tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News February 19, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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is that still something? i thought that in a man bond were out. >> apparently in some sectors they are still in but here's the kicker. the library is back open. it was closed for one day because you would never note jfk sentiment to the moon, forget the published books about the kennedys but it turns out five employees were laid off in the library was operational today. [simultaneous talking] >> laura: all the waste, fraud and abuse, little hiccups along the way but a lot of waste. as always, thank you. everyone, make sure to follow me on social media. i do have a hilarious post that we just put up and yes, it involves zoe. the dog will not let me work. speaking of d.o.g.e., this is a dog problem. jesse watters has a great lineup tonight and he takes it all from here. stay tuned. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime".
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tonight... >> i'm a technologist and i try to make technologies that improve the world. one of the biggest functions of the d.o.g.e. team is making sure that the presidential executive orders are carried out. >> jesse: trump's tech support rewires washington. >> yes, please, me harder. >> donald trump and the republicans have remade the electorate. they've turned some people. he's copying frank sinatra, doing it my way. >> jesse: what are democrats going to do? >> what a my supposed to do, storm the capitol? [laughs] >> if you cry fascism at every administrative overreach, you will find yourself out of breath. >> jesse: the left-wing little boy who cried wolf. >> when it comes to politics, he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. >> it feels so good. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: when something is broken who do you call? >> tech support because i'm here to provide the president with technology support. that may seem like well is that a silly thing but actually it's a very important thing because the president will make these executive orders which are very sensible and good for the country but then they don't get implemented. what we are doing here, one of the biggest functions of the d.o.g.e. team is making sure that the presidential executive orders are carried out. >> jesse: washington has been broken for decades in washington is fighting to stay that way. when things don't work, you can't find the money. the government is living in the dark ages. they have rotary phones, microfiche, retirement caves and computer software from the 60s. and 80-year-old poilievre -- 80-year-old politicians who don't know how to use a computer and they don't care because they
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use their iphones to call, text and see what their high school classmates are doing on facebook. it's time to show a little humility and ask for a little help from the younger generation. >> he's got some very brilliant young people working for him that dress much worse than him actually, they dress and just t-shirts. you would know -- not know that. >> he's your tech support. >> he's much more than that. >> i am tech support though. >> he's a leader, he gets it done. i know every business man, the good ones, the smart ones, the lucky ones. he's a brilliant guy, a great guy, tremendous imagination and scientific imagination. he really cares for the country and i saw that early on. really a long time ago when i got to know him. he's a very different kind of character. >> jesse: elon is trying to run boomer the government. like going to your grandparents house, throwing out their vcr and their stacks of tapes. just downloading netflix for
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them. here grandpa, you just hit this button and press select. by the way give me your phone because you don't use all of those apps and please stop sending your social security number 2 nigerians. d.c. insiders say "this is not the same government it was a month ago." two billionaires with an army of ways kids using ai to finally shine a spotlight on where our money has been going. the government has been balancing the checkbook along hand in a black ledger that no one is allowed to see. we can't have the golden age without living in the modern age. >> they sign a contract and a government agency and it has three months and the guy leaves that signed the contract and nobody else is there and they pay the contract for ten years. so the guy is getting checks for years and years and years and he's telling his family obviously maybe it was crooked, may be paid to get the contractor may be paid, but we have contracts that go forever and they've been going for years
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and they are supposed to end and three months or five months or two years or something and they go forever. so the guy is either crooked where he knew this was going to happen, or he's crooked because he's getting payments and he knows he should not. but they are finding things like that, finding things far worse than that. >> jesse: d.o.g.e. found 26 million-dollar contract to help guatemala go green. guatemala is already green. half the country is rain forest. there's not a lot of chevy suburbans down there. do you know how people get around? they walk. nothing greener than walking. another contract, 73 million to decarbonizing africa. africa hasn't even been carbonized. how do you decarbonizing something that has never been carbonized? we can't even built electric car charging stations here. we are going to build them in africa? 83 million to help nigeria transition to low carbon
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electricity. windmills in nigeria. awesome. three and a half million for dei scholarships in burma. isn't everyone in burma dei? you know what diversity is in burma? white. did we give white scholarships in burma? maybe they were really good at squash. d.o.g.e. has a big old magnifying glass and is finding out everything. when you boil it down it's just a math problem. if the numbers don't add up, it's out. >> are you definitively getting rid of the penny? >> i have to say, president trump wants to make the penny extinct and that's part of the cost savings. it costs about three sent to make one sent. even washington, that math does not work. >> jesse: it cost 3 cents to make one sent and we've been minting pennies for decades. no one else thought it was stupid until trump.
