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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  July 10, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute^ >> three, two, one, beck! eric: welcome to the glenn beck program. glenn is back on monday. we continue following the money between seiu and acorn and ann coulter stops by. if you believe this country is great but that the government is bailing everyone out but you, it's time to stand up, and come on, follow me! two things happened that were the wrong turn for g.m. c.e.o. fritz henderson expected to speak again. here about two months ago, glenn sat down with him. take a look. hear this. glenn: you're now in bed with
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the federal government. we have cars now possibly going to be made by a company owned by the union and the government. what kind of nasty k car are we going to be getting in the future? >> well, glenn, neither the u.a.w. nor the u.a.w. veba nor the federal government has demonstrated any interest in running our business. the product, you're going to have -- glenn: the government owns g.m. if that's not running your business, what is? the people that are involved in helping you, quote, unquote. you have the government. their agenda is pro union and green. green and efficient. then the unions, their agenda is higher growth, legacy costs, and on the other side you have the consumer who wants a good car at a fair price. then you have the shareholders who want low cost and high profits. how do you possibly serve all of these masters?
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>> well, it starts with the customer and the product, actually. the only way to make it work is to get the products right and then sell them to customers, sell the cars, take care of customers. when we do that, we can make a lot of these things work, glenn. that's the way it starts and that's the way it ends. glenn: so you're saying government is not your master? >> no. glenn: i personally think bankruptcy there for a reason. don't you think it would have been a blessing in some ways for general motors and you to get out from under these legacy costs where the unions are strangling general motors? >> glenn, in terms of the u.a.w. and the c.a.w. and unions around the world they are part of the solution and part of the problem. yes, we have significant legacy costs we have to address. they're trying to help us address the issues at the same time. for example, a groundbreaking
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veba agreement in 2007 wouldn't have been thought of five years before, so we're trying to find solutions to a very difficult problem. i view the unions as more part of solution than part of the problem, me personally. glenn: wow. ok. have we seen the worst? >> well, i have a simple philosophy. when someone asks me can it get worse, the answer needs to be yes, it can, but i also believe profoundly that it will get better, and i think if you come to work every day understanding that, you know, we can get worse, so, i mean, you don't want to declare victory too soon. you don't want to say it's over. you got to get the job done. when we do, it will get better. glenn: please, sir, keep in mind, as goes general motors, so goes america. don't allow the cars to be designed or micromanaged by the clowns in washington. please. i believe in you, because i believe in the american people. we can do it, but not with the
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people telling us what to do. entrepreneurs, dreamers can do it. i know you have got buildings full of dreamers. please fight for those people, sir. >> those people are going to deliver the kinds of cars and trucks, glenn, exactly the kind of cars an trucks that you want. glenn: thank you, sir. appreciate it. eric: let's bring in a former g.m. manager and now founder of regular folks, and william anderson with the national review and toby smith with change wave. toby can be seen with me saturdays at 10:00 a.m. on fox business channel. let me start with you. you have a history at g.m., and you heard glenn ask fritz henderson about the unions and fritz came out and said, look, the unions are more a part of the solution than the problem. would you agree with that or disagree with that? >> well, i would disagree with that. when i was at general motors, i had a unique perspective.
