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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 7, 2009 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute jane: the man that the police say is the south carolina serial killer is off the streets for good. jon: also, obama is in russia, meeting with vladimir putin. we have major garrett positive you coming up. jane: you will hear from sarah palin were the first time about why she is stepping down. why is she doing it? answers are straight ahead. jon: a final farewell to michael jackson. these are cars approaching the family compound, and we are also live at the staples center in
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los angeles. there is speculation but no confirmation yet that michael jackson's task will be headed to the center. and the tribute begins less than two hours from now for jackson whose sudden death shocked the world last month. he was just 50 years old. last night, the family gathered at the forest lawn cemetery, spending more than an hour there. meanwhile, celebrities from the singing world and beyond are preparing to pay tribute at a public memorial. stevie wonder, right kerry, usher, and queen latifah. other fans are there as well, getting their golden tickets yesterday. in total, less than 25,000 will be allowed inside, but the lapd are bracing for a huge crowds outside. the chief is saying that his officers will be prepared for anything, but there will be more security outside than any other
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event in the last 20 years. people will be watching in places like topeka, kan., planning to broadcast the moral life for free. and not just in the u.s. a billion world wide are expected to watch the memorial. some are trying to get to los angeles in person. british airways and virgin atlantic are reporting a surge in bookings to los angeles. flights to san francisco, las vegas, los angeles art and jam packed with celebrities. they call in america's -- they call it america's version of princess diana. we begin with atom live at the staple center in los angeles. what is happening there now? >> a massive crowd is starting to form outside. you can see the people who have gathered outside the center
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where winning for the doors to open. that will happen any moment. you'll hear random cheers, telling stories, singing. you will hear different cheers coming from the crowd here. you can also not see it, but there is literally a massive crowd behind the plot here. we do not know if they're trying to get in or if they have come down here just to experience what is going on. we know it least 1800 are here. we know that there are police officer stationed here at the encino home, and the home where michael jackson died half a week ago and. we have a picture of the caravan of the cars that led it from the home. anita is located at the cemetery. as part of the movement, we're
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told that after reaching a cemetery they may bring the body to the staples center. there were reports this morning that the body would deftly come here, attributed the chief of police, who says it is likely that he will be coming here, his remains will be brought here, but at the same time, they will not bank on it for sure because things have changed so much. at the same time, they are preparing for the possibility of air lifting his remains and to be staples center. that is something they are preparing for. as you can tell, it is quite an event right here. there have been no problem so far, and that is the good news. at this time, everyone has been
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extremely tame. directions are block of seats in got -- so you can not get in here. there are concerned that those without tickets may try to slip in. the overflow crowd will be in the nokia theater, behind our camera position. we're starting to hear more names, and it is becoming quite an event. they would like the jackson family to come down as this being the most famous remembrances and it is there.
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jane: can see a caravan of cars, escorted by a highway patrol. for rolls-royces, three cadillacs, and can range rovers. -- tan range rovers. they're heading from the cemetery where the rich and famous are buried. >> lots of speculation as to have the details war unfold this morning and certainly we're not hearing a lot from the jackson family. we know from the live picture we have been looking at that the jackson family motorcade is making its way through the
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place. there will be a private family service at the lawn. his casket will either be taken by a motorcade or air link to the staples center. we have yet to find out. we have a heavy police presence, and if you follow the camera over here to the left, you can see once the motorcade enters, they will drive up to the gates to see their end up on into the cemetery. once there, we do not know exactly what kind of family ceremony we can expect in terms of religious value. we know michael jackson was a jehovah's witness. that is what his families are. over the years, he has also
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doubled in islam and christianity and even to ball up, and we do not know what kind of service it would be, but we do know the public memorial is going to be nondenominational so we could speculate and say this would also be nondenominational, but that would only be speculation at this time. but we are waiting for the family to arrive and there are about 10 minutes to 15 minutes away. jane: we will let you know if anything develops if you see the motorcade on site. we will get back to you. jon: michael jackson's tomorrow could cost the city of los angeles as much as $4 million. this is a city that already has a half billion dollars in debt. it is now using the official web site of the city to ask people to donate money to help cover the cost of this funeral. police chief william bratton says more officers are on hand
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today than at the laker celebration, which got ugly last month. ultimately, that event was paid for with private money. so why is the company putting this on not picking up the costs? are people getting answers? we will talk with the acting mayor of los angeles, coming up. jane: you can also watch this with us on, where we arse -- are streaming pictures live. obama is getting a lecture about the cold war during his first meeting with vladimir putin. the first hour of this meeting is really more about the past and the future. major garrett also sat down with president obama today. he is in moscow now with more for us. >> good evening. it is just after 7:00 in the evening.
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if you want to see the interview, go to you can find it there. but before we had the interview and the president delivered his speech, he set down for the first time with vladimir putin. the first hour was devoted entirely to the prime minister telling obama about his reflections on the cold war. you have to allow for translation, but that still is a lot of talking for the president to have to listen to. as we sat down, we talked about issues, but i wanted to bring up with him something he said in russia. for the defense systems in europe, the president expressed some hope that the united states and russia could worked other over time. i asked what he meant by that, and here is his response.
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>> our position would be stronger if we got russian ball or europe and bald, in part because those are the same partners we are going to need if we are going to be able to pressure iran to go through the path of peacefully resolving this nuclear issue and having them relinquish capacity to develop a nuclear weapon. >> one sticking point, the principal one, is that russians still the now public knowledge that iran could pose a ballistic nuclear threat to europe or anywhere else. for that reason they do not believe the defense system is even necessary in europe. the administration carries the opposite interpretation. the two sides agree that studying the threat -- is a concession on the part of the russians, although they do not publicly acknowledge it.
