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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 11, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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figure internationally you have not interviewed you would like. to say yes, working on chinese president xi jinping. we shall see finally hank asks: will you be at the pga championship charlotte quail hallow hope you come to visit. i hadn't thought about that but maybe, maybe so. may, charlotte? quail hallow sounds good to he movement tomorrow on "special report," the next installment in our looking back at the coronavirus pandemic. focusing on the response u.s. officials in march of 2020. hard to believe five years later. if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. remember, linda mcmahon education secretary up with laura in just a bit. thanks for inviting news your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. the aforementioned laura is now. lawyer good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham this is "the
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ingraham angle" from washington tonight. ignore the market blips but president trump says the sky is the limit. >> i'm very optimistic about the country. i think we are going to have the greatest markets we have ever had. >> laura: plus, standing by doge man as leftist lunatics take on musk. >> beautiful. that's beautiful. >> laura: and the department of caddy occasion gets doged. secretary linda mcmahon is here to explain my angle in moments. first, radicals in new york are rallying behind a pro-hamas agitator who trump is trying to kick out of the country. here with the latest is fox news correspondent alexis mcadams. alexis, what can you tell us? >> hey, laura. well, we were walking around for a few hours today, what started as a protest on columbia university's campus ended spilling out into the streets of new york city where they ended up calling the nypd officers there the kkk saying that they are going to do everything they
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can in their power to try and get mahmoud khalil out of ice you custody. what i'm told this is not a free speech issue. they are saying the white house says that this is really all about him aligning with hamas. they believe that he is a national security threat so much so it was a huge topic today in the white house briefing. watch. >> this is an individual who organized group protest that not only disrupted college campus classes and harassed jewish american students and made them feel unsafe on their own college campus also distributed employee hamas propaganda. fliers with the logo of hamas. >> yeah, so there has been so much going on at the white house as they try to clamp down on. this the protest that started on that campus today but then led to dozens of arrests here in new york city. they say this is because the 30-year-old who is originally from syria is being investigated as a national security threat. so ice agents went and arrested the guy over the weekend in the
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city's upper west side. khalil's lawyer says the feds told her they were going to revoke his green card and student visa because the state department says due to our immigration laws the secretary of state can remove a non-citizen if they believe their presence has a serious adverse foreign policy consequence. and that's what they say is happening. i want to pull up the panel threats because thee are wild. seen these at barnard and columbia. they are part of the investigation calling the october 7th attack by hamas a moral victory. sharing photos of known terrorists all over the campus. the white house says khalil is under investigation in connection with to those posters. he was spotted the other day at a protest at barnard and he is not even a student anymore so he shouldn't have been on campus. back out here live to try to talk to some of those protesters right before those arrests came. they said they don't care what president trump says. they don't care what the grrsts say they will not stop until they get what they want. look forward to hearing more of
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their demands, keep you posted. >> laura: unbelievable. alexis, thank you. in just a moment we will talk to senator john kennedy about all of this. but, first, a melting pot no more. that's the focus of tonight's angle. most americans would be shocked to learn that non-citizens have the right to enter our country, advocate for the overthrow of the united states, disrupt the education of thousands of students created chaos on a college campus like alexis just talked about and run to the courts to protect them from the consequences of their own actions. from my perspective, even if the court precedent does give non-citizens certain rights, free speech concerns don't really come into play if our officials, according to the terms of a statute duly passed determine that a non-american pose as national security risk to the country. the statute in question is section 237 a 4 c of the ina, an alien whose presence or activities in the united states the secretary of state has
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reasonable grounds to believe would have potentially serious adverse policy consequences for the united states is deportable. there is an exception in this law which states that an alien should not be deported because of the alien's past, current, or expected beliefs, statements, or associations, if such beliefs, statements or associations would be lawful within the united states. unless, and here's the key. the secretary of state personally determines that the alien's admission would compromise a compelling united states foreign policy interest. compromise that interest. and, in this case, what happened? well, secretary rubio has made the determination in a letter that mahmoud khalil's ongoing presence would, in fact, compromise a compelling foreign policy interest. are you with me? but the radicals, of course, are trying to use this as a way to scare you. >> if you believe in
