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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  March 9, 2025 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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everything that we've been saying to the context of a massive political revolution that this is. you saw in his remarks about the war we have a republican president west completely remade the republican party into the pro-peace party that used to be the democrats now with the republican party the pro-worker that used to be the democrats now it's republicans, the young voters as we were talking earlier the dominate in the culture war it's an absolute resolution. my show is "the next revolution" were seated right now "the next revolution" the trump revolution going on right now. molly: that was a fabulous night thank you for being here that does it for us. we will see you next weekend remember to dvr if you cannot catch us live. coming up "life, liberty and levin" next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday. two great guests tonight senator ted cruz and i went to introduce you to ms. historian who is going to provide us with some really fascinating information. but before we go to that when i was growing up sunday nights are very important. there a were important for the family. they were really wonderful times for a little apprehension, schools the next day. but we would gather on the tv from time to time and watch some of the best television that existed. i remember watching milton freedman and freed to choose and bill buckley, so many other great shows. they taught me so much thomas soul by removing interest to ronald reagan again so much.
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i try to use this to show not identically to that i am not one of the greats like they were. i try to reach a little deeper so you are not just getting basically what you've gotten all week, which is wonderful. you do not need it from me. when my talking about? when i watch president trump's outstanding speech i was thinking to myself, as you were, what a bunch of children. what a bunch of immature individuals. and then he got to thinking more, these are elected representatives to the house of representatives. they have voters. it's about half the body of the house of representatives. how can it be that week, you and i, see things so differently than they do? how is that possible that we see things one way and they and the
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press see it ei a in a completey different way? so i thought tonight let's take a look at this. let's take a look at this. we have a completely different and opposite idea of power. and of the law. to stick with me on this i think you will find it somewhat intriguing. so what are these differences? why do they hate you and me so much why do they call president trump hitler? one of the calls they are nazis? why do they attack the real originals on the supreme court why d do they attack the constitution? see artsy they use racism every other word. they used hitler every other word. what's with these people? they are trained to build something that does not exist there trying to build something that is ideological based on an ideology is on the basis of our own founding comes on to law and
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power ultimately government they exercise power through the law. for us law is exercised to contain a power they skirt, usurp, alter the constitution provides barriers to what they want to do. they attack the people who wrote it. they smear it. they reject the document itself. except when they want to leave it around to attack donald trump but they reject it. we adhere to the constitution. its intent and its purpose. they believe in an ever expanding bureaucracy is why they attacked elon musk in president trump who were trying to reduce the cost of government. bring efficiencies to government. to try to ensure this nation is not bankrupt. they believe in an ever-expanding bureaucracy and the evidence of waste, fraud, abuse to them is an effort to knock down what they have built and what they intend to build. you and i and our constitution
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believe in a limited government. while we believe that you and i and have the civil society shows much room to operate as possible. not the government. they believe in infinite rules and regulations. they do not believe in cutting regulations. they do not believe in pulling back the regulators you and i believe and minimal red tape at the individual, the entrepreneur, the innovator, the developer, the producer, people should be free within a big circle of freedom to operate and function. they believe in infinite rules and regulations. to coerce comic to control and to decide what people should be doing. for them the law becomes a source of power so they have to usurp and skirt the constitution. which is a document that divides powers. but they want power the more power the more good they think they can do in a perverse way.
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the more they can do, the more power they can get. the more laws they can pass. the more regulations they can issue. we believe the law exists to maintain and nurture the civil society not to empower the government. to devour the civil society. but to maintain and nurture the civil society. they believed the law empowers the few in the name of the many. the ruling class, washington d.c., the bureaucrats we are eight nation. vast resources and diverse people with all kinds of backgrounds and interests and so forth and so on. they believe the law empowers a relative few. the ruling class primarily in the name of all of us. we believe the law protects the many. the people against the few.
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we have completely divergent viewpoints but they believe the law is made and laid down by man and relative few men and by that i mean the people. this is critical. we believe the origin of law is transcendent. universal, they believe man lays down the law. it is the brain child of men. we believe it's bigger than men. that's what the declaration of independence says. the laws of nature and nature's god. talks about the divine and the creator. does not matter what religion you hold but does not matter what faith you are or if you hold any. the origin is bigger than we the people. it is bigger than mankind. it is not what they believe. they believe the world begins today.