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jon: sarah palin in her own words. a one-on-one interview with the soon-to-be ex-governor of alaska. new details on why she stunned everybody by choosing to step down by the end of her term. -- before the end of her term. jane: we're watching michael jackson's family in a highway along los angeles. we're told that they're close to the forest lawn cemetery, where they went for an hour and a half last night. it is a little unclear at this time exactly what will happen here. there are conflicting reports about where michael jackson's body will be, whether it will be taken to the center for this memorial set to start less than two hours from now. live pictures there. hi. number two, please. would you like that to hurt now or later? uh, what? sir, it's a simple question. do you want heartburn pain, now or later?
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these heartburn medicines make you choose... between hurting now or later. pepcid complete doesn't. it starts to neutralize acid in seconds... and keeps it under control all day or all night. sometimes you gotta make compromises, man. no, you don't... man. pepcid complete, works now and works later. now with a great new taste.
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jane: back to any judge, live at forest lawn -- anita, live at forest lawn cemetery. the family has arrived? >> it has. activity has reached a fever pitch at the cemetery. we are watching the motorcade enter the black wrought iron gates here at the cemetery and we had watched many black rolls royces and black range rovers and to those gates. just a few minutes ago before we came on camera, the motorcade arrived at, the media moved into place to capture the picture and now we're watching the remnants of the motorcade. these black tour buses now entering the wrought iron gates. all this is happening just a little behind schedule. we were told that the private
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family service would take place at 8:00 local time this morning, and it is now 815 local time. perhaps there are 20 minutes to 25 minutes of them being by unscheduled. we see the los angeles fire department, ambulances, followed by a patrol cars, motorcycles officers, and it is part of the encino compound here. we believe it will be a private family service. the big question is whether jackson will be buried sometime over the next couple hours or whether his casket will be taken to the staples center for the big public memorial service. right out, we just do not have those answers confirmed. jane: it sounds like the police chief has said that they are not confirmed, either. it is up to the family what they
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decide to do? >> that is right, jane. it almost sounds like they're waiting on the jackson family to make a decision. perhaps there might be some quarrelling in the family. there are many members of the jackson family, each with their own point of view, and we're waiting on the family until we get the word. they give the file were to the police. -- final word is given by them to the police. jon: official people at the door. the question is, is michael jackson's task it going to be there? it would seem that if this family is at the cemetery now, perhaps that would not be the case. >> we're trying to get answers. but if you look at this stage,,
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there is not a spot design for a casket, so there is speculation. people are lining up, and you may have heard a noise as they start to test the sound system here in this facility which will 18,000 people. but the public has not begun to pour in here. outside, the carts have gathered and they're testing the sound. we're looking at a somber view in the cemetery. the expectation is that this will be much livelier, much more of a celebration, lots of performers here, mariah carey, others, diana ross is expected. we do not know if she will performer not. the big question is that it is a no. elizabeth taylor is not coming. but it is supposed to be a celebration. you can imagine when we started
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hearing the jackson songs, we start hearing in impact. 18,000 people will be in sight here, watching around the world. but right now, it is just getting ready and we have no word as to what time this will likely get off the ground. jon: we look at life pictures as the family leaves the motorcade, and they are now headed into the mausoleum building. i'm not certain, but it is obviously one of a large buildings there on the cemetery. at any rate, perhaps you could discuss for those who have not heard exactly how it is that the people will be inside the staples center, how they get to be there. >> there was a lottery to get in here and people signed up to get tickets, so it is the look of
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the drop. we are very lucky. we can cover the event. there are a lot of fans here, and it is truly the luck of the draw. you can hear behind me that this is the beginning of the testing of the sound system. jon: they did not sell the tickets. they gave the boy. >> that is right. you're absolutely right. they give them away, but there is suspicion that people who got them might have been traded up, so to speak. jon: you hear about people paying $25,000 for some of those free tickets that other you might have won. >> people come from all over the world to go to this event. it is hard to get a grip about how many people have gathered.
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they're going to be millions descending upon los angeles and we actually do not know and inside the facility, we have been cut off from the world and we have been here a couple hours now. we had to come in early to get our position and effectively cover it. i cannot have much of a sense of crowd control. but it was very orderly a couple of hours ago when we first entered the building. jane: we're watching those pictures outside the staples center and so far things have been pretty ok. but these are live pictures of the cemetery we are watching here. jon: have you seen any familiar faces as they come in from the cemetery, and secondly, i am trace how they are hammering -- i'm curious how they're handling security. >> there was a police car kit a half mile away from the entry.
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you have to show media credentials and whatever credentials you have. it was a heavy police presence this morning, and as you can see now, there still is. as far as familiar faces, we have not seen any. as you watch the motorcade, windows were shut, tinted dark, very hard to see inside. this morning, we have not seen any familiar faces, but last night was a different story. we did see members of the family here, and we have this video we can roll for you. we were able to see latoya jackson and randy jackson among some others of the jackson family. we believe that they were here for a private viewing. we also watched the casket. that is how we know that the caskets have remained here overnight. the jackson family was visible
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here last night. not so much of this morning. but we do know that they were inside the motorcade. jane: we saw the highway shut down during rush-hour in the los angeles area. some estimates put the cost for all of this event, the security for the los angeles area, some put it as high as $4 million, and it is at least in the $2 million range. they have raised questions about why would the taxpayers be picking up the tab, why wouldn't the concert promoter do it. why wouldn't the jackson family at least pick up a portion of the bill? have you heard any more? >> you have to factor in that there are all of the hotels, so
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you have to figure out the offset of the cost, the income. it is not cheap for the media to be here. when we have to read city space to put anything up, it is quite pricey. so there is also an element of income to the city. california is about to fall into the ocean financially right now, with a $23 billion deficit, so they needed a lot of money. but it is offset to some extent by the revenue hotel's roof structure, that kind of thing. but i do not know who comes out ahead. i do suspect that the people who drive in and out of the city during rush hour are going to be enormously i'm happy. jane: all they need is to have the road shut down. i bet. and all you need is an example of the victory celebration.
