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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 7, 2025 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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minors to undergo these kind of procedures. biological and then will always have a physical advantage but i think the social experiment is coming to an end. democrats one day we'll get the memo. maybe a few more lost elections and they will finally cut it. >> laura: you are much more optimistic about the democrat will combine fibrous than i am. what you are right. collections may be at some point will have consequences for their twisted thinking. is always good to see you. another unreal week of news it keeps getting better more and more interesting but that is it for us tonight. do not forget to check out my new special inside one time and now on fox nation. thank you for watching all week long can remember it is america now and forever. check me out on instagram a lot of new stuff there all weekend long and jesse watters takes it from there. >> jesse: welcome to
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jesse watters prime time. tonight. >> you guys out of your mind he won't sink up together you are on a suicide call. >> jesse: democrats, how low can they go? >> screw you and the horse you rode in on. ♪ ♪ this little light of mine i'm gonna let it shine a ♪ ♪ let it shine a ♪ ♪ >> jesse: when the left is singing we are winning. ♪ ♪ this is a song for all of the good people ♪ ♪ >> one bullet went there an office wall and into a computer monitor. this incident comes after a string of the vandalism attempts for tesla's and tessler to the -- dealerships across the nation to. >> jesse: ready to die over d.o.g.e a? >> ready to fight and die for their rights. >> jesse: plus. >> we are not chasing the bank we are the bank.
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>> jesse: if cain's, paddles, and ponytails did not scare anybody try this. >> this is a song for all of those dreamers looking for answers to come our way. ♪ ♪ scientists, doctors, students all thinkers ♪ ♪ sharing the hopes for a much brighter day. >> jesse: democrats will need more than a guitar solo to sing the blues. they will need whole bands. ♪ ♪ this little light of mine i'm going to let it shine ♪ ♪ this little light of mine i'm going to let it shine ♪ ♪ this little light of mine ♪ ♪ i'm gonna let it shine ♪ ♪ let it shine a ♪ ♪ let it shine ♪ ♪ let it shine ♪ ♪ >> science lights the way! ♪ ♪ science lights the way it ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: were those of bubble guns? the iic that? they were bubble guns. insiders think the party has lost its way and their responses let's start a ban and shoot some bubbles. i guess it is better than what this is. >> serving connecticut's third ... it is time to enter your dark academia confidence era. all right estes, appropriation and congress are. we are not chasing the bag we are the bank. it is giving us get ready. so sick my main character energy. see how i view the floor? very cutesy very demure. >> jesse: democrats said choose your fatal and they chose -- your fighter and this is one it. even jimmy kimmel is embarrassed. >> we won't sit back we will fight!
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what is that supposed to do besides embarrassed everybody involved with her? maybe i will look into getting a medically induced coma for the next four years of. >> jesse: i would take four years off as well if this is who i was fighting. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: trump's fighters are younger tough and battle-tested. democrats fought their way through traffic that is about it. one congressman says this. there is no question that somewhere between six and a dozen of my colleagues are at a point where i don't think they have the faculty through their jobs. he just said there is a dozen joe biden's and congress. some of them want to be dancers of some of them want to be tough guys. >> elon musk and donald trump
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they call me a criminal they call me a traitor there are millions coming after me to try to intimidate me. to create fear. i will tell you my response. my response to that is screw you and the horse you rode in on it. >> jesse: breaking the rules for them as a badge of honor. democrats jockeying with each other to see who can be the loudest to look in. weird al green must be color blind said the only reason he got centered was because he was black. >> during from a colored water fountain when the speaker decided that i could be removed and then there was this motion in this resolution censor me it became obvious to me that i was not being treated as others were. this is discrimination are. >> jesse: weird out so famous he took his ponytail to tmc. >> the president that evening
