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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 19, 2025 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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real men don't drink french wine. yes, they do trust me. what kind of men do you think, never mind. seriously windmills in nigeria? let me guess the prince requested that grant. jeff and lacey from michigan, i can't wait to see the haters burn their dividend checks in the streets. you can always send the check back to the treasury if you don't want it. victor from california, if you had got failed strapped to a polygraph, what's the first question you would ask? didn't need to. he has no filter, he tells me everything. it's actually annoying. he never shuts up.
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>> sean: welcome to hannity. tonight more in just a moment of my exclusive interview with president trump and elon musk. first i want to take a moment here to reflect on all that's happening in the country and the washington swamp. for the first time in decades, real common sense, sanity is returning to our government. but don't expect the extreme radical left, the democrats, the state run legacy media mob to ever appreciate anything donald trump does. if he cured cancer tomorrow they would still call him hitler stalin most illini and racist. now they extend that same courtesy to elon musk. i don't usually agree with jon stewart nor does he agree with me. i don't think he likes me but i don't care. at least he has enough intellectual honesty in him to realize democratic party, they have lost the plot. take a look.
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>> i'm very big on, i know it's annoying, but specificity and nuance. i think if you cry fascism at every administrative overreach, even the ones that are constitutionally okay, you will find yourself out of fascism bullets when the time really comes to remind people. i think what the media has done over the last ten years is cry wolf. to the point where they numbed everybody. >> sean: he's accurate. democrats have cried both are not doing themselves any favours. i argue may be federman is the only example. almost almost -- almost the entire democratic party is become these extreme ideologues. a new poll, congressional democrats are at their lowest approval rating in history at 22%. a majority of americans trust
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donald trump and elon musk to rein in our federal government. trump has been regularly pulling in the mid-50s. they had musk at an approval rating of 55%. and all for good reason. in the course of meeting elon musk, i talked to him on the phone, never met him. it's not his money that impresses me. it's his incredible intellect, love of life, hard work ethic, incredible brilliant brainpower, accomplishments that any objective clear thinking person with common sense would be impressed with. this is a guy who's done incredible things for our country and for humanity. think about what he's accomplished. you think liberals love tesla now they are mad at tesla. he's got robotics, star link satellites available and communications available. he was the chief engineer at spacex. have to be pretty smart to do
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that. the first company to launch astronauts into off orbit. he dreams of going to mars and so much more. in fact he is sending spacex to rescue the american astronauts that are now stranded on the international space station. only supposed to be there eight days, there nearly 300. he also founded neural link. a revolutionary company working in part to use ai to end blindness. he's quick to help our fellow americans in need, like the people of north carolina that had no communications. so you've got to ask yourself why, why all this hatred, why the rage from the left. first the obvious, working with donald trump. they get triggered. number 2, they should really be embarrassed by themselves over this. we played for you al gore,
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bill clinton, barack obama, washington has been talking about and giving lip service to eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse and corruption now for decades and decades and just look at your screen. look at this. look at this waste. this is what doge and elon musk have uncovered so far. billions in wasteful, horrific spending. steve miller was on cnn and asking why are you not celebrating this accountability. take a look. >> this president for the first time in history is committed to restoring accountability at every level of the federal government. you may assert there is no waste in the pentagon. you may assert there's no waste ... [simultaneous talking] >> why are you not celebrating these cuts if you agree there's
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waste and abuse and corruption, why are you not celebrating the cuts, the reforms that are being instituted, every day no action is taken, the entire... >> sean: i spent years in my early adult life living paycheck to paycheck. the average american makes 66 grand a year. we have over $37 trillion in debt. that is not sustainable. if smearing, slandering, this american that is working for free to fix it is -- this is the hill the democrats want to dye on and rob our children and grandchildren of their future using your hard-earned tax dollars to pay for di musicals, transgender surgeries, lgbtq and wasting billions upon billions with shady left-wing ngos and the radical green new deal, have at it.