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there was a lot of push back from the community over that, and private donors stepped up and said, you know, we will give you $100,000, and they made up much of the cost of it. and the same concert promoter was part of that, as well, picking up that bill last time around. >> we were talking about different media sites last night, how much different platforms cost. i do not know of that money goes to the staple center or the los angeles budget, but there is an element of income, and believe me, this is not cheap. when we want to run a spot to run our satellite truck, it is expensive and use the media from all over the country, not just fox news channel. there is an income element here, with the defenders and
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restaurants, and that does not stop los angeles asking for public donations to defray the cost of the funeral. there is a button you can click if you want to donate to help pay for some of the extra incurred costs. i've heard reports of anything from 1500 to 3000 officers deployed between forest lawn and the staple center to cover all of the areas where the events are taking place and a few take into consideration that their only 10,000 sworn officers in los angeles, that is only one- third of the police force, an enormous cost for the city to incur, especially when los angeles is in debt and the state is basically broke.
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even robbery and homicide police officers are outside the center , bringing the more a leak departments to patrol and tie in. we are in a state that owes money to people and tax returns and instead have issued them notes. jon: it is the building that the family and close friends are fighting to file into now. can you tell us anything about it? how many people can hold, that kind of thing? >> there are several buildings at forest lawn. there are smaller churches, at least one smaller churches on the property where they would hold a private service. it is hard to say which one they are utilizing.
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jackson is survived by five brothers, three sisters, his parents, his children, cousins. i do not know how many people can fit in that smaller church but they have a couple of options on the ground and because forest lawn is so used to playing host to celebrity funerals, they can accommodate all of this. they will do with the family asks. there have been past instances with famous people were they invited the media to document some of the house and, and there are people who do not want the media, so they accommodate the family with whatever request. as to where they are for service, we do not know. we know that the cemetery can accommodate them. jane: there you see the 1200-
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seat auditorium, the museum inside the museum store that they used for events and graduations and that kind of thing. they are equipped with everything audiovisual, all of the equipment you would need. >> absolutely. if i could just mentioned some of the other celebrities that are buried there, some of the biggest names. bette davis, sammy davis jr., and ozzie nelson, liberace, gene autry, and most recently, john ritter and david carrageen. at some point, those families may have large ceremonies here using audiovisual equipment to celebrate the life of their loved one, and that is probably what is going on today. jon: if he will be interred there, that is going to be a tourist site, for lack of a
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better term, on mike dissed about anything in los angeles, i would think -- i liked just about anything in los angeles. -- on like -- oono unlike anything else in los angeles. >> we do not know in this case. if they decide to bury michael jackson here they have the ability to put him in an area that could be inaccessible or restricted to the public or an area where perhaps his gravestone or the marker will be unmarked and already marked with a number that only the family would know. there are a lot of options here. at the up to them. and the forest lawn cemetery says they will do whatever the
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request is. jane: geraldo, is this the type of speckle call -- spectacle he would have wanted? >> i was thinking last week, i knew him and i even spoke to joe, his dad last weekend. they're totally disorganized, total anarchy. talk about never land. i could just see how it generated itself spontaneously in a conversation, is the national thing to do. but no one thought that to enter someone on private property would require a bunch of permits. you cannot just barrier grandma in the backyard. and that is the problem. nobody in charge, is like a circular firing squad, and people all had their hands out.
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it seems to me that there was a lot of self-interest drive and what is going on and how they came to this, it seemed like a logical compromise that could have easily been announced early on. it is a perfect cemetery for celebrities like david terrene -- carradine. jane: it did not seem that this was something plant. >> i do not think he anticipated his demise. i was shocked that he had the wherewithal to drop a will that seemed cogent. but if you recall, 2002 was one of the last good years in terms of lucidity in his life. 2003 was when he got into that jam.
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but there were lost years. he was upset, anorexic, frail, collapsing, parent, and all that, shuffling his cast of characters. in 2002, he did take two reasonably competent, reasonably honest, other than generally speaking -- they seem competent honest men to administer this estate, and their lawyer said that it was unseemly how the family rushed to get the keys from the treasury almost as soon as the body was cold and the judge died thursday, said thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, the will is formally probated and the executor was in the hands of someone's that michael did not
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extend. jon: you talk about the firing squad that this has become, and we do not know the answers to these questions, whether his casket will even be at the center. if i were in charge, i would not put it there because it is a stretch, but remember when the ayatollah khamenei, when his casket was being credit for iran, the crowd rushed it, the whole thing tumbled apart. >> i remember. the lapd would never permit that. but let me tell you the words i think best characterized your saying. something that never, ever happened at a michael jackson performance. improvisation. you're seeing spontaneous decision making, making it up as they go along. there is no there there. at least have a reasonably
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coherent public relations guy, but where was he last week? if he was representing the family, where was he during the chaos? jon: i have never paid a huge amount of attention to his career, but reading about his decisions, it seemed like he changed advisers every other week. >> the last change the most disruptive because he fired basically everyone. even the brothers, jermaine and randy, they were also cut out in a sense from being part of the decisionmaking process. as he went forward, he had an entirely new cast of characters.
