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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  March 9, 2025 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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named sfoot.
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[shouting] [shouting] >> nypd help us out. >> take your gun and shoot yourself. >> those are columbia university students reacted to the pro-hamas protest that a been rocking college campuses across the country for over a year now. hello i am steve hilton along with taylor briggs, joe concha and molly line is a brand-new hour of "the big weekend show". ice has been spotted at columbia university campus following president trump's promise to deport foreign students to protest against israel. the university is putting up a fight releasing a statement reading law enforcement must
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have a judicial warrant to enter nonpublic university areas. columbia is response comes after one of their students was arrested by ice, that palestinian activist has now but identified's attorneys are claiming it was a wrongful arrest saying he is a legal permanent resident and not in the u.s. on a student visa. confronted with the fact that i.c.e. agents detained him anyway. what you make of all of this. it still keeps going on. molly: it does. it's fascinating to see an aggressive approach on this income into administration including sending leo terrell out to universities across the country to hold them accountable and talk with them about ensuring the jewish students feel safe. it's fascinating to see the protest popping up not to the extent that they had in the spring. we will see if this government does a better job tamping them down specifically through demanded the universities take action to protect their jewish
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students to ensure the jewish students can get safely to class in the entire universities are shut down the building storms and all of the things we saw and pulled. there's definitely a different tone and will see if the universities are listening and of some of the students that could theoretically be at risk of being deported for taking action that insight and causes problems and incites violence and creates a blocking of buildings at their part of the effort if they do suffer consequent this. taylor: for me is about following the money. last week we had news that the administration capital $400 million grant or a loan to them. i don't think it's retribution i think it's accountability. that is my money on the taxpay taxpayer. if you are going to not make people feel safe or take positions that maybe these are students but a lot of these outside agitators that are purposely causing this. my money is more important than that especially when i talked
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about this the debt and the deficit that we have, cancel the contracts if the students and the teachers and leaders cannot get it together. >> it's amazing all of the focus that we had over the past you much within weeks of october the seventh and still whatever the universities are doing is not deterring you are still seen it. >> i think the taylor point. a lot of the protesters that are supposed to be students are not students. i think the outside agitators. paid for. sandra smith is a great interview this week on fox news where she interviewed students at columbia for example and they said that they asked different protesters what you protested exactly. what is your beef. they cannot define or identify why they are there which tells you that probably this is a pay for play kind of thing at this
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point, "the bottom line" if you pass out hamas propaganda and so horrible photos of the two kids that were killed, the hostage, 4-year-old and 1-year-old at the hands of hamas, literally exactly, you're out of here i don't care who you are or if you're here illegally that's the interview. >> take this another level deeper than the 15 billion-dollar endowment, with the be. steve: the amount of money, california, stanford they sometimes raise a billion and year that's incredible the amount of money that they get from the rich people. taylor: you can follow the money that way, this is a different conversation they should be getting federal funding or not that's for a later date but they can be fully self-sustaining so they had tons of money i'm not sure that they need taxpayer money at all.
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>> another whole argument about that taxpayer funding that all this money that's been put in, our money all it's done is encourage the bloat in the universities hiring all these administrations to come back to stanford i know there is more administrators at stanford than there are undergraduates. that is a private university we don't know how much taxpayer is funding but across-the-board all the money that shoveled into the universities and the costs keep going up. >> in addition coming overseas for people that are not necessarily friendly to us. >> exactly that brings us to the next point that we get to talk about the funding of all of this. to your point about follow the money there is another aspect, the lingering concern that the protest actually have ties to iran. it's been widely reported that tyree and funnels money into anti-israel groups, former director of national intelligence averill hayes confirm that last year saying iranian government actors have salt to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protest
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regarding the war in gaza using a playbook we've seen other actors use over the years, we've observed them tied to iran's government posing as activist online seeking to encourage protest and providing financial support to protesters. it's your point about the activist in the paid agitators. joe: this should be an american problem. in other words not republican speaking out about it or talking about on fox news i want to hear from chuck schumer who i last checked is jewish or debby watchmen scholz or jerry nadler or any democratic lawmaker saying this is wrong and this needs to stop instead of president trump and his team talking about it. this should be something that all lawmakers say this is wrong this must stop in the universities like columbia, yale, harvard, go down the line, this is not would be tolerated anymore. it's only a right-wing argument is an american argument. >> it's human decency especially
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in the light of what we see hamas doing. it reminds me of the equivocation that you saw from the bite into administration and particularly kamala harris she was particularly bad on this she was briefing the press that she was the one urging restraint on israel so they wouldn't go into rafah. basically because they are terrified of the far left activist, those of the people that have the power and the democratic party. >> brigitta back to universit universities, i love the stance that the president has taken about being pro-school choice. i have a young daughter as you guys know and thinking about where i put her into school has been a topic. >> go south very self. >> my husband is a gator at university of florida and i met in why you. he's looking at me like nyu.
