tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News March 1, 2025 6:00am-7:00am PST
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>> it's the 9:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend, ukraine's zelensky asked to leave the white house as president trump and vice president vance put america first on the world stage. >> he's not gotten the memo this is a new sheriff in town and new president, and we're determined for a new path to peace. >> elon musk calling out madness in a wide ranging interview with joe rogan. >> the pentagon was like an accounting error and stuff they lose in the couch cushions like $20-$30 billion a year. they've done away with it. it's gone. rachel: it is bad. this is good.
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this year's hottest toy. final hour hof "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ rachel: good morning, everybody. it's the 9:00 hour here on "fox & friends" weekend. i'm here with charlie and we have peter doocy with us today. peter: good morning. rachel: it's been interesting, peter, having you here. my son, patrick, who is 8 is here and he comes on the couch, off the couch, goes and gets snacks and you said i know what that's like. i grew up on the "fox & friends" set too. i thought that's awesome. peter: before there was a couch. rachel: what did you do when your dad brought you in, what were you like?
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carley: what were you like back then? peter: just open a drawer and there was like a box of cereal and just reach in. there wasn't like a ladle. charlie: like chinese food pacts. peter: as a kid, i wanted to come in when there was someone from the yankees doing a demo outside or older baseball players. rachel: what did you do hanging out? you're in the studio doing what? peter: he'd chat up dick clark and my sister sally is like 5 or 6 and she was looking at him and she said why are you so tan? he said well, i live in california. rachel: he was probably under some sun lamps too. peter: i don't know who's in the green room but patrick is probably having a memory talking about filling in on a show his dad hosts or hosted in like 30
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years. charlie: i gave him two candy bars so he'll remember something. rachel: he raids the snacks, there's no question about it but we're having a toy segment. that'll be fun for him. maybe he'll remember that. t good to have you here, peter, especially on such a big and busy news day. the entire world, we just had mike gonzalez on from the heritage foundation about europe watching this all over the world. every world leader is looking at what happened in the oval office yesterday with zelensky, president zelensky, president trump and his wingman jd vance, vice president jd vance. this was fireworks going off. take a look at it and we'll break it down after. >> ceasefire. all of them said they'd not go with the contract. the contact, yes, but after that he broken the ceasefire and
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killed our people and didn't exchange prisoners. we signed exchange of prisoners, but he didn't do it. what kind of diplomacy, jd, are you speaking about? what do you mean? >> i'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country. with respect, i think it's disrespectful to come to the oval office and try to litigate this in front of the media and i've watched and seen the stories and i know what happens. you bring people on a propaganda tour, mr. president, do you disagree you've had problems bringing people into your military and think it's respectful to come to the oval office of the united states of america and attack the administration that is trying to prevent the destruction of your country? >> a lot of questions. >> we don't have the cards right now. with us you start having cards. right now you have playing cards. you're gambling with the lives of million people and gambling with world war iii. you're gambling with world war
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iii and what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country. look, if you can get a ceasefire right now, i tell you take it so the bullets stop flying and your men stop being killed. >> yes, i want to stop the war but -- >> you don't want a ceasefire? i want a ceasefire and it'll happen faster than anything. >> what are the people seeing? >> wasn't with me. that wasn't with me. that was with a guy named biden who was not a smart person. that was with obama. excuse me, that was with obama who gave you sheets and i gave you gav lons. i gavrikov you the javelins to take out the tanks. obama gave sheep and trump gave javelins. you've got to be more thankful because you don't have the cards. with us, you have the cards.