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that's what you represent. democratic party this extreme would never win another election. what worries me is if the left -- if the left keeps treating people like this and the ridiculous predictable singing and screaming and slogans, they've been chanting since the 1960s. ask yourself how many americans in the future that are this successful are going to want to sacrifice massive amounts of money and want to serve their country? look at after all they have done to donald trump and all they said about him. yes what, democracy one. democracy is on the ballot. democracy kind of lost the battle then with the american people. they spoke loudly and all this noise has rendered the legacy state run media mob irrelevant because they don't tell the truth and they bubble and fizz like alka-seltzer and water at the very side of donald trump. who is strong enough and willing
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to put everything on the line for service to their country? we're kind of lucky and thankful. you can disagree with me politically, i don't care. but donald trump, elon musk are now sacrificing a lot. trump risk that all. they are sacrificing for the good of the country. that kind of spending is unconscionable. it should shock the conscience and the soul of the nation. after this wave of smears, i'm sick of the oh so pious democrats they always have a monopoly on compassion and a love of science and progress and innovation. that i forget to mention that elon has a robot company and that will take care of menial tasks and probably -- when they go into mass production may be most of the middle class in this country will be able to afford it. they just want to tear down one of the great innovators in
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american history. the democratic party, they just completely lost their way. tonight i'm going to be frank, i'm grateful that they graciously, meaning president trump and elon musk, answered my questions about conflict of interest. the stupid question, i had to ask it i would get slaughtered by the media, who's in charge. that was not a hard answer to figure out. they know who's in charge. they can't stop obsessing over donald trump. now they can't stop obsessing and hating on trump and elon musk. they -- i had no idea going in. i'm grateful. i had no idea how long this interview would be. they allowed me to spend more than an hour speaking with them at the white house and then more time behind the scenes. i had no idea going and how long i had with them when we started. i'm lucky they didn't stay long -- did stay long.
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we are putting up on fox the full interview. you can watch it start to finish. it's on fox first more of my exclusive interview with president trump and elon musk. take a look. >> people asked me what's your biggest surprise in d.c. and i'm like the sheer scale. >> sean: you love the challenge. [simultaneous talking] >> you to can do something slightly better and save billions of dollars for the american taxpayer. you get 1% better and it's like tens of billion dollars saved. the question you asked earlier is how to ensure people that we are going to do the right thing, that their social security benefits will be there, the medical care will be good and in fact how do we make it so
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there's better medical care in the future. how do we make sure that the social security check goes further than it did in the past and it doesn't get weakened by inflation. if we address the massive deficit spending, the waste and the government, than we can actually address inflation. provided the economy -- economy grows faster than the money supply. you stop the overspending and the waste and the output of useful goods and services... you have no inflation. you also drop the interest payments that people pay because if the government... the reason the interest rate was so high was because the national debt keeps increasing. the government is competing to sell debt with the private citizens. this drives up the interest rate. if you have -- if you cut back
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on the deficit you actually have an amazing situation for people because you get... and you drop interest rates. peoples payments go down, their car payments go down. their student loans go down. their life becomes more affordable and their standard of living improves. >> sean: people are suffering now. >> you have states right now that operate that way. they operate as well as any corporation. they really operate well. they have surpluses. when they look at new york and california and some of these places that should have an advantage, there's a big advantage. they do such a bad job in illinois, it's horrible how bad he his. you know you'd -- new york has stock exchange and a lot of things and california has the weather and the beautiful water.
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but some states operate the way he's talking about. when you go into some of these states you will find almost nothing. they really operate well. big surpluses, low taxes. >> my taxes went up the first time you were president because you took away the salt the duction which i thought was the right decision. >> it was the right decision. reagan tried to do it because it rewards badly run states. at the same time its tough for the states. it really is tough for the states. that it rewards really badly run states. and reagan tried to do it, he was unable to do it. i got it done. now we are going to give some back. >> how quickly will you balance the budget and when do we start paying down? >> potentially very quickly. between what he's doing and income coming in from tariffs and other things, i don't want
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to give a day because then these people are going to say he didn't make the day. i thank we can do it very quickly. we would have never done if this didn't happen. it would've never -- it would only get worse and worse and ultimately it would've exploded. this country was headed down a very bad track and the whole dei can that was a trap. that was a sick trap. we've destroyed that. that's pretty much gone. >> sean: we are not funding it. >> i want to emphasize to people that there's a very important point. if we don't solve the deficit there won't be money for medical care. there will be money for social security. we either solve the deficit or all we are doing is paying debt. it's got to be solved or there's no... it's not optional. america will go bankrupt if this is not done. that's why i'm here. >> europe takes advantage.
