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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  March 10, 2025 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ all right, this guy goes into tiffany's and he says, i'm with the orlando magic basketball players and i want to buy tiffany earrings. he gets three quarters of a million dollars worth of tiffany earrings, runs out with the earrings, stopped by police, and melee swallows the evidence. they get a court order to scan him to show the evidence and this clueless criminal wanted to know if it's legal to charge him with what is in his stomach. hey, domique i'm not only can they charge you with what's in your stomach, they will wait for her to come out of your stomach and charge you. >> jesse: need the long arm -- >> harold: who believed in what he he played for the mba team? have a great night. i say trump. trump.
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>> total. absolute. >> why are the democrats so angry? >> about big fat? because it feels like it's me. >> is it disrespecting me? yeah. who are you with? i'm michael birnbaum. you've lost a lot of credibility. >> the media is having a hard time covering the golden age. >> if you're going to insult each other, at least make them good. okay. >> oh my gosh. a tesla cybertruck is on fire. absolutely insane. look, you can still see flames. >> tesla terrorism. a prime time investigation. plus. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news? >> come down to spring break. >> stop pinching yourselves, democrats. this nightmare is
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real. >> look, man, we're we're we're screwed. i mean, we don't know. no, democrats don't know what to do. this is. this is a nightmare. listen, the democratic party is going through a massive set of internal crises. you have a party that got trapped two ways. one, defending a broken status quo that nobody likes, and then offending most people in the country, calling everybody sexist and racist and transphobic and every other name, and then saying, please follow us. that's not a good strategy, folks. >> democrats are all texting each other saying we have no power. and trump is defining everything and they don't even know who's calling the plays. >> it's like trying out a new offense because, you know, the other team's defense sucks. >> that's right. you know, that's a good point. >> i can. >> i can fumble i know they can't recover. >> the guy. >> that's a great point. >> i can try this person at this position. i can try this
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person at this position. we can just run through them because they don't have. >> no. >> they don't even have one person to be president. >> not one. i saw bill maher say that the next democratic ticket. i don't know if he was being funny, but he had a real whole breakdown about it during new rules. >> well, he's. >> a john fetterman and pete buttigieg. that ain't going to do it, bro. >> now it's a free for all on the field. >> you got the democrats showing up for trump's address to both houses of congress looking like damn fools. having videos where they dancing. you got to be kidding me. trump didn't even have an opportunity to pass gas. and this man standing up protesting. protesting what? he won the election. i'm on the view. and i got a bunch of ladies talking about. there's no mandate. courtesy of joy behar. what mandate? kamala harris lost all the swing states. and then these people holding up their signs, these these democrats looking like damn fools.
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republicans, you have them reeling. the democrats are reeling. they are falling backwards. it's bad. >> oh, it's so bad. the president says the whole party needs to take an iq test. >> there's something wrong with them. there's just something i. i can't even believe it. i looked the other night. i made a speech. the republicans were going wild, and the democrats were having their little signs up. their little signs and little tiny signs. and i said, it's unbelievable. they don't get it. they don't get it now. and i think they're going to end up being a minor party if they keep going like this, because people don't want to hear about these stupid ideas that they have. >> democrats aren't just protesting trump. they're protesting each other. tampon. tim's running around saying kamala played it too safe. quote i think we probably should have just rolled the dice and done the town halls. and now kamala's people are badmouthing timmy. this was a
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guy who definitely was embarrassed by his flubs, didn't handle them well, and seemed like there was a never ending supply of them. and they said they had to tell walls to stop calling trump weird because it wasn't working and everyone really knew tim walz was the weird one. and we finally discovered what michelle obama wants to do besides attend inaugurations and funerals. podcasts. michelle starting a podcast with her brother. >> i am michelle. >> and i am craig. >> and craig. here is my big brother. >> and you all know my sister michelle or mitch as our family has always called her. >> we are so excited for you to listen to our brand new podcast. whether you're navigating the gray areas of marriage and raising kids, or dealing with a little friend drama, or even figuring out how to put yourself out there in the dating world. >> and look, we're not saying we have all the answers either. >> but we do have plenty of opinions. >> now, if you're barack, you're not happy. the media is
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reporting michelle's going to open up about divorce. oh, newsom dropped a podcast. now, michelle, maybe she's running for president. or maybe she needs the money. or maybe her brother needs the money. and this is her way of helping him out. if you want to talk to your brother, you could just call him on the phone. why do you make it a podcast? is she trying to show up, barack? does she want to take on rogan? she did all these books. the netflix shows, the fruit juice. now podcasting. maybe somebody will actually listen to her because no one's listening to her. he's been trying to act tough like nancy, but his message isn't hitting. >> we have the republicans on the run. they are on the run. we have them on the run, and we have them on the run. so we have them on the run, and we're going to keep our foot on the gas pedal. >> rank and file. democrats are blaming hakeem for his soggy
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strategies, and they're about to get soggier. the new game plan for democrats. more f-bombs. >> it's total. absolute. >> we have to trump. >> i say trump. >> somebody slap me and wake me up because i'm ready to get on with it. >> a well-timed f bomb that can really work out when you mean it. but when they're all dropping f bombs out of the blue at the same time, they've been programed by pollsters. but some people in the media like what they're hearing. >> what i will say about jasmine, that's how i want to hear democrats talk. >> god damn right. >> like, i love that. like low key. >> that is sticky. >> it's also relatable. like democrats, you got to stop talking like these ivy league weirdos who are careful about every single word they use. it's completely unrelatable. >> you know what's so interesting? jesse watters. last night, he labeled her the face of the democratic party.
