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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  March 12, 2025 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> i told him more than once. i want him to move out. is he violent? look, i. >> will. >> not die. >> with this world thinking i am some. >> beaten little fool. >> a special fox nation series. >> what a week. >> it's been. >> every friday, tomi lahren goes inside the top moments from president trump's first 100 days. >> the trump effect is in full force. >> 100 days with tomi lahren fridays on fox nation. sign up at >> now. my full interview with robert f kennedy jr is going to be available starting tomorrow at we hope you'll check it out. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. and please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next. he'll put a smile on your face. have a great night.
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>> all right. >> roll that thing. >> up a little. >> enough. >> enough. enough. you're making the other shows feel bad. >> wait. >> we didn't get a. greg out of. >> that one. no. >> give the man a greg. give him a greg. >> all right. >> okay. >> watch your. >> happy tuesday, everyone. so, a teen with werewolf syndrome has set a world record with hair covering 95% of his face. this, of course, breaks the previous record set by this woman. the nba's angel reese claims players may strike if their demands aren't met. or even worse, they'll keep playing. michelle obama is
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launching a podcast with her brother, disproving the theory that michelle and her brother were the same person. but it is nice to see that she's teaming up with her brother. just don't go overboard, michelle. ha ha ha ha ha! new study found that most people admit they'd be cool with their partner hooking up with a robot. finally, i can make an honest woman out of my roomba. >> slow. >> and a related story women who wouldn't hook up with a robot changed their mind. if it turns out it's this one. tough. the museum of failure houses some of the world's greatest flops. visitors can see attractions such as crystal pepsi, carrot cake, oreos, and, of course, the don lemon exhibit. from amazon studios.
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the new owner of the james bond franchise promises that the beloved super spy will remain male and british. well, that rules out prince harry. researchers say the more you spend time with dogs, the more likely you are to misread their emotions. for example, this one is an angry. it's hungry. according to a new survey, attractive workers earn $20,000 more per year than unattractive ones. for example, here's some data on famous faces. and a london club has banned audience members with frozen faces that are due to botox. so guess who canceled their girls trip to england?
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>> they look. >> the same. >> they do look the same. >> that michael jackson? >> yes it is. all right. so how do you know when you're doing the right thing? when you drive the nutty people. even nuttier. here's a federal worker losing her mind over ellen's five work achievements. >> email when. >> you wake up or when you're on your. weekend and you get the fork in the road message, or you get the subsequent five bullets. hey, what the hell did you do, you lazy federal worker? this week. how frightening is it that someone on x, the owner of x, speaks to you directly to say, what did you do last week at work? and if you don't answer, i am going to fire you. >> okay, so an email that asks you what you did at work is
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terrifying. oh, you're going to hate being married. so glad she wore the mask. you know, she didn't want to catch anything from people 50 yards away. but also, you get asked what you did at work all the time in the private sector. i'll tell you what i did off the top of my head last week. i taped the five and gutfeld! i did an interview with npr. i met with my team over scripts, and i made peter doocy shave my back. he volunteered. i said, yes, look, no one's calling all federal employees lazy. but when we give you 40 billion for wi-fi and no one's hooked up, we're going to want to see what it is you do all day. for some odd reason, dems can't deal with a president that expects a return on our tax dollars. right now, musk might be the one immigrant the left doesn't love, despite his many illegitimate children. >> hey.
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>> is that a funny word? of course. >> not. >> to me. if he committed. if musk had committed a few dozen felonies, they'd build him a statue. but maybe it took an immigrant, someone from outside the system, to show us how our governments become more bloated than jerry nadler. after a cheez whiz enema. that's how he takes it. >> wow. >> musk visited our good friend larry and stressed doj's transparency. >> when people criticize, say, what doge is doing, we say, well, which part? specifically because we put all of the actions of the doge team on the doge gov website and on the doge handle on x. so we post the receipts. so it's like this. this action has been taken. this action has been taken. which cost saving do you disagree with. and then people usually can't think of any. >> of course transparency can suck. like if you come across michael moore in a damp muumuu.
