tv The Five FOX News March 3, 2025 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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>> jesse: hello everybody, i'm jesse watters here with do nina puro, sandra smith sandra smith and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 a new york city, and this is the five. ♪ ♪ president trump putting volodymyr zelenskyy on blast after the oval office maga heard around the worlde , the cleaning leader be sent to his room for being a bad attitude.of and instead of apologizing, volodymyr zelenskyy wa apos rung over to his european friends where he said y "an agreement te end the war is still very, very far away w close!es president trump not happy with that oneid. o >> president trumpne: you should be more appreciative, this country ha >>s stuck with him through thicthk and thin, given them much more than europe and europe should have given more than andha i want all of those young people tothos stop being killed, they e being killed by the thousands isery single week.
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the money is one thing but theng death, they are losing thousands of soldiers a week .s he thinks that the war will go on for a long timethr . he better not be right about that. maybe somebody does not want to make a deal, if somebody does not wantf to make a deal i dont think that person will be around very long. >> jesse: also teasing he will have mory essee to say on the mo deal with ukraine during the address to congress, which youei can, special covers startingng tomorrow at 9:00 eastern, right here on fox news channel. the democrats and media screaming russia, russia,mea ar russia! >> at the white house sandra: has become an arm over th>> te chrome limit. >> the kremlin is a delighted. >> the only winner that exchanges putin.s >> very much in putin's camp on as far as i'm concerned, he is an enemy to the united states. >> jesse: secretary marco rubio pointing out how president trump would be getting
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a nobel peace prize over hisgett efforts to end of the if only there was a d next to his name of they want should we not be happy we have a president try to stop warbes then started them?t i don't get it other than the fact that it's donald trump,ge h this wasis a democrat everybody would say he is on his way to a nobel peace prizg hee. >> jesse: judge jeanine pirro, not sure if we have heard from you ye t on this issue? >> judge jeaninerd: i am so happy this came to me. i was not here friday i was i think for welcoming me back.l. here's the deal, volodymyr zelenskyy was briefed onhy why g was supposed to go to thebr oval office, his people wereie briefed. so he goes there, knowing that a the united states is giving him through to $15 billion, -- 315 -- the e.u. a hundred billion, v so we are the suckers at the other trumesp comes in, he wants to ed
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the killing, and volodymyrhe zelenskyy at the end of the day wants to keep fighting.he he does not want to stop the fighting't w, he says they end r the war with russia is "very, very far away".or he wanted the moral condemnation of putin, he wanteald and he started lecturing donald trump and j.d. vance aboutd stopping putin, and volodymyr zelenskyy g stranger wote negotiated deal which what god j.d. vance back up, is as you don't get back in front of the cameras to renegotiate the deal, you are here for a reason. here is the stupidity. this guys playing checkers, trump is clay travis. he wants to end the war, how do we do that? putiw don is an evil man, trump knows that, i understand him, while more than anything he
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wants to keep putin from connecting with china to protect us. with this mineral deal, we will have not just security andwi collateral for our money, but americans there, business there, you will have boots on the ground, not military but american freedom on the ground.u and you ca cn bet your bottom dollar you idiot volodymyr zelenskyy that with the americans on the ground, donald trump will protect us if there is any invasion. how does he not understand that? his ego o is so huge and the democrats come in and says, don't take the deal. this guyke volodymyr zelenskyy t a fool, he had a fight with biden and biden yelled at him saying you are an ungrateful p pig. >> jesse: does this deal go through with the minerals?dealho >> dana:ul >> sandra: there is a point t wheroge they can come together,i
