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tv   My View With Lara Trump  FOX News  March 2, 2025 1:00am-2:00am PST

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when you choose to see it, if you can't watch live. i want to add perspective to the noise and back out there. washington is upset with what's happening to washington. ruling class is upset with what's happening to the ruling class, bureaucrats and unions, the democrats, lawyers, they don't represent america. tens of millions of us thrilled everyday with what trump is doing, what elon musk and his team are doing so i say, keep it up, keep the foot on the last gas pedal, the american people support this so i will see you tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. eastern time right here on and live in. ♪
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>> good evening, hope you're having a great saturday night and welcome to my view. our to start with a huge thank you to everyone for welcoming me and this show into your home. and for making our first episode such a huge success. we are so excited to keep the momentum going tonight. in the quest to make america great again, a broad coalition of voices coming together away we've never seen before. what's the goal? simple. president trump wants to restore confidence in our institutions and leaders. he wants to restore orders and rule of law. he wants to make america the safest, strongest country we've ever been. part about will come with making america healthy again. the movement headed by his hhs secretary rfk junior has grown into a passionate group of a sleep athletes and eager parents motivated to save america from daunting statistics.
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>> america's overall health. worse health than any other developed nation. we can be a strong nation unless we have healthy people need to be focused on the basics needed to improve the overall health and well-being of americans. i've seen firsthand the medical community is overwhelmed with these preventable ailments. >> we have enough, who want truth and transparency and we want to be able to educate people in a way that's not funded by big industry. >> average life expectancy is currently 78.4 years old. that's years behind the uk and other nations and still behind our own pre-pandemic levels. we spend more money on health care than any other country get our citizens have never been sicker. the cdc says it to in five u.s. adults are obese and estimated 129 million people in our
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country have at least one major chronic disease, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and hypertension. clearly we have serious ranch to make up get those in the left are more focused on fear mongering and attacking rfk rather than working together. >> you said yesterday people could be killed as result rfk junior in this role. >> you said millions will die if rfk junior is confirmed. >> it's beyond clear mr. kennedy is not remotely qualified to become the next secretary of h hhs. to confirm is about to make america sicker back rfk guarantees our kids will go to kids with his who are sick, marcus will be confused about what their rights are. >> when it comes to health and our children's house, shouldn't we all be on the same team fighting for the same cause?
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tonight on my few, who will talk to those voices committed to the mission from what we eat, how we move and how we think. time to take a step back and reevaluate. new health leaders taking the reins, we have the freedom to really examine what we've been told. if it means feeling better, living longer and getting more years with our loved ones, in my view, i think it's worth it. let's start with bio hacking. it sounds sci-fi but there's some real advancements being made by those willing to push the envelope in tech, biology and beyond. one of the biggest names in the field is gary brekke. >> we are a lot more sick and diseased than we deserve to be. >> this guy will change your life. your favorite actors, powerful just people in the world are doing this with gary for one reason and one reason only -- it works. >> 110, 115. >> 120 -- 140 million no
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question. >> eighty is the new 40. >> leading wellness extras, celebrities and athletes on a new kind of health journey and luckily he still had time to give us advice. >> we are so excited to sit down with you, i don't even know how to address you, bio hacker, health guru, tell me what it is you do and how you ended up doing all of this because so many people turn to you to learn how to improve their health. >> is going on in biologist. my postgraduate degree and human biology books for years i worked in two life insurance trying to predict mortality to the month so we used big data to decide how many months people have left on earth. what emerged is the reason people are not living healthier happier, more fulfilling lives was what we called modifiable
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risk factors. many things they can change in the lifestyle that would probably change the trajectory of their life. >> what you feel now people are finally starting to say maybe things haven't been working the right way, maybe there are major changes our country can make and what is it that you would like to see over the next four years with president trump, rfk junior in these leadership roles to change america and make us healthy again? >> a couple of things came together like a storm. we emerge from the pandemic and the matter what side you were on, your life was touched by the pandemic and it will people up and they said i need to take my healthcare choices in my own hands. we are at a crisis in america, 77% of our military, they don't qualify due to poor health, 13% of teens have fatty liver disease, highest rates of childhood cancer in history and that's what we have to get back to what god made us, getting