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but not only are musk and doge trying to save taxpayers billions, they're actually posting the details of exactly how they're doing it on a website. now, every elected official vows to have the most transparent administration ever, but have you ever seen him do it to actually make the effort open to the american public? nope. and we put up with that for years. meanwhile, with private companies, people trash delta on x. if you can't get a rep on the phone in three minutes with your complaint about your seat upgrade, or to ask why your all female crew landed the plane on its back. but we let the government pick our pockets daily and tell us what kind of light bulbs and stoves we can buy. we always knew they were screwing us. now we have the receipts for the condoms to prove it. and the left is furious. yep, the same people who glue themselves to my helicopter pad over climate change now. can't stand the guy who sells more electric cars than anyone on earth. i'm
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sorry, wasn't musk an environmental superhero a few years ago when he was leading us all into a carbon free future? and how many greenhouse gases are you adding to the atmosphere when you burn down tesla dealerships? because right now, fire bombing musk stores has become the left's new pastime. meet lucy. i know you're surprised, right? he used to go by justin. he got caught tossing molotov cocktails at a colorado tesla dealership a few weeks ago. of course, he got released the next day, and as usual, the mainstreamers ignored the story, just like they ignored their ratings. imagine if someone had vandalized a planned parenthood. you'd sure know that person's name and face. but this guy is trans gorgeous at that and on the right side, so he's fine. it's so funny how the dems back some transitions and not others little boys into little girls. sure. fossil fuels replaced by
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windmills. why not? red meat replaced by an insect puree. that's progress. the transitions the dems embrace are crazy. but when it comes to a practical transition, one that seeks to change a corrupt system into a transparent and efficient one, well, they firebomb a shop. but once you've decided against all evidence of reality that you are the good guy, you can excuse anything. they even push the myth that musk is in it for himself. have you seen tesla's stock lately? it's lower than rosie o'donnell's testicles. slow. this guy is willing to bankrupt his company to prevent the bankruptcy of his country, something the bernie's and the pelosi's of the world would never do. but the media pushes this lie as they push the biden is fine coverup because it helps dems. never mind that both hoaxes harm america. it's all to benefit an angry and
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lost party. finally, if we're finding all about this now, you know what's been going on for years. meaning they wasted your parents money too. it just got worse. the last ten years when the government was by activists. mad about your job prospects? off that you're the first generation that won't do better than mom and dad. well, maybe you would have been better off if doge had come along decades ago. then you wouldn't be a phd who has to bathe in a starbucks restroom. >> let's welcome. >> tonight's guest. >> she has a new. last name and puts democrats to shame. republican strategist erin mcguire. when he looks outside, he's a public master baster. chef andrew gruel. thank you. thank you very much. she's got four eyes, two kids and zero f's. host of the kennedy saves the world podcast. kennedy. and
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he's enormous. and here to inform us new york times best selling author, comedian and former heavyweight champion tyrus. erin, what did you make of that? that federal employee in the mask, complaining that her boss asked her what she did for a living? not really her boss, so to speak, but he is kind of right now. >> well, i think this is. >> exactly why doge exists is because we i have worked in the government before. we've known that these bureaucrats were always entrenched in the system, but now we're able to get them out and apparently doing the bare minimum of telling people what you do for your paycheck is too much to ask for. but democrats can't hide their crazy anymore. and it's been really fun to watch because they are having a slow meltdown over the fact that a man is trying to not waste money, and that is causing them to freak out. they are asking you what you did and where the money went. and democrats are saying, oh dear god, no. so i
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think that republicans have a better chance at the midterms. now, if democrats keep chasing ellen around d.c. >> i love it. how dems will tell you their pronouns and who they bang, but they won't tell you what they do for a living. how dare you ask me that? that's none of your business. but do you know that i like to sleep with goats? it's not bad. andrew. terrible joke. it is kind of interesting to see them tackle this from a business perspective. and yet they're so upset that they have to actually look at a bottom line. >> none of these. >> people have ever. >> hired an employee. >> they've never worked in the private sector. a few of them have, but they were probably fired, and that's why they're still mad and bitter. i also find it funny that lucy was throwing molotov cocktails. and yet it's trump who's the one who's in bed with russia. but the molotov cocktail is their number one weapon. something's weird here. americans have gotten fat and lazy. not all americans, but a lot of americans have gotten fat and lazy and complacent, eating off