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i worked with the federal government and i worked in general motors' plants with union employees. i would say neither were pillars of efficiency and productivity, and the two combined could possibly be a recipe for disaster for a car company that i care about very much. i come from four generations of general motors family. i would love to say this is going to work and they will pay off the government loan and they'll get back to business, but i don't see anything in the real world that lends itself to that being the case in this situation. eric: they pay off the loan and give the taxpayers back their money, any shot in the world that that's going to happen, and if so, when? >> let me put it in perspective. when they were the most profitable company in the auto industry from '92 to 2002, they made about $30 billion. of that $30 billion, $27 billion was from their finance business, gmac. they made a lot of money in
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subprime mortgages and mortgages and they don't own gmac anymore, eric. they have a business model that is completely upside-down, analysten, i have a -- and listen, i have a better chance of waking up and being tom cruise tomorrow than we have a chance of getting money back. physically, literally, economically impossible. eric: kevin, he is probably not going to wake up tomorrow and i won't wake up and be glenn beck, but fritz said we're going to concentrate on customers, cars and culture, but credit, can people get loans to buy these cars? >> well, the most important thing this plan leaves out is the magical elves that come out of the woods and start sucking that causes people not to buy them. >> the credit situation will loosen up in the next six months when we will be out of the recession, almost certainly within the next 12 months but just because people
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have credit doesn't mean they want to buy crappy cars from g.m. fritz is setting up a website called tellfritz where people can send him e-mails, but the one thing that g.m. has lacked is consumer input about why their cars aren't very good. they know their cars haven't very good and that's why people don't buy them. eric: lori, when i think buy american, i really think of ford. isn't that the most buy american car company? they took no bailout money. >> well, first let me disagree for a minute. i disagree that general motors' vehicles are not good vehicles. i see the problem as something a little different than that. i see -- eric: let me stop you. i'm sorry. why in the world do you think they're not good vehicles? they're on the lower end of the list of kelly blue bic values. there is none in the top ten for holding resalability, and none in the top ten as far as green, as far as fuel
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efficiency, so what's good about them? >> well, if you look at the american public, they still love their chevy trucks. they still love their chevy suburbans. they still see general motors cars as a a symbol of america. chevies, fords, yes, i think the american car companies had more significant problems than cars and car sales. i'm not discounting car sales, but rigid work rules and if you look at what fritz henderson said recently yesterday and today, they're going to start working on culture. i hope so, because when i was a general motors manager, there was a culture that bred complete lack of prod duck tivity, complete inefficiency and i haven't heard people talk about that. if you don't change that culture that says you can work five hours a day for eight hours pay, and that general motors cars take 32 hours to build and toyota cars take 29 hours to build, they will never be come at the competitivd that is the root cause of the
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problem. eric: let's talk about the possibility of yet another stimulus plan. we're not sure if it's two, three, four at this rate, who's counting, but we're talking another stimulus plan when we haven't even spent 90% of the $787 billion stimulus plan already on the table. >> please, let me get some of this stuff. is the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again but expecting a new result, then not only is this insane, but it actually, even from an economic standpoint, why don't we just take all the spending we we are now scheduled to do in 2011 and move it up to 2010 or say the money goes away. if we did that, eric, the market would go up 1,500 points and people would say we can do it. eric: i think he said we will
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approach 8 1/2% unemployment, but a lot of this money is slated to be spent around 2010 or 2011. is that convenient? >> it is convenient because it is scheduled to be spent after a time that the recession is over and the economy is expected to be back in growth. you can let the economy do what it is supposed to do any way, turn around, and claim credit for fixing the economy. i think we shouldn't underestimate the importance of the money that has been spent. if we had $6 million to study the endangered saltwater marsh mouse. >> it is a very important mouse, by the way. >> where would the world be without these programs? eric: lori, what about the timing of the money being spent? i remember this package being really forced down our throats saying we need the money spent right now, and then here we are were, i don't know, $750 billion waiting to go. >> well, the fastest way to stimulate the economy is to let the american people keep more of their money.
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you could immediately do tax cuts that would send money out into the system a lot faster than programs with the government waste money. ask the taxpayers. do they want to spend money and give their hard-earned money to $3 million turtle crossings, bike paths to nowhere? these not the things that the american people really had a say in this that they would want to give their family funds to, and this has become 101. the government can't create wealth. it can only give what it has first taken away. in this case, it is particularly awful, because it is taking the money away from our children and our grandchildren to fund money and projects that most often goes to political cronies and groups of people that can help them get re-elected. eric: hang in here for a minute. we have a fox news alert. president obama has just arrived in africa. he began the day meeting with the pope at the vatican and now is he on the african continent. my colleague rick folbaum is in fox news with details.