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>> i miss the days when education really was a place to explore and debate and have a lot of ideas, there is students a certain extent a liberalization i remember when i came home to my dad and i was in the free tibet club do you know where tibet is on the map and i said no and he got checks me. you want to go and explore get the liberal ideas but you need parents at home who are your countable terrain you back in and provided got check. i feel like universities are missing the discourse. where we can bring in conservative views as well especially with the elite schools, it's a little bit off topic but it comes back to the iranian hamas israel where we can have the discourse anymore it's only on the left. where is tibet. >> it's near china. >> i think to your point there is a fantastic, the good news we are in america and always finds
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an entrepreneurial solution to things some friends of mine have been involved on the new university and the university of austin, texas from the free press, joe lonsdale the entrepreneur really got that going and i was right there in the early conversations hearing about their plans. their teaching undergraduates in the new university committed to the ideas of what exactly the university should be so american will say what there isn't working working to build something new that's a huge response speed when we talk about iran and iran funding that goes back into the late summer in the fall and there's a broader number of countries that are funding the elite universities from all across the universities into america and that has affect on the professors that are being brought in and the types of ideas being presented, certainly
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we want a free flow of ideas, there is a difference between introducing ideas and crafting narratives and taking young minds and turning them against their own country and against ms. canales. steve: there's a real appetite for pushing back if you look at the success that charlie kirk had on campuses when he started the people said he's going to get nowhere now the growth of the maga movement on campuses in these places totally dominated by the left is really interesting. >> charlie kirk or scott pressler pennsylvania registered a bunch of homage voters that never would've voted before and may have turned pennsylvania for president trump between pressler and charlie kirk who is impossibly tall don't ever do a tease with him. the point is donald trump did so well with the young vote the democrats that used to be lock
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and barrel place young voters go democrat. that's not happening anymore. steve: i remember my very first days working in politics in the uk in the conservative parties in the '90s thinking why is it the right of politics we believe in freedom and expressing yourself and it should be the cool party. you don't want to be told what to do embossed around the whole time. we finally got to that point in america today with president trump and jd vance and young people are saying were sick of the bossing and telling us what to do and how to think and how to express herself that's what demagogues are losing the culture. taylor: i'm hoping barron trump is making nyu my all my moderate little bit more fun again. >> this goes back to the last discussion on the memes and how successful for the republican party and the president and now jd vance he didn't even have to do it himself they took off on their own and people enjoy and have fun with that. it'll be interesting to see what
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the next thing is in college campuses as we come to the end of the spring semester as things wrap up whether the college campus protest will continue to grow or if the tempering and the efforts on the part of this government will actually work. >> speaking of tall barron trump have you ever stood next to him. steve: you're right charlie kirk is a good friend of mine and am very conscious when we go to give a hug. joe: good here too. steve: like me. >> exactly, coming up on the brand-new hour of "the big weekend show" put up your jukes how fbi agents are going to get into the best shape of their lives but first kalama harris déjà vu in california. ♪ some people just know they could save hundreds on car insurance by checking allstate first. like you know to check your outfit first before meeting your girlfriend's family.
