tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News February 13, 2025 1:00am-2:00am PST
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tonight. as always, thank you for joining us. off the bat, we have a resistance alert, focus of tonight's angle. former liberal, bill ackman captured state of democratic party writing the fact democrats are fighting the first real effort to root out waste, fraud and abuse from our government is a bad look from which one can draw negative inference. you doth protest too much. bingo. going from party of the little guy to party of the bureaucracy, how does that make them more popular with the people? how will this work in the midterms? no more save the whales, it is save the bureaucracy, put that on a bumper sticker. even protests are falling flat.
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everyone watching, cover your pet's ears. [singing] we'll fight elon musk ♪ no in our hall ♪ we'll fight from dawn to dust ♪ trump's coming for our unions ♪ he wants us all to fail ♪ he wants us all to bow to him ♪ but we want him in jail. >> laura: is it over? mommy, stop, make it stop. oh my god. i guess none of that usaid money went to singing lessons. i would have actually supported that. all right. but, seriously, if you thought the resistance was just limited though to hating on trump, well, you are sorely mistaken. >> we won't stop until elon musk and his doge crohn's doge crond out. >> elon musk two words you're fired. >> we're going to tell trump get out of the way and take your
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thieven elon musk with you. >> laura: okay. if ignorance is bliss? then why is she so nasty? now, we're supposed to believe that the richest man in america only volunteered for this thankless job because what he wanted to skim some off the top? are they kidding me? now, when you see maxine and friends stranded on the side of the road, keep driving. they are totally out of gas. now, young people aren't buying their fake outrage anymore. >> laura: and they are turning off minorities. >> you are trying to prevent the government audit because some of you really are trying to stay out of prison. we see the game now. y'all been out here telling us that the game was rigged against certain people. well, now we found out hot people that were rigging the game were, congratulations. y'all are never going to win
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another political race ever again. >> laura: all right. that guy is fun. but, because what the party has come to symbolize, the reason they are turning people off, is the people they represent now sound like this. >> if you say that you're afraid of trump and that's why you don't want the city to be a safe space for trans people, you better prepare for trans people to make this a very unsafe space. >> laura: okay. that has to be a republican plant. i don't even believe -- is that real? in worcester, massachusetts. democrats have decided to resist by declaring the city a sanctuary for transgendered and nonbinary people. big opposition to trump. because that's exactly what americans have been clamoring for. now more on that in just a little bit. but the resistance which is mostly now funded by unions and rich progressives is just one endless parade of victims. it's nonstop fear-mongering.
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when what americans should truly fear is the possibility that democrats ever get power to screw things up again. a month into this trump presidency, and their response is just a broken record of old toxic grievances. as we have seen so often before, democrats think that they can buy enough votes to win. of course, buy the votes among whom? well, among government workers and african-americans. because nothing screams 2025 like another push for reparations. >> for those who say we need to just get over it, um, that's interesting. when as a nation you are benefiting right now from an economy that was built on the brutalized backs and the indignities and the horrors of chattel slavery in our african ancestors. >> they should start their own
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eyeglass line those are pretty cool glasses. asking for money from people who never owned slaves in order to give it to people who never were slaves, again, this is just more phony indignation. more guilt tripping of white america. but it's so much easier, isn't it, than fixing the cities that her party wrecked over the past 60 years? that would be difficult. and do you know what is actually funny? we have to look for the humor here. the party desperately defending unelected bureaucrats. but it's also pretending to be offended by the actions of an unelected elon musk. >> they have relinquished their constitutional duties over to an unelected bureaucrat, someone who, no one went out to vote for and absolutely he is occupying the oval office as we saw yesterday. >> laura: of course, this is ridiculous on its face. first of all, i thought the constitution is racist. now you want everyone to abide
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why it. the only occupation that americans need to be worried about comes in the form of unaccountable government workers who have just parked themselves in powerful positions for years. sometimes decades. and most of whom never cared if the taxpayers' hard earned money was being well spent. is this an occupation of or is did a cabal of corruption. maybe it's a little bit of both. who knew that week i.d. verification in government programs could lead do astounding levels of waste. >> my number right now between the federal, state, and local government is you can save $1 trillion a year by simply putting in front end identity verification, eliminating self-certification, and monitoring the back end of the programs that are providing the benefits. >> laura: okay. trillion with a t. everyday it's something. but this president campaigned on
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addressing all of this once and for all. and today we were reminded he is not letting up. >> there is so many transactions, thousands and thousands of transactions and if you don't have people that care, you are going to lose control. and that's what's hand and we have caught it. now, what we caught is billions and billions of dollars but it's a tiny fraction of the real number because you can never catch the real number because people have gotten away with tremendous amounts of money. lawyer laurel the resistance has is just contrived moral outrage. they have astroturf protests with lame chants, a lot of huffing and puffing and hyperbole from the squad and, of course, they have their lawsuits. and they hope to resist through judicial fiat because for them even temporarily slowing the president's agenda is a victory meanwhile expect the president to do what he did last time they used lawfare to try to stop it,
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he will keep going, and he will keep taking his case directly to the american people, until the democrats lose even more ground. resisting trump and musk, liberals should have resisted the urge to repeat the mistakes they made in 2024. but they are addicts. they are addicts to outrage. and that's the angle. joining me now alina habba counselor to president trump. alina thank you for joining us tonight. now, there was a win, at least temporarily, for the white house and doge. a federal judge cleared the way for president trump's plan to down size the federal workforce with these kind of deferred resignations. the judge ruled on the basis of standing saying that the government employee union didn't have standing to bring the case. but your reaction to some good news? another win to president trump.
