tv Hannity FOX News March 4, 2025 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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the chamber. this was a very rowdy opening to this speech that went on to do a lot in terms of listing some wacky doge spendings and much more. >> bret: you see that president -- let's listen in here. >> bret: the democrats protest actually started before the president entered that chamber. the democrats on the bipartisan escort committee, the group that walks the president in did not show up for that job. the president touted the almost 100 executive orders, the 400 executive actions in 43 days that he said restored common sense. he spent a pretty good amount of time as you mentioned going through the specifics of what
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was found in doge, the department of government efficiency, singling out elon musk. listing the billions that were found in detail and the democrats held up sign -- signs... the best moment was d.j. who is battling cancer. he wanted to be a police officer and during the speech the president said the secret service has made him an agent. even that moment, the gallery was split. there was a major announcement on shipbuilding and during the speech china announced a 7.2% increase in chinese defence spending for this year. that's almost 15% over the last two years. he didn't single out china but he did say they are close to a deal on ukraine and russia. >> martha: we are back with our panel. there is also a letter from zelenskyy which we will get to ingest a moment. let's get your thoughts. this was the longest speech,
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he's now the record holder the longest speech to a joint session of congress beating bill clinton. >> this was the most boisterous, the longest, the most partisan speech i've ever heard a president gave in this kind of setting and i go back about may be 50 years on this. i also think it may have been the most effective. if you ever doubted that donald trump is the colossus of our time and our nation, this night and this speech should have put that to rest. the democrats seem to be falling into trap after trap as he recognized people and celebrated the people he pointed to in the gallery and their stories in the democrats sat glumly on their hands. it was a terrible look. al green attempt to disrupt the speech was a bad look for the democrats.
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this was pretty powerful stuff, as powerful as i think i've heard. >> bret: let's listen in as we hear them greeting each other. [inaudible] >> bret: marjorie taylor greene with a hat that says trump was right about everything. herald your thoughts on the speech, democrats we action, where we are. >> i think britt nailed it. i'd say this to my party, we have to win on ideas. the disruption was not a good look for the congress and as passionate as they may have felt it was not the right moment to do that. the litany of things this president did during the speech, the young men you mentioned. he talked about police officers who had been slain and their
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loved ones who survive. it's a far ranging speech. reminded me a little bit of the everyday people that we saw in milwaukee where they saluted and lifted up the stories and lifted up the heroism of those who have been so great to our country. he didn't really try to bring the country together with rhetoric. he tried to bring this country together around stories of -- around people. we will see how it goes but congratulations to the president tonight. >> martha: democrats could have brought people together if they stood up and some of those moments which should be things that everybody can celebrate. what's doubt to you tonight? >> he started off by saying there's nothing i can say that is going to make you clap for me and than they proved him right. and how many democrats did not defend al green as he was escorted out. they didn't fight that. many other democrats left during this and went to do little videos. what it showed is that the democratic party still has no
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common sense. they have no ideas and they have no heart. they couldn't even stand for the most inspiring moments of the speech. >> bret: larry there were multiple times where he talked about tariffs and that's a rocky road if you look at the markets over the last couple of days and people talking about it. he said there will be a little disturbance but we are okay with that. i heard your reaction when he also talked about tax cuts and expenses for businesses. >> this is such a colossally positive like america has no limits speech and i love the fact that he's unleashing prosperity through tax cuts. he said we are going to make them retroactive to january first on the business investment side which is going to be so overseen by companies and the stock market tomorrow. the tariff thing, you have to put in the context of all the other things you talked about.
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talked about drilling and liquid gold. yes the tax cuts. spent a lot of time counting -- cutting spending with doge. we have an economic policy that is unlimited. we are going to carry the country forward. whether you believe him or not i think it was an incredibly optimistic vision. >> bret: we are seeing the adjournment of the house right now and we will get ready for the democratic response after a quick break. rely on tiktok to compete. within a week of posting, i had over $25,000 in sales. i don't have a million dollars to put towards marketing and branding. tiktok was the way and it saved my company. we had a video do really good this week. sales were up 29%. about 80% of my business right now is from tiktok. small businesses thrive on tiktok. tiktok brings in so much foot traffic. i need tiktok to keep growing. we have so much more work to do. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities
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over the weekend. it signals that the president was sincere about having read the letter and realized this is his chance for peace. >> bret: let's go to aishah hasnie live on the hill as we get ready for the democratic response. >> we are talking about a list ... she is a first-term senator from the great state of michigan and at just 48 years old she's a future of the democratic party. chuck schumer in the senate said that she is a rising star. she comes from a battleground state that she won, it beat a competitive republican there. she performed better than vice president kamala harris and she did it by courting those trump voters. you will probably not hear any of the progressive outcry tonight with her rebuttal. we expect her to lean in to those common sense topics and that messaging that's working really well for republicans. >> bret: thanks.