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when i was attorney general even the california department of corrections was standing in the way of surgery for prisoners and there was a specific case. what i learned about the case i worked behind the scenes to not only make sure that transgender woman got the services she was
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deserving. i make sure they change the policy in the state of california the democrats have been spewing rhetoric for that for years but one of their own is putting from the party on a key issue. >> you as a governor should step up and say no. would you do something say no men and female sports. >> i think is fairness i completely agree it's an issue of fairness is deeply unfair. it's the issue on fairness. i completely agree that's easy to call out. >> house minority leader's hakeem jeffries was asked about newsom's comments and give a shocking answer to the democrats argument of keeping men and women sports. >> i haven't seen his comments what democrats oppose with sexual predators on girls throughout the united states of america.
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>> those comments came after 45 democrat senators voted to kill a bill to protect women in sports, there is a lot to digest. the newsom comment was not a full-blown anti-women and men sports. steve: it's classic i know him well it's total bs the question from charlie would you do something in the answer is no use being the governor of california for six full years there is a law that was passing 2013 previous governor that enforces this into dialogical management girl sports, has gavin newsom done anything to challenge that, not at all. yet republican state legislatures introduced legislation to overturn aspects of this. he's completely ignored that. on top of that he signed a bill put in recently to stop.
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to be notified if the children try to socially transition at school he's not doing anything will and to believe he's changing his position. to steve's point. i watched an interview that melt under mr. helton did with steve bernie where you call it a favorite. always judge any politician by their actions newsom because he wants to be president 2020 is taken inside, governor, change the law you are to be seen as a guy with nice job, nice teeth but he doesn't how to put out fire has the highest tax rates in poverty rate in the country and the highest homeless rate in the country the worst in the
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country in terms of people leaving the state to get out and go to tennessee, texas, georgia, south carolina and florida, this is wrong. >> it's fascinating to watch the democrats as it's happening in real time where the election was won by president trump in the particular issue and easy when the 80 - 20 is a rather my girls in the white house even among democrats the polling comes out 67 or so% agree on this issue. now every time in the democrats get put on the spot predictably it almost seems a stretching for the answer. hakeem jeffries, that example was one of the worst stresses on that issue. you can be asked about it and it'll be fascinating and come to a new opinion on this but i think each candidate in the upcoming election will have to make a stance because the equivocating almost looks worse than coming out one way or the other on the issue. >> the opinion from democrats was voted last week, 45 senators
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in the senate voted against a bill that would prevent men from competing in women's sports that's only message i can talk all they want but the way they voted they don't how to get out of issue 80 - 20. >> the republicans keep hitting them on in the back-and-forth and as parents issue to all of us seems pretty crystal-clear. from one california governor to possibly the next kamala harris seriously considering a run to be the golden state next chief executive giving herself until the end of summer to make a decision the former bp without the talk of really pulling right now but if the reaction from the golden state democrats anything to go by her run might be short-lived. >> should kamala harris run for california governor in 2026
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after polls show her leaving? [laughter] i'm going to get the a big no. >> and currently she's like wait-and-see. how about you wait and see your way out of public life and do what you're supposed to do and work in the private sector do the lobbying thing, whatever it is but do not run as governor california, do not. taylor: steve hilton save us all. steve: that maybe the plan as i've been saying. like, here's i'm seriously considering running for governor california but i will not wait until the end of the summer to make a decision and an announcement one way or the other. this is a classic example of what she's been saying she's been breathing out the stories for a few months about this maybe be in the next move every single story coming from her or her camp. it's all about her it's never about the actual problems that the democrats have created in
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california the first round of this she was saying the reason she might run for governor of california was over last act in public life would be certified as donald trump's election victory, the recent story it was about she is intrigued by the idea of being the first black woman governor of the state. hang on this is not a consolation prize because you lost the presidential election or some identity politics. this is about turning around what is currently the worst run stay in america exactly as joe pointed out earlier. >> if you are a republican or support trump or in general support sanity and sobriety you want kamala harris to be the democratic nominee in 2028 for president, you want her on the ticket neither on the ticket, i swear you look back at all these candidates that run for president over the years in our
