tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News February 21, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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cartels coming over. i think the mexican government is in a tough situation but i think they better come out on donald trump side because he is not your take on this issue he will fight for the american people, fight for public health and i don't think this will end well for them if they don't want to cooperate. >> those fentanyl cookers a better look up because they might be and it was something very unpleasant. jonathan as always thank you so much for joining us. what a week another week. another flurry of events in washington and beyond and we were there to cover all of it for you. that is it for us tonight to make sure to follow me on social media all weekend it longer. a lot posted tonight and tomorrow night. thank you for watching remember it is america now and forever. jesse watters takes it off from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time. tonight!
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>> he is running around because he thinks he has a bank account with a lot of zeros in it that it makes him some kind of super citizen. i do not think so this is an they recover. >> jesse: the d.o.g.e war is heating up. >> they have every right to be angry, just not at us. >> the doj may be releasing the list of jeffrey epstein's clients? would that really happened? >> sitting on my desk to review. >> jesse: who was on the epstein client list? >> do you realize james carville that means they should have listened to you either? i enjoy you on fox news i enjoy you on cnn i saw you on your podcast where do you think i got some of the stuff from? >> jesse: trump dividing and conquering the democrats. >> you thought i was finished to? i got more. >> jesse: plus. >> they are extraordinary with computers they make love to their computers and i don't want to hear about that. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: elon musk and their armies having fun maybe a little bit too much find it. >> i said what trait do they really have an they traded they really have is that they are extraordinary with computers. they can take them he said they can make love to their computer i said i don't want to hear about that. >> jesse: i don't care what big balls does to his computer whatever he does is working. aoc on the other hand not satisfied. she wants to know who big balls and thinks he is. >> every day our trip was to wake up and say what can i do today. there is no act to small that does not matter. every single action matters. make them show a warrant, make them show a document, make them
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assert their authority, ask them who are you. who are you? because at the end of the day there no one. and he is running around because he thinks he got a bank account with a lot of zeros and it that it makes him some kind of super citizen? i don't think so. >> jesse: who do you trust with your money? a guy with the bank account full of zeros or a lady who rents an apartment with her fiance and earmarked $500,000 for an antiracist oyster reef in queen's? don't eat oysters off the coast of queens. just common sense. why did we spent 16 billion for california's high-speed rail? over a decade behind schedule on the keep asking for more money. so this california republic and said enough is enough and liberals response was rational. they hit her with a tomato. >> activists and at that union station trying to build that rail.
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>> democracy is almost dead. >> one dressed as a dinosaur, and other appears to through a tomato at a republican assembly member. >> jesse: who will pick our tomatoes we heard when trump was shut down. apparently anti-d.o.g.e dressed as dinosaurs will. sean duffy showed up with a message. listen. >> i want to address the protesters for a moment if i could. i think if i were chanting build a rail that has been 17 years and $16 billion. no rail has been built. if you want to go protest somewhere, if you want to shout at someone, go to the governor's mansion, go talk to democrats and the legislator who have brought us this project. we are done with it. who love fraud who loved ways to love trains to know where this is a billing dock. they should ask the question who didn't build my reel? who got rich.