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called the democratic members of congress of the techs on national tv. the president called them lunatics. he did so auntie has not been reprimanded, he won't be censured, he uses his instability -- incivility to take advantage of our stability --'s ability. >> jesse: he is not listening he is only getting louder and louder. democrats are asking what they have done that to nancy? you know the answer. never. sitting down democrats for come to jesus meetings but he would not even raise his voice at them. they are not being talked to like they are children of. this is the only way they will grow up. you have to be firm. they do not respect him and now it is a free-for-all of. >> who is the leader of the democratic party right now? >> i got into trouble because i said that we are leaderless and
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i don't mean we don't have leaders in the house and the senate but we don't have a presidential candidate. we don't have a clear answer who that person will be for the next presidential election. we have lost you know a new leader in the house and so i think that it is difficult right now for the democratic party. because we do not have a clear to find leader. >> jesse: democrats have no leadership and nobody is to pick up. they are all singing and dancing and swearing. nobody even knows what four. >> to them there is no policy there is only opposition to. obviously i reach out to both parties in conversation and doing my job. and i hear nothing from the democratic party and communicating a coherent agenda. communicating a coherent message. >> jesse: democrats are just the opposition now. one trump stands for pop of the things that the country wants the democrats stand against it
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and that they become more unpopular. it is a bottomless pit. they are all going down together. >> trying to sort it out. support each other they go on each other shows and they are all in this together. we need that on the left. good luck. you guys cancel each other if you completely up ukraine is too small. [laughter] >> six by six. >> you [bleep] talk [bleep] about each other for not having trans kids. you guys out of your mind. you will not sink up together you are in a suicide cult. >> jesse: all this advice democrats are getting this worthless. sue and play possum. not one person has told the democrats listen. you can't talk down to people. >> you can't talk down to people there is this idyllic pretentiousness in the democratic party i feel where you know better. you must be stupid if you don't agree with us.
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all right i'm stupid i am done -- dam. i am done it. why doesn't somebody meet me where i am stupid and start at least making me feel like i am not [bleep]? >> jesse: this a former democratic, pfizer and cohost of the morning meeting, down at, what is with all of the singing and the music play? >> it is embarrassing i guess fake it until you make it. i think a lot of them right now have lost their minds. they are trying to trump trump and not being who they are. trump is an authentic street fighter. it comes natural to him to do the taunts to try to get into people's heads of. we need to go back to the basics here. we need to first off just an election voters approved of his character and his conduct and remember it was his policies that got him elected to. the main thing the big think. we need to get off the juvenile taunts, the videos, you know the f-bombs thinking that will appeal to voters and talk to them and meet them where they
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are as the guest just said a second to go. the economy right now we have some things to talk about. tariffs and d.o.g.e we need to be focused on the main things and not silly stuff about videos >> jesse: he said the democrats have lost their minds i can't tell if that is a figure of speech or he actually thinks they have lost their minds. >> it might be literal at this point there should be a rural for democrats going forward. three words no more singing. this is not 1968 anymore and the problem is they see that the common sense voters and that is a massive amount of voters. not just republicans and independents that can be a lot of blue-collar democrats as well. we hear about mental health crisis in this country just watch those videos of. the question is who will then -- democrats turn to appeal to when we see the street fighter video? where 23 lawmakers all sing the same thing at the same time trying to be authentic while sounding like robots.