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they are not accepting the change in the administration we did win today. they allowed to us move forward with the very generous plan that the president proposed, which is that you need to come to work if you are paid by the american people and if you are a federal employee. i show up to work every day if you choose not to do so that's your prerogative. guess what? we will give you into october's pay no problem but you got to go. it's funny they tried to stop. this it's crazy to season say that. today we had a win despite their lawfare. despite them trying to stop the legislation mandated to do this. stop government waste federal government work for the american people. >> laura: teacher's union president randy weingarten i know you got texts she went after doge today. check it out. >> what is now coming down the pike in this aura of efficiency
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is not efficiency, it's evisceration. it is an attempt to take the funding and take the right away from each and every child. >> laura: alina, we know that our public school students continue to lose ground, especially in blue cities across america. and randy weingarten thinks the real villain here is the guy trying to make the system more efficient because she's for the kids. >> yeah. the only thing we are dissolving, to use her words, the dissolution. the only thing we are dissolving right now. people, lobbyists and god forbid politicians who have being funded by things like pharmaceutical companies and not caring about things that really matter. woke dei, contractor. thacrt.going to make way it sho,
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strong. >> we should not have children who can't read. we should not be weak in math. that's what we have seen in the last administration. it is a priority for president trump to have these children educated, but we know that the department of education, frankly wasn't cutting it. maybe if they took their energy instead of, you know, singing songs n. and whomever wrote that crazy song that i heard chuck and everybody, that was just vicious. if they took that energy and used their time more wisely to help our children and the use of america, the country would be better. that's what president trump is going to do. i'm not sure why. >> laura: alina, are you surprised that they really are serving up the cold leftovers of the 2024 campaign musk not be heard that trump a dictator autocrat trans stuff, it's stunning that with all the money
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they consultants, they make millions of dollars in consult is i fees. this is what they come up they are not winning the american people over right now. you know, to get up and scream and yell isn't working because you are not credible. you lost credibility in the last administration. it's obvious. we know we see our children. i see my children. they should not be falling behind other countries. america is going to be first. we're going to get ahead. and the fact that they are screaming and yelling it doesn't surprise me, laura, you know it. it gist us something to laugh about while they sing songs. >> laura: pam bondi, the new attorney general has something to say about the sanctuary state today. watch. >> new york has chosen to prioritize illegal aliens over american citizens. they are giving a green light to any illegal alien in new york where law enforcement officers can in the check their identity
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if they pull them over. if you are a state not complying with federal law. you're next. get ready alina protecting illegals in places like new york. still in places like massachusetts. opener blue states. should other states take this as a warning from the attorney general? >> absolutely. yeah, absolutely. and by the way, you said it best. they are blue states. this is what they do best. tish james has used donald trump and continues to use him with governor hochul as a platform for their voice. well, their voice, they -- you know, frankly we should bank them because their voices and their lawfare is why i'm sitting here and the president is in the oval right now. but it doesn't work. so here's the thing. pam bondi has had a very clear message to the executive order that the president signed that we are noting two have sanction jerry cities that immigration, safety, and the fentanyl crisis are going to be a priority that this administration can focuses on. so, when letitia james ignores it and when governor hochul