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poisons out of the food supply, i'm super excited about bobby kennedy and your father-in-law, people from polar opposite ends of the spectrum unifying over children and health, healing. i find it odd anybody could be on the opposite side. >> i think a lot of people have been under the impression the way you cure the disease is to take a drug but i think we are coming upon a time in society where maybe we hopefully will phase out, do you feel that as part of the movement? >> i think it's a huge part. when i interviewed, one of the things he said that sat with me that there's nothing more profitable than a sick child and as sad as that is, it's a statement of fact. we are starting children earlier and earlier, hamster wheel so this whole movement is about
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getting to the root cause, physical education in the school system and processed foods out of our children's diets, getting him in cemetery food out of the diets, they deserve to drive and that's what i think late the perfect foundation for bobby kennedy to come in and take control of the narrative people are willing to hear. >> president trump promised to restore the american dream in this country. a healthy person has 1000 dreams, a sick person only has one. 60% of our population has only one dream -- that they get better. >> if you look at what he's talking about and describe the mohawk movement, we are talking getting poisons, insecticides, pesticides, preservatives, things our body doesn't recognize, it causes chemical reactions in our bodies that make us sick or so who's against getting those things out of the food supply? is how you get a food pyramid that says lucky charms is nutritious. >> i think something else people have heard about, a lot through
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bobby kennedy, he was outspoken about it, seed oils. for people who say i don't know what seed oil is that i constantly hear about it, what is it? >> canola, grapeseed, safflower, vegetable oils and often it's not -- people we are attacking the plant. i'm not attacking the sunflower but the distance from the plant the table so when you take a plant like the grapeseed, canola and you put it in commercial president comes out gummy and the gum it with hexane, a neurotoxin and then the oil you heat to 405 degrees, it turns it granted and then leased stick heart healthy label on it and take these fatty acids are part of a heart healthy diet, nonsense. they are part of a hard inflammatory diet. inflammation is the root of all evil. you're the five oils. all of oil at room temperature, click coconut oil, grass fed
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butter or coconut oil, these are oils that don't denature at high temperatures, olive oil or avocado oil at room temperature the rest of the seed oils permanently out of your life. >> what would you say to an adult in the united states who says or even know where to sta start? what are your top do to lead a healthier life? >> pay attention to your sleep, human superpower. >> i will tell you how much i sleep because you'd be horrifi horrified. [laughter] >> but i'll fix it. consistency and bedtime in getting a good circadian rhythm is the single biggest thing you can do to improve the outcome of your day the next day, contrast short shower before you go to bed, hot runner water out and turn it cold, step into the cold stream of water, i know, just deal with it for 30 seconds, break the cycle in the brain, climb into bed, make it as cold and dark as you possibly can, stay off screens at night.
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if you have to be on the phone, turned the red light sitting on your phone, blue like racist your cortisol. light comes in with blue light says wake up when we are trying to go to sleep. >> what about eating? people, get this out of your diet or put this in your diet immediately today to see a difference. >> let's boil it down to the facts. look at the blue, look at the blue zones around the world, was the continuity? they were all whole foods. no one was eating highly processed diet living along like so the secret to living a long life is eating whole foods. meat, fish, chicken, eggs, vegetables, coconut oil, nuts, avocados, whole foods. highly processed diet sense cellular biology into a tailsp tailspin. >> for people who have a desk job sedentary throughout the day, what would you tell them? >> you don't have to have 90 minutes to move your day around. there are busy moms and dads and
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career professionals that get out of bed and they are on the move as soon as i get out of bed. fifteen minute walk 15 minutes after lunch in 15 minutes after dinner, that mobility helps pull glucose out of your bloodstream and include sensitivity and that is a leading cause of metabolic syndrome preventable with lifestyle changes. >> bio hacker, i think a lot of people have heard that, you call yourself a bio hacker, what does it mean? >> doing more with less, was the best i can do for my cellular biology? there are so many gadgets in cosmos, you can get paralysis analysis. the best device is mimic from nature. >> with the mohawk movement and ai up-and-coming, i feel we are in a space where people are saying if we were healthier and had the ability to utilize ai in a specific way, could we see longevity of humankind expand? >> there's no question
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artificial intelligence, big data and early detection are the greatest three inventions in terms of longevity of humanity. i believe if you are alive and five years, it's your choice whether or not you want to live to 120, potentially 140. >> so much more with gary as he shows us around his bio hacking compound complete with cold plunge and hyperbaric chambers. stay with us. >> on this screen saturday night 9:00 p.m. >> i get to watch myself. [laughter] i'll be watching you watching me. [laughter] this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine.
