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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  July 11, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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>> glenn: welcome to the special edition of the glenn beck program. it's summertime and we're talking to some of my all time famous authors and the housing boom and bust. james roll inon the doomsday and astronaut buzz aldren on the journey to the moon and beyond and blue collar comedian jeff is here to make it work. ain't all star show. if you believe the country is great but if we spent way too much time watching crappy tv shows, grab a book and follow me.
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somebody else. glenn: so how does this end when we are a bailout nation?
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how does this end when we don't learn our lessons? >> well, people do learn their lesson in the marketplace. unfortunately, there's no incentive for a politician to learn a lesson. what barney frank is advocating, which is to say lowering the lending standards so more people can have homeownership, that has been tried as far back as the 1920's by the republicans and in the 1930's by the democrats and after world war ii by both parties an foreclosure rates went up, and nobody advocated those lower lending standards was ever punished politically. >> glenn: i saw the interview with bill o'reilly and barney frank, and barney frank actually -- i mean, he actually said, well, there wasn't enough regulation. that was the problem, and bill o'reilly said you were the one who is saying we should lower the standards. he said that's absolutely
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untrue. how responsible is barney frank and freddie and fannie for what we're going through right now? >> more so than probably anyone else connected with all of this. the banks did not choose to lower the lending standards. the government leaned on them. the justice department under clinton threatened them with prosecution if their lending patterns didn't suit the government, so we had regulations. it was precisely the regulators who pushed the lower lending standards just as barney frank is doing now, and that's at the heart of the financial crisis we're going through now. glenn: so we're not learning our lesson. this week everybody celebrated, as, in a way they should. bernie madoff is a crook, a criminal, destroyed people's lives, but everybody was wanting blood from him and nobody is even looking at freddie and fannie and the fact that there is no new regulation there. could you design a coming
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collapse any better than what we're doing now in our country by bailing everybody out, not holding the right people responsible, by ignoring the problems in congress? >> i don't think anybody could have designed something that was more destined for disaster. this is not hindsight. long before the housing bubble burst, all kinds of people, in london, washington, wall street, and i even did açó piece in the "wall street journal" saying this thing could lead to a collapse like a house of cards, so all sorts of people warned for a very long time. barney frank brushed aside all those people. he said if we overemphasize safety, then we won't get affordable housing. glenn: but i'm asking you now. i don't think we're even coming out. i think this is a false bottom in this market, in our economy right now. we're not even really coming
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out of it. we just kind of appear to be stabilized a bit, and yet we're repeating the same mistakes except on a national level now with our own treasury. i'm talking about could you design the collapse of our country any better than what we're doing today, not what we did yesterday, but what we're doing right now? >> oh, absolutely not. i mean, time and time again, when you lower the standards, that has led to more foreclosures, and because of the way freddie and fannie operate, the lenders have little incentive to worry about whether the loans are safe. in other words, you lend to somebody, and then you sell the mortgage to fannie mae and freddie mac, and it becomes their problem, which means ultimately it becomes the taxpayers' problem. glenn: we're now talking about erasing student loans, that if you have a student loan, and
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you can't pay it within 20 years, they just erase it. i mean, what do you mean you just erase it? you don't just erase money. somebody paid for it, and that is going to be the taxpayer. my mother used to say, money doesn't grow on trees. i think they actually think in washington that money does grow on trees. >> at least at the federal reserve. glenn: are you are at all convinced that we are through this? i keep hearing on t.v. about the green chute. >> absolutely not much we are not through the huge amount of spending. we have only spent 6% of this money so far. when the other 894 -- 94% of that money gets out there, i would be enormously surprised if we don't see a tremendous amount of inflation.