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back within the panel, these are tough things. we set up before with britt, when you have a response and you are coming off of this big moment in front of the house chamber and we understand the senator is going to be in michigan, don't know where but we've seen these before. >> it so isolating. there is no response, no audience usually. i just think they should skip this altogether. i would do away with it for both sides. i don't think it is necessary and also it's 11:08. they will find a diner or a place we saw the senator in her kitchen whispering. it's it difficult task. >> it piques my interest. >> bret: i will make the bet that this is a focus on the economy and she is coming from a state...
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tariffs and carmakers. it's going to be a focus on economic. >> and she just wanted tough election in michigan -- one a top election. >> bret: i have ten seconds, your thoughts. >> as you suggest it's a hard assignment and on this night after that speech i think it's an almost impossible assignment. >> bret: let's see how she does. elissa slotkin is ready to give the democratic response. let's turn it over to her. >> hi, everyone i'm elissa slotkin. on wanted to have the opportunity to speak tonight. it's late so i promised to be a lot shorter than what you just watched. i won't take it personally if you've never heard of me. i'm the new senator from the great state of michigan where i grew up. i've been in public service my entire life because i happen to
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be in new york city on 9/11 when the twin towers came down. before the smoke cleared i knew i wanted to make a life in national security. i was recruited by the cia and did three tours in iraq alongside the military. in between i worked at the white house under president bush and president obama, two very different leaders potent -- who both believed that america is exceptional. you can find that same sense of patriotism here where i'm speaking from tonight. it's a working-class town just south of the detroit innmak president trump and i both one here in november. it might not seem like it but plan to places like this still exist across the united states. cases where people believe if you work hard and play by the rules you should do well and your kids should do better. reminds me of how i grew up. my dad was a lifelong republican, my mom a lifelong democrat but it was never a big deal. because we had shared values that were bigger than any one
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party. we just went through another brought election season. americans made it clear that prices are too high and at the government needs to be more responsive to their needs. america wants change but there is a responsible way to make change and a reckless way. and we can make that change without forgetting who we are as a country and as a democracy. so that's what i'm going to lay out tonight. because whether you are from here are from wichita, most americans share three core beliefs. the middle class is the engine of our country, strong national security protects us from harm, and not our democracy, no matter how messy, is unparalleled and worth fighting for. let's start with the economy. michigan literally invented the middle-class. the revolutionary idea that you can work at an auto plant and afford the car you are building. that's the american dream. in order to expand and protect the middle class we have to do a few basic things. we need to bring down the price
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of things we spend the most money on. groceries, housing, health care. we need to make more things in america with good paying union jobs and bring our supply chains back home from places like china. we need to give american businesses the certainty they need to invest and create the jobs of the future. and we need a tax system that's fair for people who don't happen to make a billion dollars. the president talked a big game on the economy but it's always important to read the fine print. so do his plans actually help americans get ahead? not even close. president trump is trying to deliver an unprecedented giveaway to his billionaire friends. he's on the hunt to find trillions of dollars to pass along to the wealthiest in america. and to do that he's going to make you pay in every part of your life. grocery and home prices are going up not down. he hasn't laid out a credible plan to deal with either of those. 's tariffs on allies like canada
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will raise prices on energy, lumber and cars. and start a trade war that will hurt manufacturing and farmers. your premiums and prescriptions will cost more because the math on his proposals doesn't work without going after your health care. meanwhile for those keeping score, the national debt is going up not down. and if he's not careful he could walk us right into a recession. one more thing, in order to pay for his plan he could very well come after your retirement. the social security, medicare and va benefits you worked your whole life to earn, the president claims he won't but elon musk just called social security the biggest ponzi scheme of all time. while we're on the subject of elon musk, is there anyone in america who is comfortable with him and his gang up 20-year-olds using their own computer servers to poke through your tax returns, your health information and your bank accounts? no oversight, no protections against cyberattacks.
