tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News February 7, 2025 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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officially become the oldest player to score 40 points nba game 42 last night's did game against the golden warriors. record previously held by michael jordan from 2003. but he is not just the oldest player to secure the historic record e weighs also the youngest player to do it. >> wow. >> jesse: courtside? she is in the rafters. >> dana: all right. judge? >> judge jeanine: okay. it's time for okay. so, here is doodle caught in the act herself. looking rather proud of her work, which was stolen from my% as soon as i got home from the "the five" yesterday. for all those years i thought the dog ate my homework was a line of crap? it's true. >> dana: turns out your children weren' he's standing here today blocking the door, and he can't
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give us a good reason why he's blocking this door. are they prepared to shoot us? >> trump and musk making maxine mad. >> we begin tonight with musk and big balls. >> we're going to be looking at department of education. we're going to be looking at even our military. we're going to be looking at tremendous amounts of money. >> the dodge bros. can't stop, won't stop. >> we're talking about trillions of dollars. >> as a society, as a country. invest in adaptation and resilience. and we have to understand these extreme weather occurrences are extreme. >> sorry, democrats, she's back. plus. >> are you ready? let's go. >> before doge, there was bill clinton. he cut 400,000 federal
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jobs, and al gore was the executioner. >> this report tells us how to cut waste and cut red tape, streamline the bureaucracy, change procurement rules, change the personnel rules, and create a government that works better and costs less. >> the reinventing government, or rego report aims to save $108 billion over five years through eliminating scores of wasteful programs and regulations. among the 800 recommendations eliminating 12% of the federal workforce, merging some government agencies like the fbi, the dea, and the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms closing hundreds of government offices outside washington. >> gore should have fired. monica would have saved everybody a lot of trouble. it wasn't just clinton and gore. the messiah said he was on a mission to trim. >> from the day i took office. one of the commitments that i
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made to the american people was that we would do a better job here in washington in rooting out wasteful spending. now, this does mean making some tough choices. it means cutting some programs that i think are worthy, but we may not be able to afford right now. we haven't seen as much action out of congress as we'd like. and that's why we launched on our own initiative, the campaign to cut waste. >> look at that. barack was pradesh. now that 65,000 bureaucrats took a buyout from donald trump. a very generous buyout, i might add. democrats are getting very insurrectionary. >> who are you? >> you're not coming in. >> who are you and what do you do here? >> what do you do here? security. responsibility. >> get out of the way! we pay you for your security. your job. so what are you going to do? you're going to beat us up if we go in. >> i mean, you're going to. you know. >> we want you to move out. we're not dangerous people. there are no thieves and thugs out here. we're members of congress.
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>> they allow. >> billionaires and his minions to come in. >> the kids deserve to have us go in and fight for them. this is appalling. the children of this country deserve that battle. >> this is a public institution. this is not russia. >> he said he's a federal employee. we pay him. we raise money to make sure that we have a department of education. he's standing here today blocking the door, and he can't give us a good reason why he's blocking this door. do they have guns on them? >> yes. >> do they have gun weapons? yes. are they prepared to shoot us? does this remind you of the other people who have blocked the schoolhouse doors? yes. yes. yes. yes, yes. boy, this is a flashback. and this is going to go out in history. the man who blocked the doors of the department of education so they can see you. give me that idea again. >> i'm giving you the idea. i showed it to you. >> so what? >> i showed you the id.