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his expectations were overblown and i never thought you could come out of retirement. just picture a 50-year-old athlete. it will have to shoot him up with everything to get him to be able to dance around, jump around, and to 50 in a row was a daunting prospect that is probably unlikely from the get go. jane: it sounds like the first members of the audience are coming into the staples center now, which is where you are. >> they just had music playing, and it was echoing throughout. but they have been checking the sound and people are beginning to pour in, obviously the ones with the tickets. the interesting thing is how fast they're moving to get this done. do not forget, the center was not expecting this, and
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tomorrow, as peculiar as this may sound, the circus is going to be here, and evidence -- elephants are arriving. so they are regrouping. just listen to the music. they are testing the sound. jane: we can hear it. have you got the rundown as far as you know as what this memorial flashes going to look like? >> we understand that there will be performances, and it is expected to be a different scene. given the fact that there are a lot of people here who love
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michael jackson, we expect them to be there. the hope is that there will be a celebration here. he does have three children, and we expect them here in the next year of your hours or so. so those kids lost a father and while everyone here is thinking they lost in music icon, there are a lot of fans, it is a lot deeper for a lot of other people. and of course, for those three children. jon: thank you for giving us a preview. the term fluid was used, a term that security people do not like. the secret service has everything nailed down, and with
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grieving and distraught people and people were really angry that they cannot be inside the center, fluid is not a term i would want to be hearing if i were chief bratton. >> and he is a very controlling commissioner, very much hands on. and you recall just one hour and 90 minutes ago, there were reports that the body was going to be airlifted to the staples center and the chief said it would be escorted by officers and he had to retract this. the city is out of the lip and you can imagine that, but i do take considerable optimism and heart from the fact that the crowds really do seem much smaller than anticipated and very controlled and polite. i have not seen the slightest bit of anarchy, and having covered many demonstrations in
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los angeles, it can get crazy. but the lapd meet these challenges with overwhelming force. i heard 100 tips officers from the highway patrol are also on the scene. i believe they will control it, and i do not think you have any major incidents, but the real problem will be -- i would like to see what this is slated for. jane: is supposed to be a 20 minute trip with the escort, but the family arrived a little bit late, about 25 minutes late or so. this memorial is due to start about one hour and 20 minutes from now. you talked a little bit about
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michael jackson as a performer, and you said you were surprised that he had what was a coherent will in 2002. why does that surprise you? his life was in disarray. you remember the way he recruited his secretary to his dermatologist, one of the five doctors examined now for criminal culpability is -- these are not usual things. it seems to me that very often -- i would be with him and he would be a perfect father, competent, normal, and then two hours later to be in the fetal position with his shades drawn, refusing to look at me, travel
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like a child. there was obviously a man who had gone through all kinds of different changes. but there was no doubt that post-2003, michael jackson was a wounded man, deeply affected by the rest of his liking spend behind bars from charges i think now are a frame job these criminal charges. the same psychologist said that it was a package deal, but it deeply affected jackson. he was scarred and confused, adrift, and all of these celebrities and family members -- we are worried that he could
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have used a helping hand and guidance. jane: a lot of people said they were not surprised he died at 50 years old. >> i would also say it was the least unexpected premature death i have ever heard of. of all the 50-year-old i knew, his death was the least unexpected. jon: the king of pop is to be memorialized, schedule about one hour from now. it is not looking like this memorial will get off on time. at least up the public one. we're also watching force on cemetery up their -- forest lawn cemetery up there were the families gathered and hall of libri is ready for him.
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jane: continuing coverage of the memorial which is set to start an hour and 15 minutes from now. adam is telling us it might be delayed because of the cemetery. the top pictures you see there are the entrance to the forest
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lawn cemetery, where many people are buried in southern california and the picture on the upper right-hand corner is the hall of liberty, one building in the cemetery and a huge property there where michael jackson's family currently is paying respects. the schedule may be pushed back a bit, and crowds are starting to filter in to the center. so far, things have been calmed. jon: as the world focused on the king of pop, army lt. brian bradshaw was morning 8 true hero. his family is wondering why his death, from an explosive device in afghanistan, is not getting the recognition.
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>> we have a picture of bread shop's flag-draped casket. gillis wrote an opinion article that he was a decent person who believed that military service was patriotic and actions counted more than talk. counted more than talk. jon: we are getting ready for the memorial service. what was the bradshaw funeral
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like? >> millions gather today for his funeral and it was possibly a helicopter. he was laid to rest yesterday in washington, buried with full military honors. about 100 people turned out for the funeral of the soldier, a rather large funeral, actually. he is survived by his parents. jon: what to the mother have to say? >> she could barely talk about it. it. obviously, the deepest of pain for any mother.
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jon: that is tough. molly henneberg turning us live. thank you. jane: we continue to watch the footage from the cemetery and the staple center where the memorial will take place a little over an hour from now, at least that is what the schedule is set for. we saw earlier as the motorcade was carrying the family was escorted by the highway patrol proportions of three freeways were shut down. the cost for police and security for the memorial, some estimates put it as high as 2 million. there have been concerns among some taxpayers about who will pay for this. the city of los angeles has put up a wink where you can actually donates the city to actually defray costs.
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the current asking -- acting mayor is out of the country. i want to get an update. how are things looking? >> traffic seems to be flowing well, and it is well organized. we just left a meeting . in the next day or so, we will have some positive news.
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i would characterize it as a contribution to help us defray the cost of four departments that do not have in their budget overtime for extraordinary events. jane: is it akin to the situation where they put out a fair amount of money? >> i would not say. jane: at abc responded to phone calls for this? >> m a history of responding in a positive way .
