tv Geraldo at Large FOX News July 12, 2009 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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hi, everybody, i'm geraldo rivera and you heard it here first, michael jackson's death may have been a homicide. as law enforcement intensifies its investigation, the prescriptions. michael's sister granted an exclusive interview saying that her brother was murdered vowing "i know who did it and i won't rest until i nail them." she goes on to say "michael was murdered and we don't think just one person was involved. i feel it was all about money. michael was worth well over a billion in mustic publishing assets and somebody killed him for that. he was worth more dead than alive.
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she also says that he was kept away from, that he was exhaustion and get this, that he was robbed of $2 million in cash and jewelry as he lay dead or dieing in that rented mansion in beverly hills. we'll have more on the latoya interview, that bombshell in just a minute. several sources confirm that jackson's medical records have been subpoenaed by the authorities. we are focusing on the types of drugs found inside the mansion where jackson died. a second search of the mansion and the seizure of dr. conrad murray's vehicle were conducted after the lapd contained warrants which would have only been issued if a judge was convinced there were serious allegations that a crime or crimes had been committed. >> the death of mr. jackson, investigation is continuing. we will await crab ration from
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the -- corroboration from the coroner's office as to the cause of death, are we dealing with homicide or accidental overdose. it may have been a homicide. jackson's dad agrees. >> i couldn't believe what was happening to michael the past couple years. i just couldn't believe it. i do believe there was foul play. >> geraldo: foul play as in murder or doctors who prostitution ring city student -- prostituted their profession? led by the lapd with help from the dea and california attorney general investigators are focusing on who wrote the fatal scripts styls?
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>> something is wrong here. >> geraldo: at least five doctors mckinley the jackson hall -- in the jackson hall of shame. the financially troubled las vegas and houston, texas based cardiologist who has not denied dispensing propanol. what else did murray give jackson? did he dispose of drugs and syringes. why did murray wait 30 minutes to have his aide call 911? then there is arnie kline, the dermatologist of the stars. he treated jackson for lupus and a skin disorder. he told "good morning america" "i was not one of the doctors
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who participated in giving him overdose of drugs or too much. i was the one who limited everything, stopped everything. he admits he prescribed demerol. sometimes prescriptions written in the names of body guards. various pill bottles found at jackson's neverland ranch contain klein's name. i may have also provided the sperm used. i have not been contacted by the police in los angeles so i don't know what to tell you and i'm not going to talk to you. he goes on to say i didn't give -- i never prescribed oxycontin in my life.
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how am i going to prescribe. you do this to sedate him with mild levels of drugs, nothing the likes of what they are describe. the third doctor allegedly involved it the personal medic on hisse1996 tour. he received a public reprimand for prescribing drugs under an alias. he says he has not prescribed medicines to michael for years. and jackson's notorious so called vitamin doctor between 2002 and 2003. so enamored with jackson that the doctor invited the king of pop to live in the doctor's own florida home. one wonders what he served for
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snacks. a private investigator caught up with him yesterday and says the doctor used his staffers as a kind of human shield to keep our p.i. from getting close enough. and the first five doctors involved because we think there are others is one of those who jackson surrounded himself in later years. he somehow became jackson's financial advisors and denies any knowledge of the pop star's use of pain killers. >> we are looking at the prescription drug history, the doctors that he has dealt with over the years, we have the cooperation of the dea and state attorney general's office. >> geraldo: his office took the lead in the sad case of anna nicole smith. let's ask jerry brown what role he is playing in the jackson administration -- or rather the
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jackson administration. general brown, thanks for being on the show. let me get your reaction to latoya jackson suggesting that her brother was murdered? >> i have no way to verify that or not. i tell you, every time you are playing with the dangerous chemicals we call controlled substances you are playing with life and death and there is in our society very much of a pill dependent culture. we see it in the drug advertising, we see it in the that you go to a doctor and he can make you happy and the hyper kids with the ritalin and because of that if you get a person with unlimited money and very sensitive and probably maybe very vulnerable you could go overboard and someone could die and doctors have got to be held to a very high standards
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because they are highly educated, well paid and the trouble is it is very hard to keep them under tight control. these are professionals, they do their own thing, they are competent people and the people in the bureaucracy, state capitol, they have a limited authority. there are a lot of complaints unless there is really hard evidence, most of the stuff just goes by the wayside. now, you have a celebrity like anna nicole smith and you get a picture of the refrigerator and see the drugs there and it is shocking and in that case no one was doing a darn thing until i saw the picture in the paper and i said hey, who is doing anything and the answer is nothing. in this case you have the l.a. police, the chief, the top police officials i think in the country so anything could be the cause or maybe it was innocent, we don't know. i tell you this, in our office