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dr. sowell it is great to see you. thanks for always hard work you put into your book. if you haven't read it, you should. it is an easy way to understand exactly how this happened, and who is responsible, and it is a little bit of everybody. housing boom and bust, dr. thomas sowell. thanks. when i was 18, i hadn't really read any books except what the teacher told me i needed to read, and then i read sherlock holmes and i think i read it because i thought it was the only good book out there. i think i read it three times. now i read about three books a week. it is rare to come across a book that is just right in the pocket. this, if you're looking for a summer book, great summer read, look no further. a new thriller hitting the book stores that will keep you on the edge of your seat. it is james rollins, by the way. thank you for being here. >> thank you. glenn: i read a a review that
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you don't write books as much as you build rollercoasters. >> that's right. glenn: you serialized the indiana jones books. i started reading this and it almost feels like a a combination of the da vinci code and national treasurer and indiana jones. >> i'm always looking for a bit of history that ends in a question mark or a what if and try to smash those two together. sometimes a good story ends up on the plate, other times not so much. glenn: this one starts with a prophecy of the popes, 111 popes. >> 112. it goes back to the 12th century irish saint prophecy. his name was saint malachi, a famous saint in ireland, one step down from saint patrick, and he was on a pilgrimage to rome and had a vision where he saw all the popes from the 12th century all the way until the end of the world. he wrote a script for each of
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the popes. each of the descriptions ended up being accurate. >> pope benedict is described as the glory of the ol vives. where he got his name was from a benedict even order whose symbol is the olive branch. even up to that pope, it was accurate. what is scary is that pope benedict is the 111th pope on his list. the very next pope, according to saint malachi is the pope that is going to see the world end. glenn: seriously, doesn't this show just bring you up? yeah, noth another week and we're all going to die! you also get into there is a scene towards the beginning, a jungle scene where they're trying to grow food, hybrid food, which scares the crap out of me, and it should. >> most people don't know this. i did a lot of research. i am going to write a book on
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the doomsday, how is the world going to end. i did research on genetically modified plants, corn, wheat, and some disturbing stuff i ended up discovering. one example, out of the 40 or so crops approved to be groin on u.s. soil, only 8 have published safety studies y should you be concerned about that? once you cast those seeds out to the environment, you lose all control. wind blows. the pollen around. rain. glenn: cross pollination. >> yep. they found plants that have been genetically grown 30 miles from test fields. glenn: which is scary. we also have done testing with corn. did they plant the corn that had the contraceptive in it? >> yes. in 2001, a company developed a corn strain that had a genetically engineered contraceptive built into it. if you ate the corn, it lowered your fertility. the question is why would they do that? what was the advantage of
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building a corn that has a contraceptive agent? that intrigued me, and i came upon this great quote from henry kissinger. he said if you control oil, you control nations, which makes sense, but if you control food, you can control all the people of the world. he firmly believed that. it makes you wonder about this, what they're doing with the genetically modified corn and plants, with the contraceptive, who is trying to control what? glenn: i like to read books, and it is like, oh, i was up all night. this one is "the doomsday key." a great summer read. thank you very much. i wrote that book and you wrote this one. what a coincidence that we're both here! what comes to mind when you think of barney frank? ok. keep that one to yourself. what comes to mind is acorn. frank has been one of the
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group's most vocal cheerleaders despite the accusations of criminality piling up against acorn. tonight, we look at the next chapter in our acorn series. this time, we're taking a trip around the world. fasten your seatbelts. acorn's founder and former c.e.o. already conquered america. now wade rathke has moved on to the rest of the planet. india. peru. argentina. mexico. canada. dominican republic. kenya. korea. the philippines and indonesia. all countries rathke's organized citizens in as chief organizer of community organizations international, formerly known as acorn international. why the name change? rathke writes this on his chief organizer blog, quote, changing our name, especially in the u.s., not to be confused with acorn. i know of no plans whatsoever for acorn to change its name, but you'd have to ask them, end quote.