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have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me.
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perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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welcome back to my view where i could have spent the entire day with gary, i have so many questions and he has so much knowledge and insight to share. he has an entirely bio hacked with the coolest most cutting edge technology i've ever seen. even if we don't have the gadgets, we can all be inspired by the next frontier for our health. >> we are going to go back here, this is where things get serio serious. [laughter] >> what are we about to do? >> i will my gym inside of the hyperbaric chamber. also set it up as a podcast studio. trying to get more done for less. this is my life and joy, the latest jim. it's a gym inside of the hyperbaric -- the market is. >> you need a prescription to go
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in to the gym but it will take you down as low as two atmospheres which is double atmosphere pressure, it does not have one 100% oxygen to you can you sense under the supervision the right prescription and increase pressure and push all of the oxygen to your brain. >> that's what i was going to ask, why is such a big deal. >> more oxygen to more tissue, that's the name of the game. >> i'm wearing the right shoes. >> go over and have a seat. we are in the hyperbaric chamb chamber. >> look at the weights, growers and when you grow, it's hard to get your heart rate up because there's compressed oxygen. taken the air and compress it and all the oxygen is flooding your liver, lungs, pancreas, brain. >> to get the same workout? >> you get the same workout. [laughter] >> that's important.
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>> once you know what you're doing, you have the guidance, these can be a longevity protocol for people. they can go into clinics or get them for home. this is the red light therapy room so we are mimicking beneficial effects of the sun with red light and infrared light so these things, these lines that look like they are off, they are on just infrared or near infrared, that's where you get the real therapy like the invisible rays from the sun and they help with circulation, information and great for skin and collagen amazing for organelle called mitochondria because one like passes through, it pushes oxygen and helps it function so red light therapy that mimics the benefits from the sun without uv rays. >> how long? >> ten minutes every day or 20 minutes three times a week.
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>> this is where it really gets fun. this is silver fabric so basically it blocks the wi-fi so there's no 5g or wi-fi. >> when you're sleeping, you're not worried about what's penetrating your brain or body because it keeps it up. >> no emfs is a mat on the floor and the liner sitting and plugs it in so it sets it on the ground so it is grounded and what is incredible is the first we stopped in with got anxious, sweating and rapid heart rate and after a while she got used to it but it impacted ems so we sleep emfs free and you can sit down and turn around and it's
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chilly. 50 degrees fahrenheit. there's no evidence colder is better or longer is better. forty-eight to 53 degrees. cold water of your face puts it in a state where it comes to your heart rate. that feels amazing. >> we did it. >> still ahead, mohawk moms fueled the movement from the beginning. the biggest and america's children. some mom kristin and doctor true penske weigh in on the phenomena
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next. ♪
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now back with my view. ♪ >> welcome back. mohawk movement made great strides raising awareness about the quality of our food systems
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and the rise of chronic disease. uniting pants from across the political trial but arguably, none of this would be possible without mohawk moms. mothers increasingly turned about the health and well-being of their families. they've shown they are not afraid to speak up. >> make america healthy again is an answer to my prayers. i have four children and i'm concerned for their health and their children's health. >> my children were sick. i was told they need to be on chronic medications forever and will keep their diseases at bay and i refuse to take that answer for one more day so i started changing our diet and lifestyles and our kids came off medications because my children's lives changed, my health changed. >> unbelievable that the democrats and liberal media tried to near them as conspiracy theorists but today we are going to get the facts. self-proclaimed mom sports illustrated mom and founder of
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super troop, kristin is here along with addiction medicine nationalist and patient officer for the company one of america's best doctors, doctor true pens penske. welcome to both of you. >> congratulations. >> such an apparent topic something people are so interested in and with good reason. all of us wonder, is what we are giving our kids making them healthier or sicker? you feel as a mom yourself the reason people continue to go down the wrong path with health and nutrition for the kids is because we been given that information or maybe the wrong information? >> absolutely a lack of information and education. we are learning about crazy things and will when we should be learning about how to do your taxes and your body and your family. like rfk has said, it's mad moms that will make the change and it does come to lack of education,
