tv Hannity FOX News July 7, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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remember, the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. [captioning made possible by fox news] sean: all right, america, here's the deal. we will not be devoting our entire show to michael jackson coverage this evening. there are other stories impacting your life and we feel it's important to discuss those too. if you want an hour of michael jackson i guess you know where to go. but there are some things we need to say about the scenes tr -- that were unfolding earlier today. >> the staples center. woo-hoo! >> we have the tickets! >> i couldn't believe it. >> just want to be here. >> we don't even have any money, anything to eat, anywhere to stay but we don't care. >> yes! we are going, baby. >> i'm happy to be here but then i'm so sad while i'm here.
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>> he was a hero for me since i was younger. >> it really feels special to be here. i want to pay last respects. >> no words can explain that feeling that we have. sean: tonight we offer a little perspective for the american people. joining us is media contributor larry elder, b.e.t. contributor and editor of course the blog shall intersection blog and more. larry, first i feel sorry for -- i saw his daughter today. i feel sorry for his kids, for his family. it's a tragic loss. but it's the same story we see with elvis presley and other entertainers and stars, hangers-on, enablers, you know, a very distorted life and it's
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tragic. why all the attention to this? what do you make of it? >> well, i remember, sean, i'm sure you do too, princess di died around the same time mother teresa did and who got all the ink? princess di did. he is a big entertainer. but around this time he died and up to now a lot of major things have happened not the least of which is we lost sen soldiers in afghanistan and former or still obama supporters like george soros and warren buffett and colin powell are now expressing concerns about the spending and probable higher interest rates i. these are stories that impact our lives far more than michael jackson but the news is what it is and you got to give people what they want. sean: well, we're not staying on this the whole program.
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and niger, they quoted in this article spoke -- we're not giving attention to soldiers and families when they die. is this deserved cannot -- considering the life of luggagery and convenience he had and still chose a self-destructive lifestyle? >> well, let me say this. i understand what those soldiers are going through. they're sacrificing for a greater cause and there should be more attention on their sacrifice and struggle. but it's a reflection not so much of michael jackson or even the fact that he was a flawed human being personally. it's a reflection of the dominance of entertainment in our culture and the globalization of that worldwide. i think it's important for us to separate, if you will, the man that was michael jackson, who was a flawed human being, and the brilliant entertainer that he was.
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he is -- no question that he revel use -- revolutionized and pioneered a great contribution to the entertainment industry and brought the modern entertainment age. i want to quote who was at that time the most powerful person in -- and a moral leader in our country, he said talking about michael jackson, he's the most talented, post popular, most exciting spurep -- superstar in the world. the person who said that was the president of the united states and it wasn't bill clinton, it was ronald wilson reagan. i will think it's important to separate the man from his contributions to popular culture. sean: sofe ia, i'm not denying he was gifted. i especially liked him when he was young before all the surgeries and masks and oxygen tanks and the surgeries and now apparently drugs according to the reports.