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what consultants? what politicians? what politicians husbands got rich off of this money? >> jesse: california handed a bunch of politically contractors almost 20 years ago and there is no train it. but by then just kept sending checks with no questions asked. he is a trained guy. but you can't just keep pumping money into a billing dock. you have to pull the plug and that is what duffy did. california is on their own it. listen to the media. >> the immigration and the economy. frustrated by these fires they don't like the work of elon musk and these other actions. >> who do you work for? >> abc news. >> no wonder. let me just tell you that i have today the highest poll numbers that i have ever had. they like the job we're doing things like that jump elon musk is doing he is doing something a
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lot of people wouldn't have the courage to do want to streamline our country we want to streamline because we want our country to survive and thrive. billions and billions of dollars of waste and fraud and abuse. billions and i may numbers like you would never believe and we have not even started yet. >> jesse: cutting spending and bureaucrats not, just because a bureaucrats. of trump lost the last election he would be in jail. he is not worried about political blowback he is doing it because it is the right thing to do. is invincible to the hurricane of negativity from the legacy press. there should be the playbook going forward. republicans do not have to get shot to do with. got something to win and you do it. that is what thomas jefferson had in mind and if the press does not like it sorry, guys, elections have consequences. >> i love how the media takes a
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few critics when the overwhelming response from the american people is a support from what this administration is doing. i think all americans would agree that funding mastectomies in mozambique is not something that the american people should be funding or dei programs. i think it is fraudulent that the american government have been ripping off american taxpayers in this way. why is the media so against cutting waste front abuse from the government. we will not be deterred for people like you and the press were clearly adamantly opposed to cutting waste, fraud, and abuse. >> jesse: we shut down the country for three years on the democrats loved it. we wanted to keep a chart down for longer. schools closed, oh government agencies stopped functioning. now we are shutting down what? less than 1% of the government? only the government. that the u.s. economy. and democrats are calling it a civil war.
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entire agencies for the whole pandemic. they weren't issuing any new regulations. they weren't approving new permits. the investigation just stopped for a year. nobody was even going to federal court. the only people who worked in the government were essential employees. everybody else stayed home. 90% of the government was not essential. now all of a sudden everybody is essential? everyone? how did that have been? they are still not going into the office. >> hello, everyone. it is my second day at the spa could not be more excited to be here so i thought i would take a walk and what i found is that exactly what has been said is true. about 90% of our employees are working from home. that ends monday with president trump's return to work. >> jesse: trump is a mandate to modernize american government and did the course of that process we are finding a
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sickening level of corruption and kickbacks. americas lawyers did not vote for poor politicians took our money and that is what they turned it into. >> president trump came to town a new way of thinking, they are shuttering agencies things like $2 million is spent to guatemala for changes. $3 million spent in brazil up for a girl centric climate change. $4.8 million spent in ukraine for social media influencers. while you are at it you spent, not a week, the people who vote for this i vote against all of this, but members of the senate voted for the spent several hundred thousand dollars scenting designers in ukraine it to the fashion show in paris it. it goes on and on. >> jesse: why are we had thank ukrainians 5 million bucks to make tiktok's? is that for war propaganda. because you can do it for a lot less than 5 million.
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kamala harris does not even pay influencers that much money. we are sending ukrainian designers to paris fashion week? is that a sex trafficking operation? it sounds pretty jeffrey epstein. overnight elon musk team d.o.g.e 95 bad contracts sending you millions of dollars. but democrats say fraud is not a big deal. >> a lot of waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government. >> i won't say there is a lot i will say it does exist. i will say it exists i don't say there is a lot. >> jesse: no? crockett it should ask folks on the street about spending $20 million or four rocky "sesame street". we did. >> he found we are spending $20 million on "sesame street" in iraq. >> "sesame street" in iraq. "sesame street" or? i think all the kids know one, two, three abc. >> jesse: what?
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>> do you want to spend your tax paying dollars on "sesame street" in iraq? >> "sesame street" in iraq. >> jesse: the way this works is we vote for politicians and politicians vote to spend money. politicians will say we will get $40 billion to foreign aid but they are not itemizing everything like i want 16 million for a climate change institute for transsexuals in transylvania. some unelected bureaucrats is deciding that. and if your house burnt down in pacific palisades and you here we are throwing money out the window like this you will have a heart attack. d.o.g.e is doing good families all to tightening their belts when the credit card is maxed out. these layoffs are not personal they are not even really political. this basic arithmetic. we are sorry of some employees lose their job, we are, for they work for us.
