tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 11, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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is president trump like behind the scenes? anything interesting or unique? well, yeah, he just likes to talk. he likes to talk off the record, share his thoughts about everything under the sun. so, much of what you see on the interview you continue to hear off the record in different ways. finally tonight, a record 127.7 million people watched sunday's super bowl on fox sports and thanks to those that tuned in early for our exclusive interview with president donald trump. tomorrow on "special report," the house subcommittee overseeing doge holds its first congressional hearing. remember, if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is ththis is "the ingraham" from washington tonight. my angle in moments. first, if you think someone is
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stealing, let's say, from your family would you stand by and do nothing especially when your family was already in financial trouble? of course you wouldn't stand by and do nothing. you would take extraordinary measures to protect your family. well, that's what president trump did when he decided to tackle government waste and corruption by unleashing doge and elon musk who gave a tutorial by the way in basic economics from the oval office today. >> there were about a $2 trillion deficit and if we don't do something about this deficit, the country is going bankrupt. i mean, it's really astounding to that the interest payments alone on national debt exceed the defense department budget which is shocking. because we have got -- we spend a lot of money on defense but, if that just keeps going, we're essentially going to bankrupt the country. >> laura: in other words, letting the bureaucracy continue to run wild and unaccountable, it's not an option.
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>> so what i want to say it's not optional for us to reduce the federal expenses it's essential. it's essential for america to remain solvent as a country and it's essential for america to have the resources necessary to provide things to its citizens and not to be servicing vast amounts of debt. >> laura: but those who profit off the decline of america? they don't care. because the totally organic protesters descending upon d.c. almost every day that are organized by deep pocket lobbyists and government unions, they are fighting to keep the federal cla tocracy going. >> elon musk needs to keep his grubby hands, greedy grubby hands off of our government. >> i wish article 2 gave us the power to impeach fake presidents, too. [cheers] because i would be putting in articles tomorrow morning to impeach elon musk. >> [bleep] donald trump and elon musk. >> no wonder we are in such a
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mess. these are unserious people. they have zero solutions. they don't care what happens to america. and oh, by the way. it's just typical gutter language. but, watching elon musk late this afternoon, it was obvious, he's unfazed by all of that noise. and, in fact, he kind of welcomes the scrutiny. >> your detractors, mr. musk. >> what? >> including a lot of democrats. >> i have detractors? >> you do, sir. >> i don't believe it. >> say that you are orchestrating a hostile takeover of government and doing it in a nontransparent way. what's your response to that criticism? >> well, first of all, you couldn't ask for a stronger mandate from the public, the public voted -- you know, to have a majority of the public voting for president trump. won the house. we won the senate. the people voted for major
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government reform. in this presidency they are going to get what they voted for. and that's what democracy is all about. >> laura: of course it is. is he absolutely right. even elon's adorable 4-year-old son sitting on his shoulders and sitting next to him can probably grasp that concept. because president trump knows his arrangement with musk is unusual and it is, let's face it. giving elon musk the floor to speak directly to the american people, it just came off as brilliant. >> i fully expect to be scrutinized and get a daily proctology exam, basically. i will be scrutinized nonstop. and but what president we can cut the budget deficit in half from 2 trillion to 1. and then with deregulation because a lot of sort of regulations that don't ultimately serve the public good. we need to free the builders of america to build. and if we do that, and that means if you can get a trillion dollars of economic growth and
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cut the budget deficit by a trillion, between now and next year, there is no inflation. >> laura: and like a great teacher, he explains what that actually means to the average joe out there. >> that's a fantastic scenario for average american. i mean, imagine they are going down the grocery i'll and the prices from one year to the next are the same? and they are -- you know, mortgaged all the debt payments dropped? how great is that for the average american? >> laura: that's great indeed. but, did this impromptu musk tutorial, did it impress any of our favorite media malcolm tents? >> president trump and first buddy elon musk at the resolute desk in the oval office defending their aggressive efforts to overhaul the government and root out fraud. there are certain contracts and certain spending at the federal government that mr. trump and
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mr. musk don't like. that is what has largely been canceled. >> irony died while he was talking. only unelected party in any of this is elon musk. >> laura: all right, joining me now texas congressman brandon gil. congressman, great to see you. the democrats have been acting like elon musk is satan here because he's actually doing, frankly, what journalists, who care, and frankly what all of you on capitol hill, and you just got to capitol hill, i'm not blaming you, should have been doing all along, which is watching how the money is spent. he's actually doing it and now he's enemy -- public enemy number one? >> well, first of all, laura, thanks for having me on. you know, the hysterics are par for the course for the democrats. you know, the democrat party isn't upset that the federal government is spending hundreds of billions of dollars every
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single year on wasteful programs and fraudulent programs. what they are upset about is that the waste is finally being exposed like little kid gotten their hands stuck in the cookie jar and they have been caught. what we are finding so much of the left's institutional ecosystem is in organic it wouldn't exist if it was not for billions of taxpayer dollars every single year funding it. think about left wing media, npr, pbs, we are even paying tax dollars to politico and the b.b.c. think of the left wing ngos that we're funding that are facilitating the invasion of our country by illegal aliens. the millions of dollars that are funding transgender surgeries and transgender activism all over the globe. this is what the leftist political movement has been based on and we're finally calling it out. we're ending these programs, and the left can't handle it.