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there are notices about the level of activity at restaurants and the occupancy rate -- they are quite high right now. people coming into the airport, the activity level was quite high, also. we will see if it is worth at once the dust settles. my gut feeling is that it probably will be based on an early report. jane: we are talking to the acting mayor. let us know if anything develops and call back in if you will. jon: shall eisner with our los angeles station is outside the stable center. it must be an interesting morning. >> it certainly is. we have been out here since before the time the sun came up. and it is an orderly process
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that the lapd has put in place. they have tickets and wristbands and they come through birders like this. are you finding this to be easy? >> no, not at all. we came from colorado and found out yesterday at 4:00 p.m. at the time -- down time, six hours, a book a flight, got a hotel, and i am in disbelief that we are here to honor the legend, the king. it is so sad, a sad moment, but i am so excited to be able to celebrate his life. >> thank you very much. they will ask you to go down this way. look at that. people are coming from all over getting out of planes to come here, and some people out there did not get tickets and they're watching from the barrier. jon: they are hoping they can get in even though they do not
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have wrist bands or tickets. jane: atom, what they telling you about the crowds? >> the crowds are pretty orderly. there also get an insignificant amount outside the area that has been cordoned off. you have to have wristbands' to get in. joining me live is the dog. you have been with the fire department 40 years, and you're telling me that this is your opinion, quite a visit. you have a number of fire inspectors inside and outside. what are you seeing in the process? >> may be it is overcrowded, blocked by cameras, making sure
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there are no large amounts of crowds. we also have fire resources, ambulances inside the perimeter to respond to anything that may have occurred in sight, and we have some in the outside as well. >> you have estimates of 2 1 million on the heavy side. you have been in the lakers' rally. >> we of many events in los angeles and had people show up to protest marches, so we have dealt with large crowds before. we get all the agencies together and divide it into pieces so it would not be more manageable. >> what is your opinion of all this? >> pretty amazing. it is like nothing i've ever
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seen before. the impact is being shown by the outpouring of emotion for the event. >> and you are ready to go for anything necessary. >> it might be medical issues, because of the heat or the motion, but we're prepared for anything else, and physical rescue or a fire situation. >> we're now being told to give it back to you. this event is planned to start at about 10:00 a.m. local time, so 1:00 eastern. because everything is pushed back a little with traffic and the family, the fire chief says he does not expect this to come on on time. jane: probably not a major shocker. geraldo mentioned earlier that michael jackson's kids will be at the staples center for this ceremony. where are we in terms of custody? >> custody was not an issue.
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michael jackson wanted his mother not to be charged of the money, but in charge of the children. you want the children to go to hawaii for vacation, that is fine. it is just the way businesses are run. but he never had any doubts about katherine jackson, who was all with the most if -- always the most stable of the family members. she managed to throw out everything, even allegations that michael made against his dad, joe, being abusive and controlling and all of that, catherine always maintained a wonderful relationship with her son and with the grandchildren,
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who adore her. the only downside is that she is 79, the children are young, so what will happen going forward is problematic. having spent time with all three of those children, they are all remarkably normal in every regard. jane: does daddy had a case? >> she can always make a case. she sold them for 25 million, so what more will she demands to give away the rights? having said all of that, she may turn out to be a wonderful mother down the road. i do not know her, but it certainly was a highly unusual circumstance for the mother to surrender any right to the children. children.
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shepard: for the next few hours, we will secure the greatest performers and entertainers celebrate the life of michael jackson as they are screaming for him in front of staple center right now. few people in history have been as well known and talented and strikingly eccentric, as notably unusual. for more than four decades, as a wild child star, she is to be remembered in an event that mirrors for his life in the spotlight. it is estimated that millions of people will tune in for the
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memorial service. tens of thousands. flights from across the country jam packed, and a lucky few are filing in for an event described as like nothing we have ever seen. and these photos are from outside the forest lawn cemetery as i am led to believe the family has had a private memorial. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute we are led to believe that the range rovers you see art sponsored by local dealership. michael jackson, remembering him today. this is alive shot. it is about one hour from when we are told the service will begin. on top of commotion there are words that his family is
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bringing remains to the ceremony. the private ceremony. there is very little scripting happening today. they are free-wheeling it and they told us early in the day and threat yesterday that there would be no printed program for this event. we now have evidence to the contrary. we will have analysis of the issues surrounding his death. we will also have elephants. the circus is coming to town tomorrow and they're closing the street for the parade of elephants today. los angeles, california. i was mentioning that they --
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they said there would be no program. i am told you have a program? >> sort of a program. it really is mostly almost all pictures of michael jackson, and no telling what is excellent to happen at the memorial. we will start at a short time, and you can see the sound track going on right now. the pictures here, we have pictures of michael jackson with diana ross and hillary clinton, former president ronald reagan, elizabeth taylor, president bush 41. there are all sorts of pictures of michael jackson but what is not there is what is going to happen with this complete surprise. we're not surprised, but at least we heard early on that mariah carey is going to perform. we do not know if jennifer hudson is.
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lionel richie will be here, elizabeth taylor will not, deborah wrote is not going to be. we do not know about lisa marie presley. we talked to many people. it is tough to tell if the crab was overestimated or whether the police department has it so orderly around the center that we are not seeing any pandemonium. but certainly there is a lot of interest in this and we were here late last night and people were lined up, wishing the family well.
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you can see that here, more pictures of michael. everyone is walking in with them, and it is free. it is the cost to a state farm off the earth financially. if they give the tickets away and said the center, there will be money some place, but the question is to the taxpayers of california, there is some revenue in terms of restaurants.