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lifetime, she is by far the worst the coconut queen cannot speak outside of a teleprompter in any way shape or form she is a human chernobyl in terms of any interview and i'm sorry i don't think she wants to take the consolation prize. that's a step down i don't think she would win anyway, she's not advocated disputed this is what he was thinking every time i think about her running another campaign what kind of candidate would she be we saw her run a race and the inability to answer questions and her staff still blaming a missed podcast opportunity in the mr. rogan interview. it'll be interesting will she take interviews and will she sit down with people and will get beyond two, three, four, talking points and she repeated throughout do we get a press conference she runs again? those are the questions i would have the why does it take to the end of summer, what is she doing
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right now. will she be 2019 kamala harris where she supported sex changes for those in prison were issue centrist kamala harris which one is she going to choose. >> 70 we didn't get answered we would have another shot. taylor: as a former california and steve hilton california needs and deserves a lot more than what we've been given so far let's hope for a brighter future. steve hilton promised to bail us out. don't miss the brand-new special of callie failure was steve hilton, streaming march 23 on coming up, houston we have a solution that astronauts could be earthbound as soon as next week. ♪
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biden was embarrassed by what happened and he said leave them up there if you're embarrassed
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you got to get about. elon musk is preparing a ship to go get them. joe: their coming on, spacex scheduled to land at the space station this wednesday to rescue the two astronauts who have been stuck in space for nine months, the blame for the current situation buys at the feet of joe biden who rejected elon musk's previous offer to rescue the pair and even wanted astronauts agrees. >> i can only say to what elon musk's says is factual. can you imagine you're up there not about to do i don't think they have netflix up there, these guys are stuck. elon musk says all go rescue him biden for political purposes says no. >> i watched the entire press conference it was fascinating
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and budge took all the political questions he said i'll take the mike thank you very much. he had a lot of praise for the ministry should elon musk at the beginning of the press conference buddy between the two statements that we just played where he said he believes them elon musk who is his ride home by the way he said regarding the back-and-forth he said we have no information on that whatsoever what was offered and what was not offered and who it was offered to but he absolutely had elon musk as believing him, that's the way he put it. >> let's play the clip, to get your reaction this is msnbc. they are laughing about the spacex explosion because that's msnbc. >> on thursday a spacex starship rocket exploded into the test flight. >> all i think about, that's good we got it. we understand.
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how painful that was for all of you. >> my suggestion for elon musk. his response was rockets are hard and elon musk if they're so hard, why don't you go back to your day job. taylor: the rocket that exploded is very different than the crew dragon that's going to get the astronauts which we should also make crystal clear. did you guys see the documentary returned to space about elon musk who single-handedly saved us because it was a whole documentary with no-confidence in nasa and the shuttle program we just shut that down and every last penny on the line. finally the eight launch this is all i got the bank is calling me
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by loans or do i have no money and i'm sleeping on the floor. if this works great, if it does i'm out i can't do it anymore. you know what it worked. because fail, fail, fail you learn from every failure and you eventually succeed. i love that story and that the story of elon musk. by the way the private sector coming in to be about a government that cannot do it speaker is the story of america. that is how we built the greatest nation in history entrepreneurs, building things and trying things out. experimenting that's why were the first to do this. i just saw that for the first time we can laugh a little bit about this but it's not funny. it is incredible those people who the hell do they think they are, michael steel go back to your day job he does not realize the last ten years elon musk has been building and running way before doge. yes spacex, tesla, neuralink,
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the brain interface that is helping blind people to see. that's what elon musk has been doing as part of his day job all these years before was politicized. these idiots what of the ever built in their lives. it makes me absolutely sick that the democratic party to date. anti-american, anti-enterprise and everything that made this country great. molly: i would like to see the return to pro-space for america's children there's a lot of exciting things happening i was a kid in the 80s, doing all the stuff. this is a really exciting time with the private partnerships and what's happening publicly and what were accomplishing. for the rocket that blew up a few months ago there was one that was caught miraculously. they caught this on the chopstick. >> is another company that landed on the moon not with people but we're going to do that to with nasa there's a lot to be excited about and excited about disasters on the way.
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>> this was the easiest block to host your so fired up about this this may be why msnbc has more employees than viewers at this point. all i know they used to love elon musk before he supported trump because electric cars will save the planet. what you talking about. >> i'm told we have to go, disease taking desperate measures to avoid more woke backlash. really, stick around we are people living with afib. ♪ and over half a million of us have left blood thinners behind. for life. ♪ we've cut our stroke risk... ...and said goodbye to our bleeding worry. with the watchman implant. we may be getting older, but we've never squeezed more out of life. ♪ and we are just getting started. join us at watchman.
