tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News February 5, 2025 8:00am-9:00am PST
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staying on when they jump hurdles. not easy but cute. my family had a jack russell for a while and he was a pistol. very protective of my aunt donna, that was for sure. if you ever gave him the bird he could come after you. it was a crazy dog. milo was his name. >> martha: we'll covering this d.e.a. raid and speaking about the big gaza news and what it will mean and the implications. more executive orders coming from the white house at 3:00. we'll take that live as well. >> dana: one to protect girls' sports. a lot happening today and only 11:00 on wednesday. harris faulkner is next. here she have is. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert.
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president trump's border crackdown is on. the first flight of illegal immigrants has now landed in guantanamo bay, cuba. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." homeland security secretary kristi noem had said the maximum security facility would hold the worst of the worst. here is the president. >> president trump: we are doing very well with respect to other countries really behaving on taking the criminals that they sent into our country and we are getting them out. some of the worst people on earth. >> guantanamo bay, is there enough space there to the accommodate? >> president trump: there is a lot of space to accommodate a lot of people and we'll use it. >> harris: we are going to hear from the voters' voices. they are here, some from election night and they will tell everyone what they feel the president is doing. democrats, independents, republicans. the voters are seated next to me
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and ready to go. first let's go to chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin at the pentagon. this has been a huge morning. >> absolutely, harris. we have learned a u.s. military c-17 with 100 indian migrants landed in india overnight. the longest, most expensive deportation flight so far. last year the u.s. government deported 1,000 indian nationals using commercial flights, much cheaper. the u.s. military fluffed with ten migrants from the u.s. left texas yesterday and arrived last night at the naval station in guantanamo bay. those migrants will be housed in an isolated section of the secure detention facility that has been used for military combatants since 9/11. 300 marines have been sent to gitmo to help build tents, bathrooms and showers that could house up to 30,000 migrants.
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they have tents for about 1,000 people as of now. defense secretary hegseth who visited the southern border pointed out how the naval station was used as a way station for thousands of haitian and cuban migrants in the 199 0s. >> we'll put tren de aragua before you send them back. how about a maximum security prison at guantanamo bay where we have the space? >> we have had a migrant processing center there for decades. we will hold them again. this time we'll hold the worst of the worst. the clinton administration had many migrants and used many times over. >> that was before 9/11 and gave anyone sent to gitmo the right to a lawyer and their day in court. that 2008 decision supreme court ruled individuals as guantanamo bay can challenge the legality
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of their detention. it slowed down. it is not clear whether this plan to send immigrants there is legal and whether the migrants who are taken there will suddenly have a right to a lawyer and the same legal rights they would have in the u.s. all of this could begin a long, legal process that could prevent the u.s. government from deporting them to their final destination. >> harris: before i let you go we've known in our history this isn't the first time something like this has happened. is there a difference this time? >> i think what's different. they are talking a lot about the 90s and clinton administration and tens of thousands of haitian and cuban migrants before some of the legal rulings by the supreme court. if you have are at gitmo and sent from the u.s., often the migrants picked up at sea are
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sent to gitmo but they've never been in the u.s. once you have set foot in the u.s. you have certain rights according to current immigration law. i imagine the lawyers will start getting involved. >> harris: great. glad you were with me to answer that question, jennifer. great reporting always. thank you. >> president trump: under the trump administration we're moving with urgency and speed to get these vicious and violent criminals the hell out of our country and restore law and order to our suburbs, cities and towns. the border is now closed. we won't allow our territory to be violated after four long years. >> harris: anybody who says they didn't see what was coming was not paying attention to donald trump. he meant what he said. the president indeed is moving at lightning speed with his crackdown on illegal immigration and you are looking at a portion of what he has already accomplished on the screen there. he immediately signed at least ten orders and actions exec
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actively and declared a national emergency. sent our u.s. military to the border, ended catch and release and is arresting and deporting violent illegal immigrants across america. we have heard from the president, lawmakers, pollsters and pundits. now it is time to hear from the voters. with me in the front row mary josephine, an independent. jameel, a democrat and in the back row theresa, republican, stephanie, democrat, and i understand recently switched to independent which is not a political party but a frame of mind. and robin, a republican. for all of you, i know you voted for trump. some of you were with me on election night and welcome back. it is great to see you guys. all right. jameel, i come to you first. you are in college at the university of chicago. a democrat. you now call yourself a conservative democrat. first of all, how is the president doing on his number one promise with getting out the
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most -- the worst of the worst illegal immigrants? >> he has been doing a great job so far. i wake up every day and read the headlines and i get impressed by his createively but i think he can go further such as with his bid to end birthright citizenship. he could start printing papers for the undocumented children here that are currently being born and then force the governments to accept those citizenship paper diplomatically. i go to chicago and see the immigration crisis at the forefront in front of my school, on the corners. i don't think we should wait until unpopular mayors like johnson lose their elections. i think if mayors like him obstruct tom homan or president trump they should be arrested, put on trial because they weren't afraid to put him on trial when he was just running for office. i would say let the voters in
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the community talk about is using taxpayer dollars against common sense policies illegal? i think you would see that mayor brandon johnson and so many other mayors would be criminally charged. >> harris: what are you studying? i came up with several careers right there. political analyst, attorney. thank you for all of that. it sounds like you have made a migration now in your mind politically. we'll have to see how you vote in the future. that's interesting. we have another democrat among us, stephanie. i understand now you are leaning more independent. maybe not exactly one party or the other. you just heard from jameel what would you like to add to that? >> so i think the country is most divided it has ever been in my lifetime. the democratic party doesn't represent my values as much anymore. it shifted so much from kind of the clinton era party that i grew up on.
