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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 26, 2025 9:00am-10:00am PST

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payroll. >> president trump: wait a minute. i would like to add those million people that haven't responded though, elon, they are on the bubble. i wouldn't say that we're thrilled about it. they haven't responded. maybe they don't exist. maybe we are paying people that don't exist. this group just got here. those people are on the bubble, says they say. maybe they'll be gone. maybe they are not around. maybe they have other jobs, maybe they moved and are not where they are supposed to be. a lot of things could have happened. i wouldn't say that biden ran a very tight administration. they spent money like nobody has ever spent money before, wasted money. green new scam. all the different things they spent money on. you have seen that. we have seen that with we have seen that was some of the things people of sudden speeches. we read them and i can't believe them. $20 million here, $30 million
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here, this one going to circumcision. $20 million. to inform people in such and such a country. other things and other people -- right now, we are trying to find out who those people are. some agencies, as those within the state -- very classified, very confidential work, and we understand that, and we are being a little more surgical. mark is doing a lot himself. and some of the secretaries -- going to them will ask them to do their own. the group or spoke with -- lee zeldin thanks he's going to be cutting 65% or so of the people from environmental.
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lot of people that weren't doing their job, they were just obstructionists. a lot of people that didn't exist, i guess. i think education will be one of those regal round in washington. we want to move education back to the states where it belongs. iowa should have education, indiana should run their own education. you will see education go up right now. we are ranked at the bottom of the list. we are in the top of the list for one thing in. we spend more money for people than any other country in the world. its denmark, and -- we are going to get along very well with china, but it is competitive. they are the top of the list. they are the top ten usually. they are a big country. we can't use that as an excuse.
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we are big country too, but we were ranked last time hunter biden 40 out of 40. certain nations that they have done for a long time. it seems to be 44 mike whatever reason. a year ago, we were 38, and then 39, and then 40. i would say that is unacceptable. speak of my competition -- which department are you most impressed with? [laughter] that's the first thing. which department if you receive the most resistance from? >> president trump: i think both of those questions are a little bit -- well, you are pretty controversial guy. [laughter] it is very early. i'm impressed with with everybody so far. if i wasn't in the first month -- and some of them just got approved.
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i think that elon has done incredibly with some groups. it's a difficult situation, where we are right now negotiating successfully with russia and ukraine. there are a lot of countries involved. we have to be careful what we do. marco is doing that. i think he will be very precise. we are cutting down the size of government. we are bloated, we are sloppy. a lot of people are not doing their job. a lot of people don't exist. if you believe it, they are 200 years old. we are finding out dust checks going out for that. and is somebody cashing those checks? who was maybe 35 years old.
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there is a lot of dishonesty and fraud of. i think at this moment, i will take him off the spot. i think elon is impressed -- he said it very well, that he is impressed with the people in this room. very impressed, and i am too. it's too early to say. we want to balance the budget. we want to balance it within a reasonably short period of time. >> your number one issue was the border. we just got information -- federal agents, putting their personal information out there. so you have -- >> president trump: we have activists, that's true. >> what are you going to do about the activists? >> a lot of them are acting illegally, and we will give that to our attorney general. tremendous support from border patrol, from ice. the i.c.e. agents have been
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unbelievable. their leadership of border patrol has been incredible. they are working well. i saw your reporting it this morning. we sought records on the least number of illegal aliens coming in, migrants coming into our country than we have had in more than 50 years and we did it with a period of weeks. the world -- and remember, they were coming in from jails, prisons, mental institutions, insane asylums. there were gang members, drug dealers. anyone could come in, and not just from south america but from all over the world. it's amazing what they have d done. christine, tom homan. the job they've done has been amazing. set records for -- and we want people into our country, but they have to come in legally. i want that to be really understood: we want people to come into our country, but we
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wanted to be done legally. >> this idea that you unveiled yesterday. i await more information, but the question is does this reflect on your part that the american immigration system has never been properly monetized as you feel it should be? >> not so much monetized. it has not been properly run. i get calls from him, as an example, companies where they want to hire the number one student. the person comes from india, china, japan. lots of different places. they go to harvard, this school of finance. they go to yale appeared to go to all the great schools. and for graduate number one in their class. job offers, but the offer is immediately rescinded that, because you have no idea whether they can stay in the country. i want to have that person stay in the country. these companies can buy a gold
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card. they can use it as a matter of recruitment. at the same time, the company is using that money to pay down debt. paid on a lot of debt with that. i think the gold card is going to be is not only for that -- companies. i have spoken with tim cook. he's going to make a $500 billion investment in the country, only because of the results of the election. and i think because of tariffs. if you are in the country, there is no tariff. if you are out of the country, there will be tariffs. that's going to be a great investment i think he is making. i know it's going to be a great investment. we have to be able to get people in the country. we want people that are productive people. i will tell you, the people i can pay -- they will create jobs, they will spend money on jobs. they will have to pay taxes on that too. they will bring hiring people, bringing companies in.