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at university of phoenix. new to the big city? yeah. -i'm mara. -hi. apparently progressive lets homeowners and renters bundle with their auto policy. 24/7 protection for all of my...things. [ scary music playing ] [ gasps ] hey, i love that you protect all my stuff, but could you tone down the creepiness? sorry. i'd do anything for you, emily. -still creepy. -right.
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the bravest person i know is my daughter, cynthia. my friend, sean. he was in the air force. one of the bravest things he ever did wasn't when he first enlisted, it was when he found his first support group. it was when he asked to move in with me and my mom. i felt like i was lost, and you gave me a place to stay. she went on foreign soil. she went to war. but the bravest thing she did is when she asked for help.
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[gentle music] disney is now reportedly scrapping the uk premier of the live-action snow white film the
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film has been facing fears backlash for being too woke for years this comes as abc is getting the news department with big layoffs after settling a 15 million-dollar lawsuit with president trump. take it away. >> disney stock when joe biden took office was trading around $200 per share now it's around $100 per share that task when you consider when you going to disney vacation like i have with my kids and you will with yours, baby, maybe not. taylor: i priced out, $200 a ticket. >> is a 10000 other week. are you paying for me. >> if we go together we'll figure something out. movies like frozen which is great by the way the personal not the second one, the second one was horrible but the first one classic you make a billion dollars anytime disney made a movie is going to make a billion now they're losing money because
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they have gotten so woke they need to change the way that their doing things at this point but to rewrite these stories to appease a certain race and gender's and sexual orientation and all that stuff 31 favors of stupid and we aren't working. a lot of these companies anheuser-busch, target i love a good target deal, the same as you stand for everything at the end of the day you stand for nothing. disney have to figure out where they are and mothers and fathers we would agree in anheuser-busch, tell me who you are and i'll believe you and the back-and-forth is wicked consumers confused on the brand identity and makes it harder for disney to figure out who they are when they go back and forth. >> one thing that you said i want to address i don't know
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what they stand for. i just want to get product underwent left or right just give me a product speaker that's exactly right. it's another example of what were talking about the 80 - 20 where we should have this wave of corporate america in the media industry in other copies as well and you solid reflected in esg being captured by the real minority the academic ideological elite pushing all the nonsense, totally removed from people daily lives and what they think. for years they got away with it. what you're seeing in sector after sector an area after area the reassertion of normal life in real people and real families saying we don't want all this crap we just wanted entertainment and decent products a decent price would want to lecture you about politics we just want you to do your job. >> some of the result is layoffs
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which he never would've seen any industry. >> it's been tough it's been a tough industry and disney to your point is working on rightsizing itself the stock price has been very volatile and it's been cut in half because people are trying to figure out who and what is this company. >> abc news in the asp and owned by disney and esp they are seeing massive layoffs while george stauffer lawfulness gets to waterski behind another yacht because that's how it works. >> i'm getting word that we have president trump who spoke to reporters a few moments ago on air force one. let's listen. >> that's a lot of people. any questions. >> have you made a final decision of what sanctions or tariffs and when that might be. >> big meetings coming up in saudi arabia that will include russia it'll be ukraine will see if we can get something done we
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would like to get something done, a lot of people died this week as you know in ukraine, not only ukrainians but russians everybody wants to see it and to get done we will make a lot of progress this week. >> is president putin disrespecting you by attacking ukraine. >> what did he do. >> is attacking ukraine. >> is he disrespecting me? >> who are you with. >> with the washington post. >> you lost a lot of credit, go ahead what else. >> a lot of americans with the accounts falling in the getting nervous about these conversations. >> the tariffs will be the greatest thing we've ever done of the country. this could make our country rich again we have many companies as you know, auto companies putting a plan we had 405 announced already but many more are coming
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in were basically going to take back the money a lot of the money that we've given away over many decades we walked their jobs in factories and we lost 90000 factories since beginning of nafta not that long ago 90000 factories. we are going to get them back in the coming back and records. look at what happened with the big chip company the biggest in the world by far the most powerful chip company in the world from taiwan $200,000,000,000.35 or 40% of the chip market in one company when it brings us to a level when you never had before. >> your supporters are attacking and so is justice in amy coney barrett you put her on the bench and the dei hired her and put
