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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 28, 2025 8:00am-9:00am PST

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cease-fire step one, then deter russian attacks against either ukrainian forces or european forces as they move into a peacekeeping force. reciprocity for the u.s. taxpayer which has gotten the bulk of the media attention so far this week. very important. the burden sharing with our eu european partners. >> aishah: and security assurances. lawmakers feel, especially republicans, feel like the president is in charge and that something could happen. but they again security assurances for the nato countries is a big deal for those folks on capitol hill. they are watching this closely. they don't want putin to get away with this. >> bill: thanks for coming in today. dana is back on monday. you have a great weekend, okay we'll get i have to harris in a moment and wait for the big meeting at the white house. here is harris. >> harris: we'll pick it up here with a fox news alert. the world is watching what happens today.
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when our president meets at the white house with the president of ukraine. this is an important hinge point in history. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." president donald trump and the ukrainian president zelenskyy are expected to try to carve a path to end russia's war on ukraine. we've been told in our reporting the men will also sign a historic rare earth minerals deal that could strengthen ties for years to come. it would be a good deal for america. president trump has promised the deal will reimburse american taxpayers for the billions of dollars sent to ukraine. the agreement gives the u.s. access to ukraine's rare earth minerals used in everything from cell phones to batteries. and right now the united states is dependent on china for those minerals. ukraine will put half of the revenue, the money from all of
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that, from all government-owned natural resources, into a joint fund with our country. general jack keane. >> i think it's an overwhelmingly positive. it ties the united states to ukraine for a generation in terms of exploration and mining for these rare minerals. it ties us economically, politically and obviously with an unbelievable interest in the future security of ukraine. why? because if war continues, there is no exploration. there is no construction going on. no mining going on during a conflict. that's for sure. and putin you know full well does not like this deal. so this deal was in the united states and ukraine's interest. that's what makes it a good deal. >> harris: republican congressman mike lawlor coming up in "focus." let's start with senior white house correspondent jackui
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heinrich. >> the deal document itself has not been released but it allows the u.s. and ukraine to jointly develop ukraine's deposits of rare earth minerals, also oil and gas with the revenue going into a jointly-managed and operated reconstruction fund. this does not come with the promise of future u.s. aid. the administration sees american investment in the region really as its own type of guarantee. president trump used this as back pay for previous u.s. support. >> it shows the american people that there is upside here for them that we have not squandered the money, because the american people are always concerned about overseas interventions. there is a lot of corruption. president trump will be the first president ever to create assets for the american people rather than debt. >> the deal also reportedly states that u.s. government will support ukraine's efforts to
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obtain security guarantees. already britain and france have volunteered to play a role in the peacekeeping. still democrats have pushed back on this saying it sets a precedent where u.s. help comes with strings attached. >> it just have never felt such shame about american policy before. i don't know how our allies trust us after this. in terms of what i can hope for out of this meeting, i can only hope the president doesn't betray our ideals more than he has already. that ukraine isn't forced to give up something for nothing. >> the president's tone about zelenskyy has shifted. zelenskyy seems to have regained trump's support. the president yesterday walking back his past statements that zelenskyy is a dictator. >> president trump: i think the president and i actually have had a very good relationship. it maybe got a little testy because we wanted to have a little bit of what the european nations had. you know, they get their money
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back. >> do you think zelenskyy is a dictator? >> president trump: did i say that? i can't believe i said that. next question. >> the visit yesterday, the u.k. prime minister was a push to not get the president to abandon ukraine. he was praising the peace talks so far. it seems that president trump's approach have gotten initial approvals from some of these key allies. >> harris: thank you very much. we're watching very closely now a little movement just the last few minutes as we expect the president of the united states to pull out, walk through the door you see that is now open to greet the ukrainian president zelenskyy. as that happens, we'll go to that immediately. i want to welcome in "focus" now republican congressman mike lawlor of new york, member of the house foreign affairs committee and importantly today he sits on the house ukrainian
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caucus. congressman lawlor, tell me what are the conversations like among lawmakers in the caucus about ukraine? >> i think this is a very positive step, harris. obviously i've been a strong supporter of ukraine. i've been very clear in believing very firmly that vladimir putin is a vile dictator and thug and that russia, china and iran have worked in a coordinated effort to destrap lies the u.s., europe, israel and free world. however, we cannot allow this conflict to continue forever. the death and destruction that has been wrought in ukraine has been devastating. and so i think what president trump is trying to do here is not only bring the conflict to an end, but frankly strengthen the relationship between the united states and ukraine economically. and from a national security standpoint going forward. while there is the full details
