tv Red Eye FOX News July 5, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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cluck cluckers around saying you shouldn't do that. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. welcome to "red eye." it is like solid gold if by gold you mean greg. go to tv's andy levy tv's andy levy for the pregame report. >> i don't know if you can feel it down here in america's news headquarters. >> i can feel it. >> you are in the lofty studio. check out the latest from honduras. with the ousting of the president and illegal military action did it save the country democracy and what does hugo chavez have to say about it. quite a coup, greg. >> a hard look at how jon bon jovi is showing solidarity with the people of iran by
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singing in farci. >> you are a give. i'm a giver. >> absolutely. >> i'm not a taker. >> anything else, andy? >> is it a good idea for the white house to be enlisting the aid of ashton cupper to raise awareness about hiv testing. some say it is, some say it isn't and others are too drunk to know what i just said. >> you're talking about bill. >> i was but i'm too poe late to mention names. >> we have remy spencer. so hot, the sun is accusing her of stolen identity. greg proobs. taller than me but worth the climb. bill schulz. in the subway he is a turn style. and sitting next to me, mike baker, former cia operative. if sharp commentary were chap stick he would be all over my lips. you love to hate him and hate to love him.
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mr. "new york times" correspondent. >> i want to make clear, bill schulz would never drink on the job. a national treasure. and underpaid national treasure. >> thank you very much. to the news. michael jackson. michael jackson. michael jackson. michael jackson. okay. to honduras. the u.n. general assembly demanded that the president be immediately returned to power. but the honduran attorney general says he will be arrested "as soon as he puts a foot on honduran soil." no word, however, about the rest of his body. meanwhile, hugo chavez puts the ass in honduras by saying that the u.s. had a lot to do with the coup. he claims american rich hondurans have turned honduras into a terror base of the north american empire. i believe we have tape of his
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speech. [talking in foreign language break break. >> we will get some letters over that one. >> i go to you because you have overthrown governments, even in america. what do you make of this guy? >> only in the private sector. because the government wouldn't do that. >> that's true. that's true. >> what do you make of this guy? >> i was confused because at first i thought we were going with honduras because it was tito jackson or jermaine jackson. i see now where it all fits in. let me put it this way. andy i think asked it best. an illegal military action or effort to save the constitution of honduras. i would vote for an effort by the people of honduras to save the constitution. they spirited away an individual who has been trying to trash the constitution for some time and create an opportunity for him to be president for life. that is why, no surprise,
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chavez and some others who may be left leaning in the u.n., although i'm not saying there are those kinds of people. suddenly everybody loves him including president obama. >> he is hugo chavez, jr. he has been giving him hundreds of millions of dollars trying to have an ally there and now chavez is ticked off. >> president obama? >> no,. >> it is clear that all the money went to lovely pajama. >> wonderfully old school type of coup and quite frankly we are trying to make more of zalaya then. but he was in the process of trashing that constitution. >> do you think it is weird that obama cares more about honduras than he did about iran. you are iranian, let's put that out there right now.
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>> i'm american. i'm born and raised in america. i'm proud of my parent's heritage that goes to iran. what is so interesting is that he has taken a firm stance right away and had to get out and make a representation. innocent people who were protesting peacefully in iran about what we now know to be a very corrupt election, he didn't want to meddle or get involved. >> they say the theory is that obama didn't want i guess everybody else to think that america was behind the coup. he has to understand it doesn't matter. everybody is going to think you are behind the coup or guilty of collusion in iran. >> i thought we established it was coop. >> i have no idea. >> i also think to take it one step further, by obama not really getting out there in front of the election story in iran but now doing it in this, i think it is showing a sign of weakness. is he afraid of the iranians?