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was the penny lobby too powerful? big copper got the senate drunk and took them pheasant hunting? d.o.g.e. found four and a half million active credit cards in the hands of government bureaucrats and last year they racked up $40 billion in charges. they probably just paid the monthly minimums too and got wrecked by interest. the government has twice as many credit cards as federal employees. so d.o.g.e. is cutting up the credit cards and democrats are calling that fort sumter. >> i'm very reluctant to engage in too much hyperbole here but i think this is increasingly becoming the most serious moment since the civil war. i just think it's a miracle that we blasted as long as we have. >> jesse: big balls looking at your balance sheet isn't gettysburg. are democrats going to secede from the union again? we already have rebels yelling.
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>> more funding not less! [chanting] >> hey hey rfk, we remember jfk! >> fascism is a virus too and the people who are out here fighting and subfreezing temperatures, they are the antibodies. we are the antibodies. my friends, a rally a day keeps the fascists away. >> jesse: i thought democrats did not believe in antibodies. had to get the shot anyway even if you just had corona. if having a balanced budget is fascists that makes bill clinton mussolini. schumer says he's never seen democrats so aroused and i believe him. >> elon, if you are watching, come through because you haven't shown up to the d.o.g.e.
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subcommittee yet. >> now trump has two daddies, putin and elon musk. >> i can remember back in the day, obamacare, republicans were saying do you want barack obama and george soros to have access your medical records? it led to republicans losing in their minds over and over and over again. and now it's like yes please daddy. >> jesse: d.o.g.e. is dishing out like daddy day care. the pentagon order to slash a percent of their budget. should not be that hard, they lost 6 billion in ukraine so when the war ends we can go find it. i'm sure it will all still be there. 6000 irs agents are getting d.o.g.e. thursday, uniting republicans and democrats. don jr. high five hunter and then washed his hands. but bureaucrats are lawyering up. >> i think it is important for american people to understand what's happening. their government, their watchdog
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agencies, the people who go to work every day to fight for them are being fired. illegally. in what is just a wholesale dismantling of entire agencies. >> so what can you do now, can you do anything, are you going to do anything? >> of course. my colleagues and i are fighting back. our union is in court. they brought a couple of cases that i think will see action in the next few weeks. all i can say is that elon musk and the president picked the wrong bunch of lawyers to mess with. >> jesse: that sounded like a threat. nothing scarier then a white lady with a lawyer. did you know biden went to court and argued he had the right to fire everybody he wanted to in the federal government? trump is firing folks using president from biden. trump does not just walk into a shop and pay full price, he had goals. all he's doing is bargain-hunting. the bargain is not for him, it's for you. >> in order to save taxpayer money, it comes down to two
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things. competence and caring. when the president was shown the outrageous built for the new air force one and negotiated it down, if the president had not applied competence and caring, the price would have been 50% higher. literally 50% higher. the president cared, the president was competent, the price was not 50% higher as a result. when you add more competence and caring, you get a better deal for the american people. >> jesse: democrats claim they are compassionate. what's compassionate about debt, about kickbacks? we gave congress the power of the purse and they are getting robbed blind. no one has ever called the comps. it's because it's not their money, it's yours. they don't care about your money, but we do. >> you people still don't get it. you don't get it. i voted for donald trump. black trump supporters voted for
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donald trump to do what he's doing. did you expect donald trump to do this? not all this. it feels so good! [laughs] >> that's how i feel. do you like elon musk? why yes, yes, i do. i'm watching democrats tell me -- republicans like small government. that did not work so we need elon. that's why we've got elon. to help shrink it. >> what democrats don't get is d.o.g.e. is democracy. it's what we voted for. but it gets even better. get ready for some d.o.g.e. dividends. >> there's even under consideration a new concept were be give 20% of the d.o.g.e. savings to american citizens and 20% goes to paying down debt because the numbers are
