tv The Five FOX News March 5, 2025 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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>> will: right. you have done the first step today. thank you so much for being with us, we had a good time last night at the joint session of congress. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> will: time never will of the people, d.j. says i just think of pizza. all about pizza for me. he runs a gigantic sports website as well. jackie adding a love your opening, welcome to texas. finally victor says thank you and all of your producers for bringing as the honest to god truth. sometimes a call for things, taking it out of order and make it hard on everybody! on that following a script or order, sometimes we messed up. that is the way it goes! ♪ ♪
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hello, i'm dana perino along with joe jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the 5". ♪ ♪ >> dana: president trump setting a new record for the longest ever joint address to ht six weeks in office plus a preview of the coming who sat stone-faced and silent. >> to my fellow citizens, america is back. we have accomplished more in 43 days than most administrations accomplished in four years or eight years. look at the democrats in front of me and i realize there is absolutely nothing i can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud. the media and our friends in the
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democrat party kept saying we needed new legislation, we must have legislation to secure the border. but it turned out that all we really needed was a new president. i'm also working tirelessly to end the savage conflict in ukraine. you want to keep it going for another five years? pocahontas says yes. >> dana: elon musk given a shoutout as president trump went line by line on what d.o.g.e. has been dropping. >> 40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants. nobody knows what that is. $8 million to promote lgbtq2ia+. in the african nation, which nobody has ever heard of. a million dollars for making mice transgender. this is real. >> dana: as for the democrats, they had a hard time being decent. barely 5 minutes into this page, representative al greenway
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shouting at trump until he got booted. >> on a map that reads almost completely red. >> the chair directs the sergeant at arms to restore order. removed as gentleman from the chamber. [ crowd noise ] >> dana: greens democratic colleagues picked it up from there, raising battles with phrases like "musk steals" others coordinating pink outfits or walking out while wearing t-shirts with the word "resist." how dare they wear a t-shirt? that was my outrage. hey greg gutfeld. >> greg: good they ought the battles because boy did they get. i have to say, this moment reminds me of 1989, the fall of communism, except this is the fall of american communism. the fall of an entire ideology and the birth of a country. i think when he said america is back, there's a reason 75, 80%
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of the people agree, because it does feel that way. you made an amazing point yesterday before the speech. you said that you predicted trump would talk for about 80 minutes, listing his many acknowledgements. while biden's so look on bushman last year was completing the speech. >> that was justification for his being commander in chief for another four years. >> greg: that he did not crap himself on live tv but he did in the debate. this is what it was so important i think that biden gave trump a four year break, just so you could know what you are missing. and it's true, in a month he did more than what biden has done in a lifetime of cronyism. is that this a while ago. trump might be done with his term in three months, you know, it could happen, but this common sense strategy is the most brilliant and necessary play in modern political history because the higher ground of common sense believes that the
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only counterpoint for the adversaries is everything against common sense, which means a guys, don't clap for the kid with cancer, realizing his dream, that's anti-common sense. but you have to do it because god forbid you are on the same side as evil orange man. al green was a perfect hood ornament for this. a party with no room left accept ugliness. and he is, you know, you could not find a better bad guy if you scoured all of the quentin tarantino movies. he looks the part, he's a seething boil of a man. it's funny, he walked right over the trapdoor that was set for him and trump push the button. the play was, let's all -- let's list all the good stuff and let the democrats be democrats. they can walk the plank or they can read the room and change with the tide. either way it's a win win for trump. they agree with him or they look like idiots because they don't. the democrats, they chose evil by not cheering good things. if trump had released, you know,