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no guard rails on what they do with your private data. we need a more efficient government. we want to cut waste i will help you do it. but change doesn't need to be chaotic or make us less safe. the mindless firing of people who work to protect our nuclear weapons, you keep our planes from crashing and conduct the research that finds the cure for cancer, only to rehire them two days later, no ceo in america could do that without being summarily fired. so we've talked about economic security. how about national security. let's start with the border. as someone who spent my whole career protecting our homeland, every country deserves to know who and what is coming across its border. democrats and republicans should all be for that. securing the border without actually fixing our broken immigration system is dealing with the symptom and not the disease. america is a nation of immigrants. we need a functional system key to the needs of our economy that
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allows vetted people to come and work here legally. so i look forward to the president's plan on that. because here's the thing, today's world is deeply interconnected. migration, cyberthreats, ai, environmental destruction, terrorism. one nation cannot face these issues alone. we need friends in all corners and our safety depends on it. president trump love to say peace through strength. that's a line he stole from ronald reagan. let me tell you after the spectacle that just took place in the oval office last week, reg and must be rolling in his grave. we won't -- all want an end to the war but reagan understand that true strength required america to combine our military and economic might with moral clarity. that is seen in the oval -- that wasn't just a bad episode of reality tv. it summed up trump's hole approach the world. he believes cozying up to
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dictators like vladimir putin and kicking our friends like that canadians in the teeth. he sees american leadership as merely a series of real estate transactions. as a cold war kid i'm thankful it was reagan and not trump in office in the 1980s. trump would've lost us the cold war. donald trump's actions suggested that in his heart he doesn't believe we are an exceptional nation. he clearly doesn't think we should leave the world. america is not perfect but i stand with the majority of americans who believe we are still exceptional. unparalleled. i would rather have american leadership over chinese or russian leadership any day of the week. because for generations, america has offered something better. our security and our prosperity yes, but our democracy, are very system of government has been the aspiration of the world. and right now it's a risk -- it's at risk. it's at risk when you can pick
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and choose you want to follow, when he ignores court orders and the constitution itself, or when elected leaders stand by just let it happen. but it's also at risk when the president pits americans against each other. when he demonizes those who are different and tells certain people they shouldn't be included. because america is not just a patch of land between two oceans. we are more than that. generations have fought and died to secure the fundamental rights that define us. those rights and the fight for them make us who we are. we are a nation of strivers, risk takers, innovators and we are never satisfied. that is america's superpower. and look, i've lived and worked in many countries. i've seen democracies flicker out. i've seen what life is like when a government is rigged. you can't open a business without paying off an official. you can't criticize the guys in charge without getting a knock at the door the middle of the
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night. was much as we need to make our government more responsive to our lives today, don't for one moment for yourself that democracy isn't precious and worth saving. but how do we actually do that? i know a lot of you have been asking that question. first, don't tune out. it's easy to be exhausted, but america needs you now more than ever. if previous generations had not fought for this democracy where would we be today? second hold your elected officials, including me, accountable. watch how they are voting. go to town halls and demand they take action. that's as american as apple pie. third organize. pick just one issue you are passionate about and engage. and doomscrolling doesn't count. join a group that cares about your issue and act and if you can't find one start one. some of the most important movements in our history have come from the... enclosing we all know that our country is going through something right now.