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libby $36 trillion later it is not working. one d.o.g.e government scientist complaint singing they are presenting us as trophies. no, that is what soros jr. does with politicians he owns. a bought and sold politician now that is a trophy. look at that. nobody is holding you up to the camera like a big mouth bass. everybody got offered by else. everyone from the government has been working from home for four years. time to move on like the rest of the country did a long time ago. next up the post office. >> want to have a post office that works well and does not lose massive amounts of money. and thinking about doing that and it will be a form of a merger but it will remain the postal service and i think it will operate a lot better than it has been over the years. >> jesse: commerce will swallow up the post office just like states swallowed states swallowed up usaid. all of these agencies freelancing are out of control
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and it is costing us billions. we are operating like foreign countries within our own government. trump is licking his chops over fort knox. >> all my life i heard about fort knox that is where the gold is kept. fort knox but you know we are getting a little bit shaky. like i want to find out like open up the doors we will see we have gold there. we want to find out that anybody steals the gold in fort knox? it is a pretty amazing place but i'm going to go we are going to open the doors we will inspect fort knox. we want to make sure we still have 400 tons of gold or whatever it is. it is a lot of gold. i don't want to open it and the cupboards are bare. >> jesse: there better be gold and that fault or else there is no golden age of. my wife used to work in the goat business and they used to used to do annual volta checks in person to verify the physical gold was in the vote. it is basic dew diligence. but somehow fort knox goes years
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without a spot check. all of the directives trump is putting in place could be wiped out by the next president is so congress is going to set it into concrete. >> the president is over 300 executive actions already and we will codify so much of what he is doing so that the next team can't unwind it. >> jesse: republicans controlled washington so now it is time to get serious. so when the republicans in light of this year's budget everything d.o.g.e is doing will be worthless if they do not get it together. >> if we were fiscally conservative why wouldn't we take the savings from elon musk and d.o.g.e and move it over here and help with the board or? why would we be doing a brand-new billet to increase printing by $340 billion? >> jesse: republicans of a golden opportunity to use a chance on mosque. we have been given a gift. must even gave himself a deadline year and a half and then he will go back to come and
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i large. trump is not running again so they should not be any fear. so that these young men to make love to their computers for the good of the country. senator mark wayne mullen is here now. let's start with fort knox. why are people suspicious there is no golden? >> when you have not checked it and so long quae not? i'm pretty confident it will be there but that is how low the faith of the american people has in the government right now. what you were seeing this president trumps approval ratings through the roof even cbs is obviously pretty liberal. even cbss 70% of people think that president trump is doing exactly what he said and by going and inspecting that and saying yes, it is there or exposing that it is not i think the american people want to know. and i'm one of them as well. >> jesse: i know you are new in the senate but is this how it
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works? you vote for frantic and the big agency but you don't actually go and ride handheld things like i want to 16 million for changes in guatemala. you don't do that. some random bureaucrat decides that, right? >> we can dive into deep into this. because before when we had what we called em -- earmarks they were lines and corporations which is what every state in the union does. so we took away landmark corporations which a lot of people called earmarks which they did get quite abused. they took outline appropriations as well. so what congress has been doing since the late 90s as we ponder money, we say sprinted however you want but by the way we will ask you to spend a certain way and it does not work. >> jesse: so just abusing their power these agencies and running amok. >> yes. absolutely. what you see it that is what d.o.g.e is doing. exposing them absolutely abusing the taxpayer dollars.