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the all you can eat buffet. and that's been happening for decades. and it's only gotten worse and worse. and now, finally, as we sit here and we lack logic and reason and all of those things that we learn in elementary school, and the other americans are recognizing that, we're saying, hey, you know what? we've been setting this buffet up and nobody's eating the muffins. nobody's doing this. so we're going to remove those, and they're saying, no, we want the buffet full of everything. so it's like ellen is pulling these things right now, not social security or medicare, things that we're just wasting money, and they just still want it up there because they want it to be wasted. whenever we hire somebody in the restaurant industry, a young kid, we have to sit them down. we have to explain to them about life and most importantly, taxes. we say when you get your paycheck, there are going to be taxes taken out. none of them have been taught that. they don't understand that. and when i watch this lady who's 65, 70 years old, you know, hiding her mustache behind her mask, i think to myself, she reminds me of those ten year old, well, no, we don't hire ten year olds. not yet. slip up. yeah. she reminds me of those young teenage kids that were hiring who don't understand how the world works. and yet somehow,
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she slipped her way through, and she's 65 and still doesn't understand how it works. >> i was that person. i remember when i got my first paycheck, it was like 22,000 a year, and i thought it was really to 22,000, and i purchased things based on that. i had no idea that i was like, maybe i was getting 15. it was pathetic. kennedy i know, you know. kennedy i had a question here that i only thought you could answer. >> yes. >> they're real. >> yes. >> well, i'm not the only one who can answer that, but thank you. >> i could. >> don't look at me, >> i what. >> if this doge thing is all bs? if the if they're passing this bill and nothing's going to change. i mean, are we being suckered? like, i can't believe that trump and musk would do all this and then not cut. but i'm watching him pass these bills. i'm confused by this whole budget process. >> so you feel like you're being gaslit? yes. so you feel like this is an episode of severance? >> i don't believe i actually i don't believe that they would lie to us. i have good faith,
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but when's it going to happen? >> so here's the problem. because elon musk has enough money. so he doesn't need any power. he doesn't need any money, but he is agnostically looking at the federal government. and he knows to your point, you're absolutely right. like people metaphorically and practically have been at the all you can eat buffet. and so have all these ngos and every government agency. so what he's doing is he's taking away their spanx. so, you know, it's like that sucks everyone in and hides the weight loss. and he's offering them ozempic. and they're absolutely freaking out. but he's doing it essentially beholden to no one. and there are people like elizabeth warren, like, well, he's got contracts with the federal government, and that may be true. and hopefully there aren't conflicts of interest, but what he's doing is so much more important and so necessary. and we've been forced into this position. unfortunately, congress and both parties are guilty of this. they love giving the handouts. they love being the ones going, no, we're going to give you oh, sure, we need to cut everything else, but we're
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going to give you chocolate cake. we're going to give you blueberry muffins. we're going to give you strawberry cheesecake, all you can eat and every single district. so that's why congress is having a really hard time making the actual cuts. and that's why you're forcing it on someone who really doesn't care if he goes away from the federal government tomorrow. >> and to complete this analogy, they're giving all this food at the buffet. and trump and ellen, they're the colonoscopy that goes up your to see all the damage. tyrus. welcome back, by the way. >> thanks. yeah. >> yes. >> i'm sorry. >> so you want me to comment on the. >> no, i want to. >> know, actually, you know, let me just i actually don't need a question. yes, because i've given this a lot of thought. because the reason why. they they despise elon is because elon is what they pretend to be. he's an activist in the sense that he's doing something selfless to make a change with no benefit to himself, to put himself in peril. they pretend that. right
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for profit. >> good point. >> so he's he's exactly. he's the mirror. you'll see it like if you watch his movies. there's that great old school mozart movie where the guy just hated him because he was good. >> amadeus. >> amadeus? yes. >> many notes. >> yeah. they just didn't like him because he was good. and he shows us exactly what they're not. but, see, president trump was trying to do the same thing, but they have a corrupt system in place to checks and balance him. they can get a couple of republicans, they get a couple dollars under the table so they won't vote for him. they'll get enough democrats who are in it for the money making business of being corrupt. so they'll all everything he says is wrong. and plus they have fake monsters like polar bear is going to die ten years ago. and according to aoc, we're already dead, right? we're all living in purgatory right now. but they do those things. they create false things that they can control and pull. but there's not really anything there. he's showing america the real problem, the real things at his own peril, to the point where, and we're seeing it because anyone who attacks him and again, this is where the hitler hitler stuff we always talk about come in. they are getting people by saying that
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they're horrible things. and now we have these martyrs that are coming out to come after him. the what was he? he was a trans dude. whatever. >> lucy. >> lucy. that. justin and. >> justin. >> why are. >> you how come there are so many violent trans people lately? trans like, is this all like an. >> angry dudes with nothing else to call themselves? yeah, but now when they're attacking elon, they're released from prison the next day, and then the then people come out and they don't condemn them, so they want more of it because they can't. what elon is representing is everything against the cultural corruption that is in our government, because they can't touch him because he's not in it for profit. >> all right. we must move on. that was a delightful conversation. and you're welcome. up next is trump really scare celebrities? >> if you'll. >> be in the new york area, i. >> would. >> like tickets to. >> see gutfeld. >> go. >> to >> slash, gutfeld, and click on. >> the link to join our studio audience.