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a flock of peaceful dogs, they would have tried to shoot them because they hate him. last thing i will say, when i was watching this, i felt like i was watching a movie, the climax of a movie where the hero wins, whether it's rocky or harry potter. they always show the bad guys. the bad guys just look terrible. the reason why they look so bad is not that they've lost and that goodness prevailed, it's the recognition that they are the bad guy in this movie. that the realization is that maybe their authentic self is really, really bad. if you had the choice to cheer for a kid with cancer and you did not, you might want to question who you are. >> at that point, how do you lose your heart and joy for living, how do you lose all compassion and just sit on your hands? >> judge jeanine: you know, i only have one message for the democrats after last night and that is stay the course, stay in
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that lane, keep it up, because the american people see you for what you are. you are haters, you allege that you are the party of joy and unity, you are nothing about joy and unity. you've gas lit us for the last four years about how everything you want is for the american people. nothing that benefited the american people was good enough for them, nothing, whether it was tax on tips, whether it was talking about a refuge being named for joslyn who was murdered and raped viciously. whether it was about, you know, the families. nothing touch them, they were stone-faced cold haters. they ought to start a party, the hate party, because nothing in what they stand for benefits the american people. 80% of the american people agree with donald trump when it comes to immigration, when it comes to men in women's sports. 76% of americans like his
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speech. not those people. it's like when a husband and a wife, they get a divorce, right, the wife is so angry, she says i'm going to make sure he doesn't have a dime when we are done. the only problem is, the kids have nothing in the end. that's what the democrat party is like. they are fighting and fighting and in the end the american people get nothing. when you sit on your hands for a kid with cancer who's 13 years old, who had 13 surgeries on his brain, who gets to be what he wants to be in jumps in the arms of the head of the secret service who is the one who carried trump off the stage, he jumped he was so happy, in these people could not clap, but they could clap for war, they could clap for more money for ukraine. so in the end, donald trump was on his pinnacle, he was entertaining, an hour and 44 minutes went by like that. and there was a sense that america is back. the democrats had to sit there and realize that their claim of
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chaos and all of these lies about donald trump, they have zero ammunition now. there's nothing that they can complain about anymore. he is a man of his word, he delivers on his promises, and he's got vision like no president we've seen in our lifetime. >> dana: there's a report that hit game jeffrey's had a meeting with everyone and said i want everybody to behave, no props, no placards, just be normal. and that's not what happen so you have to kind of wonder what kind of leadership he's going to exercise over these folks -- hakeem jeffries -- spavor it was the distraction no one needed and it was an effective. it's one thing if you do something outlandish and you succeed and it. it's quite another thing if you become a central meme of social media no matter the side you are on. if you are hanging on blue sky or x last night. in terms of al green getting up, i'm not an enormous al green person but i don't want to hear this from the party of marjorie taylor greene or joe wilson when
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he stood up there and screamed okay -- "you lie" at barack obama. don't lecture me about the quorum but i still thought that it was again a distraction from this. i think there should be a rule for all future joint sessions of congress, everybody applauds every guest. i can't think of a person that a democratic president or republican president who has brought to one of these that did not deserve your praise, or at least -- >> jesse: rush limbaugh. >> jessica: i forgot about rush limbaugh. no, kidding. don't look at your phone, clap for kids with cancer. obviously all of that. there was though, like, brit hume did called trump a political colossus in his after remarks but he also said that this was the most partisan speech i've ever heard of president give. there was plenty of material in this for democrats to take and move on from. like donald trump saying we are going to talk about it later in the show, you know, there will be a bit of pain from the
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tariffs. he did not talk about health care affordability or housing affordability, griffin drug prices, to not spend time on veterans, did not talk about israel. there were all of these holes that we can actually take from this and say guess what, you listened to donald trump for an hour and 44 minutes, he gave an incredibly partisan speech in the issues that you care about don't matter to him. is approval rating went underwater in the average is the speech was going on. so now we have a president underwater, someone who is not talking about the issues the american public cares about. just go with that. >> dana: is that "the 5" 38 they dig today? >> jessica: not because it went underwater. >> dana: jesse watters. >> jesse: i wish jessica was in the car on the way to the airport this morning with me because you would've learned a lot. i've started talking to the drivers on the way. >> don't be tone friedman. >> jesse: jesse friedman here. this guy is from pakistan, he's a fan, so i'm like okay.