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and i think now it is kind of representing these really elitists, maybe socialist ideals. i am a mother of four kids. i have real concerns. i have, you know, really immediate issues that i want to make sure are addressed. and i think as an independent i can use my own brain and have an open mind and critical year and look at candidates for who they are and what they represent and if that mirrors my values. as far as adding onto trumps border policies, immigration, birthright sitsenship. i think the constitution was meant to be re-evaluated and debated and this incredible country we live in is built on discourse, debate and discussion and smart people coming together to solve big problems in a constructive way so we can have this incredible liberal
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democracy we live in which is a give and take. you have to balance your independent i den tee with serving the good of a greater society. we've lost that. we have this kind of entitled i deserve everything attitude and i think that's kind of ruling the roost right now. >> harris: it's interesting you were both you and jameel. you were originally from here in new york city i believe and now in chicago. you guys are from sanctuary cities. so as former or current kind of moving democrats, if you will, it doesn't entirely surprise, i would imagine, most people because of what you are living through right now. >> i don't put my kids on the subway. i don't walk alone at night anymore in new york city. it is not the city that we lived in. >> harris: i don't have to imagine. we see it every day in the city. homeland security department numbers now show in trump's first two weeks in office, today is day 16.
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agents have arrested nearly 9,000 people for immigration violations and there have been nearly 5700 deportations or removals. border czar tom homan had this warning for sanctuary cities. >> sanctuary cities are responsible for deaths of thousands -- thousands of young children throughout my career and we will sue them and hold them. if we have to go to the supreme court president trump is willing 20 do that. he will and sanctuary cities. sanctuaries are sanctuaries for criminals bottom line. >> harris: theresa, i want to go to you. one of the things we've seen with tom homan, the border czar is immediate. he got started before anything. he didn't need a senate confirmation to hold the role he has. >> i think this is a very sensitive topic and i am a little wishy-washy on it. i believe that america is home of the free and home of the brave. we are a melting pot.
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my great grand parents came from italy and important for who we are as a country. that's why i voted president trump because he has been so adamant about his decisions about what he believes he stands by it. and that's why i voted for him. for someone who is maybe uncertain about certain issues you need a leader that is going to put his foot down and say okay, i will help you out. let me make the decision and let me do it. fast and the right way. >> harris: you told my team. i thought -- we don't have to go into the whole story. you and your husband were talking getting ready for today last night. >> it is like a college party. it has gotten out of hand. the only way to bring it back is to kick everyone out and you want your food, your alcohol back, you want your clean plates back and that's the only way to do it. >> harris: you said it may seem like a light way to compare it but what you are talking about is sovereignty in your own home
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and we don't take that lightly. maybe we have in recent years but not now. mary josephine i know you say you are an independent. had you ever voted republican before now? >> i was a republican previously yes. i felt many years back the republican party had left me. it didn't really have the values that i had. i speak for all americans. i think that americans generally are united in everything and unfortunately politicians have forced this upon us. shame on thee immigration policies and not handling what was happening to our country. reagan back in the day gave amnesty to so many people and we thought that the border would be secure. we thought we were going to handle this illegal immigration policy and we didn't. then we had manuals given out to mexico during the bush administration how to get here. humanitarian reasons.