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>> jesse: or you hearing from constituents i have been d.o.g.e he is taking a chainsaw this is not a look into this is destroying oklahoma? >> we have heard from some especially in the fish and wildlife department put the ones that we hear from they understand what is happening and why it is taking place. what is very upsetting to me is that you have the left media you have the democrats that are screaming the world is on fire that stroking a fear into the american people and they don't actually understand what is happening and what you need to understand is that what d.o.g.e is doing is exactly what most large companies do. they hire consultants to come and simply look at the numbers from an unbiased perspective and says this makes sense or this does not make sense rather than depend think on some career politician tried to protect his pet project like what duffy is doing it california by clicking the rail a system we spent
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$16 billion, taxpayer dollars and have not one single relic down. >> jesse: like it abc the guy asking the question or the woman. disney just laid off a bunch of people. it happens at their own country but it can't happen to our country? makes no sense. senator great to see you have a great weekend. >> thanks. >> jesse: democrats are turning their guns on each other. other. wait until you see this. ♪ ♪ try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin, the only brand with true source certified honey. [fighting scene]
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ugh! here we go again. —wait there's a red hulk now? —i know he's red. he seems very angry. —why is he so mad?! —sorry to interrupt... but what do we do about this? you must be new in town. —we use tide oxi boost. —it's a life saver. the most powerful clean in any universe, tide. lookin good. thank you. well at least it's on time. see captain america: brave new world. i'm not a doctor. i'm not even in a doctor's office. i'm standing on the streets
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replacement has been named. 47 nominating air force lieutenant general dan raisin cain who trump says was instrumental in the complete annihilation annihilation of the isis caliphate. and expect to many more firings at the pentagon. we will keep you updated. only one month into trump's presidency and democrats are ripping out their hair. clooney plays cool guys in the movies but trump has him all stressed out. the times says quote george clooney has been sneaking outside to smoke. i had to get better at inhaling he says. i had outside so the kids don't see and smoke a little bit. he plans to switch to herbal cigarettes. george was the face of divide and coup but he insists there is blood on the media's hands. quotes, right in at -- abdicated his responsibility by hiding his incapacities and the media in many ways dropped the ball. the media covered for and ushered in the return of the king and they are very matter.
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>> trump has never really wanted to be president. he actually has always wanted to be king. right now when we are seeing he is waving his scepter his king scepter. >> jesse: she better get it together the post says it abc bosses fired nine staffers on "the view". told the ladies to dial back the trump eight. there is a reel us versus the world the vibe going on right now and congressional democrats are not siding with us. >> the fact i'm rooting for canada and i'm rooting for mexico a lot is really wild but they are really the ones that are speaking the truth to power right now. >> jesse: okay while jasmine is doubling down on crazy. the other half of the party is trying to get it back on track. this week there pete told a panel that dei is dumb and that is turning people off. sunny hostin heard that and blew a gasket to. >> do you agree with him that dei initiatives drove voters to trump and what else can be done to make sure everybody else is
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represented on an even playing field of? >> you know what i think? >> what do you think? >> i like pete of course but i think you got that so wrong and it was so tone-deaf considering what is going on. >> which part of? >> all of it. because what happens is one from 7076 -- 1776 until 1965 you have basically white men in charge of everything. women, people of color we are left out of just a quality. equality of that sort of thing. >> jesse: months since the election on the democrats are still clawing each other's eyes out. this fracture runs deep it is not healing any time soon. after the party plotting a new way forward and the other half doubling down on woke. not even fighting for important policies that democratic voters care about. all superficial dei and tran stuff that is basically irrelevant and practically illegal now. and 20 party is too busy fighting each other they can't
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fight for voters and they can't fight trump. the left needs new leadership. stephen a. smith sent the the party is in such bad shape even he is being talked about as a candidate. but james carville told him to stick to sports. >> before you start running your [bleep] mouth off about politics, a topic about which you don't really know anything about, so stephen a keep up the [bleep] on sports i enjoy it i like it but don't make a fool out of yourself anymore and talk about politics. >> jesse: attacking stephen a is crazy. he is like one of the hottest talents in america, probably one of our top trash talkers. stephen a heard the raging case message loud -- loud and clear and fired right back. >> but if you really, really think james carville about what i said you have been saying the
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exact same things. i saw you on fox news. i saw you on cnn, i saw you on your podcast, where do you think i got some of the stuff from? is what i said really the problem? or is it the fact that some novice who doesn't know his house from a hole in the wall is resonating with more political strategy then you will and mention my name. can we cut out the profanity? >> jesse: fox news contributor joe concha joins us now. so james carville versus steven a how was it going so far? >> kind of like the way mike tyson and michael sphinx when they fought each other about 91 seconds and pretty much over. stephen eight is mike tyson in this scenario. james carville predicted that hillary clinton would win in 2016 in a landslide. so that harris would win the last election. so his advice. i'm not sure it has been
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relevant since 1992 when he ran to bill clinton's campaign. >> jesse: what about mayor pete versus "the view". i didn't see that coming. >> we're pete has his eye on 2028. he realizes dei is where politicians go to die so now he is pivoting towards the center because he is basically like the chatgpt candidate. you can program him to say whatever you want as long as it is pulling well so that is what pete is thinking about at this point i have to go to the center if i pete j.d. vance or whatever the republican nominee will be. could be donald trump. >> jesse: how would you advise things democrats? they still don't understand why they lost. you heard the lady from maine, the governor say she will sue court -- trump in court to keep boys playing sports against girls. >> great strategy that is an eight e-20 strategy at this point. any support biological men not competing against women in sports. so she is taking the 20 side.
