tv Hannity FOX News July 15, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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remember, the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute sean: tonight. >> how employment numbers are going to respond is not yet clear. sean: president obama's view of the economy is not so stimulating. >> we will probably continue to see unemployment pick up for several months. sean: and there is breaking news out of washington. >> oh, sorry about that, guys. sean: the president's teleprompter meets a tragic end. hillary takes on the white house. let the family feud begin. is robert gibbs a trekkie? all of that plus mike pence, tom arnold, and the "great american panel," "hannity" starts right now. the president earlier today had a head-on collision with reality admitting unemployment in this country will continue to climb for the next several months.
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>> my expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment pick up for several months. sean: now oddly the president took no responsibility for the nation's dire commission situation. he even said over the weekend that the stimulus is working at planned, and a "washington post" op-ed he wrote that, quote, the american recovery and reinvestment act was not expected to restore the economy to full health on its own, but to provide the boost necessary to stop the free-fall. so far it has done that. mr. president, are you really saying that the stimulus has done what it was supposed to do? even the most gullible american out there is going to have a hard time swallowing that ridiculous explanation, regardless of what you say, we are forced to acknowledge that the goals of the stimulus are not being met. and that is our headline this tuesday night, obamanomics at work, and unfortunately obamanomics do not work, and joining me now to discuss this and more alexis glick from the
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fox business network and dana perino. i don't want to say i told you so, but i told you so, alexis. >> we're starting already. sean: obama says unemployment -- they promised us it wouldn't go above 8%. now he says oh, it's working as expected. summer said it would be almost immediately. same with christina romer. reality check? >> they botched it. sean: hannity right. >> they botched it, and one of the most important things you can do to improve confidence is you have to set expectations, and part of setting expectations is lowering the bar, not raising the bar, and the expectations going into this were far too high. even if the predictions were that the jobs were going to come in 2010 or 2011, it was the wrong type of stimulus package.
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sean: i hate to say alexis was right, but you underpromise, you overdeliver. they way overpromise. when joe biden has to admit we misread the economy, we guessed wrong, unemployment they're saying is much higher than what they promised it would be if they passed the stimulus. >> not only that, but in the op-ed that president obama wrote which i thought was quite incredible. you save those for big moments. but something that was missing was that they were going to create or claim 3 or 4 million jobs, and now that is no longer around. sean: we lost 3.5 million jobs since january. >> 9.9%, probably going to tick up higher. today -- i think we can consider -- look back and think that today is the tipping point because on the day that we realize that the stimulus is not working, on the day that the fourth -- fourth week in a row that the stock market is down, i don't know what happened today, but over time, over the past
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month it's been down, they announce a tax on small businesses to pay for a health care plan that the majority of americans don't want. sean: it's worse than that. i'm going to bring this up in just a second. i want to show this to our audience. $1 trillion deficit, and we still have a number of months to go. first time in american history. he's quadrupled the debt. i want to sign this and hand it to you because we have discussed this. this is now unsustainable. >> for me to frame? sean: here's the question. >> seriously. 1.8 to $2 trillion deficit by the time the year is over. corporate taxes right now, down 57%. personal income taxes down 22%. a loss of 6.5 million jobs since the recession began. we are in dire straits. what is going to happen is you're going to see taxes rise everywhere.
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sean: interest rates go up, inflation happens. here's the question, though. because i agree with you, and i really am worried that unemployment's going to go to 12%. >> it is. sean: or 13% even. >> it already is. sean: how dire is it? >> the underemployment in this country right now is close to 20%. those are people who have part-time jobs who are looking for full-time jobs. there are places where it's already 20% in certain counties. the problem with the stimulus package here is we didn't directly create a package that's directed toward job growth. now, what do we do? sean: how bad and how dire do you think it is, dana? >> if you have lost your job, it is extremely dire and personal, but what's interesting about the administration is i call it economic cannibalism. they're working against each other. they're putting in place policies that will decrease growth, and i can't imagine that there's a small business owner
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in america tonight who has the confidence to increase jobs or investment. sean: here's the latest thing. routers reports that the obama administration is mulling over a possibility of literally taking over people's faulty mortgages and renting their homes back to them, so now we're going to run the car companies and become the biggest landlord in the history of the world. politically speaking, democrats are balking, 52 blue dogs in the house are saying this is too expensive, we can't afford health care, cap and trade is getting us in trouble back home. is he in trouble politically as a result of this? >> cap and trade will not happen in my estimation right now. he wants health care accomplished by august because he realizes oh, boy the way, that china right now is balking, and did you see yesterday the treasury quietly announced that secretary of state clinton and geithner are meeting with their counterparts from china at the end of july. i don't think that's any coincidence.