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her on the bench. >> she is a very good woman very smart and i don't know about people attacking her i really don't know. i think she's a very good woman and very smart. >> is there going to be a government shutdown at the end of this week. >> it could happen that's it the democrats want they want to destroy the country but it could happen. it shouldn't have happened and it probably won't. i think this er will get past we will see but it could happen you never know, the democrats are out of control you saw that the other night during the speech when they wouldn't stand up for two of the young ladies killed by illegal aliens one with the cancer and the young man with the cancer all you want to do is stand up and applaud the man a young boy. they're out of control they lost their minds. >> the chinese response to your
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tariffs and xi jinping about trade anytime soon they met they take that back as you know they were very tough. i said what's that all about. you know that right. >> my question. >> if you know that why would you ask a question. >> i have a very good relationship with president xi and at some point i will. >> you think there's going to be a deal on tiktok. >> a lot of people want and it's up to me. >> when elon musk the secretary. >> does elon musk need to back off. those cabinet people are special
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people they are very successful people. they have obtained the highest heights of government. there have a fantastic relationship, doge has been incredible hundreds of billions of dollars of waste and fraud and abuse there's not too many contract arguments, this is much more than personnel we found hundreds of billions of dollars of fraudulent contracts or very wasteful. i think it's broad. >> i actually think and for the most part they get along really well.
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>> that has nothing to do with the department that was a small plane and that would happen whether you have big department or small the permit as you understand. they have space like this and times when things happen little bit more often than normal and you go back many years without having a problem. in southwest did a fantastic job when they lifted up playing off of their witty put the brakes on the wouldn't of been good in a think the license should be revoked they got it away from the pilot. the way he immediately stepped on the gas and lifted up as opposed to thank you for three seconds it would've been too late the southwest pilot or pilot did a great job. >> russia, china and iran are doing military exercise together does that concern you? >> nodded all. >> we are stronger than all of them and we have more power than
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all of them i rebuilt the military unfortunately biden did nothing. i rebuilt the military but we don't even want to talk about that but if we look at what's happening and if you see what we've done where we've come let's see what happens with the russia ukraine eventually and maybe not in the distant future you of good results coming out of saudi arabia this week. >> i think they will side the minerals deal but i want them to want peace. right now they have been showing it to the extent that they should but right now they haven't and i think they will be anything it's going to become evident over the next two or three days. i think eventually we have to have peace, money is one thing they spent $350 million on this but the big thing human life
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thousands of people this week thousands of young soldiers died this week. hundreds of people died in cities in ukraine and we have to get it stopped. it never would've happened if i was president and it did not happen, this is going to happen october 7 would've happen. inflation would've happen, afghanistan not that they left but the way that they left it look so bad and probably the most embarrassing day of the history of our country that would not have happened a lot of things would've happened. i think were going to have a good time meeting they are hosting the various talks and a lot of good people going out there and some very good things will happen. 2000 people 2000 young soldiers have died this week it's almost
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on a constant basis if i could stop it will be very happy. we can do anything to make ukraine be serious about getting something done. i say they don't have the cards nobody really has the cards russia doesn't have the cards and what you have to do is make a deal and you have to stop the killing. it's a senseless war and were getting it stop. >> were just about ready to land. >> are you worried about a recession they asked you and you kind of hesitated. >> of course you hesitate all i know we're going to take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs and we will become so
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rich you will not know where to spend all that money. i'm telling you we're going to have jobs and open factories and it's going to be great in the plane's lot until landing thank you for the good question thank you very much everybody. >> was president trump there the plane is landing tariffs and amy coney barrett, quick discussion, elon and the personality conflicts that his staff is been accused of significant focus on russia in ukraine and almost previewing big news this week and then he got pushed back to the question about the recession. your take away. >> he drove home the point among the american people is an 80 - 20 issue we do not want to fund the war in ukraine and everybody wants this were stopped. if kamala harris had one democrats had one in general. this will be in perpetuity. we keep throwing money at a problem that isn't going to solve itself.
