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tv   Hannity  FOX News  March 6, 2025 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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if you play music like that you can have a ponytail of. okay? michael from steamboat springs, colorado,, great town i have been there, did the little ski shot, shame on you for sending johnny in without a paddle. i'm not a proper guy. johnny has to make those himself. he should have brought that from sink or swim. nancy from harbor beach florida i think we should wear johnny's search for -- shirt from floozy on tomorrow night's show that is how we will know. i apologize. want me to get on my knees and beg? pandora from mchenry illinois it is tesla not tesla. it is jesse watters. ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to "hannity". tonight we will be joined at live with the very latest from the trump administration including a major new announcement on truth social, the president announcing the tariffs against mexico have been passed until april second thanks to hard work in cooperation from mexico's president. more analysis coming up but first let us take a moment and sit back and observe the dumpster fire now burning out of control inside the soul's pathetic party. today yet another cringeworthy video from a group of lawmakers desperately seeking attention. take a look. >> choose your character! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> sean: is it me up? it kind of looked like they were trying to do trump ymca. i guess my only question is why? what is that all about? is it suppos? what are voters supposed to get from this. why can't democrats be normal, authentic? or is authentic the temper tantrum? is that the new normal of the democratic party like we saw on tuesday night at? remember earlier in the week 22 democratic lawmakers posting the same exact video with the same exact weird script, the same a forced curse words, holding a microphone the exact same way and it gets worse. when democrats are not posting cringeworthy videos many turn into agents of chaos with public stunts, performative outrage. today congressman al green was officially censored for his disgraceful conduct during the president's address to congress periods behavior was shameful
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and bizarre. 10 democrats broke party ranks to censor their colleague. that is a big deal of. that did not stop green it. the democrats they started singing we shall overcome on the house floor today following the vote. take a look. >> representative al green it be centered with public reading of this resolution by the speaker. [singing] >> the house come to order the house come to order. >> sean: the congressional tabernacle chorus. keep in mind green was not the only disruptive democrat during donald trump's state his joint address before congress, pointless walkouts and their weird paddles with different messages, handwritten signs,
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plenty of outbursts. i love the bingo paddles. never mind they won't stand for the president were the first lady. they couldn't bring themselves to stand for a brief kid with cancer. the families of murder victims, or a future west point cadets, or the young wife of a police officer that was murdered. this was a reprehensible display of indication. the only democrat i saw that tried to condemn it with was john fetterman senator of pennsylvania one of the only democrats criticizing his party's behavior. on x he called it out saying it was a sad cavalcade of cell phones cell phones and unhinged petulance. it only makes trump look more presidential unrestrained to. we are becoming the metaphorical car alarms nobody pays attention to. right on cue another car alarm. this time from our favorite congresswoman jasmine crockett to now accusing republicans of racism. that worked so well it during the campaign. take a look.