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we're not sure what the next day is going to hold let alone the next decade. but this isn't the first time we've experienced significant and tumultuous changes a country. i'm a student of history and we've gone through periods of political instability before. and ultimately we've chosen to keep changing this country for the better. but every single time with -- we've only gotten through those moments because of two things, engaged citizens and principled leaders. engaged citizens who do a little bit more than they are used to doing to fight for the things that they care about. and principled leaders who are ready to receive the ball and do something about it. so thank you tonight for caring about your country, just by watching you qualify as engaged citizens. i promise that i and my fellow democrats will do everything in our power and be the principal leader that you deserve. good night, everyone. >> bret: michigan senator
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elissa slotkin. former cia agent. i assumed she was going to talk about the economy but she talked a lot about foreign policy. she said she was happy that president reagan was the president and trump would've lost the cold war. she called the oval office meeting with zelenskyy a bad reality television and said foreign policy cannot be a real estate transaction. pretty pointed on that foreign policy focus. >> martha: she talked about she tried to present yourself as someone who's a unifier and a reflection of her party on the hole. she said my parents are republican and democrat. she said when i was growing up in michigan you would want to be able to work in the car factory on the car and be able to buy it as well. than she slammed the tariffs. it's interesting that the canadian premier is threatening to cut off electricity to parts of michigan because of this tariff deal. she was trying to pull people together a little bit, unifying moderate voice i think for democrats to give them a new
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direction. we will see if she succeeded. >> bret: we just heard the motorcades leaving the resident is now back at the white house. thank you for watching our fox news coverage of president trump's joint address to congress. the longest ever. >> martha: a special edition of hannity is coming up next. thanks for being with us tonight tonight from washington. >> thank you. welcome to hannity. we are live in washington, d.c.,, president trump wrapped up his first joint address to congress of the second term. we've got a lot of reaction and analysis from several people who were inside the chamber. senator ted cruz will join us, house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, are treasury secretary scott bissett and house speaker mike johnson and many other special guests. we will also check in on our friends in the democratic party who continue to make utter fools of themselves with the little props and disruptive outbursts and coordinated smears and even
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some vigourous cane waving. >> we won the popular vote by big numbers and one counties in our country. >> small biz him -- small business optimism, the single largest gain ever recorded. a 41-point jump. >> members are directed to uphold and maintain decordova in the house. and to cease any further disruptions. that's your warning. members are engaging in wilful and continuing breach of decorum and the chairs prepared to direct the sergeant at arms to restore the joint session. [cheering and applause]
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>> a lot more on these antics in just a moment while democrats play stupid games with their performative stunts, president trump is on the move, the nation saw that tonight in all of its force if you will. we have seen more action and more results from the oval office that almost anyone thought possible. >> i return to this chamber tonight to report that america's momentum is back. our spirit is back, our pride is back, our confidence is back. and the american dream is surging bigger and better than ever before. we've ended weaponize government, a sitting president is allowed to viciously prosecute his political opponent like me. how did that work out? within hours of taking the oath of office i declared a national
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emergency on our southern border and i deployed the u.s. military and border patrol to repel the invasion of our country. and what a job they've done. as a results, illegal border crossings last month where by far the lowest ever recorded ever. [applause] to unshackle our economy i have directed that for every one new regulation, ten old regulations must be eliminated. just like i did in my very successful first term. i've stopped all government censorship and brought back free speech in america. it's back. we've ended the tyranny of so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion policies all across the entire federal government and indeed the private sector at
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our military. and our country will be... no longer. i also signed an executive order to ban men from playing in women's sports. and in the near future i want to do what has not been done in 24 years, balance the federal budget. >> on top of all that president trump created doge to identify waste fraud abuse and corruption. including social security fraud. take a look. >> 1.3 million people from ages 150 to 159 and over 130,000 people according to the social security databases are age over 160 years old.
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we have a healthier country than i thought bobby. [applause] including to finish, 1039 people between the ages of 220 and 229. one person between the age of 240 and 249. and one person is listed at 360 years of age. more than 100 years older than our country. but we are going to find out where that money is going. and it's not going to be pretty. >> of course the bobby kennedy joke, one of the big lies of the
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night, the democrats in the room did not celebrate doge. they couldn't even bring themselves to stand and cheer for president trump's pledge to remove taxes on tips and overtime and social security. >> very big part of our plan. tremendous success in our first term. we are seeking permanent income tax cuts all across the board. and to get urgently needed relief to americans hit especially hard by inflation, i'm calling for no tax on tips. no tax on overtime and no tax on social security benefits for our great seniors. >> democrats tonight were so pathetic they couldn't even stand for laken riley's family, jocelyn nungaray re: mother of a slain officer's wife stephanie diller. they couldn't even stand for a beautiful 13-year-old cancer survivor who dreams of being a police officer and tonight
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became a secret service agent. d.j. daniel. he said this is my fifth time at a joint address for president trump and sadly there is nothing this president could do or say that would make these democrats stand and cheer. this has now become a party of rage and hate, a radicalized party reduced to a collective temper tantrum sitting on their hands doing nothing for you the american people. tonight this is also a defeated party. no solutions, no coherent message, no plan for the future. simply reduced to political stunts and smears and outright lies and they were holding the little signs even though president trump promised to protect it. others held signs smearing you en masse. they brought a whiteboard... presumably so she could make it up as she goes along. tonight's speech wasn't about the angry democrats that have no vision for our country on the left side of the chamber.