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ignores it and the dmv, we are going to come after you. you cannot do that. >> laura: well, they want to thwart this agenda any way possible but an important win, again, at least in one of these decisions today in massachusetts. alina, thank you very much. and, coming up, you got bright blue hair. you got white gloves, right? you got a lot of shrieking, this is the state of the resistance. because. trans resistance, they seem to be just losing their mind if they ever had much of a mind about trump wanting to protect girls and keep men out of women's bathrooms. a massachusetts town declaring itself as i mentioned in the angle a sanctuary city for transgender and gender diverse people. the city council voted in favor of the sanctuary status 9-2 watch. >> i don't want to spend an hour applying glitter on my face so that you will hear and see me. i need the city to protect me
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because the federal government won't. and if you think you're afraid of trump, you should see how afraid of trump i am. >> it demands a response from our elected officials to say we recognize that you are under attack and in worcester, we are going to protect you. >> laura: joining me now jim polito a boston area radio host. jim, great to see you. >> great to see you, laura. >> one of my brothers went to wester polytech. this was like a blue collar, factory town. i know worcester really well. how did this happen? >> laura, i grew up there. >> laura: awe. okay. >> it happens because the town, the city has gone crazy, laura. my pronouns on this one are i can't go back there. i mean, this group last night put up such a fit actually, they were the most intolerant. they were threatening violence and wait until you hear this
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wait until you hear this. two of the counselors who voted no. one happens to be jewish. the tolerant crowd here who is looking for acceptance started yelling at him with a fake german accent. they called him a fascist and started making pig noises, oink, oink, this man who voted against this, his parents were holocaust survivors who moved to worcester in 1949. this is out of control, laura. i grew up in worcester. i don't live there anymore it used to be a blue collar city. my brother went to wpi, too. jim mcgovern i think you know is the congressman from worcester, and is he partly responsible for this transformation of what was a working class quiet city. and then we have this kind of craziness in front of the council what i have to remind
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everyone watching tonight is that flush the democrats for years claimed republicans were protests, january 6th. charlottesville. they are the violent ones. they're the threatening people. who is threatening now? using pig noises to a jewish american who has the right to vote any way he wants on an issue like this? that's, again, that's not threatening? >> any other group that had come in front of the counsel and behaved the way they did with threats of violence too, law, in. so soundbites you will see, they would have been tossed out. let's say jim poo lit toe showed up and said c rk conservative de harley, i would be thrown out. we wouldn't be gained. we would be thrown out. >> let's play one more soundbite. i don't know if we have the one that you are describing we do. yes. let's just play a little bit
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more from this. >> i'm shaking right now. i don't want to be here. >> i'm sorry, am i taking too long pleading for my life? >> wrap up. >> laura, there is the other one. >> the fake victim mentality, so phony. >> it is. the one with the purple hair said if we don't feel safe here, you're not going to feel safe here. how is that tolerance. these are the people who don't want hate. can i just add one more thing, laura, that's the cherry on top of this? why do we need a sanctuary city in a state where the governor is a member of the lgbtq community? the governor herself? >> laura: sanctuary for the fringe. that's apparently what the great state of massachusetts wants and time to take back new england, jim. i have been saying that for a long time. family from connecticut whole family from boston. take it back. absurd what is happening.
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shouldn't have to write the states off every presidential election. jim, thank you very much. >> all right, the ukraine gravy train is about to come to a screeching halt. senator josh do your dry eyes still feel gritty, rough, or tired? with miebo, eyes can feel ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪ miebo is the only prescription dry eye drop that forms a protective layer for the number one cause of dry eye: too much tear evaporation. for relief that's ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪ remove contact lenses before using miebo. wait at least 30 minutes before putting them back in. eye redness and blurred vision may occur. what does treating dry eye differently feel like? ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪ for relief that feels ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪ ask your eye doctor about prescription miebo.