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and i know jesse might have been being funny, but he's right. >> jasmine, not to be confused with davy crockett, is taking off like a rocket, but bernie sanders is still the only one who can turn out a crowd. bernie dog's been on tour. he's going from city to city, holding rallies against oligarchy, putting thousands in seats. but his opening act is questionable. >> because of have a big. but it feels like he's. they are his balls filled with lightning. do they tangle like heaven's keys? does your god have a big because it feels like. >> he's me. >> does your god have a what? that's trans anarchist punk singer laura jane grace. remember, the media made a stink about a comedian cracking a puerto rican joke before opening up for trump at msg? how is bernie's opener? not so much worse than that. democrats
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said, choose your fighter and they picked a trans anarchist punk singer. democrats seem happy watching their party get by activists at new york city school board meeting the other day. trans activists stormed it and then did the macarena. >> at the last meeting. you had chancellor here, and he was trying to call out gaga over there at the end of the table for his racism. so we don't want i'm speaking up for the female athletes who do not want to have biological males competing with them. >> democrats have decided to die on the transgender hill. they decided to pick a battle with the whole country in a democracy. rahm emanuel calls it a political crisis. quote some kids in the classroom are debating which pronouns apply, and the rest of the class doesn't know what a pronoun is. that's a crisis. newsom told charlie kirk it's unfair when boys play girls sports and now democrats are at his throat. this is going to be a problem for democrats because you're not allowed to disagree. if you
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disagree with what democrats stand for, they kick you out of the party. look at musk, rogan, tulsi, rfk. are there even any pro-life democrats in washington left? i don't think so. if democrats are going to debate the trans issue, they're going to have to think that party's not designed to think they're all about control. and once you let people think for themselves, you lose control, and then the machine loses power. and why would people put democrats back in power when they had it? they couldn't even build a reservoir or control the border or build an electric car charger or lock up criminals, but at least they can demolish a tree house. >> we are out here today because the treehouse that i built with a carpenter friend 24 years ago is coming down. the city has started a criminal trial on it and that trial is on wednesday. and the city is
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going to make me pay for court costs. and it's just kind of being a bully. it was a nice hangout and we always let people go in it. it was free, family friendly. i just wanted everybody to get together. >> this poor guy builds this amazing treehouse for his neighborhood, brings everybody together, gets kids to go outside, and instead of staying in on their phones, and the government with this great amount of power, can do anything with it. all the problems they have going on in this country decide to doge a treehouse. democrats are flying to african cocktail parties when fires are about to break out. they lost $20 billion on a homeless scan. but they attack a treehouse like it's a terrorist training camp. being anti treehouse perfectly symbolizes what the party has become. dumb and no fun. democrats in new york shut down a kid's lemonade stand because he didn't have a permit. you can't drink lemonade that a little boy made you. but you better take this vaccine we just dropped. and if you don't,
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you're fired. they want to shut down treehouses and lemonade stands, but they want to keep open a $70,000 di opera in ireland. i know what we have to do to keep these treehouses and lemonade stands open. tell them it's a trans treehouse and an effing lemonade stand. filmmaker and author justine bateman joins me now. i mean, it's funny, but it's sad. justine, these priorities are out of whack. what's going on? >> they really are. you know, i think, jesse, it's because, you know, way back when 2016, they saw that if they could just be contrary contrarian to whatever trump was doing, that got a lot of attention from democratic voters. and trump seems like a different trump now. his cabinet is a different kind of cabinet. i mean, things are moving forward. things like doge, you know, looking at the
