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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  March 8, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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and do note they could be eaten they are made of potato and corn starch they're edible and safer pets and people but that does not mean you should eat them. do not eat them. >> she does without the cheese. toxicity is a fun show guy. that was awesome what a great crew. that does it for us but we greatly appreciate you joining us pretty we will see you back here tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. eastern of course pouring of thr big weekend show. remember always dvr if you cannot catch us live. coming up we have "life, liberty & levin" up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. thank you for being here to great guest general jack keane and leo terrell. before we get to them ivy league schools once again the hitler youth run the march. the marxist islam us. it is not by accident, it's well organized. many individuals involved are foreign individuals obviously some are born in the united states as well. this is taking place not by accident but by organization. it is being funded. it is being supported by the hard left and foreign governments. in foreign governments. organizations in our country that are organizations related to terrorist organizations and terrorist states.
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so we are going to do some are focusing on this because if i don't who will? first of all let's take a little look at what took place at barnard college in new york. go. [bleep] [inaudible] music ♪ ♪. mark: there they are they've taken over an area of the school. [inaudible] from the sea to the river ♪ ♪ [inaudible] mark: almost all of them have covered their faces. >> you must clear the courtyard. >> can you clear the courtyard? >> and preventing students especially jewish or students from attending class. you can see there getting a physical. they are getting a violent.
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[inaudible] ♪ fascist usa. mark: looks like the middle east, doesn't it? >> you can't hide. [inaudible] will be back. will be back. will be back. mark: that's enough. these are american universities. it is not the american culture you are seeing. it is free speech. we know it free speech is great freedom of association we note that is two. intimidating people, blocking people, physically touching people that is not free speech it never has been. ladies and judgment there are many things that can be done in this administration is focusing on all of them for deporting foreign college students in the u.s. after they are found to
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openly advocate for hamas i know that u.s. a designated terror group, or after they participated in an un- authorize campus protest him or suspended, expelled or jail out. the d.a. working with the d.o.j. pursuing federal prosecution of demonstrators who block synagogue entrances or disruptive jewish speakers and events charge protest leaders and nonprofits for protest groups or failing to register with the united states department of justice as an agent speed the foreign principal you've heard of that law before. open investigations into protest leaders who were in direct contact with the u.s. and designated terror groups or front groups while advocating on their behalf. those are just a handful of things that can be done. what else? our friends at heritage pointed out several years ago federal anti- right act.
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let the federal government to go after anyone who travels the interstate i quote or foreign commerce or uses any facilitate of interstate or foreign commerce including but not limited to the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, television to incite a riot or to organize promote and encourage participation or commit any act of violence and furtherance of a riot. anyone who travels from outside the state uses the phone or computer with a specific intent to integrate and participate in rights as a violent federal law. it also applies to those who aid or abet anyone to carry out such acts that could be fined and imprisoned up to five years or both for each violation. section 241, prohibits conspiracy to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any person at the exercise of any right or privilege secured to him by the constitution or laws
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of the united states. also prohibits individuals from going into skies on the highway or on the premise of another with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of every writer exercise or privilege like wearing masks. bailing this statute is a punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison by the way it wears with teacher james the attorney general of new york? does she show up at these events? does she warn in these thugs these incite semites and jew haters? where is she is she chasing donald trump? she was a fraud and a phony foxbusiness billions of american taxpayer dollars of help find many of the colleges and universities anti- israel agitators recently of occupied campuses you standing some that has led numerous politicians a call for an end to federal for schools that allow the encampments to persist donald trump us on this we have got to cut off federal funds the new
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secretary of education is who we need to work with the d.o.j. do exactly that. more than $5 billion worth of taxpayer funds were given to ivy league schools whose sponsorship grants and contracts during fiscal 2023 alone another 2.1 billion also made its way to other prominent schools that affect anti- israel rallies as of late. the ivy league schools harvard, princeton, yale, columbia the university of pennsylvania, brown, dartmouth, cornell had been some of the scenes of the most high profile anti- israel and rest last year. but more of its going on now. for 2020 harvard received approximately $676 million from you. princeton received 403 million where are they receiving this anyway? they have massive phones. for people who donate they go on