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i ask him how the speech went and he said, what al green did was so disrespectful, no matter who it is you have to respect the office. so he's from pakistan, married his wife from india, love conquers all, and they both voted for donald trump. and here's why, illegal immigration. they said what they saw was when all of these people came into the country and started getting free benefits, it's stretched all the services in their county and then he's working around-the-clock and paying all of these taxes and biden is sending all this money overseas to countries he's never heard of. you look at a guy like this, driving me to the airport, you don't see a trump voter. you assume not a trump voter. these are the people that are voting for donald trump and it's not because of what he says or -- it's because of the issues, jessica. and last night the democrats basically burn the flag.
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they went out and knelt during the national anthem. that's how unpatriotic it was. they keep saying how unpatriotic donald trump is, they say he's a trader. they turned their backs to all of these american heroes. >> marjorie taylor greene and what she did, she literally turned her back. stood up and shook butt her towards biden. >> jesse: i missed that part, jessica. >> greg: i have it on my phone, hang on. >> jesse: you have this young black it with brain cancer who wants to be a cop and they don't even clap. or a hostage that comes home, jessica. there are these wholesome national moments you have to participate in as an american. >> judge jeanine: we were in tears without little boy. >> dana: i pray he has no idea that happened. i want him -- we will talk about him. we have more to come. up next, a new low for the media. some are trying to politicize this young man we are talking about. he has brain cancer but he is -- look at him, he's healthy today and he's a hero.
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we will be right back. ♪ ♪ it's chris pratt here. i know you're in the middle of something, but i was wondering if you could just read a little bit of scripture together real quick, from the book of joshua. i command you be strong and steadfast. do not fear, nor be dismayed, for the lord your god is with you wherever you go. join me in diving deeper into the bible and praying every day on hallow. you got to check it out. i had the worst dream last night. you were in a car crash and the kids and i were on our own. that's awful, hon. my brother was saying he got life insurance from ethos. and he got $2 million in coverage, all online. life insurance made easy. check your price today at
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: it was the tearjerker moment of the night. president trump putting the spotlight on 13-year-old d.j. daniel, the young boy with brain cancer, who wanted nothing more than to be a police officer. >> his name is d.j. danielle, he's 13 years old and he's always dreamed of becoming a police officer. in 2018, d.j. was diagnosed with brain cancer. the doctors gave him five months at most to live. that was more than six years ago. tonight d.j., we are going to do
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you the biggest honor of them all, i am asking our new secret service director to officially make you an agent of the united states secret service. >> jesse: that was pure joy. earlier today newly minted secret service agent d.j. daniel giving trump a big hug at the oval office. and yet the democrats actually refused to stand for that very touching moment. the lunatics at msnbc just had to make it political. >> this is disgusting. the president made a spectacle out of praising a young man who has thus far survive pediatric cancer, as if the president had something to do with that. >> i let myself feel joy about d.j. and i hope he's alive for another, you know, 95 years. >> we hope he never has to
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protect the capital against donald trump supporters and if he does i hope he isn't one of the six oh loses his life to suicide. >> jesse: that got picked up pretty quickly this morning. >> dana: the president was accused of not doing anything to unite the country. but those are the moments, as jessica said, everybody who's in that box was an amazing american and if you can't set your policies aside for a moment, or your politics aside for a moment, to stand for them. i don't know if that comment was just made off the cuff and it was one that is regretted, i don't know if she said anything about it. a president did something, it was like the make-a-wish portion of the speech. he's like who doesn't love make-a-wish? who would not want to be in power to be able to grant the wish? that is an amazing power that you get and every president has an opportunity to make somebody's life. greg was showing a video before, this young man because he loves police has been bullied before.
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he deserves all the good and i am here for that. i think about the democrats and what would it have hurt if any of them had decided to be the one, what if you were the one to stand up? maybe you would get others to stand up because now today you hear anonymously they are all embarrassed and gosh we really should have had a better response rather than being so silly. so why not just be the one who would do the right thing? what would be the consequences of that? that's what you have to ask yourself. they might say that on the other side of the aisle as well and i get that but you do have people who are willing to do it and they may pay a consequence for it but when it comes to celebrating a make-a-wish moment, everybody can get along with that. >> jesse: you have to not have a hard to not stand up, greg got for something like that. it should move you as a human being. >> greg: or maybe you have a bad back. here's a tip to the make-a-wish foundation, do not invite nicole
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wallace, okay, she's going to tell the girl with brain cancer gets better off you die before you are old enough to experience workplace sexual harassment. imagine being that person, the person who says don't help a child because it makes you look better than me. that's the whole point of this. they don't like it because it makes them look bad. imagine being the person that has to fight against your biological nature to smile. you are watching this thing and nope, not going to smile. the argument is, this whole thing is political. that doesn't work here because it is still a great thing. think about the argument. trump and so war, that helps them politically, okay. trump closes the border, that helps them politically. he brings companies back, that helps politically. i think you are making the republicans case here, that everything they do that helps them helps you.