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sounding like... before the tiktok account at this point. i think the problem is there is no leader. it is not nancy pelosi. to your point earlier he says during the joint session of congress donald trump speech, please do not act up, show some decorum and they all say screw you we will go ahead and do what we want to do anyway. without a leader there is no message on that is the problem now at this point. they think the problem is messaging what it is ideology and worldview. on the wrong side of every eight e-20 issue and that is why they see the middle. >> jesse: if 80% of the country does not want boys playing in a girls sports but 100% of d.c. democrats to why is that? >> i think we will see here with gavin newsom gavin newsom and i think gavin newsom came out and said at the big question is how does he handle the attacks that will come in? with two members of congress think? i think quite a few members of congress will agree with gavin newsom they would like to
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move past. to your point arguing cultural issues right now won't get us out of the... we need to focus on the bread and butter issues. trump got elected on the economy as i said before there are signs of that voters are beginning to get anxious. that they have questions that they would like to see more from him. and we have issues. we have to come up with a platform not just criticize and hold on a trip accountable and i think you will see that hopefully soon and hopefully this is the kind of this week the bottom of the barrel. >> jesse: they can make a out of the tariff thing but i believe the teamsters just came out and said it is about time somebody stood up. we are supporting these tariffs. they are supposed to be the union party. >> remember during the 2024 campaign in october the teamsters came out and would not endorse harris. we saw internal polling showing on a truck being down among the teamsters two of the 30. so he is appealing to those
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folks because they get it at this point. democrats came to take the 1994 playbook from bill clinton who was street-smart. unforced ever addressed the whole thing. in 1994 takes a shellacking in the midterms and now the new house speaker republican. he could have gone far to the left, more far to the left, or go to the center and he said i want to get reelected in 1996 i will work on welfare reform and balance budget payments. he won easily in 1996. democrats are going at the opposite direction to. >> jesse: go above it. >> don't go to the center we are doing that. >> jesse: calming the ragin' cajun anti-took us behind-the-scenes what it was like after biden face planted at that first debate and what the donors are saying. listen to this. >> speaking of pelosi and schumer they work to the white house you know like what you would expect it was not particularly well. but it was clear after that debate.
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i was in a room with 60 democratic governors that morning and it was just you could see that and i have said just call and say no more money. do something different. we want to fund this disaster. that i think had a point. i did play a role in that it. >> jesse: so they just pulled the plug on the cash. that is what really happened to peer pack. >> i think nancy pelosi tried to basically december the campaigned peace by piece and donors were one of the pulling the george clooney op-ed was a shot across the bow. jeffrey katzenberg who was the chair of the campaign, she did a right to hollywood at the base of his supporter. it is true that the party you know nancy tried it the kind of easy way behind closed doors when he resisted she went public kind of piece by piece and took the campaign apart.
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>> jesse: now i guess the people with the most blood on their hands, barack obama and nancy pelosi nowhere to be found. they just disappeared literally disappeared from the scene of. >> she was at the joint session address but she did not really look like she wanted to be there at this point. >> what bothers me about the argument about the debate was it was like a surprise. we had no idea joe biden was in the state. talking about on this network since the 2020 campaign. the fact that democrats were surprised and we have to pull the plug. they should have pulled the plug well before they even announced that. >> jesse: they got caught that is what happened. >> exactly. >> jesse: down, you survived. thank you so much. trump just made a world leader cry on camera. right backe arme t. the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned,
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well invested, well protected. pronamel clinical enamel strength can help us to keep our enamel for a lifetime. it's backed by science it is clinically proven to strengthen our teeth. i would recommend this toothpaste to everybody. it's really an amazing product. (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: donald trump is not done redecorating the white house. first he hung his mug shot into the entry to the oval now he wants to showcase the declaration of independence next to the resolute desk. not just rearranging furniture for taking a baseball bat to the world order. he told putin to lay off ukraine or he will cripple pressure with banking sanctions and tariffs. trump is knocking everybody's heads together. >> doing very well with the pressure. right now they are bombing ukraine and i'm finding it more difficult, frankly, to deal with ukraine. and they don't have the cards. they don't have the cards. it may be easier dealing with russia which is surprising because they don't have all the cards and they are bombing them right now. putting a statement a very strong statement.
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getting the job done it. >> jesse: also trump's riding secret letters and this time not to little rock at manner. >> i hope they will negotiate it because we have to go in militarily it will be a terrible thing. >> when did you send the letter? >> yesterday. >> you said you negotiate we want you to negotiate? >> i hope you will negotiate because it is going to be a lot better. and i think we want to get that letter. >> you can't let them have a nuclear weapon. >> jesse: report of trump 2.0. 150,000 jobs last month and the ... stayed pretty low. 10,000 government jobs lost but they were big gains in manufacturing and auto. most of the jobs went to americans, unlike the blood and economy trump thanks the tariffs.
