 billion in tax refunds for possible identity fraud. someone stole my social security number and. >> filed a. >> tax return in my name. >> and i'm a cpa.
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to 30,000 illegal immigrants who have committed crimes. and he signed a memorandum directing the pentagon and dhs to expand and update the facilities. is this a good idea, or is it a great idea? >> gitmo, gitmo, gitmo the hell out of here. how about that? and i got one i got the leg up for in solidarity with tyrus. this is my, like, take a knee. right. this is my. no. i love it. and i think, honestly, if doctor fauci wasn't pardoned for crimes he committed back to 2014, he would be sent there with these criminals. i think that'd be the best punishment to watch. watch. doctor fauci tried to administer cdc guidelines in jail. you know, fellas, let's keep the down to eight people. it's a real superspreader event. me make sure you put a mask on your penis before you. well, you know where this is going, and i'm going to censor myself
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before this is all. it's all going to get cut out. >> no, i'll leave that in. >> but that's how i feel about doctor fauci. >> yes. very strongly. here's kat, here's trump just basically talking in general terms to the countries that are going to accept illegals. >> for the first time in history. we're loading dangerous and illegal aliens into military aircraft and flying them back to the places from which they came. you probably read about colombia two days ago. they said, no, we're not taking them. i said, we're going to take them. you're going to take them. you're going to like it too. you're going to take them. >> pat. that might be the first time a president has ever said, and you're going to like it, too. >> i don't think that's true. >> i didn't do any research on it, but i'm pretty. >> certain definitely, definitely not true. >> sure. kennedy. >> john kennedy. yeah, but
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kennedy was saying it to his secretary. >> no, no, he. >> was swimming pool. >> he's in the. >> swimming pool. >> what? too soon? >> yeah. >> ask not if you'll like this too. >> i guess this is one of those things where it's like, i have a hard time. really hard time. like getting my heart strings going for violent criminals. and those are selena. gomez's pals you're. >> talking about. >> but the thing is, is i'm. you know, i do differ from some republicans on immigration. i don't see any need to spend money deporting people who are contributing to our economy for, for example, that's one of the ways i differ. but when you talk about violent criminals, i don't see the controversy of or even the, the anger and the need to get them out of here,
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and also people who aren't contributing to the economy. we only have. so i mean, the amount that we pay in taxes, it's like we have this incentive to have all these people come here. these things make sense to me. i don't i don't know, like the can you do that? >> i trump just says. >> he just says, what if we though, you know, it's like, what if we. >> and then they do it. >> yeah. i don't know what the i don't know i don't know about the legality of it. but yeah, i don't understand the aim of attempting to go on people's heartstrings over violent criminals. i don't see how that's controversial. >> did you see the seats in those airplanes? talk about discount economy. >> yeah. >> unbelievable. they walk in there. they're really crappy seats. i'm wondering, do they get a box lunch or what's the deal like? that's a long trip down there in a really crappy seat. i think they're really going to ask for better service. >> next time. maybe so. and gave them. >> free skymiles for their next deportation. >> tyrus, what about gitmo? >> it should have been open mo. i mean, it should have been
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used in the first place. and i think it's the one thing that he said that i think is really important. he said. some of the criminals are so bad that we cannot trust the other countries not to just let them back out. so we're just going to hold on to them. so your mass murderers and your mass rapists, who should be in prison for the rest of their natural born lives, whether it's in gitmo or havana? does it matter as long as they're not hurting anyone anywhere? i think that that's important. i think that's good. and to your point, trump will say president trump will be like, hey, what about this? and then like 7 or 8 guys like me like, yeah, i'll roll with that. that sounds good. hey. and then there's a little guy in the back that no one really talks to. can we do that legally? and he's like, yeah, we can. so then they're like, let's do it. all right, diet cokes for everybody. >> what's next. >> you know oh elon's doing pull ups i mean it's just a fun this is what happens when people are trying to solve
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problems, come together and you listen to other people. and you have a president that when you have an idea doesn't go, you know, and then ushered out of a building, this is what we're seeing. this is this is crazy. someone had an idea. he heard it sounded good. legally makes works. hey, maybe this now will have less in our hotels. yeah. you know, and everyone to. >> how am i. >> going to find a girlfriend? but kat had brought up earlier an interesting argument. where is he talking about pulling heartstrings? sanctuary cities have no one to blame but themselves, right? you want to be like, no, we're going to hide them all. and then, just like any other parent, when your child, when you tell you give me the green crayon, little greg. no, i don't want to. fine. i'm taking them all. yeah. and so now all of your little are all going to be pulled out of your sanctuary cities because you wanted to hide the bad ones, to stand up for your virtue signaling. so now you will have none. >> yeah. you know, kevin, real quick, there's something about this ceo move. everything is so
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fast. is this is this a common strategy of effective leaders? like these things are just happening one after the other after the other. >> i don't think trump gives a he just keeps i just think he's going to keep going until somebody says no. >> yeah. >> i mean i've. >> i it is crazy. it's crazy. all right. we've got to move on. up next, her rehab is starting because of her farting. >> here's to getting better with age. >> here's to beating these two every thursday. >> help fuel today. >> with boost high protein. complete nutrition you need and the flavor. >> you love. so here's to now. now available boost max. >> bluechew is a telemedicine service connecting men with licensed medical providers prescribing ed meds. the best part? the first month is free.
