tv The Will Cain Show FOX News February 5, 2025 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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steel has been very strong on the issue. thank you very much. [applause] thank you. great job. tiffany justice. founders of mom's for liberty, they honored me and it was a great honor, thank you both of you. heather higgins, andy butner, victoria from independent woman's foreman, it's a fantastic group of people that have fought very hard in this issue. i think everybody in this room fought very hard on this issue. tim fletcher? [cheering and applause] [applause]
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>> ceo of the concerned women for america packmak that is a lot of people, thank you very much. as a lot of people. so just to finish up, correcting the secretary of state marco rubio who is doing a fantastic job. [applause] he just left panama, we are trying to take back the panama canal. little things like that. it'll happen. he's going to the international olympic committee's and he's going to make it as clear as anybody can make it that america categorically rejects transgender lunacy. we want them to change everything having to do with the olympics and having to do with this absolutely ridiculous subject that we even have to talk about the subject. if you went back ten years or 15 years and you would move forward
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and listen to this you would say what are they talking about, this is impossible but people out there, democrats are still totally in favour. they can't win the argument or a debate. they look like bulls and continue to go on and it's okay because as long as they do this and open borders and all of the other things they talk about, transgender everything, all they want to do is men playing in women's sports and all these crazy things. if they continue i think we are going to end up ultimately it's not going to matter because we are never going to go along with them and just keep winning elections. [applause] so when the olympics comes to los angeles i was responsible for getting the olympics and i said this is terrible because i got the olympics and i won't be president. then what happened is strange things happened and that election. i missed for years and now i
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have the olympics. [applause] >> we also have the world cup coming which is going to be fantastic. we have 250 years coming. that's a big one next year. in los angeles in 2028 my administration will not stand by and watch men beat and batter female athletes and we're not going to let it happen. it's going to end and it's ending right now and nobody's going to be able to do a thing about it because when i speak we speak with authority. [applause] and for the same reason just to make sure, i'm also directing our secretary of homeland security, kristi noem, who is also is out there with you, a fantastic job. she is unbelievable. i was watching her riding on a horse. she's very good.
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to deny any and all visa applications made by men attempting to fraudulently enter the united states while identifying themselves as women athletes to try and get into the games maybe where they are unable to get in to the games. we are honoured to be joined today by many incredible advocates for women's sports including the brave swimmer at the forefront of this battle. rielly gains is a person that i've been watching. [applause] fought hard. riley was a 12 time all -- 12 time all-american who sacrificed countless hours in the pool just for a chance at the title that was so important to her. she give up everything and just gave everything she had.
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but then the league forced her to share a spot on the podium with a male swimmer who took her trophy while the media celebrated this stolen glory. riley is just a tremendous athlete and it was a very unfair situation. a lot of people watched it and it was ridiculous but i want to thank riley. she has been at the forefront. people that aren't that well-versed in this would say that she was the leader. great job riley, thank you very much. [applause] >> also with us is another great champion for women, peyton mcnabb. peyton was a rock star athlete. where is peyton? good job. looks like a good athletes me.
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in high school peyton was a rock star athlete preparing for a future in college sports but in one volleyball match a much taller and stronger male spiked the ball right in her face, knocking her unconscious. partially paralyzing her right side and leaving her with a traumatic rain injury and peyton said it was 100% avoidable if only my rights as a female athlete had been more important than a man's feelings and we can't let it happen and it's not going to happen. [applause] not going to happen anymore. are you okay? good that's good. thank you. we are also pleased to be joined by many incredible leaders on this issue and as i mentioned before, speaker mike johnson, he has been so strong on this issue because he's a man of common sense. it's common sense more than
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anything else. great job in everything. he's got the easiest job of any politician in history. he's got the nicest 220 -- depends on how many people i take for my administration. it goes up and down a little bit but i promised i won't take anymore. i want to see how good he was, i was testing you. we have some great people but he's filling them up rapidly. some big wins the other day. but you've done a fantastic job, thank you very much. we all appreciated -- appreciate it. and the sony people and the people outside i can't even get in. this room is packed and i offered to build a ballroom. i build beautiful ballrooms and i offered to build a ballroom for the white house. i was going to build it right there. this was going to be the
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reception room and i was going to build a beautiful ballrooms like i have at mar-a-lago. it was going to cost about $100 million, i offered to do it and i never heard back. i offered to do it to the biden administration, very active administration. they didn't hear back and i said again and again i said to top people they just didn't know what to do. they said this is good but they had no idea so i'm going to try to make the offer to myself. because we could use a bigger room right? we could use a bigger room. [applause] >> it would actually be... i will spend the whole thing myself and we will do a big beautiful room but we could use it at the white house. you know what they do when they have a big ceremony to put up a tent and somehow i think we've outgrown the tenth stuff don't
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you think? we will see if trump will approve it. the actions we are taking today are the latest in a sweeping effort to reclaim our culture and our laws from the radical left crusade against biological reality. on day one i made it official and i'm making it official policy of the united states government that there is two genders. what might they be? man and woman right? male and female. male and female. can't think of too many others but it's pretty amazing. i rescinded federal funds and this is so important, to any program that promotes transgender ideology using taxpayer dollars. we are not going to do it. [applause] and last week i effectively
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banned to the chemical castration and surgical mutilation of minor children. [applause] can you believe i even have to say that? that's just like who would ever think we have to even say that. last week i banned. every day we are ending the extremism of the last four years. we have other things that are just as ridiculous not having to do with the subject but just as ridiculous. open borders where people are allowed to pour in from all over the world from jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylums. people that are very sick and people that are very evil. killers murderers, many of them are more than one person. and we have to justify the fact that we are moving them out.