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>> if they are coming back to america maybe you will do some in other parts of the world i think the united states will be doing record business. we will bring a lot of those 90,000 factories that have been lost the last number of years. >> jesse: not everybody loves the golden age. trump made governor trudeau cry. >> a personal level i make sure every day in this office i put canadians first, that i have people's backs, and that is why here i am to tell you all that we got you. even in the very last days of this government we will not let canadians down it. >> jesse: trudeau might not be crying just over tariffs. "the new york times" is reporting trump told the governor last month he told mr. trudeau he does not believe that the treaty that the markets the border between the two countries was valid. and that he wants to revise the
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boundary. mr. trump also mentioned revisiting the sharing of lakes and rivers between the two nations. don't worry, just in, you will love being part of america. lower taxes under stronger military and the nfl. what more could you want to? bringing america into its big boss a row working from home and dei it's out. hard work and long hours and firing slackers is in it. d.o.g.e is leading the charge. elon musk's wrecking crew took over the sixth floor of the building and downtown d.c., they went to ikea about beds and lamps and dressers on the earthly pick at the office. the even set up a child's play area. they are thinking about installing a washer and dryer. sleeping at the office to save themselves time and us money. d.o.g.e says the va was paying people $50,000 to water eggplants. that 7 grams of plant. they weren't even marijuana plants they were just decorative. don't want to these plants these
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plants are serviced by a plant contractor. they say they will water the plants themselves free of charge. these are all common sense cuts. >> we will push back we will push back on both sides of the aisle that if they follow that paper trail it will come back to them. work through some agency i will probably get get primary understand we all know what. count as crooked as a dogs leg. like elon musk. >> jesse: somebody's girlfriend was getting paid $50,000 to water that planned. whatever money is involved there will be trauma. "new york times" reports must was at the cabinet meeting yesterday and things got a little bit tents. musk said rubio is not firing enough people and marco rubio said i have 1500 to take early retirement. you want me to hire them back so you can fire them again for
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show? trump watch the two go back and forth like a tennis match. when i got a comfortable trump stepped in and said rubio is doing a great job. duffy also got it into it with the moscow refinery air traffic controllers. trump lets us guys hash it out and once everybody says their peace trump lays the groundwork. cabinet secretaries are in charge of firing, must can recommend firing but he can't do it himself. trump does not want to hear any more about it. >> elon musk and the secretary... >> i was there just a troublemaker. not supposed to be asking that question because we are talking about the world cup. elon working with marco and they are doing a fantastic job no question. >> mr. president. >> who are you with? >> and b.c. >> no wonder. >> who has more authority? >> any other questions of the
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world cup? >> jesse: an entrepreneur on the original wolf of wall street. when you were in business still are back in the good old days you saw another man cry at the office. you own it at that point. >> classic beta male movie is crying. it is so disingenuous. the arresting truckers and just all the stuff that he did over the years the terrible, terrible prime minister and his term is over thank god. so also that the liberals are doing better in the trade war but this has to happen with the tariffs. we need to bring manufacturing back in to the country. back in to the story and the rest of the world has tariffs on us. like finally like to thank god
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we won't be taking advantage of it. standing that because for how many years we just get walked all over on by the rest of the world. thought around the manufacturing base we have massive trade deficits how long can a country operate that way. you see now the fear in all of these countries. what do you mean? you can't take advantage of it anymore? it is about time. >> jesse: when you hear about $50,000 to water eggplants that is somebody's cousin, rate? >> i don't think it is $50,000 for the way. i think 50,000 times 10 it. everywhere you go there is jobs there is a no-show jobs there are supervisors of no-show jobs and their supervisors have supervisors. the one thing that i saw there
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was a center of congressman that is true. there is focus on both sides of the aisle. but it goes so deep and so endemic that i really i think pam bondi is going to be really, really busy. really busy woman. >> jesse: these guys are scandals and fleecing the country and getting away with that this is the first time anybody has ever checked under the hood to. when you see musk rolling in the cabinet meetings and you hear stories about people screaming and yelling and throwing things i mean that is just to be expected to. >> the sin, you know what? if everybody agrees all of the time there is something wrong. because he always have yes-men around. and i respect president trump he actually listens and he made a decision he goes thought it enough i don't want to hear about it anymore. this is a good thing. because of this and i wish it was happening faster. i wish more people were getting laid off and to more fraud was
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being eliminated, more waste was being cut. i think he should over cuts and then if you have to add back so i am on the moscow side of the equation here. i think the u.s. needs to act quickly and not with the scaffold there has to be a little bit more chainsaw than scalpel because you can always add a back. >> jesse: when you are in charge of things, the training deficit or whatever it was, they are saying the boss man is back. you know slackers take a hike. you will a screw around goodbye. you will also work around the clock. do you think that kind of mentality is just with this country needed? >> 100%. we were becoming the country of snowflakes literally. the but heard snowflake with safe spaces and little rooms people can just have a communal relation. you know they can just sit down and go or have good vibes. >> jesse: meditate.