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>> laura: well, and of course, democrats know that this is their power base. this is now they fund the culture and protect their friends and that includes subscriptions to various media outlets some of them might be legitimate. the democrats so far, congressman, they are refusing to engage on this topic. or even work with republicans much at all. watch. >> there is very little appetite to help republicans when we don't trust that donald trump is going to spend the resources that we have allocated. with elon musk in his unelected friends running through and combing through the federal system, we don't have those assurances. >> laura: congressman, your reaction? >> well, i find it funny that the democrats are obsessed with the elon musk being an unelected. the entire point of the doge process is to bring accountability back to the unelected administrative state.
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laura, over the past several decades, congress has abdicated power to a growing bureaucracy that has metastasizing, that is acting against the interest of the american people, against the will of the american people, we are reigning that in first by exposing the waste and the corruption and then the next step is going to be defunding these agencies or abolishing them outright. >> laura: congressman, let me jump in here though. congress can actually do a lot more and thank god we have someone who is volunteering his time when he is the richest person in the world and has a lot of other things he could be doing. thank god we have him. but, congress actually could step in, could it not, and amend the administrative procedure act which is at the heart of a lot of these legal challenges. we will get to some of that later on. congress can do a lot more to pull back the accountability and pull back authority from these agencies that, frankly, they have delegated and enormous amount of authority to over
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decades. before you even were born this was going on. this has been hang for decades, congressman. >> that's exactly right. it has been happening for decades. and i think that we will be making moves to reign in this on a statutory basis. i'm part of the doge subcommittee of the oversight committee. and we're getting started very fast. we have a hearing tomorrow going over fraud in medicare and medicaid. and that's only the first step. you are exactlly right. let me remind you, laura, this is incredibly popular movement from the republicans. 70% of americans believe that president trump is doing what he said he was going to do on the campaign trail. his approval rating is at 53% right now. >> laura: promises made. >> higher than it was in his first term. elon musk in the doge movement is polling higher than president biden did in his final week of office. this is what the american people
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want. >> laura: and, congressman, are you the youngest congressman currently serving in the u.s. government? is that right. >> i'm the youngest republican. >> laura: youngest republican. and a dartmouth college graduate, thank you very much. brandon, thank you very much. congressman, we appreciate it. all right. first doge went after dozens of dei offices and usaid and cfpb and nih and now working its way through my old haunt, the department of education. and it's slashing millions and, again, wasteful spending. it's been going on for decades. only gotten worse. now it looks like fema, the federal emergency management agency might be next under the doge guillotine. now, trump is writing on truth social that the biden run fema has been a disaster. fema should be terminated. individual states should handle storms, et cetera. as they come. big savings and far more efficient. getting rid of fema would be huge. the agency's 2025 budget,
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$65 billion. did employs more than 20,000 people nationwide. but, remember, after hurricane helene, fema left americans stranded. >> we drove by people living in tents. for months and months. and these people depended on fema to help them and they were left high and dry. >> laura: and after hurricane milton we saw how hugely biased the agency came across when an employee told relief workers skip the homes with the trump flags, isn't that nice? joining me now florida governor ron desantis. governor, thank you so much for joining us. got some immigration news we're going to get. to say you want to replace fema. given all your experience with it over the years. florida hurricanes. with block grants. how would that disempower the bureaucracy? >> so if you just eliminated the fema bureaucracy, and when these disasters happen, you said we are going to block grant a certain amount of money to the states and let us administer it,
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you could give me 75 cents on the dollar and that money will go further to help my people than running it through this cumbersome bureaucracy of fema. as you pointed out, laura, on the dust of hurricane milton, to say don't go to trump supporters' homes when they needed it. that was really the last straw. so, yes, we could administer it better. we would be able to do it far cheaper than fema does. and our constituents would be able to get response. it's interesting, when these storms happen, we do the prep at the state and local level, we do the response search and rescue, help with the power restoration, all the key things. and people are happy with that in florida. it's then when they have to start dealing with fema and how that interacts with local government, that people just want to pull their hair out. so i think the president is right. eliminate the bureaucracy, block grant us the money. it will save taxpayer dollars. but it will actually benefit people in need more.