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i don't know. may be, will sell like crazy. we will know fairly soon. a few of you are responsible for it. howard, if you want to discuss that for a couple of minutes -- i think it will be a very successful program. this is commerce. >> so this program which has been around for many years had investment -- those projects were often suspect, didn't really work out. there was oversight. for a $1 million investment, he would have a visa, and came into the country, and ended up with a green card. it was poorly overseen, poorly executed. then, you had our border open where millions of people came through. the idea is that we will have a proper business. we will modify this agreement. we are working on it together
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for $5 million, they will get a license from the department of commerce. then, they will make a proper investment. we think scott and i will design the eb five investment model, because scott and i are the best people together to do that. this is -- the trump administration, we all work together to be the best. if we sell, remember, 200,000 is -- live right now. 200,000 of these gold green cards is $1 trillion to pay down our debt. that's why the president is doing it. we are going to balance the budget and pay off the debt under president trump. >> promising in making commitments to make -- -- jobs in the u.s.? >> not i will be jobs.
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successful people, jobs from colleges. like paying an athlete a bonus. one of the companies will go o out. i have had the complaint from a lot of companies where they go out to hire people. you know what they do? they go back to india, the country they came, they open up a company, and they become billionaires. they are employing thousands and thousands. there are a lot of examples, some really big examples where they were forced out of the country. they graduated top of their class in a great school. and they weren't able to stay. all the time you hear this. apart from overregulation, which we will have to take care of -- which a lot of it was put back on by biden -- but the biggest complaint is the fact that they can't have any longevity with people. this way, the of pretty much
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unlimited longevity. this year is a path to -- so it sort of a green card-plus, a path to citizenship. we will call it the gold card. i think it's going to be treasured. i think it's going to do very well. hopefully about two weeks -- just so you understand, if we sell 1 million, that is $5 trillion. howard was using a different number. that's $5 trillion. if we sell atonement -- if we sell $10 million, people who were common or people that will make productive -- like a talented athlete -- that is $50 trillion. that means that our debt is paid off and we have $15 trillion above that. i don't know that we are going to sell that many. may be, we won't sell many at all, but i think we are going to sell a lot.
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no other country can do this. everybody wants to come here especially since november 5th. [crosstalk from reporters] speak all of these people will be vetted. >> can you talk about what type of security -- you are willing to make? >> president trump: i'm not going to make security guarantees. we are going to have europe that's. talking bout as our next-door neighbor. we will make sure everything does well. they have great rare earth. we will be working with secretary bergen and chris -- working on that together. we are going to be able to have tremendous -- i mean, this gives us -- we don't have that much of it here, what we need a lot more
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to really propel us to the next level, to lead in every way. we are leading with ai. we need to double our capacity. we have to triple, if you think of it, the capacity. from what we have now, if you can believe it. the deal we are making, it brings us great wealth. we get back the money we spent and we hope -- will be able to settle this up. i tell you what, i'm doing it for two reasons, but the number one reason by far is to watch all these people being killed. i see pictures every week, i assume satellite pictures, so pictures on site thousands of soldiers being killed and decimated. the military equipment is so powerful and devastating. i want to see people -- not from
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here but from two other countries. let's talk about the middle east. we have got to solve that problem too. lot of things are happening on that. i'm watching soldiers being killed, ukrainian and russian soldiers being killed. i don't want to pay more money. biden has spent $350 billion without any chance of getting it back. now, we will get all that money back plus a lot more. we provided a great thing. we will be working with ukraine, because we will be taking them, we will be taking what we are entitled to take. they spent $350 billion and you spent $100 billion. does anybody really think that's fair? then, we find out a little while ago, not long ago, a few months ago i found out that the money
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they spent, they get back, but the money we spend we don't get back. i said "we are going to get it back." we will be able to make a deal. president vladimir zelinski is coming to sign a deal. it's a great deal for ukraine. we'll be working over there. in that way, there is automatic security. nobody will be missing with our people when we are there. europe will be watching it very closely. i know that the u.k. and france have said that they want to put, they volunteered to put so-called peacekeepers on the site. i think that's a good thing. >> you mentioned the high cost of eggs. we have seen consumer confidence this week have a sharp drop from last month, the biggest dip in i believe three years. why is that the case in your assessment? >> consumer confidence, if you look at confidence in the nation. it's the biggest increase in the history of the chart. it went up 42 points in a period
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of days after the election, since the election. since the election, the confidence in our nation including right track wrong track, the first time it's ever happened where we are on the right track. this country has been on the wrong track for a long time. the confidence in business, confidence in the country has reached an all-time high. we have never reached levels like right now. >> mr. president, you have been clear in saying that as long as your president, iran will never get a nuclear weapon. is also your policy that as long as your president, will never take taiwan by force? >> i never comment on that. i don't comment because i don't want to ever put myself in that position. if i said it, i wouldn't be saying it to you: i'd be singing to other people. people around this table.