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peter: my day job is to go to those and the way it works they call the press with overhead page and go line up like in the colony by the rose garden and they bring you in and they only want the press to stand between where the couches are and the desk. adopt go behind the desk, don't go too close to the principles and it's a tape play back. owed, we were just getting alerts like something crazy is happening in the oval office. we'll play the tape when we get out of here. never ever hear anybody on the couches talk. it's set up for the people by the fireplace there. so for jd vance to chime in, but the trump people are saying this was not an ambush, it started when zelenskyy went after jd vance. he did. he insulted him by calling him jb. he's the vice president. and he's trying to shame him because he never went to ukraine. never visited ukraine. the guy who visited ukraine more than anybody else, lindsey graham, saw this and marched
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right out to and i had zelenskyy is toast in ukraine. i don't think a visit to ukraine that jd vance never made is the reason for his problems this morning. charlie: talking about the real politics and reality on the ground. the reality on the ground is it's a bad situation and zelenskyy has been part of the bad situation the entire time and the difference is that president trump and vice president jd vance are different people. coming to it with a different set of eyes. a different set of solutions and i think if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, this is insanity. you have trump and vance trying to figure out some way to change the dynamic to end the war. earlier we talked to colonel mike walz and he of course recognized that zelenskyy's
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behavior, whatever you think of the guy, didn't achieve anything to help him or ukraine. >> after that insult in the oval office, we don't see how that could move forward and any further engagement going backwards from this moment on and we walked over and told president zelenskyy and his team. this really could have been and should have been a positive moment for ukraine and stop the death and destruction and then it became clear and what has the president so frustrated and frankly angry is that it's not clear that zelenskyy truly wants to stop the fighting. and i said look, mr. president,
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time is not on your side. if you want to disagree about ending the war, fine, but that's behind closed doors. it was wholly unacceptable. rachel: exactly. this was unexpected and had a deal hammered out and he starts acting belligerent about the deal of peace and people want peace and people don't. zelenskyy does not want a resolution to this issue and neither do a lot of neo-cons in the country and democrats have come out to his defense and european leaders want the war to continue. i'll make it clear, a lot of people are making a lot of money off of this war, and they've blown up other opportunities for peacemaking. there are americans, guys, that feel bad to what happened for the ukrainian people going for them despite the gratitude and as bad as people may feel about what happened for ukraine, there's no mother here in they want their son to go fight in that war, or daughter.
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i will tell you this, that is what donald trump is trying to stop. you're gambling with world war ii and this could get really, really gad and trying to stop that and hard to believe people don't want peace the way donald trump does. peter: gambling with u.s. taxpayer money, it's not trump's money personal personally, it's everybody else's, even though he pays taxes. watching that clip and lost in the complaints of democrats of them doing this on tv. there was a nbc report in 2022, biden told zelenskyy to be more gracious because of the generosity of the american people. seeing a world leader there with his arms crossed and -- because he's not getting what he wants, it reminds me as the dad of a 2-year-old, reading all of the books about how to raise a 2-year-old, if your toddler is throwing a tantrum, sometimes you have to remove them, take them to a different place, and let them cry it out.
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and donald trump basically did that when he as waltz described and the team said he's got to get out. and he did. like a toddler with an armorred suv. rachel: it's more than a 2-year-old. it's an older kid that's been spoiled and he's used to getting his way and sits in here and donald trump says i'm sorry, we're not playing the same games that grandma let you get away with. or grandpa i should say. grandpa biden spoiled you and you're going to show gratitude for the american people and help end this very dangerous war. you're right to talk about the money, peter, because we're in a lot of debt and that's why doge was started and elon musk went on to the joe rogan show to talk about just the sheer madness as he calls it of all the waste of our hard earned taxpayer dollars, watch.
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>> i want to emphasize the sheer madness of the government and they have magic computers like the checks never bounce for the federal government. you don't have the normal corrective mechanism for a company or individual. the checks just always clear. the net result is inflation, which is effectively a tax on everyone. but like the defense department hasn't passed an audit in i don't know how many years. >> seven years. bring it back to the idea this is a business, it would never be tolerated in any kind of functional business. >> exactly. you know, pentagon will like their accounting error. like the stuff they lose in the couch cushions is $20, $30 billion a year. don't know where it went. it's gone. don't know where it went but it's gone.
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peter: trump asking federal workers for five things they did. he asked zelenskyy for one thing, a thank you and didn't get it. i know we are trying to move on in the control room, if we could put up in just a second a video of the oval office some exclusive reporting that came in from the sound bite of somebody in the room and hearing that the thing that really set the vice president off was 30 minutes of head shaking, smirking and eye rolling from zelenskyy. the president couldn't see it when he was addressing the price but we all, the rest of the top staffers, saw it. it was the body language as much as anything. it did really go off the rails in the byte we've all seen, but the ball started rolling down the hill way sooner. rachel: proves that politics, charlie, and peter, it's relational. it's relational. this guy had very low social iq going into there and still thought he was talking to
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grandpa joe. charlie: it was a colossal misreading of the room and eye rolling and shoulder shrugging and misreading the larger political situation in the country where you have people like elon musk talking about extraordinary waste, fraud and abuse from the federal government and the need to trim our sales and it's like zelenskyy's team didn't do their homework. i wonder how many of these officials and american officials talk to before going to the oval office. what did they say? how badly did they mis-prepare him for walking into that meeting? rachel: such a great point and zelenskyy himself said he got so many billions and spent like $175 billion and like so many billion. i don't know where it went.