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you are saying that good things happen when republicans are in charge. so when democrats say this is bad, they are saying i don't care if it's a good thing because politically it helps them. they would prefer republicans do bad things because that helps them. bottom line, i don't care if the kids life is made better is actually a political statement because the definition of an ideal political statement would be making that kids life better. what else is there? >> jesse: it's really just about results, judge. >> judge jeanine: the more i watch that, the more disgusted i am. i really am. if we as americans cannot share joy for a little boy, now a young man, who has gone through 13 brain cancer surgeries, chemotherapy, and continues to have cancer treatments to this day, they are the party of hate.
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they are the party, they say that, you know, they welcome everyone, they would rather welcome in a legal into this country and protect his right to be a criminal in our cities then to applaud this young boy. and they are disgusting. and you know what, nicole wallace, i don't know if you have kids and i don't care but i would never engage in a conversation where i used the word "suicide" with respect to your child. we all have more dignity and decency then you do. you are so filled with the hate of donald trump. and you know what, trump showed his humanity, he did what make-a-wish foundation does every day, and every narrative they brewed in their which is part of hate has been thrown out the window by what he showed last night at that speech. they are despicable human human beings. >> jesse: jessica, i worry that when we celebrate our 250th
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birthday, with donald trump as president in a couple years, how the democrats are going to behave. are we going to be able to celebrate america's birthday together? >> greg: we might have to cancel the birthday, jesse. >> jesse: are you going to walk out of the party? >> dana: the show will go on and it will be great. >> greg: no party. >> dana: we are great at parties. i'm not worried about that. i obviously think this was such a stretch to also get to that thinking from what happened. if you want to be critical -- [simultaneous talking] >> no, nicole wallace, on down. everything is good. the obvious thing, if you want to be critical of him, you just say he should not cut cancer research funding. don't talk about anyone dying. this kid is fighting for his life and has been his entire 13 years that he's been on this planet, but i noticed something last night beyond the infection of the paddles. i was watching what was going on
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in terms of the response to/in. i saw that there were conservatives that were praising her and said that this is a really good concise response to an hour and 44 minute speech where she talked about unifying themes. she talked about jobs, she talked about national security, from coming from a bipartisan household. she talked about being moved to service, being in new york on 9/11 and then signing up, she went to work for the cia and did three tours. and i see progressives criticizing her, saying this is the right way to handle it, you get this message and you go out and say george bush wasn't that bad or she had a line saying i'm glad donald trump wasn't an office instead of reagan because we would not have gotten out of the cold war. they are picking on her for praising reagan. take a step back. elissa slotkin just won a swing state. she won a state that donald trump won. if it weren't for people like
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her and tammy baldwin we would be in the world of trouble. these people saved the party. since 2021, democrats have moved, plus 11 in terms of wanting to be more moderate. a moderates over perform. the progressives underperformed by up to five points for the justice democrats so when i see people going at her about this, it's like mind your own business and show me what you have won lately. >> dana: there's jessica standing up. >> greg: there you go. >> jesse: very good. >> dana: she did better than most. >> jesse: are you going to deliver the reply next year? >> jessica: i don't think that's how it works. >> jesse: anything goes now jessica. >> greg: 250th birthday party at your house? >> jesse: i am. i'm even going to jump out of the cake, greg. coming up, republicans holding sanctuary city mayors feet to the fire. ♪ ♪ [wife] we got the house...