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finances of america has been something we've long wanted. and now there's still the democrats seem to still be doing this contrarian position. and really, i think they should just get back to why are what is their purpose to begin with? their purpose is to serve the american public. and so they should do that job and try and work with the current president and try and get things done. and then in doing that, they can see what's missing and what their party can offer instead. you know what i mean? this is what politics used to be like from my perspective. >> you're saying that trump changed and the democrats didn't. and what they need to do is go back to being public servants. but that requires listening, justine. i don't even know if they know what the public wants. do they have to go into, like, a little listening tour? i mean, i would suggest a listening tour. >> yeah. i mean, and part of that listening tour is looking at the polls and looking at how
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people voted. you can't just decide you're going to do the opposite, because when one side is doing something reasonable, then your opposite is just being insane. i don't see how that's, you know, it's like watching the super bowl and there's one team that's playing a game properly, and the other team has decided they're going to get up in the stands and like, rend their garments. and you know, i don't do crazy things. and it's like, no, just be a regular football team. come down on the field and, and you know, do do a proper service to the super bowl. >> that's what the chiefs could have done against the eagles. but alas justine, the some things trump said is sticking with me. he said that the democrats are at risk of becoming a minor party. and this has happened before, when the party just stopped serving the interests of the american people. do you believe that the party is really at risk of sidelining itself for a decade?
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>> well, i don't think country with only one party is a great idea. i mean, i wish we had more than, you know, in a very serious, equal level, in a level way, you know, 3 or 4 parties. but, you know, there's there are parties in the past that have just disappeared like the whigs. so it is certainly possible. and i think there's more and more former democrats saying this is just too crazy. i don't understand what they're what they stand for. and really, most people, they're the extremes on the right. they're extremes on the left. and most of the population is right in the middle and just wants common sense, wants the holes filled in the road wants, you know, proper education for the kids wants, you know, law and order. and every state in the nation doged, you know, these are reasonable things.
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and i think, you know, whoever wants to run on that ticket has a very good chance of getting our attention. >> is that person, michelle obama, because, you know, the first thing you do after you drop a podcast is that you run for office. or am i just crazy? >> well, now that you brought that up, a lot of us in california would like to know who's paying for this is gavin newsom. and you notice that gavin newsom's podcast isn't titled let's talk about california or the california governor talks to, you know, it's this is gavin newsom as if as if it's this is your life and it's all going to be about him anyway. i know we weren't talking about him, but yeah, this is the politicians in california are a good example. like you have the treehouse, for example. this is a good example of what people really don't want. and i think a lot of people in california are are in the habit of voting for people with a d next to their
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name. and i think, i think these voters are more and more seeing that they need to vote for the candidate and someone with competency and someone who actually cares about you. and i think that is going to be, you know, the trend in politics. fingers crossed. >> i hope so. and if gavin newsom is watching, we know he likes fox. let's get that treehouse back up. save the treehouse. don't dodge it, gavin. >> save the treehouse and take away this draconian limit on what people can charge for rentals. >> yeah, maybe. maybe less podcast, more governing. thank you so much, justine. good luck out there. well, it's getting a little rowdy at columbia university again. plus, johnny goes to spring break. >> what issue facing america is most important to you? >> the drinking age being too high. >> ooh. >> that's a good one.