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they want to know that we are going to fund health care. sean: geithner who said this is a healthy readjustment in the economy. >> we have to be very cautious right now. i will tell you as i've said on the show before, mark sandy, economists that i trust very much, he says we need to have health care and medicare, medicare reform, and if we don't, those will be the financial tsunami. sean: republicans now lead eight out of ten of the top issues that face this country. they have not been in this position in years, and his approval rating on just about every front seems to be going down. politically what does it mean? >> i think it means what i have felt in my gut for a long time which is america doesn't change as quickly as some politicians might like, and i think they are in trouble, i think today is a tipping point. sean: did he overreach? >> i'm for ambitious presidential agendas, but i don't think the congress is going to buy it, and i also think if you buy a stimulus plan with the rules of the road that
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you established and those rules of the road don't work and you try to establish more rules of the road, people get nervous. sean: exit question. i think this is by design. because obama believes in his heart and in his soul he's got practiced cal roots, he believes the government should control everything. i don't think he cares about the consequences as much as the system. >> he still has the good will of the american people. he has 60% approval rating. sean: 52. >> in the state of michigan. sean: ohio he's below 50, virginia below 50. >> he has to use the good will now while he has it because he's going to lose ground, and it's going to get uglier before it gets better. >> the devil is in the details. they don't like what the details show, and they're not going to be able to buy it, so i think today is a very important day, and we can look back on july 14, again, and think this is a time that republicans start to get their mojos back.
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sean: let us hope. what was that grade you gave him on the economy? >> i gave him an "a" back in december when he was just elected. sean: and what did i give him? >> after he selected volcker, summers, and geithner. sean: and i gave him? >> i think you gave him an f at the time. did we get out of the financial cries sns are the financial institutions surviving right now? sean: this is a disaster. >> this banks are alive and functioning. they have not done everything wrong. sean: good to see you both. coming up hillary clinton lashes out against the obama administration's vetting process. we have that story straight ahead. and the president's teleprompter doesn't think much of his plans to revitalize the economy. ( conversation )
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could save 'em hundreds on car just telinsurance.e geico it's actually doing it. gecko vo: businessmen say "hard work equals success." well, you're looking at, arguably, the world's most successful businessgecko. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule: "don't steal a coworker's egg salad, 'specially if it's marked "the gecko." come on people.
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there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little to no cost to you. at the scooter store, we're experts at getting you the scooter or power chair you need. mc: your power chair will be paid in full. woman: i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. end tag: call the number on your screen for your free information. sean: and tonight in "your america" democrat unveiled their plan to overhaul america's health care system. they did it earlier today on capitol hill, and just as they did with the stimulus bill, they planned to rush this legislation to a vote in both houses of congress. let's look. >> we cannot allow this issue to
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be delayed. we cannot put it off again. we quite frankly cannot go home for a recess unless the house and the senate both pass bills to reform and restructure our health care system. sean: here's one of the reasons that democrats are in such a hurry to pass the bill. it could raise taxes on millions of americans. now, households earning more than $350,000, they're going to see their taxes raised by at least 1%. households making between $500,000 and $1 million, they're going to see a tax hike of 1.5%, and households earning more than $1 million annually will get hit extra hard with 5.5% and a surtax. so does this legislation have the support that it needs in congress? we're joined by mike pence. congressman, good to see you, welcome back. >> good to see you, sean. thanks. sean: we have reports blue dog
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democrats are the ones that are now fighting back against pelosi. does it have the support? >> well, look, i think after months of run away federal spending, a stimulus bill that is clearly not working to put america back to work, a budget bill that's going to double the national debt in five years, triple it in ten, and a national energy tax just a couple of weeks ago that's going to raise the cost of energy to every american by $1,000 a year, even some democrats are wake up to the fact that the american people know the last thing you want to do in the worst recession in the last 25 years is raise taxes on virtually every small business in america with their government takeover health care. sean: congressman, with cap and tax we kept hearing we don't think we can get this passed, but in fact $2,000 per family, heritage family analysis in terms of a new tax. they got it passed. what makes you think democrats