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you can't underestimate how dire the situation is a for the democratic party right now. like oh, no, i am on the epstein a client list. 22% approval of the democratic party 62% disagree. 46 points under water that is like say hi to jack dawson titanic under water at this point. the problem is they are trying to attack the terminated to bureaucracy in terms of donald trump with the rhetorical version of a bb gun. and that is because the states before crazy as helplessness and they feel crazy because they don't have the white house, don't have the senate, don't have the house, don't have the supreme court. ideologically that a 6-3 and three at this point. more republicans governors of states right now than democrats. james carville at this point when he says the party has no power he is right about that but look at the top pulling candidates another polo today. the top three are now harris, tim walz, and... that is not exactly jalen hurts, saquon barkley, and a.j. brown. >> jesse: i see what you did
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there. so much has happened you forgot the eagles won the super bowl. >> two weeks ago. >> jesse: good to remember. >> thanks for bringing that up i appreciated have a good weekend. >> jesse: pam bondi and the epstein list. break back. ) what if all i do fy type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) ...once-weekly mounjaro could help? mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. plus 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. and people lost up to 25 pounds. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, or if you or someone in your family had medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop and call your doctor right away
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>> jesse: today kash patel sworn in as fbi director. >> this is f crazy. i am living the american dream. anybody that thinks the american dream is dead look right here. you were talking to a first immigrate -- generation indian kid who is about to the law enforcement of the greatest nation on god's green earth. that can't happen anywhere else. >> jesse: his boss pam bondi has the right priorities. she is not going to drag her feet delivering justice. watch this. >> the the old jay maybe
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releasing the list of jeffrey epstein clients of? will that really happened? >> it is sitting on my desk right now to review that has been a directive by president trump i am reviewing that, i'm reviewing jfk files, mlk files, all in the process of being reviewed because that was there not the director of the president from all of these agencies. >> jesse: for the analysis of those documents once they drop and we expect full transparency from this administration. the media does not seem interested in the epstein files. i wonder why. we are about to find out. secretary hegseth over at the pentagon taking on the press had on. >> time aftertime the media distorts good news stories often just gets them flat wrong. in many cases while in most cases they have an agenda. so while we make decisions that are misreported in the media we will try to get to as quickly as possible. so you understand that the real thought process behind them and then how they relate to our core mission of fighting and winning
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quarter, hopefully deterring them from fighting and winning wars and then how we spend your taxpayer dollars wisely to accomplish that mission. >> jesse: pete hegseth first order of business kicking cnn out of the pentagon press room. replacing them with some fresh blood from fair and balanced outlet. this administration likes to deal with problems face-to-face. here's what happened with all 50 governors came to have lunch at the white house today. they thought it would be a friendly lunch until the governor of maine almost choked on her chicken. trump heard of maine is still letting boys and the girls a locker room. watch. >> caa has complied immediately by the way that is good but i understand maine's main here? the governor of maine. or you not going to comply with it? while we are the federal law. you better do it. you better do it because you were not going to get any federal funding at all if you
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don't advise what your population even though it is somewhat liberal your population does not want men to playing in women's sports. so you better comply. otherwise you are not getting any federal funding. every state. i see you in court i look forward to it that should be a real easy one. enjoy your life after, governor, because i don't think it will be an elected politics. >> jesse: now e maine is under on -- investigation as of this afternoon to. should have complied. boys ruining girl sports should not be the hill that democrats fight on foot they decided that's a loose face and $250 million. trump knows when he has a winning can't he had some harsh words for zelenskyy earlier this week and on "the wall street journal" is reporting that the ukrainian president has come around and is going to sign the mineral deal with us. the trump team does not operate in the shadows. they do their job and then tell you about it. >> here we have a guy named