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[laughter] a very specific people around the stable. i don't want to put myself in that position, but i can tell you i have a great relationship with president xi. we want them to come in and -- i see so many things saying that we don't want china in this country. that's not right. we want them to invest in the united states. it's a lot of money coming in. we will invest in china. we will do things with china. the relationship we will have with china will be a very good one. i see all these phony reports that we don't want their money, don't want anything to do with -- we will have a good relationship with china, but they won't be able to take advantage of us. what they did to bite -- he didn't know what he was doing, the administration didn't know what they were doing. it was sad to watch. we are going to have a good relationship with china, russia, ukraine, the middle east. we are doing things -- look, when i left, we had no wars. we defeated isis totally. we had no inflation. we didn't have the afghanistan
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withdrawal, worse withdrawal anybody has ever seen. i think that's one of the reasons president putin looked and said "these guys are a paper tiger." we are in a paper tiger. don't forget, we got rid of isis in three weeks and people said it would take five years. when i came in, i let them do what they had to do. the man that had at that operation is going to be your chairman, chairman of the joint chiefs. raising cain. i liked it from the beginning. as soon as i heard his name. that's my guy. >> decreases in crossings at the border -- for you to continue to pause on tariffs against mexico and canada -- >> i'm not stopping the tariffs -- >> president trump: i'm not stopping the tariffs. millions of people have died because of the fence and all over the border. >> even with a 90% in border crossings? compared to a year ago. >> they've been good, but that's also mostly due to us. right now, it's hard to come
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through the border. the damage has been done. we have lost millions of people do to fence and i'll. it from china, but it comes through mexico and it comes through canada. i have to tell you, april 2nd -- i was going to do it april 1st, but i'm a little superstitious so i made it april 2nd. the tariffs go on, not all of them but a lot of them. i think you'll see something that's going to be amazing. we have been taken advantage of as a country for a long period. we have been terrorist but we didn't tariffs. i did when i was here. -- we have had tariffs against us but didn't tariffs others. i did when i was here. not one president in the history of this tariff down my country took -- from china. at the same time, china respected as. when covid came in, that was a different deal. i used to call the china virus. i guess i can again. it is an accurate term. but i won't do it out of respect to china.
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>> immigration enforcement? >> on gaza, i wondered if this progress towards a second phase of the cease-fire. >> well, i'm disappointed when i see four bodies came in today. these are young people. young people don't die, okay? these are young people. four bodies came in today. they think they are doing us a favor by sending us bodies. look: that's a decision that has to be made by israel. israel has to make that dec decision. we have got a lot of hostages back periods very sad what happens to those people. a young lady with her hand practically blown off. she put up her hands to try to stop a bullet that was coming her way, and it hit her hand and blew off her fingers. a big part of her hand. this is a vicious group of people. they are going to have to decide
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what they are doing. phase one is going to be ending. today, they sent in the four bodies. i will say one thing. i have spoken to a lot of the parents and people involved. they want those bodies almost as much, maybe even just as much as they wanted their son or daughter. amazing -- "my son is dead, but they have his body. please can you get it for us?" it is incredible, the level that they want the bodies of the people that are dead. when i saw the ones that came in two weeks ago, they look like they just got out of a concentration camp, and the following week, a group came in and they weren't as bad or in as bad of shape. you just have to make a decision. you are right. phase one and now phase two has started. today, we -- we knew they were dead, by the way. we knew there were going to be bodies as opposed to people that
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were living. it's a very sad situation. at some point, somebody will say "we have to do something about this." >> mr. president, you were talking about afghanistan and the botched withdrawal. are the generals and command staff involved with original fired or relieved of duty? >> that's a great idea. i'm not going to tell this man what to do that i will say if i had his place i would fire every single one of them. that's a good question. >> it's a question we thought a lot about. doing a complete review of every aspect of what happened in the botched withdrawal of afghanistan. full accountability is one of the first things we announce that the defense department, for that reason, sir. general raising cain on his way and was not part of. instead, part of leading the effort against isis by untying the hands of war fighters and finishing it properly.