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>> and cut. it's the moment. great. take everyone. oh, she really is on vacation about now. >> yeah. >> me too. >> i've been out there somewhere warm. adventurous. and dancing along at the pace. >> oh, the fun. >> activities for the kids. >> something more relaxing too. >> something different, unique and something we haven't seen before. >> where are we. >> going to. >> experience abu dhabi vibe. >> you're really strong. yeah. >> this special passover holy. >> day is of urgent importance. >> for me. >> this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors in the former soviet union today. >> she is. >> a holocaust. >> survivor who has seen far more. >> evil than any human being. >> should endure. >> have you eaten this morning? >> i ate the carrot. and this is what she ate in two days. all of you, please pray for me.
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and with a specific marker of inflammation. >> look for clinical grade berberine and other doctors. >> preferred products. >> in stores near you. >> we call. >> great. >> tonight's. we call bull on this claim that people are fleeing the country to escape the trump administration. andrew, the anti-trump media is saying that the they call them donald dashers, claiming wealthy americans and celebs are fleeing to the uk in record numbers. and then you read the article and it's all speculation. they mentioned one person, ellen degeneres. they're so full of no one is leaving. they would they would they could not leave unless they have a they keep their house in california. they never leave. >> they can't handle it. but one of the people who said that they were leaving, they were like, oh, i'm booking a ticket and i'm going to go support mexico. and they ended up in albuquerque. yeah, because they
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didn't realize it was new mexico. and then trump and ellen came out and they said, the way they're going to prevent all of these people from leaving is they're no longer going to issue a license for emotional support. cats and ferrets. so they're like, shoot, i can't leave the country. >> you know? kennedy there was big, big to do about ellen fleeing america. and it was like, oh, it was over trump. it wasn't. >> no. they all made that that choice to move before he was reelected. and they were so certain that their condescending politics would take hold that people would be shamed into voting and voting for an intellectual invalid like kamala harris, that they left before. and i have to say, like, you know, and i want to say this to amy schumer and bruce springsteen and cher, the uk is phenomenal. it has never been better. they are welcoming. everything is dirt cheap. you can get you can get a mansion for like $40,000. like they should all just go and we should be waving them out and helping them pack. and i'll get the u-haul and the bubble wrap and the duct tape and anything they need to get
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out of the country because. >> no, but if cher, if cher leaves, she's going to have to ship her face separately. that's true. because you don't want you don't want like, you know, virgin air handling that it'll. >> drop through. customs is going to be. yes, that's an ask, tyrus. >> this is one of those things. it's like it's kind of what you just said in the a block. they're always interested in telling you what they're going to do. >> yeah, it's their last chance to get on camera. yeah. they're it's over. ellen was run out of daytime tv. so i'm leaving the country. not because the country says we don't want to see your face anymore. i'm leaving because of president trump. what he's going to do, he's going to come after us. the other thing is, the only time i've ever left or moved town is because i broke a law and had a warrant. so you know what i'm saying? like, dad couldn't handle the pressure because child support was building up and he went out for cigarettes and we never saw him again. yeah. so they're either running because there's things coming. we've got the epstein list and we've got apparently there's a dirty list. and then of course, there's all these
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bureaucrats who've been paying all these celebrities to come out and fight and perform for money. and i don't think the american people are going to smile too much and run off to see one of your movies if they find out the government was paying you $8 million to tell them that trump was hitler, and the other person, which you clearly know was incoherent, was a genius. so that that might be another reason why you might want to get out of town for a while. might be kind of hard just for like, i wish de niro would go, because even if it's a great movie now, you can't watch it if you. can't watch it, because it was that one comedy and i was like, oh, cool. oh, that guy. it's just because it's just that's what it's become. >> yeah. >> so whatever their reasons are, you should go. >> i hate to say it, that has really damaged reacher for me. yeah, i loved reacher. and then i saw that interview with him and he went off on trump for, like. and he was so deranged. and now when i see him and i hate the fact that that affects me. >> it shouldn't. but when they do that. but it says a lot because it's not who they are, they never have a good reason. like, give me a reason. i don't