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it wasn't even about politicians on either side of the aisle. president trump's speech was dedicated to you, the people that make this country great. the american people. moments ago president highlighted the courage of one brave young man from texas. this was quite a moment take a look. >> joining us is a young man who truly loves our police. his name is d.j. daniel, he's 13 years old and he has always dreamed of becoming a police officer. but in 2018, d.j. was diagnosed with brain cancer. the doctors gave him five months at most to live. that was more than six years ago. [applause] since that time d.j. and his dad have been putting in a request
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to make his dream come true and d.j. has been sworn in as an honorary law enforcement officer actually a number of times, the police love him. police departments love him. tonight we are going to do you the biggest honour of them all. i'm asking our new secret service director sean karen to officially make you an agent of the united states secret service. [applause] >> how great was that? he's the speaker of the house, he was standing for a big part of the night behind the president mike johnson. america is back. americas golden age is here.
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the american dream is unstoppable. and a pretty amazing night i would argue donald trump's best speech. >> i loved it. it was not a speech for the mainstream media. it was a speech for the american people. i'm sure it was received as well as home as it was by the republicans and the audience up in the gallery. it was really shameful what the democrats did. it was quite a spectacle. they brought shame on themselves and their party. the american people are following with the president is delivering and they are appreciating it and we certainly did tonight in the chamber. >> the democrats sat down the entire night. they could not even stand for that young man. they cannot stand for laken riley's family. they could not stand for jocelyn nungaray's mother. they couldn't stand for anybody. no tax on tips or on overtime are social security. did they stand for anything?
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>> not even the terrorists that we've apprehended that masterminded the disaster in abbey gate. it was really quite a spectacle. if they are going to use a 77-year-old heckling congresswoman as the face of their resistance than bring it on but we are not quenched tolerate that on house floor. i don't think the american people are going to tolerate that either. >> you are the speaker of the house, what happens to somebody like al green when he pulls off us like that? >> we escorted him off the floor, he couldn't behave himself. i'm sure his constituents are not proud of that but i suspect there will be a resolution brought on the floor to discipline him. we have to do that inside the house. we have to maintain to coram. >> president laid out a vision for the country. he not only talked about all the things that he did, getting out of the w.h.o., the paris accords, the u.n. human rights council, getting rid of the ev mandate. he also free speech is back,
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awoke is dead in america, and fdi, crtv, doge, he spent a lot of time on the waste fraud corruption abuse and he went on and on about balancing the federal budget. passing tacks cuts and reciprocal tariffs. the laken riley act protecting police officers. that's just off the top of my head about what is sure can all i to the city where i am tonight. what is your reaction and just -- juxtapose it to where the democrats are. >> the thing to remember is that all of that was accomplished in less than 50 days. imagine that. he's accomplished more in this short period of time than most presidents do in a four-year term. as he said tonight he's just getting started. we cannot wait to codify this and --... the republicans have a mandate for the american people and
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president trump is using it. the democrats don't have a leader, they don't have a vision, they don't have a platform that can run on so all they can do is make it as spectacle on the house floor. we are going to govern and we will move the ball forward for the american people. it is going to be a new golden age for america. president trump is leading it, we are so excited to be a part of it. >> a big night for the republican party. will you have the votes to get this economic plan passed quickly, which i would argue any time you're going to have an economic recovery you need a little time for that recovery. will that happen and when do you think you can complete that in conjunction with the senate which has more difficult rules and a process when you use reconciliation. >> we've laid out a very aggressive schedule. we passed a budget resolution last tuesday night. the democrats in the media said it couldn't be done about the republicans stuck together and got it done.
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that opens the door for the reconciliation process and the one big beautiful bill that the president keeps talking about and we keep insisting upon. we put on a very aggressive schedule. we will get that done and we stick by the schedule by the end of april. the president will sign into law in early may that will be enough time for the american people to begin to feel the effects of that before the midterm election in 2026. economic help and recovery is on the way had all these other promises are as well. we are going to deliver for the american people. >> great to have you and we will be following that progress very closely. joining us now onset ted cruz. how are you? god bless your big win this year. >> this was fantastic. tonight was incredible. this is the fifth estate of the union address i've seen trump gave. it was by far his best. it was we are just over a month into it and he had a litany of victories that we've already one one after the other after the other.