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they are in charge. they are in congress or have the presidency, or they have the courts. they make the courts and the law is the law because they say it is the law. you can never have enough laws. they have enough laws to empower the government which power is used to reengineer human nature. first the perfectibility of government, then the perfectibility of the people so there is no limit to what can be spent. the more you spend, the bigger than government, the more laws, the more rules, the closer we get to utopia the promised land. may we make man more perfectible to do what men should do and women should do. according to the feud we believe the law is to reflect, undergird and secure the inalienable rights and that liberty of each individual. we believe in the supremacy of
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the family. the just and moral traditions and institutions of mankind. learn through experience and reason and pas passed on from oe generation to the next. they believe the government dispenses and disperses rights but we believe rights should come before government. the government exist to uphold and secure our unalienable rights. they believe the individual can only fully realize the potential to these so-called public the st who decides that? a relative handful of people. what is best? we believe the individual is the sovereign. the government is at the sovereign. we the individual the government exist to protect the individual and it exists at the behest of the people. we the sovereign, where do we get that from? locke, montesquieu, the framers, and so many more. they believe a divided government separation of powers as are constitutional provides s
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is a dysfunctional government. incapable of serving that quickly evolving modern country. decision-making must be centralized. made by a class of experts and masterminds especially educated in trade civil servants. to determine not only what is best for the country but the decision or the policies are enforced throughout the country. woodrow wilson. many of the early scholars late 1800s and early 1900s of the so-called progressive movement the early american marxist. this is what they preach. we believe a divided government was separation of powers as it montesquieu argued as locke argued, aristotle argued is best suited to protect the rights and liberties of the individual. their free will and the knowledge, experience and expertise that floats from the interactions into the whole of society so the pieces make the hole. the whol hole does not control e
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pieces. people are imperfect. therefore, the must be controlled. not by a just law, not by a representative government. they must be controlled. this is their belief. they must be controlled by a relative handful of people who know what they are doing. who know what it's best we don't how they know what is best or how they know it they are doing, but they know what they are doing. why? because it managed to gain power they are senators, they are judges, maybe it's a democrat president. they know better. they know what they are doing and t have input from mastermin. so-called scientific experts. not that rival, not the people
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at the so-called masses, the workers. it is interesting, the party of the proletariat narrative that wealthy, the managers the proletarians, the workers, the less wealthy. actually they have their own notion of marxism but they don't realize it. senate economic form it is of power warm that is a managing handful of elites self-a self-appointed, self-aggrandizing elites managed we the people the proletariat. think about that we believe that people are also imperfect. more power in the hands of fewer and fewer imperfect people. it is tierney. it is tierney.
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the concentration of imperfection creates tierney. people become power-hungry. it isn't opportunity for evil people to do evil things. so, when you look at what took place on the floor of the house of representatives when donald trump gave that fantastic speech, watch the democrats, you were disgusted. these people, despite the clownish behavior, despite their little signs, despite their ignorance, they are very serious people. they are power hungry. they are power hungry people. that is why they are furious. that is why they are angry. they don't believe they should lose elections. that is why they have created permanent parts of the government that are bigger than the elected parts, the bureaucracy. that's why they appoint people
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to the bench w she believe they should be more powerful than the president of the united states. and so we have these activists with these federal district judges and a handful of supreme court judges. they reject the american system. they embrace an alien system, an alien ideology, an alien notion of good versus evil. i notion of what power it should be what should it be. an alien notion of a just law. that is why they are angry. that is why they act out. that is why this past election was so crucial, it was existential. and that is what we are up against. our new ultimate adhesive will save the day.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. we have sentenced mr. conservative. as far as i am concerned he's ted cruz on the senate judiciary committee on the senate foreign relations committee to big committees. you note ted, i'm watching the
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lower district courts. we have over 100 lawsuits that have been brought by democrats, partisans whether they are attorneys general, union leaders or god knows what. they are loading up they are cherry picking the districts they're going into. the district judges think they are national judges there is shrink tro's or even worse. we have a supreme court the media keep telling us the "new york times" especially is a six -- three conservative court. this ruled five -- four in one sentence the application is denied. i read this opinion i read the court is one paragraph. to get down to one thing this is the application is denied. they do not explain why the application is denied. the application is the trump administration gone to the supreme court retell this federal district judge that we do not want to spend this money on foreign activity. we need a temporary reprieve so
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we can look at it. in the court says order denied. is this not hugely problematic one sentence decision? >> it is and it exemplifies the law fairly trump administration is going to face for the next four years. every action there going to take the going to be sued, they'll be sued by democrats attorney general they will be sued by left-wing activists groups. they are going to seek out radical left-wing judges. look at the district judge here, he was a left wing radical running to abolish the police nonprofit before joe biden put them on the court. he attacked in trump's first term the travel ban. he had attacked that and that is what biden looks for he wanted radicals to put robes on them. i am sorry to say the democrat senate rubberstamped every extreme nominee biden put