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will split off from president obama? >> well, you're leaving something out of the equation there, and that's somebody that washington leaves out a lot, and that's the american people. i think most americans were stunned when they saw the heavy handed tactics of the democrats on capitol hill who brought that national energy tax to the floor with one amendment, one day of debate, pile drived it through the house, and i think an awful lot of democrats in congress went home, and i think they got an earful from their constituents, and they're coming back, you're seeing them now step up say hold on, and look at this health care proposal. taxes on individuals, taxes on small business owners, taxes on businesses making inadvertent filing errors. we're in the worst recession in 25 years. we've lost 2 million jobs since the stimulus bill was passed, and all the democrats can do is try and pass a bill on health care that involves a government-run insurance option
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and pays for it with taxes on small business owners. sean: i saw one version of the bill in the senate that was defended by senator kennedy's office that literally a health care bit that includes billions for walking paths, street lights, jungle gyms, and farmers' markets. my question to you is this. how bad -- if you had to give a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is this bill, and on a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is it that it will pass? >> i think on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the absolute worst, i think this bill is a 10.5. look, to introduce a government-run insurance option as the president says to, quote, compete with the private sector, come on, sean. the federal government competes with the private sector the way an alligator competes with a duck. it consumes it. and folks know that. they know a government-run option would result in tens of millions losing insurance with
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their employer now and millions of americans losing their jobs, and the idea now that piling on top of all that big government takeover of health care are going to be tax increases on businesses and employees is just astonishing. the chances of it passing, you've got to look on the other side of the aisle, but i'm telling you what, a lot of my democratic colleagues are looking a lot more jumpy right now than they were before the national energy tax, and i think if the american people engage, i think we can stop this thing and get to work on this economy. sean: we've got biden saying we misread the economy, but obama says the economic plan has worked as intended. that's not what they're telling the american people, and on top of it, unemployment, they're predicting, goes to double digits. so politically speaking when the full fallout of their plan is felt by americans, do you think there's going to be political fallout? does that create an advantage for the republicans? >> you know what?
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if they keep growing government and running up record deficits and debt and passing tax increases, probably, but the real losers here are going to be the american people. we've lost 2 million jobs since the democrats passed their so called stimulus bill. now, the president said back on july 1st that it had, quote, done its job. he said this weekend on another network that the stimulus bill was working. i think he said exactly as we anticipated. i mean come on, sean. the democrats need to admit that their liberal wish list of spending priorities that they call add stimulus bill is a flop. we need to repeal it, and we need to take that money to do a tax bill that will bring tax relief, not increases to working families, small businesses, and family farms. sean: eight out of ten issues now, significant issues, scott rasmussen says the american people are supporting the
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republican party. i think the republican party seems to have learned some lessons about spending and growth of government because it resulted in two bad elections, one in 2006, and one in 2008. do you any the republican party has returned to their conservative reagan roots? are you confident they have? >> i believe they have, and you need look no further than every single house republican voted against the so called stimulus bill, every single house republican voted against the president's budget busting budget. look, republicans are coming together around conservative values. we need the american people to ride to the rescue. we can stop this government takeover of health care, and we request demand this congress take action that will get this economy moving again. sean: always good to see you, thank you. >> thank you, sean. sean: coming up robert gibbs, my buddy, my pal, my friend, has been watching just a little too much "star trek" because he's starting to resemble one of its famous characters. and much much more.
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advance the quality of life. sean: democrats are claiming that they were left from the dark about a secret cia proposal designed to hunt down al-qaeda leadership after 9/11. the initiative was approved by president bush and democrats are now alleging that vice president cheney argued against notifying congress of its existence. >> congress should have been told. we should have been briefed before the commencement of this kind of sensitive program. sean: unfortunately for senator feinstein her argument is absolutely baseless. number one, intelligence sources say that the program was never fully operational. therefore there was nothing to brief congress on. and oh, number two, "the new york times" reported extensive details about the so called secret program way back in december of 2002.