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i thought he was joyful and forward-looking. i thought he had the promise of america front and centre. i have to say the contrast, i have never seen such a disgraceful display as the democrats put on. i've been to 13 state of the union addresses altogether since i've been in the senate. i've never missed one. it started from the moment he walked in and was introduced, was introduced, the president of the united states, noticing old democrat stood, noticing old democrat applauded. not one. i've never seen that happen. every time joe biden walked into that chamber they introduced him at the pet -- as the president of united states, i stood up and copped. every time barack obama walked in i clapped. even when i couldn't stand their policies when i was horrified at what they are doing, i respect the office and i respect to the american people. the contempt those democrats had , they wouldn't stand as you noted for the mom of jocelyn nungaray, they wouldn't stand for laken riley's family.
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they wouldn't stand for the 13-year-old kid who survived brain cancer. they didn't stand for the young man whose father was a slain police officer who trump admitted to west point in the middle of the speech they wouldn't stand for him even the joint chiefs applauded to the... the speaker got something slightly wrong. he said there was nothing they applauded for and stood for. that's not correct. it was one thing they applauded for that we sent hundreds of billions of dollars to ukraine and they all stood and cheered that we sent money to ukraine but they will not applauded for america. i found it horrifying more than once i turned to the folks next to me and said what is wrong with these. >> this is not the old the democratic party. this is a radicalized party that is full of rage and hatred and it was on display tonight. they look petty and small, they looked diminished, they looked defeated. that's what i saw tonight.
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if they want to be the party of men and women sports, they want to be the party of putting the rights of illegals over the safety of americans, i want to be the party... if they want to be the party of hundreds of billions of dollars wasted abroad for their radicalism, i'm okay with that. >> use the right word and its rage and it's hate. and the democrats destroyed my favourite state of union games. i came up with a game to myself. what i like to do is look at the opposing party and see when they choose to clap and it's fun. you would look at joe manchin and they'd be like america has good and they would stand up and applaud. we support our troops and they would have stand and think about it. my game is gone because they don't applaud for anything. >> i this explains -- i called esteban media mob but there is also the radicalized media mob. was this a concoction of chuck schumer and the leadership and hakeem jeffries nobody is
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allowed to stand. >> i don't think it was orchestrated. i don't know that and they are a command and control authoritarian party so it could be. >> how do you not stand for mothers that lost their children? how do you not stand for a 13-year-old cancer survivor with the young men who got into west point was her mother of a slain officer, how do you not stand for these people? >> because this party is in denial. they don't recognize the incredible mandate that came from election day. what did he stand up and disrupt the whole thing on saying you don't have a mandate. >> i'm going to impeach you. >> it's absurd and he won all seven swing states. he won the popular vote. he won the senate, he won the house and no democrat is recognizing that. i was very glad, we both know
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alexis known gary. [simultaneous talking] >> you have done a lot and i think a lot of what happened tonight was because of your hard work. thank you for that because this little brave 12-year-old girl who fought for her life. >> alexis known gary was owing to be my guest tonight and she was coming and the president invited her and i was glad to have her sit with melania. and actually... >> she will be joining us in a few minutes. >> elliston barry who was sitting next to melania, she's the girl from texas who was victimized by deep fake. the legislation that the president referred to its my bill. it's my legislation that passed the senate 100 hyphens zero. yesterday the first lady came to the senate and did a roundtable with me and with elliston, this
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15-year-old girl who is really stood and showed incredible bravery. i was proud that president called on the house to pass the ticket down. i told both... we're going to be in the oval office for the signing ceremony. you are going to get one of the pens the president uses to sign this and you were going to protect other teenage girls and women across the country. [crying] i hope also that alexis is in the oval office for signing the justice for jocelyn act that requires that illegal aliens were apprehended be detained and kept in detention. that would've saved her life if it had been the law. >> the idea that they will put the rights of unvented illegals over the safety of our citizens in light of known terrorists, murderers,, of cartels, gang members and other violent criminals and not support deporting them, they have lost any moral clarity or compass that they might have once had.