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and tremendous numbers. they are doing a fantastic job and the governor and other governors as well. we have to even fight for this stuff is just incredible. the media doesn't want to talk about it because it's nothing they can talk about. they just don't want to really talk very much about it, serious problem boat we are doing a great job. the people understand that's why we won in a landslide. they made it easy and at some point we have to hope they do come around because we can never let this happen again what's happening to our country. we can never let this happen again. [applause] so we are restoring sanity and common sense very simply to our government. we are defending the rights and safety and pride of the american people including our great female athletes. what athletes you are. [applause]
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i'm not allowed to save his politically, they are really beautiful people. but you know, like everything else it's a little bit different today. you are not allowed to say that because if you call a woman or girl beautiful at the end of your career. let's take a chance on it. so i want to thank everybody for being here. it's fantastic and this is sort of a big day. it shouldn't have even been necessary to take place. it started a long time ago and we ended it today and i'm going to sign the executive order right now and everything i said will go into effect immediately. [applause]
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>> will: live from the heartland this is the will cain show and that was president from signing an executive order banning men from participating in women's sports. there in front of a packed room of female athletes. and what is described as a revolution of common sense today is a victory in the battle for women sports. but i think more importantly also a victory on the path to
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sanity. at the president cited several examples of biological men beating women in sports over the past couple of years. today the president declared that the war on women sports is over. one of the people in the room was virginia governor, he's going to be joining us here shortly on the will cain show. now we move to the other big story today and that's the sound bite from president heard around the world. >> the u.s. will take over the gaza strip and we will do a job with it. we will own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site, level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area. do a real job, do something different. if you go back it's going to end up the same way it has for 100 years.
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>> will: president trump meeting the world's most intractable problem with with one of the most out-of-the-box solutions. that brings me to today's big three. i hope you'll forgive me as i send this out loud. i woke up to that sound bite as president trump and prime minister benjamin antony who'd sat before the world. i wondered what expert what i like to hear from. i wondered what would be my first take. i thought to myself i don't know any other way to do this but to sounded out loud with you. to reason together. honestly at first take i hated this idea. it's the world most intractable problem and an absolute mess for the better part of a century. it's caused untold number of lives and not just blood but treasure for the entire world. it has been something completely unsolvable. for presidency after presidency and nation after nation in the middle east. but then i thought why doubt donald trump? donald trump has brought
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out-of-the-box solutions to some of the most intractable problems in two weeks in the united states of america. have we learned nothing from art of the deal? is he simply sticking out a negotiated position to find some satisfy both solution. that seemed to be one of the suggestions today by karoline leavitt as she addressed this issue in the middle east. >> the president has not committed to putting boots on the ground in gaza. he has said the united states is not going to pay for the rebuilding of gaza. 's administration is going to work with our partners in the region to reconstruct this region. let me take a step back here because this is an out-of-the-box idea. that's who president trump is and that's why the american people elected him. his goal is lasting peace in the middle east for all people in the region. >> will: in 1980, u.s. olympic hockey coach herb brooks had a problem on his hands. he had a hockey team made up of
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guys from half michigan, half the northeast. they fought in training camp and they didn't get along when they competed so what was the strategy? it was to make them all hate him. than they would come together as a common team with a common goal and purpose. to defeat the soviet union. and they did in the famous miracle on ice. maybe this is president trump's strategy to be the man in the room that everyone must negotiate against. bringing parties that hated each other together for once. then part of me thought why do we have to be the world's bad guy? the other side of me said don't be naive, we've always been involved in the middle east. we've always been involved in this negotiation and we've been the bad guy, recognized recognize reality, seek a solution. i still wondered how does this serve america first? how does it serve the people of america? yet in the end as our defence secretary said today, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