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shepard: you can always expect the unexpected with michael jackson. i am today. more than anything, i'm wondering what in the world is going to happen? >> that is what you are wondering. who will be here. what will be the big surprise ? we have estimates, but who would have thought michael jackson would bring all of these people to town and in the midst of it
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comes out with the circus. the elephants are coming. lots of surprises, but if he shows up by helicopter, but whole idea of a casket think removed -- this is or was michael jackson, and he was a spectacular performer in life. why not expect to be a spectacular performer and death. shepard: it is always a show. i remember when he came out and danced on top of a car during the trial, and they had a long motorcade that ended up taking a ride and the circus tent was next to it. like a texan and the circus were already finding each other in one way or another. it is one way we can get him. it is one way we can get him. jon:
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shepard: we're watching a live feed, where so many celebrities have been held. there are a bit of logistics and things like this and i wonder if any of them are heading your way just yet? >> we have our eyes glued to the wrought-iron gates. we did watch as the motorcade arrived here. we were told that the ceremony started at 8:00 a.m.. we watch the motorcade rolled in and saw nearly a dozen black
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rolls royces and range rovers under heavy police escort. they were followed by highway patrol cars, motorcycles. they escorted the family inside the gate and from there filed into a building called the hall of liberty. many families hold private functions and graduations and today it seems that the jacksons are having a private family memorial service and psyched -- inside. we did watch as the casket was loaded into a hearse, so perhaps that tells us that the person is going to take the body of michael jackson summer. i also can point out that there was a helicopter off to the side of the screen, sitting there, waiting. we do not know if it is a medical helicopter, but it is there. we're waiting to see how long it takes for the jackson family to
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file out. i can tell you that it is about a 20-minute trip from here to be staples center, 13 miles. we are here, and we will let you know what happens. jon: the casket has been carried from a private service in the hollywood hills and placed in a hearse. family and friends spend about half an hour in the service tuesday morning after a motorcade of cars from the parents house came to the seven note valley. police say that the body will be brought to the downtown staples center for start-studded public memorial service that was to begin at 10:00 a.m. pacific time. we will be here for every single last second of it.
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now you see some familiar faces. the family wanted to have private time at close range. today we're winning for the motorcade. well, we're not going to take a break. joining me now is stacey brown, author of, "the man behind the mask." we also have bob jones, the jackson public-relations chief for 30 years. this is the least unexpected early passing, may be, but it is still unsettling, zero little unnerving to be in the middle of this.
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>> i do not know if i agree that it is surprising. shepard: you thought it was surprising with all the drugs and handlers handling him poorly? >> i do not think it was surprising that we're talking about the passing of tax and at such a young age. i think everybody who knew him saw it coming. i do not believe that he wanted help. certain of from his family, who really try to help him a lot. they tried interventions. since 2001, they tried. new york, las vegas, london. shepard: an intervention usually means people come into a room and tell you for your own good, because we love you, you must go here and change your life or you are going to die. tests -- that is what happened? >> absolutely.
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shepard: his two brothers, jermaine, for one, would be a part of this. and his mother. >> catherine, joseph, janet. jenna led the first one in 2001 and he told them to mind their business. but they continue to try. even the nanny was involved in trying these interventions, an assistant for the family. but michael did not want the help. liz taylor had kind of distanced herself a bit from michael for several years. i know we have seen statements lately and no doubt she loved him but she distanced herself during the trial. she did not come to testify for him. shepard: is reported that he shared dependencies with her and some of his may have been similar to hers. she may have been an enabler.
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i cannot confirm that. is there anything to that? >> i would not call her an enabler. she convinced to 1993 do that. -- her to do that. >> doctors were enabling, and you give this stuff to an addict. he admitted on live television he was an addict. he still have doctors willing to give him $50,000 a month in prescriptions. there are people culpable, but not the family. michael jackson could control
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it. shepard: he had enough money and help to facilitate it. [inaudible] [inaudible] limb: dude that was sick!
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martha: good morning, everybody. you are looking at a live shot of the staple center. in a few minutes we expect a family will be arriving to witness the memorial service for michael jackson. they are coming from forest lawn right now. we look at a hertz leading the scene. scene. brian is with us on the phone, a former family attorney who has spent a great deal of time over the years with the jackson the years with the jackson martha: what is it like for you
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here as he watched a hearse carrying michael jackson heading in your direction? >> it is surreal. the grid lock of the traffic is monumental. never have i ever seen anything like this. there are some 3000 media outlets here. at the criminal trial, there were 2200. this is to medical bigger -- geometrical the bigger. you would think it was the event
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of the century. martha: are you frustrated that this is where we find ourselves? do you believe that this moment could have been avoided if michael was surrounded by better people? >> what you say makes my head real. i think michael should have not had the kind of treatments he had. i can only say to you that it breaks my heart. this should never have happened. this should not be. and you are right. it is heartbreaking. i think if things had been done differently, we would not be here today. martha: when you look at his life -- and the first concert i ever saw was the jackson five as a kid -- it is hard to reconcile the young man i saw that day with the man i saw in recent years. it was such a remarkable transformation. he was not in his 50's when he died. he was not an old man.
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but the transformation of this human being is just unfathomable. >> the transformation was utterly remarkable. but michael was always michael, from the first day to the last. he was of police -- always the same guy. genuine, shy, unassuming, things frightened him, and most of the reactions we saw were because he was scared of all kinds of things. martha: we heard the stories and a or nine year-old boy in the
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studio, people turn around and listen to him, because his sense was so honan perfected even at that young age. >> a sixth sense of what an audience wanted, what made good music, what made a good production, and most importantly, what excited the audience. he knew. i do not think there's anyone who knew better, ever, as what excited the audience. he had a sense about it. martha: such a complicated story. story. it is an interwoven stories, making a lot of things about it very tricky. >> historians will look at michael jackson for the next
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half century or even more. no one was more controversy all, no one had more things going on. this is what the man was. i knew him, i knew what the evidence was, and i know he was innocent. as to the public, at the end of the trial, 80% of people thought he was guilty. i guess it is our job now to let the public know that this man was innocent. it was not that he said he was innocent, it was that the innocent -- evidence showed it, and we will be dissecting this for a long, long time to come. martha: he said it concern you that he went through firing people who worked with him, changing the guard often in his life. were you a victim of that point in your own life with him? >> people were fired and brought back more times than george steinbrenner fired billy martin. once you're in michael's life, you were always in michael's
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life. it was really extraordinary how this man had feelings for you. i felt i was always the firemen. i felt i was always the firemen. the body of michael jackson would be in the spatial -- staples center. what was the decision made? >> i think the family has great respect for the fans, and this is something where randy jackson has really taken command of the borough -- burial. with all the brothers leading the way, it emerged over the weekend that randy was the guy who was going to organize it. he saved michael's life in santa maria. he orchestrated the case. he has done it once again.