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we are taking a different view than the previous administration. >> i don't see big promotions in that group. [laughter] i think they will be largely gone. i know the man on my left. i think they will be largely gone. i have dealt with the parents and families of the 13 that were killed eric nobody talks about the 40 that were so badly hurt, with the arms and the legs and the face, missing arms and legs. it was so terrible the way that was handled. we have a big bass with big fences and nobody can get in. hundreds of acres instead of a local airport where the whole place went crazy. that was so badly handled. i would think most of those people will be gone. >> will we take -- >> i tell you what has bothered me very much. billions of dollars to afghanistan. nobody knew that. did you know we get billions of
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dollars to afghanistan? and yet, we left behind all that equipment which would not have happened. i got it down so mike 5,000 people -- going to keep this not because of afghanistan, but because it is exactly one hour away from when china makes its nuclear missiles. we are going to keep this small force on it, have the airbase -- one of the biggest airbases in the world, one of the biggest runaways, one of the most powerful runways in the sense that it was heavy and you could care about anything on those runways. we gave it up. you know who is it right now? china. biden gave it up, so we are going to keep that and have a withdrawal. we are going to take our equipment. we are going to do it properly. well, they ran out. what happened there -- in fact, in all fairness to pollutant, when he saw that, he said "this
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is our time to go into ukraine." i guess the timing seems to be about right, but we -- billions of dollars in aid, which nobody knows. if the american public didn't know that, they know it now. i think we should give -- i think they should give our equipment back. i told pete to study that. we left tens of billions of dollars worth of equipment behind. brand-new trucks. you see them displayed every year on their little roadways someplace. waving the flag, talking about america. beautiful equipment that's all -- i mean, top-of-the-line stuff. brand-new stuff. now it's getting old. you know what? i think we should get a lot of that equipment back. afghanistan is one of the biggest sellers of military equipment in the world. they were selling -- second or third. can you believe it? they are selling 777,000 rifles,
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70,000 armor plated -- many of them were armor plated trucks and vehicles. 70,000. if you think of a used car lot, the biggest one in the country, if i would say somebody had 500 cars, that would be a lot. this is 70,000 vehicles we had. we left it for them. i think we should get it back. speak of this spending bill that passed last night aims to cut $2 trillion. can you guarantee that medicare, medicaid, social security will not be touched? >> i've said it so many times you shouldn't be asking that question. this will not be read my lips. it won't be read my lips any anymore. we are not going to touch it. we are going to look for fraud. i'm sure you're okay with that. people that are illegal aliens, and others, criminals in many cases. that's what social security. you see that immediately when you see people that are 200
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years old that are being sent checks for social security. some of them are actually being sent checks. we are tracing that down and i have a feeling pam is going to do a good job with that, but -- a lot of fraud, but we are not doing anything with that. >> mr. president -- >> thank you, i'm sorry. part of your mission has been to restore executive control over the executive branch. is it your view of your authority that you have the power to call anyone or all of the people at the table -- issues they are bound to follow? >> they will follow the orders, yes. >> no exceptions. >> president trump: no exceptions. well let me think. she will have an exception. [laughter] of course, no exceptions. you know that. >> mr. president, can you clarify the canada/mexico tariffs? there was a 30 day pause -- >> 25%. >> when does it go into effect?