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constitutional rights, you understand that they are targeting this person and everyone knows he has been very vocal against the genocide of the palestinian people. and they are targeting him and refusing him constitutional rights. whose next? >> laura: that rashida tlaib. it's simply absurd to believe our framers wrote our constitution to safeguard the rights of non-citizens whose entire goal is to seize power in the united states in order to benefit our enemies. and here's the bottom line. the left is trying to blow this up into a big story for their own political self-preservation, why? they know there are a lot more mahmoud khalils out there and they are living here. they are working here. they are studying here on student visas, on work visas, and it is their goal, the left's goal to normalize this notion of foreigners coming here and then advocating for the overthrow of our government. spewing this vile, anti-americanism and, of course,
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in this instance, anti-semitism. we know native born radicals. we have seen this a lot already hate america. but, for now, they are out of power. and with trump, the tide seems to be turning against them. the truth is the hard left in the united states needs reinforcements from abroad to finish the job they started in earnest under obama. these rabid lunatic does not have a positive theory about what america is supposed to be. to them america and americans are a blot on the global landscape. the sooner our country and americans are gone, the better the world will be. now, think of the difference between how this new left thinks about our country, that its systemically racist, imperialist. what the pro-hamas people think as compared to the way the old liberals thought about it. they thought america just needed to live up to its founding principles in order to succeed. that's what martin luther king believed. listen to the "i had a dream
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speech." that's what jfk believes. that's what abraham lincoln of course republican revered by the left believes. today the hard left wants the entire system smashed. you see it on college spouse campuses. that's what they want upheaval. it's bad enough when we have american citizens believing. this but there is nothing in our history, nothing in basic common sense that compels us to admit foreigners, let them stay here, who believe any of this. this is a recipe for total chaos. justice robert h. jackson writing in the dissent -- vs. chicago got it right. the choice is not between order and liberty. it is between liberty with order and anarchy without either. there is danger that if the court does not tempered doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom it will convert the constitutional bill of rights into a suicide pact. this question of whether this columbia grad threatens national
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security it should be left up to the secretary of state and the president. this individual is not an american citizen. he has whatever rights were given to him by statute. as i mentioned earlier. the statute says it's up to rubio to decide whether that individual poses a national security risk. now, 1999, immigration appeals court ruling sent a letter from the secretary of state laying out the serious adverse foreign policy consequences so that our country is deemed presumptive. they don't have to do any more. president trump wrote on truth social today, if you support terrorism, including the slaughtering of innocent men, women, and children, your presence is contrary to our national and foreign policy interest. and you are not welcome here. at the white house, he drove the point home. >> you ought to get them all out of the country. they are troublemakers, they are agitators. they don't love our country. we ought to get them the hell out. i heard his statements, too. they were plenty bad. i think we ought to get him the
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hell out of the country. i watched him. i watched tapes, specifically i watched tapes, and you can have him. okay? you can have him. and you can have the rest of them. >> laura: if we continue to give safe haven to those who ultimately seek our destruction, we'll eventually end up with a knife at our throats. that doesn't have to be a mob on college campuses. it can be a single disaffected angry refugee. what son-in-law in europe are calling low cost jihadists. a horrifying story in the spectator, one of these low cost extremists was last week jailed for life by a french court. in october of 2020, it unnortheast ha ream al sawy murdered three christians with a knife outside a church. one of the victims a 44-year-old woman was stabbed 25 times. during his time aoissaoui these
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innocent hermine to die every day aren't they human? don't they have families. the minister tried to warn the west years ago. >> there will come a day that we'll see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of europe because of lack of decision making, trying to be politically correct or assuming that they know the middle east and they know islam and they know the others far better than we do. and i'm sorry, but that's pure ignorance. >> laura: unfortunately, ignorance is something we have a surplus of in our government: carefully bestowing. america first. if it were up to me. freeze. handle on who is here and why. until we deport the millions
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here. threaten our national security. and that includes. john kennedy, senator, the trump administration just a purist free speech play. and this man deserves his free speech rights, wherever they take us. >> they are right. the aclu is defending mr. khalil, they say this is a freedom of speech case: i suppofintodom of speech. how else would we know who the idiots are without freedom of speech. this case is not about freedom of speech. it's about civilized behavior, national security, it's about terrorism. mr. khalil is not an american citizen. is he here with a green card. by word and deed at columbia he has shown that he supports hamas. that's a violation of the immigration and naturalization act, which says you can be