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incredible. hundreds of billions. thinking about giving 20% back to the american citizens and 20% down to pay back debt. >> jesse: commerce secretary howard lutnick is here now. first of all congratulations on your confirmation, secretary. >> thank you. all republicans, the democrats did not show up for me at all. i guess they are afraid of good government. just afraid of good government. >> jesse: so you are in there just barely 24 hours. what are you seeing with this d.o.g.e. fraud they are discovering? could you imagine it was this bad? >> when i set up d.o.g.e. with elon back in october, elon musk and i, i flew down to taxes, got elon musk to do it, and here was our agreement, that elon was going to cut $1 trillion of waste, fraud and abuse. think about it, we have almost
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$4 trillion of entitlements and no one has looked at it before. you know social security is wrong, you know medicaid and medicare are wrong so he's going to cut 1 trillion and then we get rid of all these tax scams that hammer against america and we are going to raise $1 trillion of revenue in our objective under donald trump is to balance the budget and i'm telling you, you watch, we are going to do it. >> jesse: if you get savings from these d.o.g.e. cuts, are you going to give any of this back to the american people? we keep hearing about these d.o.g.e. dividends. >> well think about it. donald trump announced the external revenue service, and his goal is simple, to abolish periods goal is to abolish the internal revenue service and let all the outsiders pay. this is someone who is focused on america. let's drive down our waste, fraud and abuse. crews ships. you ever see a cruise ship with an american flag on the back? they have flags of like liberia or panama.
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none of them pay taxes. none of them pay taxes. every supertanker, none pays taxes. alcohol, all for an alcohol, no taxes. this is going to end under donald trump and those taxes are going to be paid net americans tax rates are going to come down. that's what donald trump wants to do. balance our budget and cut our taxes. imagine a democratic senator going against that. what planet are these people on? >> jesse: you are saying french wine that i guzzle once in a while after a hard week, you are saying we don't throw tariffs on that but they tariff kentucky bourbon? >> so what happens is, the french wine comes in and the importer in america charges a high price. then we don't make any taxes in america on the topic. inc. about all of the spirits, the wine, the alcohol doesn't
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pay tax in america. it's all basically a tax scam and we are on it and we are going to fix it for the american people. we are going to drive down our deficits and that will mean interest rates will come hammering down, the cost of mortgages come hammering down. the president issued an order to build a pipeline on the east coast of new york called the constitutional pipeline. the constitutional pipeline will half the price of natural gas on the east coast. imagine the democrats turned it down and donald trump, half the price for the whole east coast and who's standing in the way? government oh goal from the great state of new york. she would rather protect i don't know some told froggett than have everybody on the east coast of america pay half for natural gas. >> jesse: secretary, i've never seen anyone so excited about saving money. you must love getting your hands
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dirty and just cutting taxes, regulation, and getting the trade balance rebalanced for the american people. what motivates you? >> look, if you love america and you actually can understand the power of america, then you know the way we are being treated, it's like we are the fastest person on earth and what the senators in the democrats want to do is take your right hand and hold your right ankle and try to run. we have the greatest oil, we've got everything, the greatest economy. people don't understand. we are a consumer-based economy. we buy stuff. american spy stuff. the chinese produce stuff. the chinese can't live without selling us stuff. we've got the power. we have to use tariffs, we have to use the external revenue service to take care of america and cut the scams and the abuse, the waste, and let's make america great.