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martha: you need a unique perspective. tell us what you saw and heard. >> we just watched as the motorcade left the scene here. it was a black rolls royce, a black range rover, under heavy police escort with highway patrol cars and motorcycles following them. we also did hear the hearst leave the property. we have confirmed that the body will be transported to the staples center and will play a
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role in the ceremony today. so we did watch that. the family arrived about an hour ago, on the property for an hour. during that time, they have a private ceremony in a hall here on the property and now they're making their way to the staples center. it is a journey that should take about 20 minutes. it is 13 miles. they will go through freeways and i am sure that the path will be clear if they are under heavy escort, but everything was very organized. everyone was kept at bay. this area was under lock and key. martha: they are behind schedule, which i guess is to be expected. f vendor uc, and the box next to me, the casket of michael jackson is making its way to the
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staple center, where we do not know exactly how long this moral performance or what you want to call it will be. the helicopters are out in force in the city is trying to handle this in the best possible. i think it is a double-edged sword. theoretically, you would wonder why the city would have to pay for any of it. and the other hand, there are hotels and restaurants packed with people coming to witness this event.
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do we select line with us? i'm not sure. >> i am back here. martha: i cannot help but think about the trial. it is a bit of a sore spot, but i remember the days we were covering this story when michael jackson would be two hours late to the gate to show up. tell me about those days. this is a similar procession, the same we used to see when he went anywhere, and this one looks like it is going to be relatively on time. tell us your memories of those days and wild moments. >> i remember driving from neverland ranch to get there on time, and it was mr. toad's wild ride. you have the fans along the freeway, driving on the shoulder. it was unbelievable.
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they wanted to be there. we talked about that, whether or not they would be driving for the funeral. i said, do you remember what happened at the trial? they wanted the trial here. they think it is a beautiful venue and as i look around, it is a fairly spectacular thing. martha: all right. stay with us, if you would. let me turn it now to shepard smith.
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shepard: i do not know what i anticipated, but not this. i am led to believe that they have shut down portions of freeways throughout the morning across greater los angeles. the morning rush on a tuesday is hell on wheels anyway and they are shutting down freeways for this funeral? martha: they thought about this a bit, that it would be a huge log jam. but this trip is one of michael jackson's last, from the forest lawn mortuary and cemetery where they have the service to the arena, and of course, the final trip after that. it seems to be smooth sailing. shepard: it does. i do never remember seeing a deceased person taken from a funeral home to an event and back to the funeral home. i am told this thing is a
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$25,000 casket made of gold. >> is extraordinary. and some folks in los angeles, it is a strapped state and city, and apparently they have $25,000 for a gold casket. would you imagine, pitching the things that he liked to wear, i guess that is what he would like. shepard: is this an open casket? >> that is a question that remains to be seen. if you think about elvis presley and other people whose bodies become a huge tourist sites, it appears he wanted to emulate the life and now the death of elvis presley and have people admire him in a similar way.
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shepard: the only cars on the freeway are the michael jackson cars. it is astounding. i do not know that i have ever seen this before. i remember when the king died, i was a child, 77 or 78, something like that, and they were bringing it in. martha: it is amazing how much waiting there is pretty think about the course of his life, how bizarre .
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shepard: i wonder what level of sanity we were witnessing when the last of the trial was being held and he started dancing on the roof for crazed fans. i wonder what the senate level was then? >> i have been answering a question for years and years. it was just michael jackson. what i say is that he was not guilty, and that was not the action of a guilty man. it might have been the actions of the performer or an entertainer but certainly was not the actions of a guilty man. a lot of people or critical of
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it, but it made me smile and said, "that is michael jackson's." shepard: they took a right at the three ring circus? >> so, my goodness. the efforts to get out of the courthouse for get to the courthouse were absolutely total insanity. the fans would trail behind him and he would get scared, because he thought there would be an accident and he would say, "hey, go faster." that was a mistake. you should go slower when the fans are around. shepard: i want people to see.
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memorial tickets are offered at $25,000. the mom loses $200 million will battle. it is notable that even on the day of the funeral, thing is a freak show. they work jockeying a $200 million bet, with tickets online .
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>> he never knew how to control things. it was uncontrollable from everybody's perspective, and i never know what to expect. this is also michael jackson. shepard: i know you have spoken with randy jackson. what has he said about this memorial? >> he is one who has got his feet planted firmly on the ground. he has taken control and charge of getting this done. he is a businesslike guy, smart, savvy, and he wants this to be low key. i do not see low-key, but he is trying to make the services inside very respectful, very low-key, and it will be something people really remember as being quality.
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shepard: i have never seen anything low-key in his life. the range rovers are from a local dealership. if they were shooting for low- key, they get and "f.." >> it is always the effort to be intelligent, but when it comes down to jackson, it will always go astray. there was a time when he could pack irina said, make albums better than anyone else, so more of them. he might have been the most famous living face on the planet, and yet, everything around him seems to not prop him up but almost for him apart, didn't it?