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♪ our allies agreed ukraine's future lies in nato. we will be there as long as that takes. >> we will be there with you as long as it takes. >> we will collectively stand with you ukraine for as long as it takes. >> laura: so much for as long as it takes as long as it takes to end this madness. president trump spoke with both putin and zelenskyy today another promise maids will be kept. there will be peace in ukraine we're going to work toward getting it ended and as fast as possible. president putin said that he's it to end. he doesn't want to end it and then go back to fighting six months later we talked about the possibility -- i mentioned it of a cease-fire so we can stop the killing. i think we will probably end up at some point getting a cease-fire in the not too distant future. >> laura: joining us now is missouri senator josh hawley. senator, you and i have talked about this now for years. the carnage which i don't think americans or most people around the world really have a real
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handle on, but it's in the hundreds of thousands dead from this war with no outcome that is positive sight. your reaction to the news today that the united states will not push for ukraine to become a nato member. common sense, laura, it's another example of president trump doing what he promised to do in the campaign trail but let's be honest. joe biden saying with you as long as it takes. that was never their plan, i said this before, they have been telling members of congress the biden administration they told members of congress for years for years there would have to be a negotiated settlement. they didn't have any idea how to do it now you got donald trump who is owning up to reality and saying okay, i will do it. i will end this war and i predict this, too, laura, i think ukraine will come out better with donald trump at the helm of his negotiations than they ever would have done joe biden or kamala would have been president. putin didn't expect them that's
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why they invaded in the first place on the job and going to get it done. treasury secretary. zelenskyy. you have vance and rubio going over to munich to meet as well i guess russian counterparts. it looks like they are dispatching all the right people in an all out push to bring peace to the region which, again, i think the american people have wanted for some time. no sense that ukraine was going to win this or that russia was going to have a resounding victory. it was was a stalemate of death. >> yeah, what it looks like now is the administration is actually serious about doing something. what a refreshing change. the biden administration hid behind these platitudes and did nothing. they had no plan to win the war. they had no plan to end the war. they had no plan for anything. instead to your point they just
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let tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of people be killed and they spent our tax dollars without end. and now trump has a plan he is on top of it dispatching team to do it personally engaged. laura, we need this war to end and the unlimited guarantees that the last administration was making will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on this forever? that was absurd. i am glad president trump is putting a stop to it. >> laura: do you think that america should in some way be reimbursed? if knowing trump, is he going to try to figure out a way for the american taxpayer to recoup some of the money blown in ukraine whether it's some energy situation or deal with russia or ukraine or maybe together. i wouldn't be surprised if that's what ends up happening you know what else needs to happen. we have zero because congress because never would vote for an
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audit of the money the biden white house never would do one. we need to know exactly how this money has been spent all these years. and if you think usaid is a corrupt thing, just wait until we see how our money has been spent. we need to know it and i'm glad the president is going to bring this to a close. >> laura: yeah, the pentagon should be next. senator, thank you, as always. and, when we come back, democrats want you know that after four years of decline, they really care about the economy. vivek ramaswamy, next. an msc cruise isn't just a vacation, it's a holiday. full of european style and... -ah! and all the things americans love too! c'mon, bloom! there are a ton of football matches. games. football games. woo! you ready for some adrenaline? i was born ready. how high is that? so high. privacy. (pronounces it priv-acy) privacy. (pronounces it pry-vacy) gelato. froyo. architecture. sharkitecture. that is a big hat. it's american, of course it's big. what a vacation! don't you mean holiday?
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would unfold? but now with biden and dr. jill back home in wilmington and now that trump is back in the oval office, suddenly things have taken a dark turn. >> americans woke up this morning to bad news for their bank accounts. they woke up to a grim reality that donald trump is not going to keep his promise to lower costs. they woke up -- americans woke up to an era of trumpflation. >> laura: trumpflation? oh, poor chuck. now, let's set the record straight. inflation rose to 3% in january. but, wait, who was president for the majority of that month? >> that's bidenomics in action. bidenomics is about building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up. not the top down. >> laura: joining me now vivek ramaswamy, former presidential candidate and founding member of doge. great to see you. president trump hasn't been in basically a month or so and yet, the democrats are making it seem
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like there should be monumental change on the economy right away, immediately. so, when can we start seeing relief, vivek? >> i mean the right answer, laura, first of all these claims are democrats are asinine. president trump took office on january 20th and they are complaining about january numbers as though president trump is responsible for that here is a basic lesson on inflation. democrats would do well to remember. two drivers of inflation number one is government overspending and the government having to print money and inflate the value of the dollar in the process. number two supply constraints on energy and housing and other goods in our economy. two things have happened in the last several weeks. number one is we're relieving those supply constraints. president trump is rolling back those regulatory constraints on energy production and really production of everything in the united states. and when it comes to government spending, we are seeing the cuts that he is focused on making. so it makes absolutely no sense to blame president trump for the two to three weeks that he has been in office for inflation