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of the deal are yet to be released, the fact is this is a positive step for the united states and europe as we seek to, frankly, get off of reliance on china for rare earth minerals and push back against the naked aggression by russia, china and iran. >> harris: i want to get to that for a moment. i rattled off what they do. titanium is important. construction, airplanes, orthopedic im mrnts and paint, cosmetics and sunscreen. a few of the items here. graph it manufacturing and electric motors. litheiam batteries is on the list of what we could be getting. could ukraine minerals help us escape china's choke hold. the u.s. heavily defends on materials to defense and hi-tech
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industries. making a supply from a friendly partner is -- china is a national security threat. you were just saying that. this would be a good deal for our nation, obviously, for all those reasons. my question is what does this do for russia? it is not like they will put down their weapons and say yeah, you guys have at it and go get the minerals. they are in two places where the minerals sit. it is on the east side of ukraine and the north side. they can reach that, too. >> no question and part of the reason why the trump administration has begun the process of dialoguing with president putin and his administration in russia. because ultimately you will need to navigate through these challenges. but there is no question vladimir putin understands that if the united states and europe
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are fully unified here behind ukraine, as we have been and will continue to be, long term that is not in his interest. and i think when you look at what president trump has talked about, whether it is the panama canal and the concerns about china controlling that, whether it's rare earth minerals in greenland. as chair of the middle east and north africa subcommittee when i focus on the challenges there, part of the discussion is with the countries in north africa with respect to rare earth minerals. this is both an economic discussion and a national security discussion. and i think from our vantage point not only do we need to reassert our role as leaders of the free world but making decisions in the strategic interests of the united states and our allies. russia, china, and iran are not our allies. they are not our friends. they are adversaries and competitors. and so it is critically
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important in this moment, i think, to have president zelenskyy meet with president trump, finalize the terms of this agreement, and move forward in a way that puts ukraine in the strongest possible position to negotiate an end to this war. >> harris: please stay with me, congressman lawlor, i want to add to the conversation gordon sonland, thank you for being with us. we were talking about ukraine's part this and congressman lawlor talked about russia's part of this. this is a bigger picture with a couple of other players who are a little more cozy to russia, china. it's china and iran. what are your thoughts on it, ambassador? >> well, now is the time for the
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democrats to fall in line and at least show a little bit of decorum when we have a very delicate negotiation going on. what schiff has been saying and others is not helpful. what would they have trump do? if all of a sudden instead of trying to make an economic deal that also has the side benefit of being a security guarantee, he poured on the weapons and poured on the ammunition, then they would call him a war monger. this is a brilliant strategy on the part of president trump. i agree completely with congressman lawlor. if the democrats could just shut up for a few minutes and allow peace -- give peace a chance, it would be very, very helpful to our country. >> harris: i mentioned off the top of this hour, ambassador, that the world is watching us at this point. look, this president has not been shy about how he will deal with terrorists and other issues.
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china is feeling that today. we knew going into their markets opening last night our time on the east coast and across the country that this was going to be potentially a tough day for them. what kind of pressure has the president had in store perhaps for those tariffs with regard to the people that we are talking about today? and would that benefit us? >> this is a game changer. first of all, before i get to that, putin hates this deal. this is exactly what putin didn't want. now basically he has got a choice. trump is going to give him enough of a carrot to start to pull him away from china, which will have the effect of really leaving xi without a major ally. i can't -- i can't even game this out as brilliantly as this has been put together. again, i'm not trying to be ob
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seeob -- this is a brilliant game changer. ukraine will be grateful for our investment and friendship and it will hit all of the different points the ukrainians have wanted for years from the united states. >> harris: you know, congressman lawlor, sitting on the ukrainian caucus in the house, has there been talk about -- there was tremendous amount of pushback from your side of the political aisle doing something that lets ukraine into nato. then you have another country coming in that potentially won't want to pay its fair share militarily. we don't know what the landscape will look like yet. what does our future friendship, if the deal gets done today, how do we align ourselves with ukraine? >> well, i think it certain will i strengthens the relationship. my biggest concern throughout this conflict has been that if ukraine falls, other soviet states, other former soviets state would fall with it.