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deported if you support a terrorist organization. here's the bottom line. mr. khalil hates america, as you said in your monday log. you know, if you are not happy where you are, move. you're not a tree. secretary rubio is going to help him move. we may lose in district court, depending on the judge that we get. but we will win this in the supreme court. >> laura: they are hoping that he this will get the entire ina provision that i cited thrown out as void for vagueness or just unconstitutional because, again, there is some court precedent that gives non-citizens various constitutional rights and it's pretty broad. but this statute gives rubio the presumption. >> yeah. >> laura: that if he in his wisdom of national security information, decides that this guy is the threat, you're out. >> well, secretary rubio has
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almost unfettered discretion here. but, you know, you talked about it in your monologue. there is a larger issue here. i blame columbia for tolerating. this the administration and the faculty at columbia, they're a bunch of vitte virtue democratsd moral slobs. they believe diversity, equity and inclusion and the right to harass the jewish people. the american people have given columbia hundreds of millions of dollars we waisted it. better off scratch tickets and black jacket. this insanity has got to stop. i'm proud of the president. i'm proud of secretary rubio. for saying. >> laura: we have 1.1 million foreign students studying now in the united states. it's a record number. >> i'm happy to have them. >> laura: do you think that
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american students should have to compete with foreign students at american universities? i don't actually believe that at all. >> i understand. i'm happy to have our foreign students. i want to pick the best and the brightest in the world and have them come to us. >> laura: i think he got pretty good grades. so would say he is the best and the brightest. >> but, also, they have they have to love america. >> chinese students? >> they have to love america. >> why are they here the naturalization act is clear. if they don't, if we even have a reasonable belief to think that their presence is adverse foreign policy, we can deport them. and we should. and these universities like columbia. >> they like the money. >> of course they love the money. >> they don't get any scholarships. >> other countries do the same thing, australia, they admit so many foreign students, chinese students, they love them paying
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full television. that's fine. bus constitution.these kids aree perms of the american people. they got to support our country. >> laura: china is our adversary. they are our main adversary. they are the biggest threat to national security. >> so is hamas, of course. >> laura: why should china's students come here but hamas supporters shouldn't. >> i happen to believe if foreign students want to come here and learn and maybe stay and assimilate and become americans, i'm happy to have it. but i'm not happy to pay for them to come here to hate on america. and i'm not happy to have universities support that while at the same time taking american taxpayer dollars. i hate the smell of hip? i the morning. you know? >> laura: do you think the court will uphold this statute if it ends up to the supreme court. >> you talked about the adverse precedent. but as you know you clerked on
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the supreme court. there is positive precedent on the other side. and the statute is clear. it says that bigger than dallas, rubio has the discretion to make this call. and i know marco rubio has already made it. >> laura: apparently mr. khalil is down there in louisiana. >> i'm okay sending him back to new york. >> laura: you got anymore louisiana right now, senator. always great to have you in studio. thank you so much for joining us. all right, trump takes a scalpel or is it a chainsaw at the department of education. secretary linda mcmahon, she is here. she is explaining what is happening. a lot there tonight. don't go away. ♪
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of the 4100 workers are being cut in what the calling reduction in force. president trump staff in general. >> we want to cut people who aren't doing the job. we want to keep the right people. >> absolutely. >> i said i don't want to just say we are going to cut 50%. i want to cut the people that aren't doing the job. >> laura: joining me now, department of education secretary linda mcmahon, madam secretary, great to have you in studio today. >> thank you. >> laura: all right. first, welcome to the show because you haven't been on in studio with me before. is this the first step on the road to a total shutdown? >> yes. actually, it is. because that was the president's mandate as directed to me. clearly is to shut down the department of education, which we know will have to work with congress, you know, to get that accomplished. but what we did today was to take the first eliminating
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bloat. folks there are out of a job but we wanted to make sure that we kept all of the right people and the good people to make sure that the outward facing programs, the grants appropriations from congress being met and none of that is going to fall through the cracks. >> that was my next question, the criteria for keeping that 50% is related to expenditures correct, congress appropriates the money going through title 1 through idea programs. >> laura: what does that stand for. >> i'm not sure can i tell you exactly what it stands for. except programs for disabled and needs. >> laura: individuals with disabilities act i'm guessing. i don't know my acronyms, i have been here for 30 years. >> this is my fifth day on the job and i'm trying to learn them quickly. >> laura: reports say that the building were going to be closed for security reasons.