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think all of us had the chance to watch what happened in the tcoval office, some of us have even tried to go back further and see what the conversation was like before it came to this severe disagreement or however you wantdesc to describe moment we'll watch togetherment. jessica: it was a cordial discussion before them. volodymy mselr zelenskyy keepsat putting himself in an awkward position he has to climb out ofo saying to which the president responded, that this war is verb far from being over, president trump tookei to truth social,'s entry said, paraphrasing, what a ridiculously stupid statement. there iso a way to end this wa and it is through peace, that is what he continues to the country will have to look forward to tomorrow night,t ha will be critical, when the president was speakingas, the financial announcement, ofas investments coming to america,
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he was asked about this from sai reporters and he said i will have a lot to say about this tomorrow night. he has had, volodymyr zelenskyy is welcome to come back to the? table with conditions, alsoll highlighting with all of this russia, russia talk, how about t europe? everybody is quick to point out, look at our european allies.out, they are also buying a lot of b uyenergy and oil and gas from russia every day, lining russia's pockets. poc hat they say tomorrow night night. >> jesse: yonext iu were also on friday, we also seek greater? >> greg: that is why the judge told me to say., [laughter] that's what rumors get started. i have to take those pictures down on my only fans. two funny things going on, the retwo p movement watching the ma walking in on a movie at the third act and they have no idea what happened before, my god, i man is beating up another man! then you find out the guide game
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being up had it coming out, he a criminal and he deserved right now, avoided funny because to me this is a negotiation causs.ha anybody whs o has been in a negotiation knows there's always a walkout or a blowouts . , i have done it i don't know, n times. whenever i'm in contract negotiations, i leave. best tipper anybody guy get up and leave! you know what happens, it really sets, my prediction is, this is just a little step along the w way, anybody who freaks out about it has -- this i whos thed of transparency, donald trump shows you how negotiations work. he may throw you out,'s started this whole thing into "celebrity apprentice". he realizes if you want peace in the world, you don't spread democracy. you spread business.
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you create business relationships with people, but t they don't want to kill you. as simple as the question then, what do the democrats to do? how do you respond to once again with his blood to common sense?a it's always going to be about the methods -- blunt? whether it's about solving the water crisis or ukraine, what is the pattern? because trump's right on allthree especially ukraine, what he sayslook a look at all e dead people. it's a consistent trum p think, is a pacifist, you may hated from a sober perspective that it'sits edge of waste or he maye emotional, he hates war.'s he's right o rn ukraine, he is right on doge and the border . if he is right and all those things, what do you argue abouty the methods. the border already change for the better, if he was different, but what he did was so mean!
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thedoou look at doge, american public is behind doge what he is so meanget he. then did you see what he did to volodymyr zelenskyy? does not matter, he is rightzek. you can argue about how he'sthat doing it and that it's so harsh and unbecoming, it does not matter. because he is right about the solution , so you can quibble all you want, we have a new president. he does not need a life alert.ha volodymyr zelenskyy just foundde out maybe you should wear a suie next time, those are tiny little things, the big deal is, when you're right on the issues , sometimes you have to be harsh. and all those areas he is the m.ult in the roo this is what we voted for. : how proud will you be jessica when donald trump receives the noble priests prize? p6 hope he invites me to speak a second be there to cheer him on. so i get it, there are a lot of
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people in your words, hurt my feelings pockets.ce that is not the place to be when you're looking at something like this. i do think it is important to consider the fact that this two steel that he is offering,e volodymyr zelenskyy essentially cedes his country to russia. nobody has explained what the sudden change in the last couple of weeks in the way donald trump is talking about ukraine and volodymyr zelensky andy is spurd by. he did not use to call volodymyr a dictator, he used to say his people hated him, 4%y he approval rating, he did not say any of the total blasphemy thats he's been throwingph out the lat few weeks. o elon musk also on twitter couple days ago saying i agree, so moss of the u.s. should get out of nato and the u.n. is that bad? >> greg: it's funny. >> jessica: have a good chuckle.
