tv The Will Cain Show FOX News February 14, 2025 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
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seasons, his resurrection, season six which we are about to film, i will start doing that in two months that is the crucifixion season. but this is the i was going to say the calm before the storm. the storm before the bigger storm. >> martha: that without this jenkins. look at my social media you will see these amazing photos that were all over times square yesterday. shot by andy leibowitz for the chosen periods a very exciting rollout of that and that is the story for this friday february 14th happy valentine's day everybody. i hope you have a sweet weekend and we will see you right back here on monday at 3:00. the will cain show is coming up just a few seconds away.
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>> will: live from the heartland this is the will cain show. this is the story of the week and it keeps on giving or taking would you think about it. i'm talking about wasteful government spending. imagine if you ran your household in the way you ran the united star -- we ran the united states government, you would be buried in debt. it is not hypothetical, it is not a fiction, we have had to take out the notepad and balance her on budgets. what it means to pay your bills and make her choices but what you can afford but not if you were the feds. this is not a new story this is a story that has been part of the american history for several decades. in fact if you look back the government accountability office has been looking into fraud in various ways. learning that we lose an
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estimated $233 billion to 521 billion annually to fraud. let's back that time line a little bit further. a few moments ago you heard martha maccallum interviewing one of the obama burros to. talking about than president barack obama concerned about waste, fraud and abuse, it predates barack obama. since 2003 we have seen a steady climb in improper payments on the federal ledger. take us to point number 2 in case of fraud and waist words become too generic you need to know how your money is being spent. here is one example. $22 billion by hhs going to grants for illegal immigrants or migrants if you want to call them refugees and that includes a cash and home loans. an incredible number we are spent to guide people who are not taxpaying americans.
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a story everyone has known for decades left, right, republican, democrat. today and 2055 we wake up and everybody is concerned about elon musk. today the media is telling you there is no evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse. saying making claims of this without proof. is that we had proof, bipartisan proof for decades. but today we are all ostriches in the sand. had stuck down to? can't see a single thing going on around us. that is the story of today's mainstream media. >> where is the government where's the transparency i have been asking d.o.g.e to provide evidence for so many of these accusations they have not been providing gated. >> alleging without evidence
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that d.o.g.e has been finding billions in waste, fraud, and abuse. >> the government spends too much money, spends it in wasteful places, and when you hand them a ridiculous whopper of the story that fits the narrative they gobble it up. >> will: viral take of the week no evidence. that is actually an elevated form of the debate because as we showed you some democrats are an absolute meltdown mode over elon musk. >> or you ready to say no to elon musk? >> these are the same politicians and billionaires who never missed a follow-up with veterans. >> let's make sure that unelected fln mosque because you can't spell fell and went out elon understand that the criminality they think they are getting with with they will not get away with. a. >> he has turned over our country to elon musk we didn't elect them, we didn't select them, we didn't ask for him, and
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we don't want him. so come here and face us. bring your [bleep] over here. >> will: something about the cursing and the squeal link that just reveals the absolute weakness of the position among democrats. earlier this week i said to my producers and i may have said it to you here watching the program that i would love to bring in an honest democrat that wants to lay out the position. hopefully one that does not scream, a la, or cost, but lays out exactly what it is you are so concerned about now we are revealing waste, fraud, and abuse. i think martha maccallum began the process about 15 minutes ago on fox i would like to continue. with democrat congressman tommy barrett who has i think a more measured approach to d.o.g.e but still not a fan. >> what saddens me about this whole approach i'm not going to talk about elon musk i'm not surprised by how he is approaching things, but this is not twitter. i do not want to 21 eurotech row going through deciding which