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>> you do what? >> i showed you the. >> would you let me see the id again? >> i'm surprised the democrats knew where to find the department of education. because test scores have been dropping for years, and this was the first time they showed up at the department of education to stop an audit. and maxine is asking someone for id. so racist. here's the president. >> i see maxine waters a low life. i see, you know, all these people. they don't they don't love our country. they don't love our country. we want great education. so they rank 40 countries in education. we're ranked dead last, dead last. but the good news is we're number 1 in 1 category. you know what that is? cost per pupil. >> the more money we spend on education, the more test scores drop. teachers unions are doing all right. not so much the students. congress is spending trillions. so doj's in there to look at the books. you're not going to let the people who cook the books come in and scream at you while you crunch
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the numbers. try doing math with mad maxine screaming like a hyena. it's impossible. you can't. this is like letting your kids into the living room while it's getting cleaned. now they made the mess. they're going to have to wait until we're finished. musk has wizkid's running. i accounting algorithms, saving taxpayers billions. the correct response is thank you. >> we begin tonight with musk and big balls. that's the online name, according to wired magazine, of a teen tech whiz who, along with others, are helping the world's richest man do whatever it is he's doing dismantling parts of the federal government. >> yes. so this is a 19 year old high school graduate who has used the unfortunate nickname big balls online. so that would be one way that we could refer to him. he is now working at musk's behest inside doge, and we looked into his background. >> cnn thinks big balls is a villain, but if he cuts them off, he's a hero. democrats
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would rather listen to a random swedish teen than listen to big balls. a genius teen saving us billions. we're spending nearly a quarter trillion dollars at the department of education, and democrats don't even want us to look under the hood. >> i haven't heard one single person who's upset with president trump or mr. musk talk about what he's found. they don't want to talk about the spending, the spending porn, the waste of taxpayer money that he's found. i mean, that's the point of all this. i tell you who is interested. the american people. >> musk isn't in there stealing the money. he's catching the folks. stealing the money. we haven't had anybody look at america's credit card statement for the last 25 years. could you imagine if your wife grabbed the amex bill out of
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your hands and said you weren't allowed to look? that's maxine. it's childish. time magazine put musk behind the resolute desk and slapped him on the cover just to tweak trump. did the president take the bait? >> mr. president, do you have a reaction to the new time magazine cover that has elon musk sitting behind your resolute desk? >> time magazine? >> is time magazine still in business? i didn't even know that. >> time magazine. >> elon's nerd army is sleeping at the eisenhower building, working weekends, sifting through balance sheets. doge just announced and discovered an anthony fauci exhibit at the national institutes of health, which would have cost 170 grand. well, the fauci exhibit has been defunded. no department is safe. >> it's absolutely obscene, dangerous, bad. very costly. i mean, virtually every investment made is a con job. there's nothing of value to
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anybody unless there's a kickback scheme going on, which is possible. and we're going to be doing more and more of that. we're going to be looking at department of education. we're going to be looking at even our military. we're going to be looking at tremendous amounts of money are being spent on things that bear no relationship to anything and have no value. we're talking about trillions of dollars. it will be, in the end, trillions of dollars being absolutely wasted and perhaps illegally, i would say certainly in many cases illegally, but perhaps illegally overall. >> elon started with usaid because it was the most obvious place to start cutting, and we heard the fraudsters squeal. but some of these departments are going to cooperate, like the pentagon, which has failed seven audits in a row. >> we are going to focus heavily to ensure that, at a bare minimum, by the end of four years, the pentagon passes a clean audit. the american
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taxpayers deserve that. they deserve to know where their $850 billion go, how it's spent, and make sure it's spent wisely. it used to be that if you called for an audit, somehow you were you were undermining the department. i believe the exact opposite. i believe we are accountable for every dollar we spend and every dollar of waste we find, or redundancy is a dollar we can invest somewhere else. >> the epa is also getting put on ozempic 100 environmental justice workers getting pink slips at usaid headquarters is getting a makeover. the agency went from 10,000 headcount to 300. biden's usaid chief, samantha power, is crying on the tracks of the gravy train. >> do you think this is a victory for dictators, autocratic regimes around the world who are competing with the u.s. in africa, in south america, all around the world for influence? >> well, it's not even an opinion. they are out relishing this moment and celebrating it, including a statement, an official statement from the