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>> after heading home for a week that began in russia, to italy and the g8 summit and this morning's meetings with the pope, president obama has just arrived in the capitol of ghana, as we look at the familiar outside of the fuselage of air force i, and they are literally rolling out the ed carpet for this president, and while president obama is certainly not the first u.s. president to set foot on african soil, as the first african-american president, of course, it has an added resonance. the president chose ghana over several other african nations including the birth country of his father, kenya, in part because of ghana's good governance, a history of that, as the president put it in an interview with an african newspaper prior to his trip. ghana has a democratically elected government, unlike a lot of other countries on the continent. you will remember from the campaign, as i said, that the president's father is a native of kenya, his mother an american. another reason for the
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president's trip to ghana it's also very close to becoming a major energy supplier. this is a country that is an oil-producing country. we already get some of our oil from the african continent, about 15% or so. that number is expected to rise significantly over the next couple of years, and in just the next year or so, ghana's output alone is supposed to increase significantly, and so this is an oil producing nation, and the government of the united states wanting to sort of get a food foot foothold in african as far as becoming a partner and a consumer of the oil that is produced in that country, and so the doors have opened and we are about to see the president. my colleague wendell goler is at the white house, and, wendell, as we get set to see the president step out, talk to me about the cig nif gansz. i added there was eck tra es nance to this visit -- extra
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resonance to this. talk about that. >> this is the first visit of an african-american president and the first african-american president. there is a huge significance there, of course, and there is a deep resentment in kenya, mr. obama's father's homeland, which he is not visiting, and the snub is intentional. kenya still suffering from political instability after a 2007 election, as you pointed out. ghana has had four free and fair elections in a row, a very close one most recently, and despite the closeness, there was no violence. the president wants to make the point that good governance matters, and that there is a direct correlation between good governance and prosperity and wants to point out that one of the reasons africa as a continent has so much trouble feeding itself is that it has so many poor political leaders. the president told the g8 leaders in italy just yesterday as they met with
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some african leaders about trying to find ways to help the continent feed itself, that when his own father left kenya, that country and south korea had roughly the same gross domestic incomes. right now, south korea's domestic income is some $280,00 plus, and kenya's some $1,600. the president's point is if you have to pay a bribe to get a job, have to pay a bribe to start a business, this is not a situation that is conducive to a good economy. the president told the g8 leaders in italy he has family members who live in villages, while his family members themselves are not going hungry, the hunger in those villages is very real. he says if you talk to people on the ground in africa, certainly in kenya, they will tell you that part of the issue here is the institutions are not working for ordinary people. now, the president has a tough act to follow in george w. bush who very quietly tripled
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u.s. assistance to africa, with a couple of programs. the president's emergency program for aids relief. he extended the lives of millions of people through getting the drug companies to cut drug prices and his malaria initiative by providing bed nets attacks are the leading killer of children in africa, malaria, cutting malaria in half in some countries. >> as you can see up in the corner, a little after 9:00 at night in ghana. we see some young kids have been allowed to stay up a little bit past their bedtime to take part in the arrival ceremony that is taking place on the tarmac at the airport. do we know anything about these dignitaries, exactly who it is that has come out to greet the president and the first lady? >> i don't know, rick, exactly who is greeting the president and first lady. i will tell you, he will receive an enormous welcome in
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ghana. i was there in 1998 with bill clinton who was the first u.s. president to visit ghana, and he gave a speech in which he saw basically the largest crowd of his presidency, more than 500,000 people gathered in the stadium for president clinton's speech, and they literally broke down the barricades in front of the stage when he went out to shake a few hands. it was tremendously moving, and president obama is likely to see something quite similar, rick. >> well, this trip is going to be very quick. he is only there for a day. he is supposed to visit a hospital while he is there. he will address the ghana parliament, i'm told. sorry. that camera shot got a little bit jerky there. it is beyond our control as we await the president to step off of air force i. exactly how much can he accomplish, and how many people can he meet and greet while he's in the country for
