tv Gutfeld FOX News March 6, 2025 12:00am-1:00am PST
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♪ ♪ >> before we go catch a quick programming note, "forget to watch my interview that is now on fox nation. and we have a really special show tomorrow. i will tell you about it then. unfortunately that's all the time we have this evening, things for being with us and thank you for making the show possible. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity, for news any time, all the time, had online and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is next and he will put a smile on other than that, have a great night. ♪ ♪ [cheering and applause]
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[cheering and applause] >> greg: yes! yes! yes! [cheering and applause] >> greg: this will be a new part of my repertoire. good evening everyone. president trump gave a speech last night to a joint session of congress. there he listed his achievements and goals and it was long, lasting more than 90 minutes. i'm told someone had to leave the room twice to shave. true, even maxine waters wig turned gray. as you know, many dems came with signs and protest. some even held up messages on a whiteboard.
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at the beginning of the speech, representative al green was kicked out of the chamber. it is not his fault... [cheering and applause] you know it's not his fault, he thought walking with a cane meant he could board his flight early. i like that joke. but many democrats were restless and some even walked out. many wanted to of course, but they could not get a tow truck. nancy pelosi was seen throughout the night with a disturbed and horrified expression. or as the rest of the world calls it back her face. [applause] liz warren was caught several
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times on her phone texting throughout the speech. and think we know who she was trying to reach. [laughter] of course, like many democrats, ilhan omar held up a protest paddle. but in this case he relayed very personal messages. very close family. also during trump's address, democrats failed to stand for laken riley's family or a child with brain cancer. not standing for a child with brain cancer? that's like not standing for a child with brain cancer! but i guess they only stand for people who are brain dead. and finally, many democrat women wore pink suits to protest for women's rights after having just opposed a measure to keep men out of women's locker rooms.
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many suggest it is because that may be the only opportunity they will ever get to see on the... [laughter] [laughter] [applause] so last night the pirate ship sailed into d.c. and sacked the place. you know that ship, it's the one all of washington has been fearing. and weldon they yelled land it wasn't because they spotted jasmine crockett. trump and his merry band took over the u.s. capitol and planted their flag right in the center of liz warren's but. and cleaned it in the name of common sense. now the whole thing got off to a rocky start when a homeless guy wandered in and down his leg. security guards gently escorted him out and he was safely
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returned to the men's shelter for a free bowl of soup. but he wasn't the only casualty. mike johnson is still in the hospital to have that smile surgically removed. the same look i get when i let brian's calls go to voice mail. but mike should be smiling. what turned out to be an amazing night for america coincided with the worst night for democrats since republicans canceled slavery. trump laid out a list of things he has already accomplished that only a lunatic couldn't love. and the democrats showed the entire nation that they qualify. they were like the odd man out, like rachel levine crashing ladies' night at gold's gym. i know. seriously, at what point do you go from opposing the other side to opposing good things? if the republican showed up with a puppy, nancy pelosi would try to drown it and then nadler would try to eat it.
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the democrats walked into a trap that turned out to be a mirror and they became every bad guy and every movie when the good guys win. but in this case it wasn't a movie or a tv show, although it was nice to see corporal klinger from m*a*s*h in the house. that is the democrat rosa or your kids know her as the lady who gives out pennies on halloween. no, trump outlined the vision for the world's most powerful nation. one based on common sense. that is if you believe in radical ideas like countries should have borders and women should not have which put democrats in the corner of their own design. so what does it look like when you are against the party of common sense? you look like this. a miserable collection of bone dry karen's. what's our faces, they look like the focused group calendar.
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there is no calendar, that is not true. i have nothing to do with that... no calendar. i miss my good friend juan williams. trump talked about all of the good [bleep] happening and the democrats just deceived. that was liz warren checking her results. there is so much steam coming from her ears i thought she was sending smoke signals. and all that was left was trumped to call her out for sending money to ukraine. >> do you want to keep it going for another five years? yeah,, you would say pocahontas says yes.
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>> greg: me very mad at orange man! meanwhile, nancy gnawed through her mouth like it was a tough chunk of rice pudding. george washington's teeth fit better and he whittled them out of mahogany. trump talked about a growing economy, balancing the budget, ending the war in ukraine, all good things. how can you be against war? it turns out the democrats are. they held up little signs like they were at a cattle auction which made no sense, the cast of the view was nowhere in sight. trump claimed there was nothing he could do to cheer him up. >> once again i look at the democrats in front of me. and i realize there is absolutely nothing i can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud. nothing i can do. >> greg: and he proved that point. never once applauded even for good things.