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russian foreign ministry today. so this is a disaster, not just from a humanitarian standpoint, from the standpoint of all the beneficiaries who may in fact die because they won't have access to u.s. resources. but it's a disaster for u.s. national interests and national security. >> u.s. national interests and national security. like what? what is the u.s. interest in juan becoming juanita in guatemala? how does bert and ernie in baghdad help our national security? this isn't a victory for dictators. usaid money was propping up dictators, the dictators we like. and if we didn't like the dictator, usaid money went to regime change. this money was just about putting everybody in our pocket. and the deep state put the kickback in their pocket. we told you how foreign aid goes to coups and color revolutions. well, get this, we told you wednesday that usaid money was used to trigger trump's impeachment through the cia whistleblower. and now we're finding out that usaid
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administered the billion dollar loan biden dangled to ukraine to get the prosecutor investigating hunter's company fired. usaid doesn't just mess around overseas. they've been caught screwing around here. usaid coerced big tech to censor freedom of speech. they did it right before the 2022 midterms. but the most criminal element to this foreign aid scheme is that the math shows it's one big kickback racket. this here is in the wall street journal quote. some dollars do reach intended recipients around the world, but plenty of the funding goes to local affiliates of those same usaid subcontractors. by most assessments, less than 10% of u.s. nonmilitary foreign aid ends up with locally based organizations. nine out of ten usaid dollars ends up in the hands of crooked contractors. usaid was a taxpayer funded
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charity scam as well as a regime change bank. if a charity operated the way usaid does, but only 10% of the money went to feed the kids or save the whales, the executives would get arrested. the charity would shut down, and everyone would be charged with fraud. usaid makes the clinton foundation look legit. democrats didn't always defend usaid. in the 60s, the hippies used it to protest because it would fund counterinsurgencies in the third world. the new york times published a searing exposé about usaid bribing india to open their markets to american fertilizer exports. usaid funneled money to a laotian general to create a private airline that he used to traffic opium, the profits used to finance the war against the viet cong. usaid is still doing the same thing, but they co-opted the far left by dye
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washing the brand. democrats were like, i don't know about propping up all these dictators and funding these coups. and usaid was like, guys, some of this money is going to sex change surgeries and diapers and green energy. and they were like, oh, well, in that case, have at it. on november 5th, america rejected regime change, wars, dye trans surgeries and the green new scam. but the democrats are still not listening to the american people. usa today says perhaps liberals should take a step back and think hard about what they're protesting. they aren't just in-your-face about trump and musk. they're also fighting the 77.3 million americans who rejected what the democrats were selling. doctor rob cohen is an army veteran and usaid whistleblower. he's got an op ed exposing usaid waste and abuse on fox so how
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does this work? is it really that much money that goes back to the people running the subcontractors? >> well, i have to say this is a i want to be careful that this is a classic case where we want to avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater. usaid does save babies. that said, it does. there are the studies show that up to 7 million children have been prevented from being born with hiv by giving drugs to hiv positive mothers while they're giving childbirth, and that's a wonderful thing. that said, there is tremendous waste within the aid industrial complex. this is well known. it's been well documented. and it's probably not unique to usaid. it's probably true across the federal government in which most contractors charge overhead. that is beyond what any reasonable business would consider appropriate. and therefore, the american taxpayer does not get the return on investment that we expect. >> so we want to save babies from getting aids in africa.
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and that's still going to happen once they look at everything and get this thing streamlined. but you're a democrat and you raised this issue at usaid and you were punished for that, weren't you? >> that's exactly right. so i was elevated to be the acting deputy chief of staff of the global health bureau during covid. and i immediately observed incredible delay and arrogance on the part of career bureaucrats who i fought and frankly, cleaned up their mess. and instead of being appreciative that we avoided an embarrassment, i was retaliated against. i had to sue them under the whistleblower protection act, which is detailed in my op ed. and then they proceeded to botch ten times more money. i should add. this was under the career bureaucrats. there were political appointees, like our recent assistant administrator, atul gawande, who did a good job of streamlining bureaucracy. and that's where there are important programs that i'm concerned are going to be thrown out with a
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bureaucracy that has grown over six decades without enough accountability, there have been efforts to reform it, not successful. and so i hope that this can be an act of creative destruction, which is a good thing. instead of just total destruction, which would be the concern of overreach. >> well, okay. and i'm sure it will be because no one wants to see dead babies in africa. if it just costs a little bit to save them. we want to save everyone we can, but we have to save people here to. why aren't democrats saying, yeah, you caught us? 2 million for sex change surgeries in guatemala? maybe not the best use of american tax dollars. why don't they just say that? >> you'll have to ask them. what i would say is, under republican administrations, agencies can pivot to support those priorities. and under democratic administrations, like the last one, you would see that i should say those are problematic examples. they're a relatively small amount compared to, say, the efforts to prevent babies from dying.