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programs should continue or not continue periods chairman i want us to work and do that work. >> will: he joins me now. congressman great to see you here thank you richard accussed on the program. i hope we can start with a bit of agreement if we might. do you agree that the federal government has a problem with either fraudulent, wasteful spending? >> deficits major debt i would like us to do the work with congress now. elon musk wants to modernize the system 21-year-old tech guy wants to help us look at that that is great but i think we have a job to do as congress. democrats and republicans, republicans are the majority but i said to chairman brian masse yesterday lets do the work. let's eliminate those pro -- programs or modernize them for
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today's work. >> will: it is not just against -- about updated programs -- outdated programs in the federal government. we acknowledge a problem exists on that problem has to be solved. then we have to acknowledge that you, and i will say this in the proverbial sense, congressman, you and congress, all of you have not handled this program. we have entrusted you to this responsibility for decades. for decades we have known about the program -- problem and you have not done their job. so why would you push back so struggling on somebody who steps in with experience could go to wasteful spending in the private sector who is not ready to do it for the federal government. >> president trump got elect to do this he is doing exactly what he ran on it. he is taking a sledgehammer to the federal government. there is going to be some remorse here. because they will lose some
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services. that said, if he is like okay we have to find a $500 billion to take out of the federal government great let's do our work though and make it happen. that is not how this is going to play out. he is going to be disruptive and then we are going to have to do our work building the government to back up in a more efficient way. >> will: but the message from the american voter when they elected donald trump who stood on that stage who stood there with people like tulsi gabbard and elon musk is that they are not just ready for disruptor but disruptor is needed. disruption is what they voted for. i saw the headline today congressman we are looking at a possible credit downgrade in the united states. $2 trillion deficit, $36 trillion debt. i do not know how you get that through the process that has failed for decades if you do not embrace disruption. >> we are going to get disruption. it has been three weeks, four weeks, and we see what is going
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to happen. so great, we can go out there and yell as democrats or we can sit there and say we still need to do we still need to create a policy that is good for america, good for american workers. let's start talking about that what does that look like? it is not democratic or republican. that's great policy, foreign policy that reflects the 21st century. yes the world has changed and american voters have voted for america first. i get that i acknowledge that. if they blow through everything and let's do our work as democrats and republicans rebuilding something better that reflects 21st century. >> will: i want to be clear on something congressman i do not begrudge or your disagreements, i don't expect you to come onto this program and to agree with me. i don't expect you to go into congress and to agree with republicans. but i do think we have to acknowledge existing problems and embrace new solutions to those problems. i know you were not personally doing this necessarily but a lot of your colleagues are vilifying
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elon musk. here is what i would ask you and i'm not asking you to speak in their stead to. but outside of just the just the ridiculous ad hominem attacks what are they concerned about with elon musk? are they concerned that at $400 billion he will try to take more money from the federal government to? do they not think you might have an honest motive here. what is the real concern over elon musk? >> again, it is not what i am saying. >> will: i know. >> i'm not out there screaming doing anything. certainly i think there are some concerns about conflict of interest, elon musk is plenty of money so i'm not worried he is looking to make more money, looking to get advantages, i recommend everybody read the biography of elon musk it will give you a lot of insight how he looks at the world, i would look that the business world. so what he is doing is not unlike what he did at tesla, spacex, twitter, titan things down and say we have made mistakes year, let's put the stuff back.
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i'm just saying that is not how i would go about fixing government. but that is what is happening. so we have an obligation as democrats and republicans to come together and say here is some good programs we should not have gotten rid of it. let's put them back. more modern -- modern let's use technology to make government work better for the american people. there was a lot we can do. >> will: listen, congressman, thank you for coming on the program and having this you have done me a favor havoc an honest conversation back and forth. i will do you a favor offer you this one piece of free advice. if you acknowledge the federal government and congress has not been able to solve an intransigent problem may be consider a new process on the one being ushered in by elon musk. but you can take that home and you can sleep on it and that hotel bed i assume you -- is behind you and maybe we can reconvene some other time and maybe i can help you see the light. that is my hope. >> thank you. we will rebuild government. >> will: okay.