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gonzalez who has been convicted of of children at less than 13 years of age. he has been sentenced to prison he is out of our country now. another guy here who is arrested and has been removed but he was convicted for possession of just repeating child porn to the sky was distributed get throughout the country illegally and that is gone from our country. here we have a chinese national convicted of murder now its gonna. >> jesse: almost 200 migrant criminals on that on that if it is well after being held in gitmo. half or gang affiliated of course. good riddance. and don't expect them to come back. border crossings are down 94%. >> we have been able to send a message that if you cross the border your chances of being apprehended are much greater and if you are apprehended you will be removed from the country. >> jesse: the golden age of
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putting cartels out of business. >> marcos is a coyote, a human smuggler in southern mexico who is concealing his face and last name. the troops won't make a difference, he says, this is foolishness. but he does concede trump's strict border policies have caused his business to plummet about 80% is since inauguration day. >> jesse: but the cartels are getting creative. they abandoned the border and bought some boats. >> conditions are unpredictable and dangerous for customs and border protection air and marine agents trying to stop the constant flow of illegal migrants and narcotics from reaching u.s. shores. earlier this month about did not stop before cbp and agents had to chase after smugglers and disabled their engine with a shotgun, 20 illegal migrants are found on the boats. hours after the patrol cbb agents interrupted another patrol carrying migrants. they say these operations are sophisticated and unrelenting. but florida is not the only hot
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spots. on the west coast boats carrying illegal migrants have been detected as far north as the bay area. hundreds of miles from the mexican border. >> jesse: still a lot of work to do. trump just replaced the acting i.c.e. director. the border czar tom homan is here. all right mr. hallman what happened to this i.c.e. guy? did he get d.o.g.e? >> the icu numbers have been good. they are good. twice as much as biden a year ago from today but i want to more. we got 700,000 illegal aliens walking the streets of this country with criminal convictions. we have to arrest more and we have to increase targeting and operations. sanctuary city sanctuary cities won't help double the land cover sanctuary cities. this is a never ending effort that we are not going to slow down we will increase. so this is what is happening. we want more rest we want more
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action and i won't rest. i will trust until every criminal illegal alien eradicated from this country every, member eliminated from this country. numbers will help they are looking good not good enough i'm not satisfied we will keep pushing. >> jesse: i like to hear those high standards that is important and that is with the people expect. what is going on with gitmo? we heard you guys basically empty did? >> we have to make room for more. gitmo we are building the capacity at gitmo will be up to 2500 beds i think by this week. then you know the president wants 30,000 beds. her rustic a lot of criminals moving them to gitmo we have to make space for more. again we are focusing on the criminal threats of this country we have to have beds available. once we arrest them we want to send them to get most so we are making room. >> jesse: i don't know about beds but i know where to get pillows i think mike can help you out with that i heard he does good business. cartels getting craftier
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obviously trying to adapt what you were throwing at them. seeing this video now they are on boats. how do you see the coyotes and the cartels kind of reoriented their business to handle what you have done? >> look, they are going to maritime we knew they what that is why we have increased coast guard patrols three times. three times more than we have in the past. so answering that called the coast guard is we will shut them down as well. president trump does... criminal terrorist organization which they should be. they have killed more americans than it terrorist organizations combined to. president trump will wipe them off the face of the earth we will put them out of business. you put them out of business to take them running away they can't by mexican officials they can't buy anybody. without money they have no power. we won't just attack in mexico. the cartel we will attack them in the 43 countries they have operations currently operations 43 different countries. we will attack them worldwide.