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>> april 2nd. >> for canada and mexico? >> for everything. >> the fentanyl-related pause, if they can prove to the president they have done an excellent job, that's what they first do with 30 days. the overall is april 2nd. a big transaction is april 2nd. the fentanyl-related things, they are working hard on the border. at the end of the 30 days, they have to prove to the president they have satisfied him to that regard. if they have -- >> president trump: it will be hard to satisfy. we lose 300,000 people a year to fentanyl. not like what you read for years. we lost, in my opinion over the last couple of years, on average, close to 300000 people. the families are ruined. when they lose a daughter, a s son, you're never going to be the same. you were talking about a million
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people. when the daughters died -- i see daughters die, the sons die because of fentanyl. in some cases, they don't even know they are taking it. they're buying something else and it is laced with fentanyl and they end up dying. i know many people who have lost children to fentanyl and for other reasons, but to fentanyl -- it's a big killer. those people are never the same people. i have seen people for the rest of their lives -- they aren't the same people. dynamic, happy people, and they die a miserable death. that's because of the crap that comes in through china, mexico, canada. a lot of it comes there canada. canada -- look: we support canada. $200 million a year in subsidies one way or another. we let them make millions of cars, we let them send a slumber, we don't need their
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lumber. we are going to free up our lumber. lee is going to do that. head of environmental. we are going to free up our lumber. what do we need their lumber for? when you look at -- we subsidize them $200 billion a year! without us, canada can't make it. canada relies on mosque 95%, we rely on them 4%. it's a big difference. i say canada should be our 51st state. there's no tariffs, no nothing. i say that, we give the military protection. they have a small military. they spend very little money on military. on nato, they are just about last in terms of payment, because they say "why should we spend on military?" most nations can't afford to even think about it. "why should we spend on military? the united states protects us." and i would say that's largely true. we protect canada, but it's not
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fair. it's not fair that they are not paying their way. if they had to pay their way, they couldn't exist. when i spoke to -- let's call it the prime minister, other than the governor, but when i spoke to him, i said "why are we giving you $200 billion a year?" he was unable to answer the question. i said "why are we letting you make millions of cars and send 'em in?" he was unable to answer the question, justin trudeau. i think he's a very good guy. i called governor trudeau. he should be governor. cars -- into the united states. the tariffs will make it impossible for them to sell lumber or anything else into the united states. all i'm asking to do is break even or lose a little bit, but not lose $200 billion. we love canada. i love canada. i love the people of canada.
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honestly, it's not fair for us to be supporting canada. if we don't support them, they don't exist as a nation. >> mr. president, have you made a decision on what level you will seek on tariffs in the european union? >> president trump: we made a decision. we will be announcing it very soon. it will be 25%, generally speaking, and it will be on cars and things. the european union is a different case than canada. they have taken advantage of us in a different way. they don't accept our cars. they don't accept, essentially, our farm products. they use all sorts of reasons why not, and we accept everything of them and have about a $300 million deficit with the european union. i love for the countries of europe -- i guess i'm from there at some po point a long time ag, right? but indirectly. pretty directly too, i guess. i love the countries i love all
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countries, frankly. they are all different. the european union was formed in order to screw the united united states. let's be honest. the european union was formed to screw over the united states. that is the purpose of it. they've done a good job of it, but now i am president. >> the countries of the e.u. -- retaliate? >> they can't. while they could try, but -- >> this one too effect, china's retaliatory tariffs on the 10th of february. 's. >> president trump: they can do it and they can try, but the numbers can never equal hours. we can go off. we are the pot of gold. we are the one that everybody wants. they can retaliate but it can't be a successful retaliation. we just go cold turkey, we don't buy any more. if happens, we win. >> talking about privatizing deportations? >> i haven't. >> you are in litigation with cbs news. is this a case he would like to
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see go to trial or are you open -- cvs, 60 minutes. >> president trump: cbs did something that was amazing. kamala was unable to answer question properly. they took the question that they asked and inserted an answer. they gave her an answer. this was two days before the election, the sunday night before the election. they wrote out a -- they put her words from another question that was asked about half an hour later and put that into the question. nobody has even heard of it before, but they then did it, they say, on numerous occasions, that the fcc is looking at it very strongly. think of it. they took her answers and changed them. and i don't mean they changed a word or two, cut off a half a sentence or a couple of words.
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i've had that happen, but then they just say -- we wanted brevity. they took her answer and inserted an entirely different answer that made her some competent. they did this and nobody -- i thought i had heard of everything when it comes to that stuff. i have never heard of it. nobody has ever seen -- so we sued. we are in discussions of settlement. >> what would a number be that you would -- >> i think it's a lot. [laughter] it probably did affect the election. we won by a lot. as i said, too big to rig, but it probably did affect the election. we probably could've won by more, but i probably could've lost the election because of that. we have to get to honest elections. we have to go back to paper ballots. we have to go back to voter i.d.
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one day election i.d., or short term, not the 48 day and 61 day elections where boxes are put in a room and "let's move the boxes because we are putting in a new air-conditioning system." the boxes move, and you say "where are all the boxes?" what happened to the boxes that never came back. our elections are extremely dishonest. we are the only a country in the world that has mail-in voting and all these different things. no other country in the world has it. france went to, they have some of the things we had. they went to same-day voting, all paper. paper is very sophisticated. it's a very sophisticated form of voting right now, a very safe form of voting. the other thing, which the governors would do, because the paper ballots will cost 90% of the machines.