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videos of herself smirking and farting. she sent these videos to her boyfriend's ex to make her uncomfortable. of course, she might have been inebriated at the time. so as a libertarian, i mean, this is another country. it seems that england is now censoring flatulence. >> yeah. all right. so are her and her boyfriend still together? i don't know, that's what i want to know. i mean, i'm on her side, obviously. i feel like what she did was disgusting, but also, like, so funny. >> yeah. >> and i feel like the woman, the ex on the receiving end. do you know how, like, the story that you just got for brunch to share? like my boyfriend's new girlfriend. look at what she sent me. and you're going to sue her over it? i don't know, i mean, i feel like this, the law got this one wrong, in my opinion. >> yes, yes. >> in the court of me, this this was hilarious.
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>> are digital farts tokens? can you make money on them? like. >> yeah, nft. would it be called an nft? a national. >> fart token? like what's the market in digital farting? >> that is true. could you buy a digital fart from a celebrity? >> yeah. >> would you sell one of your farts? kevin? >> that would be a premium. yeah, and it would come with it. would my fart would come with a royalty. >> yeah. >> the problem with. >> and you can subscribe. >> you can. >> you'd have to subscribe. >> to farts. >> because they fart generally just go away. >> right. >> so you'd pay for the ongoing fart. >> yeah. >> i mean, this is fantastic. >> all right. how about this? how about this? how about this? how about this? kevin? shark tank, we come on and sell fart and farts. >> and may the best fart win. yes, i think there's something there. >> that's it. >> what? >> and we call. it shark tank. >> i like shark fart.
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>> no, shark tank is. it's a little messy. it's a little messy. has an has a girlfriend. have you ever had a girlfriend? >> i thought i already did my talking part. >> in this. >> i'm pretty sure i went before cat. >> oh. >> nobody wants to talk about this. >> no, really? >> oh. i'm dying. >> i think, you know, my problem with this is because it's just shows how brutal people have become, like, just so sensitive. like, really? she didn't knock on your door or pull your hair off, or, like, wait for you in the parking lot. she sent something that you could use against her exactly many months later. like, literally. >> is this anyway? >> yeah. yes. yeah. is this in their constitution? >> but but it's not just there. we just. somebody the size of a small brontosaurus tried to get into in a little tiny car, and it was the guy who drove the cars fault, you know, not you and the twinkies. like, it's just so brittle. like, if i don't fit in something, i don't go, well, this is ridiculous. this jcpenney, we'll hear from
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my lawyer. yeah, no, i have to go to dkl because i'm a big guy, you know what i'm saying? like, i can't sue where the places where you guys go. like, if i went into babies r us and sued them, you know, it's like, ridiculous. but i'm just it's just so brittle. like, she could literally post this on her tiktok and get paid and be like, what else you got? what else she got? like, i just don't understand. how did she cry in court? like you also could have not answered and blocked her. yeah, there's i don't understand. >> got a restraining order, tyler. and she has to do 15 rehab sessions, 60 days of alcohol abstinence monitoring. >> that's the hard part. >> yeah, but you know what's weird? she stops drinking and her gas goes away. >> yeah, 30 days off beans. you know, it's really. it's. what bothers me is how fancy the british sound. i watched the news story, and i didn't laugh because, like, well, so she just passing a bit of wicked wind a little, a little bit of a poopy pie, a smelly grenade. you know, i think only jordan
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peterson can make that fart sound. well, you know, farts are just releasing of the patriarchal, unnecessary dead wood, and you just fart out and rescue your father from the belly of the fart? no, it's like really? so i don't like intellectual people. they make me look stupid. let me check my watch here. haha. >> i don't know, man. >> probably you're missing a watch. >> i'm missing one. >> how happy would you be if someone from your past, you looked at your phone and it was a video of them farting? >> yeah, i'd love it. >> i'd be like, this is the best day of my life. >> i know i'd be. yeah, i would brag about it. >> okay. >> coming up, daytime swine hates on caroline. >> let's wake. >> up, america. >> fox nation. >> is taking you behind the scenes of america's favorite morning. >> show conversation. credible news. >> interesting interviews. >> and a. >> lot of fun. >> with exclusive access to studio m. >> i've been saying good morning for a very long time. >> even though america sees us
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quote makes getting coverage you need easy for less than a dollar a day. now get up to a $2 million policy with no medical exam and same day coverage. >> visit select we shop, you save. >> our view. >> on the view air. >> the view gets upset when hot chicks are a threat. everyone's favorite daytime hags went off on the sweet, adorable, and most importantly, competent caroline leavitt, the new white house press secretary. here's whoopi attempting to school caroline on wokeness. >> i would like this young lady who's this is her first job. i would like her to do a little homework because she said something yesterday that really me off. and that was. she said there will be no wokeness here. oh, yeah. let me explain something to you. because without that wokeness, you might not have that job. yeah,