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less afraid of the iranians. doesn't make sense to me. i don't know if he is trying to stick with the campaign slogan of diplomacy. >> you know who might know, greg. he is not only smart, he is also adorable. >> outraged or mildly aroused? >> as a honduran. >> if you look to the history channels you will see this was portended in the mayan calendar which was created in honduras that the end of days is coming in 2012 and shall be preceded, those who wear the tortoiseshell shall take down the al gore of the isthmus. >> this is the year seven jaguar and a lot of people don't know that and in the year seven jaguar there will be great tempests.
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>> bill, you staged a coup in a honduran bar every friday night. >> a friend of mine is actually married to a honduran. >> he's an expert. >> one thing i will tell you about their people, they make a mean bloody mary. i love the fact that zalaya haustussed the word in dig nation. it is a good word. i would say indifference is a better words. a series of words about what is honduras may be better than that or other words like i would rather talk about the jackson case. >> bottomline, i don't nowhere honduras. and bugs me that obama cares
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more about that than the death of impersonator fred travelina. >> he died? >> the white house is a new messenger in tweet. i'm talking about ashton kutcher. she said that the obama administration asked him to get the word out about national hiv testing day. he says "i have been asked by the white house to tweet this" wrote kutcher who provided a link to a white house blog post about the event. he has over 2.5 million followers. said a spokesperson as a technology impact how and wore people are communicating online we are constantly looking for new ways to engage with the public and with that most of america threw up threw their eye balls. >> was spence until available? >> apparently heidi and spencer couldn't way in on this one.
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i haven't been so moved to a celebrity commitment to disease since i saw the -- i can't say his name. wilder valderama weighed in on lupus. my understand is that president obama has mary kate and ashley olson taking a nut litchfield ition truck around to the schools. >> i met ashton kutcher a number of times, once, actually, in a bathroom. he was a delightful chap, he took my cigarettes. isn't the white house looking silly every time, a, it engages some kind of social networking tool and b, attaches it to an already overexposed celebrity.
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>> are you referring to kutcher as a social networking tool? >> perhaps i am. perhaps i am. >> that is a different spin on it. you always make fun of me but i think when you can educate people about something that is a good thing. >> greg: who does not know about hiv testing? >> i get tested 20 times a year and i haven't had sex since i was 14. >> i accidentally got hiv tested yesterday. >> greg: go ahead. >> using technology, good thing. get the word out to young people. but ashton kutcher. didn't he sort of get a lot of followers because he took a picture of demi's rear end. >> greg: because the white house perceives him as cool and they want to get the word out.
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>> nexus of. >> it is a hardcore. >> greg: it is the feel wrinkly movie of the '80s -- of the summer. >> he plays the milk. >> the most challenging role you will ever see. >> greg: bottom line, i'm setting sick to my stomach with the white house's desperate attempt to be him and edgy. we get it the president is young and in your face and all the cool people love him. can we please get some adults in the white house? story-o, wherefor art thou, storio? there you are. ♪
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country consisting only of birds, while this proves obama is a citizen of the world still his own country is left wandering and confused. i suppose it is easy for macaw to swoon over obama. then again, in macaw you are happy to have any kind of light bulb even if it is a candle shaped like a light bulb. what is the use of being loved if you can't force those who love you into submission? i mean our prez sat on the sad sidelines over bloody iran. it is not the leaders but the people who matter. does obama make a list of things that piss him off and if so, what is the top? fashionistaism or poorly inflated tires. the murder of innocent protesters or teens smoking. nukes pointed at hawaii or sugary soda at high schools?