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>> laura: sadly, fema is its own disaster zone. now, we have to rescue the disaster zone for the people's benefit. governor, i don't know if you caught any of what -- amounted to a tutorial on government bloat and bureaucracy from the oval office short while ago with elon musk. but i have never -- i have been in washington far too long like 30 years. i have never seen someone hold court as he did in front of -- i guess i don't know how many media people there son squirming as adorable as he was. he didn't miss a beat. and the naysayers at the end of it could only say oh, he is unaccountable, governor. he doesn't have any vetting. there is no vetting of elon musk. what is your reaction to his role here and how it's playing out? >> donald trump ran on elon musk. this was something that he promised the voters. so he just following through. the president is the only one in the executive branch elected. everyone else is a delegate that
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he picks to be able to do things. i will tell you, you know, you mentioned watching this for many years, we have seen the administrative state in this permanent bureaucracy spiral out of control. seems like it gets worse all the time. what elon is doing, is he is highlighting this in a way that's really resonating with the american people. so, i think this doge has a lot of momentum. i think what they are doing has been very positive. i think the key is going to be is congress going to wake up from its slumber, start taking the power of the purse seriously, and discipline these bureaucracies. we should not be run by unaccountable bureaucrats. the founders provided the tools to congress. they just haven't been willing to use it. but, i think what elon has done has been a public service. it's like he is the most -- he is the richest guy in the world. it's not like he has been doing this. he is doing pretty good. i think he really cares about constitutional government and he has seen it spiral out of control like the rest of us.
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florida, laura, we are very lean. we were kind of doge before doge was cool. but if we could bring any of that to washington, and congress can actually enact some of the things that elon is talking about and the president is talking about, that's going to be a huge win for the american people. >> laura: yeah. i mean florida, you know, tennessee, south dakota, you guys are the future of the united states. texas, obviously. the last time you were here, speaking of fighting bureaucracy. there was -- there was kind of a fight brewing in your state about immigration enforcement, about mandating the local law enforcement actually cooperate with ice? we saw big flights go to venezuela today and reach venezuelan land with some of our old illegals here. but, last night, i understand some fairly significant deal was reached in florida, not a moment too soon, very briefly, tell us about it. >> so we are going to have a duty on all state and local law
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enforcement to fully participate with immigration enforcement. and ice. we are also are going to make illegally being in florida a crime that can be prosecuted in and of itself. we're also eliminating this catch and release for these criminal illegal aliens, as well as other things that are really significant. so,. >> laura: thank god. >> florida will have the strongest set of proposals for interior enforcement. here's the thing, laura, we want to see illegal aliens removed from our state and our country. ice can't do it alone. they don't have enough resources to state and locals have to assist and if we're willing to assist you are going to see those numbers go up. >> laura: governor, before you go. you know i'm going to ask you about this msnbc report about your wife casey considering a run for governor. in 2026. i was in florida over the weekend. i was getting buzzed by calls about this. governor, what can you tell us? force of nature, i think people
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look at it, they say well the governor won points. casey would do better: not something she is seeking out. i think a lot of people are concerned about the future of the state. but this is not anything new, people have been asking her to do this for a long time. but she is not seeking to do anything. but it's flattering that people are asking her to do it. >> laura: have you talked to president trump about this or any conversation at all about what he might think about this? >> no, i haven't. i mean i know he thinks respects the first lady very much. and everybody does in florida. i mean, she has done a remarkable job for the state. she is obviously a great wife and mother to three kids. and she has an inspirational story of overcoming cancer diagnosis, fighting through that and coming out stronger on the other end. and, you know, she is one of the rare political spouses. even though i'm probably the most conservative governor in the country, she may even be more conservative than me. >> laura: i think. so i know casey. i think she actually might be.