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-- the lawyers will look at it. the fcc is headed by very competent person. they will look at it,. >> of all the deals are done in your life, the people you've sat across from, is president putin distinct and anyway? >> he's very smart guy, a very cunning person, but i have dealt with some people -- i have dealt with some really bad people. i will tell you, as far as this is concerned, we -- you have to understand, he had no intention, in my opinion, of settling this work. i think he wanted the whole thing. when i got elected, we spoke, and i think we are going to have
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a deal. i can't guarantee that. lots of crazy things happen in deals, but i think we are going to have a deal. if i didn't get elected, i believe he would have just continued to go through ukraine, and over a period of time, a lot of people would have been killed. it would've lasted for a period of time. i give great respect for the ukraine as fighters. without our equipments, that war would have been over, like people said, in a very short period of time. and you remember, i gave the javelins which knocked out those tanks at the beginning of the war. they said that obama at the time gave sheetz and trump gave javelins. well i was the one that did that and i want to see it come to an end. >> will he have to make concessions? >> he's going to have to.
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i believe because -- that war will come to an end and that if we didn't get elected, this administration didn't win the election by a lot, that the war would go on for a long time and he would want to take the whole thing. the reason -- and ukrainians are good fighters, but without the equipment, without our equipments -- we have the best military equipment in the world. without our equipment it would've been over very quickly. >> what concessions would you like to see? >> i don't want to tell you right now, but i can tell you that nato you can forget about. i think that's probably the whole reason it started. do you have a statement on that? i gave him the beauty. >> as the president said, we are
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not going to do negotiation in public with the american people. he will do it in private with the president of russia, the president of ukraine and other leaders. i want to push back against criticism i have seen in the administration on this. every time the president engages in diplomacy, you guys preemptively accuse him of conceding to russia. he has not conceded anything to anyone. he's doing the job of a diplomat and of course is the diplomat in chief as the president of the united states. >> can you talk more about the vetting for the gold card? >> -- >> president trump: the process is being worked out. we will be careful. >> will there be exceptions -- for example, chinese and iranian nationals? >> we probably will not restrict much in terms of countries, but may be individuals. we want to have people who run our country and are capable of running the country.
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>> do you have concerns about that? and secretary kennedy -- to look into that? >> do you want to speak on that? >> following the measles of. people who have contracted measles at this point -- in texas. mainly we are told of this community. there are two people who have died. were watching it, and there are about 20 people -- watching them put out a post. we will continue to follow it. incidentally. there have been four measles outbreaks this year and last year over 16. it is not unusual. there are measles outbreaks every year. >> you sound a little under the
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weather. >> i just have a permanently bad throat. >> coughing. >> peacekeepers to support the european peacekeepers? would you do any sort of u.s. -- >> we will support your. >> how would you do that? >> president trump: we have a great relationship with europe. you can talk about france. you can talk about anybody. we have a great relationship. >> how would the united states do that? >> you are asking me a question about what we're doing there. i hope we can have a problem or we can worry about peacekeeping. we have got together first. i hope we have a problem of worrying about peacekeeping. i think it would be the easiest problem we have had. speak of the deal presumably that ukrainians -- >> peacekeeping is easy. making the deal is tough. nobody was speaking to russia at all. probably a million and a half soldiers have been killed.
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i will tell you, the thing with that horrible war, it should have never started if i were president, and it did not start for four years and was not thought about starting, but the thing with that war is you are a highly underestimating the people that -- far more people have been killed in that war than you like to talk about -- numbers like a million people. they had much more than a million soldiers killed, but you have a lot of cities that have been knocked to the ground, demolition sites. every building is knocked to the ground. a lot of people were killed in those buildings. you hear a report, two people were minorly injured and biden
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did a horrible job, -- >> the united states, what would you be willing to do to support the peacekeeping effort? >> again you are asking in the same? how many times? you are talking but after we make peace. let me make peace first. i will give you all the answers we want but how many times can you ask the same question? >> is loosening the sections of russia part of that option as part of this deal? >> president trump: i want to say we make a deal first, but we will. i've had good conversations with president putin, president volodymyr zelenskyy. until four weeks ago, nobody had conversations with anybody. it was not a consideration.