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our nation's prosperity or his ads. i'm replacing my obama poster with a poster of sarkozy. he has ab testimony and balls. >> if you were as popular as obama, what would you do? >> i would do exactly what he is doing. i would bask in my own self-basting self-enchanted mix city glory. i saw him say on t.v. once people think i'm cool. it is like you know what, i have a rule, if you have to tell people people think you are cool, not quality. >> he is kind of like the annoying drunk at the end of the bar who won't stop and he is not that drunk so he is always on point. i'm sorry. >> and often the annoying drunk at the end of the bar. >> greg: but your popularity didn't stop you from meddling in foreign affairs and making the lives of foreign peeples
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miserable. >> not at all. quite frankly, the more popular they are, the more you have leeway in terms of going out there and skewing with other people's living. >> it is sarkozy. >> what did i say? >> i'm just there to correct you because i'm the annoying drunk at the end of the table. >> more to your point -- i think greg had a really good point there. >> greg: thank you very much. i figure you were going to wing it. >> i was winging it, yes. >> greg: bill, shouldn't obama be using his popularity more to help folks rather than push unrealistic programs that will bankrupt our country? >> i feel there is a bit of opinion in that question. i did research and i found out exactly why macaw likes obama so much. >> why? >> they were invaded by portugal in the 1800s and still adopt portugese law. the reason they like him is because what did he just buy?
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a portugese water dog. all coming down right now, guys. now, i think that we should invade the stupid little country now. >> greg: , no, macaw is a lovely country. >> you're going down, macaw. >> greg: stop picking on the macawk. >> anything we need, greg. >> greg: stop picking -- >> let's get free water dog. >> greg: stop picking on them. -- and one whoshooting spree loves obama so much that they can't think straight. >> he ran on a platform of change. a lot of people feel like our last president deceived the people. >> not me. >> i think that he is trying to gain credibility from the people who didn't support him. only time will tell. we don't know. >> still is mystery who she voted for. [ laughter ]
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>> you are not going get it out of me. >> obama ran on a platform of change. greg prefers running on platform shoes of change. >> greg: why was a stab at my height necessary? we were having a. >> actually we were talking about your cross dressing. >> i think people believe his heart is in the right place. >> greg: we get it, cheer leader obama. >> what do you get when you cross the next segment with a giant gazelle? nothing, turns out they are genetically uncompatible. what is lenny kravitz up to now? about 6 feet, i think. kelly saunder's nature valley, the place that inspires her to go faster...
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what we know is this day... we'll come through for you. we're your 17,000 state farm agents. and to us, nothing's more important than being there. ♪ yeah, so? it stinks in here! have you smelled this chair? or these curtains? you've gotta wash this whole room! are you kidding? wash it?! let's wash it with febreze! whoa! [ sniffs ] hey mrs. weber. [ sniffs ] hey, it smells nice in here.
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the classic rock mimicking staff tells london the daily telegraph that no woman has jammed on his guy guitar and it will remain untouched until he is legally wed. he says i think sex and intermacy is very important. i'm going to do it with my wife and not any one else. at the time he was sharing his bahama retreat with this young lovely. ♪ >> greg: she really is going my way. a little lenny kravitz song trivia for you out there. >> trivia. >> greg: lenny kravitz sell
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celibate, what a waste, huh? >> the whole point of being a rock star is to receive grantfication orally from a lufthansa stewardess, do drugs off the back of a porsche and have a guy come and open it up and give you myriad things and then die when you are 11. >> greg: that is a beautiful story. >> the whole i'm celibate and he want to get married things is a bummer. if i want to watch that i will watch dick cheney on t.v. >> is he doing the write thing? >> you mean why chihuahua. >> there is few things i enjoy more than when mr. proobs starts to freeform like that. >> greg: clearly you have that ability. >> as the father of a teenage
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daughter, yes, i believe he is doing the right thing because he called her several times before he decided to take the oath of celibacy. >> remy, have you ever taken a vow of celibacy and did it make you happy? >> i'm impressed with his level of discipline. most people can't stick to a diet or relationship. it is impressive. i'm not sure i understand what this is supposed to mean or what is symbolized but if is a healthy life and his choice, congratulations to him. >> greg: you know what bugs me? >> lots of things. >> greg: right now i have got something in my throat. why is it necessary to share the information because once you confess something about your sex life then you have no right to privacy. you have been celibate far
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longer than lenny has. but you didn't have a choice. >> i hope god overlooks the small point and accepts the fact that i have been celibate and enjoy that. >> apparently a lot of people overlook that small point. >> it is more crooked than small. >> the point is he is doing this because he found religion. >> the few times that he strayed he apologizes to god and knows that he is angry and asks that he will forgive him. i have to think the lord is angry about more important things than whether or not he had a three way with en vogue. >> weren't their three women in en vogue 12346789. >> thy were four -- there were four so one was the referee. >> who didn't have a foursome with en vogue. >> where were you? >> i was in honduras.