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again. we might as well look at one of the world's longest problems and bring in a leader who thinks outside the box, who's crazy, it may just be crazy jeannie is. to continue thinking about this i brought in some experts to discuss this incredible moment. george birnbaum is a former chief of staff to israeli prime ministers denman -- benjamin it's in yahoo. >> i want to get into this. i will start with you mr. birnbaum. what you make of this moment, this idea that the u.s. would take ownership in the future of gaza? >> as you stated it is out-of-the-box and it does require out-of-the-box thinking
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to solve not just a decades-old problem but a centuries-old problem. for most of the past 500 years it was ruled by... only after 1967 did egyptian's allow the palestinians to settle their as refugees. if we look at what happened over the past year, gaza is pretty much... they saw the israeli defence forces blowing up the terror tunnels that hamas had built with cement and iron that was meant to build houses and schools and hospitals. you can't build on top of that right now. this is an enormous reconstruction project. in order to do that we need out-of-the-box thinking. we were told in 2005 win... that gaza would become the single port in the middle east. it became another hub for terror in the middle east. only way to really change the trajectory of gaza for the past
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500 years is to start with something unique and i think president trump has got the entire world thinking in a new and unique way. >> i woke up this morning and i saw many of your posts. you know the price of long and unanswerable entanglement for the united states of america. you seen it personally in iraq and afghanistan. you have paid the price. you were worried this morning. that a future american would pay the price for something far away like gaza. you did here them, no boots on the ground, nothing committed in gaza. >> israel is an unique situation because there's some any citizens that are dual citizens or citizens that live there. i americans have trouble understanding why it's their problem our problem. president trump campaigned on that message. the middle east problem is now our problem. they aren't our problems to fix
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but then you have israel. it's treated differently. i don't think it's a double standard. people don't take the time to understand why it's different. when he stands there and says that the unexploded bombs and weapons will take full responsibility for, that means that a guy like me that did what i did is going to go there and take them apart, i'm not for that at all. my belief is that this is a part of his chest and his way of getting places like saudi arabia or jordan to say you can't have this let us do it. maybe it is that simple. i'm a hypocrite, if i don't stand up and say wait a minute i just voted for you because you said we wouldn't get involved with more wars. i've got -- i've got one side of me saying i voted for this guy because he will scare our enemies and say things that are hyperbole and have a strategy behind that's different. the other side of me says no matter who that person is when they are the leader of the free world and they are talking about sending my guys and gals to war
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or to take apart bombs i've got to say something. >> will: i appreciate that answer because i came onto the show and i woke up this morning thinking i can't pretend expertise on this. i don't believe there is much expertise in this. i respect what you have done for a living. i also think most experts when it comes to israel and gaza or the west bank have been wrong for half a century in trying to find a solution. so why should i keep leaning back on experts who have told me this would be crazy. i woke up to that. this is crazy in response to donald trump, are we all taking crazy pills. i'm hearing that from people who never got it right for 50 years. they didn't solve it so why do we dismiss this as a potential solution? >> i covered president trump summits with kim jong un and this is reminiscent of when the president discussed with kim jong un how he could turn north korea into the same economic powerhouse if the hermit kingdom were opened up to
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the rest of the world. that's just kind of the way president trump things. the biggest obstacle right now are the thousands of hamas fighters in gaza. if the united states were to send our troops into gaza we'd be involved in an armed conflict there. there's no chance at the moment for post-conflict reconstruction but it's worth talking about it. i think the president was trying to kind of shape the narrative for how we are going to discuss the post-conflict reconstruction. he's talking about what we would like it to see. we know we need to engage our allies in the region, specifically egypt, jordan and our golf partners as well as israel. it's a complicated kaleidoscope but it's a discussion point and that's what this president does. >> will: you laid out the phases of this. phase one is to eradicate hamas. phase two is to figure out what to do with the palestinians in the short-term.