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thank you, congressman. breaking news in philadelphia to people reported shot during the ego super bowl parade to. both are in stable condition. the shooting happens along philadelphia ben franklin parkway. we do not know about a suspect or motive but we will monitor this breaking situation and bring you updates as we get them. fascinating conversation there with a congressman. in the end even when it is one at -- of good will it does seem to be a defense of started school. sometimes politics is simply oppositional. the other party is in power so we oppose. sometimes when you are opposing real change when you are standing for the status quo. up next as president trump pushes for peace between russia and ukraine he is saying nato membership for ukraine should not be part of negotiations. former ambassador to nato kurt fulcher agrees. what he thinks is the best path to peace annexed.
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>> we have a good conversation today. and really what we need to speak more and work more and to prepare the plan how to stop putin. we want piece very much but we need reel security guarantees. >> will: ukrainian president zelenskyy there in germany talking today with vp vance hopefully on the path to peace. one think the trump administration has been clear about the nato membership for ukraine should not be part of the negotiation. my next guest agrees. joining me now former ambassador to nato and former special envoy to ukraine occurred vulgar. that is a fascinating opinion i want to dive into. i won't make it my first
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question to you about ukraine joining nato. what i want to ask you about is your long-held position which is you do not think if i am characterizing this fairly, we appreciate vladimir's full ambitions in europe. is that correct? >> i think that is right. vladimir putin is on a quest to rebuild the russian empire, to deny identity to people like ukraine and estonians, lithuanians, thinking they are all people who belong to russia. and he seeks to weaken and destroy the west. that is his ambition. and he has not succeeded at this very well but he has made substantial attacks on ukraine and if allowed to succeed in ukraine i think he would move onto the next target and the next target. >> will: okay. without diving into a debate on that, accepting your premise that that is vladimir putin's long-term goals in europe on now curious than why you agree with
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president trump, also said by the secretary of defense pete hegseth and i believe by j.d. vance as well, ukraine joining nato not part of the pisa settlement. not part of negotiations. why do you believe that? why do you agree? >> exactly. because it is not russia's business. what countries do to arrange for their own security or what nato countries decide to do for their security is nothing we should be negotiating with russia. so the idea that this would somehow be part of a negotiation with russia that would be very misguided in my view. russia would only say no, russia would only say no, they would say of course we don't want that and would limit our freedom of action and would limit ukraine's freedom. >> will: there are others that see that as a concession to russia. they see us saying you need to membership before ukraine is not part of this. and i've had them on the program
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as recently as yesterday, that see that as a concession to russia. they also i'm sure wonder about this. this is president trump talking about inviting russia back in to the g7. watch. >> i would love to have them back i think it was a mistake to throw him out. it is not a question of liking russia for not liking russia. it was the g8 and i said what are you doing you guys are talking about russia. they should be sitting at the table. >> will: how do you feel about that, ambassador? to feel like that is a concession to russia. >> first off, let's close the door let's close the book on nato when we are talking about here. nothing in what president trump or pete hegseth or others have said takes the nato membership before ukraine off the table. they are saying it is not part of the negotiation with russia and that is what i agree with. we should not be talking with russia about that. that is something for ukraine and nato to decide on their own some other point in time. the other issue they are
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bringing up is the g8. whether the g7 should again at brengle russia back in into the family of the lake company and say you are one of us. i do not think that is the right step right now. i'm not sure it is ever going to be the right step as long as vladimir putin it is in power. i think what trump is doing is dangling the self there are some think he would be willing to entertain, in order to get putin to engage in negotiations. bringing them into the g7 to turn it into the g8 again would require the agreement of everybody else in the g7. and quite frankly with putin indicted on war crimes, responsible for directing, murder, torture, abduction of children, i just do not see the other countries doing that. so i think president trump is trying to show openness to putin but at the same time that particular one i do not think it is very realistic to say that. >> will: i am almost over time but i want to try to bring this together because i think there is something going on here. what i think is going on here, and i don't know where you are to be honest i can't quite tell