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and fast forward to the last administration and it is a free for all. our country is not safe. a national security issue. i left new york city to move to north carolina. here i am thinking i'm leaving new york city because it would be safer elsewhere and we have venezuelan gangs doing home invasions two or three houses down from us. it's a scary situation. i feel for everybody that's here. if you came here you wanted to work hard and provide for your families, absolutely you should. but it's been so out of hand and everything has been given to everybody but americans that i think you have this real anger with the american people. what trump did was united all these different political parties, people who never thought they would vote as -- for a republican president did so because they want a safe country. they want new york city to be the way it used to be. they want it to be safe. they want it to be clean and be able to go and go to a restaurant and have a good time,
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not worry about walking down the street. unfortunate we're in this situation. >> harris: that is so critically important. the ground that you just laid. we talked about democrats shifting. we hadn't talked about republicans feeling like they had maybe been left behind. you mentioned robin in the back row to the right here. i know you guys spent some time together in the greenroom, maybe previously. when you hear her speaking i want to know the texture of the conversation you had. i don't think we have anything in our notes other than republican for you. >> we were just discussing how this issue -- i have said that i think the issue of immigration is a really unique issue. i don't think it's as much a political issue as people have certain feelings about it based on their own experiences in their life. >> harris: excuse me, i see everybody nodding with you. >> cool. i think yeah, i don't know it's a democrat or republican issue
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as much as what we've experienced as citizens in this country. so some people who are here on green cards, you know, they have a different view than people who are here that feel that they are getting their resources taken away from them. i also think that as a parent, it is a very different situation. i have a 12-year-old son and i worry about him in the city. i have gotten emails from his school that were warning about incidents where there were gang members stealing phones as they were walking to school. so it's definitely something that i have feelings about based on my own experiences and as a parent. i think that's what we were discussing. we were discussing as moms. >> harris: i secretly think jameel will rule the world one
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day. a good inspiration for everybody. i want to come back to you too, jameel. you mentioned something about brandon johnson, who is one of the most far left mayors in the country. in fact, democrat leaders, including j.b. prytzer have expressed resistance to trump's immigration crackdown. >> we have allow on the books in illinois that says our local law enforcement will stand up for those law abiding undocumented people in our state who are doing the right thing and not help federal officials drag them away. >> our police officers will not be cooperating with federal law enforcement around federal immigration law. >> federal government can implement their laws and we are not forced to participate in their actions. >> what this administration is
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attempting to do, he is attempting to get us to surrender our humanity. we won't do that in chicago. >> harris: you know what is interesting with democrats, jameel, i would be curious to get your take on this. they are willing to break the law to show that they care. and republicans and independents, every other person who may have voted for trump on this issue doesn't see it that way. you don't have to break the law to help people. what is your take? >> i think when you have a politician such as brandon johnson their number one goal should be to be understood and that is using their bully pulpit, advocating for the people that pay the tax dollars to them and you see in many instances he uses race to scapegoat a lot of the ideas he has. tries to use emotional appeal such as our humanity. i think i'm 23 years old and been in college for four years and when i'm walking to tar guest nearby college i see
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immigrants, young mother with two children laying on the sidewalk. me walking by them and us walking by them as young people, that diminishes our humanity every day. even so my family that are trying to buy college kids to come see me graduate want to buy hotel rooms. the issue is some of the hotel rooms near us are shut down to house illegal immigrants. it is always who are you looking out for and why not us that we're paying so many tax dollars, sales revenues to brandon johnson to represent us. when we ask him a question we get the runaround on some emotional appeal about other people who don't pay taxes to him. >> harris: robin, it comes back to what you said. the personal experiences that people are having. one of the things when you talk about -- how i hear you, jameel, is that it is not just losing our humanity that people can grade and say yeah, we look terrible to the rest of the world. that inner soul part of knowing
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that hundreds of thousands of children have gone missing in our country because the former administration federal government agencies didn't bother to keep up with them. that feels personal to all of us. robin, i want to get a quick thought from you and i will show you lawsuits that are folding out now. >> yeah, i mean, i think one of the issues i struggle with with all of this i'm jewish and during the holocaust there were ships of jewish children that came to our country in an attempt to escape death and they were turned away. and they all died. so it tugs on your heart strings more when you talk about the children. certainly there is the thought of if the parents are coming here and illegally.