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>> they have decided to go after immigrants and things like that and they say they are taking your black jobs. not really. they are obviously jobs they want us to go back to such as working the fields. all right? those immigrants that come into our country they work the fields something we ain't done and a long time and clearly he is trying to make us go back to the fields. >> sean: unfortunately it appears democrats are working -- watching too much msdnc. the network is filled to the brim with conspiracy theorists who peddle nothing but lie after lie about donald trump and the russia hoax and so much more. which feature on nonstop never-ending loop of trump eight 24/7. recently two of the very worst hosts of the network rachel maddow, the chief conspiracy theorist, and the coal wallace. what a sad decline she has had it. chided the 13 year old cancer
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survivor donald trump on her to during his joint address periods father has not responded. i hope you people had msdnc pay attention. rachel maddow needs to shut her mouth if she has nothing nice to say. she does not need to put her bad energy on us. why attack a 13-year-old? why would you do that? why wouldn't democrats stand for that a? why wouldn't they celebrate that a? why wouldn't they stand for mothers that lost their children? what is it say about this party today and their friends and the state run a legacy media mob that i have declared officially dead? no impact on the american public as it played out on november fifth. today even president trump responded to the sick disgusting display. take a look. >> what nicole wallace said i have never been a fan of hers but and she is not very talented but i will tell you what she said the other day about that
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young man his disgraceful. she should be forced to resign her. and rachel maddow should be forced to resign. nobody watches her anyway. not possible they pay her that much money a year but certainly she has lost all credibility both of them. but what they said the other they they should be forced to resign about that young person. >> sean: if they fired joy reid why are these people still there. rachel maddow suggested racism may be involved. maybe that is something that nbc needs to look into. the media mob, state run as it is, and the democratic party have reached a new low. they are in a massive hole but they can't stop digging. the narcissism and rage has completely taken over and the american people have taken notice. a brand-new internal poll shared with political shows the vast majority of voters think the democratic party has lost its way and two thinks they are on
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the right track? just 10% think the party has a good strategy for the future. i don't know who they are. here with more out, founder clay travis along with project 21 chairman. i see you both. clay starting with you your reaction. this is madness. can't stand for mothers that lost children? can't stand for a 12-year-old cancer survivor? can't stand for the wife of a slain officer where the young man that was just told he got into west point? >> it is indefensible. let's think about what trump said on that tuesday night speech that i actually thought was the best speech he has given of his political career. you could have said many of those things in bill clinton's democrat party. you could have said them in 2008 barack obama presidential party. that's what? i will shut down the border, 80% of americans agree with that decision by and large.
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i want peace in ukraine and i want peace in the middle east. 80% agree with it. i want to men out of women's sports. 80% agree with it. in fact, sean, you will remember they wouldn't even stand then caught for a woman, peyton mcnabb, you had a traumatic brain injury playing against a man on that field. think about this as well. 95 year old mom gets her son back from russian captivity they won't stand for that either? donald trump has broken the brain of the democrat party to such an extent, sean, that now guess who is sounding like a republican a? i bet he is watching us right now. gavin newsom comes out and says today it is deeply unfair for men to be able to compete. think about that. >> sean: slow down. i know kevin well and i know he said it that doesn't mean i think he believes it. just to be very clear about
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that. >> that is interesting. >> sean: i think he is beginning to transition into a new career and that would be as a podcast host. he will have to do a lot more in terms of action to convince me this is real. horace let's get your take on all of this. >> gavin newsom sounds like a counterfeit conservative looking for work but let me tell you what i witnessed tuesday night. i agree with clay. we saw perhaps the president to give the best of public address that he has ever done to. on the other hand the so-called opposition acted like a bunch of babies. you know if a clown jumps into the barrel, throws itself, throws himself in the niagara falls and we watch it we kind of laugh and we think it is amazing that anybody would try such a stupid stunt. but when a political party does it we really wonder what is
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going on. i have worked on capitol hill. we had multiple joint addresses to congress and it never did one member of congress act up with the way that this particular member did. and it is really striking to me that 10 members of his party agreed that he deserved rebuke. because he didn't deserve rebuke. it was not 10 members that could agree that we should not have boys and the girls locker room. this party needs to get it right. the radicals, the progressives are taking the party over the falls and i can't imagine how devastating this is going to be in the long run.
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>> sean: we both have radio shows we both have podcasts, clay, we both worked here at fox news you work cut out. okay. there are a lot of things we can say that would be deemed controversial. i have no problem with controversial news i don't have a problem with people not liking donald trump. if they think that its a good business model at msnbc let them follow that business model but nicole wallace kind of shocked me. she did run the teens campaign with a syrupy land, she did work in the bush administration. i never had any bad experience with her personally, but i found this downright viciously cruel and to mean and gratuitously media. the same with rachel maddow. and this is rachel maddow challenges her bosses and they are going to sit there and take her... and pay her an obscene amount of money?