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>> download the app today, enter $5 and get $50 instantly. prize picks. run your game. >> fox news alert i.c.e. arrested mahmoud khalil, a columbia university protester who led activities aligned to hamas. alexis mcadams has the details. alexis. >> yes, we were out on campus. we've been seeing this guy pop up for months, but he's no longer walking around or marching around at columbia university's campus yelling free palestine tonight because the feds took away his blow horn, his green card, and his student visa. he's now in federal custody in louisiana. as ice tells us, he was leading activities that were aligned with hamas. >> when you come here to study, you got to obey the laws of this country. you got to obey the requirements of that visa to be lawful while you're here. >> president trump says he violated those rules, posting this on truth social, saying it's just the first of many arrests to come. he wrote this
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in part. we know there are more students at columbia and other universities across the country who have engaged in pro-terrorist, anti-semitic, anti-american activity, and the trump administration will not tolerate it. tonight, hundreds marching here in new york city. check this out. demanding his release. you can see there was a throwdown. at least two people were arrested and the nypd had to step in. yet again, khalil was arrested just days after he was spotted at a protest inside of a library. you can see him there on your screen at barnard college. he was considered a trespasser because he's not even a student there. he graduated in december, but he was somehow trying to negotiate with the school president on speakerphone. that was the same protest where these pamphlets were handed out, claiming to be from the hamas media office. this is very terrifying to students. they're calling the october 7th attack by hamas a moral victory. these photos of terror leaders to handed out to students and stuck on windows near campus. i mean, these jewish parents and students are paying $100,000 a pop. students say. khalil had led dozens of
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pro-palestinian protests, demanding that the ivy league school divest from israel. here he was speaking about his right to protest in april. watch. >> what? we know that all students on u.s. colleges in the us, they they can they have the right of freedom of expression. >> so the trump administration says they're just getting started. but we saw a lot of democrats, too, that were kind of sticking up for khalil saying that he, you know, should be set free. but the trump administration says that's not going to happen. >> i wouldn't be sticking up for that guy if i were democrats. thank you so much. thank you. journalists have never run a company, so they don't really know how to cover the trump presidency. they cover it like a soap opera instead of a business. the press trying to use that to drive a wedge between trump and musk, reporting that elon and rubio got into a little argument last week. the difference is, in the democratic party, you're not allowed to argue. democrats have to agree with everything, or else you get booted from the
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party. in business, you hash out disagreements face to face. that's how you solve problems and innovate. the media can't wrap their head around that. >> if you're going to insult each other, at least make them good. okay, something like elon, how do you have 20 kids? but i've never seen you with a chick. just dudes named donkey dong and king. you know, stuff like that. and watch this. marco. short and gay classic. marco, get your budget under control. and three. elon, stay in your lane. you're not the boss. but i paid you $300 million. and that's why you're the boss. so. >> see, they're used to biden staging cabinet meetings with cue cards or doctor jill just running them while joe was asleep. that's why the border blew wide open. no one got slapped around at a cabinet meeting. and what kind of dictator shares power? the media mocked trump for making ellen co-president, but trump told his cabinet secretaries they have the power to fire
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folks. ellen doesn't. and ellen says, yes, sir. >> what we do is in consultation with the cabinet secretaries and with their departments. so we're really trying to be a sort of we'll refer to ourselves as tech. tech support. you know, we're really helping the department get a handle on things. >> the media is constantly searching for ways to make trump look bad, even when he gets results. putin attacked ukraine while biden was president and putin is still attacking ukraine. and now it's trump's fault. >> president putin disrespecting you by attacking ukraine when you're trying to make peace there. >> what did he do? >> well, he's attacking ukraine. >> is he disrespecting me? yeah. who are you with? >> i'm michael birnbaum with the washington post. >> you've lost a lot of credibility. go ahead. what else? >> and the press keeps hammering elon for helping cut
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spending, saying only congress can cut spending, but congress never cuts spending. and the media never even asks them why they don't. >> we've had a 2% increase in population in five years and a 53% increase in spending. we will not get interest rates down. we will not get inflation under control until we balance the budget. that's what we have to do. >> trump's spending a lot of time dealing with the biden crime scene. joe sent billions to his friends and donors who run climate nonprofits. one of these groups hired stacey abrams after they saw her handout electric stoves in georgia. >> we worked in a tiny town in south georgia to demonstrate that by replacing energy inefficient appliances with efficient appliances, you can lower your cost. and in fact, we accomplished that for 75% of the community. they got appliances that are lowering their bills right now. >> and biden saw that and said, great, let's hand out electric stoves nationwide. here's a few billion dollars. trump's team
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froze the cash and is now investigating what's really going on. they're also canceling 400 million in grants to columbia, because the school wasn't protecting jewish students from arab spring breakers. why are we giving columbia 400 million a year? it's a private school with a huge endowment that charges students 90 gs a year. they've got plenty of money. why are taxpayers funding a school that indoctrinates kids and makes excuses for anti-semitism? trump should take a look at every elite private school after he's done with columbia. the top ten colleges have more money in their endowments than the gdp of venezuela. the doj's wrecking crew is working 120 hour weeks. they're sleeping on the floor of the office. elon's risking it all. >> how are you running your other businesses? >> i with great difficulty. yeah, i mean, but.