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>> and calm down. this is just nonsense. honestly business is business. you want to have peace and quiet. go home. okay? you work. creative value, motor company. so thank god. just to feel that you can feel the energy coming back. and it feels great. >> jesse: if one of your employees had come to you and said you know what? i am offended at some of the things i am hearing around the office and i just need some personal time to kind of process of these microaggressions what would you have done a? >> let's just say if he had a goldfish on his desk the gold fast -- the goldfish might have gotten eaten. listener, we had we played hard but we worked harder. and when you were in that office you were expected to work and i think that james time and had a great rant. enough of this nonsense. working from home people on their phones while they are on a
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resume call, it into office. the magic that happens when people together working the same space magic happens. when people are siloed it is just not the same. >> jesse: it is really about the magic. it is about the magic and you can't really put it into words but you are right. this energy get great when you were in the office together and everybody is granting and you get a product going get there it is. thank you for putting that into words for us. we got to go. us and we could be here all day. but i got to go i got to make magic on the desk tonight. >> i was a pleasure. >> jesse: have a great weekend. >> jesse: trump's want to be assassin was in court today plus another test the dealership shot up. ♪ ♪
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i had the worst dream last night. you were in a car crash and the kids and i were on our own. that's awful, hon. my brother was
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saying he got life insurance from ethos. and he got $2 million in coverage, all online. life insurance made easy. check your price today at weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away... and then wonder why they don't fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you marvel, how do they do it? simple. american technology and american workers deliver quality... not imported junk for a few bucks less.
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get the world's best floorliners and support america. find your fit at (♪) ♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert. kristi noem caught two leakers. >> we have identified it to the curse of information here at the department of homeland security who have been telling individuals about our operations including law enforcement lives
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in jeopardy. we plan to prosecute these two individuals and told them accountable for what they have done it. >> jesse: she is not the only one catching turncoats. fbi director kash patel announcing that the fbi arrested two active-duty soldiers. and the former soldier personally classified information to our enemies. quotes, these individuals have been charged with stealing america's defense intelligence capabilities and empowering adversaries like china and betrayal of our country. there were now face american justice to. this sends a clear message to everybody in the government. sell out our country at your own risk. over the summer political violence reached a fever pitch. trump was nearly killed did not once but twice. today trump's only living assassin ryan routh was in court periods defense argued with prosecutors about the mountain of evidence against them. we still do not know how ruth and the butler shooter got so close to ending trump's life but that might change today.