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and there is going to be no consequences at all whatsoever? i don't know. i don't think that is going to play well had many places. especially when they are laying off a lot of people and a lot of her own staff. i didn't notice she offered to keep some of her staff on by maybe taking a little bit of the money, the millions of dollars she is getting paid and keeping them on board which might have been an option. >> she makes $25 million a year, sean. half of her staff got fired, she said it was racist for joy reid it to lose her job at. why doesn't she do the road a favor and step down and that a black person take her job at? why doesn't she take a pay cut and allow her staff to continue to work. that is what you were supposed to do it is interesting that is not happening. we can agree or disagree on a variety of different perspectives i don't even care about people having a controversial opinion. you and i have had in our career as you said we have a lot of
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shows to do. but when you find yourself, sean, in the position of attacking a 13-year-old kid who survived brain cancer? your own brain is broken. i think the lesson here, sean, is they have gotten so used to being reflexively anti-trump they have no idea how to respond when trump in a sophisticated manner and his second term is making rational, common sense decisions that appeal to republicans, democrats, and independence. in 2015 and 2016 they learned the lesson whatever trump says we hate to. trump has learned that auntie is not in favor of a lot of the things that 75 and 80% of americans agree with and all they can do is reflexively had attacked him and it does not elevate them it destroys them. i just want to see rachel maddow give that money to all of the staffers that got fired. maybe go hire joy reid herself. she won't she is a hypocrite and
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worse than that she doesn't have any viewers anymore. >> sean: seems like one of those evil greedy rich people at the left like tejeda so much. >> that's right. >> sean: she can certainly spread the wealth around. the rich are very generous with other people's money, with taxpayer money, but when it comes to their own pockets they don't seem so generous. so maybe i am questioning this. i would say, horace, if you can't stand for the people that we have been talking about on the democrat sat down on their hands for and then attacking a little innocent 12-year-old younger man that had the honor of his life it should have been the night of his life. something anybody with a heart soul mind or conches would celebrate then there is something off with your moral compass. we will give you the last word. >> the party that we watched and are watching is in a slow, total
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fall and collapse. look, i am not a democrat. i have never been a democrat. i will say competition is great in every arena. the oldest political party in the world are the democrats. and the way that they are going to looks like they are headed towards the wigs. you can't stand up and on their parents who have lost their child? you can't to killer immigrants you can't acknowledge the achievement and greatness of the surviving brain cancer? whatever your advisors are telling you you need to fire them. and if that does not happen what we end up with is one political party that feels like it is to find it. it is going to just handle the
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common sense problems and solutions and maybe that is the answer. but we could always benefit from competition. the party that we have been witnessing is not a party capable of providing that competition. >> sean: we appreciate you. we appreciate you as well, clay. now, when you think democrats can't possibly get any more insufferable just think again of. ric grenell was appointed to lead the kennedy center for performing arts the hysteria has been through the roof. and fact the producers of the broadway show hamilton have now canceled their scheduled performances at the kennedy center has an act of defiance. big deal of. here with more the special presidential envoy for special missions of the u.s. and the new director of the kennedy center ric grenell is with us. first of all great to have you back congratulations. very proud of you and happy you
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are in the administration. i don't care that they canceled. i don't care anybody that cancels. you know what? bring in country music stars i will go to the kennedy center and watch that. >> first of all, sean, thank you for having me it has been a while and great to be back here on fox. the reality is the kennedy center is open for business for every one of. we just want an arts center that celebrates arts. we want common sense art. we think it is time to invite every single person to the kennedy center. which one important thing to note we issued a statement tonight. the new team at the kennedy center has not canceled any one of. i know there is some rumors out there that somehow we were canceling shows we have not counseled any one of. they pulled out themselves or they were told due to ticket sales it was not financially good enough and they decided to back out because they were
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concerned about the finances. so we want the kennedy center open to everyone and what that means is that shows like hamilton are going to have to allow republicans to buy tickets. but lin-manuel miranda said i don't want to have republicans coming here, i don't want to be in a space where republicans are coming to my shows. i think that is intolerant and that is one of the things that donald trump has really brought back in to washington, and to america, into the kennedy center. just to everybody is welcome. we won't cancel we won't tell people they are not welcome everybody is welcome. >> sean: such a good point. by the way, i want people of all political points of view to watch this show. i invite them to watch this show i invite them to call my radio show. i am not opposed to vigourous debate with people although it gets a little monotonous because they often lie and they don't have facts behind them and it gets a little bit frustrating
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for an audience that generally speaking is a cut above in terms of their intelligence i would argue, which is my audience. i give them a lot of credit. when you talk about anybody who is going to be invited what are shows, what kind of people are you thinking about inviting? >> first of all we are looking at everybody. we are trying to make sure that shows are popular and they actually make money. there are times when you have to educate people on the arts. we can do that if we actually have the money. the person who has the job before me was making $1.4 million a year, there was a zero money and the bank, there was zero in reserves and we were paying the employees through debt reserves. that is just not smart. we can't continue to have an arts center that is making financial decisions that keep getting kids into the whole