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you know, she is just going to be a better governor than you, governor. come on, you can't win. you have to compliment casey. it's a battle of the desantis, sounded like a campaign commercial there, governor. you are a little spiel there. we appreciate it, governor. thank you very much. all right. the free ride is over. my angle explains, next. ♪
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>> laura: ending global welfare that's the focus of tonight's angle. all right, the globalists gathered in paris and they got a friendly but firm earful today. vice president j.d. vance had a message to world leaders about america's plans regarding the future of ai. the simple message, if you want our business, you are going to have to treat us right. we'll work with you but don't think of taking advantage of us or bullying american corporations. >> the trump administration is troubled by reports that some foreign governments are considering tightening the screws on u.s. tech companies with international footprints. now, america cannot and will not accept that we think it's a terrible mistake not just for the united states of america but for your countries.
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>> laura: i love when they pan to the grim faces. we used to be able to take advantage of joe biden but not you. what specifically was vance referring to there? >> many of our most productive tech companies are forced it deal with the eus digital services act and massive creations about taking down contents and policing so-called misinformation. of course, we want to ensure the internet is a safe place but it is one thing to prevent a predator from preying on a child on the internet and it is something quite different to prevent a grown man or woman from accessing an opinion that the government thinks is misinformation. >> laura: that's about time that a u.s. official called out europe's attack on free speech right to their faces. the europeans aren't even trying to pretend at this point. officials there are openly calling for censorship of american social media companies, including x and meta. and back in office, remember, when musk was about to interview then candidate donald trump on
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x, and eu commissioner warned about a risk of amplification of potentially harmful content. at the time i was thinking harmful to whom? well, to the global bureaucrats, of course. so why should american taxpayers continue to subsidize this to the tune of tens of billions of dollars in defense costs when countries that don't protect basic freedoms and their own countries continue on? well, our new defense secretary pete hegseth also overseas had another blunt message for our allies. time to ramp up your military spending and do more to defend yourselves. >> the european continent deserves to be free from any aggression, but it ought be those in the neighborhood investing the most in that collective individual and collective defense. as the president talks a lot about, common sense is you defend your neighborhood and the americans will come alongside you in helping in that defense. most nato countries are already close to 2%. we believe that needs to be
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higher. >> laura: yeah. in other words, the free ride is over, kids. it's been 80 years since world war ii ended and america is up to her ears in debt. friends don't let friends drive drunk and friends don't let friends mooch off of them forever. to the old foreign policy establishment, asking europe to do more, it's always considered an insult and even dangerous because it plays into putin's hands, don't you know? well, that's absurd. it's out of step with what most americans want at this point. but then again, the old guard is so used to foreign policy failure and running roughshod over what the american people actually want, that they really can't relate to this innovative approach. thus, when trump floats the idea of taking back the panama canal or even figuring out a way to buy greenland or taking over gaza, heads explode. >> this is like a bully in the schoolyard looking around for
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someone small to push around. so farm we have had greenland and denmark, canada and mexico. this is autocratic behavior. >> trump is threatening to further destabilize the region. >> just a disaster. it's kind of a -- it's a disgrace. >> he is humiliating our allies. >> laura: it's a disgrace. but, if the u.s. led rebuild of gaza, any crazier than sticking with the status quo? do they have any ideas for how to deal with that how is continuing a massive trade deficit with canada fair given how much security we provide them? and how is it not insane to give china a foothold in a major shipping lane that we paid for? so if there is one unifying theme behind trump's approach to other countries, it's this: you're not going to rip us off any longer. and you won't get something for nothing. >> we were paying almost all of nato. it was unfair. we take care of their military and then they take advantage of us on trade. they are very tough. i will tell you what the eu on
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trade is horrible. canada is just about the lowest payer in the whole thing which is very unfair. do you know why they are low payer because they think the united states is going to take care of them. do you think that's fair? it's not fair. >> laura: ukraine will also need to pay up for the hundreds of billions we spent there trump treasury secretary scott bessent is headed to ukraine for a frank discussion. >> they have tremendously valuable land in terms of rare earth, in terms of oil and gas, in terms of other things. i want to have our money secured because we're spending hundreds of billions of dollars. i told them that i want the equivalent like $500 billion worth of rare earth and they have essentially agreed to do that. >> laura: so, expect a lot of whaling from the free riders and defenders of free riders as president trump puts america first. as he methodically restores balance to relationships around the world with pragmatism.