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great. not great like 20 years ago. we mean great as in no deficit and basically try to eliminate the internal revenue service and cut taxes, try to get them down. because we are great and we collect the money. it's so exciting because think of how great america will be under donald trump and what we are trying to do. i can't imagine a senator -- in by the way the senators called me and said i don't like what elon musk is doing. i'm like what in the world could you possibly not like? you've been in the senate for 20 years and this guy is going to cut 1 trillion. you brother richest guy in the world seeking to cut $1 trillion. i'm in love with elon because he's going to cut 1 trillion and i'm telling you the rest of this administration is going to raise 1 trillion. that's our goal. balance the budget in the united states by the end of donald trump's term. i am so pumped up for it because we are going to make america the
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greatest country on earth by a country mile. >> jesse: all right. secretary, you have hit the ground running. on fired up just listening to you. i can't wait. i want to go by things and invest. secretary, thank you so much, we appreciate your joining us and again congratulations on getting confirmed. >> thank you. >> jesse: democrats are now cursing each other out. and lara trump has a big announcement. ♪ ♪ narrator: ontario, canada. stable and secure when the world around us isn't. you can rely on us for energy to power your growing economy and for critical minerals crucial to new technologies. we're here, right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario]
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we are on a mission to visit every national park in the states. we've done a lot, but we have a lot to do. when i was diagnosed with skin cancer, i was told that mohs surgery was the only answer. i just didn't want to go through all that. i came home and i did my own research. that's when i found gentlecure.
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if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer. it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice, gentlecure. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring, and no downtime. throughout the course of the treatments, i was able to live my life and the cancer was gone. to learn more, call today or go to ♪ ♪ >> jesse: numbers don't lie. trump is turning america read. >> donald trump in the republican party has changed the electorate. what do i mean by that? let's take a look at party identification.
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democrats versus republicans. back to 2017, five points more of the electorate was democrat the republican. 2021 when joe biden was starting out, six points more of the electorate was democrats and republican. look at what's happened in february of 2025. republicans, there are more republicans in the electorate than there are democrats. >> jesse: trump transition to the democrat voters. they should be okay with that. so what does the left have to say? >> talking about the gulf of america and putting hotels -- in canada. he wants to hide the fact that their main goal is giving their billionaire buddies a tax break. >> jesse: schumer got mocked for looking like mr. burns from the simpsons with a forced him to take a class on how to post videos and now we have tiktok chuck. even michael cole windows the talking points aren't working. >> this is not a joke. nobody should take it as just some sort of let's own the libs.
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he already owns the libs. let's be clear about something. while democrats and libs and whoever else that they want to say are out there and they are trying to on a regular basis denigrate trump, they make all of the statements about him, let me be very clear. that is not the way to beat donald trump. >> i'm very big on it and i know it's annoying but specificity. i think if you cry fascism at every administrative overreach, even the ones that are constitutionally okay, you will find yourself out of fascism bullets. >> jesse: the lefts lost in the wilderness and they are looking for a new leader. how about this guy?
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>> that's why stephen a. smith is in the news. because you don't have anybody. i'm not in the news because i'm here, i'm in the news because the democratic party is here! down at the bottom, they sok right now! horrible. they don't have a voice. where is the voice? they don't have anybody. that's why stephen a. smith is a candidate. >> jesse: but democrats don't like that idea. carrville is telling stephen to stick to sports. >> when it comes to politics, he don't know his ass from a hole in the ground. running his mouth about how he may have to run as a democrat because there's nothing left of the democratic party. [bleep]. before you start running your [bleep] mouth off about politics, a topic of which you really don't know anything about, you ought to sit back and
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think about it and call some people and run it by them. stephen a, keep up your [bleep] on sports. i enjoy it and like it but don't make a full of yourself anymore talking about politics. >> jesse: democrats fighting amongst themselves, it's a thing of beauty and i'm here for it. if they were smart they would take a chill pill like fetterman who has chosen to "not get engaged" or claim extreme things of fascism and that democracy is hanging on by a thread. i'm going to pick my fights, he says. meanwhile george clooney came out of hiding. the public face of the democrat coup just hit the late-night circuit to tell trump good game. >> i've lost a lot of elections. the first time i voted it was 1980 so i was a carter guy and reagan won. i lost to some bushes and won with clinton's and obama's. this is democracy, this is our works.