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those ships were coming legally. >> i'm also a grandchild of holocaust survivors and a huge patriot and so thankful -- i'm sorry that i interrupted you. america opened its doors after the holocaust when my grand parents had nowhere to go through after being survivors of the genocide and grateful. they came in legally and they worked really, really hard for their entire lives to make a life here. it was important that we assimilated to western values and learn about this country. and legal immigration to america is incredibly important and valuable and for those who want to be here and love this country and want to contribute to society and receive from society, it's incredible. my kids have friends whose ancestors come from all over the world. an amazing thing. but it's -- there is law and order in that society and we need to abide about it.
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maybe the laws need to be revised so it is easier to get through the process or more expeditious and that's the job of congress and the senate and it is hard work but our officials should be doing hard work. >> harris: just listening to all of you there are so many touch points for i get it now, if there was almost no other choice but to go forward from where we are now and donald trump saw that. he is president now. he sees and hears you. just a quick show of hands. in the first 16 days, how do you think he is doing? no show of hands, give him a grade. jameel. >> i would say an a. >> robin. >> a ten. >> i would say a plus. >> the bar was really low so i will also say an a. >> a plus plus. >> harris: that's an average that will get you anywhere above
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an a. god bless you all and thank you for being so open with all you are facing and why you believe trump can get it done. i'll take a quick break. we'll be right back. country h. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan... ...for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va... ...we can say “yes” when banks say “no.” give us a call. (vo) call: 1-844-383-1567. at university of phoenix, we're earning career-relevant skills
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>> harris: breaking news. attorney general nominee pam bondi is being sworn in as attorney general officially in the oval office right now. we are expecting president trump and attorney general bondi to speak within moments. we'll bring you that when we get it. president trump laser focused on cutting the size of the federal government through executive orders, buy-outs and layoffs.
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right now the house oversight committee is holding a hearing. here is the chairman, james comer. >> president trump promised he would eliminate washington waste and reform the unchecked federal bureaucracy. he is delivering on his promise made to the american people. over the past few days we've heard wild claims from democrats that we're, quote, at the beginning of a dictatorship, end quote. and we're in a constitutional crisis. this kind of theatrical rhetoric is what the people rejected in november. >> harris: part of the cuts will include musk's plan to restructure usaid. they argue it is a slush fund
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for. democrats aren't focused on the economy of it all. >> all of those axises are cut off. we might see somebody get killed. >> we have to fight this in the courts. we have to fight this in the congress. we have to fight this in the streets. >> what is happening right now is a hostile takeover of the u.s. government. >> shut down the city. [cheers and applause] we are all war. >> tell you right now people are going to die in very large numbers around the world who are expecting the united states to live up to our promise eaves to get them medicine and help. >> we have to tell elon musk nobody elected your [bleep]. >> we are in the face of an authoritarian takeover of our country and we say hell no. >> if this were happening in any other country i would be on the air calling it a coup. >> harris: i mean, everything
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from swear words to threats to declaration of war. i wonder who is fighting whom there? senior white house correspondent peter doocy. peter. >> that doesn't sound good. but it appears that this morning at least one of those democrats has walked back some of their tough talk about these budget cuts. chris van hollen was talking about fighting in the courts and fighting in the streets. we just heard from him again and he is only talking about the courts. >> courts are putting up a big red light to a lot of president trump's proposals. the key now will be whether or not he actually supports and respects the court order. if he doesn't we're in a whole different world of problems. >> jd vance is saying when elon and the team start evidence i was very supportive. thought the waste and fraud will top off at a certain number but the real number will be much
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higher. the small group of people are helping musk do it here. >> have you met any of these guys? >> president trump: i haven't seen them. they work out of the white house. 15 or 20 things they found inside of the usaid. it has to be corrupt. nobody could approve that. they could only approve that if they were getting kickbacks. you are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars. >> $4 billion a day cut from the federal budget by this weekend according to who else, elon musk. >> harris: thank you. i just talked with our voters' voices how they feel about president trump's border crackdown. republican congressman mark green has a new opinion titled a new day for border security and rule of law. by securing our borders the president is also dismantling the cartels' business model and weakening their influence inside the u.s. biden administration's era of
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open borders and anti-enforcement policies gifted cartels an estimated $14 million per day if profit from human smuggling alone. if trump owes first week in office is an indication of the next four years every american has reason to hope. the days of our sovereignty being taken for granted are over. lieutenant chris o -- what we sw on the border years back was untenable and got so much worse. how is president trump's first 16 days looking to you? >> you know, harris, i look back on that day when you went to the border in eagle pass and you got to visit with our troopers and working the private ranchs looking for those trying to evade capture. the worst of the worse. most important you got to speak to the ranchers how this border