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and also this -- we're worshipping somebody and there's very troubling aspects to his life. i'll be slammed for even bringing this up. but let's roll the tape of michael jackson and the very records -- words he said about his relationship with young children. >> we're going to sleep. i tucked them in. i put little like music on and a little story, i read a book. very sweet. put the fireplace on, give them hot milk. we have cookies. very charming, very sweet. >> and he said, well, why doesn't everybody sleep with kids? they need love. doesn't that frighten you? it frightens me? >> couple things, sean. i eau agree with that niger and larry have said but you gave me the loaded segment with the video clip. two things. i watched the memorial service today and i thought it was appropriate for it to be
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covered today the way it was. i cried. i was on facebook with everyone. i was in high school when the thriller and we are the world came out. i group with michael jackson. having said that, i think the media went a little too far every day throughout the week. but it's about ratings. i think larry said that. with regard to the clip that you showed, to me the michael jackson we see there is someone you -- would didn't have a childhood, who is a peter pan figure, lives in a lymph world than perhaps the rev of us adults who know that perhaps it's enappropriate to have a child in your bed if they're not your children and even your own children at an appropriate age. i feel sorry for michael jackson and hope he's in a better place. sean: we put these pop stars on a pedestal. i didn't think his music was
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very deep. billie jean, a.b.c., doesn't matter if you're black or white, it was catchy pop tunes. but people -- peep -- people identify with stars, idolize them, put them on a pedestal. did any of this contribute to reconstructive surgery that rendered him unrecognizable in did any of that contribute to the conflict that want -- caused him to want to use drugs and sedate himself to this level? >> i don't think we'll ever know. the fact is he was one of the most famous persons in the world. that's got to do something to you. i don't know what that's like but i suspect most people would have problems with that. and i'm going to get criticized -- he wasn't the world's
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greatest entertainer. sammy davis jr. was. he could sing, dance, play strumets, starred on broadway. ok. now everybody can get mad. sean: niger? >> well, we can go back and forth about that. my generation and sophie's, i was in high school the day after thriller -- >> am i in a rocking chair over here? >> you're too old, larry, you're too old! but sophia and all our classmates were trying to moonwalk all over the place. but player -- larry makes an important point, we have to be careful in our dominant media entertainment culture that we create democrat i gods out of entertainers 78 i remember when princess di died. i remember when tupac shakur died and people were comparing
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him to martin luther king jr. it was absurd. the media has got to be more understanding of its significant power, perhaps the most powerful culture in our world today. sean: thanks, guys. we will show you the comments of his daughter at the memorial service. also we have other news we are covering tonight. governor sarah palin goes on the record with fox about her decision to step down. plus you won't believe how much money uncle sam is giving companies to simply produce energy efficient appliances. e p. scientific explorations in the kitchen? bring it. it started bubbling. new bounty is thick and absorbent. it cleans the mess with less. then you know what, daddy? it exploded! pssshhh! it hit the ceiling! in lab tests, bounty absorbs twice as much... as the bargain brand. and it's more durable
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sean: and tonight in your america, sarah palin's announcement that she would be stepping counsel as the governor of the -- down as the governor of the great state of alaska at the end of the month caught the political world by surprise. dan springer had the chance to talk to the governor and ask what she plans on doing next. >> i do not know what the future holds. i want to work right now for people who are going to work in office or out of office for the right things, those principles that built up america, those who are inspired by the values of america and will not deride or apologize for the values we hold as americans. i'm going to work for those people 79
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sean: joining me is sandra smith and dana perino. welcome back. good to see you. first, general impression. her announcement and what it means. >> i think her announcement, people did decide whether it was personal or she has political ambitions. but when you make an announcement that you're going to get off the stage the best thing you can do is get off the stage. i recommend she stop interviews and save it for her book sean: no, no, she has to do an interview with me! >> after she does the interview with you. >> she says she's in legal fees up to her ears, $500,000 worth. trying to protect ter -- derhir name and her family and then we find her on her fishing boat critsissing everybody in washed. sean: the attacks against her never stopped. she literally now is
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accumulating upwards of $1 million in legal fees. 12 of the 15 allegations now have been pushed aside. she's winning -- >> that's the strength she has right now. this woman is so polarizing, so strong, people can't stop talking about her. the conservatives still love her. she's a love or hate person. she's not going away soon. >> if you were really concerned about your legal bills one of the best things you can do is stop talking about it right now, get off the stage, let some time pass and -- sean: she says she doesn't want to do that. she wants to find a bigger platform. >> maybe she could wait a couple weeks 79 sean: it goes back to the double standard. her kids were attacked. her young son was attacked. she was referred to as having a slutty flight attendant look. kathleen sebelius, janet napolitano and barack obama himself -- he wasn't doing the
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work of the people of illinois when he was running for president but he was getting a check. in one sense she really is thinking out of the box. >> one of the things that disturbs me most, remember, most people didn't even know who she was until 11 months ago. i think unfortunately from a gender politics point of view, women, this was not our finest hour. sean: what do you mean by that? she beat joe biden in the debate -- i don't mean in terms of her getting out there. i thy the attacks on her were terrible from both parties. sean: where were all these women's groups defending her from attacks against her looks, against her children? that doesn't happen with liberals. >> she could almost cues -- use this for the positive going forward. she's still a very strong symbol for women for the political party. but she's extent too much time defending herself.