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forward. and in this instance this judge has a temporary restraining order or in the federal government to spend $2 billion. the department of justice asked the supreme court to halt that order and five -- for four the t said no injustice assented for four justices here's what he wrote. quote single district court dist judge, who likely lacks jurisdiction of the unchecked power to compel the government of the united states to pay out and probably lose forever $2 billion of taxpayer dollars? the answer to that question should be an emphatic no. majority of this court apparently thanks otherwise. i am stunned. i am with his dissent there it is disappointing five justices were willing to let $2 billion go out the door and have no accountability at all records i
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do not think the chief justice would've allow this to happen this is a separation of powers issue. this is an issue a knife to the constitution. they're going to have to revisit it. these cases are popping up all over they have motivated more people to file more lawsuits. that more active as a biden and obama judges that's the vast majority but not all of them. what can congress do about something like this or is congress incapable of doing anything? the judiciary that creates these judges are in districts, not federal national judges they are district judges and congress decides how minute is going to be in each district. isn't there something congress can do? >> one thing congress could do is pass legislation returning to the old way it used to work if you're seeking a nationwide injunction. which is a case seeking a nationwide injunction would go
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to a panel not of one but three district judges that would hear them. and then you have a direct appeal to the supreme court there's a lot of merit to returning to that system rather than having one rogue judge issue an injunction. in this instance i will say this case will proceed. it is not over. the tro i suppose on the good side of the tro is limited to $2 billion which is ostensibly for work is already been completed. it's a work that's done in the past and the judge has said you have to pay for that. there will be ongoing litigation about prospectively whether new grants need to be given. i expect in this activist judge gives the same sort of ruling city has already the next appeal may well turn out differently records as you are pointing out there's a difference between claimed monies that are owed and
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perspectives spending how in the world can order the united states to spend money if the president of united states is not want to spend money? we will pursue this further. we will be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome to "fox news live" i am molly light in new york. a big budget classes suffered next this week a new spending bill over the weekend. ninety-nine page bill endorsed by president trump is expected to slightly boost defensive programs about terming non-defense programs. top congressional democrats strongly oppose the bill calling it a power grab. speaker mike johnson is hoping to vote on the belt this week. congress has until friday at midnight to avoid the partial shutdown. pope francis thinking volunteers for the miracle of tenderness they are for the sick as he continues to recover from double
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pneumonia. doctors say the 88-year-old's wrist responded well to treatment and showing signs of improvement after more than three weeks in the hospital. he continues to be closely monitored. i am molly line thank you for watching fox news channel and now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: on the back america. you know, ted cruz, the prior administration, they were pushing money out the door. the epa has fined $20 million per they're taking care of the friends, taking care of whatever it was. they could not push enough money out the door, out the door the greatest that we've ever seen. the grace when you're deaf is that we have ever seen then they want to raise taxes. but never enough for defense. never enough for the military which to me is certainly one of the primary reasons our federal government. i have a piece in front of
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china's warships are turning up in unexpected places an alarming u.s. allies. yes, like australia proclaiming islands in the philippines. yes, claiming islands they never had from japan. even vietnam, and their waters of blowing up their fishing ships because they are claiming those. and by the way they claim the whole south china sea they've got the phony islands there and on and on and on. do you think congress is going to step up? i know the president wants too. we need to rebuild our military and rebuild the shipping industry. >> amen i believe congress will step up on this. you are right we absolutely need to do it right with respect to china, i think china poses single greatest geopolitical threat to the united states for the next 100 years. him by the way i was saying that when he first got elected 13 years ago. and when i was saying that initially, that was a very lonely voice in the senate. all the democrats disagreed and
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most of the republicans disagreed. back then, they looked at china as far as the eyes can see by the chinese communists are murderous. that trace concentration camps with over million people in them. engage in forced labor. they engage in torture they engage in espionage. they engage in propaganda and are battling against us on every front. we need a comprehensive strategy to go after and prevail over china much like reagan had to defeat the soviet union in the cold war. and when the cold war without firing a shot we need the same strategy with china a critical part of that is insured we invest adequately and defense to keep our country safe. we are going to take up budget reconciliation was as a mechanism that gets around the senate filibuster that let's us pass legislation wh with just 50 votes in the senate instead of needing 60 and we will i am
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confident we will invest in rebuilding the military and additional one or $50 billion into t the military to rebuild ships, on the theater hypersonic to invest in the technologies we need to ensure, i believe in peace through strength for the best way to avoid or is invest and be stronger if their enemies do not want to mess with us and we've got a responsibility to do that. thirty-six president trump wants us to have her own iron dome which we should. he invented the idea of the israelis perfected the idea it would just have to have the will pair in the funds to do it we need to do it to protect our country from as you point out the hypersonic missiles you put nuclear warheads on these missiles we have a huge problem in this country. on right now we are naked. i just do not see the urgency of the democrats the urgency of biden before him.