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people left to get the notification take your laptops and phones with them. we didn't want people being permanently let go and those remaining to all -- some of them to show up work tomorrow morning. >> just standard corporate practice. >> we lock the doors and said for those that are coming back we'll know that they will be coming back on thursday morning. >> were people given a chance to take any personal effects. >> they were told that they will be allowed to come back. we would like for them to come back and take their personal effects with them and to say goodbye to folks too. >> laura: randy weingarten i know you are catching dinner in 20 minutes but she actually commented on what is going on here, watch. >> think about a country whose president basically says i'm getting rid of education what does that say about the future. tunity from kids that don't have it soe it. >> let's stay on the angry.
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>> laura: your reaction? >> clearly we are not taking away education. the president has never said that. is he taking away bureaucracy out of education so more money flows to the state. better education is closest to the kids with parents, with locals who superintendents with local school boards. we will see our scores go up with our students and we can educate them with parental input as well. >> laura: she is very angry and over the weekend i posted on x that it would be nice if randy were ever angry about the abysmal eighth grade and fourth grade reading. >> and math. >> laura: 18%, 22% of proficiency or above. we rank near the bottom globally on standards. shocking given how much we are putting up a graphic given how much we spent. it's terrible. >> i will tell you it's unbelievable.
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when you think about high school seniors that are graduating. only 30% of them are reading proficiently. that doesn't mean that they can't read words. >> >> laura: hello. >> they can't read cognitively. that's what we are missing. you read to learn up until 3rd grade and then after that you are learning to read up until the end of 3rd grade. then you are reading to learn. if you can't read at the end of 3rd grade. you're going to be behind in your reading. that's what we have to focus on. >> laura: do you know what i say to my own kids? if you don't read -- i'm not talking about this by the way. i'm not talking about phones. if you don't read real books, you probably can't write. >> true. >> laura: you must read to write. i have been preaching this gospel. i'm not saying my kids are all that great at it. it's just daryl. i want to ask you on personal level, you are a business woman. and have you known president trump for a long time this is a new world for you this education department. how shocked were you if at all
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about how swampy it is. >> this is my fifth day on the job. did i serve in the administration -- first administration sba. so when i got to the department of education the president said look, i need an executive. i need a leader in the department. so when i got there, and i found out i said okay, we have to identify where the bloat is, where the bureaucracy is, and let's start -- we're going to start there the programs, so many of the programs are really excellent. we need to make sure that money to go to the states. that's what get rid of the bureaucracy, the states will get more and red tape. >> what's your interaction ben with elon musk during your very brief tenure so far? >> it's been excellent. did i co-chair the transition committee. work with him there. i have met with him twice. and we have doge -- a couple of
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doge 3, i think. doge fellows that are in our department. and i look at it as an audit. if you were in the private sector, this would be an audit. it turns up a lot of things in the audit. some you look at and say no, we can get rid of that no, no. this is the implication. you don't understand so we can't get rid of that. >> laura: they have read only access to the files, to your grant files and so forth? >> well. yeah, they are not -- they are not changing any of the budgets. they are there to find out information. to say make suggestions. but, you know, the secretaries and the agency heads are actually the ones who run the department and they make the final decision great to have you in study grow you will have a lot of protests my first job in washington department of education. i was only 22 but i had no idea what they did. i just wrote speeches. great to see you, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> laura: take care. come up, trump says fear not, an economic boom with made in