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>> greg: p.s., i'm slippery when wet which is why jon bon jovi launched an iran video this week where he sings in farsi ♪ ♪ darling, darling, stand by me, stand by me ♪ >> greg: oh. i wish i knew the name of that song. in case you missed it, it was a cover sock of i think it was i saw you standing there which was made famous in the coming of age film dangerous minds. remy, as much as i find bon jovi annoying because i really do, i have to give him credit for this.
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finally you have a celebrity actually doing something that may not be as exciting to other people but it is actually helping somebody. >> i think you are right. i love bon jovi. >> what girl doesn't love bon jovi. >> i'm one of them. >> different reasons. >> i think what he is doing is spectacular. he learned another language or at least how to sing that song in far. >> he speaks flew wently in farsi now. >> he is trying to make them feel like they are not alone in the world. he is there and people are listening and paying attention. >> greg: that is the problem, even though he is doing this to help the people, no one is going to see it, are they? >> no, not really. i was getting ready to be all cynical but then remy came in with her fell good bumper sticker thing. >> it isn't such a bad thing. >> it is for me, i'm supposed
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to be funny. sincerity does not play funny. i have two thing toss say about this, one, haven't the people of iran suffered enough. and works i understand that motley crue is angry about alexander the great's invasion and they are coming up with a song they are working on all together. >> greg: we have to move on apparently i'm being told in my ear. have a mint, e-mail us as dial 212-462-5050. and still to come, the halftime report from tv's andy levy. >> tonight's halftime report sponsored by bees. the flying insects closely related to wasps and ants and related to wasps and ants and known for their role in ) producing bees wax and
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pollennation. thanks, bees. huh? introducing off! clip-on repellent. lab tests show this new sprayless repellent really repels. in minutes its fan surrounds you with proven... off! protection wherever you're sitting. so don't spray it on -- clip it on. on a table, chair...anywhere. new off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. s.c. johnson. a family company. ( thwack )
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there's that mr. clean magic eraser thing again. clean freak. [ bottle #2 ] whoa... is he better than us? uh, i mean, i mean i feel like it took you like three times longer to do whatever he did... dude, dude, he's got...these -- like -- microscrubbers... yeah, i guess... magic man. he's a magic man. what? i just want to be squeezed. [ male announcer ] remove three times more grime per swipe and get this unbeatable clean guaranteed or your money back with the mr. clean magic eraser. so, april... yeah? you know, your charger is still using energy when it's plugged into the wall, right?
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yeah, but that's not my charger. i don't even have a cell phone. [ballad ringtone playing] uh-oh. um... [music stops] heh. announcer: millions of kids are using their energy wisely. >> greg: welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. let's go to tv's andy levy. andy, does it bother you that you live by twitter and that the white house didn't ask you for help? >> no, the show is that obama gets it. he gets it, man. he is so cool. bill, i'm pretending you don't exist until you cut that ridiculous hair. >> i don't know what happened.