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most parents do have good intentions but it does come to lack of education we need to work on educating ourselves and social media, love it, hate it but we are finding out so much because of this movement. >> doctor true, you say the food industry is a business not of nutrition but addiction. >> the people who brought us tobacco and strategies used lobbyists use and marketing strategies over food, food companies got the tobacco companies and now they created addictive foods i want you to know, there will be layers to this. the first laser layer is we've got to ask russians, it's here we are not healthy. why? i think you put data up about age and death is dropping. we are doing much more in other countries, lots of theories, i'm going to tell you addiction and psychiatric, we haven't even gotten to that, that is going to
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be a major contributor. >> you look at the food supply, you could spend how long will that? there are different layers. >> look at the food pyramid. why did you do that? why does the government destroy everything? >> if you we are back, sick, infertile, there's a business. a trillion dollar industry. >> i'm so optimistic of about this country and people, i can't do that but you're probably right. >> the only difference between conspiracy theorists is six months. [laughter] >> what are some tips to give to parents out there who say every know where to start but i know i want to start doing better for my kids? >> you start the home and we forget we have so much power within our household. it could be as small as you are the national at soccer this week, lead by example. i want to show my kids what i'm
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doing and we have a voice clearly, the mountaintop behind this movement, locally done and i can't wait to see what we do. >> and overwhelming number of medical schools don't do any nutrition when teaching your doctors, what is that? >> i've defended it over the years, we are so busy taking care of disease and trying to deal with things that shorten life, getting involved with the phenomena and foods that lincoln's life and we are at a crossroads where we can do things to lengthen life. i can tell you and the three of us, working out, resistance training is number one. we should all be doing that. number two, the hard work of proper choices, it's not easy. addictive and easier stuff, it's easier. kids blow through with demands. the hard work of any for making the choices if they've got enough track, change is hard and
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do the work to make sure they make proper nutritional choices and get them in sports and work out early. >> we have an industry that is reactive. as moms going back to your question, we need to are being proactive. what can we do now to avoid issues in the future? >> it is hard. >> it is, acknowledge that it's hard. >> my kids are five and seven. >> eight, seven and two. >> come home from school and i do my best to pack healthy lunches, so and so has a role of thing, can i get that next week? what you tell your kids? you took matters in your own hands and started your own food company. >> my story was my kids were doing sports and they were left with the orange and i felt like this mom like the other kids are getting it so i will make my own but i want to lead by example and what's important for me and what i tell my kids and parents,
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educate them quiet. a healthy relationship with food and activity so why can't you have that? why do we have this or that and have this activity instead? learn and have a healthy relationship. >> and we -- you and i should terms of understanding, a lot of people don't know and we need to do a better job getting them up to speed. >> part of it is calling out the problem and i think that's why rfk junior is a big deal. >> i have such high hopes for him when it comes to medical publication, the pharmaceutical company, the food industry. i want questions asked and real answers. i don't want us to throw the baby out with the bathwater, we do a lot of good things but we must have answers to some questions that are adversely impacting health. he wouldn't create a healthcare system like this, the healthcare system we have is insane, we've
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never created like this, it's time to re- empower the patients and individuals, re- empower doctor-patient relationship and met let people make their own choices and get the government out. things work better than. >> culture hope be four years from now as donald trump is ending a second term in office, rfk junior as hhs secretary for four years, what would you be your big hope for the future of this country? >> before the president was elected, my hope was just to have awareness but what we have seen in a month is action, it's all about action so i am excited to see bills across the table get signed and like he said, i just want a healthy relationship with the government and our doctors to provide education and schools would be my number one. have real education, not just the class around health. >> rfk's history is about dismantling complex systems and looking at the influences.