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rathke was likely pressured by acorn to rebrand because it doesn't want to be associated with him anymore, at least publicly. remember, wade was fired last year after an 8-year coverup of his brother dale's million dollar embezzlement. his wife, however, beth butler, remains on acorn's senior staff, and both of their two children now work for the organization. name change or not, the group formerly known as acorn international remains an acorn entity, and if allegations are true that money is being funneled between the 200 acorn affiliates than ath i can still has access to -- then rathke still has access to american taxpayer dollars. rathke is called a, quote, organizational genius who, deliberately designed the acorn network to be a complex maze of affiliates, end quote. he says rathke is the only person who knows how it all
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works but cci may have a clue as well. >> cci, citizens consulting inc. is basically the financial nerve center for acorn and all its entities. >> michael mccray and charles turner, two former board members, who have sued cci to open its books. turner calls it one giant shell game. >> this is a shell-based game. acorn has over 200 different entities that the money is just moved around to, from this person to that person, from this organization to that organization. we believe that the money the money has been moved around, they have been laundering money. >> rathke's community organizations international has now reached ten nations and isn't stopping there. this past week, the notorious organizer made his way to the land of organized crime, italy. rathke has been tweeting about his trips on twitter. here is a tweet from sicily. people want to learn our model
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and organize. well, what is that model? it was designed by two columbia university social ol ists named cloward and piven they inspired the national welfare rights movement that rathke joined. their philosophy, you can foment real social change if you break the backs of government by demanding too much, hence, destablizing and reestablishing another government. rathke has been encouraging citizens of noth other nations to shake down banks like he does with acorn back here at home. the shakedowns here played a pivotal role in the collapse of the housing market which led to the near collapse of our economy. a current acorn member believes they approach disenfranchised people, give them a false premise, inaccurate information, and motivate them to attack something. the member says this time it is industry.
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the next time, it is the american constitution. on his blog, rathke responded to the recent string of negative coverage of him in the media saying, quote, i'm just an organizer of lower-income families. i'm not someone on either side of the fence with an ax to grind. so now, what a surprise, he's claiming to be the victim. one thing we do know for sure is that rathke isn't just an organizer of lower-income families. he is also someone who has admitted to covering up the theft of money from the same people he says he is trying to help. oh, and by the way, he never went to jail for it. coming up, astronaut buzz aldrin is here and he will tell us about his journey to the moon and the future of space exploration. what's the next frontier? find out, next. clear
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clear you have questions. who can give you the financial advice you need? where will you find the stability and resources to keep you ahead of this rapidly evolving world? these are tough questions. that's why we brought together two of the most powerful names in the industry. introducing morgan stanley smith barney. here to rethink wealth management. here to answer... your questions. morgan stanley smith barney. a new wealth management firm with over 130 years of experience.
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glenn: july 20 marks 40 jeers
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since buzz aldrin and neil armstrong made history by becoming the first humans to walk on the moon. in his new book, desolate journey, the long journey home from the moon" buzz aldrin opens up about his walk on the moon and the hardships he came back to on earth. good to see you, sir. >> thank you. glenn: before we talk about the things currently going on with nasa and going up to the moon and everything else, you and i had lunch, what was it, two years ago? >> i think so. glenn: and i was fascinated -- we're both recovering alcoholics. >> right, right. glenn: and fascinated because i had never thought of when you go to the moon, there isn't really anything that beats that experience, you know what i mean? you go to the moon, and you're like, man, i walked on that. you really had a hard time coming back topping that,
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right? >> you know, wouldn't say it it is the trip to the moon and back. its was the fact that i was so structured, young, 17, going to west point, very structured life, in the air force, in combat, then other tours, supersonic fighters, nuclear weapon delivery into eastern europe, m.i.t. is pretty structured after being away from education, working on a doctor's degree, choosing just the right subject, getting into nasa. glenn: my gosh. how old were you when you went to the moon? >> 39. it was a pret try active life up to that point. glenn: when you were on the moon did you think as a joke, i'm going to close the hatch and say see ya? >> no!
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glenn: we just sent what looked a rocket to the moon. >> it is pretty new. it is one of the air force rockets for eelb's, and it may deliver some humans, hopefully , in a runway landing it has russian engines on it. >> it does not! >> yes, it does, but that's another story. glenn: why are we are going to the moon? >> well, because it looked as though when we got to a fork in the road caused by the columbia accident, which left us with only three orbiters, we had to make a change. before that accident, we were going to fly to 20, 2025, but immediately after that, it is going to change. we only have three, so the name of the game is to retire the orbiter as soon as
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possible, finish the space station. that's our commitment, and then see how rapidly we can transition. glenn: is there a staging area to go to, like, mars? >> it is space exploration. it is lower orbit, which we have been doing for a long time. glenn: but you think we should go to mars. >> yes. glenn: why? >> because the pathway to the moon that we have chartered out has caused me and a number of other people to think that maybe the implementation that we have right now and the cost of doing that with two boosters, not one, and a big lander, it puts us in a position of very expensive resource consuming activity of developing these -- quite new. they are not shuttle derived particularly. they deev kuwaited -- they
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deviated on the two boosters we had. the lander looks like before but much, much bigger, and it doesn't really contribute to mars' landings in the future. i don't see where going to the moon right now really contributes that much. sure, there is going to be long duration stays, six months, but when you go to mars, you got to stay for a year and a half if you're not going to be staying even longer than that as a >> would you go to mars? displiem not the type for a long duration. i'dliem not the type for a long >> would you go insane? >> i would go insane.s. i am a short-duration guy but
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that doesn't mean i don't know that doesn't mean i don't know personalities that are needed anda the number of people that would love to go to mars and make it a career for themselves. i think they are like pilgrims on the may flower that didn't hang around plymouth looking fon the return trip. we need to start thinking about a commitment to permanence on mars. if we're really not ready to doo that, i don't think we're readye to spend all that money to go anywhere and i would like to see us lead by helping the internationals who want to send their humans to the moon and we can send our robots and take advantage of development of commercial products of sorts.