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in the end europe, mexico, south america, australia, they will have to decide whether they wish to partner with the united states or be run over by china. trump's betting they are going to choose to stick with us. and, of course, he is right. and that's the angle. joining me now peter navarro white house counselor for trade and manufacturing. peter, great to have you on tonight. the faces. >> food to see you, laura. >> laura: the faces in the crowd today were hilarious. as vice president vance spoke about a relationship with europe. now europe is threatening reciprocal tariffs. i know you have heard the comments from germany and france. your reaction tonight to what they heard from you all yesterday, regarding tariffs. >> hey, here's an idea. the eu runs like hundreds of billions of dollars of a trade surplus every year. why don't they use that money to pay for nato.
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there's an idea. stop the corporate welfare. the fact is, laura, they cheat us. you know how many cars they sell us versus how many we sell them they have a vat tax, value added tax that works just like a tariff that they have been sticking to us for years. it's such an imbalanced trade relationship and what donald trump is going to do is he is going to level the playing field. make it fair again. both for national defense and economic security reasons. the steel and aluminum tariffs we did this week are a great start to that by the way, the eu is a tremendous part of the capacity overcapacity we have in steel and aluminum, and they are dumping it, their governments are responsible it's like in the billion euros here. 3 billion there subsidizing the steel and aluminum industries to attack the united states. so, bureaucrats in the crowd,
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laura, they don't know what hit them. donald trump is moving so fast, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. >> laura: peter, on the issue of trade and steel vs. aluminum, we know that steel manufacturing is so critical to america's future. and that's just without a doubts ddoubtthe aluminum industry. most of the dirty work done in canada. new technologies out there i know are emerging that we may or may not support down the road. what would 25% on aluminum make sense when last time y'all put, what 10% on aluminum but now it's up to 25? trying to figure that out. >> well, the problem we had when we put the tariffs on in 2018, 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum, they work beautifully at the time. but, what the biden regime did was give all these country exemptions and product exclusions and capacity
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utilization is few foundries as we have is down to 50% when it needs to be up at 80. you make your own case, laura. we lost two foundries, two big foundries during the biden years. we can't afford to do that. remember, in times of crisis, we have to depend on steel and aluminum for our defense needs. so, president trump is fully confident that a 25% tariff will be enough to bring back significant investment here both domestic investment and foreign investment. >> laura: peter, we cannot wait to see the heads continuing to explode as the tariff thing plays out. great to have you back on the show. peter, thank you so much. all right, liberals trying to stall president trump's agenda in court. how the president can fight back. that's next. ♪
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>> it seems hard to believe that judges want to try to stop us from looking for corruption especially when we found hundreds of millions of dollars worth. much more than that in just a short period of time. we want to weed out the corruption and it seems hard to believe that a judge could say we don't want you to do that. so maybe we have to look at the judges because that's very serious -- i think it's a very serious violation. >> laura: it's a huge problem and dozens of legal challenges have been filed president trump's efforts to bureaucracy and enact agenda. court rulings halting that agenda are piling up nationwide. in the forge of these injunctions that apply across the country, oftentimes handed down by activist judges. so this is shaping up to be a battle royale between the judiciary and the executive branch with the white house hinting at times that it may even ignore these injunctions and let the supreme court sort it out later. joining us now chip roy, who
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sits on the judiciary committee. congressman, thank you for joining us. what can congress do, sir, to step in and stop this madness of these activist judges, thwarting legitimate executive authority from being exercised? >> yeah, laura, great to be on. first of all, the absurdity of the fact that these activist judges have sentencing in and try to tell the president of the united states, who is the chief executive of our government, that he can't have his designees or himself look at information, go down and look and make sure that social security numbers are duplicated. go try expose all the ridiculous programs that the american people send him to washington to expose tells you how corrupt and how, frankly, self-important judges think they are. and they are using an abusing, you know, the administrative procedures act. you are very familiar with it, based on your legal background and knowledge. they are using that as what arbitrary and c capricious standard to say whatever they want.