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situation has impacted their lives and now it has been a complete 180 now with the new administration, with the new policies, with now much more intentional approach on enforcement provides some type of relief for the ranchers and victims. those who lost loved ones because of fentanyl poisoning. in the last four years governor abbott's border mission the state of texas provided a blueprint how to secure the border and see over the years the fact we've been able to get illegal border crossings down by 85% and now the federal government is taking over what we have provided over the last four years in terms of infrastructure and enforcement and seeing more significant drop in numbers. the illegal crossings have dropped to 500. we haven't seen that in years. it shows that what we are doing in texas, leadership we have in texas now combined with the federal government we will have a much stronger approach on the
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border and show the security of our state and country. >> harris: those numbers are blind blowing. when you say at the end of last year it was a month after ago, not even. that's unbelievable and such a blessing. "wall street journal" today with this. trump's next fight with mexico. designating drug cartels as terrorists. trump signed an executive order and gives the secretary of state in consultation with other cabinet members 14 days to determine which mexican cartels should be designated as foreign terrorist organizations. then key members of congress have seven days to comment before the designation takes legal effect. where do you want them to start? which groups stand out to you? >> you know, harris, again i mentioned what governor abbott did. he designated the cartels at foreign terrorist designations at the time. the cartels are still a threat
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to our national security. have to focus on going after the high ranking cartels. the two most powerful are sin leo and operating in 54 countries now. to go after the cartels with the designation and using department of defense and military forces is to go after the core. after the accountants, bankers, lawyers, where the money flows to slight these cartels and give them that power is what we need to focus on. it's not just domestically but globally as well going after the organizations. we've seen in the last couple of weeks how the cartels have escalated their threat violence towards law enforcement and more so now we're seeing weaponizeed drones that have the capability to drop explosives and shows working on the border has become more volatile and we need to focus on cartels and dismantle those organizations. >> harris: you mentioned sinaloa. what was the second one you were talking about? if you could just give us a couple of details about that.
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>> the jalisco, tdmj. one of the most powerful ones now. the tren de aragua has some type of ties to these cartels and what makes them so much more dangerous. focusing on the cartels. going after them as i mentioned going after the core of these organizations after the profits. that's what we're seeing the escalation of violence. we see now the new administration is taking a much stronger approach and these cartels are starting to escalate their threats toward law enforcement and we remain more vigilant and focused using the power of the federal government to go after these organizations. >> harris: what trump has done is put trump a ramp-up and we anticipate up to 10,000 members of our military personnel on the border as well. they have your backs and you guys have the backs of every american in our nation. let me get to this. texas dps, your branch, deported
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446 migrant encounters on monday. the average number -- you said it was down below 500. the average number during the seven days prior to president trump's inauguration was nearly 3,000. that number dropped and you were talking about it by the percentages. first 63% and that you just gave us 85% in the first few days after the inauguration. it's continuing to plummet and get down to more than just a manageable number. you are working towards zero now. >> that's the goal. that's something the governor has made clear as well. we want to get the number of illegal boarding in texas down to zero. we can now that we have a strong ally with the federal government working side-by-side with federal partners as well as military forces. we can get to that number and we're seeing it right now in realtime as the numbers continue to drop every single day and as we continue to be more committed to potential threats and focusing on the criminals and fugitives committing crimes in our state we want to locate them
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and get them removed and focus on the bad actors trying to recapture and now more resource evers dedicated to border security. a number that we can reach and i'm more than certain we will at some point as we continue to have a much stronger approach toward border security. >> harris: you know, i have a note here that i was reading first moments i got into the office and i had texas in mind because we got a note that your governor abbott you were just talking about him is supposed to have a meeting with president trump today. i know some of those things are digital. some are in person. we don't have all the details on it. what would you like through your governor to say to the president of the united states? >> well, i think our governor did quite a bit over the last four years and taken the lead when the federal government was absent. you know that for a fact from designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations to building infrastructure and busing and flying illegal immi
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immigrants. >> harris: we have a new attorney general. pam bondi. i have to break in. >> president trump: hello, everybody. this is a great honor and a real privilege. i'm thrilled to be here today with our nation's next incredible and she will be incredible attorney general of the united states pam bondi. i want to congratulate her. she worked so hard and unbelievably fair and unbelievably good at law enforcement. i just want to congratulate you, a very special person. [applause] . thank you. >> president trump: i would also like to thank justice clarence thomas and his incredible wife here someplace, highly respected wife, too, i will say. i remember a couple years ago a
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little bit more than that during toward the end of my first term i was introducing a lot of people at a big event about 5,000 people in your biggest ballroom. and they were getting a nice smarting of applause. they were very important people and i then introduced justice clarence thomas and the place went crazy. it was then i realized you are a very popular guy and respected guy. thank you for being here. it's an honor and a great honor for pam. pam was a career prosecutor for nearly 20 years and was one of the toughest and smartest and best and most successful attorney generals in the history of florida. and i think i'm putting it out this morning i think she will end up going down as one of the most successful attorney generals that this country has ever had. i really believe that. i know her well.