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such a short amount of time? >> it is the symbolism of the trip that matters, rick. as you point out, it is less than 24 hours that president obama will be on the ground in ghana. aside from his speeches, his speech and his meetings with officials, he intends to visit the castle, which was the last point that many africans saw before they were loaded on to slavers an sent to this country, and so there will be tremendous symbolism there, but it is the symbolism of the first african-american president visiting ghana and the symbolism of the president making the point that good governance matters to the continent in more than just a furtherance of democracy, in very practical ways that is significant about this trip, rick. >> i wouldn't ordinarily get personal with a reporter, wendell, but i know you have spoken about this very movingly during president obama's inauguration. i'm just wondering now watching this now as an
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african-american journalist who has covered presidents in washington for the last 23 hours, as you get set to watch the first african-american president set foot in the african -- on the african continent, any personal feelings you'd like to share with us? >> i wish i was there with him. i'm sorry i'm watching it on television like you are, as it were. i remember going to senegal with president clinton, and visiting the castle from which slaves were sent to this country from that country, and it was a tremendously moving experience, and something that i will never forget, one of the joys of having this incredible job that i do is being able to experience things like that, and so, you know, i wish i was there, and i know the people who are there are working hard, but it's history that they're witnessing, rick r >> back to the policy for a moment. you know this is a president
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who certainly has a lot on his plate. africa and issued related to africa really are not something that we have heard a lot from this white house about in its very short time since president obama took office. is it thought that this president is now going to start talking more about africa, more about issues related to africa, ways for the various african nations to become more a part of the world stage, as a result of this trip? >> rick, i don't think that is going to become as focused. he has a lot on his plate right now. he has a supreme court nomination to get through the senate, a healthcare refox that is, a healthcare reform that is going to occupy a tremendous amount of his time this summer, and of course an economy that is just not producing jobs as quickly as the president would like, and his aides suggested this is
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tremendously expensive economic stimulus that he signed. >> there they are, wendell. sorry to interrupt you. there is the obama family stepping now off of air force i. the president, the first lady, the president and first lady's daughters, sasha and malia along with them for this trip. they were there with them in europe as well, and now on to africa before they return back to the white house. the president is being greeted and his family is being greeted by a number of locals and dignitaries there. this is a sight, while they have seen u.s. presidents come to africa, they have never seen a first family quite like this one set foot on their continent. >> the third american president in a row to visit ghana, and the first african-american, and i think we're going to see something quite amazing tomorrow when
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other ghana people come out to see him. >> do we know when the president is going to speak at the parliament, as we mentioned, but is he going to talk about some of some of thesr african nations, you nose, like kenya, where his father is from, like nigeria, these other african nations that, unfortunately, have fallen into what seems to be a downward spiral of corruption, some major problems in these nations. what are we expecting to hear from the president? how critical might he be when he takes to the microphones and speaks to the people of africa when he delivers that address? >> well, it's unclear whether the president will single out any of the countries by name or any of the leaders by name. he has been quite selective in the african leaders he has invited to the white house, and he has made a point in doing so, for example, inviting zim zimbabwe
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opposition leader tang rye here who is largely believed to have won last year's election, and yet he was forced into a power-sharing situation with president mugabe, and the president would not invite mugabe here. so whether he criticizes him by name or calls out other african countries for not doing enough to support democracy in the continent sun clear, but the president will make the point that good governance matters. it matters to drawing africa into the global economy, and it matters to helping africa get off of the cycle of aid and begin to feed itself. rick. >> wendell, i mentioned at the top, oil. this is a nice feel-good visit for many, many reasons for the president, for the people of africa, for the people of the united states to watch this take place, but there is also a business aspect to it. we mentioned the fact that ghana and other parts of