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there are people making money off this. he's probably probably ukrainians that have skimmed money and zero transparentty and his attitude going -- transparency going in and attitude going in and amount of waste as elon musk said, $30 billion wasted away. guess who's working hard and guess who has a lot of problems at home. we do. we have people struggling here. and zelenskyy and the europeans and everybody else who wants our money doesn't seem to care about that . peter: and it was not a setup. elon musk would have wanted to have been there but with joe rogan. moving on, pope francis is rested after his respiratory condition suddenly worsened yesterday. rachel: jeff is live with more. reporter: good morning. after several days of seemingly slow improvements and the vatican saying last night that pope francis suffered from
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isolated breathing crisis, though they tell us he had a quiet night and he's resting, but this is the second time pope francis has suffered some sort of medical crisis in the span of about a week or so. and the pope was helped with a mask that covered his nose and mouth and breathing normally and in good spirits and pope francis experienced a bronco 135678 and the area that connects the windpipe to thelings tightened in the pope's case and led to vomiting with inhalation and pope francis remained alert and the pope spent 15 nights at the hospital in rome where catholics continue to show up and pray more the pope's full recovery. >> we're one with the pope in this situation. we come here to pray for him and as we believe that we cannot see it in his suffering and we are
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seeing them with age. reporter: he's not out of danger just yet and his recovery remains very touch and go. we're hoping to get another update a few hours are now when the vatican releases that around 7:00 local, 1:00 eastern. back to you all. rachel: thank you. we're going to turn to headlines. quinn terrific row pleading -- one of 29 cartel members pleaded not guilty and was expedited this week. he spent 29 years in a mexican prison after being convicted of torturing and murdering a dea officer in 1985. >> we have waited 40 jeers for this day. this day when justice would be
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served. quinterro is eligible for the death penalty if convicted. opposition leader coming out in trump's move nor oil licenses to allow energy companies to operate for the socialist can't despite sanctions. here's what was said during an interview with fox noticias. [speaking non-english language] rachel: that lady there, maria corina machado is the bravest in latin america. president trump said he made his position clear he stands in opposition to nicolas maduro's
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regime. and this, the more children you have, the better it is for your brain. country-specific tray to how hollywood often -- contrary to how hollywood portrays families. >> hi, everybody is fine. i'm just making dinner. rachel: researchers analyze nearly 20,000 brain scans of women and over 17,000 men from the uk and they found that those who had children showed slower cognitive decline as they age. essentially having kids and having more of them keeps you young. charlie: keeps you sane? peter: the youngest sanest person in new york and probably of anybody watching. rachel: you told me earlier in the break you're going to have
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another baby. peter: in april. rachel: that's a two year span. he's on the duffy plan. every two years. are you on board? makes you young. peter: if i'm on the duffy plan, i'll be having kids till i'm 60 but that's okay. rachel: it'll make steve happy. he's like the most proud grandpa i know. charlie: check in with adam live at daytona international speedway for the start of 84th annual daytona bike week. reporter: good morning, guys. it's bike week. we're are a bunch of children out here and this is our candy store. our candy is the motorcycles and part of bike week and one of the most exciting things is all the different manufacturers come out here and do demo rides. i'm at honda demo right now. these are all riders from all across the country that wanted to ride here in a demo. my man here is from florida. he loves hondas. i've got to get out of the way and let them go. they're waiting for me.
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we'll have more "fox & friends" after the break, but you guys can take off. enjoy yourselves, boys. (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary spraying flonase daily gives you long-lasting, non-drowsy relief. (psst psst) flonase. all good. i always wanted to know why i am the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry.