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but i will also say there were other programs, like the global health supply chain program that was audited for incredible. >> i mean, listen, you're saying all these things about these babies, and, you know, i want to believe you. but then when you look at the numbers, only 10% gets to the babies. the rest of it just goes to salaries. how do you justify that? >> i don't. and that's where reform is needed at usaid. it's great to start there. and i think across the federal government, there are many government contractors that are taking far more of an overhead than is appropriate. and it is everybody knows this within foreign aid, and it needs to be reformed. and i'm glad it's being approached. >> all right. well, thank you very much. have a great weekend. we'll cover usaid more, i'm sure, next week. quick update on the politico story. i guess they didn't really like what i said wednesday about how the government was spending millions of dollars on politico pro subscriptions. they're complaining that i suggested payments only happened under
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biden. not what i said. i said they exploded under biden. i even showed a nice little chart. let's see the nice little chart again. like i said wednesday, politico pro launched in 2010 an explosion of subscriptions in 2021 happens to be the same year joe biden took office. politico doesn't really like what i said, but i don't care. it's my opinion and they're entitled to yours, and i'm entitled to mine. the government should not be spending millions of dollars a year to find out what's going on inside the government. and if the government is that big, dark and confusing, then that's the problem. we tried inviting the ceo of politico to come on the show tonight. we can hash it out. she has a first amendment right, just like moi. but she turned me down and i'm hurt. not only am i hurt, i'm disappointed. but i won't hold it against politico because i still read the free version of playbook every morning. i love it. please don't cancel my
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>> the demolition man is in washington and up at the crack of dawn every day. quote. president trump is taking a sledgehammer to a bedrock of u.s. foreign policy, ripping up decades of soft power in favor of a highly personalized, transactional, coercive style of deal making. trump secured deals with canada, mexico, colombia, panama, el salvador, guatemala and venezuela, and he never had to bribe anybody from the soft power die bank. and today he cut a deal with japan. 47, hosted japan's prime
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minister at the white house and made a pretty good first impression. >> this was the first time meeting face to face, but for many, many years i have watched him on television. so it was quite exciting. i was so excited to see such a celebrity on television to see in person, on television. he is frightening and he has a very strong personality. but when i met with him, actually, he was very sincere and very powerful and with strong will. >> then japan pulled out the checkbook. >> today, i conveyed my willingness to cooperate together to elevate japan's investment in the united states to an unprecedented amount of
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$1 trillion. >> and japan is going to be buying more gas and military equipment from america. chalk up another win. this guy speaks trump's language and he knows how to handle the american press. listen. >> if the u.s. places tariffs on japanese imports, would japan retaliate? >> i am unable to respond to a theoretical question. that's the official answer that we have. >> that's a very good answer. very good answer. wow. that's very good. he knows what he's doing. >> tariffs are one of trump's strongest tools, and japan doesn't want any part of it. europe is trying to get on trump's good side too, offering to cut their tariffs on american car imports from 10% to just 2.5%. trump's flurry of actions are being followed by a tidal wave of results. border crossings are down 90%. bill melugin says i would have trouble finding illegal aliens if i went down there right now.