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nobody thought you could make peace. i think you can. >> this piece of land that was claimed by force. if the russians get to keep the territory they claimed by force, does not send a dangerous message, say, to china? >> president trump: you try and take it away. [laughter] we are going to do the best we can to make the best deal we can come up with for ukraine -- we are going to try hard to make a good deal so that they can get as much back as possible. we want to get as much back as possible we will cut it out after maybe this question. go ahead. unless it's a bad question and then we will get a [laughter] always like to finish on the good one. >> negotiating with them instead of president putin. >> the peacekeepers. strictly to have a lot of -- there is a possibility that it does not work out, but i hope it does for the sake of humanity. if you look at the pictures i've
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looked at, you don't want to look at them. >> these cuts to the federal workforce. another round of this email. would be mandatory? >> i think they want to. i think it's a good idea. as i said before, they are on the bubble and a lot of people have not responded. it is possible a lot of those people will be actually fired. if that happened, that's okay, because that's what we are trying to do. it's disgusting and incompetently run. the worst president in the history of our country. allowing millions of people to come into our country like that. all the things which he caused because of -- trillions of dollars on this, i call it a
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scam. the best people in the world around this table. they can't believe he got away with it. in leaving office to send $20 billion here and $20 million there, $10,000,000.5 million. they couldn't spend the money fast enough. "let's get it out before trump gets in, let's get it to anybody." this is a disgrace to our na nation. the people see it. and that's why -- thank you very much, everybody. thank you. >> full of surprises. >> how many peacekeepers will you send? [laughter] >> president trump: live and learn. these guys -- [laughter]
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[chatter] say we did a great job, please. [laughter] >> you have been watching live president trump's very first cabinet meeting. there he was surrounded by 25 members of his cabinet. he made a ton of news. here are just three of the biggest items of news he made a -- elon musk, asked for five things workers did. we got a little context. mr. president called -- said be more aggressive. the spots on the email, not with the intent of being arbitrary or capricious. on ukraine, president trump made some news. was emphatic he wants to see a deal come through first, but made of his comment which was interesting end. when asked about a security guarantee for ukraine, he said "i won't make a security guarantee beyond much. we will have europe do that." a pretty newsy item. last night, the house passed a framework for the budget. president trump so there will be
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no cuts to medicaid under his watch. telling the reporter you shouldn't keep asking that "because i keep giving you the same answer." he emphasized that he will be going after fraud, but not making cuts to the seminal program so many rely on. this is "outnumbered." i am kayleigh mcenany with my cohost emily campagna, and also joining us, a host of "kennedy saves the world" podcast. and -- first, back me up. bird's-eye view. we will get through this and take you through it. these cabinet meetings, i have been in one. is nothing like them. hearing directly from the president. it's in the cabinet room. it did not disappoint today. >> house members and senators. let them stay there for two hours.
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the difference between this president and the last one, the transparency, the number of questions. everything that cabinet is working on this president knows. -- these are green cards but they come at a price tag of $5 million a piece. -- behind the gold cards. watch. >> these companies they can use it as a matter of recruitment. the same time, the company is using it to pay down debt. i think the gold card is going to be used not only for that -- used by companies. i could see apple -- i spoke on the tim cook, who by the way is going to make a $500 billion investment in the country, only because of the results of the
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election and i think because of tariffs. if you are in the country there is no tariff, but if you are out of the country there will be tariffs. the people -- they will create jobs, spend money on jobs, pay taxes on that too. they are going to be hiring people, bringing people in and companies in. i don't know. may be, it will sell like crazy. i happen to think it will. it's a bargain. >> it's fascinating and novel. >> it is. i think the president is excited about it but he was smart to say "we will see how it works," which is an outside way of thinking, which is what people applaud him for normally. it may not be a bad idea. i am curious though, and kevin, i wonder -- well, you can speak yourself. [laughter] what you think about this in terms of keeping the bad guys out. bad guys have money too. >> yes, but the secretary of commerce said everyone will be vetted. this is reforming the program.
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currently, people can't put up money for development to be able to be on a list to come through. the way the president is looking at this, why don't i make a system that's not working as well, improve it, but also find a way we can take care of our debt? this is a president that's really looking for the efficiency and accountability. this whole concept that elon musk is sending these emails out, it is really an accountability program. going through covid -- some of these people have not open 30 evils for months and have not been coming into the office. how do we get back on track? >> on the notion about that program, you basically pay $1 million, you guarantee job creation, and you get this visa. howard lutnick revealed how many applications there are for the visas and what it would translate to in paying down a $36 trillion with a t national debt. watch. >> we work together, work it out to be the best. if we sell, just remember, 200,000 -- there is a line of
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250,000 right now. 250,000 of these gold green cards. it's $1 trillion -- and that's why the president is doing it. we are going to balance the budget and pay off the debt under president trump. >> just the current applications would pay down 1:30 six of the national debt. trumps that "if we sold 10 million, you would get $15 trillion." >> what i love about this is under the former archaic system, the investment was one of the future -- cope with this brilliant idea, the investment has a short-term, immediate impact, meaning the payment is in the beginning. right that that business has the money. the stimulus to our economy is not just in the form of the boys coming and the companies being incentivized. the immediate stimulus is that payment immediately.