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because. because women were not invited to that table. women were not invited to many tables in this nation. >> oh, really? whoopi, you and your co-hosts were most certainly invited to many tables, dinner tables, lunch tables, breakfast tables. but not to be outdone, joy of all people attacked. levitz looks. >> she's probably been put in there because, according to donald trump, she's a ten. you know, that's what it is. >> but joy, can she sincerely claim that no one ever hired her based on looks? word has it the view hired her to make whoopi look thin. tyrus. it's funny. i don't believe that it was a wokism was around when dana perino became press secretary. >> you know, trying to throw that shade at president trump. do your homework. he had a
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woman build his buildings in the 70s. this man has had a woman at the top of the helm. and every position he's ever held, it's laughable. and to sit there and because of that wokeness. no. if it wasn't that, if it was wokeness was still there, she wouldn't be allowed because she was white and intelligent and didn't have a notebook. okay, she said the wokeness ends because. and then when the press went at her and she answered questions, she didn't storm off. leave me alone. >> doocy yeah. >> she answered questions. she cited laws, and she even took note. that's the president's decision. that's the president's decision. i work at the behest of the president. she looked good on her first day at the job. so here's the deal. listen, if you're ever overwhelmed, need a day off? i'm happy to substitute in just for the day. i'll just come in. i'll show you what woke would really look like. okay, i will act a fool. names will be called jurors. journalists will cry, but you don't have to
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watch. you don't have to watch the view to see a bunch of old angry way past their prime. fat chicks talk trash about people walking by. just go to any walmart checkout line and you can see the same thing. >> kevin, is it wrong to hire hot people? >> i think you got to hire them on merit. and i just want to say one thing that i've learned over 17 years, and i'm not surprised, i guess, but shark tank, 17 years, hundreds of companies i've invested in, 90% of my returns came from companies run by women. now, how the hell did that happen? and so this idea, if you want something done, give it to a busy mother because they have to juggle a lot of stuff at the same time. remember, they're startups. these are high risk situations. look, i don't care what planet you're from. i don't care what gender you are. i don't care what color you are. if you can do the job, come and work for me so i can make some money. that's it. i really don't give a damn. i
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don't have any of this crap. and you know this. this idea of dei or whatever the hell it's called. i never heard anything about it. i just hired people that know what they're doing, and it worked out great for me. so i think we should go back to that merit based. >> that's great. >> father. is joy just bitter? >> i was just i just want to comment on i love what you said there. and as a venezuelan trans mother of six, i have a couple ideas. i'd like to talk to you in the green room. they are. and i have to say this from from being single for ever. women. women get jealous of women. you know, like, i think women wear makeup for women. they're doing they all look like ducks. now. it's like i'm kissing a cartoon. i don't know who that's for. it's not for me. >> that duck thing you're talking about. >> the lips, the lip filler. >> the lip filler. every girl's got enough with that. >> yeah, it's so weird. and i think it's. it's plastic surgeons and women that are into that. guys are like, look,
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you know. >> i think i'm going to come back from maternity leave with huge ones. actually, think of all the time i'll have to get things done. i've never had enough days off to get things done. i'm going to have triple d's and huge lips. >> it's a look natural. >> look natural. >> yeah it is tyler, right though women can be so mean against other women who are. >> and don't hit me before you say no 1,000%. >> i got no interest in hitting anybody. but i also do think it is funny that like us, are they trying to say that a straight white woman is a wokeness hire? because that's not how like the people who are obsessed with woke? think about it. >> yeah. >> you can't just check one box. you check one box. you got to go off like you're part of the problem. >> yeah. >> like so i didn't really understand. i don't maybe she didn't realize that because that's not. >> but it's funny. it's like whoopi is proving the adversarial point, which is that wokeness makes you
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suspicious of everybody. oh, she got the job because she's a chick that only comes into your mind because that's what dye does to everybody. it raises the suspicion you didn't get here on your own. and whoopi just proved it. but as we know, and i've said it like dana perino was a white female press secretary. dye didn't exist then. wokism didn't exist then. what if. >> talent did? >> what if i have enough time to get addicted to plastic surgery and i get a chin implant? >> oh, god. what is a chin implant? >> yeah, i'm gonna find out. >> dare to dream. >> i'll get one first and check it out later. >> all right. holy toledo. chuck, check your libido. >> oh, what a good. >> time we will. >> have. you can make it happen. again. >> voltaren for.