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tax to massive endowments and billions and billions of dollars particular the ivy league schools wire by giving them any money received oppress me too have hundred 76.8 million columbia which is road .0 received approximate one point to billion penn received approximate nine or 55.6 million brown received letters 73.7 million. dartmouth received 13,033,000,000 cornell received another 736.3 million. these ivy league schools as well as northwestern university and stanford university received $33 billion worth of federal contracts and grants since 2018 averaging $6.6 billion annually open the book study found the other you're the same 10 schools reaps another 12 billion in special tax treatment benefits on the growth of their massive endowments according to the
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report which was released in november. why aren't those endowments taxed? in fact why don't they use their endowments were they collecting them for? addition to the ivy league schools front several others have garnered attention for anti- israel and rest. it is in jewish hate and unrest it is jewish is islamist and marxist islamists and marxist including uc barkley. new york university, ut austin, george washington university also received millions of federal funding as they looked at fiscal year 2023 uc barkley received more than 4,051,000,000 and why use receive more than 805 million. ut austin received roughly 645 million and gw received more than 200 million. a while, i wonder if the federal judges out there the u.s. supreme court think this is okay? maybe they are withholding
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funding. this whole thing is stupid. network contagion research institute. a neutral organization we export links between different funding sources. i cannot read the whole report. the duration of free speech and academic freedom in the presence of anti-semitism. three to forton colleges and universities received a combined total of almost $18 billion from foreign sources. between 2014 and 2019 over five years. they also found higher levels of deep platforming and speech punishment on campuses that receive funding from member states of the international organization of islamic cooperation. and from other authoritarian regimes. foreign funding they said especially when provided by member countries of the organization of islamic cooperation. by authoritarian countries was associated with elevated levels of campus anti-semitism and
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anti- zionism incidents. insight semitism incidents on campuses are associated with the forecast local anti-semitic incidents across the country. you can read it yourself it's publicly available there are other great reports out there in studies done by the heritage foundation. by the george washington university project on extremism. they're all out there for the whole world to read. the major funder of this effort there's iran, communist china to know what the lost one is? i thought it was our friend people at high levels and relationships they praise, up until a few months ago was funding hamas $1.8 billion the country that gave safe haven to the billionaire leaders. unprotected them up to a few months ago.
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mosaic rights went democratic middle eastern regimes organizations foundations and private corporations billions of dollars of unreported funding to american universities in order to demonize israel on campus. i might add it demonize the united states with the bulk of all middle eastern donations emanating from qatar donor 75% and the vivek ramaswamy count date foundation. these funds significantly impact attitudes, anti-semitic culture the activities and movement to boycott and the vest from an sanction israel our research has found a correlation between the funding of universities by qatar and the gulf states and the presence of groups such as students for justice in palestine. a radical pro- terrorist front group. campus environment that fosters anti-semitic atmosphere,
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aggression towards jews and supporters of israel. qatar is an important source of funds for the palestinian terror organization. from the muslim brotherhood to the taliban this from the free press senior leaders the perpetrators of the worst atrocities since the holocaust are huddled in qatar the been there for years. for the last 25 years the small energy-rich state has pumped billions into america to purchase influence in good favor they suspect their fortune in america law firms lobbying contracts with former senior officials on junkets and partnerships with big media companies the biggest recipients of qatar the major universities and think tanks. the numbers are staggering
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according to a 2022 study the national association there are s of reports the largest foreign donor this is two years old the study found from the national association the largest recipients are some of the most prestigious universities of higher learning. jill built campuses in doha education city since 1997 is done more than two of the virginia commonwealth university for fine art canvas is two years old. since 2001 qatar is donated to cornell from medical school since 2003 qatar is donated nearly 700 million to texas a&m for engineering campus. since 2004 qatar has donated seven and 40 millington carnegie mellon university for computer science campus. since 2005 donated to georgetown university for a school of