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>> i forgot who you are supporting. >> what a my supposed to do? storm the [bleep] capital? [laughs] it didn't work out, that's what happens. [cheering and applause] >> jesse: clooney is wishing trump good luck too. watch. >> go. i hope you do well because our country needs it. and then we will meet you in three and a half years and see where we go next. that's part of the thing. >> jesse: speaking of future elections, arizona democrats don't want to fix theirs. a governor shot down the bill that would secure and speed up there elections, which is probably the slowest in the country. the bill would have modeled the states election system after florida, the crown jewel of election management. but they said no, blamed voter suppression. funny how the party that screams about the death of democracy won't fix our democratic process. the host of fox's newest show my
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view, lara trump joins us now. first congratulations, we will get to that in a second. can you believe carrville told stephen a. smith stop talking about politics. if you have something to say, run it by me, you fool. >> if they weren't so hell-bent on destroying america i would feel sorry for the democrats. they are in such a hole. they have no idea who they are, nobody who is a star of their party, even a rising star, someone they can look to to lead them. they are very lost and they did it to themselves. so i can kind of believe james carville saying that. the thing is, they have cried wealth so many times when it comes to donald trump and the american people have gotten smart to it. think about the russia collusion hoax, them trying to get hysterical over the ukraine phone call. they lied recently and said that donald trump would ban mac ivf and they went so far this election is to say that americans and interracial couples, donald trump would put them in internment camps. it's outrageous. the american people have seen through the nonsense, they want
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someone who's working for them. that's why donald trump won, that's why republicans won. and until the democrats figure out there better off talking about ways to fix our country and help people and not convincing the american people that men can have babies and breastfeed, i think they may want to take a note from the republicans. >> jesse: pretend you are a democrat just for fun and we will let you go back to a republican in a second. what would you do, would you play possum, would you work with donald trump, would you just drink heavily? [laughs] >> jesse: any advice? >> i would certainly keep shaving which i know some of them don't. i digress. i think they would be better off and better served to embrace some of the positive change because it is helping the american people. if you are fighting against transparency and saving billions of our taxpayer dollars, i'm sorry but you are losing the fight with the american people. embrace it, work alongside president trump, a great things done and you can take your own
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victory lap. i know they don't know what that feels like. >> jesse: they are pro-fraud. did you think the democrats would ever be pro-fraud? >> apparently so. i was the cochair of the rnc and i had to work hard alongside to ensure transparency and no funny business in our elections so maybe i know a little about that. >> jesse: thank you for that. tell us about this new show. what time is it on? >> 9:00 p.m. saturday nights and i think it's different than anything we have on fox news right now. it's a longer format interview, you will get to know the people behind the names that we see in the headlines every day and on television every day, the people making the big changes in our country. a lot of them will be part of the administration. i happened to be a family member with one of them who has assured me he will come on the show. but across-the-board i want to give the viewers and insight into the personal side of a lot of these people in the agencies and what's going on inside. >> jesse: we will hear about your deepest, darkest secrets? >> we will spill everything.