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america it's a coming. ♪
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>> drop markets are going to go up and go down. do you know what? we have to rebuild our country. what i'm doing is making our country strong again. financially strong. i'm very optimistic about the country. i think we are going to have the greatest markets we have ever had. and it's going to be really fueled by what we're doing. >> laura: it's nice to be optimistic. the same people who help dig the economic beach that biden's team dug us into. they are pretending that trump is going to be able to dig us out in a hot minute. >> donald trump and house republicans are crashing the economy. >> he and his enablers pushing full steam ahead into a possible recession. >> the guy who said he would lift the economy not only is beginning to cause the anyoning
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of the economic downturn, but he seems to be proud of it. >> laura: while some say they are getting economic whiplash from president trump's tariff strategy. is he clearly getting some early results. ontario pulled energy surcharges and trump backed down on 50% canadian metals tariff. >> the tariffs are having a tremendously positive impact. they will have and they are having. we have car companies not building in mexico. now they are building in the united states. a renewed spirit. the tariffs are going to be throwing off a lot of money to this country. >> laura: joining me now fox business senior correspondent charlie gasparino. we did have that late movement pull back on the tariffs late today. but, you know, a lot of these democrats say trump is destroying the economy. markets are down. you say, and i love your piece in the "new york post," you're not worried and i think, like secretary bessent, you describe
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this as a spending detox for the country? explain that. >> well, there is a transition going on here. do you remember what joe biden and kamala harris did. they spent so much money that we didn't need to spend. they took the deficit. think about it. we have a budget deficit of $2 trillion, on economic growth of 3%. almost impossible to do that. donald trump last pre-covid budget was 900 -- a deficit of 900 billion on a 2.5% growth. so think about it, he basically more than doubled it. you can't have that type of trajectory without cutting stuff. and what bessent is doing, what donald trump, obviously, it's his economic plan is transitioning the economy away from all that government spending, it's going to be some pain to the private sector. on top of that, there is a tariff issue here where they are trying to normalize trade relationships with the world. listen, i'm not a big tariff person. i have always been rah rah free market. i started doing a deep dive into our trading relationships with
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mexico, canada, i mean, look at their tariffs compared to ours. it's clearly an imbalance here. china rips us off. he wants to reset all of this. that transition, laura, is going to -- it's going to cause some indigestion. what is bizarre about these markets, and not bizarre, i kind of -- i knew this was going to happen just because i know the way the markets work, is that they're focusing on all the bad stuff, tariffs allegedly bad, right? but, they are not focusing on the tax cuts or the deregulation, which is all going to council at some point and it's going to propel the economy forward. i will say this: the trump administration does need to do a better job mess edge ising. messaging.if they had laura ingt there explaining this stuff, the markets would not be going down. because you would say, listen, let's not lead with tariffs because we know that's going to cause all this indigestion. >> laura: i think do the tax cut first, personally. charlie, trump was worried because i think he feels like he
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can get burned on this, he was worried that once the republicans got their big fat tax cut extend dollars, which i love, too. he loves tariffs. he would tariff any c country tt didn't want to make their stuff in the united states. he loves them. i love tariffs, too. i disagree. >> you love tariffs? >> laura: no, i love reciprocal tariffs. >> i want zero tariffs. >> laura: that's not the real world. europe rips us off. mexico rips us off. we have the worst trade deficit on record last august with china. >> it's very unequal. and he is use -- and he wants to equalize things. the markets, by the way, are going to get used to that. the other thing you should realize, let's be real clear here. markets set for corrections. basically five or six stocks propelling all the indices up.