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the fact is they can't. that's one of the things to answer your question, congress may need to take a look at whether we amend that statute or change it symptom form, 40's or 50's. >> 1946, congressman. time to change it. it's been totally abused. >> yeah, totally, we got to look at the judges themselves. right? what are these guys doing and how do they think they are empowered to do it? consider in the last administration joe biden literally put out executive orders telling ice you can't even really enforce the law. so criminals can run amok and endanger americans but that's okay. but the president of the united states, president trump wants to go down and look at social security data to make sure it's not being duplicated so our records aren't being stolen and be protect and somehow he is the bad guy? by the way fire bureaucrats. a judge coming in saying oh the judge can't fire bureaucrats? yes he can. he is the chief executive. of course he can fire bureaucrats. >> laura: he is the boss of the executive branch. bosses can fire people. you got a number of judges, most of them appointed by democrats.
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not all, but most of them. you got paul engel myer in manhattan, george o'toole in boston. you got angel kelly, i believe, in rhode island going to the first circuit i know totally liberal and get a good ruling there. they have already gotten hosed in one of the appellate court rulings earlier today federal courts? watch. >> if a judge does block one of your policy, part of your agenda, will you abide by that ruling? will you. >> i was always abide by the court and then have to appeal it. then what he has done is slowed down the momentum, and it gives crooked people more time cover under the books. if a person is crooked and they get caught, other people see that and all of the sudden it being becomes harder later on
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answer is i always abide by the court. we will appeal. appeals take a long time judge kelli is in boston. manhattan, we have seattle with the birthright citizenship is going to be a tougher case for sure just enacting your agenda and looking for waste requires nationwide injunction to stop? congress has got to step in on this nationwide injunction issue. that should bees that right up there with election integrity. >> keep in mind the president beat lawfare going after him when he was a candidate. the president is going to beat this in my opinion. he should take a page out of andrew jackson's playbook. at some point j.d. vance is right when he said hold on you can't have a judge step in when the president is exercising his constitutional authority. imagine in a judge said mr. president, as commander-in-chief, you can't bomb this particular city or this certain area. you can't do that you have to be
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give the president to be the chief executive. i hope they will continue to let him do that congress needs to make executive orders permanent. back up laws to pass his agenda and quickly do and this stand behind the president. the president is right to say follow the law. the constitution matters too. he can do his job. >> laura: run away judges congress and the supreme court are going to have to do their job. c rges thank you so much. who is leaking the information about these ice raids and what can be done about that? tom homan put everybody on notice. that's next. ♪ narrator: for generations, this ally to the north has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner
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♪ >> laura: all right. of all the things that doge has discovered, i think what makes people's blood boil is that we somehow manage to spend $59 million on luxury hotels for illegal aliens in new york city. we just learned this like in what, a week? and today dhs tells us that four fema employees were fired over that firings include fema's chief financial officer, two program analysts and a grant specialist. joining me now, former acting homeland security secretary chad wolf. chad, i have been dying to talk to you about this as long as people snitching on behalf of the illegals. is this really true? did we really spend 59 million
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for illegal aliens to go to hotels that most americans can't afford? >> well, i think it's far more than that. that's just the most recent payment that was made last week. if you go back for the four years, you are probably spending millions and millions above that number on transportation on facilities on hotels. and everything else that the biden administration did over those four years to facilitate the largest illegal alien population coming into the united states. it's far worse than that. >> laura: and you think about people around l.a. or new york or d.c., you see tent villages right near the watergate hotel near georgetown. tents everywhere. and you know occasionally we will have a chance to interview and these are veterans, these are people who mental illness, americans in trouble. and some of them don't want to live in shelters but, nevertheless, we have a serious homelessness problem in the united states yet hundreds of millions i guess going to the
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illegals. this is insanity. this is why trump won. this is a wig reason why trump won. they knew this was going on. >> yeah, absolutely. this is what you described there is an american last approach to taking care of u.s. citizens and making sure that you care more about illegal aliens than you do about veterans and others here. and, of course, president trump fills the very opposite of that and has that america first sort of imprint on his mind in everything that he does. that's why they are clawing back this money as they should. that's why they are firing employees as they should. this is about accountability and transparency. and i think that's what the american people want from this issue to any -- every other issue that doge and others are uncovering they want accountability, the american people want accountability and they are getting it. >> and the snitches that are alerting -- alerting the illegal aliensenned the gang members to the raids, what can be done there, anything? >> well, absolutely, you can hold them accountable as well.