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these are all things that. wants to hear.t and you know that because his own spokesman said as much, the foreignchanging your -- policy coincides with our visioncoin, volodymyr zelenskyy finally got a proper sob done in the oval office trump is rightg. it isls gambling with world war iii. if you're satisfying somebody we all agree is a dictator and authoritaria n to that level, don't you think maybe theyb methods are not that great,t that's not to saany we don't haa to come to the table and sadie's is our peace plan, these are th. territorial lines we are comfortable with. nobody thinks is going back to the pre2014 era. >> greg: were you but the fact that some pos may agree with your perspective, if that is what you believe we,if okay,, putin does not want this war, y does notzelensky want thiars award, trump doesn't
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want to saeemey they are all in agreement. >> jessica: they are not actuals how the country -- get i gather! , this is about what putin and donald trump want, it'se to on volodymyr zelenskyye that's why there are millions of ukrainians are dead -- no, they are not dead! >> judge jeanine: they do not have a futur e with volodymyr zelenskyy, volodymyr zelenskyy it is dependent upon as! >> jessica: do you guys tderstand what you're saying? >> judge jeanine: equine to imstart billing -- nobody's makg it part of russia! six you say can't be part of natobe -- >> judge jeanine: that was agreed upon decades ago! every decade they move closer d and closer to russia, and cria and everything else.o >> jessica: pour russia! >> judge jeanine: >>if you are an independent country, on the
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pro-russia at all! ani don't look at me -- the truth isneve, they stand for this, thy don't want nato any closer and it's been decades -- w >> jessica: s they have a sovereign nation -- stolen their stochildren! >> greg: three years ago i sat here and i said the russian ukrainian thing is a family idhefight across the street?ss t we don't want to go over then get get in between a family fight. we did, it's three years later. c3 am so, so interested to hear what jessica's plan is.yo we have nou,t heard that yet frm you. i until you tell me what your peace deal is a thing this is, better. jessica how we get the russians out of eastern ukraine? make a deal with them! >> jessica: not giving up all the ukrainian territory, callig
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volodymyr zelenskyy a dictatorfi when he is clearly not. >> jesse: heidi get them to stop fighting and get russia to leave the country? i don't know is the answer! i don't know! [laughter] >> jessica: rm just saying that guy is talking like a kremlin player. >> jesse: >> iyou have to do itt the negotiating table we tend donald trump's job is to get a deal, you don't take one side or the other. he's not taken -- putin -- he is a [laughter] volodymyr zelenskyy! >> jesse: up next the democrats may be screwed, tampon tim is hinting at a presidential run. ♪ ♪ about since we saved hundreds by bundling our home and auto insurance. baby: liberty! biberty: hey kid, it's pronounced "biberty." baby: liberty!
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biberty: biberty! baby: liberty! biberty: biberty! baby: liberty! biberty: bi-be-rty! baby: biberty! biberty: and now she's mocking me. very mature. mom: hey, that's enough you two! biberty: hey, i'm not the one acting like a total baby. mom: she's two. only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: liberty.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the party of flag burning the pro-hamasth lunatics wants to rebrand themselves as pro-americe paa mc blasting patriots, reportedly holding a comeback to reconsider the parties dumpster fire messaginntg and dig the far left once and for all. some of the key takeaways were "embracing patriotism, community and traditional american imagery, pushing back against far left staffers, aga".ge former chicago mayor tried to give his party invite -- advice on the last one.inan >> stronger schools, stable finances. focus on those things.
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five years where people became way too lost in the culture,ame it's a disaster. i don't want to hear another word aboutp the bathroom, you have to focus on the classroom. >> judge jeanine: tho hee party may be in some big trouble if the serial liar is making as comeback, tim walz says he may run for president in 202a 8,ck saying ".i had a friend tell me, never turn down a job you have not been offered, if i think it could offer something,b i would certainly consider that". all right double start with you jessica. ar[laughter] tim walz, he is not known for his ability to deal with a crisis like minneapolis, involved in things like american support like tampons and boys bathrooms.that what do you think he can run on.