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look. so we need popular shows, we need shows the public will come to. i will give you one example. we had one show cancel from december seventh through january fourth over christmas. and so i said let's do a big show celebrating the birth of christ at christmas. that seems like something that would be really popular. so we have an amazing show that is going to be at the kennedy center. i can't give you details yet. we had several meetings on this hunt to pick one today locking this in and the announcement of who is going to be there to celebrate the birth of christ at christmas at the premier arts center in america, in washington, d.c.,, the kennedy center, we could not be more excited about. donald trump is somebody who is looking at making drastic change in washington including care at the kennedy center so that everybody is included and we make good financial decisions for the public who supports these programs. >> sean: and if anybody has
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ever been around donald trump he loves to play d.j. when he does he plays an eclectic blend of music and there is no litmus test for what the political views are. you will play everybody. he likes to play sinead o'connor for example off the top of my head. anyways glad you are back and please come on often we appreciate your time we will watch this very closely. when we come back president trump threatening to pull federal funding from any school that allows a legal protester. wait until you hear what is happening at columbia in new york. live reaction. stephen miller straight ahead and also tom homan. ♪ ♪
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hey we're going big tonight let's go safety whoa! should i call mom? no, no don't tell your mother anything
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♪ ♪ >> sean: it has been almost a year since the nypd cleared out
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a building occupied by anti-israel protesters. you might recall we covered it live on this program at columbia university in new york. now the protests they are back this time across the street at a college affiliated with the ivy league school and were some students were recently expelled for disrupting a class on israeli history. prompting the new wave of demonstrations. another attempt to kick over a campus building. the protest come as columbia tries to take stronger action against the campus protesters since the trump administration has made it crystal clear it will cut off the federal funds for any university that allows the harassment of jewish students and their very own alexis mcadams she was in new york city tonight with the very latest. what is going on there? >> we have been covering these protests as you said to. on your program we covered them for months. last time i was talking in front of hamilton hall where they took
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the place over and smashed windows. this comes as pro-palestinian protesters really think they are in charge. they think they can go to the dean, go to the president of these ivy league universities and told them they have a long list of demands saying they won't stop until they get what they want even though president trump has threatened to pull the funding until the agitators behind bars the chaos continues. watch. we pretty much knows those chance by now. the students have their faces covered all the time with head courts and they set up what they call a liberation zone inside the library at barnard college chanting free palestine and blocking the doors for how long? at least four hours. students who pay big money intuition could not even get inside to study. how did they get into this building in the first place. they ran a right to through the front door. reportedly not all of these
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people who got onto campus were students but you can't tell because they don't ask for i.d. card and they never were they call the authorities. and wipe uid making nearly -- nypd called into. they think that they run the show here they hung this puppet on the library door. you can see it hanging there by a string on its neck. president rose and barry wrote an op-ed the other day before this went down that she has had enough and a stronger line in the sand which he is agreeing to meet with the protesters. >> directly so long as they are garnered students and unmasked. >> if you unmask your finances. >> i just think when you think what is going on in the schools use of do you have to listen to the authorities. the president the dean they are
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telling them we won't stop or take our masks up -- off. but the jewish students and their families are paying about $100,000 a pop on this campus hope that trump will crack down and do something. >> sean: actually the college president should do that and tell them if you do this again you will be thrown out of school and they should not have to, students should not be intimidated on college campuses like this. that is called discrimination i thought liberals were against that. but i appreciated. here with more on the trump administration and their reaction to the protest white house protest white house deputy chief of staff white house a policy advisor or a friend to stephen miller is back. for those that do not know... means holy war. from the river to the c means wiping israel off the map. so you have these groups of students that are supporting radical islamic terrorists and
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not supporting israel's right to defend itself. i'm having a hard time understanding what part of the equivalent of 40,000 americans killed in a day they don't understand, beheading they don't understand, torture they don't understand, and cannot think they don't understand to. i would think kids that got into an ivy league institution might be smart enough to figure that out. >> of course the problem is at some of the students to understand and they support terrorism. they support a murder, they supported the kidnapping and kidnapping and torture of israelis and americans. it is that sinister and depraved and so this. you are talking about students who support hamas. to support an organization that is as barbaric and evil as any organization to be found anywhere. we also what happens on october seventh. we all saw the atrocities that took place.