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also given their ages, maybe they were worried clapping would turn off the lights. and when the time came, they couldn't even stand for a 13-year-old kid with cancer who made -- who trump made a secret service agent. keep these guys away from the make-a-wish foundation. they will tell the sickkids to get their affairs in order. trump proved his point that democrats hate good things if it politically makes them look worse. it has to be we're going to bed every night hoping for bad things to happen to good people. trump then read off a list of incredible waste of money that the democrats have been responsible for. it sounded like a mental patient had stolen my amex card. think about her right now, americans across the country are thinking about how much they owe in taxes and trump reads this list off, i bet you can hear jerry nadler's behind clenching into a sun-dried tomato.
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which given his issue is, probably on improvement. overall, trump crushed it but so did america because when trump does great, that means the country does great. that's what happens when you have a patriot and charge, the personal and the national a line. which also means if trump does poorly, so does the country. but that puts smiles on the faces of democrats. what's it like to be them, to be the bad guy? to fight a smile when you see a kid with cancer hugged a secret service agent? to deliberately ignore the family of murdered american females? we don't have to imagine what that's like. we saw it last night. the pirates have boarded and the americans think it's glorious. but the democrats chose to walk the plank. >> announcer: ! >> greg: let's welcome to knight's gas! for lent she is giving up heroin, "host of america's newsroom, dana perino!
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we need another chair for his lovely hair cut close to fox and friends weekend, charlie hurt. she's my favorite tutor since henry viii. host of the tudor dixon podcast, tudor dixon. and she gets turned on by reading i charts. host of kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedy! dana, it feels -- i feel like the democrat party is in a situation where it is kind of dead. like they either have to be against everything good or agreed that these things are good and they won't do that. >> it's like they need to declare bankruptcy and start over. >> greg: that is such a good point. >> i love it. >> greg: sometimes thinking on your feet is so much better. >> it's a refreshing. i did think at some point that the democrats would hold up a sign saying uncle because he was
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crushing them. >> greg: but if you do that ilhan omar will want to [bleep] them. >> exactly. exactly. it made perfect sense. i was about to say that. the other thing is you have to think of the democrats who were at home watching, is this what my party has become? honestly think maybe declaring bankruptcy and clearing the deck, starting over may be their best bet. and another point i just thought of, the democrats if they ever hope to win again need to win over who trump one over which is the independence and the party of common sense and they are now so far marginalized that they are almost completely irrelevant. you are seeing numbers of like 76 percent, 80 percent, 90% approval and agreement on issues that they have nowhere to go. >> greg: this is such an interesting point charlie and thank you for that, dana. the eight e-20 split is happening with all of these
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issues and now with approval and yet the democrats still say just stick with the 20. i mean it's like they are purposefully choosing the losing hand. >> not only is an eight e-20 split, there isn't a single issue where it is the opposite in their favor. and democrats have always been so good at telling a story and they have all of the advantages, they have the media, culture, academia. everyone is on their side helping them tell the story and all of a sudden donald trump comes along and a lot of republicans complained that well, he pines about everything, he doesn't have to express his opinion about absolute everything. this is how you wind up flooding the zone and dominating every single story out there. he owns every narrative, every story to the point where you put up a 13-year-old kid who wants to grow up to be a police officer, which in this weird time is somehow really unusual, but this is what is going on here and democrats are all upset
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and they can't even applaud a cancer patient 13-year-old cancer patient wants to be police officer. >> greg: joe, trump should have played a prank on the democrats and brought out a kid who wants to grow up to be a trans activist. >> that would have been hilarious. >> greg: it would have. i thought it was funny in my head. good to see was always, it's been a long time, what did you make it last night? i think the democrats have a problem with speeches that don't have symbolism or virtue signaling. instead he just read facts. >> it drove them crazy because it was also joyful. they don't understand joy so i wore pink tonight in honor of them because they were giving it mean girl vibes to me and just so they know on wednesdays we wear pink. that is the rule. but also i kind of felt felt like at a certain point, rashida was going to take that little whiteboard and write on their, donald trump is a...