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>> jessica: it will be very crowded field in 2028,he i wondo the nominee will be tim walz. he has a record for running for governor twice in minnesota that a lot of people would be proud of, sixth best city in the country to do business, nothing about tampons in the bathroom there.t ta i think he would be okay getting up on a big stage. not sure he would be the choice i want to mention, everybody got hot and bothered over the weekend because of this memo thatmo t cam out of a third legf meeting is a centrist democratic think tankwameet. bas the memo basically said, stopdo saying crazy stuff, don't alienate people.far in the far left lost their minds overover this, we want to breakh people who think this way,ng we did not get invited et cetera.dt that is the correct answer to what happened in 2024. people picked folks talking to
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them like normal people. you look at the results, norlt moderate democrats overby performed by h have appointed, 5 points, for left progressives underperformed, performing the worst out of any cohort on the left. people have to stop looking at the way the other sides are looking and thinking about thingsp , go and run your race based on the district you are in. poo-udge jeanine: all right, the party that believes in what is it...y th the reading hour in grammar school to the kids i, transgendr , -- >> jessica: drag queen story hours. >> judge jeanine: yes, sorry no w part of my lexicon. t bertinheg down a steady after george floyd. all of a sudden they want to be patriotic?tic. t >> jesse: they want to trick us by sounding like republicans. throw on a put -- football game, dumb the words down, and will
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not work. being patriotic means you want to gobble up greenland, he can't figure that kind of patriotism .es you know who i know who of phony person is?se aro when the word comes around, and all of a sudden all of these so-called many s get into sport. you see them in the bars with beer and they are yelling all of a sudden, argentina versus france?'s calm down guys. we all know it's going on. you're trying to repress people that nobody cares about, and plthat's the democrats, always y to be popular with the wrong crowd like four nations.o like college professors, or woman. and they always end up sounding likemen an effeminate snobs whoe america, nobody wants to be around people like that. all of the young man and all of the unions were like guys just get away from us! and they think they can fix this on tiktok.they like of clicks meant anything, aoc would be their savior.
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no. a it's aboutbo classrooms, not bathrooms. of democrats can focus in on this, child safety, child health, child education space and build up from there, they would have a shop. >> judge jeanine: one of the segments was obviously the working class, and how do they get themselves back? >> sandra:ack? letting people fy the american flag is out of their home is a good starthome.t robert emanuel hit on a lot of important things as a mayor of a city that i dearly loved, that is terribly struggling right now, -- former mayor --t he talked about the s stores, everybody in thislgre country has one of these stores near them. they have been living through this. like what have we come to? t yet to think about what party people ehsassi that happening,oh
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letting things happen, not holding peoples accountable. hol that is what we saw get a whole lot worse over the pasawt four plus years.e i think he is ontogo something,f you pick tell people to vote in these big cities that struggle to embrace stable finances, you have to shake up leadershi p before you start to embrace those thingse lo.t things are still a mess out i think this will all take time, perhaps this is the messaging democrats needed >> judge jeanine: and they wantw. copy joe rogan and donald trum p, now they want to copy patriotism.y any ideas?i >> greg: i have to say i agree with everythingreeg jesse said i was sated a smarter way. [laughter] the democrats are acting like republicans, the keyword is act, .ot be, we act i hate to your points.
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you know trump is a real, everything is in the moment and spontaneous, he is not acting. this is a group telling the rese of the group to pretend to beso something else which means disowning everything you were beforemething . robert emanuel is onto somethin three or four years too late. it's like wow, is a supposed to blow our minds? did you notice? yeah, buddy, we have been talking about it on the fivedy r three years, what have you been you ballet dancer?re h dan we know that 2024 was a blowout but we did not know how much, if you got to factor in the naturao attrition, some died, some too ill to vote,r trump still question. contributions by the other identity groups must have been much larger than people give credit report, huge it defeat for identity politics. the whole strategy of the cs.democrats was demographic bos
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have been crushed, they cannot do it anymore. no way who got him inca? it was not all white guys. grace ke gender, sexual orientation, crushed by individualism.or an allergy to individualism because it was a threat to theis strategy, which is voting in see blocks. if you see yourself as your own person he won't be part of a block, set on the you're concerned about the everyday issuesthat, you don't think as a black person, hispanic person -- no, you think as a person. i the ideology which is i only politics is they are, so you don't think about your concerns because your concerns are inferior to the greater goal which is of course the ideology identity politics. c o >> jesse: and never thought of myself as a white person. >> greg: everybody thinks of you that way. >> jesse: ayjust as god.