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we have got the data on computer of every drug that was prescribed by any doctor and whether it is under an alias or not we will find out the amount and quantity. we have to get the names of all the doctors, the alias escaped but we will be able to get the police that information and they then go and interview people. they look at all the surrounding circumstances, who was on the premises. >> geraldo: thanks very much for being with me tonight. ladies and gentlemen, my next guest is reporting that michael jackson's corpse has the hallmarks of long time intervenous drug use including arms riddled with needle marks and collapsed veins. if true, it raises other and newer questions about whether he died, was he killed by the
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improper administration of some of the drugs seized by investigators after his death. he writes for the daily beef, gerald posner joins me. he had many needle mark on his necks and his arm latoya said. and many will emerge in the next few weeks but nothing will change my mind that this was murder, i won't give up until i found out who killed my brother. , he said according to latoya they are going to kill me for my publishing, they want my cat that log. this is michael, i knew something terrible was going to happen. your comment on that, joe? >> let me tell you, geraldo, a couple of things. i'm doing the work, but seven years ago i did a book on motown and latoya changes her
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story constantly. i guarantee she was paid for the story. it is a british tab lloyd. one is her allegation that her brother was killed and that of whathe question what have happened to michael's money. this were others that came around him and used him like an atm. and there s real question of follow the money, where did millions of dollars go and the mj five, the five doctors you are talking about and one that is not a real doctor in dr. tohme tohme. ,. >> he was so covered in needle marks that he was essentially addicted to prescription drugs and they pushed him over the edge and they lost the atm in the end because he died from
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negligence. >> geraldo: he died from criminally reckless or intentional homicide, that will be explored by the investigators but it is clear, it seems to me, that but for the intervention of unscrupulous professionals, michael jackson might still be alive today. we have a lot coming up, ladies and gentlemen. we will dissect the autopsy with the panel of the forensic experts. and talk about six degrees of separation, i found out that the dock tar that examined makele jackson during his molestation case was none other than my son'son's
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>> geraldo: welcome back. we are live everybody. i'm joined here in new york by the former police commissioner bernard kerik. i believe that they already know what killed michael jackson. i think that is why they changed the tune and are now suggesting homicide. >> i think it will come down to intentional murder or
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criminally negligent condition condition -- conduct by the people around him, by one or more of those doctors and some of them around him, knew about it, promoted it, assisted in it, and that is what it is going to come out to be and it will all depend really on the toxicology, what they got out of the body and then they go back and find out who was issuing the prescriptions. >> mark geragos, he was representing michael jackson in the 2005 molestation case and then got too basi buscy with te peterson case up in northern california. now, people are suggesting criminal conduct. >> you know, in california and recently the california supreme court has clarified this, you can charge not just involuntary manslaughter, you can actually charged an implied malice
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second-degree murder where if the conduct was so atrocious and so outrageous and reckless that you can imply malice which is the difference between murder and a manslaughter, that is probably something that is on the table, especially in a case like this if you can find that there was drugs that were prescribed that should not have been prescribed properly, that were given in a reckless amount or manner, tbilisi that was the case -- if that was the case, i could see a prosecutor, jerry brown among them, bringing that case. >> geraldo: and brian otsman, former jackson family attorney. i think he is right, latoya has been an uneven source. she tends to be erratic although i think her emotion was pure in this particular case. if it rings true, because it is corroborated by many people including his long time trusted
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publicist is that he was, indeed, isolated from his family and friends in the last weeks and months of his life. >> geraldo, i have been talking to latoya about the very subject for the past three and a half years. it has always been the same. we have spent hours on the phone and this kind of thing makes her very upset, it makes me very upset, she has said it over and over again and part of it is the information which i have supplied her also. she is right on the money here, latoya jackson is calling it exactly as it is and all i got to say is go, girl, because doggone it, she's right. >> geraldo: what do you think? are you suggesting that michael jackson was murdered for his money? >> i can't say that and i don't know that. what i do know is that while michael jackson was being isolated i told everyone including l.a. toyia that --
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latoya that if michael one day wound up deceased because of this drug nonsense that we were seeing my voice was going to be the first voice that the enablers heard. i was not going to be silent and sit by and have someone say it is an accident geraldo more it is an accident geraldo more coming up as we investigate the hi, may i help you? yeah, i'm looking for car insurance that isn't going to break the bank. you're in the right place. only progressive gives you the option to name your price. here. a price gun? mm-hmm. so, i tell you what i want to pay. and we build a policy to fit your budget. that's cool. uh... [ gun beeps ] [ laughs ] i feel so empowered. power to the people! ha ha! yeah! the option to name your price -- new and only from progressive. call or click today.