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my wife is from mull dove -- mull dove yeah. there would be significant challenges if ukraine falls. this agreement will not only strengthen our cause together but really ultimately provide further security guarantees for ukraine, inclusive in my view down the road, potentially of joining nato. vladimir putin is in a very weakened position as a result of this deal. and i think it is something that frankly despite all the rhetoric and all the consternation, when this deal gets signed, president trump deserves a lot of praise for it. >> harris: you both are saying that. i know you said you don't need
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-- you call the balls and strikes and this is a positive -- i called it a hinge point in history today. they've been at war for so long after russia invaded ukraine. we'll take a quick commercial break and i ask you gentlemen to stay with us. during that break if for some reason this gets going faster than it looks like it will for the next few minutes we'll bust out and come back and bring you that live. stay close. your new bike is officially protected by america's #1 motorcycle insurer. we can now safely go wherever the wind takes us. [ engine revs ] let's ride. [ tire squeals ] it was one of those books that smelled bad, but in a good way. you know? nah, man. -oh. -didn't think this through, -did you? -no. you go in without me. the owner and i aren't on speaking terms. apparently the refills are limited. -kay...? -it's not okay.
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>> harris: we want to take a look now and we will know the minute that president zelenskyy of ukraine, his car hits the driveway there. everybody will pull into position. but that door is open now to the white house and that means that we are very close to seeing president trump come out for that traditional handshake to welcome zelenskyy. this is not a normal bilateral situation. this is somethin they hope president trump and his team hope will bring an end to the war between russia and ukraine. it has been 1,100 days, three years plus four days at this point. the three year mark was monday of this week. as they pull into place fordo a deal i want to welcome back congressman mike lawlor and
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gordon sondland, ambassador. how do these deals get structured and now are they sure they will sign the deal? i heard you say that congressional lawlor. as we watch this, are they still working out deal points, likely? >> well, i go by the negotiating maxim which is 90% of the movement happens in the last 10% of the time available. so it would not surprise me if either of the parties makes some last-minute changes or additions and some skirmishing and people get mad and go into separate rooms. it ultimately will get worked out. i might make a comment about nato membership for ukraine. while it is very much in ukraine's interest to join nato, it may not be in our interest to have them join nato at least in the short term because once they are in nato, the u.s. has no optioninality. if they get into it with russia, we have no choice but to abide
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by article five and defend them even if it's something they may have caused. i am not suggesting they caused the last conflict but you never know. without being in nato, the united states retains the ultimate optioninality. that is something as a real estate developer president trump always wants to do, which is to retain optioninality. i understand it. >> harris: i want to show everybody something. president trump on the minerals deal yesterday with his meeting with u.k. prime minister kier sarmer. >> president trump: we will have a lot of people working there. in a sense it's very good. a back stop. i don't think anybody will play around if we are there with a lot of workers and having to do with rare earths and other things, which we need for our country. and we appreciate it very much. i look forward to seeing him.
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>> harris: i have to say what we start to talk about putting american companies, our allies on the ground inside ukraine particularly in the north and east where some of these minerals are located, when you look on a map you can see different ones in different places. there is a concentration particularly in those areas and the north especially, i do wonder what kind of military cover you are going to need. we will do a deal and russia will be part of that. but they have had access and active in the eastern part of that country. so congressman lawlor, as we -- they have a habit of taking americans. as we put our people back in there how much money will we spend making ukraine a safer place for everybody who goes there? >> i think, harris, this is critically important because if you look at the aftermath of world war ii, the united states was critical in rebuilding europe. you look here regardless of whether we struck this specific
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deal or not, ukraine would need significant investment to rebuild and reconstruct once the war is complete. this insures not only that the united states -- >> harris: i will have to interrupt for a second. the president of the united states has just walked outside. he has given a thumbs-up. we see the salute there and we watched it before. the traditional greeting that the president of the united states will give a foreign leader invited to the white house. and so as the president of ukraine zelenskyy, a wartime president pulls up. let's watch and listen. >> president trump. what is your message to vladimir putin? president trump, do you have a
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message to vladimir putin as you speak to president zelenskyy today? >> harris: president trump has done back and forth with the press not too far from there probably 50 feet from that door. and the driveway. i did catch that he said and he looked at zelenskyy and said you are dressed up nice today. some reaction from either of you. i will come to you first, ambassador. >> well look, zelenskyy has to convey that he is on a wartime footing. and by wearing camo and wearing military gear, if you will, it reminds him and reminds the team around him, it reminds those who are traveling with him, that ukraine is still at war. and, you know, putting on a suit and tie is a nicety but i understand why he is doing it. it is very effective. it reminds people he is still at