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all ai related. all overvalued. if you look at the economy, a lot of the underlying economic numbers in biden's last quarter as president, they were all coming counsel down. this economy had issues. donald trump was left with a load of you know what. and he is trying to fix it. and, listen, i could criticize him on messaging, i don't think i could criticize him on his tactics or what he wants to do. and, remember, what he was left with. he was left with a very difficult situation. >> laura: a lot of these companies got used to the cheap poo production. no regulation. okay, going to have to bring it back. pharmaceuticals back. we got our car industry. >> right. >> laura: we need to protect our steel industry. i don't believe that china's deal is the way to go. it's a joke. >> boohoo who to all these rich stock guys. they are my friends. i shouldn't say boohoo but i cover them. okay. they participated in this massive rally that was juiced by the government. by fiscal and monetary stimulus.
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>> laura: you bet. >> now they are all crying that, you know, all my stocks are down 10%. by the way, i can't hire my nanny off the books because the illegals can't come in. i mean, this is just such a joke. the bottom 50% got screwed over the last couple years because of inflation. the worst tax, the most regressive tax there is and if you are working class you can't trade around it in the markets. >> laura: other than those years of the first trump administration, the middle class has gotten screwed for about 35 years. >> absolutely. >> laura: i would say, charlie. it's dime to reindustrialize the united states. charlie, i loved your peace. >> thank you. >> laura: really cool. thank you so much for joining us. just ahead, why does radical rashida tlaib want mexican cartels to keep their drug tunnels? yeah, that's a thing, coming up. ♪
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>> laura: if you thought people were being harsh when they called squad pen anti-american you won't after this story. the only member of congress vote for a bill that made it easier to stop those tunnels used by drug cartels at our southern border. a.o.c., eric swalwell all got behind this the bill was 402 to
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1. these tunnels are used, of course, for smuggling people and drugs into our country. >> the smugglers had their own lighting installed, as well as communications wire for hard line phones. cables to use their power tools and drills: as well as a system on the floor to pump out excess water if there was rain fall or flooding this particular railcar system was interdicted at a tunnel in san diego sector. used in the tunnel to transport large quantities of drugs, very long distance over 1900 feet. very quickly. >> now, there are roughly 212 of these tunnels in the united states. 72 in san diego. joining me now paul perez, president of the national border patrol counsel. all right, paul, we see those stories, first of all, anything else that could have in those tunnels? refrigerators? i guess they do have refrigerators. your reaction to this congresswoman voting against giving you -- you know, the
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resources to stop this? >> i'm not surprised. she is the most unloyal person to the united states. it's not surprising that she would not jump on something to do our jobs. the cartels are experts at building these tunnels. that's how they got chapo guzman out of tunnels. >> laura: refresh our memory who he was. >> leader of the sinaloa cartels. >> laura: which is. >> most infamous cartel in. he is serving life in prison. the prison in colorado that he is never going to get out of. but he was the worst of the worst. and that's how they got him out with these tunnels. so these tunnels are all over the country. our agents are experts at getting in there. and then we shut them down. but, the tools that we need, that the military can provide to help us get these tunnels, you know, if congress acts and does things like this but then you have got people like rashida tlaib fighting against it. what are we going to do? >> so, tell us how instrumental
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these tunnels, which, again are quite so he fa sophisticated toe cartels' movement of persons and narcotics into the united states? >> they can bring any one and anything. both ways. they can take money and weapons south and they can bring anybody, any high value target. they are not using these tunnels. this is going to be a high value target person, or fentanyl and all types of narcotics. so it's beneficial to us to know where they are at: rashida tlaib. being able to shut these down. that doesn't help. lawyer someone told me that no american would ever voted against it. how important is it that we pick up the pace of deportations in the united states? >> really important. there were millions of people unvetted that came into this country and so they're out there
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in the streets while we're holding the line, tom homan and ice are out there apprehending getting them out of the country. yes, we are thankful to the whole of government approach with the fbi, dea, hhi. >> laura: got to pick up that pace though paul. 60,000 a week not 60,000 in six weeks. that's a lot. they are doing the best they can. they need for funds to do it. paul. >> definitely. >> laura: thank you so much for come in. president trump just did something no one else has ever done at the white house. what is it? i'll tell you, next. ♪ spray goodbye. aaaaaaahhhhh! mucinex 2-in-1 saline nasal spray with a gentle mist and innovative power-jet. spray goodbye to congestion. it's comeback season!