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>> geraldo: breaking news left and right, most notably that michael jackson the king of pop was dead. mike walters, the news manager for tmz joins me now. i was impressed with the latest reporting as the initial scoop which, of course, was more spectacular but the drudgework of going through the old files in the santa barbra case.
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>> back then they were focusing on the molestation and pee pedofhelia.the there was a huge supply of powerful medications and just like the propafol that was found. in all the interviews everybody mentioned drug abuse or drug use in some form. and when looking it into even deeper they specifically mentioned xanax, taking up to 30 to 40 at one point.
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i saw xanax and one or two of the bottles had xanax on them from a doctor in los angeles who michael had been seeing for a long time. >> geraldo: i thought the police raid on neverland was grossly overdone. they didn't need 70 or 90 police vehicles. they weren't raiding al-qaeda, they were looking for evidence of molestation. if now in retrospect they came up with evidence that contributed to the cause are death, may i assume that you are pursuing the doctor's name? >> people are now looking at these doctors. i can tell you for sure the coroner's office and lapd pinpointed some of the same doctors and are going through his past prescription history. he had dozens of needle marks
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and some were fresh. we have almost 12 videos of makele jackson coming and going from a dr. are knee -- ar arnie kleins a office. one of the drivers said that michael would go in and say three or four hours on some occasions and come out looking sedated. >> the former emplower of debbie rowe. mike walters at tmz, good job, man. >> if arnie klein put prescriptions in someone else's name is that not further criminal conduct alleged? >> it is a very common practice amongst celebrities in los angeles for doctors to write prescriptions in alias.
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because it is a common practice does not make it legal and if you are prosecutor one of the things you will do is try and show that that is to try and skirt the regulatory authorities and that shows that you have got some kind of intent. and if you can link up whatever drugs being prescribed, if you have an example of a toxic level in the blood, that is what they are trying to sort out. if they get that, then we go back to what i was saying before what i would think would happen here is an implied malice second-degree murder charge. >> geraldo: do you agree? >> that is what they are going to look for. the way it is going right now, i think they're going to have it. >> geraldo: they are going to have the implied malice, a murder charge, not a manslaughter? >> that's right. and i think they should push it to that level. >> geraldo: i want to ask dr. michael baden. but dr. baden, after listening
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to the chief and what he has changed his -- the way he finalized this -- stylized this investigation, do you not believe that they know what killed michael jackson right now? >> i think they have the results from the toxicology of the autopsy and they know what drugs they are looking for and they know if drugs caused his death and they are pointing their investigation toward those drugs and the doctors who prescribed those drugs and no matter how many drugs he had, the ones that were in his body when died are the ones that may have caused or contributed to his death. >> geraldo: is and always, ladies and gentlemen, i'm telling you, follow the money. follow the money. also, how is this for
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>> michael jackson had two major child molestation investigations. one in 1993 in which he settled it and the complainant dropped the charges and it never went to trial and, of course, in 2005. the doctor who performed the international 1993 examination required by the law enforcement of michael jackson now breaks his silence. anyway, the doctor who performed that test, that investigation, that examination goes on the program tonight for the very first time. he has never spoken not since 1993. he is coming on the program tonight to put to o rest the questions of whether michael underwent procedures such as skin bleaching or the series of nose jobs to appear less black. we will have that exclusive. that is minutes away.