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>> jesse: that is a bold statement. hopefully we got some more cooperation from the mexican government and we can straighten it out. tom homan great to talk to you. >> standby. this president keeps his promise to the american people. >> jesse: all right we look forward to that and we are encouraged by what we see so far. thank you so much. the bow that are does it again it. -- the ballot stuffer does it again. things move a little more smoothly. ♪ deposit checks easily and send money quickly. [coins clinking] ♪ that's convenience from chase. make more of what's yours.
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she just loves to go. her hip pain showed up when we would go on walks. she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis pain. our veterinarian recommended that we try librela. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. she's got energy to do things that she wasn't doing before, and that's just amazing.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert wanda the stuffer is back in hot water. she and two other bridgeport officials turned themselves in today to police to face charges connected to her stuffing incident in 2023. news talk connecticut caught her walking into the station this morning. >> wanda, any comments on the new charges? >> jesse: pour poor wanda. the exact charge is still unclear but prime time working the phones with the local police to get to the bottom of this. her wrap sheet is getting really
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long and we hope she gets it together because we will just have to run a place for johnny and bridgeport. >> wanda. >> yes. >> arrested for ballot fraud what is going on at? what is going on a? wanda, you were also caught stuffing. what happened to? wanda? don't you want to come clean? wanda, what about the person whose ballot you have had for 10 years. wanda? wanda what happened to? wanda, don't run me over, wanda. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: saying or swim. tonight we have lydia morning can taking on adam klotz. all right ladies and gentlemen
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behave yourself the category is man crush. romance is in the air at the nation's capital. which member of the trump administration admitted he is in love with elon musk this week? was it. >> -- stephen miller or howard lutnick? see the answer. >> i am in love with elon musk because he will cut a trillion it. >> and you are a business lady. >> i even saw him. >> stephen miller i don't believe it. >> jesse: stephen miller loves himself. category is backed up at the left has trouble keeping up with the pace of trump's progress they find him absolutely exhausting. which democrat says it was better when we had a sleepy joe because she could sleep at night? was it aoc or jasmine crockett? okay. both going with jazmine. >> maybe sleepy joe is what we wanted because we could at least a sleep at night. >> jesse: tough to admit but she is fine with it.
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on thin ice. that is not me. which liberal governor filmed themselves taking a polar plunge at a frozen lake? tampon tim or gavin newsom? >> i'm glad you are bringing tim back i have not seen his face and far too long. >> jesse: i know. while this is the last one. >> 321 go! >> jesse: that is obviously not newsom he would have his shirt off. nice try, lydia. last question. you need this one. which msnbc host declared that trump has two daddies? elon musk and putin. was it joy reid or rachel maddow? no peeking. >> putin runs trump. trump has two daddies, putin and elon musk. >> jesse: fox weather. >> you tried to fake me out. like i'm going to lose i'm bad at this.
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>> this is sharper. >> jesse: lydia you lost on howard lutnick. >> all right. i'm ready to go out tonight. >> jesse: beat yourself up with that paddle. more prime time straight ahead. gives me 72 hour whole body freshness. for long layovers. surprise gate changes. and heavy luggage. and it's totally middle-seat approved. secret. no sweat.
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5:59 pm
♪ ♪ >> i like to cut it close at the airport like 1:40 before takeoff. there is a cutoff for your bags. like you can't check your bags less than 45 minutes, they won't allow it. they make special allowances for certain people but it's really dicey so 45 minutes is the cutoff for checking bags on flights, in case you were wondering. texts. john from franklin square new york, carville versus steven a would make a great pay-per-view. give them each a bucket of tomatoes and let them go at it. angie from long branch
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new jersey, did doge cut the funding for aoc's gloves? what's up at the fingers? it's like a mitten finger thing? i don't -- it's like a bi-curious glove. pick one. lane from atlanta, georgia,, aoc at the point of wearing gloves to protect her fingers. if you are typing, that's one thing. confession, i have gloves like that but it doesn't come with a mitten, i wear them under a larger glove. keith from georgia, jesse, it is called a largemouth bass, the big mouths around the view. i hate fishing. i hate it. mark from indiana, i love my computer too but i'm taking it out to dinner first. computers plan hard to get,? but when it orders the lobster, you know you got lucky. i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to this
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