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trump's is an assassination report will be on his desk next week. because of the threat of political violence is once again becoming unaffordable. prime time told you last night that deranged leftists are vandalizing tesla's and firebombing dealerships across the country. we just found out another dealership in oregon just shot up. watch. >> roughly 40 protesters gathered here at the southwest cascade avenue tested in the shipper for a protest and they are called to get the rally to restore democracy. they are protesting against it on elon musk and d.o.g.e cuts and also tariffs at the border. this protest is only hours after police report at this test the dealership was hit buy multiple gunshot rounds overnight. investigators believe at least 11 shots were fired and damaged three cars and shuttered windows. one bullet went into an office wall and into a computer monitor. this incident comes after a after a string of vandalism attempts for tesla's and tesla dealerships across the nation. >> jesse: prime time also
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obtained new photos of the fire bomb at the test the dealership in salem, oregon, causing half a million bucks worth of damage. surveillance photo show them walking towards the test the dealership and a black burqa before chucking molotov cocktails at the vote think. they burst into flames there you go. and the suspect threw a rock at the dealership window and chattered it. that is win more random projectiles were thrown damaging other cars in the area. when investigators arrived on the scene they found more mother tops in the parking lot. political unrest from the radical left is for rank. after trump got shot at the left was told to tone down the rhetoric or the violence would get worse. some listened. they stopped calling trump hitler and started using names of other dictators. >> i watch the sky used television like nobody has ever done. it is mussolini. it is about believing the leader and what he says verbatim. and that is what trump does on television. he is using custody which. >> jesse: the media does not
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think he is a fascist they say he is a revolutionary. >> this country is being turned upside down and donald trump is the revolutionary he was going to incite revolution if he does not stop this. >> jesse: what are democrats going to do? "the view" says they will stop trump by any means necessary. even if it means sacrificing their lives. >> the democrats are not meeting the moment. the baby boomers, the civil rights generation, they knew what they had to do, they were willing to fight and die for their rights. this generation of congress that they are not meeting the moment. >> jesse: the florida congress mormon joins us now. how much attention is washington paying this rise in violence? >> i will say they are largely responsible. you know, jesse, i sit on house oversight and the rhetoric we are hearing not just on but even off eyes tell you i have heard conversations on the house floor
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where people have said they know that elon musk and kidding him and attacking kim is actually good for their polling numbers so they will continue to do it. i see no elon musk went on joe rogan the other day and talked about how he has increased and pricked his life and i would say the scary rhetoric we are hearing is also the same rhetoric we are hearing about president champlin to get to the 2024 election cycle. remember it is these crazy leftists actually partaking in these violent attacks. it is very concerning. the highest it has ever been in the last decade of. >> jesse: it seems very mysterious and nothing on the butler guy, nothing much on ruth except he had these phones and he came back from ukraine radicalized. are we expecting to hear more at some point a? >> unless president trump releases that report which i think is going to i don't think the mainstream media will give it the coverage it deserves and they won't because they know
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that all of these assassins were would-be assassins that tried to assassinate president trump were radicalized leftists of. not just a made up talking point from republicans that is a fact. we know the guy in court today had actually he actually went to ukraine to. i mean he was as radicalized as they get and literally thought that president trump was going to be the end of ukraine. meanwhile president trump is actively working to establish peace in ukraine and probably the only person of the world that could have done that. what i will tell you is unless we push back heavily on this it just will continue and it is unacceptable. >> jesse: what is going on with the epstein files? a couple weeks ago it was kind of weird. what are you hearing? >> i feel the same way you do i am very frustrated just like many americans are. i think those lists need to be released to the american people. that is up to the decision of the attorney general pam bondi. i can tell you as a member of congress we have not really gotten much medication from the department of justice but we are going to be continuing to put
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pressure because when the american people elected president trump they made it transparent and frankly it is disturbing that more people aren't in jail for the crimes that were committed, for trafficking people. and that is exactly what jeffrey epstein did it. i hope she releases those fires -- files in entirety and i quote -- and i hope she brings charges. that has never been acceptable and people belong control of. >> jesse: and the guy was allegedly holding those files back from her at the fbi office in manhattan has been fired. we expect to see those sooner. thank you so much we really appreciated. ♪ ♪ fox news alert a south carolina man -- convicted of brutally murdering his girlfriend's parents has become the first to throw inmate executed by firing squad in the last 15 years. he was shot to death today by correction officer right in the chest. he requested death by firing squad over electric chair and lethal injection.