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>> elon musk must be the richest person but must not feel great when you lose 100 billion dollars since starting to work with president trump. a cyber attack on x, vandalism, gunshots and fires at tesla dealer shepards? even tesla owners are dealing with this. today president trump took a
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stand for his friend and chief of tech support. >> president trump: this man has dedicated his life to doing this. i think he's been treateded unfairly by a small group of people and i want people to know you can't be penalized for being a patriot. >> love the head in that shot. that's a good one. joining me molly hemmingway, founder and ceo. molly, this is what he gets for volunteering his time. >> people make so much money off the government. they work for various enterprises that the government funds. you get wealthy when you work in the government. you know that you're doing good work attacking government waste and fraud when you suffer financially for what you're doing as we've seen with elon and as we saw with president
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trump any first administration. >> reporter: there was a moment when the president was asked about the tesla purchase. watch. >> reporter: president trump wrote "the art of the deal" is there any room for negotiating. >> president trump: i know we give a discount but i don't want to ask for one. i'm president. so i want to pay full price. >> reporter: what about a vanity plate? >> president trump: yeah, let's see. truth. >> reporter: all right, there it is. >> reporter: i don't think joe biden could have come up with that on the spot. what about this? what about what musk has been through and what he is yet to go through because of what's happening with the department of education? >> i love trump's public support for him today. fairly simple gesture of buying a tesla but in the face of the behaviour of a little fascist on the left and attacking tesla owners, i think it does show that doge is probably one of the
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most informative reform initiatives maybe ever and the fact that there's such a visceral reaction, doge is over the target. think of the story over the last seven weeks where it started waste fraud abuse and today i think we've gotten to the point where elon and doge a lot of what is going on is a slush fund to the left. not only to fund their pet projects but to fund antiamerican behaviour. so what elon and doge are doing is phenomenal work. >> the question is not only how long will elon stay? i think he likes being in texas but he's having fun too. they brought up this point. >> is there going to be an end date for the two of you working together some. >> i don't know. i think he will know when it's time. he doesn't want to -- although i think he does like it. there's no place like the white
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house. >> would you want to stay? >> president trump: i don't think -- i think he wants to get back to his business. >> is it breaking up is hard to do here? should we cue the music? >> it will take time to get everything done. it can't just be the executive branch doing this. if congress needs to step up if they care about the health of the republic. tackling the unaccountable permanent d.c. bureaucracy, it's an existential issue for the country. >> and the same thing with immigration, right? we need to move these illegals out of the united states and i think homan would like to do this and get millions of them out, but it's pretty slow as hard as they're trying to work so they need congressional, they need money and they need the
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resources to do it. >> exactly. it's time for congress to take back its legislative authority to actually have the courage to legislate. the only way that these reforms will become permanent that we will see reform, actually restoring the republic, actually being successful in deporting all 10 or 12 million of the illegals that came in odd biden is for congress to actually man up, step up to the plate, do the right thing and make these reforms permanent. >> get it done. >> and until they do, these are just short-term reforms. >> and the democrats come in and it's off to the races. they did unearth a video of trump driving. people say trump doesn't drive. this is from 2014. he was driving, they were listening to taylor swift ironically! "shake it off" and melania was in the car and they were driving there. my, have things changed. jesse is next. thanks,


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