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that's first order. what's gone wrong? we need to do to correct it? patients and doctors and families are able to do what they need to do on their own. we don't have to be in their life all the time. we've made things worse. >> unfortunately that is the truth. was the number one thing you are asked? people must come to you all the time and say tell me something i need to know, there's so much all the time. >> i get asked everything to be fair. [laughter] i'm greatly concerned about overprescribing in general, open the prescription pad and take a medication and we don't tighten anything on the reality is changing helping them change in the interpersonal, patient-doctor relationship, with left out completely. restoring that would really he
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help. >> you see a day where we have insurance companies paying for people to stay healthier instead of paying for them after they are sick? >> i don't know the answer, i wish the insurance companies would get out of the doctor-patient relationship. there's nothing we can do as physicians the insurance company is second guessing telling us what we can or can't do, should be the physician, the reason the patient gets the care and that's it and we go from there. >> there's no money in us being healthy but -- >> you are so conspiratorial. [laughter] >> you are right. [laughter] >> if there was a prescription to a gym membership, treadmill -- >> some companies do that. >> with got to get people to do that. that's the hard part. change is hard. >> it starts today. thank you both so much. we talked a lot about food so now it is time to make some when
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we come back. >> what would be your hope overall in this country? >> i want to seed oils out on a wholesale level, out of food restaurants, food manufacturers out of the school food programs so we are not just giving so that and processed foods 24/7 and kids end up with early diabetes or x, y, and z is not just soda but snack products. with how easy -- >> this is clean and healthy food. ♪
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our xfinity network is built for streaming all the stuff people love. how can it get any better? -i'm just spitballin' here, but, what if we offer people apple tv+, netflix and peacock? for one low monthly price. -yes. so, people could stream the shows they love. and we could call it... xfinity streamsaver! mmmmm. what about something like: streamsaver? ooooooo. -i love that. add streamsaver with apple tv+, netflix and peacock included for only $15 a month... and stream all your favorite entertainment, all in one place. the way i approach work post fatherhood, has really trying to understand the generation that we're building devices for. here in the comcast family, we're building an integrated in-home wifi solution for millions of families like my own.
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in the average household, there are dozens of connected devices. connectivity is a big part of my boys' lives. it brings people together in meaningful ways. ♪ welcome back to my fear. so far you've heard a lot about healthy changes we can make to our lifestyle and mindset but if you're looking at me like this is unrealistic hear me out a little longer. i want to show you those busy dinnertime something for i got help from jeff van drew. if you recognize the name, you may have been to one of his famous for california restaurants or maybe you've seen a cooking video online or perhaps one of his food network
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appearances and you may have heard him on this channel taking on gavin newsom when california's governor close down all of california's restaurants during the pandemic reference unilaterally set down with no notice and employees are left out in the cold. we are in for 17 of this covid drama about to be taken off broadway to los angeles and we are going to go through the same act over and over again in a situation where you take the mask off and put it on the ticket off while you eat, absu absurd. >> as you can tell, he's passionate. digging deeper into food making healthy eating accessible starting with one delicious dish. andrew, thank you so much for bringing us today to do a little cooking. i think a lot of people in the united states feel it's intimidating and hard to cook healthy meals.
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>> exactly easy. we are going to make fresh scallops and throw together a fun salad but first let's make our dressing. basic vinaigrette is easy, three parts oil to one part vinegar and put together with emulsifier so dijon mustard will drop in to the bull so dijon mustard had a little bit of honey because i will put together so as not cutting all sugar out, you want a little bit to balance flavors but don't use artificial sugar. cider vinegar to one part cider vinegar and then you want to whisk or poor? >> whisk. once upon a time i was patient. >> we are going to whisk this easy and simple. >> this until it altogether. a mean vinaigrette, my husband arab. >> fresh thyme and i'll take this. >> this is a big movement.