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she's stepping off the stage. arguably a very, very good move for her. hopping on the fishing boat, revisiting the hockey mom we all know is there. sean: and why does barack obama get to run around the country on the taxpayer dime for 18 months not doing any work for the people of illinois, not a word of criticism? >> not only that, look at senator dodd. he did the same thing during a time when nobody could have a hearing on any economic issue because he was out running for president? it's a double standard and i wish her well. sean: joe biden says they were wrong about the economy. >> misread it. means they were wrong. sean: but you're spending record amounts be money. now you're talking about a second stimulus bill. >> i think that this dribbling out of a possible -- i would call it a third stimulus because we had one under
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bush-pelosi in january 2008 of $106 billion. it was not done in a gp manner in terms of a communications standpoint. this sometimes happens when presidents go overseas. someone does an interview, and someone says oops, we misread the economy. senator harry mcconnell came out today and said i don't think we're going to have a second stimulus. sean: biden said in this interview with george stephanopoulos, i didn't really know the economy was this bad. wait a minute. they were the ones making the case that this is the worst economy since the great depression. so that doesn't fly. their plan didn't work and now the polls are bine -- beginning to show that the american people are holding them responsibility. >> and they were talking about all the jobss they were creating and the rosie picture. the major problem people are going to have with that, we've seen the stock market rally 25%
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to 30% because of the march lows. they've been buying in based on that rosie picture but it's not now rosie enough. sean: he was praising the stimulus of the -- singh the praises of the stimulus a couple weeks ago. just like israel should have the right to defend itself from iran. >> they can decide whether they want to put vice president biden out to do interviews. i don't necessarily think it's a good idea. it's a pattern. it's confusing and he's out of town and we're all back here going another stimulus, are you kidding me? they'll take a beating from this. sean: and health care, cap and trade? scary stuff. >> and because of those things, it makes it harder to pass. sean: coming up, so what exactly qualifies al franken to be a united states senator? straight ahead. we'll take a special look at his career.
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its conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years. mr. president, are the russian sense activities so fragile that you can't say the cold war was won, the west won it and it was led by a combination of democratic and republican presidents? >> there were a whole bunch of people throughout eastern europe who showed enormous courage and i think that it is very important in this part of the world to acknowledge the degree to which people struggled for their own freedom. we don't have to diminish other people in order to recognize our role in that history. sean: unbelievable. that's interesting because lech walesa, the leader of the polish solidarity move sent said this about the end of the cold war -- "we in poland
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sean: mr. president, if i were you you may want to consider hitting the history books maybe before your next foreign trip. earlier today the president spoke to students at the new economic school in moscow and held forth on the topic of u.s.-russia relations. you'll love this. take a look. >> add -- as i said in cairo -- >> given our independence, any world order that -- given our interdependence, any world order that tries to elevate one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail. the pursuit of power is no longer a zero-sum game. progress must be shared.
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that's why i have called for a reset in relations between the united states and russia. sean: unbelievable. i'm sure the russians really appreciated your offer to share power with them, mr. president. unreal. earlier today on capitol hill, the unthinkable finally happened. al franken was officially sworn in as a united states senator. now aside from appearing on "saturday night live" and hosting a radio show that nobody listened to, you may not know what qualifies him tore a senator. so tonight we thought we'd give you a refresher on senator stuart smalley's impressive resume. take a look. >> i'm good enough, i'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me. >> i [beep] you all night long,
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sighed the pouty sex kitten. >> which is probably why a -- i became a sort of guru of the self-help movement. well, that's the smally family. we're, you know, dysfunction 5789 sean: look on the bright side, minnesota. only six short years to go. now that stuart smalley is a u.s. senator, more unqualified hollywood liberals are considering running for office. left wing actor and father of the year alec baldwin sat down with playboying -- magazine and was asked about running for congress. keep in mind this is the man caught on tape calling his 11-year-old daughter a rude, thoughtless little pig just a few years ago the call me crazy but i don't think he's the kind