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: boston mayor michelle doubling down on her commence when she offered condolences to the family of a knife wielding man that was china's data people over the the weekend, an off-duty cop fatally shooting the suspect, earlier she had a second chance to clean up those remarks and here's what she saidshgo. >> it's unfortunate tos politicize being at the scene of her tragic incidents. to every loss of life is a horrible we have an off-duty officefer wo saw something happening,'s
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training kicked in and took action and shirley saved more lives the one. [inaudible]ay >> i a.m focus not only just being at press conferences but being on the ground, the point of being there is to make sure everybody was okayto. >> sandra: all right judge over to you. >> judge jeanine: the question every rational person should ask is why would the mayor of a major surgery be offering condolences to the family of a knife wielding the attacker before acknowledging the trauma to the victims that he literally chased into chick-fil-a?hick and was trying to stab? it is part of a pattern over th left-wing politicians, whoed w seemed more concerned with the virtues signaling than a standing up for law-abiding citizens, instead of commanding to the off-duty police officer who happened to be in chick-fil-a, who wanted to put
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the knife down, acting heroically to preven t a masseroi stabbing, just to make sure the attackers family get sympathy. this is the mind-set thatd undermines public safety and signaling that law enforcement signy.ity.riorit >> sandra: this is crazy start to finish. >> jesse : she lost the plot. usually you see something like this and think, herothin!nk most people think that this is a brave guy that took a life to save innocent lives.a this is what happens when you u mamake assumptions, i made an assumption with the measles outbreak in texa as, looked into , looks like it's because of mennonitest.. >> greg: had to be somebody! >> jesse: it is the homage -- >> judge jeanine: mennonites? [laughter] >> jesse: should i just stop?
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[laughter] >> sandra: jessica le? [laughter] >> jessica: we have covered this mayor before, it is not flick the worst of friends. -- it does not feel like the worst of friends. thank god there was an off-duty police officer in the chick-fil-icera -- >> sandra: she is not saying that in the least. >> jessica: she had a couple gt of days, she got out. as to think saying, not cooperating with the ice is thev biggest problem, even liberal mayors have saidody,, have yours and somebody convicted of a crime released back into the public, we will help you do t that. >> judge jeanine: he's going to congress to fight the resistance. >> jesse: resst >> greg: it's incredible, you think how old is boston as a
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citycred? it's an old city. a lot of history, it's amazing, you always thought of boston as being this tough city. it has these games, everybody fights. it went from tough to woke and like nothing, just shows you, i you just have a leadership without any kind o fit counterbalanceho, they can decle so quickly. generally when things go bad, people elect republicans and , theyhings are good again like democrats the. b ecthat is a cycle because we hav sucher a short attention span.le the problem is, there are no republicans anymore, just keeps getting worse and worse until my finger is completely off the stage. >> jesse: warning against michelle in the election maybe she has a good shoe t. >> greg: croft versus mich michelle. >> sandra: up next, aoc is stumpe>> graftd over why peoplee
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ask your doctor about farxiga today. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ (♪) ♪ ♪ >> greg: president trump at the border, down 90 sentiment,%n that is 9 out of 10, jessica. e oucartels stressed out, aoc struggling to see what the problem us in the first place. >> and to what extent is emigration been an issue part of your problem? >> i mean i guess my question would be, what is the word problem mean? [chuckling]ti >> people voting for the other side and not for young f we wane have a problem on immigration because of the lack of progress we have had on this issue.s th
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as we know republicans weaponize lack of >> greg: yes! yes! she put in weaponize! i think the untold story in those five or six weeks or whatever it ised, he solved basically illegal it's kind of done.n. you can kind of feel it. >> jesse it.: that's what happes when you are so successful you make it look easy, people don't give us a lot of credit becausec we make it look so easy what it's a lot of hard work to sit and talk. but he hasn't done it so quickly and efficientl sy without the hp of congress, it destroys the left's lint e, that they needed comprehensive immigration , yostreform. definitely reading at his cheste tornado the state of the union to get a little creditly -, witt people giving you credit second does not exist. >> greg: that is so true.