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>> i would say yes. you would see the crescendo of the storm today. he could not control it, and he tried. shepard: i am not sure everybody in that family always tries their best. we all have family and know that, and this did not look like it, but i hear you. i want to get to the entertainment reporter for "e! news." this is shown on dozens and dozens of networks across the united states. >> 100%. we're all over the story. it is amazing to think that this
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legend, this icon is gone, and all the fans around the world just want to see him and be close to him. that is what they decided to take the body to staples. shepard: i wonder how many people. they entered a lottery for 9000 pairs of tickets. there is the reverend jackson on the left. it was always a chaotic show with him, and why would we expect anything different? >> he is the king of pop, but
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also controversy. he is over the top, even in his clothes. everything was done in the extreme. shepard: some people might attend my funeral sunday. my role would be that no politician will pose for pictures. that will not happen. they are posing for pictures on a red carpet outside the staple center. >> this is an awards show, more or less, but also a tribute to all of his awards. shepard: i have seen some specials on him. there are good, but that is not
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normally how i would spend my time. it appeared that there is a time michael jackson was sinking -- seeking peace with all of his money and his fame and his grandiose actions. what he seems to be seeking was peace, and he never found it. >> it is a limelight. he wanted to be on top. shepard: there were conflicting reports. some information we got at this concert tour, we noted only wanted 10. but he came to his fans and said
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he was pushed into 50. this was a money grab. >> he wanted to make its spectacular. but a lot of people were saying he could have never done 50, and that could have ultimately led to his demise. shepard: do you have word on whether the video is ph.d. -- the last for herschel, which also happens as staples center? -- the last rehearsal, from inside the staples center. will that become usable, where have we seen the only clip we are going to see? >> everything michael jackson is marketable, and i guarantee you someone will come up with a dvd.
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shepard: there is a lot of money to be made posthumously. is it randy jackson who would take over something like this, because they all seem to be fighting for the money. >> it depends who is in charge of the will. his mother as control 40% of the estate, and we have to remember that kids need to remember they are taken, and his unpublished songs will help them along. but i'm sure that their upbringing will be very hard. they lost their father, and their father was michael jackson. shepard: thank you very much. good to talk to. thank you for coming by. adam is ahead of this whole thing. i guess that they are in the parking lot now. >> yes. they have just arrived.
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the area we have been reporting from has been shut down and the family will be coming through that way, we are told. we await that information. the last people riding are starting to go inside. as you know, people like to all arrive late. we are told that they have 1800 offices in this area, roughly around 2000. around 2000. one reason it was downplayed by the lapd was because they did not want people to come here and
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overrun the hearst as it drove in. to that is taking place right here. you can see people coming in and there is a massive police presence that has been here all morning. if we could show the panel over here, there are large panels, eight of them. people have been citing earnings all morning. they're almost fall out. -- they're almost all full. people are heading inside to pay homage to michael jackson. one hour, 90 minutes, and now even more. we are used to having award shows go long, so if it goes longer than 90 minutes, people
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can definitely a role with the punches and make that happen. shepard: on the national wires, the associated press wires, seven lines in front of me, dateline, associated press -- and "michael jackson's golden casket arrives at staples center." in other words, the 16th version of this story has just been sent out to the world by associated press, and i've won, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 different versions of this. michael jackson's casket arrived for a public memorial service. a hearse carried the casket
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earlier today at a ceremony hall in the hollywood hills. law-enforcement escorts shut down large sections of the freeway to speed the motorcade through los angeles traffic. before 10:00 in the morning, the attendees are gathering. there is nothing to say that these people are mourning. i guess a lot of them are treating it as what it will be. that is one hell of a concert. think of who will be performing today, and if you have to pay for a ticket for such an event, what it would cost to do it. we know lot of people will be there today. >> yes. shepard: i have a list. brooke shields, usher, stevie wonder, magic johnson, family
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friends. martin luther king the third bernese king. lionel richie. smokey robinson. al sharpton. and some of them may be their ee. it is his funeral. who knows? this is the scene at staples center. this memorial was set to begin 7.5 minutes from now, and as you can see, at the end of the motorcade there, some emergency medical technicians. here we are, all lined up. the thinking was that this would begin in seven minutes and 15 seconds. instead, it will begin much later, and i wonder if bret will
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be able to get "special report," get it off the ground, or this will still be going on. you can see the interior look at the center. we do not know how much michael jackson video will be played. will we see anything we have never seen before? is that a possibility? i think that it is. what sort of live performances will happen? will there be bands or sound tracks, or what crazy something or other will happen? michael jackson is in the house, and crazy things will happen. i will never in all my days forget when he stood on top of that car and started dancing after his child molestation case. they took off flying in that vehicle and as they took a right on the city street in los
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angeles, circus tents were going up. it was a michael jackson moment that i will never forget, and no matter what we have seen prior to today, i will get nothing tops this. today we have continuing coverage of michael jackson paused funeral and memorial service. .
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#ú shepard: three minutes before
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10:00 in los angeles in the beginning time of the michael jackson memorial service at the staples center downtown. this is creating quite a traffic on the internet. martha maccallum is watching in in the newsroom. martha: earlier today they were saying that social networks may crash because of all the traffic. by now we are looking at people inside andç outside the staples center, tweeting each other. let us take a look at a couple of them.
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there is all a lot of talk about the cost to the city of los angeles. on the flip side, -- you can twitter us, too, as we continue to cover this. this is not like anything we have ever seen. also, be sure to check out plenty of other news going on that you can see there.
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if you are away from your television set, you can watch live, streaming coverage of the memorial at lots of communication going on up there. shepard: have you been to flashwires? you have to go to the third page down to find anything not michael jackson. there is a mention of this memorial even in detroit, where a theater will be playing in. on and theaters around the world, in computers around the planet, the celebration of michael jackson. what would you exp


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