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it was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna. it's a family thing. it's a family thing. i didn't think someone like me was at risk of shingles. the rash couldn't possibly be that painful. and it wouldn't disrupt my life for weeks. i was wrong. i didn't know that 99% of people over 50 already have the virus that causes shingles
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volodymyr zelenskyy doesn't want peace in a heated exchange. >> you don't have the cards right now. with us, you have the cards. you're playing cards. you're gambling with lives of millions of people. you're gambling with world war iii. we're looking for peace. weariness noted looking for somebody that's going to sign up as strong power and not make peace because they feel elmore boldenned and that's what i saw happening. charlie: we have fox news contributor ben domenech joining us now. ben, wow. what a white house meeting that was. >> i've never seen anything like it, charlie, you know you and i have been around long enough to see a lot of different blowups politically overtime. i've never seen someone blow up
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his own agenda so horribly and in this moment, i encourage people to look up the full meeting because you had about 40 minutes of conversation going well before this blow up happened, and it happened because zelenskyy, look, for bettedder or for worse, throughout his time as leader in ukraine, we know he's theatrical and he's theatrical and approaches given his background and that serves him well in terms of inspiring his people in terms-healing the west. in this instance, his choice to be theatrical in this moment and having a conversation that frankly goes against every wise peace of advise he could have received about dealing with this administration and this president was shocking. it's a bold strategy, cotton, to see how it works out and criticizing your biggest backer and essential to your nation and instead of saying we believe in president trump, we believe he's going to find a path to peace that's good for us in ukraine. we trust him, which is all he needed to say, he those to make
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this decision and go away from this minerals deal in a way that could have went away. carley: i would recommend people go to the spectator and listen to a remarkable interview that you con ducked with president trump about two hours before that oval office meeting, i was thinking that interview you conducted was going to be the biggest news of the day, and it's a wonderful interview and kind of got blown out of the water but such is timing in the age of trump. but i want to play a clip from that of your interview where donald trump talks about his conversation with outgoing president joe biden. >> i asked him and i said, so who do you blame? he was very angry. very angry guy actually. and he said i blame barack.
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i never think of him as barack, you know, you always hear obama. i had to think about that for a second. and he said and i also blame nancy pelosi. i said what about the vice president? he said no, i don't blame her, which was interesting. charlie: you've got these extraordinary divisions within the democrat party. where do they go from here? >> it was interesting and i asked him of the advice given to democrats and he thinks they're going wacko on so many different areas of policy and he's fine with them doing that over and over again. i would encourage people to look at interview and see some of the things he said and it presaged this confrontation with zelenskyy and find at and it's one of these things and never know how long he'll go and we ended up talking for more than an hour
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and longest interview he's done since returning to the presidency and there's so much in there but one thing about that division is that i think he's very much playing into here is that joe, i think, still resents the fact he never got a shot to defend his legacy and on some level, blames barack obama and nancy pelosi but they're still their leadeers and de-crept out of touch leaders and that's a problem for the party. charlie: i recommend people listen to that interview. there's a lot of good stuff in there. ben domenech, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. charlie: how trump's justice department is cracking down on the rise of anti-semitism on college campuses. we're always looking to make things easier. like using a wood splitter instead of an axe.
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that worked up an appetite for some old folks sausage. we've made that easier, too. you can take our frozen patties from the freezer to the skillet. let is thaw, as it cooks. as always, the last one is as good as the first one. find purnell■s old folk country sausage in the freezer section. 'cause it■s goo-od and easy too. sheldon: restoration is more than walls. it's more than paint. it's more than cleaning. that's the thing we'll never forget. for belfor, it's your memories. it's your life's passion. it's your home. belfor, restoring more than property.
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making a emergency landing at newark airport in new jersey after a bird strike. see the plane's right engine on fire. the incident happening about an hour ago after takeoff. thankfully nobody was hurt. air traffic the briefly stopped as a precaution and the airport is back to normal operations. the fbi returned boxes of documents seized during the 2022 raid on mar-a-lago to president trump. trump's staff members seen loading materials and other personal property onto air force one. alina habba said they contain pictures and newspaper articles taken from barron trump and first lady melania trump's closets and drawers. trump blasting doj on truth social saying the items will some day be on display as part of his presidential library.