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like him because when he was rich, he didn't fund my movie fair. okay, cool. but why don't you like him for he's hitler, okay? you're an idiot. like you're just doing it for money. >> you know, i think that a lot of these people fear success under trump more than they fear an apocalypse under trump. like if the if america goes to crap under trump, they can feel really good. but if everything's great, oh, then their ego is just destroyed. >> well, yeah, they would clearly be rooting against the country because they're rooting against donald trump. but i actually don't think that these people, if they do leave or if they are fleeing, is doing it because of trump. i think you're right. i think they're doing it because they made california hellscape. nobody wants to live there. it's dangerous. gavin newsom said that he was going to like trump, make sure that the state was safe from donald trump. and that didn't work out because apparently they all still hate it anyways. this is more a rebuke of gavin newsom and the terrible leadership in california than it is of donald trump. >> i got a word before i went to tape that rosie o'donnell
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left for ireland. apparently she wants to be with her family. potatoes. that's her family. didn't she look like a potato? okay, so why is whoopi so stupid? that's next. >> liberty. >> liberty mutual is all she talks about. since we saved hundreds by bundling our home and auto insurance. >> liberty. >> hey, kid. it's pronounced liberty. >> liberty. >> liberty. >> liberty. >> liberty, >> liberty. >> liberty, liberty. >> now she's mocking me. >> very mature. >> hey! that's enough, you two. >> hey. >> i'm not the one. >> acting like a total baby. >> she's to. >> only pay for what you need. >> liberty. >> liberty. >> liberty, liberty. >> hi. mike huckabee here. having spent many years in politics, i can comfortably say that the current climate is enough to keep any of us awake at night. and i safeguard my well-being by making sure that
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>> i think part. >> of the. >> problem that the trans community. is facing, and it's the same problem that women face, is if you. don't know. >> anything about our. >> bodies, you don't know how it works. so when you come in and you say, oh, you know, these men are these are men, you know, competing against competing against women. you're assuming that the women are weak and just can't do anything except be here. have you seen female athletes? they know what they're doing. so i'm not sure what's going on or why this is an issue. >> ha ha ha. dylan mulvaney was like a buck in the headlights. i get it, you're stupid. but no, not you. i meant whoopi, but you should at least pretend to exist in the real world. i mean, imagine using that logic. in real life, women are
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substantially more likely to be injured or killed in incidents of domestic violence. would merely pointing that out denigrate the belief that women are strong and capable? no. we understand the obvious that men are physically stronger than women. it's not an opinion, it's biology. for example, men are often less likely to report domestic violence because the battery is less severe. this is why in sports, where men claiming to be women compete against actual women, it's the real women and not the fakes who get hurt. but whoopi, the so-called feminist, is okay with that. that biological males not only rob women of the chance to compete fairly, but also safely. i'm just kind of shocked that this is the hill whoopi is prepared to die on because, you know, i just assumed she avoided hills. but i'll give whoopi this. it is true. we don't know anything about whoopi's body. and for the love of god, let's keep it that way. kennedy. why would
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she hold an opinion like this? it's so obviously stupid. >> she's not particularly gifted. >> yeah. >> intellectually, she actually, when joe biden was elected, she thought that. jill. doctor jill biden should be the surgeon general. and she she honestly said that on the show and she had to be corrected by sunny hostin was like, i think she's actually a phd and not a medical doctor, per se. and she goes, well, i don't know about that. i heard she's she's quite good in the o.r, so but what struck me about this was whoopi goldberg is one of the few people she hates men because she's like, she's assuming that it's the patriarchy who's determining that biological males can not compete in women's sports because they're so dumb and they don't know anything about boobies and vaginas. and she's like, they the patriarchy doesn't know our bodies, but at the same time, she hates women