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i think a lot of americans on the side of that. think he talks about tariffs in terms of bringing back to manufacturing to the u.s. it's not a short-term solution is a long-term solution. again this is the most transparent president we've ever seen in our lifetimes. have you ever seen a president take this many questions within the first seven weeks of his administration. he has taken more than 1300 questions and seven weeks and that's probably more than joe biden took in four years. >> is talking from the oval office, goggles, the whole thing. >> i'm glad you can count that high i'm not sure i could. >> i love that you talked about tariffs when we think about when we went to the ballot it was the economy stupid and he sitting home on the economic forces that americans facing and he said tariffs are going to be great we are going to be rich you can
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have a lot of companies coming in, for - 5 car companies that averted come here and we lost 90000 factories since the beginning of nafta that is a manufacturing boom that is trying to reverse the big exodus, tsmc announced last week that 100 billion-dollar deal if you lower again they should have barriers, companies want to come back and build and it does create jobs into the question about recession after the week that we had within the market and economic data that we got. that is certainly something that people are wondering at home and i think the flipside to tariffs is the tax cuts and you have to get those through or you're going to see a tax hike and i like that is talking about tariffs and hopefully we can hear more about the tax cuts making those permanent that's what americans will feel relief at home that was a big election issue the economy. >> again on tariffs, tickets really important to note we were talking about this earlier in the show it is not for him, very
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clear it is not just leverage and a short-term negotiation. it is that but he believes in this and this is what we saw during the campaign this is a real revolution policy. he believes that this is a way to shift the economy and make it more pro work, he is for the worker and is totally reoriented the republican party on this policy question and truly believes in it and sees the benefit coming to the people who most flocked to him the republican party the populist party the pro-worker party. the other thing that struck me there an extension of what you were saying the transparency the transparency but beyond that the unbelievable confidence in control and i think we've ever seen a president whose totally in command of every policy area every detail you can look at the way he carries himself, completely comfortable with any question. he's on top of every issue and is running the show in a
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dominant way i don't think we've ever seen not just from any president but i've never seen it from any political leader anywhere it is complete the extraordinary of what were seen. >> and protected 2024 when joe biden was president and he would make a statement that he would read in the teleprompter awkwardly and when reporters tried to ask questions he ran off and had all the speed at saquon barkley you cannot catch the guy or ask one question the fact that donald trump's confidence at this .2017 when he first came into office he had a cabinet around him where he didn't know who was on his team he has the cabin he wants pete hegseth or kash patel or tulsi gabbard or bobby kennedy junior. he got all these people through people said there's no way to get to be confirmed. now he has confidence in the fact that he is the team around him to bring forth the agenda but to your point yes to get the tax cuts through. the house, mike johnson incredible job as far as the house speaker hurting the cats
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in getting the budget passed. the question is will the senate pass something similar that goes back to the house and as a president sign it has to become lot cannot be executive orders. >> one of the things under the radar a brief comment about chips and taiwan and that is a little bit about national security. there is an element there that's involved any went on to talk about human life in ukraine but taiwan is a concern in the mix business interest which he has in both countries. taylor: i love that you talked about national security. when taiwan semi manufacturer came and invested $100 billion here it was to bring manufacturing jobs but i think there also thinking regionally how do we want to diversify away from taiwan but it is the presidents to his credit ability to bring those companies back here in the companies to respond and say this is a good place to invest. >> about a minute left.
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steve: i want to underline everything that we've been saying to the context of a massive political revolution that this is. you saw in his remarks about the war we have a republican president west completely remade the republican party into the pro-peace party that used to be the democrats now with the republican party the pro-worker that used to be the democrats now it's republicans, the young voters as we were talking earlier the dominate in the culture war it's an absolute resolution. my show is "the next revolution" were seated right now "the next revolution" the trump revolution going on right now. molly: that was a fabulous night thank you for being here that does it for us. we will see you next weekend remember to dvr if you cannot catch us live. coming up "life, liberty and le ♪ ♪ ♪


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