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a lot of people in florida. if you are in florida you know her well. there was never a problem. all good. no problem. as a prosecutor she locked up drug dealers and gang members and human traffickers and was waging war all the time on the pill mills that fueled the deadly opioid crisis and she did better than anybody else. nobody like her in the country. she also won over $50 billion lawsuits for the oil spill. she was the leader of that whole people getting people taken care of. as attorney general of the united states pam has a historic and urgently needed task ahead of her and probably never been a time, clarence, that's more important than right now. we went through four years of not such good work in many ways. not just with the president, at other levels also. she will restore, fair, equal
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and impartial justice and restore the constitutional rule of law in america. she will lead the democrats, you know where they will -- she will lead them right down. i think she will be as impartial as you can be. i am supposed to say total impartial with respect to democrats. i think she will be as impartial as a person can be. i don't know if there is a possibility of totally but as total as you can get, right? but she will be fair and she will lead the department of justice in crushing violent crime, demolishing the gangs that are all over the place. if you look at new york, if you look at chicago, if you look at los angeles, which is half burned down unfortunately because they didn't have the water and they didn't have what they were supposed to have, destroying the terrorist cartels will be a very big priority for pam and that leads to crime and a lot of drugs that she will take care of and stop the invasion of our country and get
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fentanyl off our streets and we'll work with her very closely, kristi noem and tom homan and all of the people will be working very closely with pam. she is going to end the weaponization of federal law enforcement and restore honesty and integrity at the d.o.j. and f.b.i. and working with kash and a lot of other people that you've been reading and writing about over the last few weeks. the role of attorney general comes with immense responsibility but i have absolute confidence that pam will fulfill her duties with honor and courage and strength and fairness. she will be fair. very fair. and now i would like to invite justice thomas to administer the oath of office. a great day in our country's history. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> i do solemnly swear. >> i, pamela bondi, do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic. that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i'm about to enter.
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so help me god. congratulations. [applause] >> president trump: i just want to introduce her very handsome husband. i hate being around him. he looks too good. a tremendous factor with pam and just a beautiful relationship who is here and mother. look how good you look, huh? so i just wanted to introduce them. pam, have fun, please. >> thank you, mr. president, thank you. [applause] >> thank you, president trump. i've known you for many, many years and i will not let you down. i am truly honored that you have asked me to take on this role and i will make you proud and i
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will make this country proud. i just want to thank all of my friends who are here today. my dear friends and my family, my mom, my husband, my pastor is here. so many of my good friends and my colleagues. so thank you all so much. and i will restore integrity to the justice department and i will fight violent crime throughout this country and throughout this world and make america safe again. thank you. [applause] >> president trump: thank you very much, everybody. thank you. it is a great day. >> the proposal you are talking about in gaza. >> everybody loves it. it is not the right time.