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americans were kidnapped and slaughtered along with his release. and president trump's message has been clear. if these universities do not crack down on that includes, of course, the expulsion of the students and they will lose their federal funds, and he was the announcements coming from the federal government as soon as tomorrow detailing those consequences. those consequences will be swift, they will be firm, they will be immediate. the universities must discipline the students, they must break up these protests, they must expel the terrorist sympathizers and reclaim their campuses. furthermore as we speak under president trump's direction, federal law enforcement is identifying any foreign nationals who are engaged in this protest or demonstrations or support for a foreign terrorist organization and those of foreign nationals will have their visa stripped and they will be arrested and they will be deported from the country. this administration will give no safe harbor to foreigners in our country who support hamas on to
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support terrorism. >> sean: these schools have very strict policies against racism and sexism and sexual harassment and on and on and on. why are they tolerating this outright of a real lint hatred and anti-semitism against israel? i support the administration and their position to cut off funds but i don't really think it matters because of these schools have you know a billion dollars in endowments don't they? schools have it and columbia. >> they do. but i tell you they will feel this pain if they lose these of federal funds. they have many programs that are funded directly by the federal government that will not continue if they do not change their behavior and change their behavior quickly. these universities are run notice. president trump has issued the warning. we will use every federal tool we have. let me be clear this is a
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violation of the federal civil rights of american students and american jewish students on these campuses. this is also a national security issue. we cannot have our universities becoming a hotbed for extremism, g heart is some, and terrorist sympathy. nor can we have universities that accept thousands of foreign students and allowing them to participate in pro hamas activity. >> sean: what was your reaction to tuesday night and what does that say about the democratic party when they can't celebrate or even stand for our president? stand for our first lady, stand stand for mothers who lost children to unvested biden-harris illegals? stand for a 13-year-old cancer survivor? stand for a kid who lost his father and is going to west point and the president informed him of that, or a young woman that lost her hero police
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officer husband. what is wrong with that party? what happened to their moral compass? where is their moral clarity? >> the moral compass is smashed and broken into a million pieces. tuesday night you sought the best of america in the form of the hero's you just mentioned with president trump's historic and extraordinary address, and you saw the bravest of america and you saw the most noble of america. and then you saw democrats contempt for america. as president trump's that they can lose the midterms on their behavior of that night alona. >> sean: i think it was his finest moment and we saw the death of a party. well excited. we appreciate it stephen miller. when we come back president trump continuing to keep his promise to secure our southern border, crack, crackdown on illegal immigration, promises made promises kept. border czar tom homan will keep
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♪ ♪ >> sean: president trump's plans to secure our border and crackdown on illegal immigrant crime working earlier today. department of homeland security announced on ask that under president trump and secretary kristi noem's leadership and of course tom homan border crossings have dropped a whopping 90 4%. small business administrator kelly announced that the... will be moving offices out of sanctuary cities but after the mess left behind by the previous administration still a lot of work left to do. according to a new report illegals are cloning border patrol vehicles in an attempt to bypass president trump's porter
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crackdown. director of national intelligence tulsi gabbard said almost 100 terra linked illegals that they knew were terra linked were released into the u.s. in 2020 for a loan to. in her visit to new york secretary noam announced on x a detainer to take into custody the illegal has set a woman on fire at a subway station in brooklyn, new york, because of sanctuary city status department of corrections will not honor that detainer. so they won't abide by it what happens next? >> pam bondi suits them we take him to court. you want to get away if we have to sit outside the jail everyday 24/7. because new york city or any other sanctuary city won't stop i.c.e. from keeping
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president trump's promised to eradicate every criminal alien every public -- public that illegal alien from this country. we will get it done. sanctuary cities make a good hard and more dangerous but they won't stop what we're doing to. the biden administration locked up or deported only eight out of the 100 illegal immigrants that they knew had suspected ties to isis, who were crossing illegally into the u.s. according to taussig a part of. they knew where they were from. they. they knew these illegals had connections or known to have ties to isis affiliated networks. and they still let them go in the country. can you explain that to me? i'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around. >> no i can't. and i'm with you, sean, i have been doing this since 1984. i can't i can't i can't understand i can't understand everything the budget administration did.