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politics. has donated nearly 602 million since 2008 to northwestern university fo for school of journalism. johns hopkins medical some time ago i see they built a whole wing thereto. one might expect scholarly institutions have benefited from this money would rethink their partnership with the foreign minister said israel alone is responsible for october 7 and for the perpetrated by hamas terrorist. or qatar prime minister declined to close the office hamas but maintains as his capitol. until donald trump was elected. washington free beacon qatar is given a contract more than 5.6 billion to 61 american schools since 2007. he goes through which of these schools are. in great detail from nove november 2007 to october 2023 qatar made 1116 donations to american universities totaling
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almost $6 billion record show this is led to accusations that doha is using influence with the country's top schools propaganda that portrays israel in a negative light you don't say? newsweek between 1986 and 2018 middle eastern countries donated more than 6.6 billion. not even counting the last seven years to u.s. universities reportedly less than 3.6 billing to the federal government. they have an obligation under federal law to report to the department of education how much money they're getting from foreign governments. which foreign government and what is being used for. billions of dollars have not been reported or moreover as i mentioned earlier, if you are taking money from foreign governments, and this is a very broad law. if the people in your college or universities are working with a foreign government and you are promoting them or they are promoting you, you have an obligation to report and to sign
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up as a foreign agent. virtually none of these schools evident the bulk of middle eastern donations coming into the united states emanates from qatar or the qatar foundation accounts for nearly all the donations from qatar have a significant impact on universities especially with regard to attitudes towards israel goes on and on and on. what are we going to do about qatar? continue playing nice with them? i think we need to have a full list of all of the people in the house and senate who have any relationships to qatar from each of a full list of the former senate and house members who are nnot lobbyists working in varios law firms who are on the take from qatar we need to have a full list of people need bureaucracy, in the executive branch a full list so we all know who is doing what, when, where and how. i want to thank donald trump
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because he is doing more. he is pushing harder to stamp out anti-semitism and her college campuses against jews in the streets in the synagogues than any president in american history and he has told every element of the federal government you have 60 days, it is not up yet to figure out a maximum plan to stamp out anti- semitism and deport people who are here promoting anti-semitism. to get federal funds out of these colleges and universities who are not doing anything about anti-semitism. and to protect the rights of jewish students were going to colleges and universities. because, let me tell you something it starts with the juice but it never ends there. it never ends there. if we were not talking about juice we were talking about some other ethnic or religious group. you would be hearing a lot more from h our democrat party friens wouldn't we? their silence is deafening,
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isn't it let letitia james? i will be right back. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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mark: will come back america. we hear is one of my favorite gas in general and jack again a retired four-star army general. any fox senior strategic
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analyst. he's really america strategic analyst. general, let me ask you a question here. it for people to have a different view of this war russia attacked ukraine, i get that. i really don't get it but that is okay. but, what you think of people who sort of have a fascination, who will spend more time trashing zelensky and exposing this former cape gmb agent who's got a thousand nuclear armed missiles aimed at the united states. his jets are buzzing our ship's who was 10 at military bases in the arctic circle aimed at us, really? president trump obviously sees in south wysocki mark greenland's tongue was spending more on the millage and that's why sock in my building up our naval capacity and so forth. i am talking about other people out there who seem to make excuses for him. have you ever seen anything like
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this? >> it makes no sense suddenly russia has grown into a major adversarial threat of the united states clearly to have a limitless partnership as they defined it with china. david embraced north korea and iran as well they all coordinate and cooperate together. you can see the significant assistance that china, iran and north korea are providing to russia. they have helped them get through this war. make no mistake about that. and russia clearly, we know for a fact russia was to topple the government in ukraine and wants to move into former soviet union countries in eastern europe. that is a fact. this is not disputable these are their ambitions he is a war criminal and how he fights a w war. thousands of children have been kidnapped and taken into russia for that as a war crime in and of itself who ever heard of doing anything like that? these people are evil.