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so maybe, senator feinstein, should start reading the newspaper like the rest of us. i learn a lot of things watching robert gibbs' press conferences, but perhaps the most interesting was that the master of spin might be quite the trekkie, so much so that he is beginning to resemble one of "star trek"'s main characters, dr. leonard bones mccoy. >> bones. did you ever hear of a doom's day machine? >> no, i'm a doctor, not a mechanic. >> i'm glad i'm not a public health spokesman. >> i'm a doctor, not a coal minor. >> i'm not a -- i said earlier i'm not a contracts lawyer and i happen not to be a constitutional lawyer, mostly because i'm not a lawyer at all. >> look, i'm a doctor, not an escalator. spock, give me a hand. >> i'm not a contracts lawyer. >> i'll treat it. i'm a doctor, not a brick layer. >> again, i'm not a contract
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lawyer. i'm not a contract lawyer. i don't know the specific answer to that. >> i'm not a magician, spock, just an old country doctor. >> i'm not a judge in a court of law. but i can -- what i just gave you i think is consistent with what the president has done and what he knows. sean: keep up the good work, robert. i'm not a press secretary, i'm just a television host. president obama announced a surge in troop deployments to afghanistan back in february, but at least one soldier is now refusing to go. now, according to georgia's ledger inquirer newspaper, stephan fredrick cook doesn't believe that president obama can send troops overseas because cook says that mr. obama was not born in the usa. now, cook plans to argue that controversial claim in a federal courtroom in georgia on thursday, just one day after he was ordered to report for duty. and tonight we continue our journey into the shadow government of the land of czars.
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♪ meet ron bloom, the man who was said to become president obama's second car czar, and i guess that may make him ron ii. bloom will take over for steven rattner who has been a controversial figure during his reign atop the white house auto task force. now, mr. bloom like all the other members of the task force has zero auto industry experience, but don't expect that to be an issue at a confirmation hearing because there won't be a confirmation hearing. in fact, the administration says that bloom could take over in just a few short days. isn't it amazing just how quickly things can happen when you don't have to worry about vetting candidates or getting them confirmed by that pesky old senate?
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c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. so don't blame it on aging. go to to find out more. sean: and tonight on our "great american panel" he is the founder of freedom's watch and was a member of president george w. bush's senior staff, blad blakeman is here, he is the former vice-chair of the finance committee, michael brown is here. he is a writer producer and standup comic tom arnold is here. i don't understand, first of all, we're going to raise taxes to pay for health care. but it's still not going to provide health care for 37 million americans, 20 some-odd million americans are going to have to leave their health care.
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why would anybody want that? why do people put their faith in government? i don't put my faith in government? do you. >> we definitely need national health care, and when i look at the research i can point out there's a 1% increase in people that make $500,000 or more or $1 million or more, i'm not sure what it is, but it's a minuscule amount, and by the way, if you know now do your taxes, none of us make that kind of money. sean: they bankrupted social security. they bankrupted medicare. government is now -- we have put $10 trillion on the books with obama spending for our children and grandchildren. you just can't sustain it. at what point do you say we've got to protect their future and not bankrupt them. >> we're the only industrialized country in america that does not have health care for all of its residents and citizens. that's got to be an issue.
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that has to be a goal. clearly you raise the red, white, and blue flag like everybody else, and you should want that. you should be supporting the president -- >> decades ago we got medicare and medicaid. what did we get for it? abuse, fraud, and mismanagement. now, they want to bring the same fraud and mismanagement and abuse. if you like going to the department of motor vehicles, you'll love this. >> you don't think the private sector has fraud and abuse? >> not on the scale of government. what's your precourse if government provides you with substandard health care? what are you going to do? sue them? >> what do they do in great britain? >> they go to other countries for health care. sean: they have a government rationing body that recently said to women with advanced breast cancer we can't afford the drugs, so the answer is what they do in britain is they don't pay for it, so those women have been given a death sentence.
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>> all women in this country can get those drugs paid for? sean: what i'm saying is those promises that they have made -- >> but we don't have the promises either. we turn people away from martin luther king medical center and turn them away. sean: no, we don't. if it is, it's illegal. you cannot deny somebody care because of their inability to pay. >> that's happening all the time. sean: no, it's not happening all the time. >> part of the problem is in the emergency rooms in america, especially urban areas, those costs come back to us anyways. you might as well pay for it up front. >> you're not going to give them the health care they deserve because it's going to be health care that the government tells them they can have. if you need a procedure the government is going to determine by your age and your circumstance whether you get that care. sean: i don't know why you have so much faith in this government. it's led us to bankruptcy. >> i don't have faith in the
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government, but i think everybody in this country deserves medical care. so i think it's the best plan we have. sean: where constitutionally? how did we survive 233 years without nationalized medicine? >> people used to live to be 30 years old. sean: but now with -- but now we have a free system that -- >> what's the cut-off age? sean: it's not the cut-off age. it's failed in canada, it's bankrupt. it's failed in fran. it's bankrupt. it's failed in england. daniel hanna was on this program. he said america, i love you. please, we're ten years ahead of you. don't make the mistake we've made. >> but he also said on another show that they had the best system in the world. sean: he didn't say that here. >> but i saw him retract what he said here on some other show. i swear, sean, he said he was misquoted from himself. he's from london. sean: michael. >> we have a situation in this country where so many people -- and you said it in the
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constitution. clearly it's not. it should be a privilege and a right for every american to have health care. sean: we've gotten away from this idea that we're going to charge americans 5.5 extra surcharge. i believe in the america where we have freedom, opportunity, and choices, maybe not equal results. i don't want a child to go hungry in america with the wealth that we have. i don't think that's necessary. i don't want people in this country not to have health care, we have a safety net, medicare, medicaid. all of those systems are bankrupt. why would we expect anything less? >> the democrats should use the power that they have now which i believe is fleeting, and they should say let's fix medicare and medicaid first, save the country tens of billions of dollars before they start spreading that incompetence to every american. sean: i agree. we'll come back. we've got to talk about sonia sotomayor. are you supporting her? >> absolutely. sean: are you a total lib?