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[ male announcer ] when can a towel become a tango? ♪ when can a t-shirt be a pacifier? when you add ultra downy with renewing scent pearls. you get 3x longer lasting freshness so you feel more connected. which can turn a sweater into your sanctuary. downy...feel more. and get up to 33% more loads from a single bottle. sean: finally tonight in hannity's america, hi high governor ted strickland criticized lawmakers in his state for being too casual over budget deliberations and said they should skip fourth of july
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guest raised eyebrows recently when he traveled to ohio and new hampshire. joining me is the governor of mississippi, haley barbour. welcome become. >> hey, sean, thanks for having me back. sean: i'm not even allowed 0 to speculate at all, ohio, new hampshire, there was no other reason to be there except -- are you running? >> well, look, john sununu, used to be the governor, said i want to come to new hampshire and talk about party building who's not running for president. i said, john, i'm the answer to your prayers. i went up to new hampshire and talked about party building. i did the same thing in iowa. i'm focused on electing republican governors this year. we got new jersey and virginia, two critical races and next year, 37 governor' races. that's what i got my mind on,
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2009 and 2010. sean: you're right, it is too early but no doubt you will contemplate it at some point. key polling, what does this mean to you, in the swing state of ohio, quinnipiac poll has barack obama down 13 points from just in may and his disapproval is up 13 points. then we have this gallup poll that shows 40% of the country is conservative and only 21% is liberal. what does that mean even though republicans, conservatives are in the minority now to the extent they are? >> the first thing is means is while president obama was a charming, charismatic candidate, now that he's in office and the more people see of his policies, they realize these are very far-left policies and not the policies the average american wants. i testified today in front of a senate committee about the
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environmental climate change bill that the administration's pushed through the house. most americans are more concerned about the economy and job creation and they can't understand why the obama administration or the democrat majority in congress wants to pass a bill like the cam and trade tax that will cost. us jobs that will hurt our economy that will drive up costs for families as well as for small businesses. but this is why the polling is changing, because when you focus on president obama, i mean he is a charming, you know, he can sell fords to chevrolet dealers, but his policies are not what the american people want. too much spending, too much borrowing and ultimately that's going to bring high inflation and high interest rates for no rewards that we're seeing. sean: joe biden says hey, we got it all wrock on the -- wrong on the economy. they promised the american people if the stimulus was
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passed unemployment wnt wouldn't go above 8%. now it's above 9.5%. after the stimulus, after quadrupling the deficit, now they're talking about a second stimulus and the door's open? how does this country sustain that in? >> i lost a little bit of what you were talking about there but many of us republicans who were for a stimulus package and look -- look, my wife thought we shouldn't have had a package at all. i thought we needed to do something but many, many, many republicans are on record from the start, this is not the right way to go. spending money on social policies, should have been a whole lot more on infrastructure. giving money to state government? would have made a lot more sense if think -- they'd give the states discretion on how to spend the money where it's needed in those states. mississippi is different from minnesota or montana. i don't know how they're going
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to end up but the idea that another version of the stimulus package like we just had, very few people in america want to see that. sean: laura tyson, advisor to president obama, said the u.s. should now start considering drafting a second stimulus package focusing on infrastructure projects because she says the 782 -- sorry, $787 billion was too small. and the president left open the door in an interview just this week about this. >> sean, i think almost everybody watching your show knows that this package was 0 -- adopted in the spring, could have been much more effective by spending much -- half as much money and we could have created many more jobs but it is filled with social policy, ideas that the left have wanted to get passed for years and years and years and they really took our eye off the ball. not enough tax cuts. not enough infrastructure. i do agree with laura tyson, in
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the first one there should have been more infrastructure. sean: and we pointed out at the time that they back-ended a lot of this. for whatever reason, i never sleep, i was up at 4:00 in the morning watching the president's speech on the fox channel. he said the future does not belong to those who gather armies or bury missiles on the ground. i'm thinking, he's mir andizing eni am -- enemy combatants, ut cutting back on strategic defense. i'm thinking, the future belongs to those of us that could the -- have p -- the weapons and the willingness to use them to defend freedom. does this seem backwards to new >> one thing is certain, that we don't need to enter into another bad tread -- treaty with the russians.