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>> there's no turning back, you're saying? >> i'm just here trying to make government more efficient, eliminate waste and fraud. and so far, we're making good progress. actually. >> that's keeping bureaucrats up at night. washington post talked to an insomnia therapist outside of dc who says this. her patients began reporting changes in sleep shortly after trump's inauguration. one person said, i wake up with chest pain and terror and dread. another wakes up in cold sweats. he dreamed that russia had invaded the united states despite a few rocky days on wall street, which we hope ends soon. the president is sleeping like a baby. >> we're going to take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs, and we're going to become so rich, you're not going to know where to spend all that money. i'm telling you, you just watch. we're going to have jobs. we're going
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to have open factories, it's going to be great. and the plane is landing and we got to go. thank you for a lot of good questions. >> alina habba is a counselor to president trump. you've traveled with the president on air force one. what's it like when he goes back and talks to the press? is it hostile? is it strange? >> no, not at all. i mean, first of all, he can willingly go there. and he does because he's not afraid to answer questions. but no, it's not hostile at all. they ask questions. they ask him questions like they do all day, which is what we see from president trump. i mean, the insomnia comment. jesse, i just have to go back to it. i mean, the only people that should be losing sleep right now are the democrat party. it's the nancy pelosi's who we're looking at. it's the liz cheney, you know, pocahontas. we're looking at all that stuff. and we're going to find out why you're so rich on government money. there's just so much to go into. i can't even i don't even know where to start. but who would you want running your country, jesse? you want to get advice from stacey abrams and joe biden, who evidently signed everything with an auto signature. didn't even know what he was signing. or do you
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want elon musk to help the commander in chief? and there's only one president donald trump. cut waste and make us money. the man is a self-made billionaire. he ran an amazing company. he will run this country that way. so, i mean, look, the proof is in the pudding right there. >> you see a lot of this money going out the door, and it's very sketchy. and it always ends up in the hands of democrats who happen to know democrats who are handing out the money. this has to be looked into. is the department of justice looking into this very severely? >> i'm not going to speak for pam bondi. i'll tell you this. i am part of the administration. pam bondi is amazing. i saw kash and pam today for a swearing in ceremony. listen, these people work so hard. there is so much information that we are finding out and revealing that they're all working around the clock just to make sure we bring justice to the people that appropriately need to be brought to justice. those are people that were stealing from the american people that were hiding it through ngos, that were hiding it through funds,
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through operas in colombia and condoms to gaza and all of that. those people need to be held accountable. that's how you you deter them from the future. and i can assure you that kash and pam will make sure of that. >> i guess they should have handed out more preemptive pardons. you're saying. >> listen, by the way, i wonder if those were auto sales auto signed as well, because i would challenge the validity of it. you never know. listen, the guy didn't even know what he was doing. but i'll tell you the pardons. he knew what he was doing. i said i said it months before, he's going to pardon himself. and yes, i almost said to the president, listen, in the joint session speech, why don't you ask everybody that got a pardon to just stand up, just stand up and tell us why you got a pardon. >> well, we know joe biden doesn't have insomnia. we definitely saw proof of that. alina habba, great to see you. thank you as always. good luck down there. who's funding the tesla terror attacks? a prime time investigation. >> did you take your vitamin
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weekend. a colorado dealership that's already been targeted multiple times by anti elon radicals was hit with another attempted firebombing over the weekend. >> loveland police say. >> the arson started from an incendiary device between two vehicles. this comes after four similar incidents targeted the tesla in loveland since the end of january, with some consistencies found by lpd in the incendiary devices. >> they are generally filled with gasoline and lit with wicks, and we have seen that they can be extremely dangerous to those that are anywhere nearby. >> trans activist lucy grace nelson, who was arrested for attempting to burn the same dealership to the ground two weeks ago, was released on bond and is back on the streets. i hope they have an alibi. and for cybertrucks were torched in a mysterious fire overnight in seattle. authorities aren't ruling out foul play. >> there's a fleet of cybertrucks right now.