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don't pay $20 for a hair cut. >> sshhh. you don't exist. >> a bit of a wing quality that is nice. greg, you referred to honduras as an arctic country. it has a moretemperate temperature in the mountains. >> we were saying that back in the '80s, too. >> i know you were. mike, some people were saying the cia orchestrated the coup because he wanted to legalize drugs. >> i can deny that. the cia ha had nothing 20 do with this. literally the will of the honduran people. >> gently nudged by the cia. >> you didn't hear that. >> chavez says that the cia is
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also behind the unrest is iran. any reason i shouldn't believe him? >> hugo chavez, no, you should believe everything he says. he wants to be president for life and that means that he cares about you forever and as prince said, that is a mighty long time. >> thank you. >> look at the man in the mirror. >> you mentioned that obama was quick to jump into the honduran situation and not the iranian one. is it because we are part of the states. >> it could be. we should have seen the white house come out earlier and make an affirmative statement about the poor people being attacked in iran. >> andy, might i jump in here, honduras is not an american state. >> it's not. >> you think hawaii is an american state. >> i think you just established that i wasn't listening to the question. >> by the way, he now says he
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would no longer push for the illegal constitutional referendum he wanted. he said if he were offered the chance to stay in power beyond his term he wouldn't accept it. he says he will go back to being a farmer. he sounds like a good guy. don't you feel bad about orchestrating the coup now? >> it shows it was a good idea. >> you admit you orchestrated the coup. >> no. but we did have something to do with the coop. >> parked right next to your honduran beach front property. >> where did you get the pajamas he was wearing. >> a silk pair of boxers and a shorty robe. >> from the baker collection. >> ashton kutcher helps with the white house hiv testing campaign. you asked if fez wasn't available. he couldn't be more available. >> he was quite the player in
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hollywood. >> greg: i think he deflowered many women like lindsay lohan and many other women including bill. >> really? >> i did not know that. greg you said everyone knows about hiv testing. according to the white house, one in five americans with hiv doesn't know it. >> really? >> i don't know how they know that. a little scary. >> wait, how many people are on the show tonight? >> i feel safe because you're here. >> by the way, national hiv testing day is june 27th and i'm sure this is just a coincidence but that is two days after rick leventhal's next sexy party. >> beaded doorways he has. >> it is macaw. >> it's pronounced macaw. >> trust me. >> it was mccoup under the portugese and now in its current state it's macaw.
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>> i don't believe you. >> greg: i just lost proobs. >> okay. >> bill, you said you hope that god overlooked the fact that your celibacy wasn't by choice. are we still on. >> i'm waiting with anticipation at your veiled insult. >> i said that is what you need god to overlook but since no one is paying attention to me anyway, i'm done. >> i'm glad. he was making fun of me. remini spencer, she is so hot the sun calls her on mother's day because she is the sun abouts mom. >> whoa! >> greg, if journalism excellent were a bottle of tequila, i would swallow his worm. is getting a b.a. just b.s.? it is true that unless you are
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planning to use college to sex wally experiment with value grants it is a waste of four years. that according to one new york post columnist jack huff. suggests that the cost of earning a bachelor's degree may exceed the benefits of all that horde work. the reason, they offer the classes like the fiction of j.k. rowling and the history of biceps. instead, he offers a student saving money straight out of high school can earn more in the long-term. i go to you first. would you like to take the time now to tell all the high school kids out there what college is all about? >> thank you, mr. gutfeld, for this opportunity. i never graduated college and i would like to say to a lot of the kids watching at 3:00 in the morning in new york. you don't need school. it is a lot of b.s. here i am on a show with two
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alcoholics and two people with legitimate jobs and i feel good about going from town to town and trying to score drugs and drinking in bars with the staff of various comedy clubs and you can, too, if you apply yourself the way i did. never mind cracking the books. that leads to being barack and a lot of work and you don't get to chase strange. >> greg: chasing strange is what it is all about. remy, you defended all sort of murderers and rapists and rapist murderers. is it tough paying off your student loans knowing that it is money from rapists and murderers? >> my goodness, you are out of control. i defend the wrongfully accused. >> greg: answer the question. >> and i protect the constitutional rights of everyone out there. going through school is expense isive. i went for one year at emerson with bill. i think he took some of the classes that you talked about.