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when melugin can't find an illegal, the border is secure. and after trump said he was going to buy gaza, the mideast is scrambling for a solution before trump becomes their new neighbor. now, egypt says they have a clear vision for reconstructing gaza. look at that all of a sudden. what a coincidence. today, trump also signed an executive order to create a faith office in the white house that it's going to target anti-christian bias and sunnis bringing back plastic straws. no more paper, but men should stay away regardless. trump's also taking over the kennedy center in d.c. he fired the board and appointed himself chairman because they were hosting drag shows. there's been some resistance. california's telling hospitals to ignore trump's eo on sex changes for kids, and still wants to let boys play in girls sports. we'll see how that works out for newsom, because
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this is exactly what america voted for. and they don't want trump to slow down. they're telling trump to go harder. despite the chaos and confusion, some of trump's early actions have caused in washington, there was a collective shrug among his supporters, several of whom argued that no actual damage has been done. some thought trump was being too generous. trump's not being generous with joe biden. he just revoked biden's security clearance. there is no need for joe biden to continue receiving access to classified information. therefore, we are immediately revoking joe biden's security clearances and stopping his daily intelligence briefings. he set this precedent in 2021, when he instructed the intelligence community to stop the 45th president of the united states, me, from accessing details of national security. a courtesy provided to former presidents. the. her report revealed that biden suffers from poor memory and even in his prime, could not be
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trusted with sensitive information. i will always protect our national security. joe, you're fired. charlie hurt is the co-host of fox and friends weekends. all right, so he yanked his security clearance. yeah, he got his yanked by joe. yeah. i mean, the security clearance. >> and. and trump has a far better argument for pulling joe's security clearance. at the very least, just because we know that the biden family has a long history of selling secrets to our enemies. and, you know, for hard cash. so it's a perfect he's got he's got a really good argument there. it really is amazing, jesse. i mean, the last two weeks, i can't believe it's two weeks. two days. it's, you know, you sit around washington for literally decades and you talk about these things and you talk about, you know, wouldn't it be great if we did something about throwing all this billions of dollars down the foreign rat holes around the
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world, and then, like, he wakes up in the morning and says, yeah, let's go after usaid. >> yeah. just a guy with a computer is wreaking havoc in washington. >> a teenager. >> a. teenager who goes. >> by. >> big balls, big balls is coming in like a wrecking ball. >> and you know how much we have spent, how much time we have spent talking about things like waste, fraud and abuse or shutting down the department of education? these have all been these like you almost dare not really even talk about it, like in terms of it actually happening because it was impossible. it would never happen. and then just on a tuesday, it happens. >> they're saying trump is cutting deals in the wrong way. >> so they they call this coercive coercive. and i say, what in the world do you think a deal is? of course, a deal maker is coercive. that's the whole point of making a deal. you're trying to coerce the other person. and this whole thing about like, oh, their
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treasured soft power, whatever that is. soft power is basically you take, you know, we've gone, you know, america has always been this great idea. we've been an ideal and we've sold that around the world, and we've been a leader in the world because of that. in the recent decades that we're going around buying our friends. and then once we buy them, we foist all of these really weird ideologies on them that even americans don't support, which is why nobody had ever heard about all these programs until donald trump opened it wide open. >> all right. no more sex changes in guatemala. big balls. cut the check. charlie, have a great weekend. good to see you finally getting things done. >> good luck sunday. >> thank you very much. i'm not going to need it. kamala was asked if she's going to run again. stick around. >> welcome to tackling life with fred and sydney. brought to you by experian. >> question number one tackling
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she's already back. she popped up in la to survey wildfire destruction. is this a preview or a run for governor? >> i have been home for two weeks and three days. my plans are to be in touch with my community, to be in touch with the leaders and figure out what i can do to support them. >> does seeing this change the way you think about the question of whether to run for governor? >> i am here and would be here regardless of the office i hold, because it is the right thing to do, which is to show up in your community and thank the folks who are on the ground. >> i'll take that as a maybe. kamala hasn't changed a bit. she's still serving up those word salads. >> as we think about the future, we must as a as a society, as a country, invest in adaptation and resilience. and we have to understand these extreme weather occurrences are
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extreme, but they are increasingly less rare. >> then kamala headed over to a lakers game where nobody noticed her. there she is with dougie fresh on the jumbotron. no kiss cam though. doug saves that for doctor jill. no courtside seats either. i mean, when i was at the lakers game on the factor, o'reilly sat courtside. i sat a few rows back, but i wasn't in the rafters like mama. let's be honest, no one's really enthusiastic about harris. if democrats think she's the future, they need to go back and listen to their base. kamala is politically dead, and so is the guy. the new york times says even democrat voters are fed up. leftists see the turn against dei programs as an opportunity to reorient democrats in a direction that will deliver more gains for workers and be more palatable to a majority of voters.