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that is the reality of it we've got to help ukraine and this war on their terms. solve an independent state with the capability to deter russia from having another check on them. what will happen here as there will be a peace agreement we hope of russia wants to play, that is still uncertain whether they are even going to come to the table and making meaningful compromise. if we get a peace agreement we know that's not going to change their aspirations at all. at a time convenient for them they will re- attack ukraine and that is a fact. so that is what we're facing here. mark: isn't that why it's very important as minerals deal as i stand it gets done where we have a huge massive capitol investment in ukraine and americans working next to ukrainians. that helps invest in ukraine so they can rebuild their infrastructure if they want i suppose there military. and for us to benefit of course
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and get some of her money back as well as these rare earth minerals but that's another reason i want to take down ukraine they want the rare earth minerals and sodas communist china. >> absolute both of them do yes. the brigadier general mark and i wrote an op-ed on this very peace because the theme of the op-ed op ed is what stop havinge american taxpayer funded support in ukraine we can do with russian assets is close to 300 billion of those. it has most of the europeans. and also the trillions of dollars tied up in rare earth minerals we have to explore, we have to minute but we can make a deal now where we have a stake in it. also we can give money to ukraine and that minerals are collateral for a loan which we know for a fact can be paid back. this is all to the good we had obviously a pause here given the
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debacle that took place in washington d.c. with the press conference were zelensky and together wanted to litigate some of the grievances in front of the press which i think was a mistake and given the fact that a 20 minute session prior to that same place oval office. same people without the press. but we've got to get on with the deal and then on the negotiations. and mark, it remains to see if rush is gaming us here and are they going to move off their hard line positions they put on the table right now? if they do not move off of those president trump is going to have to take some action slap tough sanctions are up gone ukraine a little bit that rush if you're going to come to the table, we are not going to buy in to the hard line conditions you are going to have to make some compromises. space i think trump is preferred to do this he is the word this
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is an organic agreement its organic security in this agreement because of the significant presence of america, american investments in businesses. jd vance i believe said the same thing on fox as well. so if i am zelensky i pocket this a deal and then a deal for next phase in the face after that. as things develop. we will be right back. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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books welcome to "fox news live"
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i'm molly line in new york but house republicans are unveiling a new spending bill to keep the federal government open through september 30. ninety-nine page bill would provide a slight booster defense programs while trimming nondefensive programs below the 2024 budget your levels. speaker mike johnson is hoping to vote on the bill this coming week. top congressional democrats strongly oppose the measure calling it a power grab. congress hasn't until bit of doing for you to avoid a partial shutdown but pope francis is running well to therapy for double pneumonia showing gradual improvements. doctors say he remained stable with no fever and good oxygen levels. this is the first time that doctors have reported the ponds are doing well with treatment after being admitted to the hospital in february 14th. i am molly line and now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ >> welcome back america.
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you know in general, i looked at the contribution that these nato nations are making to nato. even during the course of this war with ukraine and russia, it seems to me some of these leaders with the biggest amounts are contributing t the least percentage of their gdp: is way up through the baltic states are way up there these are relatively small countries. but not britain, not france, not german, not italy, they are the big four. when the crone says were going to do this, going to do that, going through this president trump looks at it and says i have an idea once you muscle up your nato expenditures furthermore i'm reading reports there military industries are not even at full capacity right now. if they believe this is a potential for world war three that if putin takes ukraine and says he wants to go into poland, it's not a secret. he's written about it.
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why aren't they muscling up? what's wrong with these people? what's the problem is always been with what is in their head. for the last 30 years there investment in social democracy welfare state at the expense of defense has really been the problem for everyone of those countries as economic problems because of it and the entitlement programs they have they open the gates to immigration which is caused huge amounts of problems with people who are in their country committing crimes and whatnot. just like we have in our country. they are starting to get more serious about it pray that is a fact. the uk is going to .5% of gdp so that's an increase. fred immerse is a new chancellor of germany is a doubling down on defense and that is a major departure from the past. germany, the biggest economy in europe has always been as you correctly identified one of the people who was not funding nato
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anywhere near what they could afford to fund nato given the size of their economy. france and italy they absolutely can do more and here's right on the border the president of poland has had 4.1% heading towards a 4.7% of gdp why is that? he is looking right at ukraine and he knows full well that they would be on the docket for russia. he is making search and he has the capability to deter them. yes, they could do more let's keep it going. president trump's guts keep the pressure on them and they are responding to him these recent additions are all about him becoming elected. that's really what is happening here. >> i remembered in general, having served eight years in the reagan administration the reagan buildup was over 5% of our gdp. it meant he massively built up our military is reagan's view we must be the number one superpower on the face of the earth. he wanted to strengthen nato
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pretty wanted to strengthen all of the alliances and defeat the soviet union he did not want war with the soviet union he did not once nixon and kissinger he said we can defeat them they are weak. he defeated them economically he defeated them militarily not by firing a shot but wherever they were confronting us or we need to confront them whether central america, africa far east asia the middle east that is what he did. i want to move along quickly to one other issues china's warships are turning up in unexpected places alarming u.s. allies. is this the new normal, cnn? china's been very aggressive towards the philippines, towards australia, toward south korea, the vietnam waterways, towards us. they basically threaten war the other day said we are prepared to go to war right till the end and response to i think it was secretary pete hegseth or jd vance. whether it's a terrace or war who will fight to the very end. i think we better wake the [bleep] up and start beefing up
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our military that has been flatlined under the prior administration what you think? works absolutely did congressional testimony for the house armed services committee i recommended a 5% increase in defense spending much larger than anything in the buy demonstration for sure. and really did not give much pushback at all not surprising from republicans but not much pushback at all from the democrats. that means there is consensus occurring at least in the congress of the danger we are really facing here. i mean china, just look at their military they've been investing in this for 20 years. they outgun this and out manas in every single platform whether it is a missile platform, defensive missiles, a ship, except to submarines that is the only place we have an advantage in. but we cannot get them built a fast enough because the industrial base.