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one thing ron ealed reagan showed the world, the russians did not compete. in an arms race with the united states because they have a third world economy. now, they are sitting there with their delivery systems and much of their weaponry that's expiring in useful life, bernanking on solee. if we -- obsolete. if we sit here as a country and trade away delivery systems or warheads and give the russians something when we're getting nothing in return, they don't have the money to go out and rebuild their weapon systems, i think the american people are very smart and understand our country is very trustworthy with nuclear weapons. we've had them from the beginning. but they have also been critical for keeping the world more at peace than it would have been if it hadn't been for the american nuclear umbrell -- umbrella and for us to dismantle that by trying to
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have a charm campaign over in the soviet union when we know the russian nuclear arsenal is deteriorating, i think this would be irresponsible for the american people to have to be put through that. sean: last question. some have been critical of governor palin's decision the other day. any thoughts? >> surprised me. i've always liked her. my wife is very fond of her. she was an asset to the tick e79 i was surprised. i'm not smart enough to tell you whether it helps her or hurts her or all that but i was surprised sean: governor, good to see you. appreciate you being here. >> is you, sean. sean: when we come back, let not your heart be trouble. the panel.
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sean: tonight on our great american panel, she is a former director of public affairs for the c.i.a. and former communications director for bush-cheney. jennifer is here. and he served three terms on the d.n.y. -- d.n.c. and was. clinton's best friend. lanny davis is here. and one of the stars of the real house wiveks of new york city, creator of "naturaly thin" basically an autobiography about me --
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joking! -- bethenny frankel is here. i've watched the show. >> i'm sure. you're wearing a pink tie. sean: what does that mean? >> i'm very impressed with your metosexualy. sean: that is the worst thing you could say! >> but -- sean: bright ties look good on tv. >> i'll sign it with a pink sharp -- sharpie for you the sean: folks, this is the last night i'm wearing this tie. we didn't spend a lot of time on the michael jackson thing but there's something going on here. this guy, so over the top, disfiguring his face, wearing an oxygen mask, bizarre behavior with children. your thoughts? >> i think he was dead before
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he was dead. i'm not saying he didn't do important things in the world. it's my era. i'm 38. those were my songs. sean: i see. it was your era. >> i mean that was my high school time. how much do they spend on a president's death versus michael jackson's? sean: that's the point. they're begging for money out in los angeles to help pay for that. lanny? >> over the top. your network and all the other networks are devoting all this time and attention and you have to wonder why the media isn't focusing on health care or iraq or -- sean: the deficits that your president has given the country? the weakening of our national defense? >> the question is whether television producers are a reflection of people's demand, whether they create demand or whether it goes both ways. sean: jennifer, this is never going to end. you've got five doctors being
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investigated right now. conspiracy theories. it's never going to come to an end, is it? >> no. it's a spectacle, which isn't surprises buzz his whole life that's been a speck tack. you cannot separate that from the person he became, which is someone who had disturbing relationships with children, had been dangling babies off balconies, all sorts of horrible behavior and -- sean: and was apparently if these reports are right, a big abuser of drugs. >> it doesn't feel like the whole pedophilia elephant is in the room. i mean at nixon's funeral there was an elephant in the room. there was a big cloud over it. today every -- everybody was talking like nothing ever happened. sean: i like music. it's not exactly the deepest songs, you know, a.b.c. or ben
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about a rat. >> it's not your audience. i don't think he's obsessed with michael jackson. he wants to talk about health care. sean: no, hani is obsessed with defending bill clinton. you don't know na. -- that. >> there's a cultural issue we're all seeing and we're all part tv and part of it is that people are not focusing on the kinds of issues that you and i debate, we're focusing on things i think are not as important. but that's just my view. sean: why do we have these famous people, they have all the money in the world and are seemingly miserable and conflicted people? do we help make them that way by worshipping and idolizing them and people crying at the sight of this guy? do we turn them into people that are very conflicted and troubled? >> if i could get inside michael jackson's head i would probably be able to make a lot of money myself. this is a deeply disturbed individual. no question. the way he disfigured himself,
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his lewd behavior with children, and the fact that we're spending more time focusing on him -- we got troops killed in iraq. we just pummedtrooms out of iraq. and it gets below the fold on the paper. it's unbelievable. sean: and this is going to cost us a fortune. id mean they're closing i -- the highway. one other thing. the abuse of drugs. every one of these people, celebrities that get in trouble, we alls -- always find out there is a group of managers, enablers, doctors, suck off these guys, siphoning off the money they have. nobody had the ability to love him enough to say you know what? if you do these drugs you're going to jail. i'm calling the police on you. this has to stop. why don't people have the -- enough concern about the real
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person? >> those are serious drugs too. those people have to be beyond mentally ill he wasn't taking painkillers. taking anesthesia? seriously, that's demented. >> lanny, you look like you're asleep. >> i hate to have this topic dominate your show. so i'd like to change it and ask that -- what say metrosexual? >> it's a man who is comfortable with his sexualy. and by the way, michael jackson was not 79 sean: i've been married for 17 years. >> i'm giving you ammunition. here to help. sean: what do you call that suit he's hear -- wearing? >> i complimented his suit. a little bit of a conservative gangster. sean: so he could fit on the real house wiveks of new jersey? >> thinking of meatballs. water is thicker than marine ara.