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phase three is what donald trump is talking about now. so on the palestinians, i don't want to dismiss this because the interested parties we talk about in the region, for now we will focus in on egypt and jordan. that's the suggestion of where they would go. they don't want the palestinians. they've made that very clear. the reason for that is they consider it an existential threat to their kingdom. now i recognize that president trump plans to talk to them in the coming weeks. but for them, they worry about the palestinians upending their power into the future. >> let's remember that it requires a change in paradigm to really move things forward. we were told since 1967 that until we solve the palestinian problem israel will not be able to make peace with its arab neighbours. donald trump in his first presidency came along, abraham accords, change the paradigm. we can in fact have peace with our neighbours prior to solving
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the palestinian solution. jordan is 60% palestinian in terms of their population. it's not as if they are not going to be taking a population that doesn't already exist within their country. i believe that donald trump has the ability to think out-of-the-box and find a way to get these countries to see things differently that benefit both their own countries as he did with the initial negotiations when it came to the united arab emirates, ball rain and other neighbours. >> i don't think we should be in the business of doubting donald trump-based -- if that's not partisanship, that's being able to read the past. that's being able to read the room. i mentioned it earlier, i will play this for you joey. our former cohost said this is the definition of insanity, watch. >> i would say to the question of gaza the definition of
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incident -- of insanity is attempting to do the same thing over and over again and as they pointed out last night, the president is willing to think outside the box. look for knew and unique dynamic ways to solve problems that have felt like they are intractable. we look forward to more conversations about that, creative solutions to that. >> while i'm short on time, i believe it to you. we are both struggling with both sides of the debate. what you think about what we hear from the secretary of defence? >> after hearing caroline and pete talk today, i think this is the president saying if the middle doesn't work for you let me pull it all the way to the other side and now let's see where you are. if you can't live peacefully then we will take it and now there is a renewed energy to live peacefully and get others involved like egypt or jordan. that is the end game but if the united states owned gaza doubt be the largest target for terrorism in the world and i'm not there for that.
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>> this conversation could and should go on for another half-hour. i appreciate your time all of you. it's thoughtful and i hope we can continue it. thank you. >> will: shrink in the swamp. 20,000 employees take trump's buyout offer and the rest have to make a decision by tomorrow. we learn more about usaid and how it spent some of it's money. >> $2 million for changes in guatemala. 6 million to funded tourism in egypt. 20 million on a new "sesame street" show in iraq. 4.5 million to combat disinformation in because extend i could go on and on
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in 10 years, lisa schneider will have an amazing second act. thanks to career reskilling courses from aarp. to help make sure her income lives as long as she does. the younger you are, the more you need aarp. top line? this is a quality, comprehensive exam. come again? you asked me to topline it for you.
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okay. bottom line? well, the bottom line is this is an amazing value. what? get two pairs of progressives and an eye exam starting at just $159.95 at america's best. >> will: the clock is ticking for workers to make a decision, except a buyout or return to the office. 20,000 employees have chosen to take the buyout deal.
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peter good luck keeping up with everything on an hourly basis. that's why we have you. >> that's why we have calculators on our phone and it's a lot of subtracting the last couple of days. all 20,000 employees that work for the cia were offered a buyout as officials here try to better align the federal workforce with trump priorities and cut wasteful spending like this. >> $2 million for changes in guatemala. 6 million to funded tourism in egypt. 20 million on a new "sesame street" show in iraq. 4.5 million to combat disinformation in kazakhstan. democrats are outraged that the american people want to be -- they want their taxpayers going to good use is not stuff like this. there very quiet about the fact that there are still north carolinians and people in california who have lost everything. >> a big one officials are
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looking to ask our... 70k for ide i musical in ireland. 32k for a trans comic book in peru. democrats want people to fight to keep it. >> there should be hundreds of thousands and millions of people descending on washington, d.c. [cheering] >> we march for freedom. we need a march for democracy. we need a march for justice, not just for people in our country, but all around the world. >> they went one step further. they say the people must fight in the courts and fight in the streets. >> are any officials here preparing to fight democratic lawmakers in the streets? >> absolutely not. if you heard that type of violent, enticing rhetoric from our side of the aisle, from republican leaders on capitol hill i think there would be a lot more outrage in this
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room today. >> we've been in touch with opm. they are telling us the number of federal employees taking the buyout that was offered last week is growing so rapidly they won't give us an update on how many people are going to voluntarily leave until after tomorrow's deadline. so far it's about 1% of the workforce. 20,000 people. that is far short of the five to 10% goal which would be about 200,000 people. >> will: let me make sure i understand. they are ready to fight in the streets to spend u.s. taxpayer dollars for the people of columbia to be subjected to a trans opera, just so we're clear on the priorities. >> yes. >> will: thank you for that clarification. i have two questions for you. i want to talk about this money going to "politico". $8 million from the federal government. what we now know is the case,
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it's not all coming from usaid it's within the federal government. those employees subscribing to political pro which is absurdly expensive. tens of thousands of dollars. what do you get for that subscription and were they subscribing to other publications like national review or the daily wire or is it just for "politico"? >> i think there's been one time in the last couple of years that that there's been something behind a pay wall but they are allegedly getting insider information. people that work within the government are getting insider information about other things happening within the government. but karoline leavitt confirmed they are going to cancel all of those subscriptions that is worth several millions of dollars in fees to "politico". >> it is subsidizing a political under -- operation under the guise of the media. it's perhaps money-laundering.