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this is a very important and in my opinion solemn occasion. i don't think we'll talk about other subjects. >> what is your top priority with the attorney general for this new position taken on this morning? >> simply for me overall very simple, make america great again. that's what we are going to do. she will take crime out of the system as much as anybody can do that, she will do it. >> we'll make america safe again. >> president trump: thank you, everybody. thank you very much. thank you very much. >> harris: the president of the united states introducing america's new attorney general pam bondi there in the oval office. i am joined now by senator tuberville of the great state of
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alabama and armed services and several other committees. you know her well. what are your initial reactions to seeing that play out in the oval office? >> thank you for having me on. what a great day. what a great day for our country and for the people of our country, our department of justice has been weaponizeed, we've seen that. even the democrats know that. pam bondi will bring trust back to our department of justice, justice system. people will believe in it again. for the last three or four years nobody has believed what has been going on has been fair and just. so now we've got somebody that is going to do it and do it the right way where people can again believe in the criminal justice system of our country. >> harris: you know, you, senator, give us a unique perspective. you have been talking with people in your great state of alabama and we understand from a legal point where she comes in and what she accomplished in the
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state of florida. but the president just made the point this is an extremely important point for the american people to pause and watch that. what have you heard from voters themselves and how does this change the game going forward? you don't just have to stay in alabama. look at places like chicago and new york where the crime is horrible. >> it really is. the border didn't help. pam bondi has her hands full along with hopefully kash patel being the new f.b.i. director. we need an entire team that will tackle this justice system and crime across the country. we're in trouble. our country is in bad trouble. we don't have enough places to put the criminals. this past justice system allowed the criminals to go through the front door of the police station and out the back door because of d.a.s across the country that were absolutely corrupt. pam bondi will maintain and get control of our justice system and give it back to the american
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people and people can again trust what is going on. right now again people not just in alabama but across the country have just been throwing their hands up going what do we do? we don't believe in what's going on. the number one thing we have to do in this country with a politician or anything to do with the justice system. the people have to believe in what you are doing and why you are doing it. >> harris: i want to move to this now as we continue to watch what played out moments ago inside the oval office. we have a brand-new attorney general, pam bondi. with this now president trump is preparing to sign an executive order titled keeping men out of women's sports this afternoon. the president is sticking to that promise he made on the campaign trail. i remember it well. our viewers, too, at the "the faulkner focus" town hall, all women in october. let's watch. >> president trump: we stop it. we absolutely stop it. you can't have it. it is a man playing in the game. physically from a muscular standpoint. even a little less maybe they do
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all sorts of tests and drugs and everything else. >> harris: how do you stop it? go to the sports leagues? >> president trump: the president bans it. you don't let it happen. [cheers and applause] not a big deal. >> harris: i can tell you from being there that was one of the loudest points of that all-women town hall. this executive order that trump is getting ready to put into play comes as today we recognize national girls and women in sports day. also on this day senator you are reintroducing that bill called protection of women in olympic and amateur sports act. in effort to ensure trump's protections are permanent. tell us about it, please, senator. >> exactly. i started coaching over 40 years ago when title ix started. the best thing this place has ever done. giving young girls and women a
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different opportunity to build on leadership and have a future. and so this past four years gender and parents have been under attack, education under attack and all goes back to trying not to define what a woman is. they can't even define it. they are telling us right now men can have babies. at the end of the day i'm giving a speech on the floor today. leader thune has promised he will put the bill on the floor southeastern than later. the third time i have had this up for a vote. democrats don't want anything to do with it. i have a feeling a lot of them will change their mind and at 3:00 president trump signs the executive order. when he goes into that office if we don't get a republican back in there it will change back into the ever loving none that these democrats are pushing for the last four years. we have to protect women and girls in sports and women and girls in olympic sports. if we don't do that we'll see men boxing against women like we
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did this past summer. >> harris: i want to get to this. a recent national survey. you talked about where americans are. you are right. the survey shows the vast majority of americans, 79%, do not think transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in women's sports and calling it like it is biological men. that total includes 67% of democrats, 94% of republicans. you get above about 60% of anything and that is remarkable. now you are at 79. your thoughts. >> well, and the other thing along with that. that was a "new york times" poll. normally they don't do anything on the side of the republicans or conservatives. this percentage is growing, harris, people are starting to come around going this is not really right. this shouldn't happen. you go back to president trump and he spent millions in the last three months of his
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campaign. this was one of his main topics was men and boys in girls sports and it totally blew up on the democrats. it goes back to one thing. common sense. let's get back to family and two genders and allowing women and girls to have the same opportunities as men. if we don't do that and do it now and stick with it and get it made permanent we'll continue to have problems. >> harris: that's a good note for everybody to understand. you always wonder what can the next party do if they are in power? you are trying to insure that this actually sticks. we thought we had something with title ix but with the last four years we were even pushing that into the corner. senator, a big day for you. you have the speech coming up on the senate floor. i appreciate you being here also for the breaking news. the new attorney general. pam bondi. god bless you, thank you. "outnumbered" after the break.
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