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i never got to see you in person it seems, it's great to see you and i want to give back to my free state of florida. god bless texas, think you senator . a lot of presidents trumped speech tonight focused on immigration. in a few short weeks he has completely reversed the border crisis. he wanted the nation to know that. take a look. >> since taking office my a administration has launched the most sweeping border and immigration product -- crackdown in american history. and we quickly achieved the lowest numbers of illegal border crossings ever recorded. thank you. [applause] the media and our friends in the democrat party kept saying we needed new legislation we must
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have legislation to secure the border. but it turned out that all we really needed was a new president. [applause] >> joining us now is the head of the very powerful house judiciary committee. jim jordan. great to see you, how are you? >> if you talk to president trump ever they only lost one match in all the years ... >> that was phenomenal wasn't it? >> i never saw anything like it between the sulking temper tantrum of the democrats juxtaposed with the president
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that is moving at the speed of light and then some. >> the intensity, leadership. contrast that with joe biden when he gave... this is a real leadership and monk i left at the end when he said doers and dreamers and fighters and founders. that's the american people. the doers the dreamers the fighters the founders. they love what they saw in their president and what he's doing, doing what he said he would do. what a contrast from what we've seen for the last four years. it was a phenomenal night for the president and a great night for the country. >> laken riley's mom, jocelyn nungaray raise mom, we saw -- talked about this young 13-year-old boy that overcame cancer and became a secret service agent tonight. the young men that got into west point tonight. the mother of the slain officer. they couldn't stand. they can't stand for them, are you kidding me. >> the country sees past that. the country loves -- that's the
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democrat party today but i don't think they even stood for... whose husband saved her life, their daughter's life. if that's what they want to do okay but i think the rest of the country said we appreciate president trump's leadership and might we appreciate the fact he told us what he was going to do plus i like the list. the list -- the list of all the. [simultaneous talking] >> let's let boys compete against boys, girls compete against girls. let's not have di or critical race theory. let's get back to common sense and then the list on the doge cuts and all the people who were getting money who are like 140 years old. >> i guarantee when we get into the weeds we know it's hundreds of billions of dollars. when did the democratic party become the party of dei woke as i'm transgenderism lgbtq+ and of the green new deal.
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the fact that the president took so much time out of his speech tonight to go through it. i did not know... transgender mice. that was not on my list. >> i think we are in a whole new framework now where we see all the ridiculous spending that's taken place, itemized out and the democrats are all upset about it. instead of dealing with the ridiculous spending they want to attack elon musk and the president instead of dealing with the crazy spending. i think the american people see it for what it is an let's go in there and get rid of some of this crazy stuff we are spending money on and help. >> it's his fifth state of the union address and a matter what i say, decide is not to be happy. than they fulfilled every single worst instinct that i think a
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politician ought to have. ted cruz pointed out when joe biden was introduced mr. speaker the president of the united states, they stood up. >> i've been to 18 of these. i've been to more democrat them republican of these and i tell people this is the closest thing to pageantry we have in america. it's a good thing for our country. and we should be there and respect the office of the presidency. >> i've had to suck it up after elections that didn't go my way. >> it's part of our great country. but tonight we saw a leader who is more than any person i've ever seen in politics, he's doing what he told the american people he was going to do. i say this all the time, we make this job to complicated. if you get elected go do it. and for 40 some days no one has done it with the intensity of this guy and then further laying out the vision where he wants to take the country, that's what presidents are supposed to do.
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that's what leaders of great nations like ours, the greatest ... >> it has to because again we have to help president trump deliver on the message he ran on , got elected to do. the country wants us to and if we don't with a 36 trillion-dollar debt and all the crazy things the left wants to do we have to get it done. >> good to see you. >> thank you for all you do. >> good to see you. thank you. other major part of tonight's speech focused on the economy and the president's plan to use tariff to negotiate a fair trade for american businesses, take a look. >> american steelworker, fantastic person from alabama, jeff dennard has been working at the same steal plant for 27 years at a job that has allowed him to serve as the captain of his local volunteer fire
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department, and raised seven children with his beautiful wife nicole and over the years provided a loving home for more than 40 foster children. so great jeff. [applause] thank you jeff. thank you jeff. stories like jabs remind us that tariffs are not just about protecting american jobs, they're about protecting the soul of our country. tariffs are about making america rich again and making america great again and it's happening and it will happen rather quickly. there will be a little disturbance but we are okay with that. it won't be much. and look whereby didn't took us.
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the lowest we've ever been. >> here now joining us is treasury secretary scott bessent is with us. it's so critical, let's put it this way. president goes through all the waste fraud abuse corruption, they think we have nearly $40 trillion in debt than you think the average american only makes 66 grand a year. it's unfair and we are stealing from our kids. >> i couldn't agree more. that the reason i came out from behind my desk about a year and a half ago because i was just shocked when the last of administration did to us. this is the biggest deficit that we've had when we are not at war and not in a recession. 6.7, 6.8% of gdp and they just blew out the spending and now president trump has a plan to bring it down slowly and it's -- we're going to reprivatize the economy, reinvigorate the private sector, shrink the government sector.