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because this has to be what they're doing tonight. but they came off as mean girls and i thought that was good because that is much more their brand in the white of last year. >> greg: even the guys come off as mean girls. >> well they are. >> kennedy -- >> jerry nadler has certainly been eating those bars, am i right? >> greg: looks like e-85 mean girls. >> can i tell you my jerry nadler story? i can give you an aside, my precious daughter when she was in eighth grade, they got to go to washington, d.c., and a republican congressman was kind enough to walk them around and give them a private tour and he said, i'm not going to take them to the congressman's office because it smells so bad and it would scar them for life. >> greg: that is the third smells stinky story about jerry nadler that i have heard in like a week. >> i think it is properly vetted now. >> george santos said he was the smelliest guy.
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>> but a great kisser, remember? he said that. >> and then james said the same thing, that he stinks. it's true. when three people say it it is true. here's the deal. i feel like somebody is feeding the democrats bad info. is there a mole in the party? you know what, don't smile when a kid with cancer gets his wish. whatever you do. >> that will really stick it to them! you guys will look amazing. whenever you feel like you're going to cry because were overcome with emotion, just sit down and remain expressionless your face is as botox is nancy pelosi. that will be so great, that will win people over. this is why democrats lost. because they are snobs. this is why they lost on the issue of populism and the working class. and just incredible stories, a steelworker who is the chief volunteer firefighter with seven children who fostered 40 kids.
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and it's like, i'm in a puddle end in tears and i'm so moved by this incredible american story and the democrats are sitting there like no! [applause] >> greg: you are right! there is snobbery! there is a snob thing. none of those 40 kids he fostered were trans! they don't count, kennedy! one of the best things that he said last night and i loved it, when he said that kids identifying as trans is a big lie. do you know how long i have waited for somebody to say that? that we know it is a big lie and finally you can say that. >> but they may think so too. because today, nobody's talking about that. it was a big line at a joint session of congress for a president of the united states to say that and think if that had happened two years ago -- biden would have said it. >> greg: he would have said
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watch golf from the best seat in the house with xfinity. from the tee to the green, catch every pivotal moment of the players championship in crystal clear enhanced 4k. find tee times, tour your favorite holes and see live leaderboards and scorecards. and with xfinity multiview, never miss a moment. watch up to 4 live events at once. brought to you by comcast business, proud partner of the players. just say “the players championship” into your xfinity voice remote. ♪ it's coming your way, hey, hey,, it's a video of the day ♪ [cheering and applause] >> greg: democrats get ripped reading from the same script.
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yesterday democrats posted antitrust messages and social media but the problem was that they were exactly the same message. and started with a handful of senators and then ballooned from there. role it, cindy. [simultaneous talking] [simultaneous talking] [simultaneous talking] [simultaneous talking] >> greg: that is like having diarrhea of people. you have to handed to them, that took coordination and planning, proving that even their social media is as inauthentic as dylan malainey.
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[laughter] [cheering and applause] >> greg: all right. charli, in one must offered one of his electric trucks to find out who was behind this and they think it might have been cory booker. that was pretty said. >> this is what you have when you don't have a story. you don't have a message, you don't have any issue you can really run on. i thought one of my favorite moments of the entire speech last night was at the beginning when trump was walking down the aisle and there was one democrat, i couldn't see who it was, she was wearing pink and she was on the aisle and she had this glowing look on her face and she was holding up a sign that said this is not normal. and it's like, correct. it's not normal but i don't think it is not normal in the way you think it is.