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>> right. >> that can pay for cavitation. >> i have to tell you, it is a great book, by the way, great to know your life story and always a thrill to see you, sir. >> 30 years. >> congratulations, sir. god bless. >> thank you. >> thank you. back in a second. lasting relief. got an itch? gold bond lotion. the quick fix for almost every itch. combination of seven tantalizing flavors your cat craves. friskies signature blend. feed the senses.
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,y signature blend. ok. oomph. i'm a mommy. i love kids! i'm responsible, loving, nurturing. ahhh! yea whooo! no no no no no! don't touch that. [squeak squeak] stop, stop! ahhhhh! whoa! being a parent's a lot of work. where's mommy? here i am! sid: [laugh] ha ha, no, stop, stop.
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for america's news headquarters, hi, everyone. we have brand-new video in to fox news. it is of president obama leaving ghana, heading back to the u.s. after his historic trip to africa. after giving a speech earlier today, he assured africa it matters on the world stage. also, a possible bailout for small businesses. two senior administration officials are telling fox news the white house is working on a plan that could give some of the
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$700 billion in bailout bucks to small companies. it would reportedly increase their lines of credit. and thousands turning out for the funeral of steve mcnair. this is video taken in southern mississippi. he was shot by his girlfriendstr who then shot herself. now back to glenn beck, i'm jamie colt. hoomt sense, common sense solutions where the main stream media really are not doing theio job. another case where there may ber a little bit of corruption going on.tion at the very least, something doesn't feel right.n't i am a little rumbley in my hawaii's central banks is in such bad shape it has lost 80% of its value in the last two
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years. the fdic already decided we're not going to give you any money. they didn't meet the criteria for tarp money. a but then two weeks later, someone from the senator's office calling in to check on the status, they announced, lo and behold, they are going to get the full t $135 million from tarp. now, i am sure that was on thep. up and up.e after all, many lawmakers have worked to get money for banks is their homeen states. also 33 senators own shares inlt banks that got tarp. sure, let me say that again. 33 senators own shares in banks that got tarp money. but inoue is the only one that stepped in on the bank's behalf. also a little different because his personal ties to the bank, he started the bank and thenn two-thirds of his total assets are locked into the bank, as much as $70,000 as of --
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$700,000 as of world war ii. so why would they suddenly decide to help this bank whenony 1600 applications went through and only 266 others got money? according to a statement, his staffer said he just simply leff a voice mail to see if the fdic got the bank's application. really? for $135 million, that must have been quite a voice mail. a hey, did you get it? now, another case of tit for tat that is happening. america is about to get more m than 34% share of citigroup, part of the latest rescue. now, since we own citigroup, id was hoping we would all getou cards. not just a credit card, i am ane owner. should we get a little something
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extra for our tax dollars? after all, you did work for the tax dollars you sent now they haveti raised the interest rates. congratulations, you are an owner. and 1500 owners got a notice of increase percentage points. isn't that great?so maybe not so good. it happened in the last three months. they did it. just before the las aimed at stopping theseprac practices go into effect. that's, hmm. after the financial times brokew the story, citigroup said what? we just adjusted the pricing in cards terms for some of theunt customers as part of our regular account reviews, really? whether they raised the ratesad because of previous bad ideas os whether they were trying to ?eak it in before the law started, in is exactly the kind of thank yok that i think we can expect now that the government is in the business of banking.