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>> and i will send a message because as the president said, there's a lot of rich people out there. they should be caring more about the country. the reason they should be is america falls, what he thinks going to happen to your business? do you think you are going to be okay if a ship sinks? of course not. what the president is doing is just long-term thinking. the ships of america must be strong so america cannot sink. if it sinks we all think with it >> sean: it says tech support. you are not trying to be president as the media suggests. you are really here because your heart and your passion is this. the president describes you as being -- this is the biggest thing you've ever done. you tried to bring. >> there could be nothing bigger >> you send spaceships up in the style time. >> that's peanuts compared to
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what we're talking about. >> sean: do you agree that? >> it's essential that america be healthy, that america's economy be strong. my concern is america is the central pillar pulling up western civilization. that -- if that pillar falls the whole roof comes crashing down. [simultaneous talking] >> sean: why of this is your goal and your motivation, you are losing money in the process, you do all these nice things for people for free, you try to solve blindness, you are going to rescue the astronauts, help the people of north carolina, you are cutting money that was sent abroad and is not helping the american people. [simultaneous talking] >> sean: first they hated him now they hate both of you. >> it's an antibody reaction from those who are receiving the
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wasteful and fraudulent money. >> sean: they are being exposed. >> yes. >> i will tell you out -- a lesson i learned from paypal. you know who complained the quickest and loudest and with the most amount of righteous indignation, the fraudsters. that's who complained first, loudest and have this immense overreaction. that's how they knew they were the fraudsters. it's attal. >> sean: i've never met you before today. nice to meet you by the way, thank you for the doughnut. you guys are really friends. i can see you. >> he doesn't do this that cut -- this kind of thing. the way i figured you'd get to know him is if i did it with him. he doesn't do this. i think he's smart in not doing it because he's done very well without doing it. he doesn't feel its really worthwhile. he wants the product to speak for itself or whatever he does to speak for itself.
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i am doing this with you today because i wanted to have people understand him and i think it's very important. i think it's very important that they do understand him. he doesn't need this. now i happen to think it's made him very popular. is more popular now because there are so many people, you talk about the radical left, they have the lowest ratings. msnbc is dying, cnn is dying. they are all dying. "the new york times" is doing lousy, "washington post" is doing horribly. all doing badly because people don't buy it anymore. i thank it was important that he do this one interview. you've been a very fair guy, i think you were the right guy to do it. if we could get some radical left guy and they would just -- do just as well because it's all about common sense. [simultaneous talking] >> he's doing a big job.
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he's doing a very thankless job. he's helping us to save our country. our country was in serious trouble and i had to get the best guy, somebody with credibility. if he were just a regular very good solid businessmen he wouldn't have the credibility. he's got the best credibility for this. people also know he's an honest guy. he's just a very smart guy who's done amazing things. this will be the biggest thing he's ever done because his companies are all great but if this country goes bad i guess where he is a little selfish is this, he knows one thing and probably doesn't think. if this country goes bad his stuff is not going to be worth very much. >> if the ship of america sinks we are all going down with it. if the central pillar of western civilization that is america
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falls, the whole roof comes crashing down and there is no escape. >> sean: do you anticipate you'll be here for years? >> i will be as helpful as long as i can be. >> that's a good question. i was thinking about that just now. i wonder how long he's going to be doing it. you can't get somebody like this. he cares and he's brilliant and he's got energy. i have a lot of guys that are very smart but they have no energy. they want to sleep all day long. you need a lot of energy and he's got a lot of energy. if there's any conflict he won't stop it but if he didn't i would stop end. i would say there's a conflict and we are talking about big stuff. he's under a pretty big microscope. everybody's watching him, if there's a conflict he will be reading about it within 2 minutes after the conflict. >> there's the possibility of... i've scrutinized to ridiculous degree. you know what's better than
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saying trust me is just full transparency. what we are doing with doge, you can see every single action that's been taken. and i want to be clear, we are going to make some mistakes. but we are going to fix the mistakes very quickly. that's what matters. not that you don't make it mistakes but you fix them very fast. >> sean: they give us so much -- so much extra time so you can watch the full version of this interview with president trump and elon musk. go to fox reaction to the interview we check in with... they will join us. also kristi noem might be using a polygraph to get to the bottom of who may be tipping off some of the gangs about pending ice raids.
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>> sean: we are awaiting donald trump's arrival. the president will be back at joint base andrews. first joining us with reaction ... nominee for u.s. ambassador to israel, i can't think of a better choice. former governor mike huckabee and... good to see you both. let me start with you, why are they hating this got for discovering and exposing i think one of the most corrupt scandals in d.c. history. >> me say that of all the interviews you've done this is the best interview i've ever seen on your show.