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>> jesse: lara trump, thank you and congratulations. lie detectors are coming to d.c. right back. ♪ ♪ there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: if our enemies weren't already on their toes, now they are. the air force launched a hypersonic nuclear missile off the coast of california. it was just a test designed to demonstrate the readiness and lethality of our military. the country has been secured in every direction. the border closed a nice mac working overtime. the coast guard just busted a boat full of 20 chinese and mexican illegals in the pacific. >> the first person inside is going to be the master. the first person at the helm. >> jesse: migrant criminals are getting shackled and shipped out. liberals don't like seeing
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cuffs, i know, but they are necessary. the post reports a commercial passenger plane left lachlan airbase with a group of male haitians. once they realize they weren't going somewhere in the united states but back to haiti, all hell broke loose. the men ripped every window sunshade from their moorings, bent most overhead luggage compartment doors off their hinges, they tore seat cushions off frames and then ripped out there stopping. they destroyed anything destroy able as pilots cowered at the controls behind locked cabin doors. democrats want these guys to walk free. new york prosecutors just let out two venezuelan gang bangers who were posted with drugs and guns. they just got a slap on the wrist and are now back on the streets. pulling off the largest deportation operation in america is hard enough. we don't need sanctuary cities getting in the way. or leakers. kristi noem is strapping
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bureaucrats to polygraphs to make sure they are not leaking sensitive information about i.c.e. raids. while she plugs the leaks, trump is cutting off the cash flow. the president is expected to sign an executive order tonight that terminates all federal taxpayer benefits to illegals. every federal agency will have to identify and kill programs that financially help illegals. they will have to ensure not a single federal penny, even though we are not using them anymore, supports century policies. taking care of biden's migrants alone is going to cost us half a trillion. that's over now. will cain is the host of the will cain show. could you imagine piloting an aircraft and you have like 50 haitians ripping seat cushions apart and throwing things at the locked cabin? >> i'm really glad that that plane managed to maintain it's
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airspace and did not come crashing down as gets torn apart from within. i don't know if you have a better illustration, if you could come up with a better illustration of entitlement. there are so many different problems with the fact we are spending money on illegal immigrants but one of the problems is that sense of entitlement that is bred. they've come to expect that if you come to america others wonderful incentives and you should get those incentives, you should be able to stay here, live on the taxpayer dollar. have free services. and if not on her way back to haiti we will tear the whole thing down. >> jesse: do you believe that kristi noem is using polygraph on her staff? that's probably never happened before in the government but we should have been doing this years ago. we could've cracked so many cases wide-open, we would have never had any more leakers. [laughs] >> i have to admit, jesse, i do have to admit that i do not like the image of the government strapping people to polygraphs,
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there's something -- >> jesse: but kristi noem of all people. >> however, however, you've got leakers within the federal government doing what they should not do, disrupting raids and helping out criminals. strap on to a polygraph and find out who's helping the criminals. >> jesse: these are dangerous raids and if you are getting tipped off and then josé is there with a 12 gage, it's not going to go well. they have fox news correspondence embedded. it puts everyone's lives at risk. not that fox news correspondence lives are more important, but you know how much i cherish my colleagues here. where do you think this thing goes? these deportations, they are moving, but we are getting resistance with the sanctuary cities. he just took all the cash away. what comes next? >> i feel like the resistance is somewhat impotent. i feel like they are pursuing this vigourously and
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successfully and where it goes i hope is only more success. here's the point on trump's newest executive order, taking away the ability of federal dollars to go to illegal immigrants. when you or i use the word federal dollars i think that masks what we are talking about. remember, we pay taxes. everyone watching pays taxes. taxes are not voluntary, they are taken from you at the force of violence. if you don't pay your taxes and you question whether or not there's going to be violence on that action, ask somebody who's been convicted of tax evasion. >> jesse: unless you are hunter biden. what you are right, these are our dollars. it's such a great point. if i'm a venezuelan migrant and i have a hotel room in the city and they are giving me culturally appropriate lunches and all of a sudden that room and board dries up, i'm self deporting. i'm not going to stick around and sleep on the streets. it's like 6 degrees. you would not know, you are in texas.
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>> it's 20 something in texas. i think it's the same on the barometric, you know, subjective feeling list, it's really cold in texas. on the taxpaying point, can we be clearer than, that's our money that is being sent to someone who is in this country illegally. stop. stop. as for driving up what you just said in the self deportation, we have to understand the power of incentives. all the money being given to illegal immigrants is incentive to continue the process of illegal immigration. i agree, try it up by drying up the incentive. >> jesse: fox is going to start putting people on polygraphs here and you are next. we will be in texas tomorrow. >> i will err it on the will cain show. >> jesse: 4:00 eastern everybody. check it out. >> what you think of jesse watters, first question on the polygraph. >> jesse: we don't have to strap you do anything to know the answer to that, you love me. [laughs] >> jesse: see you later. monica lewinsky comes clean. monica lewinsky comes clean. ♪ ♪
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can help us to keep our enamel for a lifetime. it's backed by science it is clinically proven to strengthen our teeth. i would recommend this toothpaste to everybody. it's really an amazing product. (♪) narrator: ontario, canada, your third-largest trading partner and number one export destination for 17 states. our economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. we're here, right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario]
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>> jesse: watters cooler. let's bring american values pack spokeswoman. kaitlyn zipay claire. la mayor karen bass finally, finally launching an investigation into herself. it's over why she upended her city ahead of the devastating wildfires. watch. >> that type of preparation did not happen. >> what do you mean there are warnings you were not aware of? we were talking about it on the news, we were talking about the problems, warning this would be huge. >> it did not reach that level to me to say something terrible could happen and maybe you should not have gone on the trip. >> why didn't it? >> i think that's one of the things we need to look at. >> jesse: it's like o.j. searching for the real killer. >> it's good to know we are investigating ourselves now. i would formally like to open an inquiry into some of the men i was allowed to date in my 20s. who thought the aspiring actor with no job and said let's make this happen.