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and tutor and i were talking earlier about the response, which is a was a terrible thing to have to do but she -- the problem with her there is no issue is, no message that she can win on and a reminder that she barely one and she won using a campaign connecting herself to donald trump in michigan. which is just crazy. so i think they are going to be in the wilderness for a lot longer before they find themselves. >> greg: i hope they got their shots. because that wilderness area has a lot of animals out there. you know it's interesting is that they want to be authentic but then they just repeat -- they even had the swearwords bleeped. they couldn't even naturally, spontaneously swear. >> but i also think it was so scripted and these are the
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people that are hollywood. this is just a reminder that d.c.'s hollywood for ugly people who don't know how to make films and that hollywood has abandoned them. because let's face it, if this were hollywood it would have all been one video that they would have put out together and they would have been singing and it would have been too like we are the world or something like that and then they would have been trashing donald trump in a really creative way where we would have been humming along, disagreeing but this was awful. >> greg: you look at it and it's just like the brady bunch. you know kennedy, i think this is kind of cute in a way, how they are trying to get the youth vote. isn't it adorable how they do this? and they can figure out. and meanwhile trump is just tearing it up with young people and they are doing this. >> but these are such outdated playbooks. it is weird. this is almost like a social media campaign from 2008. when barack obama burst onto the scene and everyone was like oh,
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"ever has the most myspace friends will win the election. i think he is almost up to 30,000. and that was the kind of thing that people would spitball way back then. but it is so incredibly inauthentic. it makes you look at these people because you remember after mitt romney lost, the republicans had a big postmortem. that's what they had to do and who arose from the ashes of the republican republican party at that time? donald trump. and it was a very difficult process. there is a big transition from 2012 to 2016. will the democrats have the spine to do the same thing with their own party? as of right now, they are not looking inwards. they are still looking outward and i'm so sorry to use a disgusting metaphor but they are like baboons at the zoo throwing their own... >> greg: disgusting! it is true after mitt romney they had a come to john smith
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moment. a little mormon humor. very little mormon humor. still humor nonetheless, i maintain that was funny! dana... what i loved about this was what happened on twitter. that it used to be some of these things would happen and then nobody would be able to catch up to it. like it could be anything, a hoax or whatever. the moment this was released, somebody got them all, put them together. if anything, what happened, the exposure of it was the uniquely organic moment. we're figuring this out, we are way ahead of them. they tried to bamboozle us and no, we will show you. they are all cheating off of each other. >> think of how much money they must have paid consultants in order to get this done and the technology and you have to organize it and by all of those tiny microphones and get everybody to say the same thing. i don't know if they all knew they would be doing this, that would be interesting thing to find out if cory booker in his
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genius let everyone know we would look like idiots, please join me. they should doge their consultants on the democratic side. and again, declare bankruptcy, start over and have somebody who is fresh. there is someone who said we need a left-wing tea party moment. okay,, i'm interested. will that be? what will that look like? what is going to be different from what you have right now? >> greg: there needs to be -- it's not about the person catch it is about the ideas. they don't have the ideas. you need an outsider, i think that's true. if the outsider doesn't have ideas then it's just another idiot. >> and they have to communicate. i was in d.c. these past couple days and being around the white house and seeing a lot of those people, every single one of them is a good communicator and the president who is number 1 job is the personnel, he knows that, he is choosing everybody who can go out and tell people this is where we are going, this is what we want to do. the democrats don't have that. have you seen chuck schumer? he has to read good morning and
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it drives me up a wall. >> greg: it's amazing. and you think about the trump presidency which is on embarrassment of riches. you don't just have the common sense element, you also have the golden age. those are things that -- you only need one of those things. they have three of them. three. and like i said before, three things, true. [laughter] [applause] i shouldn't have to tell you! up next, the media hands trumps plans. [cheering and applause for more than a decade farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again. [crowd chant] far-xi-ga ask your doctor about farxiga. ♪ (auctioneer) let's start the bidding at 5 million dollars. thank you, sir. (man) these people of privilege... hoarding the financial advantages for far too long. (auctioneer) 7.5 at the back. (man) look at them — unaware that robinhood gold members
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first month in office but the not so lovable losers in the media found a way to freak out over his speech, rolled it. >> this is disgusting. the president made a spectacle out appraising a young man who thus far has survived pediatric cancer. as if the president had something to do with that. >> i hope he never has to defend the united states. and if he does, i hope he isn't one of the six who loses his life to suicide. >> i have never heard a president attack the opposition a speech like this in such a pointed way. >> this was an incredibly divisive speech. >> the mood in the room, the sort of aggression and the occasional cruelty and mocking laughter... >> it was like it was written by chatgpt. >> i cannot believe an independent voter would look at this speech and turn it off and go enough, enough. >> greg: just because they do that with your show doesn't mean they will do that with the
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speech. honestly i hope their viewers don't end themselves. so after trump raised a boy battling cancer -- seriously, i would kill myself watching her. so the kid is battling cancer, he dreams of being a cop and nicole wallace states she hopes if the kid ever becomes a cop that he does not commit suicide. i'm wondering if she goes to ste girls if they beat cancer they will still probably die from a back alley... i know, i agree. i am as outraged as you are. but trump is right, there's nothing he can do to get the left on his side despite his efforts to secure the border, protect women's sports,/government waste, nothing trump said should even be controversial. the vast majority approves of him bringing manufacturing back and deporting illegal immigrants and making fun of elizabeth warren. i think it is high time these rejects realize that america voted for this agenda and they
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can't stand you. but if you didn't want this to happen, may be shouldn't have lied about joe biden. karma is almost as much of one is nicole wallace. [applause] it's kind of -- it's interesting listening to them because i think they thought they were making a good point. like they are so blind. >> i also think that they dislike our children this much. that's what the american people saw. because i left that going, what will they pick on? and then you see that and you're like no, that was the wrong choice. what it makes -- it is not about trump. they really don't like us and that's what we saw. they continue to not like us or our children. >> greg: kennedy, do you think -- >> you're telling me the left-wing media is filled with condescending harpies? >> greg: i would say they are snobs, kennedy, what say you?