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i'm going to tell you why. because you let the american public see these two incredible human beings who love this country who have nothing to gain by what they are doing and everything to lose and yet they are doing some things that will save this country. not just save it some money. it will save this country. one of the things that i realize and watching the interview was that you come to understand why these guys are so compatible. you have elon musk, i consider him with bringing in all those young geniuses, this is revenge of the nerds. he has brought together all these people who have taken on the big fraternity and destroyed them. and they can't stand it. here's the thing about both guys. they are both politically agnostic. people tried to say is he conservative or liberal and people have said that about phone from. i keep telling people forget trying to put donald trump on the horizontal spectrum of left or right. he has a pragmatist.
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so is elon musk and here's what that means. when donald trump's face with an issue, he has two things he cares about. does it work and number 2 will it make things better? that's exactly what elon musk looks at. will it work and will it make things better. you put the two of them together and you have magic going on and your interview help to reveal why these guys are the best hope we have to get this country back on track. >> sean: he's done so much good. even -- we are doing our accomplishments and they think this is just the tip of the iceberg. it's going to be well over a trillion dollars. president trump is arriving. and what is amazing to me when he said that we have no option, we've got to save this country but also saving the world. the world will never be the same without a strong america. i couldn't agree more.
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and yet the vitriol. i would think that kind of spending that i was scrolling earlier, i would think that this is something left, right, center, that everyone would agree on but the left has dug in. they want more of this reckless spending abroad. hundreds of billions. >> what i took from the interview was it sounded like a real battle for control. elon musk said there's an antibody reaction to everything we are doing. the president brought it up like why are people so upset about this. and here's the reality. ronald reagan, it reminded me about the battles that ronald reagan had and the funny things he said about the size of government. one of the things he said about this fight for control is that either you are going to control the government or the government is going to control you. the good news for donald trump though is that he talked about
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in an interview, the democrats found themselves on the wrong side of normal. so the american people know that. here he's got this amazing opportunity. he's got a wide open receiver in the middle of the field and we've got an opportunity, supported by the american people, to cut the size of government. and this is really what i took from it. this battle exists and donald trump is allowing elon musk, super smart guy with all of his engineers, to get in there and to have this battle to see who will win for the american people. when you are 36 trillion dollars in debt, i think it's a pretty easy case to make that cutting the size of government is the first step and that's the step that they are taking. i thought it was brilliant. >> sean: what has happened to the party where bill clinton, al gore, going back to reagan
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and the grace commission. you can take it back decades, we lived this. they all use the same words. a lot of republicans elected, they say they want limited government, greater freedom, getting rid of corruption but nobody ever did it. this is what could be so transformational. and this could make this the most consequential presidency. he wants peace in europe and the middle east, doesn't want anyone else to die. i want all of that to does that make me a horrible person? >> you are a horrible person not because of that. that society, mark twain once said everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. everybody talks about government spending for the first time in our entire history, president trump is actually doing something about it. it's like he's changing the weather. the reason that the democrats are going out and singing these
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dumb songs and screaming and using profanity in the microphones and making fools of themselves is very simple. there's an old saying that when you turn on the lights its the rats and roaches that start to run. and that's what we are seeing. >> sean: do you want to call me a horrible person to? i've been called worse. >> i don't think you are horrible person. as reagan said, the status quo. at the mess we are in. these guys are breaking that status quo. >> sean: we appreciate both of you. it's only been like 30 some years. coming up next the department of homeland security secretary kristi noem has ordered that polygraph tests be used to determine them -- to determine if members are leaking ice rates to the press. which would put i.c.e. agents
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>> sean: moments ago president donald trump landing at joint base andrews, he delivered remarks in miami. we are told that he spoke with the press as not gets fed into us we will bring it to you momentarily. the department of homeland security has a message for illegal immigrants, get out before you are deported. anyone thinking of coming here illegally should think again. >> if you try to enter illegally you will be caught. you will be removed and you will never return. follow the law and you will find opportunity. if you break it you will find consequences. >> sean: comes as the department of homeland security is trying to figure out the source of leaks that have disrupted ice enforcement
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operations around the country. the department's warning that polygraph tests have been ordered to determine whether or not staff were involved in any of these leaks and the secretary of homeland security kristi noem joins us with all the latest. first things first, we know these leaks have occurred. we are sure of that. >> correct. we do have leaks that have occurred in the last couple of weeks that have jeopardized operations that we've had in different areas, different cities and towns and they have put law enforcement officers and our agents at risk. we won't tolerate it anymore and we are going to use every tool that i have available to me to find out where they are coming from and make sure that those who have leaks will face consequences. >> sean: it's putting i.c.e. agents lives at risk because the element of surprise is now gone. do you have suspicions where it's coming from because you did speak briefly in the past about that.