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what you are on this. i believe there is a contingent of foreign policy who want this, you see this only as a zero-sum game. there cannot be a win unless russia gains no ground and has no outcome out of this invasion of ukraine that can be seen as a win for putin. whether or not that his territory, g7, nato, if nothing. there seems to be another side that i think it's reflected in this government right now that i would say its probably a little bit more realistic which is that the only way you were going to accomplish peace despite acknowledging the state of play that exists today and that might require some concessions to russia. >> there was a third way that i would describe it. it is kind of my thinking. you can live with disagreements. you do not have to resolve disagreements with military force. so putin is trying to resolve his disagreement with the west by attacking ukraine. that is not going to work. we have to convince him that is not going to work. ukraine is the frantic itself and ukrainians leader
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president zelenskyy has already said i would like to live with not getting all the territory back momentarily we will pursue that back by other means. what president trump is saying stop the killings stop the carnage. he is not saying we will agree on everything. he is saying we have to stop the killing. >> will: all right ambassador thank you so much for being here for this discussion i appreciated. >> thank you. >> will: the u.s. army is back in action. ♪ ♪ army recruitment ad featuring a special forces train her dead lifting 500 pounds while the secretary of defense does another workout with troops overseas. america is back. that is next. ♪ like a relentless weed, moderate to severe ulcerative colitis symptoms can keep coming back.
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>> will: vice president j.d. vance delivering the powerful speech on the world stage today. it was truly remarkable. he revealed what he thinks is our greatest concern. >> of all of the pressing challenges challenges that the nations represented here face i believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration. it is a result of a series of conscious decisions made by politicians all over the continent, others across the world, over the span of a decade. we saw the horrors wrought by these decisions yesterday in this very city. and of course i can't bring it up again without thinking about the terrible victims who had a beautiful winter day in munich ruined. our thoughts and prayers are with them and will remain with them. but why did this happen in the first place it is a terrible story but it is one that we have
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heard way too many times in europe and unfortunately way too many times in the united states as well. and asylum-seekers, often a young man in his mid-20s, already known to police, ramps a car into a crowd and shatters a community. how many times must we suffer these appalling setbacks before we change course and take our shared civilization in a new direction. >> will: he is referring to yesterday's tragic event we are a terrorist ploughed a car into a crowd in munich injuring 28 people. authorities have identified the suspect as an afghan migrant already on their radar. joining us now is former u.s. army green beret scott brown. always great to see you. the vice president went on to talk about the problem of bringing in unfettered migration like this. i think at one point he pointed out it is one and five now in most european countries comes from somewhere outside the european countries.
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and obviously it does not just have a problem on your safety, but it has deep cultural changes. i mean radical changes to your culture. not just their but as pointed out here in the united states. >> for sure and i appreciate you having me on. when i'm probably most qualified i guess if i am at all to speak to is the security piece of this. it does affect the culture. of those large numbers that vp vance talked about, within that is a specific design by certain extremist leaders to establish a global caliphate of islam that has no intention of coexisting with anything from the west to. that is a major problem culturally but also a major problem from a national security perspective it. like for example ramming cars into crowds. we saw that in new orleans with the same kind of inspirational action. but even on a higher scale is the last four years of open border, unfettered access to this country, by what a lot of
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the global war on terror veterans believe are much more highly trained primitives that are already here and poised and could be as many as 1000. >> will: a thousand is your fear. a thousand of these guys. you were talking about something by the way just quickly on this, the modus operandi right now do seem to be ploughing cars into people. i mean it is not just what we saw in new orleans and germany we have seen it a couple times now in america and other cities. or you saying more trained, more sophisticated, even then what we are seeing, examples of here. >> and i have mentioned this to secretary of defense pete hegseth, mike waltz, others, these are global war of terror veterans who enter the phone when afghanistan was abandoned when 99% of our highest most affected intel assets were abandoned. we have been on the phone on them, we have been paying their safe houses for their visas, they are telling us what is coming. what is coming in my assessment and a lot of other global war on terror route -- terror and