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i can't understand understand the millions of gotaways they had in the countries who are those people? 2.2 million people paying more to get away. they pay more not to take a free airline ticket to their city of choice not to get free medical care or hotel room or three meals a day, not to get free work authorization. 2.2 million people pay more not to take advantage of the giveaway. how many of them came from a country that sponsor terra? the biden administration had one thing and mind optics. release them as quickly as possible because if there is no ... they can keep making false claim to border security. it is all about optics there was nothing nothing about national security. >> sean: and then the big lie deported to secure the border is close, none of which is true. are we making progress on the issue. i was asking secretary kristi noem last night are we making progress on identifying
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the people who are to pick off certain groups about pending i.c.e. rates? which as you know puts the lives of officers at risk because the element of surprise is taken away and now they are walking into a trap. somebody is going to get killed unless we get to the bottom of who is tipping them off. meaning some innocent people. >> we are making progress we are making progress i can tell you she has opened up her own investigations through ds hig. only found one. department of justice and the fbi, deputy attorney general he opened up another criminal investigation into the doj. we will find them we will prosecute them. the least you are going to do is lose their job but they need to be prosecuted and sent to prison because this job was already dangerous enough. president trump has promised american people we will concentrate certificate worst of the worst safety threats the
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drug was already dangerous. it is only a matter of time before an agent walks into an ambush because tda doesn't care about life or death he does ms-13 that is what we are looking for. discuss in every level whoever it needs needs to be prosecuted. >> sean: bringing lawsuits to states like new york and illinois. how many states do you identify right now that you think are having sanctuary status and aiding and abetting the lawbreaking that also need to be sued? >> you have california you have illinois you have new york you have colorado you have washington state, you got many of them. we have prepared a list for the ag and everybody she needs to look at. yesterday hearing yesterday of the sanctuary cities and you have for mayors that sat there and lied under oath constantly. attacking me for a statement i made it cpac that i will go to colorado and i will go to boston and i will bring with me because they released 10 child to the
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streets of that state so i said you are right i will bring... and i meant it. we will bring hell to every immigrant that commits a crime in this country especially those who rape children. i won't hold back. >> sean: that is what i like about you you do not pull your punches. but if we can protect children what is the purpose of government? this is fundamental having somebody that committed gifts a lot of americans comfort. thank you, sir. appreciate your time and all of the updates. when we come back president trump continuously working to get things done for you the american people. when we come back we will tell you what he said earlier in the day and much more. straight ahead.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: president trump has wasted no time getting things done for you the american people. while taking questions in the oval office today the president was asked about his recent meeting with elon musk and t told reporters about the important work is administration is doing to drain the swamp and save all of you money. take a look. >> you spoke today with your cabinet members and elon musk. >> i do. >> what did you tell them in regards to elon musk and his authority to carry out actions? >> we had a great meeting. we had elon and some of the representatives for the business reps. we also had most of the cabinet members, not all of them, it doesn't really pertain to all of them but many of them, i thought it was a really good meeting. it was about cutting. because the country is way out of control in terms of the number of people. we have many people that don't
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work many people that probably aren't living that are getting checks. we are finding all of that out and it is being reported. we will save hundreds of millions of dollars are. we have already saved a lot. parts of it are contracts that are expired that we are paying on it. many crazy things that you can see it happening, it should not have been, but you can see it happening. you see a lot of it being put out to. the other thing i think most important for today i want the cabinet members to keep good people. i do not want to see a big cut we are a lot of good people -- people are cut. i want the cabinet members to keep the good people on the people who are not doing a good job that are unreliable, don't show up to work et cetera, those people can be cut. >> sean: here with more director of the white house presidential personnel office. i have known you for almost two decades. i have known you forever. >> that is right. >> sean: maybe most of america does not. you have been tasked with two important roles, what is to hire the right people that support