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great to see you man, a good luck at the cochlear out. you just saw president trump taking action to keep transgender athletes out of women sports, somebody that was there in the audience is the governor of virginia. glenn youngkin. he's going to join us next on the will cain show. ase symptoms after taking... ...a medication like humira or remicade? put them in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief with rinvoq. check. when flares tried to slow me down,... ...i got lasting remission with rinvoq. check. and many were in remission... ...even at nearly 2 years. and rinvoq... ...helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting remission. and visibly reduced damage. check. rinvoq can lower ability to fight infections. before treatment, test for tb and do bloodwork. serious infections, blood clots, some fatal;... ...cancers, including lymphoma and skin;... ...serious allergic reactions; gi tears; death;... ...heart attack; and stroke occurred.
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>> under the trump administration we will defend the proud tradition of female athletes and we will not allow men to beat up, injure and cheat our women and our girls. women's sports will be only for women. >> will: president trump signing an executive order barring male athletes from participating in women's sports. mina next guest was in the room for that signing, he is governor glenn youngkin and he joins us now. last time we were together, you told me that your career average was it two points in the range of two points as a basketball player but you were sure to tell me that your career best game was against my texas longhorns. if i have my stats right did you ever consider how good you would've been if you would've just transitioned over to women's basketball?
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>> i never thought about that and today was one of those moments were the women who have been worried about that, the girls who have been worried about that no longer have to worry about it. and what is it such a clear statement of common sense that biological men should not play sports with biological women was established as an executive order from the president of the united states today and he is saving women sports and i have to say in virginia we are so excited. we had a swimmer who missed out on the finals of her championship because she came and one below where she could have otherwise... we've had women swim teams in college who came together and said we're not going to allow a biological male in our locker rooms and in the pool with us to competes. this is a big moment for america because women sports are
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protected by title ix. women sports are part of our national teeth those and now they are going to be protected. i so many so many young girls... >> will: i love when it's dismissed as only a few transgender athletes. this was the people who suggested... and here we have multiple examples of women subjected to these types of injustices. for the record, governor young can as a hell of an athlete and i could never take him on a court. he would be luka doncic in the matchup. governor, in that room, president trump talked about doing away with the d.o.e. that would turn over power to you to the states, to have
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further influence and control over your education, is that something you want in virginia? >> we have always thought that the states are far better prepared to teach the kids to administer the schools and to have high expectations. it's one of the very strong attributes that i brought into virginia when i became governor was raising expectations in our schools to excellence, to make sure that we are standing for those key educational values. we are holding our schools accountable through a new accountability system to make sure that our children are learning. most importantly that we allow the schools to do what they do best which is teach children and not have the federal government constantly tinkering and dictating how best to educate kids. this is a big step, i look forward to working with the white house and the new
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department of education to make sure that we are able to get the best for our children. in virginia we came in and said first of all parents matter. we will have expectations of excellence. finally we're going to make sure that schools are being held accountable with transparency and delivering. this is exactly what we've been doing and having a partner in the federal government is going to be incredibly helpful to deliver for virginia students so they can get the best education possible. >> will: you let the way on these issues. it's what helped bring you into office and you help lead the way now. culminating in what we saw today from the white house. always good to see you. you are always welcome here, not welcome to see you on the basketball court. >> thank you very much god bless you. >> will: democrats raging over elon's access to the federal government. >> are you willing to fight day and night, dawn and dusk to
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>> what we are not going to do is stand around while they pull this [bleep] that they are trying to pull right now. >> we have got to tell elon musk nobody elected your [bleep]. >> we are going to fight this fight. i am going to stand with you in this fight. >> i am so tired of these billionaire boys and their grubby little hands grabbing at everything. [bleep] shut down the city. we are at war. there is an economic coup happening right here in the treasury.