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numbers that went up while biden was actually in office driving the very causes of that inflation. of course they know that at least the smarted ones do. trying to trick the public. the public won't be so fooled this time so easily my bet. >> laura: doge well documented. are you surprised that the democrats' response, doing a whole fever reno this show on the lame resistance to this. are you surprised they are trotting out the same old tired lines of musk, you know autocrat trump says this or someone is a nazi? i mean, they are taking food from babies and cancer cures from medical patients? is that the best they can do? >> i'm not surprised. i think it's the best they can do right now. what i'm routing for, laura, a democratic party that actually has a vision of some sort. it may not be a vision that you and i agree with. go back to talking about how do you address economic inequality or substantive issues that would
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be better for the country even if qui disagree with their solutions rather than resorting to the standard fascist autocrat name calling. it's just not useful. if you ask most americans across the country do you think there is too much red tape in this country or too little red tape in this country. not a single person is going to tell you too little red tape. a lot of people tell you too much red tape. the fact that president trump and doge and elon musk and the entire administration is focused on cutting red tape, i think is a good thing both for the american people ntd for the economy pause that stimulates economic growth. democratic party got a shellacking. they would do better to look in the mirror and ask themselves what do they actually stand for? what is their vision? is it economic inequality? is it something else? go figure that out. until then the name calling is falling flat as it should. >> laura: meanwhile, everybody was watching, vivek, the federal reserve chair jerome powell today the interest rates were
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the big topic. is he still defending their proclamation early on when they said that inflation would be transitory watch? >> we thought the inflation was transitory i can show you forecast from the end of 021 by us, by the staff, by the blue chip. everybody thought it was going to be transitory that's why we didn't raise rates. >> laura: is that satisfactory for you? >> it's in the. the dirty little secret in financial markets, laura, the reason people attention to every little word of the federal reserve is not because they have some unique insight it's because markets are looking for how the federal reserve is often going to mess it up next. these people have messed it up royally for the last 25 years. since he the academics took over the federal reserve in the managerial class in the late 1990s. they have actually been adverse to the interests of american workers. they have been trying to balance inflation and unemployment, mostly doing a terrible job on both. like trying to hit two targets on a dart board with one arrow
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badly missing on both. the reality is the federal reserve needs to go back to one purpose of stabilizing the u.s. dollar as a unit of measurement. by the way they don't need 23,000 employees to do that which is what they have today. 99% head count reduction and frankly do a better job so the head count are not going to find. >> laura: another doge target. you are still doing doge. i love it. another target. vivek, so great to see you. thank you so much. the word of the day coming up. it's an explicit tia and the jfk files are being released so what documents might be next? raymond arroyo ha has ans
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congressman robert garcia today. >> in the last congress chairwoman green literally showed a [bleep] pick in oversight congressional hearing. so i thought i would bring one as well. now, this of course, we know is president elon musk. he is also the world's richest man. he was the biggest political donor in the last election. he has billions of dollars in conflicts of interest. >> laura: how stupid. >> raymond: i wish we could have cut this shorter. this has to be theward of the day, laura. it must be on the dnc morning facts. over on cnn governor chris sununu was debating the waste doge has located and the need to make real cuts. anderson cooper went right for the d word. >> some of the details that have come out like the, you know, $59 million spent on luxury hotels, is actually not fema money for migrants that's okay now? >> no, i'm not saying it's okay.
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don't put words in my mouth. >> so would you stop that process? >> don't be a [bleep]. >> what i'm saying is the portrayal by him is just not factually accurate. >> laura: what? >> raymond: it's so low, laura. >> this is where we are right now? >> well, look, and what it reveals and i know people talk like this and we have podcasts that are unhibitted. but we as a culture, we should do better for our children and we certainly should show a more expansive vocabulary than in the familiar curse words of the day. >> laura: back to garcia though when they put that picture of elon musk up in the white tie, i mean musk looked great in that picture. if you are elon musk, okay. show that all -- he looked fantastic in that photo. why -- such a dumb move. so stupid. >> raymond: this is congress. you know, this is congress. we can do better than this. real argument.
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in anderson cooper's defense he and his producers at least felt contrition over his d-move. >> i want to apologize i was rude to you and i never. >> are you kidding? i grew up with seven brothers and sisters i'm a sununu. >> no, no. i apologize. i don't know why i said that i really do. >> we are all friends. >> laura: time to de-lete it. >> president declassified all the government files related to the jfk assassination. and guess what in the fbi just announced they discovered 2400 files files they didn't realize were related to the assassination, and, look, there is a lot that could be there including the head of the cia's covert activities in miami. his files. the alleged mob boss in new orleans, carlos marcello, his jailhouse confessions. lots there. but it made me wonder. perhaps, we'll soon have access
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to other government files like this one. >> protocols from removing biden from stage when he's lost. [cheers] ♪ ♪ or perhaps we will see the file on how to reboot senators in case of emergencies. >> oh, wait, i forgot to mention one thing. just a little news, last night i talked to a few of the governors. and tonight we will be on the phone with the governors. >> raymond: or one there is a lot of interest in, the government response if descrels get. >> no government continuing resolution they write the bill, they post the bill back and forth, forth and back. >> this is thievery.