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you can investigate and if you find them. you have got to prosecute them. and it's not just irresponsible what they are doing. it's criminal what they are doing because it's putting officers, law enforcement officers' lives in danger. if you are tipping off the bad folks as they come in and to do an operation. so that is also about accountability. again, i think it sends a strong signal if you can identify and then prosecute. >> laura: make them pay for that chad as always. thank you. when we come back, a rat battle extraordinaire, elon musk versus sam altman, failla, next. ♪
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you go to sandals to connect on a deeper level, i've been waiting for this. (waves crashing) (zips suit) with the caribbean sea. thanks. sandals valentine's sale is now on. save up to $1,000 and get a sandal-lit dinner for two. >> laura: now time for wtf. drowning in now catching me, "host of fox news saturday night. we are watching the battle of the billionaires unfold. so this investors group backed by you on mosque is trying to buy openai from ceo sam altman. >> it's not for sale.
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elon tries all sorts of things for a long time. >> do you think musk's approach is from a position of insecurity? >> probably his whole life is from a position of insecurity. i feel for the guy. >> you feel for him? >> i do, actually. i don't think you happy person. >> laura: seemed pretty happy today, i don't know. seemed pretty happy with his son and giving us a tutorial. he was very happy. >> to be fair, "to be honest. if you look at sam altman khaki has the look of a guy who was upset that elon canceled the drag shows in ecuador. doesn't he look like the guy who would be at the front row with a wad of singles, making it rain? and that is who was unhappy here. i mean obviously he can afford 20s or maybe even more but that is who he is. he is a bit of a dork and he has access issues because elon has the president year, that matters quite a bit him. but let's be clear, anybody who is changing their name to hairy balls is having a good time. >> laura: we have to explain
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this to people. he changed his twitter handle to harry balls and he does this because he likes to have fun but all of these serious liberal feminist tech writers over at cnn were -- they thought that was like the old cement misogynist power move. it's just funny. >> i loved it. especially after they freaked out because of course he had a doge member with the nickname big balls and liberals hated that because they think big balls belongs in women's swimming. so they were going to have that, they couldn't abide. >> laura: jimmy, you've seen the protest, i know. the trend to protest with your pain cat on it. one of them took a turn today, check it out. >> we do have to -- i don't swear in public very well but we have to [bleep] trump!
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>> laura: they don't want to swear but they have to [bleep] trump. i don't even know how to curse. >> they don't know what they're doing. this is bad as the time chuck schumer said donald trump inspired the. i believe chuck was thinking of a sixth inches that day. but the democrats are not good at this oft -- opposition thing because trump is the crowd on his side so all they can do is curse in the wrong ways. this is embarrassing. >> laura: i will say, the crowd seemed to be thinning. there is not enough astroturf around for them to pay for more protesters. but jimmy, i want everyone to grab tickets for your tour in royal oak, michigan, on friday, figure 21st at fox across everyone go get it. that's it for tonight, make sure to follow me on social media, a big snowstorm at least 3 inches here in washington, jesse watters is next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... >> i
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