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great answerhat'.ay jessica, i think we saw problem with the modern left, she said what does the word problem thate mean? ani heard you guys were expert having a conversation, how can we have cana conversation whene can't understand the necessity of it? you have ten seconds. >> jessicands.: i think she wano to get away from that formulation of the question, g e would not let her. but you can phrase it this way.o why diurd many of you voters choose you and donald trump at p e same time?s i mean -at- >> greg: there is nosa republicans sadly. remember the glass of water could have been her.y. that is what nancy pelosi said, aoc was a glass of waterat. >> jessica: nancy pelosi likes her a lot now. illegal immigration was all via big problem for the democrats,an
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and she knows it whether she wants her talk about it or noth. >> greg: judge, had a problem with the lighting. there was a big shadow on aoc's face. anyway. >> judge jeanine: issues jenna ternan the question back to get the guard to justify his question so she could call him a racist qu, or she could to say, you're trying to intimidate me,h that's what thatat was all abou. she could not answer to because she's on the losing end amazing, she's contacting the justice department, is under investigation, for obstruction of justice based upon tom homan saying you cannot send out information to tell people how to avoid icend.ed now she's very concerned and says she is being threatened that there is a political prosecution on its way. no honey, what it is that the prosecution based on 119 forin
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obstruction.k >> sandra: it's knowing your rightsctio. >> judge jeanine: is how to avoid immigration. >> j.not knowing your rights >> greg: typical liberal gu guilt, thepica cartels are worrr about what trump is doing! aoc is worried well what trump .s doing is a c in the cartel? >> sandra: i don't know but what came to mind, we initially chuckled because it sounds ask someone who has no clue what is happening in this country right no cw, what has been happening r many years bee, lake and riley because of the university ofyear georgia student who was killed bywh somebody who should have never been here in the first place, and illegal voting is will and migrantmigr, was able o walk freely in this country.t thinking about that, not recognizing her open borders as a problem,reco the incredible nr of violent criminals
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and gang members that have infiltrated thour border, and cities coast n coast, and iowt makes me thinknk about all the other problems they ignored over the past four plus years, criminals and crime running rampant. inflation. remember that? they ignored it until waske skyrocketed to 17 year highste.h this is where democrats continue to be in troubles.,. >> jessica: tariffs, yeah! >> jesse: yes lexi meyer to 50 points is the same as 750 points ten years ago.l just me i know the stock markete up next, kieran culkin speech at the ♪ ♪he
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kids!w. >> sandra: >> jessica gre: greg kennedy lo this, wasn't it so cute? i think overall themp oscars were an improvement with conan o'brien.roment - he is just very relaxed and low-key, has sense of ease. felt better. the audience was pretty weak, scared to laugh at jokesed, thev don't like when he made the joke with the drakeer , the trans lady, everybody kind of just sat on their hands.justnds. that is my analysis. >> jessica: jesse did you likejs the pedophile joke? >> jesse: no.t bl [laughter] i thought that was the guy that went like this -- [laughter]houghat
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>> greg: you were so culturally aware. [indiscernible crosstalk] >> greg: apologize for swearing. >> jesse: sorry for swearing. >> jessica: backward and weird. i know that much personal information. >> sandra: i made a .. not to watch it anymoremore. [indiscernible crosstalk] [laughter] congratulations! whatever. [laughter] one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪
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more thing, big day tomorrow, live in washington at 5:00 eastern to pregame with the joint address to congress. fox news has special coverage over the president's address, do not miss it. all right, gg had her first ballet class. in her little tutu, she is ready to go. this was hard to store -- hard court, there was a russian woman is there, very proud of gg. now we have a little mini ballerina. nine jesse watters primetime, elizabeth pitch, matthew at eight. >> greg: tonight to be have a great show, adam hunter, tyrus is back, let's do this! ♪ ♪ we will get the animals. what i will do is i will play the sound and i will go around
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the table, you have to tell me what it is. play the sound. why do you say? >> sandra: some type of bird? [sound playing] >> greg: not good enough. >> jesse: cockatoo. >> judge jeanine: weasel. >> greg: let's play the video! >> greg: yes, and our whole. judgement an owl. water trick. i tell you. anybody could have said bird. some news person you are. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: you have all heard that song, jesus take the wheel, now there is a judge take the wheel, saturday night, take a look. >> i want to drive!
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i am driving. >> i don't want you -- you want to get out of my way! you did a great. >> the next light. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: icon off the bus. >> sandra: i can follow that act. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: anyways, go ahead. >> sandra: the superstar alex was out of the day before the indycar series in st. petersburg, florida,, got a chance to run into the client, mike top, speaking, going up to 200 miles an hour, so exhilarated because of the constant stream of all my got! >> jesse: thank i believe that rus
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