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the government also, apparently sick of california's budget problems, they are just fit to be tied, i can't take it anymore, they want somebody to do something. so what is the federal government doing? well, the clowns in sacramento closed state parks to try to save money and balance thean budget. the federal government now hasvn said hey, by the way, we're going to have to take those tak parks over and we may also havee to take the land.ayin just saying. in may, governor schwarzenegger proposed closing 220 state parks to save $143 million. i don't know if youut remember this but the state is facing a billion-dollar budget deficit. i think the people in californil can hang out without the park for a little while.o be they will be forced to let all the rapists out of the prisons,e the kids will grow up in publics
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schools and be brain dead and then forced to join the military so all things considered, closing the park might be the better way to go? but no, no, not to the federal government who is here to help. the national park service takesr over the state parks. it amounts to nothing more than a gigantic land grab. california, here is an idea. while you still have control, say no thanks to the federal government and sell the parks to a private company. there has to be some conservationist out there who just loves -- no, nobody indy california has any money left anymore. i don't know, you will have to call barbra streisand. i am sure all that timber and posh real estate will help you balance the budget. quick, sell it before they takea itke from you. like california and many other states, new york is struggling to make ends meet. yeah, new york is in big trouble. we found a way that they can
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save $65 fire the 700 teachers who are paid to literally do nothing. yes! you heard that right. it is impossible to fire teachers in new york because they have tenure and so the public school teachers, accused of offenses ranging from ins board nation to sexual misconduct are housed for months to as many as five or six years, waiting. they are just waiting.e they collect their full salary of $70,000 or more and they are forced to do the hard labor. they have to sit around all day -- oh, an unbearable place, scrabble, writing novels, it isa crazy. but don't worry, they get the breaks like their other
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colleagues. their contract gives them a full summer vacation as well as weekends off from their timeom doing nothing. how is that working out for youw new york? media often misses majorn connections because it doesn't see how all of the stories are related. they don't see any of the questions. i do. we're breaking things down on this program now in a nutshell. sciu, in a nutshell. why is the service employees national union leading then charge in healthcare reform? let's start with andy stern, the head of sciu, who visits the white house once a week.we when the president met privately with the healthcare industry, only stern and one other official was there representings labor. but why does sciu get so much attention of the president?us maybe thaws their union spent $60 million helping get him elected. he says they deployed 100,000ain volunteers during the campaign00
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including 3,000 who worked on the campaign full-time. their relationship is fostered not only in close contact but h placing them in high posts in the administration. for example, political director patrick gasper, former seiu out of new york. but one more powerful connectiol for seiu. members of its local chapters share goals and office space with none other than acorn. seiu, acorn and obama, branchese of the same tree and that is seiu in a coming up, comedy stars give i their instincts on how to really stink at work. don't miss it, coming up. ciga. take them and be quiet for a while. that's the problem, sir. look it up. do your history. you are an insult to george washington, sir.
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if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i guarantee, no other company will work harder to make you mobile. if we pre-qualify you for a new scooter or power chair and medicare denies your claim, the scooter store allows you to keep your scooter or power chair at no cost. that's the scooter store guarantee. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice ...or work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. you don't qualify for medicare? no problem. we'll work with your insurance company, even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. call the scooter store for free information today. both cost the same. but only the new pringles super stack can makes everything pop.