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>> when i listen to people and they usually tend to have a political agenda and you hear them say tariffs. he says reciprocal tariffs because as he pointed out tonight, india, china, canada, mexico, european union. massive tariffs on us and is he not negotiating? do they not know that donald trump's always negotiating? >> he's already -- always negotiate but he date -- they know he means it. and he will pull the trigger. >> pulled it tonight. >> i'm open to the idea that either the other sides can drop these big tariffs that they've got. they can drop them or they know president trump will put up the tariff wall and than we will see >> justin trudeau he's got 42 million citizens in canada. we have 340 million here. he wants to pick that fight who do you think's going to win? who's going to get hurt the
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most? >> he's already a lame duck. he's a dead man walking and so i don't think every -- anybody took him seriously. i think he's kind of dangerous, we will see. my guess is next week mark carney is the prime minister, he's a little more reasonable but we will see. >> the president wants the border secure, he wants free and fair trade across the board, nobody taking advantage of us. the president would like fentanyl to stop coming into our country. if they does -- if they do those things that tariffs go away. >> the current when he 5% tariffs are about securing the border, about fentanyl and then on april second we will see the reciprocal tariffs. >> are you liking the new job? how do you like the swamp? >> i don't know about this month but the cabin is greatly, the president is amazing. every day. [simultaneous talking] >> he's on a roll and that speech tonight was incredible.
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>> i've known him 30 years i think it's the best species ever given. >> the democrats are flailing because you can't just be the resistance, you have to be for something and they haven't coalesced. they have no idea what therefore, they are just against donald trump and he continues winning and they are all balanced and they are in their everyday for the american people >> congratulations on your new positions. i know you will be a big part of that. >> we do it every day. >> more reaction to president trump's joint address plus the mother of jocelyn nungaray will be here. democrats wouldn't stand for her. we will hear from them... much more straight ahead.
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e to support the families they'll work for me now without tik tok. without the increase in sales. (♪) it's chris pratt here. i know you're in the middle of something, but i was wondering if you could just read a little bit of scripture together real quick, from the book of joshua. i command you be strong and steadfast.
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president trump while while democrats continue to disgrace themselves. here with more, fox news contributor kelly on call way -- kellyanne conway along with charlie hurt and fox news contributor every fleischer. i got a note from john solomon who said the democratic party may have died tonight. trumps speech expose them for hateful, intolerant, petty elitists they have become. the video objects were devastating. if you can't applaud a kid who survived brain cancer, there's no humanity. he's not wrong. >> took the words out of my mouth. they got rid of joe biden, they kicked them out but haven't been able to shake him. this is a party that has been beaten down and hollowed out by donald trump. they promised people a year ago that donald trump would be in the big house and never in the white house and there he was tonight as commander in chief with the world watching. with so much crisis and chaos everywhere we look, and they could not even show respect to
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the office of the presidency. but they gave us the ads that we need for next fall. you can just see this adorable 15-year-old boy who survived cancer now, secret service agent. you see jocelyn nungaray's family, you see all these different folks who represent the pain and suffering of the biden administration and the best of america in this great golden age. they could not think about single time to reward that. i used to have this in my portfolio working on the state of the union. president trump takes it so seriously. he and the first lady enjoy so much. meeting those families, weaving it into the speech. >> i've spoken to the families, jocelyn nungaray's mom, why can't they? >> kamala harris never said their name, don't forget that. would not say the name of the 13 who fell in afghanistan because of her and her boss. >> let's stay on that point because it is a party
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, they love to pride themselves on a monopoly of compassion and i just saw a collective temper tantrum of radical extremists full of rage and i've never seen anything like it. if i see a kid get into west point, if i see a kid that survived cancer, if i see mothers that lost their children, i'm standing. that's not about politics for me. >> and if you see the president of the united states walk in to where you stand, that speech tonight was a disaster for the democratic party. if that same speech had been given 10-15 years ago, every single democrat in that chamber would have stood up for all those people donald trump cited. but today almost all of the democrats in congress are the squad. you don't have to just be aoc, it's infectious and has spread throughout the party. it's a disease and they can'
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