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♪ ♪ >> greg: accountability was raining down hard on america's sanctuary cities. democrat mayors from boston, chicago, denver and nyc in the hot seat on capitol hill and getting grilled by republicans on why they are letting migrant criminals run wild. >> mayor johnson, is denver a sanctuary city? >> i can tell you what denver does -- >> i take that as a "yes". is chicago a century city? >> a forty-year policy of being a welcoming city. >> let's talk about tom homan. shame on him. others may want to bring hell, we are here to bring peace to cities everywhere. >> in the city of boston, how much did you spend? >> we don't ask about immigration status. >> you don't ask about how much money the city of boston has spent on them -- on illegal immigration? are you out of your mind?
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do you manage your budget or not? >> greg: of course the democrats were losing their marbles over the hearing. >> it's total bull [bleep]. absolute full [bleep]. they are not making america safe again. what they are doing is terrorizing immigrant families. >> u.s.-born americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants. >> trying to get thrown out of committees he can end up on msnbc. we are going to put up with it. >> greg: this feels like it's so 2020. i'm looking at this and maybe it's because we had the speech last night, so maybe we are not as engaged in this, but you are watching and you go did anything come out of this? i did not watch a look of it. >> dana: first of all, brandon johnson has an approval rating that is like bubonic plague level at 6.6%. he went out of his way basically
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to tell chicago i don't care what you think, i know you are saying you want me to fix the neighborhoods, i'm sticking to my guns. the boston mayor spent $650,000 to prep for this hearing. that's like -- remember the ivy league presidents that gave the anti-semitism hearings and then they lost their jobs. unfortunately, the citizens of boston cannot fire her until there is a next election because what a waste of money. just last week she went on tv and expressed condolences for a guy who tried to go on a killing spree with a knife because he got shot in the process. she was sorry for him. >> greg: because he used a knife and not a gun. >> dana: that's true. 90% of americans agree with this, we should remove murderers and rapists and illegal immigrants. i don't think i've ever seen 90% support for anything, except maybe right after 9/11. to think of all of this. yesterday, in the month of january there were -- or february there were 8900 crossings across the entire
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border, across the entire month. a year before that it was 189,000. the biden-harris administration, they all said there's nothing we can do because donald trump told congress not to pass the legislation. and that is the b.s. word which i also want to go on the record and say i don't understand the democrats cursing. i find it unpersuasive and undignified. >> greg: it is undignified. they have to stop with bullshit that. jesse, you like it. you like the bad boy. >> jesse: apologize, greg. >> greg: i apologize to america for making a point using the b.s. word. so dana makes a good point p2 i wasn't listening. >> greg: i tuned out as well. it feels like this thing is solved, immigration is now like north korea. i'm going to make a few phone calls. >> jesse: does that mean we are not getting the border wall? i really wanted the wall.
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i've never seen republicans go this hard. i like what we are seeing. squeeze the democrats like a boa constrictor. squeeze and squeeze. make them choose between american citizens and migrants. feed me fani willis back letitia james. this is how it works. you subpoena them, they come in, they live, then they've perjured themselves and they can be arrested. back me up judge, i think i'm right. then i would subpoena the entire biden cabinet. what happened with the cover up? they are under oath. if they don't obey the subpoena, you go get them, you cuff them. back me up. correct, councilor watters. this is not revenge, this is enforcing the law. are democrats above the law, jessica? >> jessica: what about when jim jordan to find a congressional subpoena? >> jesse: he can be shackled as well.