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africa are major oil producers, becoming even bigger players on the world scene, and this is an opportunity for the president to, perhaps, lay the groundwork for some future business transactions as well this trip. >> well, the oil situation in ghana is fairly recent, as i understand it, and the discoveries have not yet been fully exploited. the president, of course, wants to keep a good relationship with that country. much more oil being produced, for example, in nigh jeer ya where the political situation is much less stable and it sun clear that the president can do anything other than talk about that. he certainly is unlikely to visit nigeria, so there is a faction, including some officials who work for former president george w. bush who feel that president obama should be less selective about where he goes in africa and should do more to go to some of these places where the political situation may not be
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to our liking, but where they feel he might be able to make a difference. >> again, president obama, his wife michelle, their daughters sasha and malia. they have just stepped foot off of air force i and arrived in the african nation of ghana, the first time for president obama as president, although he has visited africa in the past. he was there as a senator. wendell goler at the white house. thanks very much. again, while in ghana, he will address that country's parliament. he will visit a hospital, and if the weather holds, as wendell mentioned, he is supposed to fly with his family by helicopter to the coast to tour a notorious slave embarkation point, obviously all overseas trips are full of symbolism, and this one more so than most. of course we will continue to follow it for you as president obama touches down in africa. we will have all the news on fox news channel. for now, let's go back to eric bolling who is filling in for
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glenn beck. eric: thanks for staying on top of it. we will keep on top of the president's trip to africa right now. the media often misses the big story because they don't tie together all the news of the day. with that in mind, we will break it all down to you in a nutshell. >> seiu in a nutshell. why is the service employees international union leading the push in health reform. andy stern, the head of seiu who visits the white house once a week. when the president met privately with the healthcare industry, only stern and one seiu official were there representing labor. why do they get so much sway with the president? maybe it's because their unit spent $60 million to help get him elected. stern said they deployed 100,000 volunteers during the campaign, including 3,000 who worked on the campaign full-time. their relationship has fostered through stern's close contacts but in placing members of its union in high
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posts in the administration. for example, white house political director patrick gasper is a former seiu executive out of new york. there is another powerful connection. members of its local chapters share goals an office space with none other than acorn. seiu, acorn. and obama. branches of the same tree. and that's s-eiu in a nutshell. eric: they showed up in full force at the big acorn anniversary party in washington last month. this program caught up with some of the attendees. >> you are with s-eiu, yeah? >> let me ask you a question, you guys are union, but yet you don't allow -- they don't allow acorn to unionize? is that an issue? what is your name? eric: unions like seiu pumping money into acorn's bank account. kevin mooney has the figures.
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break it down for us. i have read your articles. some of the numbers are staggering what goes on. people should understand how much money is being passed back and forth between people who want to benefit from the obama administration. >> absolutely. we found in just a three-year period, labor unioned donated almost $10 million to acorn and their state affiliates and their allied organizations. 7 million of that came from the service employees international union. certainly seiu, as your program has documented is very tied in with the acorn association. the national education association and other unions have also contributed but by any reasonable yardstick, the seiu is the union leading the charge here. eric: kevin, muscle for money, tell me what muscle for money is. >> muscle for money is a program that is funded by the seiu union, a corporate shakedown group that is very aggressive, very personalized involving acorn activists not just going to public venues but to private homes to harass public officers who are not
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yielding before the labor unions. it's very much over the top. the liberty tax head quarters in virginia beach, for example, buffalo is a big acorn activist pulled up in the headquarters and stormed into the office. two employees had to go into the hospital. it is all union backed an all induced by labor unions. eric: acorn, are they unionized? >> it's interesting. the national labor relations board ruled against acorn saying they were violating the rights of their own workers to unionize. acorn has fired employees for trying to unionize. it is hip kit cal. they provide support for everyone else but try to stay above it all themselves. eric: we will leave it there. kevin mooney from "the washington examiner." thanks for joining under the circumstances. coming up, small business is the heart of the economy responsible for 7 out of every 10 american's jobs. yesterday we showed you how cap and trade puts the squeeze on them. today, healthcare, next.