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i do fix the business practices and the pentagon if you do not fix the business approach for going to squander some of that money per the administration knows this. we've got to do both together going forward. and if we do that then we can have a deterrence that reagan established with the reagan buildup. that is what is absolute critical. have the capabilities of the chinese see and they know we will impose significant costs on them if they attack. and therefore they're going to back away from it just like the soviet union did as a result of what reagan put on the grounds. >> the president will have a special offices on the ship which is a brilliant idea. i would remind the putin supporters and the others who seem to hate america first, they are the war mongers not us. they are the war mongers. general king and i want to thank you for your past service, your current service in your future service. god bless you my friend.
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>> great talking to you and your audience, thank you. mark: we will beth rightat back. i didn't have the millions of dollars to put towards marketing, and that was the hardest thing. when i posted on tiktok that went from maybe a few hundred people knowing about my product to millions. (♪) we were able to make over $300,000 in less than two days. it saved my business and it saved lives.
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mark: while the back america. where here is our dear friend now senior counsel to the assistant council for civil rights have been titled federal task or to combat anti-semitism. our man leo jarrell i cannot think of anyone better. you are a great guard given a soul libertarian your entire life. you are a brilliant lawyer and litigator. so leo, you see what's happening again at barnard and columbia. all over these universities. what is the plan? parcels of the plan is but let me take 20 seconds to say to your viewers, before i took at this a job as senior counsel i reached out to you for advice. the only person i reached out to, you gave me great advice i owe you a tremendous amount of thanks because of your advice and leadership. mark: love you buddy.
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>> president trump has made a commitment to the jewish memory to all americans we are going to eliminate anti-semitism. it is rampant it is horrendous. under president trump's leadership and pam bonnie's leadership we are working on this 24/7. and i will tell you what makes it sickening, the biting garden administration did nothing. they have nothing to address anti-semitism is rampant across the country what are we doing? we are working on this the entire federal government support as a leader in the d.o.j. under pam bonnie's administration we are suing everyone of these universities guilty of anti-semitism. under title vi we are taking away their money, mark. were going to bankrupt these universities. we are going to take away every
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single federal dollar. that is why we are targeting these universities. and we have filed a notice of investigation to investigate the entire uc system in california. why? not only are the students being arrarrest because of anti-semit, employees. we have filed an investigation on title vii. what is title vii? to investigate the employer/employee working condition. which is anti- somatic throughout the universities. that is what the eoc has done. given us a charge we are investigating the uc system. i am embarrassed to tell you i went to ucla. every person in this country saw what happened at ucla. i graduated there from law school but that is not the ucla i went to, mark. the academic system and this country has been hijacked by the left. has been hijacked by the
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marxists. they have controlled the mindset of our young people and they have not stopped there. the going to the schools, the public schools k-12. we have to put an end to it but we have to seek injunctive relief. we have to stop these practices. what's happening on the east coast, at columbia and barnard, outright embarrassing. market, where our local officials? where is the mayor? where is the district attorney? where is letitia james? where the hate crime charges? they are absent. i want this to be clear to your fox viewers. these local blue cities have turned their back on jewish americans stop the federal government. not only am i targeted 13 schools i am sending letters to the mayors and nda's of l.a., boston, new york, chicago, do your job or we will do it for you. we are going to file hate crimes were going to use every federal
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criminal statue to go after these anti-semites. these people who hate jews. we are going to stop it and we are going to stop it immediately. not just take it where their money. we have pushed out a strategy to remove these professional agitators. if you are here at the graces of the united states attending the schools, you are gone. we are going to make sure these students are going to take off those masks. we know who you are you're going to be expelled. these universities do not play ball lawyer up because the federal government is coming after you. mark: leo we hear you. it is very comforting and very important. i have never heard a single person from the biden biden administration speak the way you are. when we come out back as you point out the president said every department and agency this is all government effort to give 60 days to report back on what you're going to do.