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i find this incredible and find that it's a hallmark when you don't have a swampy establishment commander-in-chief and instead you have one focused on that efficiency and transparency and out-of-the-box thinking to stimulate everyone. that's the reality. we haven't had someone who has thought that way at the helm -- and frankly forever. to your point, it's the difference of this administration which includes that joe biden is not leaving the meeting, but also as the president pointed out, that there were not the disloyal people in the past. so we don't have a cyanide in the well. there only those committed to executing the will of the people who the president, and that includes this exciting stimulus. >> him ledger brought up jill biden. she was at -- i'm glad you brought up jill biden being there. was there, but not a member of the cabinet. hunter biden did not attend a cabinet meeting, but was in several west wing meetings after
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that presidential debate. of course the criticism falls on elon musk. took a moment to explain exactly what he's up to with regard to that email. listen to this. >> i guess there was -- last week, the president encouraged me via truth social and a phone call to be more aggressive. and i was like "okay, yes, sir, mr. president. we will do that." well, the president is the commander-in-chief. i do with the president asks. and i said "can we send out an email to everyone, saying --" the president said yes, so we did that. we got a partial response. we are going to send another email. our goal is not to be put capricious or unfair. >> i thought that was a very good explanation. >> yes. when he was saying is "we're just trying to take a pulse. we want to make sure the people doing these jobs are there,
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presence, and confident." this probably a lot of managers and ceos across the country going "i'm doing the same with my work force. i want people to check in and self-report their productivity." i think you would find that the federal government would be more productive -- it might require a smaller workforce, if people had to be accountable for the work they were doing end. out of all the ways the government can encroach on their lives, this is maybe the least offensive. it's surprising to me that this is what people are so up in arms about. yes, for the dni and secretary of defense hegseth and fbi director, if the people underneath them were working with it for them -- sensitive jobs they are doing with classified information. of course you are not going to put that in an email, but -- which a lot of people didn't
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report. that's with the initial email said in the first place. if you are in in sensitive areas, you don't have to list those things. you could still do more than "i steamed my jammies in" -- [laughter] >> you steam your jammies? >> if you're working from home and on the federal -- and that's for thousands and thousands of nonactive government employees. >> that's a legitimate fear. you made an important comment. when we were off camera and he was making his taiwan comment, was asked about the policy towards taiwan. president trump said "don't put me in that position. i'm not sharing this with you." and you made a comment about how discipline that was. i don't want to lose the nuance. there has been a long-standing policy. we don't say what we will do. biden, by way of contrast basically insinuated that we would go to taiwan's defense militarily. aides had to clean that up. president trump is disciplined.
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>> biden didn't even just do it once: he did every time he was asked to. it created an international problem. it also made you look weaker, regardless of the answer you gave. that your staff had to clean it up. that's the difference with this president. president trump has 10,000 hours. he knows how to do the job. what's unique is because he was out of the job for four years, he knows what the american people are suffering. people are absent they sent an email? government has grown every single time -- and disproportionately because of covid. he is coming back income motivating people. they are doing account to be for who? the hardworking taxpayer. but you are right. he's more disciplined this time and loves the job. you can see that in his face. everyone always told you growing up "do the job you love and -- best at it." he is the best at it. >> i'm sure the press relished
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asking all those questions. >> they did. he had fun, though. what struck me was -- "make sure you tell everybody that we did a great job." >> and that was ted jones. [laughter] >> rights. that that was refreshing to see his personality come out in that setting. >> lawrence jones asked and who was the most impressive and who is not doing their job. trump quipped in a very fun manner. didn't knew you were a controversial guide. a lot of news out of that. the press got a lot of questions in. you heard from j.d. vance, rfk jr., pete hegseth. a wide-ranging cabinet meeting, making a ton of news for policy domestic -- we will keep you updated. i'm sure we will hear from present trump again today. keep it tuned into fox news. ♪ ♪ >> we are fighting every day to get th


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