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this is gangsterism. >> laura: nothing speaks like maxine waters and rosa delore row. that screams future. the government files aren't the only secrets about to be spilled. it looks like an arbitrator has been appointed and favorite blake lively and justin baldoni case. >> lively alleged that her director and co-star baldoni sexually harassed her and he refutes that and he contends lively used the accusation to destroy his reputation and take control of his movie along with her husband ryan reynolds. well now an interview from 2022 has emerged and the plot is thickening, this is blake lively before she signed on to "it ends with us" and recall she rewrote and reedited baldoni's film. >> i wanted to be part of the storytelling. that i wanted to be a part of the narrative whether that be in the writing, costume design and creating the character.
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when i went into the meetings i'm just there to be the active and ready to get the gig i wouldn't reveal i actually have to have authorship in order to fill fulfilled. for them that might have felt like a rug pulled because you are like you are trying to assert yourself into something that we didn't hire you to do. >> laura: like the -- >> raymond: that's going to show up at trial no doubt. she subpoenaed a bunch of cell carriers on a pr firm that worked for baldoni who also sued her. >> laura: i wish i cared about either one of them and their ongoing spat. i know people do. i don't care at all about these people. but, raymond, thank you. great to see you. it is almost yahya time. gillian michaels is here krista, it's time to fess up.. abooooouttttt? you're over 45 and still haven't screened for colon cancer! we all knew. this is like the third year she's turned 44... mmmmok. i wasn't ready! drink all that prep?! cancel brunch plans?!
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people will ultimately pay the price with our health. >> he threatens literally to make america sick. weather it is make america sick again or just make america sicker. >> laura: rfk jr., they just -- i don't even think they believe what they are saying anymore, "doesn't sound like attack its half-hearted. and we are one step closer to make america healthy again. the senate advancing rfk jr.'s nomination for hhs secretary to a final vote tomorrow morning. joining me now, jillian michaels act a health and wellness expert. now, there are still apparently no senate democrats brave enough to support a more common sense approach to health care. what you think they are afraid of? >> i think they are resisting no matter what. you saw the senators vote along
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party lines. but what i can tell you is that all politicians are forced to take money from special interests. and get the republicans fell into line. they voted to confirm kennedy and the democrats did not and i promise you, this is one of those eight e-20 issues, 80% of the country wants to see change in health care. people are taking note and they will not forget. and they got shellacked, as your previous guests said. for reasons just like this one, in my opinion. >> laura: and what is amazing is that mothers, young people, minorities, this is an issue that kind of brings together a lot of different groups of people. and i think it is fascinating. there is crunchy granola types with more traditional conservatives, that is a good thing. why should it be so left and right all the time? >> it shouldn't. it is a great thing. it is because we are all human beings at the end of the day.
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health should not be political. the fact that it has become a political football is unfortunate. but the key now, if i was a politician, would be standing on the right side of history. and it is very clear that advocating for the health of every single american is that right side. >> laura: maggie is not too happy about this, let's watch. >> any different time, in a different political moment, with a different president, members of this chamber would have joined together to resoundingly reject mr. kennedy's nomination. in fact,, in a different time, where qualifications and character mattered, mr. kennedy's nomination would never have made it to the floor. >> laura: what do you say that? >> to that i say, why don't we look at who is currently -- were previously, oakley, as of tomorrow, running the hhs?
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a lawyer, a lobbyist asked xavier who moved to remove all age limits for gender reassignment drugs and surgery. but no alarm? what qualifications are there for that one? you are not terrified of that? i mean this is absolutely grandstanding, shenanigans. to be with your party. and i really don't think it is forgivable and i don't think people will forget it. >> laura: it is insanity. we are going to have you back just for health and wellness tips, okay? we will go really practical with you i hope next time you join us, think you so much. that is it for us tonight, don't forget to tune in tomorrow night, 7:00 p.m. eastern for my exclusive with rfk jr. it will be the first after the senate votes on his nomination -- >> carley: key trump nominees front and center
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