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special investigation alumni is something that is going to make 9/11 look like a dress rehearsal. and will look much more like october 7 except in the homeland to. >> will: for those who wonder about scott at the bottom of your screen, he is a former green beret, he is part of a group you made those having watch this news channel, they helped found operation pineapple express that got americans and american allies out of afghanistan when our government so willfully failed to. he is an american hero. speaking of that how about this message of heroism? behind every strong president a strong military. watch this. ♪ ♪ >> strong people are harder to kill. >> will: that guy is special forces i don't know what kind of fighting weight you were in back when you were active but he is dead lifting 500 pounds. by the way, way different than
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what we saw in the past and the budget administration. >> operate your nations patriot missile defensive systems. ♪ ♪ it begins in california, with a little girl raised by two moms. >> will: what do you make of this different messaging, scott? >> definitely different messaging. and going back to the hero part absolutely no hero here but i certainly served with a lot of them and the special forces community does not have any shortage of them for sure. and one think i think secretary of defense pete hegseth understands and the new administration understands is that the military's job, specifically the army as well, is to fight and when our nation's war. and when influence and diplomacy fail, you have to break things and kill people. it is a very ugly business but is a business that you want war fighters doing. like the guy carrying the squat rack. those are the kinds of individuals you want in the
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game. whether that is a man or woman the key here is that there is a standard for executing combat operations. pete understands that. if you look on the look of the faces of the green beret in germany when he was doing pt with them, if you look at the recruiting numbers are higher in january than they have been in 15 years, it is a reflection. i think that is where it is heading. my only comments about this for the new administration i would consider stay in touch with these veterans because they have a lot to offer as we go forward to. >> will: okay a little bit of fact-check accountability for will cain on the way else. i was right. scott man is a hero no matter what he tries to tell you here on terror it -- television. and on his record and what he has done and that is a hero. what i was a raucous task force pineapple not pineapple express. movie starring seth rogen. you get some right to get some wrong win doing live television. always good to see you. thank you. >> thanks for having me on
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appreciated. >> will: that stricken now with the will of the people. kristin quote, probo, we enjoy your time permits, sir, smooth like butter. congrats will cain show. this person writes i did not realize it will could be smoke like that until hearing what he had said to the representative fair interview. a little much. sorry, matthew. i guess i'm being really sometimes i can be smug. my apologies to the congressman to. this user says i was a quote, not certain if i would like you then i saw your interview with representative fair runs it was awesome. thanks. sometimes he would sometimes you lose. going all then against dangerous cartels we will unpack the latest move by a police officer in mexico who has been fighting cartels for years. [sof] can a personal loan unlock your ambitions? oh yeah. consolidate bad debt and save money for your next goal. sofi personal loans. low, fixed rates. borrow up to $100k.
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>> will: trump administration talking tough but more importantly acting tough when it comes to mexican drug cartels. state department reportedly plans to designate more than half a dozen groups as foreign terrorist organizations. some of them you have heard about before. trendy a walker, ms-13, to sinaloa cartel to name a few. my next guest has worked in the
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counter narcotics field for years specializing in mexican criminal culture and fighting cartels. former state police officer in mexico joins me now. great to see you here today. let's talk about this list of cartels being designated as a foreign terrorist to. first of all, when you see the list, is there anything that sticks out to you. we have the big names, the big new riser i think it's a leasco new generation. that is a huge one. are these all of the major cartels doing business and bringing humans and drugs into the united states. >> they are. they are the big names. but we have to realize over the years a lot of these have been fracturing. we're seeing now for example with the sinaloa cartel a complete dismantling. and smaller groups basically taking their place and working independently. but the list is pretty solid as far as who has been kind of directly responsible for not only violence on the side of the
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border, but also some of the drugs and people that are being put into the united states. >> will: actually i would love to illustrate that. just as a quick if you do not know who know who the sinaloa cartel is it was the vote -- one led by chappell guzman so it has been historically at least for a couple decades the biggest cartel in mexico. i want to put this map up this is what it looks like. it may have changed, to your point, some of fracturing going on, this is the "game of thrones" map of mexican drug cartels in the country of mexico. and what different areas are controlled by different -- which different cartel. if i could i would love to move that over now and show you which cities in the united states are controlled by those various cartels. it is hard to see there i will leave it up for a minute on your television screen as you can see but i don't have a big enough that i can see but chicago i think historically is a sinaloa cartel a city. so what i am getting at is these big cartels designated as