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>> i definitely support her. sean: a white latina woman would make better decisions than a white male? >> absolutely. i wish she were on this show right now. sean: time to check in with greta van susteren with a sneak peek of what's going on tonight. >> i know you know governor palin came out swinging today. governor huckabee is here to talk about that. plus president obama at the all-star game. did he hit home plate? did he pitch from the top of the mound, but the big news tonight is former secretary of state henry k henry kissinger is here, and he said -- sean: by the way, nobody will match your throw at the new york mets' game. i thought you did great. >> thank you. how about my batting? sean: i didn't see your batting. you bat? >> i'm going to get you the dvd. don't worry. i'll give you ten copies. sean: i bet i can strike you
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out. >> i bet you can, but you've got to see my hitting, i'm not kidding. you'll get a dvd very soon. sean: and we'll have greta coming up 20 short minutes from now. [ male announcer ] when can a t-shirt become a pacifier? when you add ultra downy with renewing scent pearls. you get 3x longer lasting freshness so you feel more connected. downy...feel more.
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hearings of sonia sotomayor. i guess the judge that used to be sonia sotomayor because she's a very different person today. now she doesn't believe that a wise latina woman -- >> if you took one quote from sean hannity and put it out there in your whole career, it would be -- that's what you're thinking. sean: liberals do that every single night, tom. >> under these circumstances. sean: she said it seven times. it's not like she said it once, she said it seven times. >> what offends you about that? sean: if somebody said that i would think that a wise white male because of their life experience will make better decisions -- >> they said that for 200 years here. sean: no. >> but they did that. sean: is discrimination wrong? morally do you find it repugnant? i do. >> i do. there have only been four supreme court justices that weren't while men. that's something. sean: but if discrimination is wrong, and everyone on this panel, we all agree? michael? discrimination is wrong? do we all agree, god created
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every human being on this earth? >> are you saying she's a racist? sean: i'm saying if a male said the same thing, that he wouldn't have a shot of getting on the supreme court, so if discrimination is wrong, why do you support it here? >> because, "a," there's a lot of things that women can do. haven't you watched "the view"? they can do a lot of stuff. and, b, you're taking this one thing out of context. sarah palin has said a lot of crazy stuff. you're attacking governor palin. what did she say? >> did you read the piece? i was on smarter than a "fifth grader." she would do worse than me. sean: why -- today? >> yeah, it was very simple. it was like a -- there was no substance to it. sean: yes, there was. >> it made sense. >> are you supporting her -- >> i support sarah palin in that article, absolutely. what she said in that -- i like governor palin.
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>> i think she's awesome. sean: she's a refreshing politician. >> i think she'd be great on "the view." sean: are you for cap and trade? >> whatever the version that she was talking about, about -- the -- protecting the globe is going to lose jobs, if we're going to lose the earth, what does it matter? >> are you guys surprised that seven out of ten republicans support her today? >> am i surprised, no, i think she's a plain talking person who speaks to the heart of america. basically what sarah palin says is common sense. >> so did ann landers. >> i was surprised that 70% of republicans think she would be a great nominee for the party. sean: barack obama if you would have told me -- we've got him on ta tape. he was fairly radical. address my fundamental question. if we all agree that
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discrimination is morally wrong, and we all believe that we're created by god and discrimination as tom riley points out is repugnant, then why wouldn't we end discrimination? >> the player field is not level, and it may never be level. when you've had oppression and a constitution that calls people of color three-fifths of a person. that's why. that's why the perspective is different. sean: so it's now acceptable for certain groups of people -- >> i said that's why people have a justification. sean: if a white male said what she said in reverse, what would the reaction in this country be? >> back to tom's point. white males have been in control -- sean: so that justifies. >> it does. we've had a break for quite a while. >> it's not justified. the problem with judge sotomayor is she should have fell on her sword. she knew what she said was wrong. she let it fester, and she can't.