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first, our president is set to touch down on american soil at 1:00 sunday morning following his historic trip to africa where he challenged the people of the continent to shed corruption and conflict in favor of peace. the president saying that he will never forget the image of his own two young daughters walking through the 17th century slave gun gones that were the scenes of such misery. despite that sobering and uplifting experience he is coming home to major controversy over the g 8 trip, principally over his claim that the stimulus package has been a success. and even vice president joe biden today admitted that the nation's economic plight was a whole lot more than the president thought it was than when they were sworn into office and perhaps that affected the way they respond
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to the economic crisis with the stimulus package and all the rest of it. our guests now, presidential contender mike huckabee, governor, former and i say future presidential contender mike huckabee joins me as does kirsten powers and an ann coltr who for reasons known best to her is in florida tonight. do you think the trip has legs or the distraction over the g 8 and all the rest was really the headlines? >> he did say some things today in gana that were historic. for an american president to speak as boldly and as bluntly to the continent of africa in saying you can't depend upon other nations bailing you out, you have got to start showing responsibility and deal with the corruption, which has really been the huge problem of africa's development. there are bright spots like rwanda where the governor has put a hiatus on aid coming in
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to his country that does not empower people to have sustainable jobs. >> geraldo: sounds like mark sanford. >> i think it is important to note that it is working in rwanda in healthcare, it is working in terms of job deployment. a lot of the starbucks coffee comes from rwanda with small acre and farmers farming that hunt specific partnerships with bucks and other companies. >> geraldo: and the stimulus package that is the center piece of the political dialogue? >> it has been a total disaster. >> what about the quote that unemployment would be high. he said if we didn't do something it would get as high as 8%. >> it is nine and a half. warren buffett said last week it going to go to 11. twice as much money, literally twice as much monitoringly
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going to -- money going to counties that voted for obama than those that voted for mccain. if anybody can say there is not serious policies behind it, they are kidding themselves. now, let me be fair, if the republicans were running it, it would be the same thing. >> i think what i want to say is what is up with joe biden. why does he keep saying this stuff? >> because the republicans want him to. >> the idea even when -- i don't even believe that that is true what he is a saying, the idea that they didn't appreciate the magnitude of what is going on. we were told we were headed for arm go ahead done essentially -- arm go aheaden essentially. >> geraldo: do you think it's mischievous. >> he needs to stop. >> don't let him stop. we need him to. >> it is too soon to tell. the point that we are losing
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700,000 jobs a month in january, it is now down to 400,000. it is nothing to be excited about, but it is better than 700,000. i think that, look, it was a tactical remark sure, to say 8%. i don't know why they did it, there is no way to predict that. why they would latch on to that, i don't know. this wasn't supposed to end the recession in four months. >> geraldo: anann colter you sd the stock market was going go down to its march lows which i take personally. >> no, i said worse than that. before the end of the year it will get lower. >> geraldo: all right, all right. you obviously feel -- >> obama said it worked as
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intended. maybe he did intend to raise unemployment and hand out goodies to all of the friends of jack and nancy pelosi and chris barn and bar knee frank. for america it hasn't worked out so well and it is curious we are getting the double speak from the president and biden. he says these things because he is so delusional that we can't establish fact from reality. the press didn't mention that. he claimed in one of the debates that nato pushed hezbollah out of lebanon. the press ignored that to fixate on palin's clothes. >> geraldo: sarah palin made an appearance on the radio program in fairbanks friday as she told the disappointed listeners the reason she is stepping down is because "i chose not to play their game" adding she wanted to get out there and fight.