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>> wants to take our agencies apart piece by piece so that working people have no recourse. >> will: a lot to unpack there. democrats melting down over on capitol hill over elon musk's search for government fraud peered but isn't this exactly what americans ask for? is in fact, isn't it what they voted for? they voted for d.o.g.e. joining me now's former special assistant to president biden michael larusso. michael, you hear, your compatriots, friends, people on the same side of the aisle as you, you hear them, are you ready to go fight in the streets? are you ready to grab your bullhorn and chant about elon musk? >> no, neither should they. he's got to stop living rent-free in our minds. this is just not a fight democrats need to have, and it is not a hill they need to die on peered i am with rahm emanuel and david axelrod and james carville on this. the last thing we want to be doing, you listed the democratic
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priorities, how you perceive the democratic priorities right now. imagine those with millions of dollars of 30-second ads, the ads are being written right now for all of these vulnerable democrats in really marginal district, and they are going to have to defend spending taxpayer money on some of those things that you listed off. >> will: but you know, michael, it seems like you sort of made this bed and you have to lie in it. i don't begrudge you for the desire for your party to change but when i say you made this bed, the democratic party has done this verbal tic that goes viral, pandemic of vaccinated, threat to democracy, on and on, nazis, whatever is the current sort of slur du jour, target du jour, and now the target du jour is elon musk. it will be gone in a couple of weeks but this is your flavor of the day, you want to yell -- not you personally, the democratic
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party wants to yell about elon musk. >> two weeks before the election i noticed morning cable, some morning cable was leading on the topic of trump being hitler, and i just kept singing to myself, oh, my god, if we are talking about hitler at 6:00 a.m. and leading the news with it, we must be losing. i just didn't have a good feeling because it just did not seem that that is what the pulse of america was feeling. look, we need to move the debate. we have a 2-seat deficit in the house, we have leverage, the big fight is over governments spending. they cannot keep the government running without democratic votes, that is where we have leverage and that is where we can exact concessions. >> will: just one minute left. i appreciate you don't want hitler for breakfast, none of us want hitler for breakfast. it seems like you are in the wilderness michael, again, not you, the proverbial you,
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"the wall street journal" wrote about it. you have no leader, you have no message, you are lost, bumping into trees in the wilderness. >> well, look, we've got to have common sense. maybe keep losing the battle over the perception of common sense to the republicans, and it starts here. this is the kind of stuff, look, we don't have power, is he violating the law? probably, this is what got him impeached in the first place, right, holding congressional aid that was appropriated. this is not the hill we want to die on, right? the country does not really like foreign aid. i learned this from watching "the west wing" in the '90s, it is not a popular subject with mainstream america nor federal workers. we don't want to be caught on our heels defending spending on dei in serbia, which is what is going to happen to a lot of these members if they don't move on and start focusing on things that matter. play the long game and stop
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being distracted by these shiny objects. >> will: i ask this question one more time, down to just a few seconds, give me one name you think emerges from the wilderness, common sense, could reposition your party out of the wilderness and away from insanity. one name. >> i'm not dodging your question but when this happened the last time, when democrats were in the wilderness after john kerry lost, everything changed. nothing is frozen in politics. >> will: that's true. >> republicans had a trifecta two years later we elected nancy pelosi and flipped 32 seats, and then barack obama appeared out of the wilderness. i don't know who that person is, but it is a good chance we are not talking about them right now. >> will: i will just tell you and we can have a deeper conversation on this in the future, the difference between that old maxim which is true, no powers permanent washington, i do think donald trump has positioned us in a post-bipolar world. it is not left-right, not republican-democrat. he is reshaping the nature of public debate and that right now
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is why you were in the wilderness. we have to go, deeper discussion. thank you so much. >> you are welcome. >> will: it is time for will of the people. sharon says hey, will, i love the show but don't you dare try to steal country music from tennessee. we are the country music capital, that was yesterday me suggesting it comes to taxis peered jane said please don't do this, you have been pleading for the united states to stay out of foreign policies, now you flip flop year political narrative overnight, bad look, will. no i haven't, james. i think you need to look at a unicorn in politics like donald trump and think have we learned nothing from t "the artf the deal"? and then finally robert says it is minnesota, not michigan. pete hegseth will not be happy peered the oly olympic hockey ts minnesota in the northeast. i stand corrected. now i give you "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro,
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