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>> is that this one thing that you've got on her? how about the richie case? >> she's represented victims. sean: what this the firefighters. >> what about that? i think she explained it very well. >> she didn't explain it at all. she gave a one-page decision and her soon to be peers excoriated her for 90 pages. >> i thought she explained it pretty well. >> she's supposed to mete out justice in the courtroom. sean: explain why this guy that studied, spent $1,000 on books, broke his back, got a high score on the exam, and was due to get the promotion, why do we justify him not getting the promotion? why do you support that decision? >> i don't support that, but i do support -- sean: oh. >> if we went by popular vote, they'd still have two drinking fountains in alabama right now. that is a fact.
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sean: you're going back -- i will concede the point, discrimination is wrong. you're missing my point. >> we're over it, so we don't need to legislate anything. sean: because you accept it. >> we don't need the civil rights anymore. ruth bader ginsberg would have been on the supreme court or gone to law school if it weren't for that. sean: if it weren't for the republicans the civil rights act wouldn't have passed. lyndon johnson needed republicans for those bills. >> good to know. sean: you support institutionalizing discrimination. >> no, i don't. i said this is one single case, one single issue, and it was about -- the test being fair, and i do support that. >> i'm glad of one thing, folks don't seem to be questioning her resume or her qualifications. sean: i like her background, i like clarence thomas' too. >> are you impressed with her record related to the government versus immigration cases? she sided with the government. sean: i have a problem based the empathy factor, based on her repeated stump is speech and this other issue, but i'm late.
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sean: now, many have said the republican party is in the midst of a transformation. did they lose their way since the obama victory in 2008? maybe a little bit before? and how does senator mitch mcconnell fit into all of this? there is an autobiography --ç a biography of him. the author joins us. do you agree with me and a lot of conservatives that republicans, in fact, did lose their way, especially in 2004,
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2005, 2006, especially on issues of spending and so on? do you agree with that? >> i think that senator mcconnell among others is determined to put republicans back on thersu i think it has been a lesson learned. sean: i would agree. if you listen to the mainstream media, as they will still be that republicans are out of power for a generation. -- if you listen to the mainstream media, they will say that republicans are out of power for a generation. >> i think it affected all republicans, but now with obama in control of the white house and liberal democrats in congress, i think the senate republicans are particularly well suited to win back some of those independent voters that went over to the democrats as a result of what you are describing. sean: is the certainly be in on
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a war footing for eight years did not help the president -- i certainly think it being on a war footing for eight years certainly did not help the president. >> there are big, important, existential issues as time goes by. sean: the reason i am sort of setting the stage here, i do not think you can become better unless you analyze what you are doing wrong, so if we agree that they made some mistakes, that they abandoned some of their conservative principles, and that they lost some of their conservative base, why are they doing now, more particularly senator o'connell -- senator mcconnell, that is getting them back on track? >> i.t.l. in the book how he has done this time after time, has formed a strategy -- i tell in the book how he has done this, implemented tactics to carry that out, and he is doing that
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with great determination, and that consists of determining the issues, like debt, spending, and national security, where the democrats are weak, and hitting them hard on those things. >sean: what can we learn from the ronald reagan motto or from newt gingrich and the contract with america? -- from the ronald reaganç mod? transformative, that impact republicans in their direction today? -- that can impact republicans? >> with reagan, he was elected for the first time in 1984. when president reagan was reelected and started moving to the conservative spectrum -- in 1994, senator mcconnell masterminded a special election victory in kentucky that came before newt gingrich and the congressional republicans beat out the democrats in the gej)al
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election in the fall. the lessons that can be learned there are, i think, you have got to have a clear set of principles, and you have got to pursue them consistently, and i think that is what you are seeing. if you have watched mitch mcconnell recently on the senate floor, he is hitting obama almost every day on those big issues, and debts, national security issues, things like guantánamo -- on those big issues, debts, national security issues. sean: your book goes into a lot of detail about it. how important is it that they have a positive agenda versus barack obama is destroying the economy, unilaterally disarming, it does not seem to be comfortable with america's founding principles, or whatever the charge may be -- unilaterally disarming, does not seem to be comfortable with america's accounting principles? >> stopping the congressional
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