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>> yes, i did. >> i don't remember classes like that when i went to law school but they got to lower the price and make about more accessible for everyone. >> greg: mike, do you think we will see less kids going to college now because it is like, it is not as cool? >> because it is like, i don't know, first of all, who goes to school for four years? the problem is not that it has gotten more expensive. the problem is it is taking seven to eight years to graduate and i knee for a -- i know that for a fact. i would like to take the opposite point and say to the kids of america that going to college is a wonderful experience and a ticket to your future success. so that is what i would say. >> that is what you would say. >> greg, remember the idea we had about baker doing psas. >> by the way, the white house asked me to do a twitter campaign on college. >> greg: if there was a whole complete nuclear devastation
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and we had to start the world over again with the survivors, the college goers would be at the mercy of the people who didn't go to college because those that didn't go to college would be the only people that know how to do stuff. >> thank you, mr. proobs. always a pleasure to see you and your delightful hair. if i had one wish it would be that every boy and girl in the world could see this upcoming story. and also work for me as slaves. what is the next guest famous for doing onscreen? here is a hint, he is dying to tell you. blams ?
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in here, elliott. >> greg: he lives to die and dies to live and lives to die. i think i said that already. he has been shot with a shotgun. electrocuted on a fence. blown up in a boat and when was killed on law & order svu that marks the ba zillion time he has been killed on camera. mike doyle. he knows dying like i know crying. you just die all the time. >> do i. i have the bad habit of meeting
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an unlimely demise with all i do. >> greg: do you think, oh, god, why me? why do i have to keep fake dieing. >> and get a complex about it. >> greg: the new york times did a story on that. s that a special talent that has been discovered? >> i think it is a gift. i found out i was dying. i was with a bunch of friends from high school and the first thing my friend michelle said was again because it was the 7th time in about 11 years i think. >> greg: you died on oz, i remember that. >> after being gang raped by a group of aryans. and chris says at least this time you don't get gang rape. >> that would make bill sad. >> what a way to go. >> what can we do afterwards? >> greg: what is physically the
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hardest part about the death scene. >> keeping my eyes still. the first time i died was in the loss of innocence. i play a mormon who gets killed by my brother rob estes who is sleeping with my wife, jenny garth. >> all those names. >> gary coleman. >> webster was there. >> and. >> emanuel lewis did a cameo. i'm sorry. go ahead. >> one of my other brothers closes my eyes and my eyes flutter and they kept it in the cut for whatever reason and ever since then i have been terribly self-conscious. >> greg: when somebody is in a coffin that is the thing. everybody is watching to see if the little eyes sort of like. i always thought maybe there were tricks that they had to have tricks that they taught you. >> my trick is to keep my eyes open now. i die with my eyes open. >> greg: i assume that would be
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hard. you stare straight ahead and hold your breath and you are all set. >> sounds like my tuesday nights. i hear you. >> greg: what are some of the ways you have been offed. >> i was shot. i was electrocuted on a fence. i was blown up on a boat after being shot. i was stabbed. and, there is another one. burned to death. >> greg: what is your favorite? >> i think getting electrocuted on the fence is the coolest one. it is odd because i make it to the top before i let electric cuted. >> that was oz, correct? >> yes. >> now, that is -- we had people from oz on the show and i always bluer about it because i enjoyed it. it must have been a fun show to work on. >> it was great. it was pretty intense. >> you played a rapist who was ten incarcerated and then raped. they turned you into a prague. >> i was their bitch.