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also send you a bottle of our newest fat burner, thermo x, absolutely free. >> it's coming. >> your way. >> hey. >> hey, it's. >> video of the. >> day. >> his name is chuck, and he makes you go. yuck! chuck schumer had an interesting way of describing the energizing effects that trump's federal loan freeze is having on opponents. roll it. marge. >> people are aroused. i haven't seen people so aroused in a very, very long time in terms of going trying to get
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this done. >> tyler. he hasn't seen people aroused in a very long time. >> well, he's not in the studio right now, but even the way it almost looked like, he's like, you know, this is how he touches himself or the two guys next to him. i don't know what it is. this guy. >> no, no, this is new. it's called policy. >> what is policy? >> it gets you aroused. that's good politics, baby cat. >> sorry. my what? >> the way you need to work on that. >> segue the camera. >> i'm willing to prove it, cat. >> i know, but also, like, the camera caught me dealing with a cramp, so. i'm sorry. >> sorry. and chuck's re. >> aroused again. i think it's the way that he. he was like, good save, buddy. he's like, in terms of getting this done, he's like, i just like, he just realized people might think i'm talking about my penis. yeah. i want everyone to know that it's
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not the case. and he saw it. good save. and he went and had lunch. yes. i know. i would be i get i get way more anxious about things that i say than that. >> but you know, it's funny. it's like aroused is it's unfair to that word to always be attached. >> to something. no, no no, no, listen, they took retard away from us. we can. certainly. what? we should be more of. he told on himself. >> yes. >> he is. now, we definitely know that there are gross old people at the senate because he's like, i haven't seen this many people aroused since. in terms of getting it done. the last time they had an orgy, mitch ended up going to the hospital. nancy, he was in a wheelchair. nancy broke her hip. you know what i'm saying? it was all kinds of stuff going on, and he just. he was just like, last time everyone got fired up. but we were all. >> that's what happened to mitch mcconnell's face. chuck took his pants off, and he
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goes. >> i'm saying he told on himself. no man in his right mind says, i've seen people aroused. you can't unless he's a sex trafficker or an orgy man. so which one is it? >> you can't possibly have thought this segment would have gone any other way. no. >> seriously. in what time in your life have you said. hey, fellas, i haven't seen this many people around since then. >> i'm so. >> just tell me one time and i'll let it go. >> yeah. >> kevin on the shark tank. does anybody ever come out and push a sex like gadget or anything? i don't think i've ever seen that. >> every taping. except we never air them because they're the best deals. sales are spectacular. margins are fantastic. unfortunately, they all come from china. >> oh. >> so the tariffs are a. you know, really tough. why? they're all rechargeable now too. so you don't waste batteries. >> oh wow. that's fantastic.
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that's good to know. >> yeah. >> well, i think we're done here. don't go away. we'll be right back. >> let's wake. >> up, america. >> fox nation is. >> taking you behind the scenes of. >> america's favorite morning show conversation. >> credible news. >> interesting interviews. >> and a lot of fun. >> with exclusive access to studio m. >> i've been saying good morning for a very long time. >> even though america sees us in front of the camera, there are a lot of people behind the camera that make this thing happen. >> three. >> two. >> one. >> it's showtime. >> behind the. >> scenes fox and friends. >> streaming. >> now on fox nation. >> a mystery. >> jesse. >> loves playing. >> detective. >> but the real mystery was her irritated skin, so we switched to tide. free and gentle, it cleans better and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. >> and. >> it's gentle. >> on her skin. >> tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified. >> it's got to be tide. >> ever worry that you're drinking too much? take back control with your health or health. provides access to
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