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war as well including president trump. >> harris: congressman. >> couldn't agree more. this is clearly an important moment, as you said, harris, inflection point in history. this is a critical moment for both president zelenskyy and president trump. president trump inherited a mess from joe biden around the globe. not just with the russian invasion of ukraine but obviously the terrorist attacks against israel, the threats from china and indo-pacific. you know, there is a lot of work ahead and i think you are seeing very swiftly president trump move this in a much better direction for both ukraine and the united states given the billions upon billions of dollars we've invested to support ukraine throughout this conflict. and just to finish the point i was making before, ultimately this is an agreement that will
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allow us to recoup a lot of the funds that we put towards this effort but will also ultimately allow for the critical investment needed to rebuild ukraine whether this conflict does indeed come to an end. it is a win/win for everyone and does put ukraine in a stronger position economically and from a national security standpoint. by having american businesses on the ground and investment putin and others will think twice about coming in again because the consequences of that would be devastate are for vladimir putin. >> harris: i want to talk about that. >> if i might. >> harris: one second as we look as a replay of zelenskyy and president trump together right before they went into the white house. ambassador, i wanted to ask about that money fund where half of everything that they get from the rare earth minerals goes into this mutual fund. what happens there? who is monitoring that and where
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is that located? is that out of the country for ukraine? do either of you know the details of that? >> well, i was about to say when i interrupted you, the investment that the u.s. is about to make, aside from monetizing the rare earth and other minerals, is something the ukrainians have been wanting for years. the ukrainians came to see me in brussels in 2018 wanting more u.s. investment and wanting a better credit rating and bond rating. and they've been asking for this forever. so now they are getting their cake and eating it, too. yes, it is true we're repaying ourselves through this fund, which will likely be run by treasury or some subsidiary of treasury along with ukraine's equivalent. but what they are really getting here is an incredible amount of follow-on investment aside from our own monetization of rare
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earth. >> harris: great to have you both congressman lawlor and ambassador sondland. thank you very much. history is made within the white house as it often is. president donald trump doing a deal that we expect to be a signing of something to put us on the path to end the war between russia after it invaded ukraine. those two countries. it has been three years and four days at this point. all right. gentlemen, thank you again. when we get remarks from that meeting that is happening, we'll bring you those as soon as we can. there are no live cameras right now in that meeting. we'll get a taped play-out and give it to you immediately. meanwhile, let's get to some other news on this very busy friday. artificial intelligence is transforming lives. people often talk about a.i., am i afraid of that and i don't understand it. let's look at what difference it can make. mental healthcare. concerns are people are turning
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to digital therapists. the more we learn about the death of gene hackman, his wife and dog, the more questions about suspicion there are. >> is it an investigation and we are keeping everything on the table. i think the autopsy will tell us a lot. >> harris: the latest on what authorities are calling suspicious circumstances surrounding their deaths. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold, they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept. one... rosland capital a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth.
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sheriff with this. >> they have been deceased for quite a while. the gentleman doing pest control work that went to the hackman residence and he noticed that they weren't home, which was odd, i guess, as far as he was concerned. he made contact with a security officer that was there patrolling or in the subdivision and then it was the security officer that went to the house and had discovered the individuals. >> harris: chief correspondent jonathan hunt is in los angeles. jonathan, yesterday when you and i were together it was first time we had heard suspicious around these deaths. what more have you learned? >> well, we still have so many unanswered questions here, harris. what we've heard from the sante fe county sheriff who you were just hearing from has only served to make this situation
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more rather than less confusing. >> there was no immediate sign of foul play. haven't ruled that out yet. this is an investigation and we are keeping everything on the table. >> the bodies of gene hackman and his wife betsy were first discovered by those workers who were visiting the property and called 911. >> according to the affidavit filed by the sheriff's office the first deputies on the scene discovered hackman in a mud room showing signs of falling and his wife in a bathroom with a sudden fall. close to an open prescription bottle and scattered pills. one of the dogs was dead in the same bathroom. in a closet according to the affidavit. the sheriff called it a kennel.