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sean: is there a competition between you and the orange county girls? >> like the bloods and crips. we wear pink band an as and they wear marinara stained wife-beaters. sean: oh! ok. we're going to talk about governor palin when we get back. and they're also thinking about spending more of your money with stimulus too. how great is that? . @ @
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sean: and we continue now with our great american panel. this is yours. i do not want it. i am done. what are you going to do with it? you want him to wear it? >> i do. he is a metro sexual, and i am proud of it. sean: that tie looks terrible on him. >> that is ironic. sean: you had no idea who this man was. he lives on television. all right, let's go to governor palin's. she gives an interview to fox yesterday, in here is part of that -- let's go to governor palin.
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she gives an interview to fox yesterday, and here is part of that. >> it is those principles that built up america. those who are inspired and will not derive or -- and will not deride them. i will work for those people. >> she was thrust into this, shot out of a cannon, and did not do so well. sean: she did a great speech, and she had the interview with katie couric. fair enough. >> yes, i just think she is all over the place. sean: i assume you are a feminist, right? you support women's rights? you support strong women? how do you feel about the way that governor palin has been treated?
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"a slutty flight attendant look "? would you like that? >> no, i would not like that. sean: you do not, and she does not, and she is an attractive woman 3 and what woman is going to want to get into politics if they are treated this way -- and she is an attractive woman. one woman is going to want to get into politics if they are treated this way? >> she shot a lot of respect and authenticity, and she did helped john mccain -- she showed a lot of respect and authenticity, and she did help john mccain. sheç just was not qualified toe president. sean: you know, that makes me mad, because obama had zero
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qualifications. he was a state senator, and he did not even serve a full term. he did not even have to answer questions about his radical friends and associates except by me. why the double standard here? >> he was planning on running for president for a long time, so i think that he was preparing to be on the national stage, based on the fact that she was suddenly thrust into this position, but right now, i think she needs to focus. to the extent that she talks about kind of playing the victim cards, that is not going to help ì(lc@&c+ the victim card, that is not going to help her in the long run. sean: obama was trying to -- was drawing a paycheck in illinois. kathleen sebelius quit. others quit.
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they are not calling them quitters. >> why should she get any special treatment because she is a woman? how many mean things source said about bush? sean: name one male politician that has been attacked based on their looks or has had their children attacked the waivers were. -- the way hers were. i cannot remember them saying getting knocked up by a-rod. >> he is a baseball player, i think. sean: i will not go there. good grief. what is wrong with you? he is a liberal. i told you about him. >> sarah palin should have stuck it out. there is a big difference between somebody there has been governor and has become a cabinet secretary and submenus
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says, "the reason i am quitting is that i do not want to be a lame duck" -- and somebody who says that. sean: serving in another arena, no criticism -- you have to be consistent. that is inconsistent. >> i am being consistent with everybody execute when she tried to announce her logic with why she was resigning. sean: she was cleared, jennifer, of 12 of the 15. that cost her $1 million. >> i think in a primary, and they would use this against her, and that is what i wonder if she is going to run to try to run this country. i think they will say that she could not handle the heat, so she had to get out of the kitchen, and then i think they will say that she abandons the people of alaska. people of alaska.
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