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terrorist organizations controlling mexico like eve of thrones and owning cities in the united states. how does this give united states government new power to address that a? >> i would just like to correct one thing. chappell guzman was probably number 3 on the list but a mile somebody who is currently in federal custody in the united states who was arrested under various serious circumstances he is the manner. he is the man who originated this cartel since probably 30 years ago now. and his influence. >> will: is the point that he was sort of a figure of head then? >> he was one of the figureheads. one of the members of the federation give the basically formed the sinaloa cartel. but now the u.s. has a mile somebody who is basically a walking encyclopedia of all things cartel and corruption related in mexico. who has ties and influence all over the united states from los angeles to chicago and it is very apparent and clear to anybody that has been around for
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a long time how big of an influence this cartel and several others have throughout the country. by controlling routes into the country for illegal immigrants. and taxing them. and also controlling people smuggling and drug smuggling across the country at different points where they control and tough power. >> will: i want to get to this foreign terrorist organization designation at a moment. but in your experience on the american side of the border, how big is the influence of the cartels of? meaning is there power corruptie in the united states? into law enforcement and to public office? >> yes. border patrol and custom border protection are one of the federal organizations that has more corruption related to these organizations. so it is definitely has a history of corrupting agencies in the united states. we also have recently seen the arrest of the son-in-law of the
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head of the new generation cartel in riverside, california, out of all places after faking his death. living comfortably. this problem and to these organizations have been a four years of paying way into the system. they change their form. they are not going to be people running around in pickup trucks with ak-47s but they change their form and their modus operandi when they go into the united states. they have been having kids for years on this side. they are very much melted into the country at different points of this country. >> will: you focused on border patrol. you think these politicians fought off and corrupted by the cartels? >> i mean there is funny -- money. they are making a pretty good effort on the mexican side so i don't see how that money has not ended up in the hands of some political entities in the united states. i have a very big suspicion that they have people in their pocket
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already. the way they operate is through money and they have different shields and different ways of cloaking that money through different organizations. i mean these are multinational criminal entities that own tequila companies, media companies, popular artists, these guys are everywhere. >> will: then the only question is who. i don't know if you are print out -- prepared to answer that but who has been bought off by the cartels of? >> who ever blocked any sort of issues related to fighting against them should be under investigation. the problem is clear. the issues are clear to anybody that has lived through this like myself and like members of my family who are still in it. these organizations are ruthless. and they have been basically propped up on both sides of the border by one, a consumer base, and the political facet that has to be protecting some of these organizations for years on both
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sides of the border. and also they are ultraviolent. they meet every single point of definition of a terrorist organization you can have. >> will: do you think that is a valuable tool. this is my last question because we will have to go with donald trump has designated them a foreign terrorist organization. that does give us the capability to use military power outside he was borders to address that. is that something that would really concerned the cartel a? is this a scary moment for them at all? a. >> thank whatever that designation, whatever that is bringing to the fight i think part of the issue is the government itself and the military. we have already seen some of them already on the border as part of this agreement to stave off the tariffs. but they are basically they are as tourists are. they are not doing anything they are looking for drug tunnels with pickaxes and tunnels just for the cameras. people should look into mexico action and what people are doing
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to fight this problem. the issue is political and militarily and corruption at all levels. we should look at who are friends are. >> will: it sounds like not just down there but over here as well. fascinating conversation and really appreciate your insight. >> thank you. >> will: all right. president trump is the troll in chief. look at this new photo which reveals president trump's buckshot handshake on a wall just outside the oval office. every time somebody goes in or out that is what they will see. ready set start your engines. the daytona 500 is on fox this sunday and one of the betting odds favor at the favorite to win it all kyle busch joins us next. start to break away from uc with tremfya... with rapid relief at 4 weeks. tremfya blocks a key source of inflammation.