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the funding stream that's coming into this country from countries like qatar in hamas front groups that are in this country and so on and so forth. we're we are off as it were the treasury department, dhs, the department of education and so on and so forth. i want to explore their only return. we will be right back. when it's time to start your business, it's time for shopify. design with easy to customize themes. sell everywhere people shop. and never miss a sale with the world's best converting checkout. see why millions of businesses sell with shopify. start your free trial today.
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mark: welcome back america could rehear its leo terrell the assistant attorney for civil rights. and the pam a bondi department of justice and the donald trump administration. your civil rights leader you've always been a civil rights attorney i think this position you are in, is really a pinnacle of your life. a pinnacle of your career. you are a national spokesperson for your national lawyer to fight this. and so given president trump's directive will these funding sources, these front groups that are backing these terrorist organizations, these terrorist countries that put up or billions of dollars into these universities and colleges. is this something that just us or other departments like treasury and education are going to take a very close look at? >> i can honestly tell your viewers, tell you and tell american a special these
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universities president trump is going after you in every aspect pretty asked about the ad department the answer is yes. this force is every agency is involved homeland security's involved for the fbi is involved. hhs, the ad department and the treasury department we are going after the 5o1c3 status. some of these people getting tax exempt status for this type of conduct. we are going to follow the money not only inside this country not only the billions of dollars of american taxpayers but the money that's coming from the outside we are going to identify these countries. we are going to identify the source we are going to demand these universities tell us who is involved. i am telling you mark, i'm telling your viewers and president trump demands 24/7 commitment. pam bondi the entire d.o.j.'s office and how many attorneys you need?
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you can have any amount of attorneys and resources we are using every resource, every tool to stop it. we are going to make sure this goes beyond trumps administration we are going to deter this type of a hatred for juice forever we are going to eradicate it. this is my number one commitment i want people watching i am sincere. i am committed this is a job that i love to do to make sure anti- semitism does not exist in that greatest country under the greatest president we have ever had. mark: i think it's so important that you're saying what you are saying and people understand the commitment of donald trump here. i really do. because he get such a bum rap from that media and the democrats. let me ask you this, leo terrell how many democrat leaders in congress have reached out to you and said what to help you, is anything we can do to help support your efforts? has latisse should james reach
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out to has hakeem jeffries reached out to you? has chuck schumer reached out to have any of these democratic party bigwigs reach out to you? so may give the name of every democrat who h is help me. here we go. that is the list. that is the list that is the complete list. mark: are not gone are they? >> they are not going to the democrat party adopted a strategy during the election they lost the democrat party has turned its back on the jewish american community for the jewish american community has a friend in donald trump and pam bondi. and in this administration. mark: to see that here, you see with israel, you see it with the president meeting with the hostages. you see him willing to get the hostages out pretty see his firm strong backing of the benjamin netanyahu with that government what they are trying to do. i think this is a very, very important period in history and the nation for the american citizen. and for jewish americans. leo terrell you will be written
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in the books as you and the things you have been doing. and the things you're going to do for hundreds of years but i want to thank you my friend and keep at it. >> thank you and god bless youad mark. mark. go markuran: we will be right back. ! biberty: nice try, kid. only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: liberty. gum problems could be the start of a domino effect parodontax active gum repair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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welcome back, trust me. we have great show tonight. set your dvr and watch us live tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern saturday and sunday. one of our guest is senator ted cruz and we will take into what the courts are doing in the separation of powers undermining electric, executive branch from president trump and what are john roberts and associate roberts barrett up to? i'll see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin. ♪


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