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>> i mad a barrett and makeup and a little lipstick. >> did you have any prague hags. >> maybe i did because peppa of salt and pepa was one of the prison guards and on the call sheet it says pepa. >> greg: are you told specifically by a director how to die or are you allowed to bring part of yourself into it? >> you are aloued to bring part of yourself which is the dangerous part because i had a long leash and hung myself on it. you are left on your own so you have to grab some friends and say how does this look. >> greg: do you ever look at people doing death scenes and say i could do it better? any famous people you would like to play because of their deaths? >> michael jackson would be
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really a coo. >> it is pronounced coupe. >> do you practice? >> i do spend time alone and practice. >> style breathing with a knife in his lungs. i have not seen that before. >> greg: what is next for you? >> a film called rabbit hole with nicole kidman. based on a play called rabbit hole. >> greg: do you die? >> i live. i didn't know what to do with it. >> that is the rabbit. that is why it is called rabbit hole. a large hole in his chest. >> greg: we have to go. thanks a lot. after watching the show go it dailey gut and check out crap. crest whitestrips has created a revolutionary strip
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that sticks to your teeth so well you can even drink water with it on. new crest whitestrips advanced seal. get a dramatically whiter smile while you do just about anything. satisfaction guaranteed. bounty extra soft can help. pffft in this lab demo, e sheet out-scrubs... two sheets of the bargain brand.
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you? >> actually this guy is a little out of control right now but you can't blame him for that. tell more about michael jackson. >> apparently unruly fan out there. >> you can't blame that guy really. that steve ryan is one handsome reporter and throws a mean slap. come on, reporter dude, make a fist and call me. fans of fun, ever wonder what a day in the life is like for our "new york times" correspondent and his right-hand man, bill schulz? me neither. the answer to a question that never should have been asked has come our way via something the kids like to call a webisode. overly sensitive viewers look away from the t.v. screen right about now. >> pinch, i just fine a story on a tribe of transsexual monkeys. crazy, right? >> hey, bill, why don't you prank call geraldo rivera?
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♪ ♪ >> greg: there is no good reason for -- there is no good reason for me to be pranking geraldo right now. we are on deadline. >> i will but you lunch. i know your speed, i will but you brunch. you belong in the lady's lockerroom. mix it up. you're a big [ bleep ] >> that is totally uncalled for. all right, a. i'll do it. >> hello. >> i'm giving away mustache rides for $50 a pop. >> bill, is that you again? [ laughter ]
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>> now, prank call shep. >> that had a really nice after school special feel to it, bill. >> it surely did. i wrote a song for the introbut couldn't match the music with the words with the music. to give you a little sample. ♪ i'm made from my mom, he is made from a tree, that's pinch and me ♪ >> fraggle rock. >> i was at your first acting for ray. >> actually, use on the correct use of the word foray. i wanted bottle water and an all white greenroom. i didn't get any of those. as a matter of fact, bill left me in the bathroom after we were done filming and unfortunately john gibson came in. >> no need to get in details. maybe after the show, over drinks, my place. to close out, we will speak toh
12:56 am
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12:58 am
ok. oomph. i'm a mommy. i love kids! i'm responsible, loving, nurturing. oooph. momma's coming, baby! [panting, grunts] ah! ah! ahhhh! all: mamma! [baby dinosaurs laugh] sid: [laughs] ha ha, no, stop, stop. >> greg: coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye," return appearances from fox news channel anchor gregg jarrett, jill bo dobson and jamie lisso. time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrapup. >> thanks, greg, it is lisow.
12:59 am
>> what kind of feedback did you get when you filled in for me last week? >> funny that you should say that. i have plenty right here, andy. outstanding. truly a pleasure to watch. far better than the guy that was here before. >> we look forward to your return time and time again. i want to say right now because i did get e-mails saying it looks like you are having too much fun. i'm happy to have you back, andy. nobody is happier to have you back than me. nobody is happier to have you back than me. >> i don't think anybody is happy to have me back period is the idea. remy, i don't have time to ask you the involved question that you wanted me to so how are you. >> i think you may have gotten me sick, i got a little cold. i'm glad you are back and you are feeling better. >> you don't have what andy's got. >> back to you, greg. >> thank you very much, remy spencer. always a pleasure having you on the show.
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