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the president's agenda, and number 2 identifying the people that are probably likely and applied to the trump administration in the first term that would sabotage the trump agenda. not an easy task tell us what you were doing. >> you are absolutely right. we have done an incredible job we have... almost 2000 people in the past few weeks these people are loyal to the mission and that mission is to deliver on the mandate of the american people that they gave to donald trump. president trump has done more in six weeks that most people will do an eight years of. he is up in the morning down in the oval office and even at this hour he is working for the american people. what we do is we hire across all departments and that includes from the cabinet level all the way down to the entrance. those are all of the political appointees. we have confirmed over 20 cabinet level officials now. in comparison, in five weeks joe biden had 12. it is a record pace it. a record pace hiring across the entire federal government, but
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also the quality. we are looking for great people that will deliver on that mandate for the president. >> sean: how do you clean out people, for example, love weaponized the department of justice? how do you clear else people in the fbi that has been weaponized and politicized and may remain loyal to director ray? how do you clear out people that might be loyal to clapper and brennan that might be holdouts in the intelligence community? can you identify them? >> absolutely. kash patel does an incredible job at the fbi, pam bondi does an incredible job at the doj and what are the things that look for, especially in those departments, those individuals should be blind. justice should be blind. it takes individuals like kash patel and pam bondi to look out for the american people. it is insane how politicized this town has gotten. it is not about being red and blue we need to have fair people across all of those departments. you mentioned the intel community it is a massive problem. today we are still looking at
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some of those agencies. mike waltz doing a great job at the nsc and it is important to bring your own people, meeting people that will deliver on that promise the president made to the american people. a lot of people are surprised what did you mean you are only hiring loyal people? we are hiring loyal people to the mission. he was delivered to the white house by the american people and they given the mandate and in order for him to deliver on that mandate he deserves the best people the highest quality people. >> sean: and people that won't be sabotaging kim from within which we saw a lot in the first term. >> 100%. that includes cleaning house a lot of the departments we have done and we will continue to do it. >> sean: thank you. we will follow this very closely we have to clean it up. when we come back our friend little justin got very emotional today. we have the tape straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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we always loved cooking, and we found a restaurant that let us get in with no business background. then one customer came along, put us on tiktok, and the next night there was about 300 cars in line. to be able to have 28 employees, and everybody's paid well, it just makes us feel so much more accomplished that we can take our team and have them grow with us. we wanted to build a legacy, and that's exactly what we're doing on tiktok.
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ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase. it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go!
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>> sean: tonight we end on a sad note. a sad note for canada's
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socialist prime minister. little justin trudeau cat it appears that trump has maybe broken him. today, a teary-eyed trudeau walked down to the podium and appeared to be crying, very upset. take a look. >> and that's why i'm here to tell you all that we got you. even in the very last days of this government, we will not let canadians down. both today and long into the future. >> sean: my advice to little justin? make a deal with president trump or there will be more tears in your country's future, we want to get along. that's all the time we have left this evening, bangs for being with us and thank for making the show possible. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity, news any time and all the time, had online and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is here to put a smile on your face, have a great night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