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peter. peter: thank you, char limit the anti-semitism task force visiting columbia, harvard, ucla and more campuses. comes as more anti-israel protests are breaking out of columbia and new york city's barnard college this week. here to discuss is senior council to the assistant attorney general for civil rights, and the head of doj task force to combat anti-semitism, leo terrell. leo, good morning. >> good morning, peter. peter: leo, some of these topnotch colleges and ivy league schools had reputation tarnished for entire generation and entire generation of people my anyone that never want to send their kids to a place that had these protests, and now they're happening again. how is this happening again?
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>> well, it's going to stop. i want to thank president trump for giving me this opportunity. there was an executive order to pam bondi to combat anti-semitism and pam bondi told us to do everything possible. we're targeting these ten universities as a study and telling them we're taking your funding away under title circumstances six and suing you under title seven for faculty mcellroys being intimidated and harassed and telling the district attorneys in these cities, peter, do your job and arrest these individuals for hate crimes or the federal government and u.s. attorney's office will do your job for you. this is not free speech. this is speech coupled with criminal misconduct. peter: so lawsuits and prosecutions possibly incoming for these dick emberds and democrat support for israel, the
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backdrop would be the democrat supported is at a record low. 83% of republicans and 33% of deputies are saying in this new poll they support israel. we know a lot of jewish students didn't feel safe going back to school after the spring protests this year. should jewish students feel safe on college campuses right now? >> right now, no. in a couple of weeks, yes. those ten schools are the starting point. peter, you saw what happened recently this week at barnard school. did you hear that representative? she was appeasing the criminals. we're putting these professional protesters in jail. we're going to take the colleges' funding and put injunction against you and doing everything in pam bondi's tool box against these schools and
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these district attorneys who have turned their backs on the jewish person community. peter: leo terrell, this is really quite a story and we'll stay on top. thank you. peter: thank you, peter. peter: police ruling out carbon monoxide poisons in the death of gene hackman and his wife. more restaurants ditching seed oil for beef tallow. more ways to make america healthy again, next. living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. are you at risk? learn how to get a free ldl-c test at when we started feeding bogie the farmer's dog, he lost so much weight. pre-portioned packs makes it really easy to keep him lean and healthy. in the morning, he flies up the stairs and hops up on my bed. in the past, he would not have been able to do any of those things.
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fixer the deaths of gene hackman and his i've wife's death being investigated. >> the two time oscar winner likely passed away nine days before his body was discovered. according to the santa fe sheriff's office, gene hackman's pacemaker showed his last recorded event on february 17th. the 95-year-old and his wife betsy, along with one of their dogs found dead at the home wednesday. authorities say there was no visible signs of trauma to their bodies, while the cause and manner of their deaths has yet to be determined, the sheriff of santa fe county told reporters he's "pretty confident no foul play was involved".
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and investigators are able to rule out possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. >> just today i spoke to the pathologist from the new mexico office of the medical investigator at 2:00 p.m. today and revealed the following information. both individuals tested negative for carbon monoxide. >> two cell phones seized along with medical records and common medications including thyroid and blood pressure pills along with tylenol and they're working to piece together a time line, and this all comes after relearned from the search warrant that two dogs found alive on the property and hackman's wife body found near a scattered bottle of pills and the sheriff confirmed that while the autopsies are now complete, the toxicology report may take up to three months to complete.