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you know, i was just sitting here with a little note card that says jeff foxworthy is one of the most successful comedians in america and i believe he is "the" most successful inn america. the largest recording artist in history, author of 20 books, star of the blue comedy tour and movies and host of "are you smarter than a 5th grader", jeff foxworthy, when do you sleep? >> i don't know. >> you don't do any of this stuff, do you? a you have other people doing this for and>> you you are kickingaly back? [laughter] >> no, i really enjoy it. being able to do a lot of things creatively, it is stimulating. >> now, it is interesting yout
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would write the book "how to really stink at work ". >> let me tell you how it got started. i was sitting around with a writer on blue collar tv and heh said i cannot fathom youve actually worked at ibm for five years and i said no, brian, i was at ibm for five years but iw don't know how much work i did. because we found ways to amuseat ourselves. we had a boss that loved to cruise the office and look over your shoulder and every time he would come out of his office, we would wait to he got 30 feet out of his office and dial his phone. he would run back in to answerhw it, wait till he got to the desk and he would hang up and weng would do this to the guy 20 tim times a day and he never caught on. what did you do at ibm? >> i started outer in dispatch answering customer phone calls and then the last four years, i carried a tool bag and fixed machines, the hardware on the
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big mainframe computers. >> wow, you were good at that? >> no, not really. [laughter] >> they would have fired me long before so it is a good whe thing i i am doing this. >> when did you get into comedy, the same time you were fixing commuters? >> well, a bunch of guys ilub, worked with would go to the comedy club in atlanta and they would come back and say foxworthy, you are funnier than they are, you should try this. so i did it on a dare. had no idea what i was doing,s entered the contest and i won ia and knew two minutes into it, io is like this is what i want to do. quit t my job at ibm, my parents thought i had lost my mind! my mother was are you on drugs? and i am like no, i just to wan, try this. five years later, i was on johnny carson. >> here is the funny thing. you say you quit your job but you told me earlier, you didn't work there, you were a play holder. >> well, i quit my contract.
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>> you stopped collecting money from ibm. [laughter] >> exactly, i was getting a paycheck. >> so hang on. you didn't always want to be a b comedian? >> well, you know, it is funny when you talk to the people i grew up with, nobody is surprised that this is what i do because i think i was -- i knewk from an early age, i could make people laugh. i just didn't know could you gej paidus for the best note i ever got back i stage, the first time i played the fox theatre in atlanta, someone brought me a note from my high school principal and it said i cannot believe i am shelling out money to hear the same kind of stuff i used to put a stop to. >> we will be back with jeff foxworthy. the name of the book, "how tohy. really stink at work". i mean, like i need to read it? do you watch this show? back in a second. >> don't know! they are going to just keep printing money and printing money till it is worthless.
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[ cheering ] >> he did it! >> oh, my gosh. >> you are like a redneck idol to me at this point. [laughter] [ cheering ] >> d that is joey chestnut from the fox tv show, "are you smarter than a 5th grader". you are a machine. >> glenn, you are a machine. you do the daily thing, the weekend thing and now you are stealing my comedy. [laughter] >> oh, yeah, doing your job. since you brought that up, i want to ask you something. the reviews that came out, oh, they were good. they attacked my audience asnce, much as me. they talked the audience likehe they are just a bunch of stupid idiots that go and, you know, went and watched me and, you know, i don't know, i didn't talk to them, i am sure -- no, i am kidding do. they attack your
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audience as well? because i know you are just ae hick.ow, you have no talent, too? >> oh, yeah, well your first mistake was you red your reviews. [laughter] >> but we caught the same thing on the blue collar tour. for the few negative reviews we got, they were making fun of the audience and i guess the great thing about this country is everybody can have an opinion and you certainly don't have to agree with them. dplen >> glenn: let me ask you this.n't i don't want a joke czar. it was a bad joke, a stupid joke, i think sarah palin won in this thing and i think people need to stay off families, whether it is left, right, who the person is, we don't make fun of families. >> yeah, i agree with you. the mistake is dave should have thrown that joke out in the
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rehearsal that day but aim comedian knead -- i am a comedian and i have teenage daughters and a joke about a 30-year-old guy having sex with a teenager is not funny but itu, is all about forgiveness. ag you apologize, people forgive you. >> jeff, thanks a lot. >> jeff, thanks a lot. back in a second. for twenty me. get a real night out with one appetizer to share and two entrees for just $20. or, have a night in with applebee's carside to go. the two for twenty menu, only at applebee's. in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe.
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>> common sense, the case, against the out of control government is number one on the new york times best seller list, number one, usa today list as well. and thank you so much for buying it, but please, remember, don't keep this one on the shelf when you're done. please, pass it on to somebody else and have them pass it on as well. this is the time, make sure we all are aware and awake enough, take our country back, it's in book stores right now, but you can always get the dvd, a day in the life of glenn beck if you buy two more on that at our website, glenn and also, for more commentary on the news of the day. sign up for my free e-mail newsletter at glenn and set your tivo's and vcr. watch the show all week, from new york, good night measured -- -- america. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.


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