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there were no obvious signs of carbon monoxide or gas poisoning. the bodies were partly mummified having lane uncovered for days, possibly weeks. >> i think the autopsy will be key and toxicology. in my experience, that could take a while and so i just ask that people be patient. >> hackman's family released a statement acknowledging that millions of people around the world loved and admired hackman's work but they added in that statement, quote, to us he was always just dad or grandpa. now expect a press conference later today around 5:00 p.m. eastern with the sheriff's department. harris, possibly we'll get some preliminary medical findings at that point. i just want to emphasize one point that paul mauro was making today. obviously when they say in the affidavit suspicious enough to warrant an investigation, obviously as paul was pointing out you walk into a building and
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find two people dead in two different rooms, the initial is it is suspicious and there has to be an investigation. we shouldn't put too much into the word suspicion. >> harris: when you say anything has sitting so long it is mummified that adds a layer. a quick report on that. i want to dig deeper. >> yeah. the maintenance worker who was there, this pest control officer, was apparently a regular visitor and he said he had not seen the couple for two weeks. we don't know if anybody checked on them in that intervening period. it is possible that those bodies were lying there for up to two weeks, harris. >> harris: jonathan hunt, great report. thank you. >> sure. >> harris: add mental healthcare that artificial intelligence is transforming. more and more people are turning to chat box to access digital
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therapy anytime, anywhere. the american psychological association is looking into that. they don't know how they feel about it. mark meredith reports next. >> good morning to you. instead of asking a person like a therapist for advice on love life, how to deal with trauma, you could ask a chatbot to guide you. a.i. therapy and a lot cheaper than going to a doctor. therapy 24/7 through the chatbot. the company's recreators say business a booming and platform is adapting its advice based on an individual's need. >> when you rebring up issues or people's names and stuff like that she has your story in her brain and as you add new things, she is able to give more nuanced advice and discussion because she knows your history. >> the american psychological association says it knows a.i. is here to stay. they don't want to ban the
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technology but are concerned about privacy and the quality of advice people are getting. the group now lobbying the federal trade commission to require a.i. apps have safeguards so people who use the bots so they have a better idea where the advice is coming from. >> i think multiple disclaimers, not just one time disclaimer, pop-ups for suicide resources when the technology does not -- detects there is harming language. >> the group is also trying to lobby state legislatures to pass laws on this. will therapists be out of work? i spoke to expert saying they believe that their jobs will be safe. this tool provides mental health services to more people, which was somewhat surprising to me. >> harris: we'll have to see. you still need somebody to write prescriptions and tell them when
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things aren't working out from whatever they might prescribe. that's one layer. so much to get to. thanks for breaking it down. we are awaiting for marks after trump and zelenskyy have met in the oval office. at 11:23 we marked the time when they went in for that meeting. we don't have any sort of expectation of how long it could take. we do know that they are talking about a deal that would let us recoup the billions of dollars that ukraine has gotten especially during its war with russia after russia invaded that country. so recouping this money could come through the rare earth minerals deal trump is doing. it is landmark. benefit us and changes the landscape of how you negotiate the end of war. just look at the big picture here. put america first is what he is doing. so we'll be watching for that
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when they wrap that up, remarks come out we'll bring them to you. no live cameras in there just a reminder. there were plenty of live cameras here. so much hate. jewish hate, protestors once again spilling into the streets of new york city. so where do they go for the meantime? are they are neighbors? there are so many of them. anti-israel, jewish american haters and students there are fed up. >> these are students who cause play as the terrorists that they support. they have no regard for the rules. they have no regard for the basic function of the university, which is to teach and to learn.