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>> greg: do you agree with jesse though that we should be feeding democrats to snakes? >> judge jeanine: honestly, i am. i did it for 30 years. no, i never played politics. this whole thing is about the idea that on the part of the democrats, the failure to uphold the law based upon their claim that they are upholding their sanctuary city policies is somehow appropriate for them. and that americans should all be grateful to them. they are a bunch of fools. they are adams spent $6.9 billion on sanctuary cities. johnson, 79 billion. the other mayor johnson said 1% of this it jeep -- city budget. we've got mayor adams in new york city, he says that he's in favor of some of the sanctuary city policies but not all of them. what he's saying is i'm going to prosecute and i'm going to give i.c.e. violent offenders but at
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the same time i'm going to allow the low-level offenders to continue to stay without any access to them by i.c.e. or by border patrol. you cannot claim to be tough on crime while at the same time allowing low-level crimes to exist, whether it's drug offenses, trespassing, shoplifting. they create an environment of lawlessness. that's what's happening in new york city. so we learned from the broken windows theory that the schools who want to continue to protect illegals, who are criminals, in spite of the fact that americans are victimized, american citizens, and law enforcement is put in more danger, as if they are doing something that's laudable. they are hurting america. >> greg: how do you think the mayors did, were you able to catch this? be honest. i did not watch any. >> jessica: i appreciate that about you. >> greg: i did not pick the
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story. >> jessica: and he did not ask to be assigned. >> greg: on just driving a bus. >> jessica: i saw some of it. i thought that mayor wu was being questioned by a congressman and he was like why don't you care about safety and she said why don't you make a reform, that's the way to keep people safe. but what was most interesting for me was adams, the quid pro quo with the trump administration and getting the charges dumped in the indictment in that mayoral primary we will have in the summer will be wildly interesting. >> greg: it will be wildly interesting. let's move on, shall we, to another segment that will be scintillating as well. president trump, doubling down on the most beautiful word. ♪ ♪
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tariffs are about making america rich again and making america great again and it's happening and it will happen rather quickly. there will be a little disturbance, but we are okay with that. it won't be much, no, you are not, oh. >> judge jeanine: president trump talking about his tariff tango with mexico, canada and china during his big speech last night. 47 is giving a one-month exemption on some automobiles from canada and mexico and commerce secretary howard lutnick is reminding these countries it's a drug war, not a trade war. >> we have to stop americans from dying and we need to see the canadians and mexicans put long lasting protections in to protect america. not this i'm doing a lot of work for the last three weeks. give me a break. >> judge jeanine: all right jesse, so what howard lutnick is talking about is until we see a
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change in terms of fentanyl coming through the canadian border and the mexican border, we are going to continue to put these tariffs on canada and mexico until we see a change in the autopsy deaths. we've already been talking about the fact that the cartels are now hiding because they know that donald trump is around. so they might not last that long. >> jesse: that's also something the democrats did not clapback, when he announced mexico handed over 40 of the top cartel members. democrats just sat there. why not clap for that? harley-davidson motorcycles face a 100% tariff when we try to sell them in india, so the minute they hit bombay they go from 30000-60,000 and they are priced out of the market. what i want to know is what the democrat plan is to get india or france or mexico to reduce their tariffs.
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they don't have a plan. i want to know what the democrat plan is to boost wages and bring manufacturing plants back to america. they don't have a plan. [simultaneous talking] >> jesse: printed money to give it to intel that wasted the money and now can't even build a plant. >> jessica: bipartisan loud it -- lauded. >> jesse: chips and salsa. trump has raised more money from the private sector then he taxed and spent into the chips act. let me finish. in the first term, donald trump's trade policy -- >> jessica: oh, god. >> jesse: had the biggest impact on wages we've seen in 50 years. we had a better stock market in four years under joe biden and it brought manufacturing jobs back that we had lost during globalization. this whole jockeying for position with canada and mexico, it's just to get better terms before we renegotiate the usmca
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in two years. >> jessica: that terrible bill that trump negotiated. >> jesse: that all democrats voted for. >> judge jeanine: let me ask you this then, what jesse is saying make sense. >> jessica: no, it doesn't. >> judge jeanine: let me give an example. germany taxes, there's a 10% tariff to our cars. we had a 2.5% tariff to their bmws, their mercedes and everything else. don't you think tariffs should be reciprocal? >> jessica: i don't think they should necessarily be identical. >> judge jeanine: why not? >> jessica: i think that keeping the chinese tariffs was a good idea, biden even did that. but you guys know, and you are ignoring what's going on, these tariffs are bad for americans. the majority know it will raise costs. that's the reason they had to walk them back. don't talk to me about india and indians being on harley-davidson's, talk to me about automakers. just one second here. 82% of americans want trump to
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be focused on the economy. only 36% said that he's actually doing that. they know the tariffs are a loser. howard lutnick is trying to backtrack on it. it will bankrupt people. >> judge jeanine: you know what, the president just gave the three major car companies an extra month so that they could comply in a way that benefits america financially. >> dana: that's what i said last night, i think the sequencing of all of this has been bizarre and it has led to some chaos and confusion, but maybe that's the strategy. the most measured part of the speech last night was when president trump said, bear with me. it was short. he said there will be some pain. he does a lot of interviews so i'm assuming we will get more on what that means. for example today i heard from a manufacturer, this is going to be so great. i said what about the exporters that just called me before you, the exporters are like we make things in america but we want to export our things and now they are so much more expensive. but what about the consumer? then i got a call from them.