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by the way the president has just arrived, he's departing air force one now. >> i'm glad that he's back. what i would say is that we are in a situation where i do have suspicions but i need to be sure and i need to be certain. we have different tools we can use. one of those is ensuring that we are using polygraphs to look at all of our employees, all of our people involved to make sure that they are telling the truth on what they have done in the past that may have jeopardized our operations. the department of homeland security is a national security agency. it's a law enforcement agency. so this is one of the authorities that i have and i'm going to use it to make sure that we find those who have done this nefarious activity and that it will no longer be tolerated. >> sean: a lot of people on the left and a lot of democrats are scratching their head, they can't figure out what happened in november. how big a part, they lied about the economy and joe's cognitive state, they protected the biden syndicate and than they lied
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about immigration repeatedly. your predecessor telling the american people president joe biden, vice president kamala harris conch the border is cool -- closed and secured. it is such a spectacular lie, did they think the american people didn't have eyes to see? >> the people could see because it was changing in their communities right around them. we watched families lose their children. families like laken riley's family that lost a daughter that they will never have in their lives again. they saw children that were traffic, drugs that were killing our generation of kids and it's all happening because of that open border. the american people knew what was happening and saw it and there was consequences for that. now we have a president that puts america first and that has close the border and has -- is allowing us to deport people in record numbers and we are deporting dangerous criminals. we are picking up people that have been children, have been trafficking children and
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proliferating the use of drugs and going out there and murdering and individuals and we are getting them out of the country. every day where saving lives because of the work we are doing. we will make sure that we do it with integrity and continue to make sure that we are security homeland of the united states of america. >> sean: the thing that scares me the most is... >> i thought you said madam secretary was scaring you. >> i'm sure the people are proud of you but also miss you. the things that -- thing that scares me the most is do we have an actual number of how many illegals were on bedded allowed in the country? do we have any idea the number of known terrorists. we know we have terrorists. biden and harris admitted around 15,000 murderers and we had about the same number of and
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other violent criminals. cartel members, gang members, to know about how many and how do we ever -- how do we route out every single one of them? every one of them to me represents a threat to the homeland. >> we have hundreds of thousands of criminals that were let illegally into this country. that means they have criminal records. they perpetuated crimes in this country. their members of gangs and cartels that have committed crimes around the world. tomorrow is the day that we are going to be able to make sure that gangs and cartel members are for enteric -- it will give us new authority to get them out of the country. this is not a small operation. this is an operation that we are going to have to work aggressively at for a period of time to make sure that we are getting all those dangerous individuals out of our country. and then go on to those who have overstayed and have final removal orders. we will go forward and make sure federal laws are upheld. and that every single law is
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followed in this country. the biden administration didn't do that. they didn't ensure the american people wear their number 1 priority and that's why we are in a situation that we are in today. what keeps me up at night is the fact that until we get all of these dangerous individuals out of the country i can't ensure that we won't have another family that loses a child because of these people that were let into the country by the biden administration. that we have families that may still lose their kids and grandkids to fentanyl and two drugs because it's being traffic over the border. by the cartels that are partnering with the chinese government to take out our next-generation. they are weakening and destroying america from the inside and it's my job as a secretary to make sure that i'm stopping it and getting up every single day using every tool that i have to make sure that we are making america more safe. >> sean: do we have a total number or around a total number? do we even no? >> you for the president talk about the fact that there are
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20 million people in this country here legally. we do have hundreds of thousands of people that are criminal aliens. we have many, thousands of them that are on the suspected or known terrorist watch list. we know that we have thousands of gang members, just tda members. and we are full of tda members. entire gang member is that we are getting out of this country and off of our streets. these are individuals that are the worst of the worth from other countries that president biden invited to come to america and other countries sent them to us. we are now sending them back. >> sean: currently the department of homeland security, you do administer polygraphs during the hiring process for cbp officers, agents for suitability for employment. this is overreach. they are going to check it. you already do that when they get hired.