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we talked about so many things that do not mean a thing. and yet our national security, our military, our defensive posture is really, really hurting in this country. now let me ask you this. general keane was on this program yesterday but he said we are behind the communist chinese in virtually everything access except submarines. that is shocking. that is shocking. does that sound to you, ted cruz, like a nation that wants peace? or does it sound to you like a nation that wants to strangle us economically and say what you going to do about it? >> look, china absolutely theirr objective is global domination. global military domination. global economic domination. from their perspective they are fighting a thousand year war. i've got to say the democrats joke biden and kamala harris spent four years engaging and
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appeasement. with donald trump we once again have a commander-in-chief you want to be strong and stand up to our enemies. our enemies are afraid of trump. that's a good thing you want your enemies afraid of the commander-in-chief. mark, there is a reason known goes in studies at the neville chamberlain of affairs. appeasement doesn't work. weakness does not work and america needs to be strong. that is exactly what we are going to deliver on. mark: ted cruz keep up your good work for your great senator and we appreciate you very much. god bless you my friend. >> thank you, mark. mark: we will be right back.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. a very special guest right now. his name is gadi taub. gadi taub is well-known in the country of israel. he has an israeli historian. he is a senior lecturer in
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jerusalem pretty sick commentator from time to time on my favorite channel and israel, channel 14. the reason i brought you here gadi taub is because benjamin netanyahu is facing eight tyrannical judiciary at attorney general and away the american people simply do not understand. he is a wartime president. he been a fabulous wartime president for the people of israel. he worked very closely with our president donald trump who went to the slaughter stuff for his opponents tried to stop him, imprison him, bankrupt him and so forth and so on. there is a real parallel going on but she went happening right now with the prime minister of israel and what happened to our president. would you like to explain that in a little bit please? >> yes except that you are in a much better position. it's donald trump's first term in office work he was almost paralyzed by the fbi. but take that to the power of 10
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because israel is technically no longer a democracy what happened to israel is the judiciary has amassed more and more powers. if you define sovereignty as the authority of final decision on everything political and legal, then our supreme court now solidified its authority with a move that it struck down a constitutional amendment that we do not have a constitution, we have semi constitutional laws. at that now usurps the power of constitution formulating. imagine mark, your supreme court struck out the 25th amendment. or that second article of the constitution. it is hard to explain to people outside of israel. the alice in wonderland in which we live. so, they could not defeat just
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make the left could not defeat benjamin to run what in the polls repeatedly. when he reaches a fourth term that was 10 years ago 2015, that press was clambering for prosecution. and they began with investigative pieces. and in israel, just like america between law enforcement and oppress in the way they are no longer the watchdog of democracy. it is the attack dog of law enforcement. and under this symbiosis the investigations against benjamin netanyahu began. they are patently absurd. if i tried to explain to foreigners what netanyahu is being blamed for and how it's falling apart in court, you sound like you're fantasizing.
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there is a bribery charge against netanyahu. which by the way the judges have already said has no basis in evidence. we are supposed to believe we've got favorable coverage in some marginal website. he gave regulatory waivers to some business owners. this is all falling apart. would you be surprised if i tell you that once you look into the coverage on that site it was uniquely hostile to benjamin netanyahu. this coalition of the press, the pure minute your rocco c and police in israel, along with the left side of the aisle and strength to remove a sitting prime minister which it could not defeat in the polls. mark: you points out judges,
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generals and bureaucrats and we will add state law enforcement. what is interesting about your courts and i want the american people to understand the israeli court is more like an old soviet bureau. they are a like mind. they appoint each other. they have cut completely out of it. they claim they have the power to look into anything anyone off the street can file a complaint even if they do not have standing in the court has said aloud to look at that tens of thousands of petitions a year. makes it like this on the high above israel. we are going to decide if the milliken terry can do this we're going to decide if the orthodox jews can do this. we are going to decide at this sweet stripper has to wear a hat. does not have to wear a hat to bring any aspect in the civil society big, small, or in between.