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i'm like guys, i mean wait-and-see mode but apparently so was the government. it's like they are on, they are off. now another month, april second but i don't know. i'm just going to be in wait-and-see mode. i think it's a real high-wire act but there is a net. >> judge jeanine: that's right. last word, greg. >> greg: i'm going to take my time with this. >> jesse: please. >> greg: i think that right now trump is a leader operating on good faith. done a lot of really good things. so how can a guy -- i have to ask myself -- who's been right on just about everything from big things, the border, to small things, plastic straws. why would he decide to take a huge big risk on something he knows nothing about? clearly he knows something about it that we don't. so he's earned -- to me it's like i used to think tariffs were bad but i also thought people with freckles were bad. are they? i just had to read more about people with freckles. i'm reading about tariffs and i
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never knew that we operated on tariffs and the 1800s and we had no inflation. and if you want to talk about inflation, 40% of all the money printed in history happens during covid. that's a hell of a statistic. the fastest increase of inflation in u.s. history came in covid because of that increase in printing money. that is what is destroying economies, not tariffs. >> jesse: what if biden had said it's going to be rough. >> judge jeanine: up next,. [indistinct] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back. texas lieutenant governor wants to rename the new york strip stake to the texas trip stake. we have some to get us in the mood. dana is already eating. >> dana: thank you west side steak house. i like the cowgirl cut. i don't care where it comes from. >> jessica: what is the cowgirl cut? >> dana: just a smaller piece. >> jessica: a lady piece. greg, weill. >> greg: i have to have dessert before i have the cowgirl. called a reverse cowgirl. don't stop there. they are changing it from new york stake to texas take. skirt stake. is it because cows are female? sexists. what about sirloin?
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are we sure we know the pronoun. could be a nonbinary loin. why is it sirloin? tomahawk steak? cultural appropriation. call it the general stake. >> jessica: judge... >> judge jeanine: i don't care, i'm not a mediator. >> jesse: if we are renaming the gulf of mexico gulf of america, you have to let texas own this one. sorry. >> jessica: very good. one more thing is up next. >> greg: great got -- job, jessica. ♪ ♪ uddy, yolow this year? you bet brother. stay prayed up. yeah, you know it. hey, father. you joining lent again this year? of course. alright father. sister. you joining us again on the app this year, right? i am mark. i love it. hey, chris. yo. what's up? mark? you want to join us on hallow this year? join you on hallow?
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baby: liberty! mom: liberty mutual is all she talks about since we saved hundreds by bundling our home and auto insurance. biberty: it's pronounced "biberty." baby: liberty! biberty: biberty! baby: liberty! biberty: nice try, kid. only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: liberty.
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fox nation. catch "jesse watters primetime" tonight. lindsey graham, adam carolla, and sebastian gorka. >> judge jeanine: where has he been? >> thank you, jesse for having me on the show. my name is sebastian gorka. >> dana: would you like to go next, greg? >> greg: tonight i will have dana perino, charlie hurt, tudor dixon and kennedy. no sign of brit hume though. he won't be there. i'm busy. >> dana: i have this quickly, everybody hates potholes. people want government to work. this guy in england said i have had enough, made a spectacle of this. the legs are not real. this is not a real person, guys. it's got the government's attention to finally address the potholes. that's all people want. they want the government to work. >> greg: i don't find that funny. >> dana: common sense, america. >> greg: poor taste. >> bret: sebastian gorka and brit hume imitation. >> greg: yes, together
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