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>> yeah,, what a couple of dumb hot takes from those broads. it is so embarrassing for them because even david axelrod was like, stand up for the kids with cancer, stand up for the families and at least give them some respect when they have had their children murdered. and this is a really difficult thing for those families to do. and then to have an entire side congress glare at you, it's like how incredibly insensitive. but then for the members of the media to sort of codify that and say, yeah,, that's amazing, that's what you should do and that little kid had it coming, it's probably something he deserved. it's like, rachel, hello," my giant hands. >> greg: rachel maddow sets -- sons a lot like brett now. same barber. >> i have a new calendar coming out. with an extended version. but what i was saying was she very disingenuously said that
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trump was taking credit for curing djs cancer. it's like no, he was making one of his dreams come true. is giving the kid the night of his life. and just like with the doge cuts its okay to say you know what, some things have to be cut. sometimes you have to stand up for people when you move a story >> greg: they are going to go and say okay he was a political prop. but the thing is, my feeling is every good thing you do as a politician is done because it is politically helpful to you. but it just so happens when the republicans do it it actually aligns with a good thing. >> one of the best things about being elected to office or serving in the administration's you have the power to do good. and there is nothing like that power if you use it well. it is so fun and i remember we -- i invited this woman sister from africa and she got a visa and it will the president and
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she says should be invited to the oval office and it was so great, she talks about it to this day and it's amazing so there are these little things in the president got to do in front of everyone. he only other thing i'll say is that there is a real generational thing going on here that is so strange. you have a lot of the cabinet that is generation x, finally we get a moment but you have president trump who was still a baby boomer but he makes all of the left the generation x and generation z were known congress, there the biggest karen's. and they seem so old. like the person telling you to be quiet in the library which never happened to me. >> greg: of course not... of course not... charli in the greenroom you were telling me you are sick of sickkids getting all of the attention. >> while charlie... >> i really let my hair down. >> greg: you like testing kits for new hair products, isn't that your stance? >> exactly. because doing it to rabbetz... >> greg: not a fair comparison, you have to have kids with big bushy hair to test
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their products. >> so anyway... [laughter] >> back to the issue at hand... i mean, if there is anybody that is worse and more clueless than the democrat politicians, it is these people. these are the same people who let them or at least they went hand-in-hand down this path where they wind up with all of this stupid virtue stuff and no issues. and at the end of the day, it is snobby. they don't know anybody, they don't know normal people, they don't know normal people's problems and so they scoff at them and then you've got a guy like donald trump who comes along and who is an olympic listener and says you know, there are these problems and i have these solutions and i just thought of them, by the way. and they end up making a lot of sense. and before you know it you have a common sense revolution. >> greg: and there you go, it's true. the democratic party is declaring bankruptcy, so is the media.