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i want names. but seriously is anyone surprised? this is kind of in my opinion the cornerstone to the democrat philosophy. blame everybody else, take no accountability, and that's why they continue to blame orange man. that's what we have democrats blaming racism for why some of their blue cities have a soaring crime rate. of course not their own failing policies. accountability is not in their wheelhouse so i guess investigating yourself is just. >> jesse: i think the investigation will say its trump's fault. >> would not be surprised. >> jesse: next up, monica lewinsky is back with a podcast. in the first episode she addresses the elephant or i should say the donkey in the room. >> very unfortunately i fell in love with my boss who was married and also the most powerful man in the world. i think what followed was an
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inappropriate relationship that lasted for two years. there were real emotions involved but i think i believed to that there was a future. i think i believed that i mattered a lot more than i did. >> jesse: she thought she was going to be first lady. >> that's so unfortunate. i fell in love with my boss. so meghan markle last month announced her new show and you think it could not possibly get more out of touch and worse than this, and then someone even more irrelevant and boring announces their new podcast. but this kind of address is this larger problem which is the lack of female role models for the young generations right now. think about it, we are looking at people like cardi b twerking, kamala harris, you know, kamala did not earn it here as i should say. and now monica lewinsky? >> jesse: i'm impressed bill clinton had such game that he letter on so well that she
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thought that she was going to be the first lady. got to give it to him, he still got it. in the past month we've seen a lot of plane crashes. blaming it on d.o.g.e. but the ceo of delta said not so fast. >> you know, the trump administration recently fired many employees of the faa administration. do those cuts worry you and do you think that impacts safety? >> the cuts do not affect us. i've been in close communication with the secretary of transportation. the reality is there's over 50,000 people that work at the faa and the cuts i understand were 300 people. they were in noncritical positions. >> jesse: that hurts. >> blaming president trump for the plane crash. the plane crash actually, this airline had a role -- rule of no men. they wanted to hire as many females as possible. talk about dei. personally if i walk onto an airplane and i just see an all female crowd, i'm running out. i want and old grumpy man lying
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my plane. >> jesse: are you saying women crash the plane in toronto? >> i mean it hasn't been denied. >> jesse: we will have to look into that. thank you so much. only flies with men. more "primetime" straight ahead. [laughs] ♪ ♪ hey we're going big tonight let's go safety whoa! should i call mom? no, no don't tell your mother anything
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>> we were supposed to have director tulsi gabbard on the show today but something came up last second. kind of a big deal, more important than coming on my show but we hope to have her tomorrow. let's do some texts. joe from chicago, it got me fired up. i'm already guzzling wine and buying things on amazon. dave from burnsville, minnesota,, can he be the new stephen miller? i'm interested. not in a way but i'm interested.
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real men don't drink french wine. yes, they do trust me. what kind of men do you think, never mind. seriously windmills in nigeria? let me guess the prince requested that grant. jeff and lacey from michigan, i can't wait to see the haters burn their dividend checks in the streets. you can always send the check back to the treasury if you don't want it. victor from california, if you had got failed strapped to a polygraph, what's the first question you would ask? didn't need to. he has no filter, he tells me everything. it's actually annoying. he never shuts up.
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