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it does not matter what they have to say. and does not matter what the government of what a bunch of parties has a say . the supreme court decides. now, when we come back gadi taub we had some great legal minds in the united states who have despaired by what is going on with your court system there. who have just spared the out-of-control attorney general you have who does not report to the government. it appears the attorney general works with the courts and the courts work with the press. and the press works of law enforcement. my god, and the man is the commander-in-chief of the israeli forces you are surrounded on seven sides. and drag them in the court three days a week, three hours a day for nothing. i want to talk about that when we return. we will be right back.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. we are here with gadi taub a really smart guy the senior elector at university of jerusalem. he appears from time to time on israel's channel 14. gadi taub, just of the american people understand, we have lower courts that were created by congress under a judiciary act. the ssupreme court is created br constitution. the amendment process can come out of two places the states or the congress. all of them of come out of congress. as an effort by a majority to reform the judiciary back to israel. so this whole all-powerful court where they appoint each other,
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does not have the final say on every single thing. two things happen if i am correct. number one near radical left organized because the court delivers for the radical left. so the radical left is protecting the court they rose up in the streets, funded by dark money including money out of the united states. number two the court finally ruled you do not have the power to tell us a thing. you don't have the power to change a law. you do not have the power to affect us in any way. is that not tierney or what is that? >> absolutely. it is tierney. the whole crisis over judicial reform has arisen when the right has had enough. which represents the more or less this is a gas, a court would not necessarily agree they
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represent apart it does not make it to the threshold so imagine we have been over government and the court which represents a party that is too small. this is the form of government that we have. so the ri right finally had enoh and so we're going to reform the system. we have one weapon we can use much like john marshall was also not original in the constitution. they invented that for themselves but knesset said we have basic law. but they made a basic law. and the court audaciously now said we could also strike down basic laws. there is no basis for that in the lot t law there is no basisr
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that anywhere except they have real power and what is real power? this is a constitutional crisis. the parliament says this is they law which will reform the judiciary. the judiciary said we are striking down the law, which reforms our bench. and then there is a constitutional crisis. and then the heads of the armed services refused to say that they will abide by the law that says they should do the bidding of elected governments. and they sat on the bench. and that was the real scary moment. because in that moment we did not know in a constitutional crisis where the armed forces will be. that is a very scary thing. and since the right is more responsible than the left in israel are not willing to burn
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the house. the right back down, backed off the reform. in the reform was a shelf, that is what happened. mark: to just underscore your point the vast majority of them, even your intelligence services the heads of most of those, decided they would throw him with the court. that they were not going to comply with orders given to them by the commander-in-chief. that is the prime minister of israel. >> they refused to declare they would abide by the orders of the government. they left it unclear. that is what cracked the coalition. their refusal to dip player clearly is enough in a democracy they should have said clearly that we will abide by the law. and by law the elected government, the elected governor of the sovereign, the people of
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israel is our commander. they refused to say that. hinting that maybe they'll sign by the courts. mark: it's an amazing thing we are very dangerous time to two of the greatest leaders. and two democracies were republic i do not even know what you are anymore. but, the people of israel wanted netanyahu to lead the people of the country. the people wanted trump to rule. the ruling classes did not want either. the use of the law, and they use the justice system to turn inside out. they're still trying to put netanyahu in prison because at least in the united states we have a policy. sitting president of the united states cannot be indicted. someone needs to run the country. went to imprison netanyahu while he is prime minister just thrown him if you will to the court can run the country and hence have
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somebody else is prime minister. i have to believe that president trump would be very, very sympathetic to what benjamin netanyahu is going through. i would have to believe on your court, you're left in israel does what it does it not only undermines a state of israel but, in the middle east it undermines national security and foreign policy as well. i want to thank you gadi taub relating this all out in a beautiful article deep state does not get any deeper than this. god bless you my friend. >> thank you, mark. it is a pleasure to speak with you. mark: we will be right back. ♪ (♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪)
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shopify's point of sale system helps you sell at every stage of your business. with fast and secure payment. card readers you can rely on. and one place to manage it all. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. welcome back america. let me close this program on this wonderful sunday night with words from abraham lincoln, let me circle back to my opening statement. he said we all declare for
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liberty but using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. we sum the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases for himself and the product of his labor. with others the same word may mean for men to do as they please with other men in the product of other men's labor, here are two not only different but incompatible things called by the same thing liberty and it follows the each of the things by the respective party call by two different and incompatible names, liberty and tyranny. you would i stand for liberty, those people, those democrats on the floor of the house when donald trump gave his great speech and they stand for tierney. i'll see you next time on "life liberty and levin"


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