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rachel. rachel: thank you, chanly. more restaurants are turning to beef tallow as they make america healthy again. the movement is in full swing, and that includes stake and shake, who just -- steak and shake who switched frying with seed oils to beef tallow. kelly needs joining us now. callie, this is exciting changing from seed oil to tallow and explain why that's important and what are the benefits of tallow and detrimental impadgets of seed oils? >> rachel, this is great news and free actor responding to rfk's honor to make america healthy again. everyone should be going to steak and shake and other restaurants taking seed oils out of the supply chain. to answer a question, rachel, we've got to get to the corruption. 100% of that in the 1960s and tallow and butter and seed oil
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makers paid off for the american heart association and started saying animal fats were bad they didn't change from tallow in the 1980s and 1990s from cost and changed because they're getting pressure from the american heart association and it was corrupted. this has been a disaster and everyone should google how seed oils are made. they heat seeds up till they become a sludge and soak them in rust remover and soak it in bleach and dee odd riser and these oxidize -- de-odderrizer and butter and tallow are anti-inflammatory. we lost our ways when mcdonalds fries have 17 ingredients and chik-fil-a sand wish has over 60. this is the market leading the way to reclaim over broken incentives. rachel: we've pointed out switching to tallow is actually the same -- it's not like you're buying something more expensive and in the end lasting longer than seed oil and no difference
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in cost; reich? >> yeah, hhs is open for business now to help advise and celebrate this. one anal cyst they pointed out is that because the seed oil is so rancid, they ox side quickly and have to be changed quickly and tallow last longer and the cost is about equal. we're in this mess, rachel, because of the corporate capture of the medical heart association and hhs is ready and bobby to unwind and that's government giving better guidance and free market actions like this. rachel: no question. you have the top five other changes that restaurants could make. you can remove artificial -- this is your list. remove artificial dyes and eliminate antibiotics and meat and cheese production and real butter instead of liquid margin and replace dough conditioners
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and the food chains following the market and small restaurants and my husband coming from a little town. hayward, wisconsin, and a restaurant called social kitchen cocktails and they're advertising, it's a tiny town. no seed oils and there's an app where if you looking for a restaurant, they're on that app, other restaurants on the app. talk about how you're making it easier for people not serving seed oils. >> everyone download the app, it's a great app. and i think you're exactly right. the core point of this is that the food tastes better and often these don't require much of an investment. get back to fresh food and celebrate that. rachel: yeah, amen to that . you're off to an incredible start. we just are going to keep following this because america is going to get healthy again and it's thanks to what you and bobby kennedy are doing over at hhs. we're just so proud of it. thanks so much, calley.
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>> thank you, rachel. rachel: you got it. get ready to toy around with some of the hottest toys and games around to hit the market. your kids aren't going to want to miss this. ♪ i'm maya and these are my breasts. honestly, we've had a complicated relationship. ♪ i've tried sports bras, underwire bras, minimizer bras...
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♪ and then out of nowhere, i found a lump. breast cancer. ♪ then, losing the breasts i never fully appreciated. ♪ during treatment, i asked about kisqali - a pill that can help reduce my risk of cancer returning. and now i have a new perspective on what really matters. kisqali with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with stage two and three, hr+, her2- early breast cancer with a high risk of recurrence. kisqali may cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts, that may result in serious infections. life-threatening lung problems and abnormal heartbeats can occur. your doctor should test your heart and blood before and during treatment. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening cough, chest pain, or dizziness. before taking kisqali, tell your doctor all your medical conditions, medicines you take, and if you're breastfeeding, pregnant, or planning to be - as it can harm an unborn baby. common side effects include nausea, headache, and tiredness.
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rachel: this morning 119th toy fair kicks off at the center here in new york city. peter: and to celebrate, we got toy insider chief toy officer to show us the latest toys and games coming out this year. laurie rendition of anthony, what are the power -- laurie, what are the power rangers goes to do? >> over 30 years we've all loved power rangers and hold onto that. collect all six this fall. mighty morphing power rangers. this is the great figures and out in the fall. they'll be about $9.99. charlie: do girls like that as much as boy s? >> yes, yes, yes. all right, during the holidays kids asking for puppies and giving them a panda this year. this is cocoa. so coco has over 40 different
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actions and sounds. tumbling and super cute and we can feed her and going to shut her. she'll keep playing and she's so fun and also out for them. from the un-boxing beauty trend, there's a new way to play. this is beautiful, you get to un-package everything and in the jar un-package slime and slime booster. charlie: put it on the newsprint and then pick it up? >> smell your hands. it feels great and smells great. there's cloud, there's butter, there's gloss, and there's clear. different slimes. rachel: smells good.
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>> this is the butter coconut. charlie: and takes your fingerprints so don't use this while committing a crime or you're in deep trouble. peter: there's underpants. >> couldn't get anybody to put these on. system of articulation charlie: you put them on, laurie. peter: rachel is getting in the pants. rachel: i have to try them out. >> read the card and find things. find something round and long and each card is different. it is a really fun game for everyone to play. peter: soccer bot. >> we're going to play with this and everyone comes over and everyone is pros and sorry. okay.
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this is why technology meets athletic skill. this counts down and what you're going to do is kick to each other. come on, everyone, get in the game. because the bot will try and get it. i don't ♪ know what just got it. charlie: this will go on for awhile. we'll be right back. rachel:, everybody. ♪ ♪ nexium 24hr
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