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they do thinks like that and palin said i can handle it but not when it costs the state time and money it has cost according to one state official alaska has spent about $1.9 million defending the ethics complaints that apparently had been bogus. >> except for one. >> except for one that has not been dismissed. governor, can you win by quitting? >> if anybody quits she might be able to pull it off. i don't know and i don't think any of us do. if you are in office one of the things that the opponents will use against you is a barrage of lawsuits and ethics complaints. i faced it. a -- it was a constanth battle. ten and a half years. >> so i had two and a half years of pepper's term and eight years of my own. this is the weapon of choice when people can't attack your
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policies. they come after you with extraordinarily blood draining lawsuits and ethics complaints. the problem is if you allow them to chase you out eothen it becomes an even more effective weapon of choice. >> geraldo: seems it would be allot more uncomfortable as president when they attack you for every kind of thing. i don't get the logic. >> nobody really knows for sure. i was actually in alaska over the fourth of july visiting my family and the people i spoke to in alaska's political circles are that she is tired of it. she is tired of dealing with it. she can go off and make a ton of money, speak, write her book, study up if she wants to run for president but she doesn't want to do this any more. it is not something that she is enjoying and she is just tired of it. i'm not a palin fan, i have to say that up front, but i do think it is possible that what she said is just the truth like
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she is just not going to -- >> geraldo: i think she will get 25% of the vote. ann, did you see the picture of sarkozy and the president checking out the brazilian teenager. >> it's not true. >> yes, i did. >> geraldo: as ann talks, i want to show you the damming shot but here is the video who shows how benign this was in real life. is the president checking out -- aah, he is grabbing the hand and looking back. try it again. he is reaching back for the hand of that young lady to help her down the steps. there he is. there he is. michele is not going to kick his butt. and ann? >> what i find most interesting about this photo episode -- you connect -- i mean it was only 900 -- it wasn't as if the
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media never showed uncomfortable or embarrassing photos of george bush. what is amazing is if you do it frame by frame. it was all day on msnbc. on "good morning america." i have never seen the president so much in the pocket of the president. >> welcome home, mr. president. thank you. the answers to timeless
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>> geraldo: back live, everybody. before he paid millions to settle the 1993 molestation allegations out-of-court, michael jackson was ordered to undergo an intimate physical examination to see if it corroborated the child's allegations at the time. in one of the cosmic coincidences the eminent dr. richard strict who performed the exam was none other than the father of dr. deb strict, the beautiful woman my son gabriel just marry. >> michael jackson has had personal doctors for years. one of them being arnold klein. this is dr. richard strict, you
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know him because he is your son's father in law. richard, you know dr. klein. what is your opinion of him? >> we go back to when we were training in residency and dermatology which is almost 40 years ago. he is a bright guy, well thought of, intelligent. he has taken care of a lot of stars but i think he is a first-rate dermatologist. >> there have been questions about whether he would go to jack -- jackson would go to his office and receive frequent injections of demerol or other types of strong drugs. >> i just don't think that would be something that would happen. >> powerful drugs like demerol, oxycontin and diprivan are not usually found in a dermatologists office according to strict. he also had a chance to review his colleague's records back in 1993 when jackson was abuse accused of molesting then 13-year-old jordan chandler. >> i worked with the government and examined michael and
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reviewed medical records with the first child molestation charges and had seen records of an knee' knees up to that time. >> a santa barbara district attorney issued a warrant for a complete examination of the pop star including his private parts which the accuser had described to investigators. in december of 1993, strict conducted the exam. >> michael had a disease in which the pigment lost and attempts have been made to bring it back which is unsuccessful and then to bleach it out so it was one color. >> investigators feared a trip before the exam was to have himself altered so he didn't match the description of the scar. >> the genitalia were oddly colored with light skin and
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dark skin and i was told that the photos matched what the child described. >> describe the examination. that must have been a bizarre scene. >> it was an intention situation with his attorneys there and his security force and michael and his crew wanted none of the examination whatsoever. the whole time of the examination michael is basically throwing a tantrum like a six oracy venice-year-old. he seemed to be a healthy buy. the lupus is an autoimmune disease and he only had skin involvement which destroyed part of the skin of his nose and the nasal surgeries reconstructive to try to look normal. >> all the nose reconstructions you are saying were the result of him treating his lupus? >> the first one was to try and reconstruct from scar tissue