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geithner assured lawmakers that the stimulus plan is on its expected path. his remarks come as new polls that support is waning for the president's economic plan. now, a preview of what is on "special report." chris wallace is in for bret baier. >> hi, patti ann. we will look at president's meeting with pope benedict. the c.i.a. wants to change the way it briefs congress and the friday lightning round. join me at 6:00 p.m. eastern. now back to glenn beck in new york. >> eric: small business makes up 70% of america's job force. yesterday we told you about the climate change bill, cap and trade, and how much it will hurt small businessmen. now, we will look at healthcare reform. how much about obama care cost them. here is ryan ellis, with americans for tax reform and
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rich rhinewalled, president of the retail bakers of america. we have news that came out before we came on air and it basically was -- i believe it came from charlie rangel. they're looking to charge an additional surtax to any individuals making over $350,000, a higher surcharge for people making over $500,000 a year and another surcharge of people making over a million a year. it seems like they figured out how they're going to try to pay for this and it is going to be taxing and more taxing. >> yeah. not only taxing, you have to remember that small businesses pay their taxes on their owner's 1040 forms. when small businesses are paying taxes, they're paying taxes at these higher marginal tax rates. they're paying these surtaxes will be paid largely by small businesses, something like 2/3's of small business profits are going to pay taxes at these tax rates, and they're some of the highest tax rates that small businesses have ever had to
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pay. eric: ryan, the number that they say this is going to generate is about $540 billion over ten years so it comes out to $54 billion a year. we're talking a big number to pay for this healthcare reform. we're talking it could be $300 billion, $400 billion a year. everyone says maybe it is 100, but when are they ever right? what is the real number? what is this major overhaul in healthcare going to cost? >> well, if you look at some of the independent studies of what the scores have been on the healthcare proposals, the number that keeps popping up is between $3 trillion and $4 trillion over ten years so i think the $300 billion number is accurate. you will have to raise $300 billion to $400 billion a year just to paid for this. medicare costs have gone out of control. to start with, $300 billion to $400 billion is pretty accurate. eric: wal-mart came out
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ansaid, you know what, obama, we're signing on. for the life of me, they have been anti-union, anti, you know, major overhauls in healthcare. what is the incentive for wal-mart to sign on to this package? >> well, i mean, you know, sort of broadening it a little bit from wal-mart to larger businesses, larger corporations have been seemingly willing to sign on to these government-run medicine schemes, and a lot of it is because of what you started off the segment here with. who is being asked to pay for this? is the corporate income tax rate going up to pay for this? no. they are have your taxes in the marginal top tax rates that will be paid by small businesses. eric: ryan, hang in there. i have a small business owner right here. yesterday we talked about cap and trade and showed you someone who felt that the cap and trade higher energy costs was going to squeeze him out of business. talk to me, sir, about healthcare costs going up and what it's doing to you? >> well, first of all, i want to congratulate congress on their
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foresight. not only did they prepare the cap and taid to create a pile of cash that they can gorge themselves on they are already looking forward to going to the trough of small business to continue the feeding, and i think that between removing the tax exemption or tax deduction on the tax health benefits that woe pay, that's going to drive our -- i'm not going to pay that kind of bill anymore when it is cheaper at the government level, so my employees are going to go to the government. eric: you also talk about something that really bothers you when politicians are running for office and they want the vote, they come out and force the small business owner like yourself and look for the photo op. when they get there, it kind of hurts you. >> absolutely. the bakeries, which i represent, have always been the focal point of the community, and so the local representatives always come out there and campaign, and
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then it seems like they forget all about us, forget all about small business the day after they're elected. eric: we are going to leave it there. ryan ellis, tax policy director for americans for tax reform and rich rhinewald of rich rhinewald bakeries. coming up, media bigwigs speak out and ann coulter weighs in, next.
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>> the 2008 election and carl cannon writes in politics "we took sides straight and simple particularly with ard to the vice presidential race. i don't know that we played a decisive role in that campaign and i'm not saying the better side lost. what i am say something that we simply didn't hold joe biden to the same standard as sarah palin
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and for me, the real loser in this sordid tale is my chosen profession, end quote. not exactly shocking news for some, but the fact that someone actually admitted the anti-palin by was is big, so here now is syndicated columnist an author of best-selling book "guilty," ann coulter. ann, you have been talking about this for a long time. i think chapter 3 addresses mainstream media bias. what do you think of that? >> well, you could knock me over with a feather right now. no, i mean, it was especially bad in the case, i think, as carl pointed out, over the vice presidential race between palin and biden, and the biggest loser isn't just the media. i think the media did not have much credibility to hang on to in any event at that point. it's the american people. i mean, we have a vice president who, in the vice presidential debate could not keep reality separated from fantasy, talking about, you know, bush and nato