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magic johnson, mike myers, and john fetterman up next.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: time for sink or swim. today we have ashley strohmier taking on dr. nicole saphier. ashley is a soul -- sore loser. >> the worst in the world. >> jesse: we will see how that goes. no broadcast thank aloud. which nba legend had a face-to-face confrontation with stephen a during the l.a. lakers game last night? magic johnson or lebron of? very confident, ladies. >> lebron james. i would never speak negatively around -- about. i was talking about you. >> jesse: that was fast. >> i mean johnson he is really not much in the news anymore. you don't have to watch the nba. >> jesse: haymakers over here. which canadian after war canada is not for sale short while on "snl" of. mike myers or ryan reynolds?
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this could swing it. >> my thanks to take mcrae, mike myers. >> i do want to say my kids are into their current "snl" which i wholly disagree with because i am a fan of the will ferrell days but we do watch "snl" up. >> jesse: it looks like doctor up one of. love tap. which congresswoman pushed johnny away from her on capitol hill? johan omar or aoc? which squad member pushed my johnny? >> i need to move. >> congressman why do you stand to? >> have a good day i need to go to the meeting. >> who does that? it is donnie. nicest guy. >> jesse: don't you ever lay a finger on my johnny. ashley obviously never watches prime time but that is okay you just outed yourself. we will make this last one worth two to make it interesting to. the house floor is much smaller than it appears on television so everybody at trump's address on tuesday was packed and they're like sardines. you better hope everybody around
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you smells fresh. former congressman george santos says this democrat is the smelliest member of congress. jerry nadler or john fetterman? >> oh, no, i'm going to lose it. >> the worst body older and congress? definitely jerry nadler. it is so bad. >> jesse: all right. >> you know what? i am i john fetterman found these days because i love his stance on israel and a lot of other things so i won't say anything negative. anybody else of? >> jesse: very proud. >> thank you. >> jesse: actually, i'm sorry we try to break it for you it did not work out. >> i am a sore loser. >> do you want the hat? >> no. i love you that much. >> jesse: you can take a paddle like a democrat you can hold it up all weekend. more prime time straight ahead. tracey from lillie's of charleston will watch 60 contestants eat 60 hot wings
5:53 pm
all covered in lillie's hot sauce oh honey, don't touch your face will be in this ad 60% of the time great job, bob!
5:54 pm
5:55 pm
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5:58 pm
>> jesse: different type of window tonight. fox news alert, laura ingram and maria have just been named by donald trump to be on the board of the kennedy center in washington, d.c. and that is a huge honor and i'm very happy for them. but i am a little jealous because i feel like everybody is getting things. ambassadorship, award seats pack cabinet positions. i only asked for a statue. it doesn't have to be life-sized. and if you don't want to do the statute, may be just an invitation for an estate dinner. not any country, like a really good country. just putting it out there. as long as people are getting things. kathleen from tallahassee, does adam have against the horse i rode in on? can from big indian new york. tell them it's not legal to do that to a horse.
5:59 pm
dave from newport, that i pronounce that right? god, i tried to be fancy! lobbying for a board seat you know. those democrats should call themselves the choir. may be they will be performing at the kennedy center. eric from san bernardino, california,, may be trump can make straight jackets great again. david from kansas city, missouri,, stop asking the democrats how low they can go, i think they are taking it as a challenge. i love covering this news cycle. never covered anything better. marissa from british columbia, jesse you are a, stop going to do a governor, he is a prime minister. currently he is the prime minister. next year he could be a governor. john from queen creek arizona, i'm not sure if those plants they were watering were made of plastic.
6:00 pm
john from tampa, florida,, jesse, have you ever watered a plant? yes, i have. i have watered many plants. i don't water plants anymore. i don't actually have any plants inside my house. although i was told to in the den but never did it. i will look into it. john from alexandria, virginia,, hopefully johnny doesn't have a goldfish on his desk. you know where johnny is right now? johnny's at spring break so definitely watch jesse watters primetime when he gets back. lisa from tennessee, i thought you would be tireless tonight, what happened? harold and like the print? no, harold liked it, i just want to wear a tie for you at 8:00. craig from pennsylvania, hey,, who was the mystery guest? we're out of time! you caught m we had no mystery guest, it was a tease. i'm otters and this is my world. ♪ ♪


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