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so much that she wants them to get beat up on by biologically verifiable, stronger beings. so somehow she's one of the few people who absolutely hates both sexes, so it's almost impossible to see which side of the battle of the sexes she's on. yeah, maybe she doesn't have enough sex to be in the battle. >> she showed up unarmed. tyrus, the weird thing about the view was that dylan mulvaney was the most feminine person there. >> yes. he was. somebody didn't read the script before they went out on the show. oh, she had she was so bad that she made the view quiet. yeah. the camera was panning for someone to say something, and i think old dylan jumped in and was like, yeah, that's all they had. i just would like to pull dylan out and throw him out. and then metaphorically, and
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put rachel dolezal in there. >> yes. >> let's put her in there and then let's say she does jobs as a black woman better than black women. and it's her right to pursue that. and just because we don't know how her feelings are, whoopi doesn't give us the right to tell her she's not black. just marinate on that for a minute. >> you. >> moron. >> it's so true. why can't we identify as a different race? >> because that's just not how logic works. and sanity should rule the day. now, i feel bad for whoopi goldberg, though, because she's sitting here saying that if you're not a woman, you don't know about a woman's body, but she clearly can't define what a woman is, and she didn't even have a point. whatever that rambling statement was, because you saw it on dylan mulvaney's face. it was like, yeah, where are we trying to go with this? at the end of the day, democrats and liberals are on the wrong side. if they are advocating that boys play in girls sports, it is dangerous for the female athlete. there are sports where gender does not matter. there
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are sports where it does matter. doing anything that puts young girls or women at risk is not worth it. democrats. it is not hard to figure out. >> yeah. you know. andrew, i was looking at dylan mulvaney's face and i'm thinking not buying it. he i think he was convincing dylan to be transphobic. >> i think dylan, i think dylan's done. this is the last time he's ever going to be a woman or a she or he. i don't even know. and after all that condescending verbal diarrhea, i just don't even want to talk about it anymore because there's no intellectual curiosity in this debate. let's just get get down to brass tacks. americans don't support this. and if we are going to support that, i'm going to look at it in a way in which i can profit off of it. and i'm going to start selling chicken as steak. so when you order a steak at my restaurant, you're getting a piece of chicken, because that's the way it identifies. >> it's cheaper. cheaper. >> don't you already have chicken fried steak? it's already being done. >> well, i quit.
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those international rules and norms. and we have talked about it in terms of, for example, maritime law. i've spent a lot of time in the indo-pacific meeting with world leaders in that region of the world, talking about international rules and norms as it relates to a free and open indo-pacific, international rules and norms as it relates to the seas. what about international rules and norms as it relates to ai? >> i what gets worse? watch her go on and on about doritos and doordash. >> we did doordash because i wanted doritos, and it was they were about the red carpet part was about to start. nobody wanted to leave to go to the grocery store. so it was doordash. and i'm and i'm thinking about this about. so i was willing to give up whatever might be the tracking of kamala harris's particular fondness
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for nacho cheese doritos for the sake of getting a big bag of doritos as i watched the oscars. >> oh, awesome. >> that was something. but just like chips go with dip, kamala's mangled mess goes great with bongos, but in this case, to suit her state. we made them drunk bongos. so we did doordash because i wanted doritos. and it was. they were about the red carpet part was about to start. nobody wanted to leave to go to the grocery store. so it was doordash. and i'm and i'm thinking about this about. so i was willing to give up whatever might be the tracking of kamala harris's particular fondness for nacho cheese doritos for the sake of getting a big bag of doritos as i watched the oscars.