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unbelievable. you've got dozens of firefighters now putting out flames. absolutely insane looks. you can still see flames right underneath the cybertruck. the back of this cybertruck is totally charred. the wheels have started to melt. look at this wreckage. twisted metal, charred remains. look at the back of that cybertruck. all melted. >> and a half a dozen radicals were arrested for storming a showroom in manhattan. >> what the. >> we don't want you. we don't want you. >> but what are they doing? what is this? whoa! what the hell? what the hell? >> what are we going to wait? >> what are you doing to this guy? >> what rabid anti elon zealots aren't staging sit ins at dealerships. they're attacking regular folks who are just trying to drive around in their cars. like this man who was driving his family around over the weekend when a maniac ran at his car and started banging on their windows. where's the money coming from that's making
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these spontaneous protests possible? well, the left's favorite dark money billionaire, george soros. since 2017, he's nearly given $8 million to the indivisible project. this is a group that leads nationwide protests against musk and the trump administration. open society says these claims are false and they are not funding these organizations or these protests, but their records on their own website show the millions they've given to the indivisible project over the many years. a lot of these groups are climate protesters at heart, and now they're protesting the guy who makes electric cars. the media won't hold these people accountable, so maybe the fbi should check out what's going on under biden's watch. the feds spent years targeting school board meetings and placing moles in every pro-trump chat room they could find, all in the name of stopping domestic terror. well, kash patel, this looks like domestic terror to me. time to get inside this group. missouri
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senator josh hawley is here. how seriously is washington taking these looks like domestic terror attacks against tesla. >> well. >> it ought to be. >> serious. >> particularly if you follow the money, as you were just pointing out, jesse. i mean, really, it's time to blow the lid off the dark money operation of the left. they've been doing this for years. they've been funding all kinds, whether we're talking about terrorism on campuses, the pro-hamas terrorists, whether we're talking about these attacks on tesla, whether we're talking about what's happened with at people's homes, the justices holmes of the supreme court, for instance, all of that is astroturf left funded garbage. we ought to find out where all of it is coming from. but, jesse, i'll also just say this. the left have really gotten to be a bunch of weirdos. i mean, just a year ago, they were all driving evs and touting their moral virtue for doing so, and now they're burning down the dealerships, disrupting the state of the union. these people are weird, and that's why the american people will not give them power. >> i mean, i guess that's why they don't really care about
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the climate. it was never about lowering the earth's temperature, because if you really cared that much, you wouldn't burn an electric car. senator, what about the terror financing angle to hit them with? i mean, if you're giving money to a group that ends up using it to foment violence against people, why can't you go after soros if he's funding these attacks? >> oh, we absolutely should. we should absolutely follow the money, and it ought to be traced all the way back to its source. and this is why i say, jesse, the left has gotten by with this for years. this is a great project for the department of justice, and they ought to look at all of it. who's funding these attacks? who's funding the campus protests, which, by the way, all of these campus protests, they're all organized, they're coordinated, they're funded. we ought to blow the lid off of that as well. who was funding the protests in front of the justice's homes, which nearly led to justice's being assassinated? supreme court justices, i'm talking about the left's been funding all of this
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stuff. they ought to be accountable for all of it. i love the fact that kash patel and pam bondi are all about transparency. let's get some transparency on this dark money that is literally dangerous for the american people. >> do any of these senate democrats that your buddies with, do they drive teslas? >> oh, i'm sure they do. absolutely. jesse, listen, no lie, i've sat in hearings and listened to them talk about how morally superior they are because they care about the climate and they're not driving an internal combustion engine vehicle. and now all of a sudden, they're probably first in line to protest. the hypocrisy is amazing. >> all right. well, at least they have their paddles. they can just paddle around in those. not a great look, senator. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> johnny goes to spring break. >> an alternative to pills. voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel which
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>> hey. >> download the app and play $5 to get $50 instantly with code tv. >> last election, young voters swung toward trump in a pretty big way. he won nearly half of them. that's up from just a third in 2020. they were motivated by the economy and the border. and johnny went to spring break in fort lauderdale