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and destruction that happened of the skin there and didn't work out very well and other attempts i believe were attempts to still make it right. >> he insisted at the was not a doctor feel good to jackson and was treating the star patient for lupus, a degenerative skin disease. >> what was your overall impression of arnie klein during that exam? >> arnie was very helpful. arnie seemed to be able to control mike until a sense in that he was really the only one who was able to get michael to be cooperative and calm him down to some degree. >> michael jackson agreed to pay $15.3 million to the chandler family as a result according to a document obtained by the website the smoking gun but he never admitted to a sexual assault. >> it isn't completely normal for a child to be able to
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describe the genitalia in such a detail under normal circumstances but what actually took place between them i have no way of knowing. >> geraldo: craig, i would never contradict my son's new father in law but it seems in terms of the skin bleaching and the nose jobs he went beyond simple medical needs. >> i agree. a lot of the surgeries it was apparent he was doing cosmetic surgeries and changing his look. but the closeup where the skin is hanging off you can see there is a skin disease that he is trying to treat. >> geraldo: it was a skin disease. when i saw him the nose was so tiny in the hotel room one time he had a little band aid over it, i thought the band aid was there to keep it from falling off his face, the little piece that was left. >> aid mazing. >> geraldo: a good job on the interview, so did you. interview, so did you. when we
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>> geraldo: now, back to the michael jackson death investigation. we are with the help of two reknowned forensic pathologists. and alfredo bauman, a naturalist who o lived with and cared for michael jackson during the period between december of 2003 and july of 2004 when the pop star was haunted by the second round of charges on child molestation. i want to go back to dr. baden and dr. wecht before i get to you. doctor, baden, a little more on why you believe that the authorities now know what killed jackson. >> well, there is enough time has passed over two weeks that the toxicology results, 95% of it at least should have been
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completed and should be able to identify what drugs were in his body when died. if he died of a drug overdose then those drugs caused tore contributed to his death and i'm sure that the chief and general brown are looking specifically into those doctors who prescribed those drugs. even if doctors prescribe drugs improperly that he didn't use, they also can be charged with various violations but not with murder. >> geraldo: let me ask dr. wecht on that. welcome. what if it is true they say that michael jackson was a pin cushion. if an interview i did with lou ferrigno, he said he didn't see needle marks at least on his arms. what about administering demerol and dr. murray who i
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believe will take the hard fall here and was given him the anesthetic. can murray be blamed for what jackson did to himself as well as what he did to jackson? >> he can. what you find insofar as the blood levels were concerned. those were known i assure you several days ago. once they get all the information, it correlated with all of the records they are getting from the police investigations and then they will move forward. i said several days ago there is no question in my mind that there are going to be charges of homicide. you have diprivan, something that is to be administered only in a hospital. >> geraldo: say that again. the white milky anesthetic only in a hospital. what is with the oxygen cansters and the marks? >> because they know that when
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you give diprivan it can lead to respiratory depression and a marked drop in the blood pressure and you better be able to administer oxygen. the fact that they had oxygen there proves that they knew that they were dealing with potential dynamite and there is no question at all about the fact that they are going to be charged -- there are going to be charges brought against not only the doctor who prescribed at this time which can rise to a level of homicide but other charges pertaining to other kinds of felonies and misdemeanors relating to drugs prescribed in the past, particularly under fictitious names just like what happened with anna nicole smith. doctor, did michael come to you to get off some of these drugs? >> no, he came to me because he couldn't sleep. he was da leerous and -- delirious and undernourished. >> what did you give him? >> i gave him phosphates,
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carbonates, iodides, considered food. >> geraldo: if he gives what he just said, is that okay? >> it sounds like they are harmless drugs so it is like giving herbs. it didn't in my opinion, may not have helped but it didn't not have helped but it didn't [ woman ] this is what the inside of strong bone looks like. now i want to warn you about a bone disease you may not feel, can't see and could easily ignore -- post-menopausal osteoporosis. please, don't ignore it. because osteoporosis means that over time, your bones gradually become weaker and can break more easily. see the weakness here?
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