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everyone's coming around. cnn says. the numbers don't lie. >> the bottom line is. americans seem to be less interested in diversity and inclusion than they basically have ever been, or at least going back to when the marches occurred back in 2020. and it's occurring at the same time that we're seeing obvious movement in the government to end dei as well. >> some liberals didn't get the memo. their tds is off the charts. one michigan lawmaker says she sterilized herself to avoid becoming pregnant during a trump america. meanwhile, the ragin cajuns, so upset over the level of jackassery in his own party, he's sounding more like me. >> the first one is some democrats. >> and progressives in new york are advocating for bereavement pet leave. okay, so in other words, if your cat dies, you get three days of paid leave. and it's like there's a plant
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somewhere in, quote, progressive unquote america that just sees how many jackass stupid things that they can embrace. it's stunningly stupid, both of them. >> but not everyone's down to reboot the party's platform. hawaii democrat brian schatz is his name, says establishment strategists or hasbeens, quote, those guys have not been in the trenches legislatively or electorally in a full generation. and there's a cottage industry out there. a democratic strategist, in order to be a democrat strategist, you actually have to do politics currently and not just podcast about it. victor davis hanson is a senior fellow at the hoover institution, and he's back from pet bereavement leave. how many days did you take for old yeller? 4 or 5. >> i don't know. >> it's been a while. >> but carmela's in a bad
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position. i mean, she has no official office. she's not a vice president. she's not a senator. she hitched her wagon to the die open borders wing of the party. donald trump has demolished that. i don't see she still has that 500 word vocabulary wash, spin, rinse cycle of speaking. it's. i don't see a future for her. >> when you go to a lakers game, are you more recognized than kamala harris? >> i'm not recognized when i go to a fresno state basketball. team game, jessie, but. >> i would think all your appearances on prime time people at. >> the forum or the staples center. nobody wants to admit that, that they're recognizing her. that's the problem. >> that's true. it could be dangerous. so i'm just thinking. kamala harris, she's doing what she's supposed to do. she's doing the fire thing. she's going to the games. she's playing coy. how long can this
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last? >> well, i mean, she can do it forever, but her currency is diminishing. every day. she's out of office, and her party is in a doom loop. jesse, they don't have the white house, the senate, the house, the house of representatives, the supreme court. they have no subpoena power. they cannot block confirmations. all of their issues are below 50%. and they think they can get really angry and scream and yell and go to the department of education and intimidate people, block the 101 in los angeles. and that will make people say, wow, i want to vote for democratic. and then it just gets worse. and then they say, well, it gets worse because we weren't radical and violent enough, so we're going to get even more. and they just keep going in a circle. and she's she's irrelevant to them. >> so what is that protest. >> just staying away from it. >> what does that what does. >> that mean. >> reemerge and reinvent her. maybe she can be the john fetterman of california. that's her only chance. >> well, i mean, it's not a
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hoodie, but i do like that jacket. what does it mean when the democrats are stuck in college campus protest mode? and what i mean by that is like holding up the signs, pulling all nighters, pulling little gonzo journalism stunts, trying to get in doors. and aren't these supposed to be mature adults with like, like legislative power? >> i don't think they understand the mood of the country. it's like that. the country feels that it was in a coma and it was a bad dream. and on november 5th, they woke up and all of a sudden they're starting to return to normality. and they said, i can't believe what the last four years were like. and then that was a nightmare. and now we're getting out of the nightmare and we want to move ahead. and when they see this adolescent protest and screaming and yelling, the confirmation hearings and the ridiculous elections that the dnc, they say, wow, i thought that was all over.
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>> that's so over. >> we're waking. >> up from a. >> bad dream. >> people are really upbeat. yeah. >> and you're like, oh, god. >> awakened from. i thought i was a nightmare, and they don't want another nightmare to remembrance. >> i agree. well said. and if anybody out there at fresno state just recognize say hi to him. just wave wink. you know, give him a little, little pistol. shoot. >> i need it. >> he needs it. he needs it. victor davis hanson, have a great weekend. sink or swim is up next. >> thinking of updating my kitchen? yeah. yes. this year we are finally updating our kitchen. doing subway tile and an ivory or eggshell cream, maybe bone. don't get me started on quartz. big, big island. have you ever heard of a waterfall count? >> for everyone who. >> talks about doing that thing but never does that thing. >> sweet little breakfast nook. >> chase has financial guidance. >> you can start saving to make this happen. >> really? >> really, really.