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>> wow. >> no wonder her husband banged the nanny, you know, tyrus pills and wine or just wine? >> we dodged such a big bullet. we are so unburdened. >> yes. >> and the great thing about this, aaron, is we still get to see her without having her as president, because she's on liberal welfare. which which are these hefty gigs that pay more in a night than she probably makes in a year? so she's going to be rewarded for taking the, you know, taking the metaphorical bullet by running in place of joe. >> i mean, i loved this so much. she reminds me of a drunk girl in the bar at the bathroo. >> like she. >> she is in there because one
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second she's going on about doritos and doordash and the next it's about affordable housing. and i she's just all over the place having a conversation with anybody who will listen to whatever she's droning on about. and you're right, she's going to make buco bucks saying absolutely nothing, spinning in circles. and you know what? good on her, because we still get to enjoy the fact that she sounds as disconnected from reality as she is. and she's not the president. >> yes, she's not the president. but we get to still do the segments, which is it's a win win for this show. we got a great country and i got entertainment. andrew, you are a professional chef. you see a lot of people in your establishment that's that are a little bit off so to speak. what is she on. >> well and it's and especially in california where weed is just like is mandatory. so you have people who come in who took a gummy thinking that it was like their vitamin of the day and they had no idea what's going on. that's her. it's like the 16 year old after they accidentally eat a gummy, and then they have absolutely no idea what's going on in the world. frito-lay should sue
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her, because the only thing i took from that little speech is that frito-lay and doritos lead to dementia, or some sort of brain worms, and also who in her campaign told her doritos are going to make you really all-american because everything's about doritos with her. remember on the campaign trail, oh, the doritos and only her can make doritos seem elite. like, oh, i'm going to doordash, doritos, $15 for the doordash fee for a $3 bag of doritos. >> that is such a great point. but part of it is the repetition. she always repeats everything, and two, whatever it is sounds like she just ruins it. it's like, oh, i have doritos, but i have it delivered to me by an illegal immigrant on a on a on an e-bike. kennedy. you know what kills me? she doesn't have to try, like like if you were invited to go speak at an ai conference, you'd at least, like, kind of know what you're talking about. she knows she never has to know what she has to talk about. >> prep, maybe put a powerpoint together. yes, but this this is why, you know, her existence is such a gift. and i really want to thank her and hillary
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clinton because combined, you know, i mean, it just proves that trump beats women, which is. >> you know. >> sometimes you're kind of glad he did. >> but also, like, all you had to do with hillary when she lost was like, why did you lose the election? and she'd be like, james comey. latvian bot farms, submissive women. and with kamala, you know, it's just like the color blue. and she's like, let me tell you something. so to andrew's point, i realized after watching that i thought she was a booze bag. i thought she was rosé all day and she was half in the bag. she's a total stoner. it all makes sense. so that's why she's just scarfing doritos. but it's the most responsible thing she's ever said. because i realized, like, she's so high, she won't drive. and that fat nanny humper wouldn't get in the suburban and go to the store and get her some doritos. like, what a. >> yeah. >> oh, no, you're not going to besmirch his name. he has to
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listen to that every day. so could you. no, no. >> to go to the store. >> i'm telling you right now if that's how my other half communicated with me, i wouldn't be here because i'd be in jail for murder. >> which we don't condone, greg. >> we don't condone murder. not on this show. it's different over it. >> even after that speech. >> all right. getting freaky with robots. that's next. >> independent seniors have a new ally. the medical alert device from consumer cellular that keeps them connected to emergency. help 24 over seven. and we're here to find out how much they're. loving it. >> first up. nancy, wait. >> where's nancy? >> over here. >> let me show you my garden. >> nancy. sure. enjoying her. >> peace of mind. >> isn't she? >> that's because the iris ally. >> is the only. medical alert device backed by the reliable service and support of consumer
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12:54 am >> a story in five words. >> sex robot hookups don't count. aaron, i'm sure you've covered this story a lot in your political analysis. a new poll shows that 60% of people do not think intimacy with a sex robot counts as cheating, with men generally being more comfortable with the concept than women, there's a surprise. women are more likely to view sex with a robot as infidelity. where do you stand on this prickly issue? >> this is a very gross topic, and i'm very disturbed by absolutely all of this, including the men who think that robot sex is better than sex with your wife. like you really got to work on some stuff if that's going to be the better choice for you. and so that's not my problem. but oh my god.
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>> you're making the false comparison. they're not comparing the robot to their wife. they're comparing it to the refrigerator and the microwave. it's a step up. right, andrew, you've been in a kitchen. you can't have sex with a refrigerator. >> yeah, no, a walk in, you can. >> but. don't you hate it when it feels like a walk in? >> oh, that's right, that's right. you know, let's not let's not get into hot dogs. so. >> it's like throwing a hot dog and a walk in freezer. >> you know. >> this is definitely cheating. it's when you break that emotional connection, whether it's with a robot or not. but what i want to know is when you have erectile dysfunction in a robot world of sex, is that sponsored by microsoft? >> wouldn't it be a compliment to you, kennedy, if you caught your your boyfriend or husband in bed with a sex robot modeled after you? >> i don't want either of them in bed with anything other than me. that's funny, i would i
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would only allow it if i could program the robot to ghost him. then i'd be like, see, she's a filthy too. like i'm all you need. >> tyrus. >> no, because with my luck, i'd be the first human to get a robot pregnant. i'm not going on maury for that. >> and on that note, we'll be right back. >> hi. mike huckabee here. having spent many years in politics, i can comfortably say that the current climate is enough to keep any of us awake at night, and i safeguard my well-being by making sure that i get a good night's rest with relaxation and sleep. america's number one trusted sleep aid.
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