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how did it start for you? >> i got in the kitchen because of horrible stomach problems and it wasn't until i got seed oils out so changing my diet will make you happier and healthier and then i had four kids. we got a vinaigrette right here and we are going to make vanilla butter scallops. >> right down the middle and scrape out. >> people asked me, how do i get the dutiful golden brown? i wait for them to get super dry and then season them all right before steering them. seasoning them too early you won't get the steering so give it a hard steer. >> make it easier for people to be helpful. >> open up supply chains
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independent fishermen and u.s. wild christian to deregulate the supply chains and the farmers and fishermen and amazing products for some reason shipping overseas and importing products. don't move around, a hard steer and it's that easy. this will be done and another 30 seconds. >> what are some tips you give parents worry about the things the kids are eating? >> don't be afraid of butter and use it in different foods to finish had cooked food. one thing i tell parents, don't be afraid of citrus because it's acids that make the flavors pop. >> let me know when i vanilla comes in handy. >> grabbed the vanilla now floating. i threw in probably a habitable butter and basting with this.
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>> i will let it brown take it off the plate. >> we are going to put it right there and quickly tossed salad. hip so before i tossed it with the dressing, a little trick, i will hit it with a little more vinegar because it will soaking to the leaves and give it a nice pocket. i got crushed pistachio in here. i will just toss that in and drizzle the dressing and put the salad there. green apple in the salad which is like a natural course to. >> what impact do you think rfk junior might have?
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>> people are talking about food asking where it is. partnerships in the government and corporations in the industry going to increase competition but also healthy food into the market. the food at the expense of health and tons of chronic illnesses so if he can create that free-market healthy environment it will be better. >> it isn't that hard to make a home cooked helpful meal you can feel great about for your fami family. >> another tip outside of the lemon,. >> this is where the flavor is in every citrus. >> i will add scallops with a touch of citrus and we will start to plate this. >> beautiful. >> drizzle it over the top to the vanilla butter is all over
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and find final garnish fresh chives. >> before we begin, i want to ask you, how has your life changed in the past year end your relationship? >> my diet has changed the most and partly what i've been reading my kid has changed and focusing on what we for the kids and making sure their minds are open to eating more food and trying food and that involves getting them in the kitchen and understanding time together around food is a good thing you are not just sucked into an ipad which that works on planes bu but -- >> that are involved in the kitchen. four years from now will which be your hope overall in this country because of this moveme movement? >> seed oils out of wholesale level of restaurants and food service. our to see food manufacturers getting out of the school food programs so we are not giving soda and processed foods for seven and considered with early
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diabetes, x, y, and z and is not just soda, it's snack food products. look how easy it was. >> nothing processed, clean and healthy food. >> you learn the techniques, get the family in the kitchen and this is the future. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me be my first episode, your questions came pouring in i'm going to try to get to as many as i can when we come back. ♪
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welcome back to my the opaque time to answer more of your questions. alan e-mailed us to ask, how did you meet eric? not a romantic story, i wish there was more, we just both happen to be out one night many years ago, i will say how long, downtown in new york city, is an old picture, we both headphones tough to text on and whenever my husband put my number in his phone, apparently he put my name in incorrectly so the next day when he sent me a text and i received it on a razor phone, i said no because this guy doesn't remember anything, i don't know. the name is laura, it turns out it worked out. i will say how many years later but it seems like it's going all
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right. next question. >> it's michelle from maryland and my question, if you could draft the next executive order, what would it be? >> anyone who knows me knows one of my greatest life frustrations our paper towel dispensers, it doesn't give you enough paper towel to dry her hand, that's right. if i am in charge of the executive orders, that's the next one i'm putting down that the for president trump to sign it, we need ample amount of paper towel to dry our hands, is that so much to ask? i don't think so, i think a lot of people will be with me on this one so that's my next executive order if i can have it. the question on x asks, what your favorite way to spend your weekend? the perfect weekend for me, starts with a great workout sometimes during the week, i always have time to do exactly what i want, barium working out followed by probably sports game
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with one if not both of my kids at soccer fields and basketball games, football, you name it, he will see us doing some kind of sport and of course i'd love to take my dog for a walk together. if the kids join me, even bett better. i'd say wrap it up, have a great date night with my husband eric, perfect weekend for me so not too crazy, pretty basic with those of the things i think we all look forward to. if you have a question from a social media at my view fnc or e-mail us at my view fnc at thank you for spending your saturday night here with me and i look forward to seeing you next week right here on my view. ♪


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