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bra today at honey >> this is the big leagues. sink or swim. tonight we have abby hornacek versus american values pac spokeswoman rookie caitlin sinclair. okay ladies you guys ready? >> is this the super bowl of sink or swim. >> this is the super bowl of sink or swim. >> actually, we discussed. >> and abby and i are going to be a team against you. >> we did not discuss this. i just decided actually. >> that you just decided. wow, i'm getting ganged up on, and the game hasn't even started yet. all right, we'll see if the two on one thing plays.
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looney tunes is the category which liberal senator predicted there'd be no vaccines if rfk jr is confirmed. was it liz warren, otherwise known as pocahontas or crazy mazie hirono? >> it sounds like something mazie would say, given her senate confirmation, the rest of us could end up literally with no vaccines. just kidding. this is beginner's luck. we are not a team no longer. all right. i'm so glad. >> caitlin jumped out to a one nothing start category. pardon me baby, which embattled democrat used to hate trump but now is saying he's right about the corrupt justice system. eric adams or gold bar bob menendez. >> bob is in prison, isn't he? he can't do it. he can't say anything from prison. >> that's good. that's a good. >> guess. >> president trump was right. oh, no. >> this process. >> is political. >> and it's. >> corrupt to the core. >> okay, well, he's going. >> to prison. he's not there yet. he's on the way. he's got 11 years to go. >> a category is.
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>> whitewashed up there. >> which guy said that the democrats may never win back the white male voters after this past election. never again was it john fetterman or joe rogan. >> if i get this one wrong, i'm going to be really upset, can i? are you really quick? >> are you looking at. >> how did. democrats win back white men? like i don't know, and truthfully, i'm not sure looking at her, i'm not sure. >> if that's possible. >> to be honest. >> they do look a lot. >> alike. >> so it's still the same score. and we're into the last question. >> yeah. no. no peeking. caitlin. no peeking. kate, you want to lose because i got the first one turning. >> no peeking. tears for fears. which democrat politician said that trump is coddling the white boys and she's tired of white tears? oh my god, was it maxine waters no relation or jasmine crockett? >> maxine waters isn't your mom coddling is for the white boys. >> that's what's. >> happening right now. >> i am tired of the white
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tears. >> yes, she's tired of the white tears. i am 0.1% sub-saharan african, so it's possible we are related. you're going to win this hat. but just to make it fun, we're going to do the tiebreaker. although this hat is yours, we're just going to be a little sporty. prime time's been investigating usaid funding. how much did they spend in millions on iraqi sesame street? >> ooh. do you watch that iraqi sesame street? >> i don't know. >> arabic. yeah, i'm who's goes first. you know, she's the she's already the winner. so. >> fine. you go first. caitlin. how many millions of dollars? >> throw it out there. oh, god. >> we're running. >> out of time. phone call. gutfeld! >> he knows nothing. >> okay, 30. >> 30 million. what do you. >> say, 21 million? >> she gets it right. it's 20 million, but you still get the hat. >> i'm still the winner. still the winner. congratulations. very good. beginner's luck. >> for prime time. straight ahead.
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>> feels super. >> new life hack. less thinking. the less you think, the better your life is. trust me. let's do some texts. paul from sanford, north carolina. if maxine waters got in my face, i'd cave. kudos to that guard at the door. he had that nick sandmann energy, right? just like that. chris from myrtle beach, south carolina. nothing says you're off. your donors like getting row 40 at a lakers game. that's exactly right. mike from new orleans. we need musk's 20 year olds to start running for congress. we'd be running surpluses. barbara from apopka, florida. joe biden had his security clearance revoked by a convicted felon. now that's
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karma. yeah. i mean, where is hunter going to get his great ideas now? dan from sumter, south carolina. trump didn't need to take away joe's security clearance. he can't even remember his password. terry from colleyville, texas. today i shed a manly tear over plastic straws. was it a white tear? because crockett doesn't want to see any of those white tears. craig from sioux falls, south dakota, only smiles for you. what's your secret? have that effect on men. fred from bear, delaware. if your eagles get slaughtered on sunday, will you take a pet bereavement day on monday? no, but i will be wearing a chiefs jersey. i bet doocy i mean, i won't be wearing a chiefs jersey. i'm watters, and this is my world.
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