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pushing hezbollah out of lebanon, i mean, it was just crazy talk, and then describing the role of the vice president, confusing article one, you know, the one that describes what he does for a live, the senate, and who the president of the senate is, the vice president, and that's not even getting into the little crazy things he said, like talking to some at katie's restaurant back in delaware when katie's restaurant turned out to be a res stant a restaurant that was closed for 20 years f pail-said anything that crazy, we would never hear the end of it. eric: what about sarah palin, is this crafty smart or did she drop the ball? >> no, i think it's very clever. i think she explained herself very clearly. i mean, it was very weird to me. i watched her press conference. it seemed crystal clear. well spoken, as she always is, without a single note, certainly without a teleprompter, and you know, she said she has been
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subject to endless petty ethics complaints. she got cleared on all of them, and yet it is eating up the state of alaska's time and money, millions of dollars to the taxpayers of alaska. she can't get anything done. it has cost her personally half a million dollars, so as she said, she's passing the ball to a fantastic lieutenant governor, every as good as she s i'm sure the citizens an taxpayers definitely of alaska are happy about. this now she can write her book, give speeches and maybe she will run in 2012. maybe she will run in, you know, 20 years from now. eric: let's talk a little bit about president obama's handshake, the ones that come to mind were with chavez. what about muammar qaddafi? >> i liked that one. muammar qaddafi must have proposed reducing our global footprint by shooting down more commercial airplanes. i mean, this is just a continuation of obama's and the
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classic left wing policy of reaching out to our enemies and dissing our friends. how about shaking the hand of the new honduras president. >> stimulus two, an image problem or just an outright problem? >> i would say an outright problem. i mean, it's very weird. at least, you know, doctors who are rap plying leaches thought the leaches would do some good. here, the economy was bad. the stimulus bill, i.e., big government, handouts to friends and people in power has made it worse. the unemployment rate is higher than they said it would be if we did nothing, and now they want to do more of the same. i mean, i don't think you need to be an economist to know that raising people's taxes and making it more difficult to hire people and rewarding failure and punishing success is not the way to economic prosperity. eric: and stay with us. hang in there. we have more with ann coulter, next.
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>> have you received any stimulus money? >> no. >> no, i haven't received any stimulus money. >> no, i have not received any stimulus money. >> do you ever expect anything yourself? >> hopefully some. it is going to take time. i think people are being unrealistic if they think it is
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going to take three or four months. >> i don't think the government should be involving ourselves with private enterprise and giving money to g.m. or any other corporation. >> what do you think of a second stimulus? >> even worse. taking more of our money. i work too hard for it and they're taking more. eric: with us is author of best selling book "guilty" ann coulter. next topic, cap and trade, cap and tax, cap and take. what do you think? >> very bad idea, taking more and more, and if i could say about your little piece on the stimulus, the problem is you're not talking to people who are friends, close personal friends of nancy pell pelosi, chris dodd, chuck schumer, you know, wall street bigwigs. they're getting their stimulus money. and cap and trade is yet another way to -- eric: ann, when you reference the stimulus package, don't refer to it as my little piece. i'm sorry, go ahead.
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>> and the cap and trade or as some call it, cap and tax, is more of the same, massive new taxes on the middle class, and even if you buy into the crazy religious beliefs of liberals on man-made global warming, even if you buy into that, it's not going to do anything unless china and india impose the same taxes on energy on their citizens, and they don't seem inclined to do that, so it's really just a way of punishing americans and once again rewarding enemies. eric: let's take the confirmation hearing of supreme court justice nominee sonia sotomayor. on monday it starts. is this in the books already? >> i don't know. i hate talking about it that way. whether it is or whether it isn't, i think racial quotas have to be tied around the democrats' necks an any republican who votes for this nominee. i mean, her decision in the white firefighter's case in new haven, ricci, was rejected by all supreme court justices although there were four
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dissenters but none of the nine justices signed on to sonia sotomayor's position that merely the statistical disparity in a test results means the test has to be thrown out because it is racially biased. that is really crazy. the only way for an employer to get around that is to have absolute quotas. most americans, whether they would benefit or not from racial quotas reel back in horror at the idea of racial quotas and i don't think you can get around that with this nominee, and by the way, who also goes around giving many times saying in speeches that a wise latina woman would come to a better decision than a wise old white man. i mean, these are racist statements, and if she goes through, i think it better be on only democratic votes. she is making harriet meyers look good. eric: next time you're in town, stop in, ann. >> i would love to.: good to talk to you.
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eric: thanks for watching. i had a great time. glenn is back next week. what a week it will be. the sotomayor hearings, union meetings at the white house and will they offer more money for small businesses? sign up for glenn's free daily e-mail newsletter at and don't forget to set your tivos to watch this show all week. from new york, good night,


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