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>> announcer: a story and five words. >> greg: president zelenskyy writes a letter. after the dustup on friday, surprise, surprise, we get this letter from that little guy dressed like g.i. joe. he writes, ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible to bring lasting peace closer. nobody wants peace more than ukrainians. my team and i stand ready to work under president trump's strong leadership to get a piece of that last. we do really value how much america has done to value ukraine maintain it's security and independence. regarding an agreement on security, ukraine is ready to sign it at any time that is convenient for you. while. that meeting was done on
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purpose, wasn't it? that was a whole negotiation ploy. >> i think he blew the meeting and once he blew -- i do think trump and vance were ready to sign the deal and move forward and move into the next phase, hopefully peace. i know elizabeth warren, you can't spell warren without war. apparently she loves it now but i think the rest of the world really wants peace in this conflict. and zelenskyy loves the money. and unfortunately for him, mass death and the money have been hand-in-hand and he's like well, it's ukraine, all going take the money and then he went back home and they were like no, we have to stop this immediately. you go back there right now. you apologize, you put on a nice shirt and you write a letter. [applause] >> greg: do you think you will come back or will they just do this over zoom? >> they can probably just do it
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by fax. but i thought the whole thing was dreadful but i do think it is going to get to a good outcome. and it's possible that he needed to doge his consultants as well and that includes everyone from the biden administration. and my initial thought was wise he not using an interpreter? that's the first thing i learned was you never negotiate in your second language. and i know that he was trying to say i can do this, i could speak english but he meant -- i believe at one point he was meant to criticize the biden administration for slow walking everything and prolonging it all but it all got messed up and i hope it gets to a good solution soon for everybody. >> greg: how can you tell if joe biden was slow walking anything? there is no fast walking to compare it to, charlie. you think it's part of the art of the deal? >> it is the art of letter writing, it so great because everyone said after that catastrophe last week that he
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was going to have to apologize. he didn't apologize. if you read that letter, you never apologizes but it's a groveling letter in which he gives trump everything he wants and it will all be wiped away because he wrote a letter. so if you get in trouble, write a letter, it's like the best strategy. >> greg: the last time i wrote a letter was to o'reilly when i cancel on him, i wrote a letter and slid it under his door. >> really? >> greg: yes! he kept moving "the o'reilly factor" around all day and i was like do! i got a show to do and then i just didn't show up and he was really upset. >> and worked out for you. >> he said will do it live! >> greg: i didn't get rid of him, that is a lie. what you make of this? a major win for trump were part of the negotiation? this is how it was going to be. >> this is the beauty of trump. he went out last night and instead of saying i told you so, he did exactly what i wanted, he
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came back groveling, he read the letter. he read the letter, it was like, look what i did. and that is all he had to do. and everybody went crazy, "my gosh he got the letter, how did he do that? because he has the art of the deal. >> greg: the lesson here is we should all right more letters. write a letter to a relative, tell them you need money. tell them that if they don't get you money, they are dead to you. tell them you are outside, give them a po box. >> tell them you are in a mexican prison and you need it right away. >> greg: i've used that one before. all right. are extra furry mice, twice as nice. [cheering and applause] baby: liberty! mom: liberty mutual is all she talks about since we saved hundreds by bundling our home and auto insurance. biberty: it's pronounced "biberty." baby: liberty! biberty: biberty! baby: liberty! biberty: nice try, kid. only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: liberty. for years, one supplement claimed it improved memory.
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>> five more words. >> finally hoped for jesse watters. american scientists working to revive the woolly mammoth tested their approach by creating a new species of woolly mouse by creating long mammoth like hair on them mouse which means my one day... >> i was thinking about my husband who i love so much. his hair decided to leave about six years ago and then i'm wondering what i want his hair
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back and i don't think so. >> what a great ploy, he got you before he lost his hair. every bald man tries to negotiate that. they are checking the hair and they go got to get her now. >> i definitely would have married him if he was bald. >> can you imagine jesse with curly hair? it would be kind of weird. this thing is very dangerous. we are messing with science here. can you imagine if they had inserted the wrong genome and wound up with a 14,000-pound mouse with tasks? >> try getting that out of your. [laughter] >> are we acting like god's? >> who paid for this. i want evil and on this because covid got out and i don't want us all to end up with furry bodies. >> you save so much money in the
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winter time on eating, bills. >> you know who would personally fund this? [inaudible] >> he will never live that down even though it probably never happened. >> you heard it three times. [laughter] >> don't go away we will be right back. (man) robinhood gold members get an ira transfer boost of 2%. when you transfer in an ira or old 401(k) by april 30th, robinhood gold will boost it by 2%.
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