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[shouting] >> harris: let's call them what they are, many of them are calling them that. pro-hamas protestors. you know what they've done to the the hostages, hamas terrorists. we've seen them come home emaciated if they come home
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alive at all. jewish hate is causing chaos again. before the break i said where do these people go? they live among us. and they hate us. because if they hate one group they hate everybody not like them. it's happening too often. now it's barnard college in new york city. fox news talks with a student from that school last hour. >> when i walked through the doors and saw a huge pro-palestinian banner draped from the second floor landing i assumed it was a sit-in. i didn't realize how violent it would be. the university condemns the incident. i thought their words were a little lackluster. i'm not looking for lip service, i want action. >> harris: i think of what she is more eloquently putting is this. they are doing violence and they hate and they are dangerous. alexis mcadams is in new york city with the story. this is not free speech, alexis. >> we've been covering these
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protests on the channel for months. it seems like every couple months they pop back up and now that the weather is getting nicer here in new york city they are happening again. the group saying there will be more protests and leading to some arrests saying they won't stop until they get what they want. watch this. [shouting] >> so three people were taken into custody and face charges now clashing with the nypd where an event the new york governor was supposed to speak. the event was canceled because of security concerns. two students were expelled from columbia university and kicked out because they interrupted a modern israel class, history of modern israel class last month. threw out anti-semitic fliers. the school said that's it. they got kicked out. this group is calling for all zionist classes to be interrupted and banging on
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windows yesterday saying they want the students to be reinstated. the school tried to negotiate with them and sent out a teacher who said this. >> the dean is happy to meet with representatives from your group. she wants the people she meets with to be unmasked and uncovered. >> no. >> so that didn't go over big for those protestors, harris or the jewish students we talked to including as you heard from her parents wondering why they pay all these money for fancy schools when they don't enforce the rules. some kids might end up switching schools. the d.o.j. will look at ten schools including two right here in new york city, nyu and columbia and they have had a lot of protests. >> harris: i would think the d.o.j. wants to look if there is any harboring of terrorists supporters. we aren't saying the protestors are terrorists but they are acting violently and they are
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threatening to harm other people and they are spewing things that might not be protected speech. we know the difference and so does the justice department. so this is going to get interesting. also i notice the school official there. did you see how she was shaking like a leaf? she had to give them the bad news they had to take off your masks and she looked scared. >> she did. she seemed nervous. she was sent out after they already injured a security guard. i will come up with might have mega phone and see what they say. they didn't like it. >> harris: always great reporting. thank you. i want to to bring in "focus" jason, did you see that just now? jason, even the officials are afraid of the people and they want to negotiate with them. what world are we living in such that -- by the way, this could be anywhere in the middle east right now. that woman was right. show us your face. show us who you are.
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if you are protestors, why are you hiding? >> we know why they are hiding. they are breaking the law and holding just despicable and disgusting positions that aren't merely anti-israel but anti-semitic and anti-jew and anti-american. as a jew, we don't feel comfortable walking around liberal cities now because of mobs like this. stop with the lip service, stop with the cheap statements condemning lightly some of these protests. they are not just protests. they are clearly something more. do something about it. what are we meeting with these people for? they say they want to entire upped zionist classes. is that someone you will sit down at a table with and have a decent reasonable conversation and come to some sort of solution? are you going to compromise with these people?
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put yourself in a position. any of the liberal media outlets that cover this and amplify these messages. if they said they would interrupt african-american studies and latino studies. no. why is it that we treat this particular group of students as if they are not anything other than terrorist supporters? that's what it is they are. >> harris: i've talked with reporters, our own included, on the streets for more than a year covering these as they pop up. never heard anybody say this group that's protesting is trying to raise funds to help feed the people of gaza, to -- they aren't interested in that. that's not what they are doing. they are interested in hate. you can't negotiate with haters who shout the messages of terrorists. >> they want to see the destruction of israel. it's really as simple as that. they don't want jews to be able to walk comfortably on campus. no scholarship around israel or
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jewish studies. these are folks who in the context of the horrific images we saw with the bibas family and after math of that, does anyone think the people protesting yesterday wouldn't have reacted exactly the same way? does anybody actually think that? >> harris: under the current president there is no daylight between the united states and israel. there is no daylight so if they think the destruction of israel is going to happen because they filled up a few streets outside college in new york, again, i don't see them -- what is their endgame in all of this? and you are right, these officials, i can tell the woman was scared. you could see here out there with a bull horn. somebody else previous had just gotten hurt. empty the campus. give the police a chance to do their jobs like they had to do with the haul on columbia. empty that campus out with the haters and teach the kids who want to learn. your last quick thought. >> something we've learned based
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on some of the becomes lm and -- if you go in immediately and stop it and set the tone you send the message that is not going to be put up with and then they start to dissipate. >> harris: wow. yeah, and pray. that's what i do. jason rantz, thank you so much. i want to take us back to the white house now. we're finding out that secretary marco rubio and vice president jd vance are in the meeting now between president trump and visiting ukrainian president zelenskyy. a lot on the line today including that deal that trump has said he can strike that benefits us to pay back the billions of dollars we have put into the country during its war with russia. we're all over the story. keep it right here on fox. have a blessed weekend. "outnumbered" after the break. ae your va cash out benefit
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