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>> will: welcome back to "the will cain show." the daytona 500 is sunday on fox. i know the race pretty well. i have hosted from there several times for "fox & friends." one of the best moments right here writing in the car of legendary nascar driver richard petty. this year president trump will be there. it is not his first time. you might remember when he took the beast around the track in 2020. joining me now is somebody who will probably be driving a little bit faster than that on the track, the betting favorite to win this year's daytona 500, nascar driver kyle busch. what is up, kyle? >> i am doing well. how about yourself, will? >> will: let's talk about your track and then the stands. i don't mean to come out hard, a year and a half dry run here, dry spell on getting a win, but you are one of the best. you are one of the best to ever do it. but the daytona 500 has been elusive. it is your 20th time. who won on their 20th time? dale earnhardt.
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you were the favorite. this is what it all ends, right, this weekend at daytona? >> that would certainly be nice. 20 years of trying and all the frustrations and everything else in the years that have happened to this point, i finished second, third, fourth, just about every single position there is except number one, but yeah, this sunday at 1:30 hour daytona 500 happens on fox so we are excited about that and excited about kicking off this season. >> will: i'm excited for you, i hope you break that peered the president will be in the stands. like we said, not the first time you've had the president in the stands but what does it mean? donald trump their routing you guys on? >> i think it is awesome. anytime we are able to have high-profile individuals, whether it be celebrities or the president of the united states come to one of all races, i think it kind of shines a brighter light on our sport and gives an opportunity for more eyeballs. the daytona 500 is our super bowl of the season so it gives us an opportunity to go
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out there and showcase our sport right out of the gate with the first race of the year. the president being there, i don't know that it is any added pressure by any means but certainly we would be pretty special to win it in general. >> will: the super bowl of nascar this sunday, and i think everybody can get together routing for kyle to finally grab that trophy. i know i will be. not picking favorites just ready for you to take it, kyle. >> you can pick me. that's all right. it will be a good one. >> will: i would have to explain to a few other guys but we are beginning to be friends. i will be rooting for you this weekend. >> that a boy. i appreciate that. looking forward to it. it is going to be a great race, plenty of guys have an opportunity to win, going to be a barn burner and a hard-fought fight all the way to the end so everybody should tune on in. >> will: we will be watching. take care, kyle. >> thank you. >> will: as we wrap up the fourth week of "the will cain show" let's take
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a look at some of the highlights and the little lights. >> the way the justice system works as you have federal district court judges that appeal to the appellate court level, nine of those across the country. reformed republican says there are 13 federal circuit courts, not nine. i always think i got that wrong because the ninth, california, is the furthest west one so i am just reading it east to west but there are 13 appellate courts. >> peter navarro saying tariffs are bad but if they are going to have them then we need to have them, too. trump says tariffs are great, we love tariffs but because he is willing to embrace it. >> five former secretaries of treasury wrote in "the new york times" that no elected politician or their appointees has had access to the federal books since 1946. did you see that? >> no, i didn't. >> even for me --
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>> that is stunning. >> that is shocking. >> it is 4:00 on the east coast and at the white house president trump keeps taking off his to-do list. right now in the oval office with elon musk signing executive orders. we're going to bring that to you. >> it is 4:00 on the east coast and as we come to learn that means president trump is doing something. right now he is signing executive orders. let's listen in. >> the president seems to want to take your schlott, he is, he is taking my slot on the fox news channel. >> he is part of the group, you may know having watched this news channel, operation panel express pineapple express peered task force pineapple, not pineapple express. you get some right, you get some wrong when you do live television. >> will: thanks for joining us, where we get to the heart of the matter from the heart of america. i'll see you next week. now we you "the five." ♪ ♪
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