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to explore that. >> what college do you go to? >> fiu. >> california, university of pennsylvania. >> grand valley. >> and michigan. >> spring break 2025. what is the game plan? >> get blacked out. i'm hoping to sleep with ten girls. >> have a really good time and remember none. >> of it. we just went to senor frogs. it was really fun drinking, clubbing. >> how were the guys. >> i made out with? i think four so far. >> do you remember their names? >> no, i don't think i even asked their names. >> he asked me for the number, and i said, i will not give you my number. >> what's the wildest thing you've seen at spring break? >> someone having a threesome inside of the club. >> people walk around naked. >> my boy was talking to a. >> you've lost a lot of credibility. >> last night. a girl flashed us. >> somebody shook my while. i took a shot. somebody with no legs in a wheelchair, holding a
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sign that says their last dying wish is to see boobs. >> so what did you do? >> i walked away. with the body. >> is he alive? >> what issue facing america is most important to you? >> there needs to be hotter guys down here. >> the stock market crashing. >> protecting the dogs and the cats. and the squirrels. >> the drinking age being too high. >> oh, that's a good one. you guys are. so smart. >> tell me what donald trump has been doing. >> he's been doing president things. he's been getting his tan on. i'll say that, bro. he was. >> harassing that. that dude. >> at. >> the meeting. i forgot his name. the president of ukraine, bro. >> you don't have the cards right now. >> try to say canada. >> but justin trudeau, his cabinet is full of terrorists, prostitutes, bad people. >> who are these people that you're talking about? >> no, i don't know that part of it. >> i made it up. the government spent $8 million to make mice transgender. why did they do that? >> they want the mice to. >> i mean, i don't know. are we
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worried about mice? gender? mice don't have a brain. >> how much money would it cost you to become transgender? >> if you give me a mil? maybe. >> what would your name be? >> my nickname. mikey. >> mikey, thank you very much for being here. >> the democrats also want to put men in women's sports. they're okay with that. >> no no no no no no. >> no. absolutely not. so you don't want to be in the women's locker room i bro. >> now you got me. >> what is your definition of men? >> they have a. >> i think you're being kind of disrespectful when you ask that question. >> you are a rude, terrible person. >> who is your favorite democrat? >> none of them. i'd say eminem. >> is mark cuban, a democrat. kendrick lamar. >> my favorite democrat. my mom. >> mine too. >> and we're also sending a lot of money to ukraine. where is ukraine? >> ukraine? don't make me sound stupid. it's a country that is.
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>> it's in the world. >> i don't know, i actually don't know. >> i don't know, i simply don't know. >> what is zelensky been up to? >> i don't even know who that is. no idea. i don't know who that is. >> who's zelensky? i don't even know who that is. >> sounds like a nice pasta. >> zelensky. >> zelensky. he's just. >> taking our money. >> show me the money. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news? >> come down to spring break. >> spring break. >> spring break. bro 2025. if you're not in fort lauderdale, where are you at? >> more prime time. straight ahead. >> here's to getting better with age. >> here's to beating these. >> two every thursday. help fuel. >> today with boost high protein complete nutrition you need and the flavor you love.
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breathing should be beautiful all day and night. >> she really painted. >> this horrible picture. >> he accuses them. >> of defamation and extortion. >> it will probably continue to get even now and
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we'll also send you a bottle of our newest fat burner, thermo ex. absolutely free. >> we told you about the tree house the democrats are demolishing in california. if you live in california, i don't
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even care. if you live there. call mayor bash and call governor newsom's office. flood the phone lines. hit him up with the email. save the tree house. let's do something good out there. let's do texas next. ed from morrisville, north carolina. excellent interview with justine bateman. it's nice to see hollywood personalities finally coming to their senses. vic from clearwater, florida. wow. jon lovitz really went out on a limb for that tree house. man, was that lovitz's doppelganger. i missed jon. form from four oaks, north carolina. democrats do have republicans on the run, running up, win after win after win. yep. basically running circles around them. andy from clifton, new jersey i often confuse jasmine with davy crockett. thank you for the constant reminders. i do the same thing with maxine waters. want to be very clear? no relation. debbie from sarasota, florida. so disappointed in the ending of juror number two. i used to
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trust your judgment. i mean, i didn't love the ending also, but up until that point, it was a very good film. kristy from mission viejo, california. maybe johnny should start asking multiple choice questions. we should send johnny down with placards next time. nick from akron, ohio. i don't think johnny is coming back. yeah, he said he missed his flight. is he even here? rusty from virginia. sorry, kids. you can only sell lemonade if all proceeds go to ukraine. and it has to pass through an ngo first. you can't send it directly there. you got to take off some from the top. well, thank you so much. rfk jr. is on sean hannity's show. that's next. dvr us. always remember, i'm watters and this is my world.


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