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>> we are our national security agency, a law enforcement agency. we have the authority to do this and we will continue to do it. it will be random and a process that we will use to make sure we are going to allow... and we will be use it >> sean: we appreciate that update. only come back we are expecting the media mob, their attacks on the president continue. you won't believe what one democratic lawmaker said on the view and also apparently gaggle on air force one. we will bring it t
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ashley strohmier, live in new york. it's a somber day in israel as the bodies of four hostages are being returned. the victims include a mother and her two very young children, as well as an 84 year old man who was abducted along with his wife. hamas handed over the bodies of toddlers ariel, and their mother shari, and an 83 year old journalist and peace activist, oded, a short time ago. the children's father was released alive earlier this month. and for israel, the return of hostage bodies is a hugely emotional and somber moment. it comes more than 500 days after the horrific attack in israel on october 7th, 2023. the official identification process of the four slain israelis is expected to take several hours. on saturday, hamas is expected to release six living hostages. this as negotiations over the second phase of the agreement have not yet started. mediators are pushing for talks to start as soon as possible, and qatar's foreign ministry says
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this is to allow enough time for discussion before the second phase is expected to begin. again, if you're just now tuning in a painful day in israel with hamas handing over the bodies of four israeli hostages killed in gaza. they include the youngest hostages of the war, two toddlers and their mother. this is the first handover of dead hostages since the ceasefire deal with hamas went into effect last month. and once the victims remains are back in israel, there will be an official identification process. but that could take several hours. i'mo with pilots connected to the aircraft, not the system itself and not the people who fund the system. there's no evidence of that. >> i listen to the left wing freak out, the singing, the 60s chance. jasmine king rocket on that hit new show the view on abc. your hospitals in rural america will be shutting down more. you won't have social security, you will understand why medicaid and medicare goes away.
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and planes fall out of the sky and you realize may be sleepy joe was what we wanted because we could sleep at night. really? what else do you want to say about conservatives, you said everything else, it didn't really work. >> all i can say is a a prayer for these people. they are lost, they don't know what to do. i really do think -- that's how bad of shape they are in right now. when you look at what donald trump is accomplishing just so far in the first three and a half weeks of his presidency, we are talking about things that matter a lot to people across the partisan lines. these are not partisan issues. when you look at doge and you look at the efforts that donald trump has made at trying to bring an end to the war in ukraine, you look at what he's
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done at the border, these are all issues that are 60, 70% issues for people. democrats have nothing left except to go into hysterics, saying, across and try to blame trump for a plane that fell out of the sky in canada. i think they've reached the depths of desperation and i think it's going to get worse before it gets better and i don't see any indication whatsoever that there are any democrats who have the knowledge or the wisdom, have the interest of people and their own party to step up and start leading them out of the wilderness. >> sean: the democratic party wants to double down and put the rights of illegal immigrants over the safety of americans. they want to champion men playing in women's sports. than they wants money, hundreds of billions of dollars that we are now identifying, to advance
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their radical green new deal, dei woke his him transgenderism and lgbtq and that's that democratic party. that the majority of democrats now? >> they want to drive up the price of energy for everybody because they don't like fossil fuels so they want to make energy so expensive that it makes renewables more economically viable. the problem democrats have is their playbook is not working and that is the reality that is setting in. they used to be able to decry any federal cut and find somebody to go on camera to say i was hurt and it would back republicans down. all of a sudden the republican party has grown a spine when it comes to spending cuts. they used to be able to go on the air and called republicans the party of the rich. now they are rich democrat. it's the one group kamala harris did better than joe biden in 2020. she increased her vote among
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those who make more than $100,000 a year. she lost among every other demographic group compared to biden in 2020. she did better... so much of the democratic rhetoric they used to be able to take to the bank is now failing them that's why they are flailing. they don't know what to do, they don't know how to oppose donald trump. they are in the minority and losing much of the country. that's their deeper problem. >> sean: no introspection, no change of -- there's no change in what they are doing. they seem to have doubled down on dumb and dumber which if this is who they want to be i'm all for it because hopefully we can save the country. >> one thing i think it's important to note, this is not a majority of democrat voters. democrat voters do not support this stuff. the polling shows that they don't support this stuff and you mentioned the most important one. [simultaneous talking]
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>> they did but polls show that they don't support men playing in women's sports for example or open borders or any of these other things. the politicians, they don't have any other playbook that they are familiar with so that's why they are lost and going to be lost for a long time. aah, it's a good day to cough. oh, no! bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours?! hmmm, ok. not coughing at yoga. antiquing not coughing? not coughing at the movies?! hashtag still not coughing?! aaah. oww! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. it's not cough season. it's always comeback season. join thousands of advertisers who have built their businesses, reaching america's most influential audience.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: before i go, my interview with elon musk in donald trump went longer than i thought. you can watch the full interview with president trump and elon musk on fox nation. that is our time this evening. thank you for being with us in making the show possible. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face next. >> ♪ ♪